function handler_gc($page) { $if = new ImageFilter(new PFC_And(new IFC_NoSize(), new IFC_Temp())); $images = $if->get()->select(FrankizImageSelect::gc()); $page->assign('images', $images); $page->addCssLink('images.css'); $page->assign('title', 'Images GC'); $page->changeTpl('images/gc.tpl'); }
public static function traitVign($image) { //$vign = SS_ADMIN_TO_USERFILE."/userfiles/photo/vignettes/"; $vign = SS_ADMIN_TO_USERFILE."/image/entreprise/detail/"; $tzNomV = explode("/",$image); $in = count($tzNomV); $vign .= $tzNomV[$in-1]; $debutext = strtoupper(substr($image,strlen($image)-3,3)); $typeExt = $debutext = 'JPG' ? 'JPEG' : $typeExt ; if(substr($image,strlen($image)-4,1) != ".") { $typeExt = "JPEG" ; } $resizeimg = new ImageFilter() ; $resizeimg->loadImage($image) ; $tiDim = $resizeimg->getImageSize(); if($tiDim['w']>=$tiDim['h']) { $resizeimg->resize (415, 275,'ratio',true) ; } else { $resizeimg->resize (177, 275,'ratio',true) ; } $resizeimg->output ($typeExt, $vign) ; return $vign; }
public function run() { // Total Users $f = new UserFilter(null); $users = $f->getTotalCount(); $this->assign('users', $users); // Total Groups $f = new GroupFilter(null); $groups = $f->getTotalCount(); $this->assign('groups', $groups); // Total Castes $f = new CasteFilter(null); $castes = $f->getTotalCount(); $this->assign('castes', $castes); // Total News $f = new NewsFilter(null); $news = $f->getTotalCount(); $this->assign('news', $news); // Total Images $f = new ImageFilter(null); $images = $f->getTotalCount(); $this->assign('images', $images); $this->assign('user', S::user()); }
public static function is_allowed($image_file_location, $is_remoted = False) { $is_allowed = False; try { $file_size = 0; if ($is_remoted) { $file_size = ImageFilter::retrieve_remote_file_size($image_file_location); } else { $file_size = filesize($image_file_location); } if ($file_size > 0 && $file_size <= ImageFilter::$max_file_size && getimagesize($image_file_location)) { $is_allowed = True; } } catch (Exception $e) { $is_allowed = False; } return $is_allowed; }
function TransformImage(&$imageString) { echo $this->imageFilter->ApplyFilter($imageString); }
function handler_images($page) { $temp = Group::from('temp'); $temp->select(GroupSelect::castes()); $everybody_temp = $temp->caste(Rights::everybody()); $if = new ImageFilter(new IFC_Caste($everybody_temp), new IFO_Created()); $images = $if->get(new PlLimit(50))->select(FrankizImageSelect::base()); $page->assign('title', 'Images du groupe temporaire'); $page->assign('images', $images); $page->addCssLink('admin.css'); $page->changeTpl('admin/images.tpl'); }
/** * Apply a given filter to this image * * @param img.filter.ImageFilter filter * @return bool * @throws lang.IllegalArgumentException if filter is not a img.filter.ImageFilter */ public function apply(ImageFilter $filter) { return $filter->applyOn($this); }
$r = 255; } if ($g > 255) { $g = 255; } if ($b > 255) { $b = 255; } if ($r < 0) { $r = 0; } if ($g < 0) { $g = 0; } if ($b < 0) { $b = 0; } imagesetpixel($this->imgout, $x, $y, ImageColorAllocate($this->imgout, $r, $g, $b)); } } } } // end class //==================================================================================== $filter = new ImageFilter("../portfolio/photo/cjs_09.jpg"); // 이런저런 필터를준다. $filter->brightness($key); $filter->blur(3); //============================ 출력 header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); ImageJpeg($filter->imgout);
$curlTimeOut = 10; } if (!is_numeric($MemoryDir)) { $MemoryDir = 0; } if (!is_numeric($GLOBALS["CacheSizeItems"])) { $GLOBALS["CacheSizeItems"] = 50000; } $GLOBALS["CURL_TIMEOUT"] = $curlTimeOut; $GLOBALS["MEM_DIR"] = $MemoryDir; $iPicScanVal = intval($iPicScanVal); if ($iPicScanVal > 99) { $iPicScanVal = 99; } unset($SquidNuditScanParams); $filter = new ImageFilter(); $GLOBALS["HELPER"] = new externhelper(); while (!feof(STDIN)) { $url = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($url == null) { continue; } $array = $GLOBALS["HELPER"]->parseURL($url); if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) { $GLOBALS["HELPER"]->WLOG($url . " str:" . strlen($url) . " LOGIN:{$array["LOGIN"]},IPADDR:{$array["IPADDR"]} MAC:{$array["MAC"]} HOST:{$array["HOST"]} URI:{$array["URI"]}"); } $szMac = $array["MAC"]; $szUrl = $array["URI"]; $iScore = GetCache($szUrl); if ($iScore > 0) { if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 0) {
