/** * @param ImageUpload $imageupload * @param string $s3Name */ public function sendNotification(ImageUpload $imageupload, $s3Name) { $sns = $this->getSNS(); $response = $sns->create_topic('asciigram-image-uploaded'); $arn = (string) $response->body->CreateTopicResult->TopicArn; $this->initSNSSubscriptions($arn); $response = $sns->publish($arn, $imageupload->getMessage(), array('Subject' => $s3Name)); }
public function persistImageUpload(ImageUpload $imageupload) { $s3 = $this->getS3(); // initialise bucket $bucket = 'asciigram-' . strtolower($s3->key); $this->initS3Bucket($bucket); // Upload the image $imageName = uniqid(); $response = $s3->create_object($bucket, $imageName, array('fileUpload' => $imageupload->getImage()->getPathname(), 'acl' => \AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC)); if ($response->isOk()) { return $imageName; } }
public function imageDelete() { $imagePath = _get('imagePath'); if (!$imagePath == NULL) { $imgUpload = new ImageUpload(); $res = $imgUpload->deleteImage($imagePath); if ($res) { echo "1"; } else { echo "-1"; } } }
public function save($model) { $model['openid'] = hash('sha256', $model['number'] . TORCH_SECRET); $model['support_service'] = implode(',', (array) $model['support_service']); $model['photo'] = ImageUpload::getImageUrl(); parent::save($model); $time = time(); header("location: ../user-success.php"); }
$error = false; $error_message = []; $arr = ArticleRepo::load($link, $_GET['id']); $title = $arr->getTitle(); $content = $arr->getContent(); if (!empty($_POST) && isset($_POST['titleNew']) && isset($_POST['contentNew'])) { $titleNew = trim($_POST['titleNew']); $contentNew = trim($_POST['contentNew']); if (isset($_FILES['image'])) { if ($_FILES['image']['name'] != '') { $arrtype = array('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png'); if (in_array($_FILES['image']['type'], $arrtype) && $_FILES['image']['size'] < 1000000) { if (!is_dir("img")) { mkdir("img"); } if (ImageUpload::upload($link, $_FILES['image'])) { $name = $_FILES['image']['name']; $name = " '{$name}' "; $add = ImageRepo::add($link, $name, $_GET['id']); $change = true; } } else { $error = true; $error_message[] = 'Файл должен быть формата .jpg, .png или .gif и размером меньше 1Mb'; } } } if (!empty($titleNew) && !empty($contentNew)) { if (ArticleRepo::edit($link, $_GET['id'], $_POST['titleNew'], $_POST['contentNew'])) { $title = $titleNew; $content = $contentNew;
break; case "png": if (!imagepng($image_p, $location)) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to move uploaded file.'); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Error Bad Extention"); break; } imagedestroy($rImg); imagedestroy($image_p); /* if ( !move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["upfile"]["tmp_name"], $location) ) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to move uploaded file.'); } */ $util = new Util(); $fileName .= '.' . $ext; $imgupload = new ImageUpload(); $imgupload->saveimage($_SESSION['user_id'], $fileName); $message = 'File is uploaded successfully.'; } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); $status = 500; $location = ''; } header("HTTP/1.1 " . $status . " " . $status_codes[$status]); $response = array("status" => $status, "status_message" => $status_codes[$status], "message" => $message, "location" => $location); echo json_encode($response); die;
<?php require '../dao/AchieveDao.php'; require 'ImageUpload.php'; $imageUpload = new ImageUpload(); $userId = $_REQUEST['userId']; $achieveType = $_REQUEST['achieveType']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['achieveImage'])) { $achieveImage = $_REQUEST['achieveImage']; } else { $achieveImage = $imageUpload->setAchieveImage(); } $achieveTitle = $_REQUEST['achieveTitle']; $achieveContent = $_REQUEST['achieveContent']; $isGet = (int) $_REQUEST['isGet']; //boolean $achieveDao = new AchieveDao(); if ($achieveDao->setAchieve($userId, $achieveType, $achieveImage, $achieveTitle, $achieveContent, $isGet) > 0) { echo json_encode(array('mesg' => 'success', 'result' => true)); } else { echo json_encode(array('mesg' => 'fail', 'result' => false)); }
