Author: Chuck Hagenbuch (
Author: Jon Parise (
Author: Michael Slusarz (
Beispiel #1
  * Return the rendered information about the Horde_Mime_Part object.
  * URL parameters used by this function:
  *   - zip_contents: (integer) If set, show contents of ZIP file.
  * @return array  See Horde_Mime_Viewer_Driver::render().
 protected function _renderInfo()
     global $injector;
     $vars = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Variables');
     if (!$this->getConfigParam('show_contents') && !$vars->zip_contents) {
         $status = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, _("This is a compressed file."));
         $status->addMimeAction('zipViewContents', _("Click to display the file contents."));
         return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => '', 'status' => $status, 'type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'));
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/mime'));
     $view->downloadclass = 'zipdownload';
     $view->files = array();
     $view->tableclass = 'zipcontents';
     $zlib = Horde_Util::extensionExists('zlib');
     foreach ($this->_getZipInfo() as $key => $val) {
         $file = new stdClass();
         $file->name = $val['name'];
         $file->size = IMP::sizeFormat($val['size']);
         /* TODO: Add ability to render in-browser for filetypes we can
          *       handle. */
         if (!empty($val['size']) && strstr($val['attr'], 'D') === false && ($zlib && $val['method'] == 0x8 || $val['method'] == 0x0)) {
             $file->download = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->linkView($this->_mimepart, 'download_render', '', array('class' => 'iconImg downloadAtc', 'jstext' => _("Download"), 'params' => array('zip_attachment' => $key)));
         } else {
             $file->download = '';
         $view->files[] = $file;
     return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => $view->render('compressed'), 'type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'));
Beispiel #2
  * Return the rendered information about the Horde_Mime_Part object.
  * URL parameters used by this function:
  *   - tgz_contents: (integer) If set, show contents of ZIP file.
  * @return array  See Horde_Mime_Viewer_Driver::render().
 protected function _renderInfo()
     global $injector;
     $vars = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Variables');
     if (!$this->getConfigParam('show_contents') && !isset($vars->tgz_contents)) {
         $status = new IMP_Mime_Status($this->_mimepart, _("This is a compressed file."));
         $status->addMimeAction('tgzViewContents', _("Click to display the file contents."));
         return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => '', 'status' => $status, 'type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'));
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/mime'));
     $view->downloadclass = 'tgzdownload';
     $view->files = array();
     $view->tableclass = 'tgzcontents';
     $tgzInfo = $this->_getTgzInfo();
     foreach ($tgzInfo as $key => $val) {
         if (!strlen($val['data'])) {
         $file = new stdClass();
         $file->download = '';
         $file->name = $val['name'];
         $file->size = IMP::sizeFormat($val['size']);
         if (!empty($val['size'])) {
             $file->download = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->linkView($this->_mimepart, 'download_render', '', array('class' => 'iconImg downloadAtc', 'jstext' => _("Download"), 'params' => array('tgz_attachment' => $key)));
         $view->files[] = $file;
     return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => $view->render('compressed'), 'type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'));
Beispiel #3
  * Constructor.
  * @param string $from           The email address of the original sender.
  * @param Horde_Mime_Headers $h  The headers object for the message.
 public function __construct($from, Horde_Mime_Headers $h)
     global $prefs;
     $addressList = $nameList = array();
     /* First we'll get a comma separated list of email addresses
      * and a comma separated list of personal names out of $from
      * (there just might be more than one of each). */
     $addr_list = IMP::parseAddressList($from);
     foreach ($addr_list as $addr) {
         if (!is_null($addr->mailbox)) {
             $addressList[] = $addr->bare_address;
         if (!is_null($addr->personal)) {
             $nameList[] = $addr->personal;
         } elseif (!is_null($addr->mailbox)) {
             $nameList[] = $addr->mailbox;
     /* Define the macros. */
     if (is_array($message_id = $h->getValue('message-id'))) {
         $message_id = reset($message_id);
     if (!($subject = $h->getValue('subject'))) {
         $subject = _("[No Subject]");
     $udate = strtotime($h->getValue('date'));
     $match = array('/%n/' => "\n", '/%%/' => '%', '/%f/' => $from, '/%a/' => implode(', ', $addressList), '/%p/' => implode(', ', $nameList), '/%r/' => $h->getValue('date'), '/%d/' => strftime("%a, %d %b %Y", $udate), '/%x/' => strftime("%x", $udate), '/%c/' => strftime("%c", $udate), '/%m/' => $message_id, '/%s/' => $subject);
     $this->_text = preg_replace(array_keys($match), array_values($match), $prefs->getValue('attrib_text'));
Beispiel #4
  * Constructor.
