  * Define host column
  * @param array $item array of row data
  * @return string formatted output
 function column_host($item)
     require_once ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . '/lib/class-itsec-lib-ip-tools.php';
     $r = array();
     if (!is_array($item['host'])) {
         $item['host'] = array($item['host']);
     foreach ($item['host'] as $host) {
         if (ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($host)) {
             $r[] = '<a href="http://www.traceip.net/?query=' . urlencode($host) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_html($host) . '</a>';
     $return = implode('<br />', $r);
     return $return;
  * Define host column
  * @param array $item array of row data
  * @return string formatted output
 function column_host($item)
     if (!class_exists('ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools')) {
         $itsec_core = ITSEC_Core::get_instance();
         require_once dirname($itsec_core->get_plugin_file()) . '/core/lib/class-itsec-lib-ip-tools.php';
     $r = array();
     if (!is_array($item['host'])) {
         $item['host'] = array($item['host']);
     foreach ($item['host'] as $host) {
         if (ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($host)) {
             $r[] = '<a href="http://www.traceip.net/?query=' . urlencode($host) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_html($host) . '</a>';
     $return = implode('<br />', $r);
     return $return;
 public function run($arguments)
     global $itsec_globals;
     $direction = isset($arguments['direction']) ? $arguments['direction'] : 'add';
     if ($direction === 'add') {
         if (get_site_option('itsec_temp_whitelist_ip') !== false || !isset($arguments['ip'])) {
             return false;
         $ip = sanitize_text_field($arguments['ip']);
         if (!class_exists('ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools')) {
             $itsec_core = ITSEC_Core::get_instance();
             require_once dirname($itsec_core->get_plugin_file()) . '/core/lib/class-itsec-lib-ip-tools.php';
         if (ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($ip)) {
             $response = array('ip' => $ip, 'exp' => $itsec_globals['current_time'] + 86400);
             add_site_option('itsec_temp_whitelist_ip', $response);
             return true;
     } elseif ($direction === 'remove') {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Process quick ban of host.
  * Immediately adds the supplied host to the .htaccess file for banning.
  * @since 4.0.0
  * @param string $host the host to ban
  * @return bool true on success or false on failure
 public static function quick_ban($host)
     $host = trim($host);
     if (!class_exists('ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools')) {
         $itsec_core = ITSEC_Core::get_instance();
         require_once dirname($itsec_core->get_plugin_file()) . '/core/lib/class-itsec-lib-ip-tools.php';
     if (!ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($host)) {
         return false;
     $host_rule = '# ' . __('Quick ban IP. Will be updated on next formal rules save.', 'better-wp-security') . "\n";
     if ('nginx' === ITSEC_Lib::get_server()) {
         $host_rule .= "\tdeny {$host};\n";
     } else {
         if ('apache' === ITSEC_Lib::get_server()) {
             $dhost = str_replace('.', '\\.', $host);
             //re-define $dhost to match required output for SetEnvIf-RegEX
             $host_rule .= "SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR \"^{$dhost}\$\" DenyAccess\n";
             //Ban IP
             $host_rule .= "SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR \"^{$dhost}\$\" DenyAccess\n";
             //Ban IP from Proxy-User
             $host_rule .= "SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP \"^{$dhost}\$\" DenyAccess\n";
             //Ban IP for Cluster/Cloud-hosted WP-Installs
             $host_rule .= "<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>\n";
             $host_rule .= "\t<RequireAll>\n";
             $host_rule .= "\t\tRequire all granted\n";
             $host_rule .= "\t\tRequire not env DenyAccess\n";
             $host_rule .= "\t\tRequire not ip {$host}\n";
             $host_rule .= "\t</RequireAll>\n";
             $host_rule .= "</IfModule>\n";
             $host_rule .= "<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>\n";
             $host_rule .= "\tOrder allow,deny\n";
             $host_rule .= "\tDeny from env=DenyAccess\n";
             $host_rule .= "\tDeny from {$host}\n";
             $host_rule .= "\tAllow from all\n";
             $host_rule .= "</IfModule>\n";
     require_once trailingslashit($GLOBALS['itsec_globals']['plugin_dir']) . 'core/lib/class-itsec-lib-config-file.php';
     $result = ITSEC_Lib_Config_File::append_server_config($host_rule);
     if (is_wp_error($result)) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * Locks out given user or host
  * @since 4.0
  * @param  string $type     The type of lockout (for user reference)
  * @param  string $reason   Reason for lockout, for notifications
  * @param  string $host     Host to lock out
  * @param  int    $user     user id to lockout
  * @param string  $username username to lockout
  * @return void
 private function lockout($type, $reason, $host = null, $user = null, $username = null)
