/** * @param Hypercharge\IUrl $url * @param Hypercharge\IRequest $request * @return Hypercharge\IResponse * @throws Hypercharge\Error */ public function call(IUrl $url, IRequest $request) { $curl = Config::getFactory()->createHttpsClient(Config::getUser(), Config::getPassword()); $serializer = new XmlSerializer(); $responseStr = $curl->xmlPost($url->get(), $serializer->toXml($request)); $responseDom = new \SimpleXMLElement($responseStr); return $request->createResponse(XmlSerializer::dom2hash($responseDom)); }
public static function submenu($limitright) { $controllerObj = Mysite::$app->getController(); $controller = $controllerObj->getcontroller(); $action = $controllerObj->getaction(); $currentlink = '/' . $controller . '/' . $action; $vcurrent = '/' . $controller . '/'; $link = IUrl::creatUrl('/other/ucenter'); $linkarray = array(); $is_find = false; $alllimit = self::$limitmenu; $doarray = array_keys($alllimit); //所有限制权限 $limitarray = explode(',', $limitright); //拥有权限 foreach (self::$menu as $key => $value) { $temsublink = array(); $defalturl = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($value as $linkurl => $linkname) { //panduan linkurl 是否存在 limitright; //不存在continue; $checkrightname = explode('/', $linkurl); if (in_array($checkrightname[2], $doarray)) { if (!in_array($checkrightname[2], $limitarray)) { continue; } } $tempone = array(); $tempone['is_curent'] = false; if ($currentlink == $linkurl) { $tempone['is_curent'] = true; $is_find = true; } $linkurl = substr($linkurl, 1, strlen($linkurl)); $tempone['urls'] = IUrl::creatUrl($linkurl); $tempone['name'] = $linkname; $temsublink[] = $tempone; if ($i == 0) { $defalturl = $tempone['urls']; } $i++; } if (empty($defalturl)) { continue; } $tempuplink = array(); $tempuolink['is_curent'] = false; if ($is_find == true) { $tempuolink['is_curent'] = true; } //continue; $tempuolink['urls'] = $defalturl; $tempuolink['name'] = $key; $tempuolink['det'] = $temsublink; $linkarray[] = $tempuolink; $is_find = false; } return $linkarray; }
function savesingle() { $id = IReq::get('uid'); $data['addtime'] = strtotime(IReq::get('addtime') . ' 00:00:00'); $data['title'] = IReq::get('title'); $data['content'] = IReq::get('content'); $data['code'] = IReq::get('code'); $data['seo_key'] = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seo_key')); $data['seo_content'] = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seo_content')); if (empty($id)) { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('adminpage/single/module/addsingle'); if (empty($data['content'])) { $this->message('单页内容不能为空', $link); } if (empty($data['title'])) { $this->message('单页标题不能为空', $link); } $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'single', $data); } else { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('single/addsingle/id/' . $id); if (empty($data['content'])) { $this->message('单页内容不能为空', $link); } if (empty($data['title'])) { $this->message('单页标题不能为空', $link); } $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'single', $data, "id='" . $id . "'"); } $link = IUrl::creatUrl('adminpage/single/module/singlelist'); $this->success('操作成功', $link); }
/** * @brief 商品添加中图片上传的方法 */ static function goods_img_upload() { //获得配置文件中的数据 $config = new Config("site_config"); $config_info = $config->getInfo(); $list_thumb_width = isset($config_info['list_thumb_width']) ? $config_info['list_thumb_width'] : 175; $list_thumb_height = isset($config_info['list_thumb_height']) ? $config_info['list_thumb_height'] : 175; $show_thumb_width = isset($config_info['show_thumb_width']) ? $config_info['show_thumb_width'] : 85; $show_thumb_height = isset($config_info['show_thumb_height']) ? $config_info['show_thumb_height'] : 85; //调用文件上传类 $photoObj = new PhotoUpload(); $photoObj->setThumb($show_thumb_width, $show_thumb_height, 'show'); $photoObj->setThumb($list_thumb_width, $list_thumb_height, 'list'); $photo = $photoObj->run(); //判断上传是否成功,如果float=1则成功 if ($photo['Filedata']['flag'] == 1) { $list = $photo['Filedata']['thumb']['list']; $list = strrchr($list, '/'); $id = substr($list, 1, strpos($list, '_') - 1); $show = $photo['Filedata']['thumb']['show']; $img = $photo['Filedata']['img']; echo IUrl::creatUrl() . $show . '|' . $show . '|' . $img . '|' . $id . '|' . $photo['Filedata']['thumb']['list'] . '|' . '_' . $show_thumb_width . '_' . $show_thumb_height; exit; } else { echo '0'; exit; } }