  * @param string|Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Object $from  The email address of the
  *                                               original sender.
  * @param Horde_Mime_Headers $h                  The headers object for
  *                                               the message.
  * @param string $attrib                         Use this for the
  *                                               attribution config
  *                                               instead of the default
  *                                               prefs version.
 public function __construct($from, Horde_Mime_Headers $h, $attrib = null)
     global $prefs;
     $this->_text = preg_replace_callback('/\\%./', function ($matches) use($from, $h) {
         switch ($matches[0]) {
             case '%n':
                 /* New line. */
                 return "\n";
             case '%%':
                 /* Percent character. */
                 return '%';
             case '%f':
                 /* Name and email address of original sender. */
                 if ($from) {
                     $from = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address($from);
                     return $from->writeAddress(array('noquote' => true));
                 return _("Unknown Sender");
             case '%a':
                 /* Senders email address(es). */
             /* Senders email address(es). */
             case '%p':
                 /* Senders name(s). */
                 $out = array();
                 foreach (IMP::parseAddressList($from) as $addr) {
                     if ($matches[0] == '%a') {
                         if (!is_null($addr->mailbox)) {
                             $out[] = $addr->bare_address;
                     } else {
                         $out[] = $addr->label;
                 return count($out) ? implode(', ', $out) : _("Unknown Sender");
             case '%r':
                 /* RFC 822 date and time. */
                 return $h['Date'];
             case '%d':
                 /* Date as ddd, dd mmm yyyy. */
                 return strftime("%a, %d %b %Y", strtotime($h['Date']));
             case '%c':
                 /* Date and time in locale's default. */
             /* Date and time in locale's default. */
             case '%x':
                 /* Date in locale's default. */
                 return strftime($matches[0], strtotime($h['Date']));
             case '%m':
                 /* Message-ID. */
                 return strval($h['Message-Id']);
             case '%s':
                 /* Message subject. */
                 return strlen($subject = $h['Subject']) ? $subject : _("[No Subject]");
                 return '';
     }, is_null($attrib) ? $prefs->getValue('attrib_text') : $attrib);
Beispiel #5
  * Logs an attempt to send a message.
  * @param integer $action           Why the message was sent (IMP_Sentmail
  *                                  constant).
  * @param string $message_id        The Message-ID.
  * @param string|array $recipients  The list of message recipients.
  * @param boolean $success          Whether the attempt was successful.
 public function log($action, $message_id, $recipients, $success = true)
     if (!is_array($recipients)) {
         $recipients = array($recipients);
     foreach ($recipients as $addresses) {
         foreach (IMP::parseAddressList($addresses) as $recipient) {
             $this->_log($action, $message_id, $recipient->bare_address, $success);
Beispiel #6
 public function update(Horde_Core_Prefs_Ui $ui)
     global $conf, $injector, $notification;
     $imp_pgp = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Crypt_Pgp');
     if (isset($ui->vars->delete_pgp_privkey)) {
         $notification->push(_("Personal PGP keys deleted successfully."), 'horde.success');
     } elseif (isset($ui->vars->create_pgp_key) && !empty($conf['pgp']['keylength'])) {
         /* Sanity checking for email address. */
         try {
             $email = IMP::parseAddressList($ui->vars->generate_email, array('validate' => true));
         } catch (Horde_Mail_Exception $e) {
             return false;
         /* Check that fields are filled out (except for Comment) and that
          * the passphrases match. */
         if (empty($ui->vars->generate_realname) || empty($email)) {
             $notification->push(_("Name and/or email cannot be empty"), 'horde.error');
         } elseif (empty($ui->vars->generate_passphrase1) || empty($ui->vars->generate_passphrase2)) {
             $notification->push(_("Passphrases cannot be empty"), 'horde.error');
         } elseif ($ui->vars->generate_passphrase1 !== $ui->vars->generate_passphrase2) {
             $notification->push(_("Passphrases do not match"), 'horde.error');
         } else {
             /* Expire date is delivered in UNIX timestamp in
              * milliseconds, not seconds. */
             $expire_date = $ui->vars->generate_expire ? null : $ui->vars->generate_expire_date / 1000;
             try {
                 $imp_pgp->generatePersonalKeys($ui->vars->generate_realname, $email[0]->bare_address_idn, $ui->vars->generate_passphrase1, $ui->vars->generate_comment, $conf['pgp']['keylength'], $expire_date);
                 $notification->push(_("Personal PGP keypair generated successfully."), 'horde.success');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     } elseif (isset($ui->vars->send_pgp_key)) {
         try {
             $notification->push(_("Key successfully sent to the public keyserver."), 'horde.success');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     } elseif (isset($ui->vars->unset_pgp_passphrase)) {
         $notification->push(_("PGP passphrase successfully unloaded."), 'horde.success');
     return false;
Beispiel #7
  * Format output text with IMP additions.