     global $wpdb, $itsec_logger, $itsec_globals, $itsec_files;
     $host_expiration = null;
     $user_expiration = null;
     $username = sanitize_text_field(trim($username));
     if ($itsec_files->get_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username)) {
         //Do we have a good host to lock out or not
         if (!is_null($host) && ITSEC_Lib::is_ip_whitelisted(sanitize_text_field($host)) === false && ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($host)) {
             $good_host = sanitize_text_field($host);
         } else {
             $good_host = false;
         //Do we have a valid user to lockout or not
         if ($user !== null && ITSEC_Lib::user_id_exists(intval($user)) === true) {
             $good_user = intval($user);
         } else {
             $good_user = false;
         //Do we have a valid username to lockout or not
         if ($username !== null && $username != '') {
             $good_username = $username;
         } else {
             $good_username = false;
         $blacklist_host = false;
         //assume we're not permanently blcking the host
         //Sanitize the data for later
         $type = sanitize_text_field($type);
         $reason = sanitize_text_field($reason);
         //handle a permanent host ban (if needed)
         if (isset($itsec_globals['settings']['blacklist']) && $itsec_globals['settings']['blacklist'] === true && $good_host !== false) {
             //permanent blacklist
             $blacklist_period = isset($itsec_globals['settings']['blacklist_period']) ? $itsec_globals['settings']['blacklist_period'] * 24 * 60 * 60 : 604800;
             $host_count = 1 + $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $wpdb->base_prefix . "itsec_lockouts` WHERE `lockout_expire_gmt` > '%s' AND `lockout_host`='%s';", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt'] - $blacklist_period), $host));
             if ($host_count >= $itsec_globals['settings']['blacklist_count'] && isset($itsec_globals['settings']['write_files']) && $itsec_globals['settings']['write_files'] === true) {
                 $host_expiration = false;
                 if (!class_exists('ITSEC_Ban_Users')) {
                     require trailingslashit($itsec_globals['plugin_dir']) . 'core/modules/ban-users/class-itsec-ban-users.php';
                 //Send it to the Ban Users module for banning
                 $blacklist_host = true;
                 //flag it so we don't do a temp ban as well
         //We have temp bans to perform
         if ($good_host !== false || $good_user !== false || $good_username || $good_username !== false) {
             if (ITSEC_Lib::is_ip_whitelisted(sanitize_text_field($host))) {
                 $whitelisted = true;
                 $expiration = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 1);
                 $expiration_gmt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 1);
             } else {
                 $whitelisted = false;
                 $exp_seconds = intval($itsec_globals['settings']['lockout_period']) * 60;
                 $expiration = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time'] + $exp_seconds);
                 $expiration_gmt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt'] + $exp_seconds);
             if ($good_host !== false && $blacklist_host === false) {
                 //temp lockout host
                 $host_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => sanitize_text_field($host)));
                 $itsec_logger->log_event(__('lockout', 'better-wp-security'), 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), sanitize_text_field($host));
             if ($good_user !== false) {
                 //blacklist host and temp lockout user
                 $user_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => '', 'lockout_user' => intval($user)));
                 if ($whitelisted === false) {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), '', '', intval($user));
                 } else {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array(__('White Listed', 'better-wp-security'), 'type' => $type), '', '', intval($user));
             if ($good_username !== false) {
                 //blacklist host and temp lockout username
                 $user_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => '', 'lockout_username' => $username));
                 if ($whitelisted === false) {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), '', '', $username);
                 } else {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array(__('White Listed', 'better-wp-security'), 'type' => $type), '', '', $username);
             if ($whitelisted === false) {
                 if ($itsec_globals['settings']['email_notifications'] === true) {
                     //send email notifications
                     $this->send_lockout_email($good_host, $good_user, $good_username, $host_expiration, $user_expiration, $reason);
                 if ($good_host !== false) {
                     $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
                 } else {
                     $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
         $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
  * Locks out given user or host
