Beispiel #1
  * Create the text
  * @param int $x The X position (horizontal) position of the text (center point) on the canvas
  * @param int $y The Y position (vertical) position of the text (center point) on the canvas
  * @param string $text The text to display
  * @param Font $font The font to use in printing
 function &Image_Graph_Text($x, $y, $text, & $font)
     $this->_font = & $font;
     $this->_setCoords($x, $y, $x, $y);
Beispiel #2
  * PlotType [Constructor]
  * @param Dataset $dataset The data set (value containter) to plot
  * @param string $title The title of the plot (used for legends, {@see Image_Graph_Legend})
 function &Image_Graph_Plot(& $dataset, $title = "")
     if ($dataset) {
         $this->_dataset = & $dataset;            
         if ($title) {
             $this->_title = $title;
Beispiel #3
  * Logo [Constructor]
  * @param string $filename The filename and path of the image to use for logo 
 function &Image_Graph_Logo($fileName, $alignment = IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT)
     if (file_exists($fileName)) {
         if (strtolower(substr($fileName, -4)) == ".png") {
             $this->_image = ImageCreateFromPNG($this->_fileName = $fileName);
         } else {
             $this->_image = ImageCreateFromJPEG($this->_fileName = $fileName);
     } else {
         $this->_image = false;
     $this->_alignment = $alignment;
Beispiel #4
  * Logo [Constructor]
  * @param string $filename The filename and path of the image to use for logo
 function Image_Graph_Logo($filename, $alignment = IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT)
     $this->_filename = $filename;
     $this->_alignment = $alignment;
  * Rectangle [Construcor]
  * @param int $x      The leftmost pixel of the box on the canvas
  * @param int $y      The topmost pixel of the box on the canvas
  * @param int $width  The width in pixels of the box on the canvas
  * @param int $height The height in pixels of the box on the canvas
 function Image_Graph_Figure_Rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height)
     $this->_setCoords($x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height);
  * Image_Graph [Constructor].
  * If passing the 3 parameters they are defined as follows:'
  * Fx.:
  * $Graph =& new Image_Graph(400, 300);
  * or using the factory method:
  * $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', array(400, 300));
  * This causes a 'png' canvas to be created by default. 
  * Otherwise use a single parameter either as an associated array or passing
  * the canvas along to the constructor:
  * 1) Create a new canvas with the following parameters:
  * 'canvas' - The canvas type, can be any of 'gd', 'jpg', 'png' or 'svg'
  * (more to come) - if omitted the default is 'gd'
  * 'width' - The width of the graph
  * 'height' - The height of the graph
  * An example of this usage:
  * $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', array(array('width' => 400,
  * 'height' => 300, 'canvas' => 'jpg')));
  * NB! In thïs case remember the "double" array (see {@link Image_Graph::
  * factory()})
  * 2) Use the canvas specified, pass a valid Image_Canvas as
  * parameter. Remember to pass by reference, i. e. &$canvas, fx.:
  * $Graph =& new Image_Graph($Canvas);
  * or using the factory method:
  * $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', $Canvas));
  * @param mixed $params The width of the graph, an indexed array
  * describing a new canvas or a valid {@link Image_Canvas} object
  * @param int $height The height of the graph in pixels
  * @param bool $createTransparent Specifies whether the graph should be
  *   created with a transparent background (fx for PNG's - note: transparent
  *   PNG's is not supported by Internet Explorer!)
 function Image_Graph($params, $height = false, $createTransparent = false)
     if (defined('IMAGE_GRAPH_DEFAULT_CANVAS_TYPE')) {
     } else {
         $canvasType = 'png';
         // use GD as default, if nothing else is specified
     if (is_array($params)) {
         if (isset($params['canvas'])) {
             $canvasType = $params['canvas'];
         $width = 0;
         $height = 0;
         if (isset($params['width'])) {
             $width = $params['width'];
         if (isset($params['height'])) {
             $height = $params['height'];
     } elseif (is_a($params, 'Image_Canvas')) {
         $this->_canvas =& $params;
         $width = $this->_canvas->getWidth();
         $height = $this->_canvas->getHeight();
     } elseif (is_numeric($params)) {
         $width = $params;
     if ($this->_canvas == null) {
         include_once 'Image/Canvas.php';
         $this->_canvas =& Image_Canvas::factory($canvasType, array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height));
     $this->_setCoords(0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1);
Beispiel #7
  * Ellipse [Constructor]
  * @param int $x The center pixel of the ellipse on the canvas
  * @param int $y The center pixel of the ellipse on the canvas
  * @param int $radiusX The width in pixels of the box on the canvas
  * @param int $radiusY The height in pixels of the box on the canvas
 function Image_Graph_Figure_Ellipse($x, $y, $radiusX, $radiusY)
     $this->_setCoords($x - $radiusX, $y - $radiusY, $x + $radiusX, $y + $radiusY);
Beispiel #8
  * Image_Graph_Axis [Constructor].
  * Normally a manual creation should not be necessary, axis are created automatically
  * by the {@see Image_Graph_Plotarea} constructor unless explicitly defined otherwise
  * @param int $type The type (direction) of the Axis, use IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X for an X-axis (default, may be omitted) and IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y for Y-axis)
 function &Image_Graph_Axis($type = IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X)
     $this->_type = $type;        
  * Image_Graph_Layout [Constructor]
  * @access private
 function &_image_GraPHPite_Layout()
     $this->_padding = 2;
  * Rectangle [Construcor]
  * @param int $x The leftmost pixel of the box on the canvas
  * @param int $y The topmost pixel of the box on the canvas
  * @param int $width The width in pixels of the box on the canvas
  * @param int $height The height in pixels of the box on the canvas
 function __construct($x, $y, $width, $height)
     $this->_setCoords($x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height);
Beispiel #11
     * GraPHP [Constructor]
     * @param int $width The width of the graph in pixels	 
     * @param int $height The height of the graph in pixels	 
    function &Image_Graph($width, $height)
        $this->_setCoords(0, 0, $width -1, $height -1);

        if (isset($GLOBALS['_Image_Graph_gd2'])) {
            $this->_canvas = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
            ImageAlphaBlending($this->_canvas(), true);
        } else {
            $this->_canvas = ImageCreate($width, $height);

        if (file_exists($filename = (dirname(__FILE__)."/Graph/named_colors.txt"))) {
            $colorLines = file($filename);
            while (list ($id, $colorLine) = each($colorLines)) {
                list ($colorName, $colorRed, $colorGreen, $colorBlue) = explode("\t", trim($colorLine));
                define("IMAGE_GRAPH_" . $colorName, ($colorRed << 16) + ($colorGreen << 8) + $colorBlue);                
        define("IMAGE_GRAPH_TRANSPARENT", 0xabe123);
        $ID = ImageColorAllocate($this->_canvas, 0xab, 0xe1, 0x23);
        ImageColorTransparent($this->_canvas, $ID);


        ImageFilledRectangle($this->_canvas(), 0, 0, $width -1, $height -1, $this->_color(IMAGE_GRAPH_WHITE));
  * Ellipse [Constructor]
  * @param int $x The center pixel of the ellipse on the canvas
  * @param int $y The center pixel of the ellipse on the canvas
  * @param int $radiusX The width in pixels of the box on the canvas
  * @param int $radiusY The height in pixels of the box on the canvas
 function __construct($x, $y, $radiusX, $radiusY)
     $this->_setCoords($x - $radiusX, $y - $radiusY, $x + $radiusX, $y + $radiusY);