  * @param string $text  The HTML text.
  * @return string  The text with extra IMP formatting applied.
 protected function _IMPformat($text)
     // Highlight quoted parts of an email.
     if ($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('highlight_text')) {
         $text = implode("\n", preg_replace('|^(\\s*&gt;.+)$|', '<span class="quoted1">\\1</span>', explode("\n", $text)));
         $indent = 1;
         while (preg_match('|&gt;(\\s?&gt;){' . $indent . '}|', $text)) {
             $text = implode("\n", preg_replace('|^<span class="quoted' . (($indent - 1) % 5 + 1) . '">(\\s*&gt;(\\s?&gt;){' . $indent . '}.+)$|', '<span class="quoted' . ($indent % 5 + 1) . '">\\1', explode("\n", $text)));
     // Dim signatures.
     if ($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('dim_signature')) {
         $parts = preg_split('|(\\n--\\s*\\n)|', $text, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
         $text = array_shift($parts);
         if (count($parts)) {
             $text .= '<span class="signature">' . $parts[0] . preg_replace('|class="[^"]+"|', 'class="signature-fixed"', $parts[1]) . '</span>';
     // Filter bad language.
     return IMP::filterText($text);
Beispiel #8
  * Get summary info for a MIME ID.
  * @param string $id     The MIME ID.
  * @param integer $mask  A bitmask indicating what information to return:
  * <pre>
  * Always output:
  *   'type' = MIME type
  *   Output: parts = 'bytes'
  * IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_SIZE
  *   Output: parts = 'size'
  * IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_ICON
  *   Output: parts = 'icon'
  *   Output: parts = 'description_raw'
  *   Output: parts = 'description'
  *   Output: parts = 'download', 'download_url'
  *   Output: parts = 'img_save'
  *   Output: parts = 'print'
  *   Output: parts = 'strip'
  * </pre>
  * @return array  An array with the requested information.
 public function getSummary($id, $mask = 0)
     $autodetect_link = false;
     $param_array = array();
     $part = array('bytes' => null, 'download' => null, 'download_url' => null, 'id' => $id, 'img_save' => null, 'size' => null, 'strip' => null);
     $mime_part = $this->getMimePart($id, array('nocontents' => true));
     if (!$mime_part) {
         return $part;
     $mime_type = $mime_part->getType();
     /* If this is an attachment that has no specific MIME type info, see
      * if we can guess a rendering type. */
     if (in_array($mime_type, array('application/octet-stream', 'application/base64'))) {
         $mime_type = Horde_Mime_Magic::filenameToMIME($mime_part->getName());
         if ($mime_type == $mime_part->getType()) {
             $autodetect_link = true;
         } else {
             $mime_part = clone $mime_part;
             $param_array['ctype'] = $mime_type;
     $part['type'] = $mime_type;
     /* Is this part an attachment? */
     $is_atc = $mime_part->isAttachment();
     /* Get bytes/size information. */
     if ($mask & self::SUMMARY_BYTES || $mask & self::SUMMARY_SIZE) {
         $part['bytes'] = $size = $mime_part->getBytes();
         $part['size'] = $size > 1048576 ? sprintf(_("%s MB"), IMP::numberFormat($size / 1048576, 1)) : sprintf(_("%s KB"), max(round($size / 1024), 1));
     /* Get part's icon. */
     if ($mask & self::SUMMARY_ICON || $mask & self::SUMMARY_ICON_RAW) {
         $part['icon'] = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('IMP_Factory_MimeViewer')->getIcon($mime_type);
         if ($mask & self::SUMMARY_ICON) {
             $part['icon'] = Horde_Themes_Image::tag($part['icon'], array('attr' => array('title' => $mime_type)));
     } else {
         $part['icon'] = null;
     /* Get part's description. */
     $description = $this->getPartName($mime_part, true);
     if ($mask & self::SUMMARY_DESCRIP_LINK) {
         if (($can_d = $this->canDisplay($mime_part, self::RENDER_FULL)) || $autodetect_link) {
             $part['description'] = $this->linkViewJS($mime_part, 'view_attach', htmlspecialchars($description), array('jstext' => sprintf(_("View %s"), $description), 'params' => array_filter(array_merge($param_array, array('autodetect' => !$can_d)))));