/** * @brief 构造函数 * @param $payment_id 支付方式ID */ public function __construct($payment_id) { //回调函数地址 $this->callbackUrl = IUrl::getHost() . IUrl::creatUrl("/block/callback/_id/" . $payment_id); //回调业务处理地址 $this->serverCallbackUrl = IUrl::getHost() . IUrl::creatUrl("/block/server_callback/_id/" . $payment_id); }
function user_ico_upload() { $result = array('isError' => true); if (isset($_FILES['attach']['name']) && $_FILES['attach']['name'] != '') { $photoObj = new PhotoUpload(); $photo = $photoObj->run(); if ($photo['attach']['img']) { $user_id = $this->user['user_id']; $user_obj = new IModel('user'); $dataArray = array('head_ico' => $photo['attach']['img']); $user_obj->setData($dataArray); $where = 'id = ' . $user_id; $isSuss = $user_obj->update($where); if ($isSuss !== false) { $result['isError'] = false; $result['data'] = IUrl::creatUrl() . $photo['attach']['img']; ISafe::set('head_ico', $dataArray['head_ico']); } else { $result['message'] = '上传失败'; } } else { $result['message'] = '上传失败'; } } else { $result['message'] = '请选择图片'; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.callback_user_ico(' . JSON::encode($result) . ');</script>'; }
/** * 构造函数 * @param string $style 风格 */ public function __construct($style = 'red') { $this->path = IUrl::creatUrl() . 'plugins/sonline/'; echo <<<OEF \t<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$this->path}style/{$style}.css" /> \t<script type="text/javascript" src="{$this->path}js/jquery.Sonline.js"></script> OEF; }
public static function get($image_url, $width = 100, $height = 100) { $ext = strrchr($image_url, '.'); $end = intval("-" . strlen($ext)); $real_url = substr($image_url, 0, $end) . "_{$width}_{$height}" . $ext; if (file_exists($real_url)) { return IUrl::creatUrl("") . $real_url; } return IUrl::creatUrl("") . PhotoUpload::thumb($image_url, $width, $height, "_{$width}_{$height}"); }
/** * 获取版权信息,存储到缓存中进行比对 * @return boolean */ public static function getAuthorize() { $iwebshopAuthorize = ISafe::get('iwebshopAuthorize'); if ($iwebshopAuthorize === null) { $return = self::send('_c=system&_a=authorize&host=' . IUrl::getHost()); $iwebshopAuthorize = isset($return['success']) && $return['success'] == 1 ? true : false; ISafe::set('iwebshopAuthorize', $iwebshopAuthorize); } return $iwebshopAuthorize; }
public function checkshoplogin() { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/shoplogin'); if ($this->member['uid'] == 0 && $this->admin['uid'] == 0) { $this->message('未登陆', $link); } $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if (empty($shopid)) { $this->message('未登陆', $link); } }
function wxmenu() { //构造微信 menu $wxtoken = Mysite::$app->config['wxtoken']; $errorlink = IUrl::creatUrl('adminpage/weixin/module/wxset'); if (empty($wxtoken)) { $this->message('未设置微信基本信息', $errorlink); } $data['wxmenu'] = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "wxmenu order by sort desc"); Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
/** * @brief 构造函数 */ public function __construct() { $payName = str_replace('pay_', '', get_class($this)); //获取域名地址 $sUrl = IUrl::getHost() . IUrl::creatUrl(); $sUrl = str_replace('plugins/', '', $sUrl); //回调函数地址 $this->callbackUrl = str_replace('plugins/', '', IUrl::getHost() . IUrl::creatUrl("/block/callback/payment_name/{$payName}")); //回调业务处理地址 $this->serverCallbackUrl = str_replace('plugins/', '', IUrl::getHost() . IUrl::creatUrl("/block/server_callback/payment_name/{$payName}")); }
/** * @brief 展示插件 * @param string $name 用户名 * @param string $pwd 密码 */ public function show($name = '', $pwd = '') { $sessionName = ISafe::name(); $sessionId = ISafe::id(); $uploadUrl = IUrl::creatUrl($this->submit); $admin_name = $name == '' ? ISafe::get('admin_name') : $name; $admin_pwd = $pwd == '' ? ISafe::get('admin_pwd') : $pwd; echo <<<OEF \t\t<script type="text/javascript"> \t\twindow.onload = function() \t\t{ \t\t\tnew SWFUpload({ \t\t\t\t// Backend Settings \t\t\t\tupload_url: "{$uploadUrl}", \t\t\t\tpost_params: {"{$sessionName}": "{$sessionId}","admin_name":"{$admin_name}","admin_pwd":"{$admin_pwd}"}, \t\t\t\t// File Upload Settings \t\t\t\tfile_types : "*.jpg;*.jpge;*.png;*.gif", \t\t\t\t// Event Handler Settings - these functions as defined in Handlers.js \t\t\t\t// The