public function redactorUploadImage()
     $file = Input::file('file');
     $uploadPath = public_path('uploads');
     if (Input::hasFile('file')) {
         $fileName = str_random(16) . '.' . Input::file('file')->getClientOriginalExtension();
         if (!File::exists($uploadPath . '/thumbnail')) {
             File::makeDirectory($uploadPath . '/thumbnail', 0777, TRUE);
         ImageManipulation::make(Input::file('file')->getRealPath())->resize(100, 100)->save($uploadPath . '/thumbnail/thumb_' . $fileName);
         ImageManipulation::make(Input::file('file')->getRealPath())->resize(600, 600)->save($uploadPath . '/' . $fileName);
         ## Pathes
         $uploadPath = Config::get('site.uploads_photo_dir');
         $thumbsPath = Config::get('site.uploads_thumb_dir');
         $uploadPathPublic = Config::get('site.uploads_photo_public_dir');
         $thumbsPathPublic = Config::get('site.uploads_thumb_public_dir');
         if (!File::exists($uploadPath)) {
             File::makeDirectory($uploadPath, 0777, TRUE);
         if (!File::exists($thumbsPath)) {
             File::makeDirectory($thumbsPath, 0777, TRUE);
         ## Resize thumb image
         $thumb_upload_success = ImageManipulation::make($file->getRealPath())->resize(200, 200, function ($constraint) {
         })->save($thumbsPath . '/' . $fileName);
         ## Resize full-size image
         $image_upload_success = ImageManipulation::make($file->getRealPath())->resize(1280, 1280, function ($constraint) {
         })->save($uploadPath . '/' . $fileName);
         #$file = array('filelink'=>url('uploads/'.$fileName));
         $file = array('filelink' => $uploadPathPublic . '/' . $fileName);
         #return Response::json($file);
         echo stripslashes(json_encode($file));
     } else {
         exit('Нет файла для загрузки!');
 private function uploadImage($input_file_name = 'file')
     $result = array('result' => 'error');
     ## Check data
     if (is_string($input_file_name)) {
         if (!Input::hasFile($input_file_name)) {
             $result['desc'] = 'No input file.';
             return $result;
         $file = Input::file($input_file_name);
     } elseif (is_object($input_file_name)) {
         $file = $input_file_name;
     $rules = array('file' => 'image');
     $validation = Validator::make(array('file' => $file), $rules);
     if ($validation->fails()) {
         $result['desc'] = 'This extension is not allowed.';
         return $result;
     ## Check upload & thumb dir
     $uploadPath = Config::get('site.galleries_photo_dir');
     $thumbsPath = Config::get('site.galleries_thumb_dir');
     if (!File::exists($uploadPath)) {
         File::makeDirectory($uploadPath, 0777, TRUE);
     if (!File::exists($thumbsPath)) {
         File::makeDirectory($thumbsPath, 0777, TRUE);
     ## Generate filename
     srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
     $fileName = time() . "_" . rand(1000, 1999) . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
     ## Get images resize parameters from config
     $thumb_size = Config::get('site.galleries_thumb_size');
     $photo_size = Config::get('site.galleries_photo_size');
     ## Get image width & height
     $image = ImageManipulation::make($file->getRealPath());
     $w = $image->width();
     $h = $image->height();
     if ($thumb_size > 0) {
         ## Normal resize
         $thumb_resize_w = $thumb_size;
         $thumb_resize_h = $thumb_size;
     } else {
         ## Resize "by the smaller side"
         $thumb_size = abs($thumb_size);
         ## Resize thumb & full-size images "by the smaller side".
         ## Declared size will always be a minimum.
         $thumb_resize_w = $w > $h ? null : $thumb_size;
         $thumb_resize_h = $w > $h ? $thumb_size : null;
     ## Resize thumb image
     $thumb_upload_success = ImageManipulation::make($file->getRealPath())->resize($thumb_resize_w, $thumb_resize_h, function ($constraint) {
     })->save($thumbsPath . '/' . $fileName);
     if ($photo_size > 0) {
         ## Normal resize
         $image_resize_w = $photo_size;
         $image_resize_h = $photo_size;
     } else {
         ## Resize "by the smaller side"
         $photo_size = abs($photo_size);