         } else {
             $part['description'] = htmlspecialchars($description);
     if ($mask & self::SUMMARY_DESCRIP) {
         $part['description_raw'] = $description;
     /* Download column. */
     if ($is_atc && $mask & self::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD) {
         $part['download'] = $this->linkView($mime_part, 'download_attach', '', array('attr' => array('download' => $mime_part->getName(true) ?: $mime_part->getPrimaryType()), 'class' => 'iconImg downloadAtc', 'jstext' => _("Download")));
         $part['download_url'] = $this->urlView($mime_part, 'download_attach');
     /* Display the image save link if the required registry calls are
      * present. */
     if ($mask & self::SUMMARY_IMAGE_SAVE && $GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('images/selectGalleries') && $mime_part->getPrimaryType() == 'image') {
         $part['img_save'] = Horde::link('#', _("Save Image in Gallery"), 'iconImg saveImgAtc', null, Horde::popupJs(IMP_Basic_Saveimage::url(), array('params' => array('muid' => strval($this->getIndicesOb()), 'id' => $id), 'height' => 200, 'width' => 450, 'urlencode' => true)) . 'return false;') . '</a>';
     /* Add print link? */
     if (($mask & self::SUMMARY_PRINT || $mask & self::SUMMARY_PRINT_STUB) && $this->canDisplay($id, self::RENDER_FULL)) {
         $part['print'] = $mask & self::SUMMARY_PRINT ? $this->linkViewJS($mime_part, 'print_attach', '', array('css' => 'iconImg printAtc', 'jstext' => _("Print"), 'onload' => 'IMP_JS.printWindow', 'params' => $param_array)) : Horde::link('#', _("Print"), 'iconImg printAtc', null, null, null, null, array('mimeid' => $id)) . '</a>';
     /* Strip Attachment? Allow stripping of base parts other than the
      * base multipart and the base text (body) part. */
     if ($mask & self::SUMMARY_STRIP && $id != 0 && intval($id) != 1 && strpos($id, '.') === false) {
         $part['strip'] = Horde::link(Horde::selfUrlParams()->add(array('actionID' => 'strip_attachment', 'imapid' => $id, 'muid' => strval($this->getIndicesOb()), 'token' => $GLOBALS['session']->getToken())), _("Strip Attachment"), 'iconImg deleteImg stripAtc', null, null, null, null, array('mimeid' => $id)) . '</a>';
     return $part;
Beispiel #9
  * Return information about the current attachment(s) for a message.
  * @param mixed $ob      If an IMP_Compose object, return info on all
  *                       attachments. If an IMP_Compose_Attachment object,
  *                       only return information on that object.
  * @param integer $type  The compose type.
 public function attachment($ob, $type = IMP_Compose::COMPOSE)
     global $injector;
     $parts = $ob instanceof IMP_Compose ? iterator_to_array($ob) : array($ob);
     $viewer = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_MimeViewer');
     foreach ($parts as $val) {
         $mime = $val->getPart();
         $mtype = $mime->getType();
         $tmp = array('icon' => strval(Horde_Url_Data::create('image/png', file_get_contents($viewer->getIcon($mtype)->fs))), 'name' => $mime->getName(true), 'num' => $val->id, 'type' => $mtype, 'size' => IMP::sizeFormat($mime->getBytes()));
         if ($viewer->create($mime)->canRender('full')) {
             $tmp['url'] = strval($val->viewUrl()->setRaw(true));
             $tmp['view'] = intval(!in_array($type, array(IMP_Compose::FORWARD_ATTACH, IMP_Compose::FORWARD_BOTH)) && $mtype != 'application/octet-stream');
         $this->_atc[] = $tmp;
Beispiel #10
  * Create the object used to display the message.
  * @param array $args  Configuration parameters:
  *   - headers: (array) The headers desired in the returned headers array
  *              (only used with non-preview view).
  *   - preview: (boolean) Is this the preview view?
  * @return array  Array with the following keys:
  *   - atc_download: The download all link
  *   - atc_label: The label to use for Attachments
  *   - atc_list: The list (HTML code) of attachments
  *   - bcc (FULL): The Bcc addresses
  *   - cc: The CC addresses
  *   - fulldate (FULL): The full canonical date.