<?php include 'image-upload-class.php'; //Prepare Image for upload $ImgObj = new ImageUpload($_FILES); //If image is valid do if ($ImgObj->ValidateFileImg()) { //Upload Image to Gyldendal $ImgObj->UploadImage(); }
public static function getImageUrl() { return ImageUpload::setImage('userImage'); }
if ($Upload->populate()) { print_r($Upload->Results); } else { print_r($Upload); die("Upload failed!"); } break; case 2: $Upload = new ImageUpload(2); $Upload->auth("iSQGkh6VJjAtkMjcDQysTPXOUGxiHutVYBw71"); $Upload->setSpecial($_FILES['fileselect']); if ($Upload->populate()) { print_r($Upload->Results); } else { print_r($Upload); die("Upload failed!"); } break; case 3: $Upload = new ImageUpload(3); $Upload->auth("iSQGkh6VJjAtkMjcDQysTPXOUGxiHutVYBw71"); $Urls = array("http://ptpimg.me/830y01.jpg", "http://ptpimg.me/lo73m5.jpg", "http://ptpimg.me/89fbx9.jpg"); $Upload->setSpecial($Urls); if ($Upload->populate()) { print_r($Upload->Results); } else { print_r($Upload); die("Upload failed!"); } break; }
<?php require '../dao/PostDao.php'; require '../dao/MessageDao.php'; require 'ImageUpload.php'; $imageUpload = new ImageUpload(); $postUser = $_REQUEST['postUser']; $postImage = $imageUpload->getImageUrl(); $postTopic = $_REQUEST['postTopic']; $postContent = $_REQUEST['postContent']; $postTag = $_REQUEST['postTag']; $isAnonymity = (int) $_REQUEST['isAnonymity']; //boolean $achieveId = 0; if (!empty($_REQUEST['achieveId'])) { $achieveId = $_REQUEST['achieveId']; } $postDao = new PostDao(); $id = $postDao->postWrite($postUser, $postImage, $postTopic, $postContent, $postTag, $isAnonymity); if ($id == null || $id == 0) { echo json_encode(array('mesg' => 'fail', 'result' => false)); } else { if ($achieveId != 0) { $messageDao = new MessageDao(); $messageDao->setMessage($postUser, $achieveId, null, $isAnonymity, $id); } echo json_encode(array('mesg' => 'success', 'result' => true)); }
private function uploadImage($file) { $img = new ImageUpload($file, 700, 526); $img->setDestinationFolder('voucher_img/'); $img->saveImageReducedSize(2); return $img->finalImgName; }
<?php $pu = new ImageUpload('profile', $_SESSION['logged_user']); if (isset($_POST['datadir'])) { $uploadfile = $_POST['datadir'] . $_FILES['filetto']['name']; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["filetto"]["name"]); $newfilename = md5(time()); $newfilenameext = $newfilename . '.' . end($temp); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["filetto"]["tmp_name"], $_POST['datadir'] . $newfilenameext); $images = new Image($_POST['datadir'] . $newfilenameext); $images->resize(136, 136, 'crop'); $images->save($newfilename, $_POST['datadir']); $pu->addImageToSQL($newfilenameext); $pu->changeProfileImage($newfilenameext); } echo $user->loadProfilePic($_GET['user']); echo $user->printCard(); if ($_GET['user'] == $_SESSION['logged_user_email']) { $pu->lomake(); }
public static function upload($link, $file) { if (copy($file['tmp_name'], 'img/' . $file['name'])) { ImageUpload::resize($file); return true; } else { return $error_message = 'Ошибка загрузки файла'; } }
public function saveImage(ImageUpload $image) { $path = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/' . $this->getImgPath(); foreach ($this->imgParams as $params) { $width = (int) $params['width']; $height = (int) $params['height']; $quality = isset($params['quality']) ? (int) $params['quality'] : $this->defaultQuality; $imageName = $this->_getImageName(); if ($image->processed) { $image->image_resize = TRUE; $image->file_new_name_body = $imageName; $image->image_x = $width; $image->image_y = $height; $image->image_ratio = TRUE; $image->jpeg_quality = $quality; $image->process($path); if ($image->processed) { $this->owner->{$this->attributeName} = $image->file_dst_name; if (isset($params['thumb'])) { $width = (int) $params['thumb']['width']; $height = (int) $params['thumb']['height']; $quality = isset($params['thumb']['quality']) ? (int) $params['thumb']['quality'] : $this->defaultQuality; $image->image_resize = TRUE; $image->file_new_name_body = $imageName; $image->file_name_body_add = '_thumb'; $image->image_x = $width; $image->image_y = $height; $image->jpeg_quality = $quality; $image->image_ratio = TRUE; $image->process($path); if (!