         ## Resize full-size images "by the smaller side".
         ## Declared size will always be a minimum.
         $image_resize_w = $w > $h ? null : $photo_size;
         $image_resize_h = $w > $h ? $photo_size : null;
     ## Resize full-size image
     $image_upload_success = ImageManipulation::make($file->getRealPath())->resize($image_resize_w, $image_resize_h, function ($constraint) {
     })->save($uploadPath . '/' . $fileName);
     if (!$thumb_upload_success || !$image_upload_success) {
         $result['desc'] = 'Error on the saving images.';
         return $result;
     $result['result'] = 'success';
     $result['filename'] = $fileName;
     return $result;
Beispiel #3
 public static function upload($url, $gallery = NULL, $title = '')
     $img_data = @file_get_contents($url);
     if (!$img_data) {
         return false;
     $tmp_path = storage_path(md5($url));
     try {
         file_put_contents($tmp_path, $img_data);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo 'Error #' . $e->getCode() . ':' . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>\n";
         echo 'In file: ' . $e->getFile() . ' (' . $e->getLine() . ')';
     $file = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile($tmp_path, basename($url));
     ## Check upload & thumb dir
     $uploadPath = Config::get('site.galleries_photo_dir');
     $thumbsPath = Config::get('site.galleries_thumb_dir');
     if (!File::exists($uploadPath)) {
         File::makeDirectory($uploadPath, 0777, TRUE);
     if (!File::exists($thumbsPath)) {
         File::makeDirectory($thumbsPath, 0777, TRUE);
     ## Generate filename
     $fileName = time() . "_" . rand(1000, 1999) . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
     #echo $fileName;
     ## Get images resize parameters from config
     $thumb_size = Config::get('site.galleries_thumb_size');
     $photo_size = Config::get('site.galleries_photo_size');
     ## Get image width & height
     $image = ImageManipulation::make($file->getRealPath());
     $w = $image->width();
     $h = $image->height();
     if ($thumb_size > 0) {
         ## Normal resize
         $thumb_resize_w = $thumb_size;
         $thumb_resize_h = $thumb_size;
     } else {
         ## Resize "by the smaller side"
         $thumb_size = abs($thumb_size);
         ## Resize thumb & full-size images "by the smaller side".
         ## Declared size will always be a minimum.
         $thumb_resize_w = $w > $h ? null : $thumb_size;
         $thumb_resize_h = $w > $h ? $thumb_size : null;
     ## Resize thumb image
     $thumb_upload_success = ImageManipulation::make($file->getRealPath())->resize($thumb_resize_w, $thumb_resize_h, function ($constraint) {
     })->save($thumbsPath . '/' . $fileName);
     if ($photo_size > 0) {
         ## Normal resize
         $image_resize_w = $photo_size;
         $image_resize_h = $photo_size;
     } else {
         ## Resize "by the smaller side"
         $photo_size = abs($photo_size);