  * @since 4.0
  * @param  string $type     The type of lockout (for user reference)
  * @param  string $reason   Reason for lockout, for notifications
  * @param  string $host     Host to lock out
  * @param  int    $user     user id to lockout
  * @param string  $username username to lockout
  * @return void
 private function lockout($type, $reason, $host = null, $user = null, $username = null)
     global $wpdb, $itsec_logger, $itsec_globals;
     $itsec_files = ITSEC_Core::get_itsec_files();
     $host_expiration = null;
     $user_expiration = null;
     $username = sanitize_text_field(trim($username));
     if ($itsec_files->get_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username)) {
         //Do we have a good host to lock out or not
         if (!is_null($host) && ITSEC_Lib::is_ip_whitelisted(sanitize_text_field($host)) === false && ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($host)) {
             $good_host = sanitize_text_field($host);
         } else {
             $good_host = false;
         //Do we have a valid user to lockout or not
         if ($user !== null && ITSEC_Lib::user_id_exists(intval($user)) === true) {
             $good_user = intval($user);
         } else {
             $good_user = false;
         //Do we have a valid username to lockout or not
         if ($username !== null && $username != '') {
             $good_username = $username;
         } else {
             $good_username = false;
         $blacklist_host = false;
         //assume we're not permanently blcking the host
         //Sanitize the data for later
         $type = sanitize_text_field($type);
         $reason = sanitize_text_field($reason);
         //handle a permanent host ban (if needed)
         if (ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'blacklist') && $good_host !== false) {
             //permanent blacklist
             $blacklist_period = ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'blacklist_period', 7);
             $blacklist_seconds = $blacklist_period * DAY_IN_SECONDS;
             $host_count = 1 + $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $wpdb->base_prefix . "itsec_lockouts` WHERE `lockout_expire_gmt` > '%s' AND `lockout_host`='%s';", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt'] - $blacklist_seconds), $host));
             if ($host_count >= ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'blacklist_count') && ITSEC_Files::can_write_to_files()) {
                 $host_expiration = false;
                 $blacklist_host = true;
                 //flag it so we don't do a temp ban as well
         //We have temp bans to perform
         if ($good_host !== false || $good_user !== false || $good_username || $good_username !== false) {
             if (ITSEC_Lib::is_ip_whitelisted(sanitize_text_field($host))) {
                 $whitelisted = true;
                 $expiration = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 1);
                 $expiration_gmt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 1);
             } else {
                 $whitelisted = false;
                 $exp_seconds = ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'lockout_period') * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS;
                 $expiration = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time'] + $exp_seconds);
                 $expiration_gmt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt'] + $exp_seconds);
             if ($good_host !== false && $blacklist_host === false) {
                 //temp lockout host
                 $host_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => sanitize_text_field($host)));
                 $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), sanitize_text_field($host));
             if ($good_user !== false) {
                 //blacklist host and temp lockout user
                 $user_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => '', 'lockout_user' => intval($user)));
                 if ($whitelisted === false) {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), '', '', intval($user));
                 } else {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array(__('White Listed', 'better-wp-security'), 'type' => $type), '', '', intval($user));
             if ($good_username !== false) {
                 //blacklist host and temp lockout username
                 $user_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => '', 'lockout_username' => $username));
                 if ($whitelisted === false) {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), '', '', $username);
                 } else {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array(__('White Listed', 'better-wp-security'), 'type' => $type), '', '', $username);
             if ($whitelisted === false) {
                 if (ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'email_notifications')) {
                     //send email notifications
                     $this->send_lockout_email($good_host, $good_user, $good_username, $host_expiration, $user_expiration, $reason);
                 if ($good_host !== false) {
                     $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
                 } else {
                     $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