$image->processed) { Yii::log($image->error, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'ImageUploadBehavior'); } } } else { Yii::log($image->error, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'ImageUploadBehavior'); } } else { Yii::log($image->error, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'ImageUploadBehavior'); } } }
<?php session_start(); include 'initclasses.php'; if (isset($_POST['addroute'])) { $cragid = $_POST['crag']; $name = $_POST['routename']; $routegrade = $_POST['grade_number'] . $_POST['grade_letter'] . $_POST['grade_plus']; $description = $_POST['description'] ?: ' '; $route = new Route(); $routeid = $route->addRouteToDB($cragid, $name, $routegrade, $description); $datapath = $_POST['datadir'] . $routeid . "/"; $image = new ImageUpload('route', $routeid); $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["filetto"]["name"]); $newfilename = md5(time()); $newfilenameext = $newfilename . '.' . end($temp); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["filetto"]["tmp_name"], $datapath . $newfilenameext); $images = new Image($datapath . $newfilenameext); $images->resize(175, 150, 'crop'); $images->save($newfilename, $datapath); $image->addImageToSQL($newfilenameext); $image->linkImage('route', $routeid, $newfilenameext); } header('Location: markroute.php');
<?php include '../class/image_class.php'; $image = new ImageUpload($_FILES); $image->RemoveOldTemp(); $image->DoChecks(); //display errors if (count($image->errors) > 0) { $string = ''; foreach ($image->errors as $error) { $string .= $error . '|'; } echo substr($string, 0, -1); exit; } $image->ReceiveImage(); echo $image->output;
<?php require '../dao/UserDao.php'; require 'ImageUpload.php'; $imageUpload = new ImageUpload(); $userId = $_REQUEST['userId']; $field = "userImage"; $value = $imageUpload->setUserImage(); $userDao = new UserDao(); if ($userDao->setUserInfo($userId, $field, $value) > 0) { echo json_encode(array('mesg' => 'success', 'result' => true, 'imgUrl' => $value)); } else { echo json_encode(array('mesg' => 'fail', 'result' => false)); }
<?php session_start(); include 'initclasses.php'; if (isset($_POST['cragupload'])) { $name = $_POST['cragname']; $lat = $_POST['lat']; $long = $_POST['long']; $crag = new Crag(); $cragid = $crag->addCragToDB($name, $lat, $long); $datapath = $_POST['datadir'] . $cragid . "/"; $image = new ImageUpload('crag', $cragid); $uploadfile = $datapath . $_FILES['filetti']['name']; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["filetti"]["name"]); $newfilename = md5(time()); $newfilenameext = $newfilename . '.' . end($temp); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["filetti"]["tmp_name"], $datapath . $newfilenameext); $images = new Image($datapath . $newfilenameext); $images->resize(175, 150, 'crop'); $images->save($newfilename, $datapath); $image->addImageToSQL($newfilenameext); $image->linkImage('crag', $cragid, $newfilenameext); } header('Location: markroute.php');
<?php session_start(); include 'initclasses.php'; echo "MITITIAITAII"; $iu = new ImageUpload('profile', $_SESSION['logged_user']); if (isset($_FILES['filetto'])) { $uploadfile = $iu->getDatadir() . $_FILES['filetto']['name']; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["filetto"]["name"]); $newfilename = md5(time()); $newfilenameext = $newfilename . '.' . end($temp); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["filetto"]["tmp_name"], $iu->getDatadir() . $newfilenameext); $images = new Image($iu->getDatadir() . $newfilenameext); $images->resize(256, 256, 'crop'); $images->save($newfilename, $iu->getDatadir()); $iu->addImageToSQL($newfilenameext); $iu->linkImage('user', null, $newfilenameext); } header('Location: profile.php?page=pictures');