handlers are not part of SWFUpload but are part of my website and control how \t\t\t\t// my website reacts to the SWFUpload events. \t\t\t\tswfupload_preload_handler : preLoad, \t\t\t\tswfupload_load_failed_handler : loadFailed, \t\t\t\tfile_queue_error_handler : fileQueueError, \t\t\t\tfile_dialog_complete_handler : fileDialogComplete, \t\t\t\tupload_progress_handler : uploadProgress, \t\t\t\tupload_error_handler : uploadError, \t\t\t\tupload_success_handler : uploadSuccess, \t\t\t\tupload_complete_handler : uploadComplete, \t\t\t\t// Button Settings \t\t\t\tbutton_placeholder_id : "uploadButton", \t\t\t\tbutton_width: 50, \t\t\t\tbutton_height: 21, \t\t\t\tbutton_text : '选择...', \t\t\t\tbutton_window_mode: SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.TRANSPARENT, \t\t\t\tbutton_cursor: SWFUpload.CURSOR.HAND, \t\t\t\t// Flash Settings \t\t\t\tflash_url : "{$this->path}swfupload.swf", \t\t\t\tcustom_settings : { \t\t\t\t\tupload_target : "divFileProgressContainer" \t\t\t\t}, \t\t\t\t// Debug Settings \t\t\t\tdebug: false \t\t\t}); \t\t}; \t\t</script> OEF; }
function savearea() { $checinfo = Mysite::$app->config['psset']; if (empty($checinfo)) { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('area/adminpsset'); $this->message('请进行网站配送设置', $link); } $id = intval(IReq::get('uid')); $data['name'] = IReq::get('name'); $data['orderid'] = intval(IReq::get('orderid')); $data['pin'] = IReq::get('pin'); $data['parent_id'] = intval(IReq::get('parent_id')); $data['imgurl'] = IReq::get('imgurl'); $data['is_com'] = intval(IReq::get('is_com')); if (empty($id)) { $data['lng'] = 0; $data['lat'] = 0; $link = IUrl::creatUrl('area/adminarealist'); if (empty($data['name'])) { $this->message('地区名称不能为空', $link); } if (empty($data['pin'])) { $this->message('拼音字母不能为空', $link); } if ($data['parent_id'] == 0 && empty($data['imgurl'])) { $this->message('地址图标不能为空', $link); } $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'area', $data); $areatempid = $this->mysql->insertid(); $tempdata['areaid'] = $areatempid; $tempdata['shopid'] = 0; $tempdata['cost'] = 0; $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areatoadd", $tempdata); $tempdata2['areaid'] = $areatempid; $tempdata2['shopid'] = 0; $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "areashop", $tempdata2); } else { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('area/adminarealist/id/' . $id); if (empty($data['name'])) { $this->message('地区名称不能为空', $link); } if (empty($data['pin'])) { $this->message('拼音字母不能为空', $link); } if ($data['parent_id'] == 0 && empty($data['imgurl'])) { $this->message('地址图标不能为空', $link); } $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'area', $data, "id='" . $id . "'"); } $link = IUrl::creatUrl('area/adminarealist'); $this->success('操作成功!', $link); }
/** * @brief 创建当前的Controller对象 * @return object Controller对象 */ public function createController() { $controller = IUrl::getInfo("controller"); if ($controller === null) { $controller = $this->defaultController; } if (class_exists($controller)) { $controllerClass = new $controller($this, $controller); } else { $controllerClass = new IController($this, $controller); } $this->controller = $controllerClass; return $controllerClass; }
/** * @brief 创建当前的Controller对象 * @return object Controller对象 */ public function createController() { $ctrlId = IUrl::getInfo("controller"); if ($ctrlId == '') { $ctrlId = $this->defaultController; } if (class_exists($ctrlId)) { $ctrlObject = new $ctrlId($this, $ctrlId); } else { $ctrlObject = new IController($this, $ctrlId); } $this->controller = $ctrlObject; return $this->controller; }
public function wxmenu() { $this->checkshoplogin(); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid > 0) { //构造微信 menu $wechat = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_wechat where shopid={$shopid}"); $errorlink = IUrl::creatUrl('weixin/wxset'); if (empty($wechat)) { $this->message('未设置微信基本信息', $errorlink); } $data['wxmenu'] = $this->mysql->getarr("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "shop_wxmenu where shopid={$shopid} order by sort desc"); } Mysite::$app->setdata($data); }