public function AfterSetAllDatasetValues() { $valueChanged = true; $postWrapper = ArrayWrapper::createPostWrapper(); $filesWrapper = ArrayWrapper::createFilesWrapper(); $value = $this->GetEditControl()->extractFilePathFromArray($postWrapper, $filesWrapper, $valueChanged); if ($valueChanged && $value === null) { $this->clearImageAndThumbnail(); return; } $original_file_extension = $this->GetEditControl()->extractFileTypeFromArray($postWrapper, $filesWrapper); $original_file_name = $this->GetEditControl()->extractFileNameFromArray($postWrapper, $filesWrapper); $file_size = $this->GetEditControl()->extractFileSizeFromArray($postWrapper, $filesWrapper); $target = $this->GetNewFileName($original_file_name, $original_file_extension, $file_size); if ($valueChanged && isset($target) && !empty($target)) { FileUtils::MoveUploadedFile($value, $target, $this->replaceUploadedFileIfExist); if ($this->GetSetToNullFromPost()) { $this->clearImageAndThumbnail(); } elseif ($this->GetSetToDefaultFromPost()) { $this->GetDataset()->SetFieldValueByName($this->GetFieldName(), null, true); if ($this->useThumbnailGeneration) { $this->GetDataset()->SetFieldValueByName($this->fieldNameToSaveThumbnailPath, null); } } else { $this->GetDataset()->SetFieldValueByName($this->GetFieldName(), $target); if ($this->useThumbnailGeneration) { $image = file_get_contents($target); $thumbnailFileName = $this->GetThumbnailFileName($original_file_name, $original_file_extension, $file_size); $this->thumbnailImageFilter->ApplyFilter($image, $thumbnailFileName); $this->GetDataset()->SetFieldValueByName($this->fieldNameToSaveThumbnailPath, $thumbnailFileName); } } } }
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/scripts/classes/ImageCoder.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/scripts/classes/ImageFilter.php'; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") { $outputJson = json_encode(array()); try { if (isset($_FILES['imageFile']) && $_FILES['imageFile'] && ImageFilter::is_allowed($_FILES['imageFile']['tmp_name'])) { $encodedImage = ImageCoder::encode($_FILES['imageFile']['tmp_name']); $encodedImageToDataURL = ImageCoder::encode_to_dataURL($_FILES['imageFile']['tmp_name']); $outputJson = json_encode(array('encodedImage' => $encodedImage, 'encodedImageToDataURL' => $encodedImageToDataURL)); } elseif (isset($_POST['imageUrl']) && $_POST['imageUrl'] && ImageFilter::is_allowed($_POST['imageUrl'], True)) { // Create empty file with unique name in temporary dir $imgFileName = tempnam($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/temp', 'img_to_encode_'); // Load image data to created file file_put_contents($imgFileName, file_get_contents($_POST['imageUrl'])); $encodedImage = ImageCoder::encode($imgFileName); $encodedImageToDataURL = ImageCoder::encode_to_dataURL($imgFileName); $outputJson = json_encode(array('encodedImage' => $encodedImage, 'encodedImageToDataURL' => $encodedImageToDataURL)); unlink($imgFileName); } } catch (Exception $e) { $outputJson = json_encode(array()); } echo $outputJson; }
<?php include "config.php"; include "pdo.class.php"; include "ImageFilter.class.php"; include "functions.php"; $pdo = Db::singleton(); $body = censorString(cleanVar($_POST['Body'], 'text')); $from = cleanVar($_POST['From'], 'phone'); $media = ''; $numMedia = $_POST['NumMedia']; if ($numMedia > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $numMedia; $i++) { $key = 'MediaUrl' . $i; $media = $_POST[$key]; if (isset($media) && !empty($media)) { $media = cache_image($media, $id); $filter = new ImageFilter(); $score = $filter->GetScore($media); if (isset($score)) { if ($score >= 30) { unlink($media); } else { $res = $pdo->query("INSERT INTO call_log SET msg='{$body}',phonenumber='{$from}',photo='{$media}',type='s'"); } } } } }
// License either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. // // ISLAMIC RULES should be followed and respected if they differ // than terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the license with this software; // If not, please contact support @ S y s T u r n .com to receive a copy. // if (isset($_FILES['userimage'])) { require_once 'filter.class.php'; $filter = new ImageFilter(); $score = $filter->GetScore($_FILES['userimage']['tmp_name']); } ?> <html> <head> <title>Image Filter Example</title> </head> <body> <?php if (isset($score)) { ?> <?php if ($score >= 30) {
public static function apply(Canvas $canvas, ImageFilter $filter) { $filter->applyFilter($canvas); }