         $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
Beispiel #7
  * Send offending IP to IPCheck API
  * @since 4.5
  * @param string|null $ip   ip to report
  * @param int         $type type of behavior to report
  * @return int -1 on failure, 0 if report successful and IP not blocked, 1 if IP successful and IP blocked
 public function report_ip($ip = null, $type = 1)
     global $itsec_globals, $itsec_logger;
     $action = 'report-ip';
      * Switch types or return false if no valid type
      * Valid types:
      * 1 = invalid/failed login
     switch ($type) {
         case 1:
             $behavior = 'brute-force-login';
             return -1;
     //get current IP if needed
     if ($ip === null) {
         $ip = ITSEC_Lib::get_ip();
     } else {
         $ip = trim(sanitize_text_field($ip));
     if (ITSEC_Lib::is_ip_whitelisted($ip)) {
         return 0;
     if (ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($ip)) {
         //verify IP address is valid
         if (!isset($this->settings['api_key']) || !isset($this->settings['api_secret'])) {
             return -1;
             //invalid key or secret
         $args = json_encode(array('apikey' => $this->settings['api_key'], 'behavior' => $behavior, 'ip' => $ip, 'site' => home_url('', 'http'), 'timestamp' => $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']));
         //Build the request parameters
         $request = array('body' => array('request' => $args, 'signature' => $this->hmac_SHA1($this->settings['api_secret'], $action . $args)));
         $response = wp_remote_post($this->endpoint . $action, $request);
         //Make sure the request was valid and has a valid body
         if (!is_wp_error($response) && isset($response['body'])) {
             $response = json_decode($response['body'], true);
             if (is_array($response) && isset($response['success']) && $response['success'] == true) {
                 if (isset($response['block']) && $response['block'] == true) {
                     $cache = isset($response['cache_ttl']) ? absint($response['cache_ttl']) : 3600;
                     $expiration = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time'] + $cache);
                     $expiration_gmt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt'] + $cache);
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => 'host'), $ip);
                     $this->cache_ip($ip, array('status' => true), $cache);
                     return 1;
                     //ip report success. Just return true for now
                 } else {
                     return 0;
     return -1;
  * Sanitize and validate input
  * @since 4.0
  * @param  Array $input array of input fields
  * @return Array Sanitized array
 public function sanitize_module_input($input)
     global $itsec_globals;
     $input['did_upgrade'] = isset($this->settings['did_upgrade']) ? $this->settings['did_upgrade'] : false;
     if (isset($input['backup_email'])) {
         $bad_emails = array();
         $emails_to_save = array();
         if (isset($input['backup_email']) && !is_array($input['backup_email'])) {
             $emails = explode(PHP_EOL, $input['backup_email']);
         } elseif (isset($input['backup_email'])) {
             $emails = $input['backup_email'];
         foreach ($emails as $email) {
             $email = sanitize_text_field(trim($email));
             if (strlen($email) > 0) {
                 if (is_email($email) === false) {
                     $bad_emails[] = $email;
                 $emails_to_save[] = $email;
         if (sizeof($bad_emails) > 0) {
             $bad_addresses = implode(', ', $bad_emails);
             $type = 'error';
             $message = __('The following backup email address(es) do not appear to be valid: ', 'better-wp-security') . $bad_addresses;
             add_settings_error('itsec', esc_attr('settings_updated'), $message, $type);
         $input['backup_email'] = $emails_to_save;
     if (isset($input['notification_email'])) {
         $bad_emails = array();
         $emails_to_save = array();
         if (isset($input['notification_email']) && !is_array($input['notification_email'])) {
             $emails = explode(PHP_EOL, $input['notification_email']);
         } else {
             $emails = $input['notification_email'];
         foreach ($emails as $email) {
             $email = sanitize_text_field(trim($email));
             if (strlen($email) > 0) {
                 if (is_email($email) === false) {
                     $bad_emails[] = $email;
                 $emails_to_save[] = $email;
         if (sizeof($bad_emails) > 0) {
             $bad_addresses = implode(', ', $bad_emails);
             $type = 'error';
             $message = __('The following notification email address(es) do not appear to be valid: ', 'better-wp-security') . $bad_addresses;
             add_settings_error('itsec', esc_attr('settings_updated'), $message, $type);
         $input['notification_email'] = $emails_to_save;
     $input['lockout_message'] = isset($input['lockout_message']) ? trim(wp_kses($input['lockout_message'], $this->allowed_tags)) : '';
     $input['user_lockout_message'] = isset($input['user_lockout_message']) ? trim(wp_kses($input['user_lockout_message'], $this->allowed_tags)) : '';
