public static function resize($strFileName = "", $intWidth = 100, $intHeight = 75, $intTemplate = RESIZE_EXACT, $intQuality = 75, $blnOverwrite = FALSE, $strName = "", $blnToScreen = FALSE, $blnGrayscale = FALSE) { $strReturn = $strName; if (empty($strReturn)) { if (!$blnOverwrite) { //*** Generate a random name. $strExtension = self::getExtension(basename($strFileName)); $strReturn = dirname($strFileName) . "/{$intWidth}x{$intHeight}_" . basename($strFileName, $strExtension) . "_" . strtotime("now") . "{$strExtension}"; } else { $strReturn = $strFileName; } } $objEditor = new ImageEditor(basename($strFileName), dirname($strFileName) . "/"); switch ($intTemplate) { case RESIZE_CROP: //*** Don't blow the image up if it is smaller then the destination. if ($intWidth > $objEditor->getWidth() && $intHeight > $objEditor->getHeight()) { //*** Skip the resize. } else { $destX = ($objEditor->getWidth() - $intWidth) / 2; $destY = ($objEditor->getHeight() - $intHeight) / 2; $objEditor->crop(round($destX), round($destY), $intWidth, $intHeight); } break; case RESIZE_FIT_CROP: //*** Resize the image to fit into the boundary box. //*** Portrait source. $destWidth = $intWidth; $destHeight = $destWidth / $objEditor->getWidth() * $objEditor->getHeight(); if ($destHeight < $intHeight) { //*** Landscape source. $destHeight = $intHeight; $destWidth = $destHeight / $objEditor->getHeight() * $objEditor->getWidth(); } //*** Don't blow the image up if it is smaller then the destination. if (round($destWidth) > $objEditor->getWidth() && round($destHeight) > $objEditor->getHeight()) { //*** Skipt the resize. $destX = ($objEditor->getWidth() - $intWidth) / 2; $destY = ($objEditor->getHeight() - $intHeight) / 2; $objEditor->crop(round($destX), round($destY), $intWidth, $intHeight); } else { $objEditor->resize(round($destWidth), round($destHeight)); $destX = ($objEditor->getWidth() - $intWidth) / 2; $destY = ($objEditor->getHeight() - $intHeight) / 2; $objEditor->crop(round($destX), round($destY), $intWidth, $intHeight); } break; case RESIZE_DISTORT: //*** Don't blow the image up if it is smaller then the destination. if ($intWidth > $objEditor->getWidth() && $intHeight > $objEditor->getHeight()) { //*** Skipt the resize. } else { $objEditor->resize($intWidth, $intHeight); } break; case RESIZE_EXACT: $destWidth = $intWidth; $destHeight = $destWidth / $objEditor->getWidth() * $objEditor->getHeight(); if ($destHeight > $intHeight) { //*** Landscape source. $destHeight = $intHeight; $destWidth = $destHeight / $objEditor->getHeight() * $objEditor->getWidth(); } //*** Don't blow the image up if it is smaller then the destination. if (round($destWidth) > $objEditor->getWidth() && round($destHeight) > $objEditor->getHeight()) { //*** Skipt the resize. } else { $objEditor->resize(round($destWidth), round($destHeight)); } break; } if ($blnGrayscale) { $objEditor->grayscale(); } if (!empty($strReturn)) { if ($blnToScreen) { //*** Return image. $objEditor->outputImage($intQuality); } else { //*** Write file to disk. $objEditor->outputFile(basename($strReturn), dirname($strReturn) . "/", $intQuality); } } return $strReturn; }
function tb_post_thumb($generate = false, $alt_text = '', $resize_width = 0, $resize_height = 0, $crop_x = 0, $crop_y = 0, $entry = null) { global $post; if ($entry) { $post = $entry; } $settings = get_option('post_thumbnail_settings'); if ($resize_width) { $settings['resize_width'] = $resize_width; } if ($resize_height) { $settings['resize_height'] = $resize_height; } // find an image from your domain if (preg_match('/<img (.*?)src="https?:\\/\\/(www\\.)?' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $settings['domain_name']) . '\\/(.*?)"/i', $post->post_content, $matches)) { // put matches into recognizable vars // fix later, assumes document root will match url structure $the_image = $settings['base_path'] . '/' . $matches[3]; // check if image exists on server // if doesn't exist, can't do anything so return default image if (!file_exists($the_image)) { return tb_post_thumb_gen_image(str_replace($settings['full_domain_name'], $settings['base_path'], $settings['default_image']), $settings['default_image'], $alt_text, $generate); } $dest_path = pathinfo($the_image); // dir to save thumbnail to $save_dir = $dest_path['dirname'] . "/{$settings['folder_name']}"; // name to save to $filename_suffix = $resize_width . 'x' . $resize_height . '-' . $crop_x . '-' . $crop_y; $filename = substr($dest_path['basename'], 0, strrpos($dest_path['basename'], ".")); if ($settings['append'] == 'true') { $rename_to = $filename . $settings['append_text'] . '-' . $filename_suffix . '.' . $dest_path['extension']; } else { $rename_to = $settings['append_text'] . $filename . '-' . $filename_suffix . '.' . $dest_path['extension']; } // check if file already exists // return location if does if (file_exists($save_dir . '/' . $rename_to)) { $imagelocation = str_replace($settings['base_path'], $settings['full_domain_name'], $save_dir . '/' . $rename_to); return tb_post_thumb_gen_image($save_dir . '/' . $rename_to, $imagelocation, $alt_text, $generate); } // sticky bit? if (!is_dir($save_dir)) { mkdir($save_dir, 0777); } // manipulate thumbnails $thumb = new ImageEditor($dest_path['basename'], $dest_path['dirname'] . '/'); $thumb->resize($settings['resize_width'], $settings['resize_height'], $settings['keep_ratio']); if ($settings['crop_exact'] == 'true' || $crop_x != 0 && $crop_y != 0) { if ($crop_x != 0 && $crop_y != 0) { $settings['resize_width'] = $crop_x; $settings['resize_height'] = $crop_y; } if ($thumb->x > $settings['resize_width'] || $thumb->y > $settings['resize_height']) { $thumb->crop((int) (($thumb->x - $settings['resize_width']) / 2), 0, $settings['resize_width'], $settings['resize_height']); } } $thumb->outputFile($save_dir . "/" . $rename_to, ""); chmod($save_dir . "/" . $rename_to, 0666); $imagelocation = str_replace($settings['base_path'], $settings['full_domain_name'], $save_dir . '/' . $rename_to); return tb_post_thumb_gen_image($save_dir . '/' . $rename_to, $imagelocation, $alt_text, $generate); } else { if (!empty($settings['video_regex']) && tb_post_thumb_check_video($settings['video_regex'])) { $settings['default_image'] = $settings['video_default']; } return tb_post_thumb_gen_image(str_replace($settings['full_domain_name'], $settings['base_path'], $settings['default_image']), $settings['default_image'], $alt_text, $generate); } }