/** * @brief 发送到货通知邮件 */ function notify_send() { $smtp = new SendMail(); $error = $smtp->getError(); if ($error) { $return = array('isError' => true, 'message' => $error); echo JSON::encode($return); exit; } $notify_ids = IFilter::act(IReq::get('notifyid')); $message = ''; if ($notify_ids && is_array($notify_ids)) { $ids = join(',', $notify_ids); $query = new IQuery("notify_registry as notify"); $query->join = "right join goods as goods on notify.goods_id=goods.id left join user as u on notify.user_id = u.id"; $query->fields = "notify.*,u.username,goods.name as goods_name,goods.store_nums"; $query->where = "notify.id in(" . $ids . ")"; $items = $query->find(); //库存大于0,且处于未发送状态的 发送通知 $succeed = 0; $failed = 0; $tb_notify_registry = new IModel('notify_registry'); foreach ($items as $value) { $body = mailTemplate::notify(array('{goodsName}' => $value['goods_name'], '{url}' => IUrl::getHost() . IUrl::creatUrl('/site/products/id/' . $value['goods_id']))); $status = $smtp->send($value['email'], "到货通知", $body); if ($status) { //发送成功 $succeed++; $data = array('notify_time' => ITime::getDateTime(), 'notify_status' => '1'); $tb_notify_registry->setData($data); $tb_notify_registry->update('id=' . $value['id']); } else { //发送失败 $failed++; } } } $return = array('isError' => false, 'count' => count($items), 'succeed' => $succeed, 'failed' => $failed); echo JSON::encode($return); }
function goodsupload() { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/login'); if ($this->member['uid'] == 0 && $this->admin['uid'] == 0) { $this->message('未登陆', $link); } $type = IReq::get('type'); $goodsid = intval(IReq::get('goodsid')); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid < 0) { echo '无权限操作'; exit; } if (is_array($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['imgFile'])) { $json = new Services_JSON(); $uploadpath = 'upload/shop/'; $filepath = '/upload/shop/'; $upload = new upload($uploadpath, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpge', 'doc', 'png')); //upload $file = $upload->getfile(); if ($upload->errno != 15 && $upload->errno != 0) { echo "<script>parent.uploaderror('" . json_encode($upload->errmsg()) . "');</script>"; } else { if ($goodsid > 0 && $shopid > 0) { $data['img'] = $filepath . $file[0]['saveName']; $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'goods', $data, "id='" . $goodsid . "' and shopid='" . $shopid . "'"); } echo "<script>parent.uploadsucess('" . $filepath . $file[0]['saveName'] . "');</script>"; } exit; } $imgurl = ''; if ($goodsid > 0 && $type == 'goods') { $temp = $this->mysql->select_one("select img from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "goods where id='" . $goodsid . "' and shopid='" . $shopid . "'"); $imgurl = $temp['img']; } Mysite::$app->setdata(array('type' => $type, 'goodsid' => $goodsid, 'imgurl' => $imgurl)); }
public function savesingle() { $this->checkshoplogin(); $shopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); if ($shopid <= 0) { $this->message('获取失败'); } $id = IReq::get('uid'); $data['addtime'] = strtotime(IReq::get('addtime') . ' 00:00:00'); $data['title'] = IReq::get('title'); $data['content'] = IReq::get('content'); $data['code'] = IReq::get('code'); $data['seo_key'] = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seo_key')); $data['seo_content'] = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seo_content')); $data['shop_id'] = $shopid; if (empty($id)) { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('single/addsingle'); if (empty($data['content'])) { $this->message('单页内容不能为空', $link); } if (empty($data['title'])) { $this->message('单页标题不能为空', $link); } $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'shop_single', $data); } else { $link = IUrl::creatUrl('single/addsingle/id/' . $id); if (empty($data['content'])) { $this->message('单页内容不能为空', $link); } if (empty($data['title'])) { $this->message('单页标题不能为空', $link); } $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'shop_single', $data, "single_id='" . $id . "' and shop_id={$shopid}"); } $link = IUrl::creatUrl('single/singlelist'); $this->success('操作成功', $link); }