     $input['community_lockout_message'] = isset($input['community_lockout_message']) ? trim(wp_kses($input['community_lockout_message'], $this->allowed_tags)) : '';
     $input['blacklist'] = isset($input['blacklist']) && intval($input['blacklist'] == 1) ? true : false;
     $input['blacklist_count'] = isset($input['blacklist_count']) ? absint($input['blacklist_count']) : 3;
     $input['blacklist_period'] = isset($input['blacklist_period']) ? absint($input['blacklist_period']) : 7;
     $input['email_notifications'] = isset($input['email_notifications']) && intval($input['email_notifications'] == 1) ? true : false;
     $input['lockout_period'] = isset($input['lockout_period']) ? absint($input['lockout_period']) : 15;
     $input['log_rotation'] = isset($input['log_rotation']) ? absint($input['log_rotation']) : 14;
     $input['allow_tracking'] = isset($input['allow_tracking']) && intval($input['allow_tracking'] == 1) ? true : false;
     $input['write_files'] = isset($input['write_files']) && intval($input['write_files'] == 1) ? true : false;
     $input['nginx_file'] = isset($input['nginx_file']) ? sanitize_text_field($input['nginx_file']) : ABSPATH . 'nginx.conf';
     $input['infinitewp_compatibility'] = isset($input['infinitewp_compatibility']) && intval($input['infinitewp_compatibility'] == 1) ? true : false;
     $input['log_info'] = $itsec_globals['settings']['log_info'];
     $input['lock_file'] = isset($input['lock_file']) && intval($input['lock_file'] == 1) ? true : false;
     $input['digest_email'] = isset($input['digest_email']) && intval($input['digest_email'] == 1) ? true : false;
     $input['proxy_override'] = isset($input['proxy_override']) && intval($input['proxy_override'] == 1) ? true : false;
     $input['hide_admin_bar'] = isset($input['hide_admin_bar']) && intval($input['hide_admin_bar'] == 1) ? true : false;
     //Set a fresh message queue if we're just turning on the digest.
     if ($input['digest_email'] === true && (!isset($this->settings['digest_email']) || $this->settings['digest_email'] === false)) {
         $digest_queue = array('last_sent' => $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt'], 'messages' => array());
         update_site_option('itsec_message_queue', $digest_queue);
     $input['log_location'] = isset($input['log_location']) ? sanitize_text_field($input['log_location']) : $itsec_globals['ithemes_log_dir'];
     //Process white list
     if (isset($input['lockout_white_list']) && !is_array($input['lockout_white_list'])) {
         $white_listed_addresses = explode(PHP_EOL, $input['lockout_white_list']);
     } elseif (isset($input['lockout_white_list'])) {
         $white_listed_addresses = $input['lockout_white_list'];
     } else {
         $white_listed_addresses = array();
     $bad_white_listed_ips = array();
     $raw_white_listed_ips = array();
     if (!class_exists('ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools')) {
         $itsec_core = ITSEC_Core::get_instance();
         require_once dirname($itsec_core->get_plugin_file()) . '/core/lib/class-itsec-lib-ip-tools.php';
     foreach ($white_listed_addresses as $index => $address) {
         // Convert wildcard IPs to CIDR notation
         $address = ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::ip_wild_to_ip_cidr(trim($address));
         if (strlen(trim($address)) > 0) {
             if (ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($address) === false) {
                 $bad_white_listed_ips[] = filter_var($address, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
             $raw_white_listed_ips[] = filter_var($address, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
         } else {
     $raw_white_listed_ips = array_unique($raw_white_listed_ips);
     if (sizeof($bad_white_listed_ips) > 0) {
         $type = 'error';
         $message = __('There is a problem with an IP address in the white list:', 'better-wp-security') . '<br /><br />';
         foreach ($bad_white_listed_ips as $bad_ip) {
             $message .= sprintf(__('%s is not a valid address in the white list users box.', 'better-wp-security'), $bad_ip) . '<br />';
         add_settings_error('itsec', esc_attr('settings_updated'), $message, $type);
     $input['lockout_white_list'] = $raw_white_listed_ips;
     if ($input['log_location'] != $itsec_globals['ithemes_log_dir']) {
         $good_path = ITSEC_Lib::validate_path($input['log_location']);
     } else {
         $good_path = true;
     if ($good_path !== true) {
         $input['log_location'] = $itsec_globals['ithemes_log_dir'];
         $type = 'error';
         $message = __('The file path entered for the log location does not appear to be valid. it has been reset to: ' . $itsec_globals['ithemes_log_dir'], 'better-wp-security');
         add_settings_error('itsec', esc_attr('settings_updated'), $message, $type);
     $input['log_type'] = isset($input['log_type']) ? intval($input['log_type']) : 0;
     if (!isset($type) && $input['write_files'] === true && $this->settings['write_files'] === false) {
         add_site_option('itsec_rewrites_changed', true);
     if (is_multisite()) {
         if (isset($type)) {
             $error_handler = new WP_Error();
             $error_handler->add($type, $message);
         } else {
         $this->settings = $input;
     return $input;