  *   - from: The From addresses
  *   - headers (FULL): An array of headers (not including basic headers)
  *   - js: Javascript code to run on display
  *   - list_info (FULL): List information.
  *   - localdate (PREVIEW): The date formatted to the user's timezone
  *   - md: Metadata
  *   - msgtext: The text of the message
  *   - onepart: True if message only contains one part.
  *   - replyTo (FULL): The Reply-to addresses
  *   - save_as: The save link
  *   - subject: The subject
  *   - subjectlink: The subject with linked URLs/email addresses (defaults
  *                  to 'subject')
  *   - title (FULL): The title of the page
  *   - to: The To addresses
  * @throws IMP_Exception
 public function showMessage($args)
     global $injector, $page_output, $prefs, $registry, $session;
     $preview = !empty($args['preview']);
     $result = array();
     $mime_headers = $this->_peek ? $this->_contents->getHeader() : $this->_contents->getHeaderAndMarkAsSeen();
     $headers = array();
     $imp_ui = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message_Ui');
     /* Develop the list of Headers to display now. Deal with the 'basic'
      * header information first since there are various manipulations
      * done to them. */
     $basic_headers = $imp_ui->basicHeaders();
     if (empty($args['headers'])) {
         $args['headers'] = array('from', 'date', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc');
     $headers_list = array_intersect_key($basic_headers, array_flip($args['headers']));
     /* Build From/To/Cc/Bcc/Reply-To links. */
     foreach (array('from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'reply-to') as $val) {
         if (isset($headers_list[$val]) && (!$preview || $val != 'reply-to')) {
             if ($tmp = $this->getAddressHeader($val)) {
                 $result[$val] = $tmp;
             if ($preview) {
     /* Build the rest of the headers. */
     foreach ($headers_list as $head => $str) {
         if ($val = $mime_headers->getValue($head)) {
             if ($head == 'date') {
                 /* Add local time to date header. */
                 $date_ob = new IMP_Message_Date($this->_envelope->date);
                 $val = htmlspecialchars($date_ob->format($date_ob::DATE_LOCAL));
                 if ($preview) {
                     $result['localdate'] = $val;
                 } else {
                     $result['fulldate'] = $date_ob->format($date_ob::DATE_FORCE);
             } elseif (!$preview) {
                 $val = htmlspecialchars($val);
             if (!$preview) {
                 $headers[$head] = array('id' => Horde_String::ucfirst($head), 'name' => $str, 'value' => $val);
     if (empty($result['reply-to']) || $result['from']['addr'][0]->b == $result['reply-to']['addr'][0]->b) {
         unset($result['reply-to'], $headers['reply-to']);
     /* JS requires camelized name for reply-to. */
     if (!$preview && isset($headers['reply-to'])) {
         $result['replyTo'] = $result['reply-to'];
         $headers['reply-to']['id'] = 'ReplyTo';
     /* Maillog information. */
     $ajax_queue = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Ajax_Queue');
     if (!$preview) {
         /* Display the user-specified headers for the current identity. */
         $user_hdrs = $imp_ui->getUserHeaders();
         foreach ($user_hdrs as $user_hdr) {
             $user_val = $mime_headers->getValue($user_hdr);
             if (!empty($user_val)) {
                 if (!is_array($user_val)) {
                     $user_val = array($user_val);
                 foreach ($user_val as $val) {
                     $headers[] = array('name' => $user_hdr, 'value' => htmlspecialchars($val));
         $result['headers'] = array_values($headers);
     /* Process the subject. */
     $subject = $mime_headers->getValue('subject');
     if ($subject) {
         $text_filter = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter');
         $filtered_subject = preg_replace("/\\b\\s+\\b/", ' ', IMP::filterText($subject));
         $result['subject'] = $text_filter->filter($filtered_subject, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::NOHTML));
         $subjectlink = $text_filter->filter($filtered_subject, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::MICRO));
         if ($subjectlink != $result['subject']) {
             $result['subjectlink'] = $subjectlink;
         if (!$preview) {
             $result['title'] = $subject;
     } else {
         $result['subject'] = _("[No Subject]");
         if (!$preview) {
             $result['title'] = _("[No Subject]");
     // Create message text and attachment list.