$(".list_table tr").hover( function () { $(this).addClass("sel"); }, function () { $(this).removeClass("sel"); } ); //后台菜单创建 <?php $menu = new Menu(); ?> var data = <?php echo $menu->submenu(); ?> ; var current = '<?php echo $menu->current; ?> '; var url='<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/"); ?> '; initMenu(data,current,url); }); </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("") . "views/" . $this->theme . "/skin/" . $this->skin . "/css/admin.css"; ?> " /> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/jquery/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/jquery/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/artDialog.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/plugins/iframeTools.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?> /runtime/_systemjs/artdialog/skins/default.css" /> </head> <body style='width:420px;min-height:120px;'> <div class="pop_win"> <div class="content"> <form action="<?php
/** * 用户在编辑器里上传图片 */ public function upload_img_from_editor() { $checkRight = new checkRights($this); $checkRight->checkAdminRights(); $photoUpload = new PhotoUpload(); $photoUpload->setIterance(false); $re = $photoUpload->run(); if (isset($re['imgFile']['flag']) && $re['imgFile']['flag'] == 1) { $filePath = IUrl::creatUrl() . $re['imgFile']['dir'] . $re['imgFile']['name']; echo JSON::encode(array('error' => 0, 'url' => $filePath)); exit; } else { $this->alert("上传失败"); } }
/** * @brief 获取路由缓存 * @return array */ private static function getRouteCache() { //配置文件中不存在路由规则 if (self::$urlRoute === false) { return null; } //存在路由的缓存信息 if (self::$urlRoute) { return self::$urlRoute; } //第一次初始化 $routeList = isset(IWeb::$app->config['urlRoute']) ? IWeb::$app->config['urlRoute'] : array(); if (empty($routeList)) { self::$urlRoute = false; return null; } $cacheRoute = array(); foreach ($routeList as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { continue; } $tempArray = explode('/', trim($val, '/'), 3); if ($tempArray < 2) { continue; } //进行路由规则的级别划分,$level越低表示匹配优先 $level = 3; if ($tempArray[0] != '<' . self::UrlCtrlName . '>' && $tempArray[1] != '<' . self::UrlActionName . '>') { $level = 0; } elseif ($tempArray[0] == '<' . self::UrlCtrlName . '>' && $tempArray[1] != '<' . self::UrlActionName . '>') { $level = 1; } elseif ($tempArray[0] != '<' . self::UrlCtrlName . '>' && $tempArray[1] == '<' . self::UrlActionName . '>') { $level = 2; } $cacheRoute[$level][$key] = $val; } if (empty($cacheRoute)) { self::$urlRoute = false; return null; } ksort($cacheRoute); self::$urlRoute = $cacheRoute; return self::$urlRoute; }
function res_act() { $name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('name')); if (is_array($name) && $name) { $backupObj = new DBBackup($name); $backupObj->runRes(); $result = array('isError' => false, 'redirect' => IUrl::creatUrl('/tools/db_bak')); } else { $result = array('isError' => true, 'message' => '请选择要导入的SQL文件'); } echo JSON::encode($result); }
public function __get($parms) { if ($parms == 'submitUrl') { return IUrl::getHost() . IUrl::creatUrl('/ucenter/payment_balance'); } }
<script type='text/javascript' src="<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("") . "views/" . $this->theme . "/javascript/admin.js"; ?> "></script> </head> <body style="width:500px;"> <div class="pop_win"> <ul class="red_box"> <li>1、要采集的URL必须符合一定的规范,必须为商品最小分类的商品列表页面,比如:<a href="http://list.jd.com/1318-1464-1488-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-1-1-1-1-72-4137-0.html" class="blue">点击此处</a></li> <li>2、采集内容包括给定URL中的商品分类,商品模型,具体商品详情</li> <li>3、在线商品数据采集,由于包括图片的下载,所以对网速要求比较高,需要耐心等待</li> </ul> <form action='<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/goods/collect_goods"); ?> ' method='post'> <table class="form_table" width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <col width="120px" /> <col /> <tbody> <tr> <td>采集器:</td> <td> <select name='collect_name' class='auto' pattern='required'> <option value='jd'>京东商城采集器</option> </select> </td> </tr>
//列表页加入购物车统一接口 function joinCart_list(id) { $.getJSON('<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/simple/getProducts"); ?> ',{"id":id},function(content){ if(!content) { joinCart_ajax(id,'goods'); } else { var url = "<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/block/goods_list/goods_id/@goods_id@/type/radio/is_products/1"); ?> "; url = url.replace('@goods_id@',id); artDialog.open(url,{ id:'selectProduct', title:'选择货品到购物车', okVal:'加入购物车', ok:function(iframeWin, topWin) { var goodsList = $(iframeWin.document).find('input[name="id[]"]:checked'); //添加选中的商品 if(goodsList.length == 0) { alert('请选择要加入购物车的商品');
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