         ## Resize full-size images "by the smaller side".
         ## Declared size will always be a minimum.
         $image_resize_w = $w > $h ? null : $photo_size;
         $image_resize_h = $w > $h ? $photo_size : null;
     ## Resize full-size image
     $image_upload_success = ImageManipulation::make($file->getRealPath())->resize($image_resize_w, $image_resize_h, function ($constraint) {
     })->save($uploadPath . '/' . $fileName);
     ## Delete original file
     ## Gallery - none, existed, new
     $gallery_id = 0;
     if (is_int($gallery) && $gallery > 0) {
         $gallery_id = $gallery;
     } elseif (is_string($gallery)) {
         $gal = Gallery::create(['name' => $gallery]);
         $gallery_id = $gal->id;
     ## Create MySQL record
     $photo = Photo::create(array('name' => $fileName, 'gallery_id' => $gallery_id, 'title' => $title));
     return $photo;
 public static function createImageInBase64String($input = 'file')
     $base62string = Input::get($input);
     if (!empty($base62string)) {
         $fileName = time() . "_" . Auth::user()->id . "_" . rand(1000, 1999) . '.png';
         ImageManipulation::make($base62string)->resize(110, 110)->save(Config::get('site.uploads_thumb_dir') . '/thumb_' . $fileName);
         ImageManipulation::make($base62string)->resize(157, 157)->save(Config::get('site.uploads_photo_dir') . '/' . $fileName);
         return array('main' => Config::get('site.uploads_photo_public_dir') . '/' . $fileName, 'thumb' => Config::get('site.uploads_thumb_public_dir') . '/thumb_' . $fileName);
     return FALSE;
  * Ссылка на изображение, подвергнутое кропу или ресайзу
  * URL::route('image.resize', [$photo->id, 200, 200])
  * URL::route('image.resize', [$photo->id, 200, 200, 'r'])
  * См. также /app/config/site.php
  * - galleries_cache_public_dir
  * - galleries_cache_allowed_sizes
  * @param string $method Method of resize - crop or resize
 public function getImageResize($image_id, $w, $h, $method = 'crop')
     $image = $image_id ? Photo::find($image_id) : null;
      * Костылек-с
     if (is_numeric($method)) {
         $h = $h * 10 + $method;
         #$method = 'crop';
     if ($method == 'r') {
         $method = 'resize';
     } else {
         $method = 'crop';
      * Соблюдены ли все правила?
     if (!$image_id || !$image || !is_object($image) || !@file_exists($image->fullpath()) || !$w || !$h || $w < 0 || $h < 0 || !in_array($w . 'x' . $h, (array) Config::get('site.galleries_cache_allowed_sizes')) || !in_array($method, ['crop', 'resize'])) {
     Helper::ta($image_id . '_' . $w . 'x' . $h . $method . '.jpg');
     Helper::ta($image->fullcachepath($w, $h, $method));
     Helper::ta($image->cachepath($w, $h, $method));
     if (!File::exists(Config::get('site.galleries_cache_dir'))) {
         File::makeDirectory(Config::get('site.galleries_cache_dir'), 0777, TRUE);
     $img = ImageManipulation::make($image->fullpath());
     if ($method == 'resize') {
          * Resize + Resize Canvas
         $img->resize($w, $h, function ($constraint) {
         $img->resizeCanvas($w, $h);
                     $newimg = ImageManipulation::canvas($w, $h);
                     $newimg->insert($img, 'center');
                     $img = $newimg;
     } else {
          * Resize + Crop
          * Текущие значения ширины и высоты
         $rw = $img->width();
         $rh = $img->height();
          * Находим требуемые коэффициенты
         $c1 = $rw / $w;
         ## Делим реальную ширину на желаемую
         $c2 = $rh / $h;
         ## Делим реальную высоту на желаемую
          * Если c1 < c2 - то ресайзить нужно по ширине
          * Если c1 > c2 - то ресайзить нужно по высоте
         if ($c1 < $c2) {
              * Ресайзим по меньшей стороне, по ширине
             $nw = $w;
             $nh = null;
         } else {
              * Ресайзим по меньшей стороне, по высоте
             $nw = null;
             $nh = $h;
         #Helper::tad($nw . 'x' . $nh);
         $img->resize($nw, $nh, function ($constraint) {
          * Новые значения ширины и высоты, после ресайза по меньшей стороне
         $nnw = $img->width();
         $nnh = $img->height();
          * Кроп по центру по заданным размерам
         $img->crop($w, $h, ceil(($nnw - $w) / 2), ceil(($nnh - $h) / 2));
      * Сохраняем изображение
     $img->save($image->fullcachepath($w, $h, $method), 90);
      * Отдаем изображение в браузер
     header('Debug-ImageSource: onthefly');
     return $img->response();