     $result['msgtext'] = '';
     $show_parts = $prefs->getValue('parts_display');
     switch ($registry->getView()) {
         case $registry::VIEW_SMARTMOBILE:
             $contents_mask = 0;
             $contents_mask = IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_BYTES | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_SIZE | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_ICON | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DESCRIP_LINK | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD_ZIP | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_PRINT_STUB;
     $part_info = $part_info_display = array('icon', 'description', 'size', 'download', 'download_zip');
     $part_info_display[] = 'print';
     list($mbox, $uid) = $this->_indices->getSingle();
     /* Do MDN processing now. */
     switch ($registry->getView()) {
         case $registry::VIEW_DYNAMIC:
             if ($imp_ui->MDNCheck(new IMP_Indices($mbox, $uid), $mime_headers)) {
                 $status = new IMP_Mime_Status(array(_("The sender of this message is requesting notification from you when you have read this message."), sprintf(_("Click %s to send the notification message."), Horde::link('#', '', '', '', '', '', '', array('id' => 'send_mdn_link')) . _("HERE") . '</a>')));
                 $result['msgtext'] .= strval($status);
     /* Build body text. This needs to be done before we build the
      * attachment list. */
     $inlineout = $this->_contents->getInlineOutput(array('mask' => $contents_mask, 'part_info_display' => $part_info_display, 'show_parts' => $show_parts));
     $result['md'] = $inlineout['metadata'];
     $result['msgtext'] .= $inlineout['msgtext'];
     if ($inlineout['one_part']) {
         $result['onepart'] = true;
     if (count($inlineout['atc_parts']) || $show_parts == 'all' && count($inlineout['display_ids']) > 2) {
         $result['atc_label'] = $show_parts == 'all' ? _("Parts") : sprintf(ngettext("%d Attachment", "%d Attachments", count($inlineout['atc_parts'])), count($inlineout['atc_parts']));
         if (count($inlineout['atc_parts']) > 2) {
             $result['atc_download'] = Horde::link($this->_contents->urlView($this->_contents->getMIMEMessage(), 'download_all')) . '[' . _("Save All") . ']</a>';
     /* Show attachment information in headers? */
     if (!empty($inlineout['atc_parts'])) {
         $partlist = array();
         if ($show_parts == 'all') {
             array_unshift($part_info, 'id');
         foreach ($inlineout['atc_parts'] as $id) {
             $contents_mask |= IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DESCRIP | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_ICON | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_SIZE;
             $part_info[] = 'description_raw';
             $part_info[] = 'download_url';
             $summary = $this->_contents->getSummary($id, $contents_mask);
             $tmp = array();
             foreach ($part_info as $val) {
                 if (isset($summary[$val])) {
                     $tmp[$val] = $summary[$val] instanceof Horde_Url ? strval($summary[$val]->setRaw(true)) : $summary[$val];
             $partlist[] = array_filter($tmp);
         $result['atc_list'] = $partlist;
     $result['save_as'] = IMP_Contents_View::downloadUrl(htmlspecialchars_decode($result['subject']), array_merge(array('actionID' => 'save_message'), $mbox->urlParams($uid)));
     if ($preview) {
         /* Need to grab cached inline scripts. */
         if ($js_inline = Horde::endBuffer()) {
             $result['js'] = array($js_inline);
         $result['save_as'] = strval($result['save_as']->setRaw(true));
     } else {
         $list_info = $imp_ui->getListInformation($mime_headers);
         if (!empty($list_info['exists'])) {
             $result['list_info'] = $list_info;
     /* Add changed flag information. */
     if (!$this->_peek && $mbox->is_imap) {
         $status = $mbox->imp_imap->status($mbox, Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_PERMFLAGS);
         if (in_array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_SEEN, $status['permflags'])) {
             $ajax_queue->flag(array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_SEEN), true, $this->_indices);
     return array_filter($result);
Beispiel #11

 * Base redirection page for IMP.
 * Copyright 1999-2015 Horde LLC (
 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @author    Chuck Hagenbuch <*****@*****.**>
 * @category  Horde
 * @copyright 1999-2015 Horde LLC
 * @license GPL
 * @package   IMP
// Will redirect to login page if not authenticated.
require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/Application.php';
Beispiel #12
  * Formats the subject header.
  * @param string $subject     The subject header.
  * @param string $htmlspaces  HTML-ize spaces?
  * @return string  The formatted subject header.
 public function getSubject($subject, $htmlspaces = false)
     if (!strlen($subject)) {
         return _("[No Subject]");
     $new_subject = $subject = IMP::filterText(preg_replace("/\\s+/", ' ', $subject));
     if ($htmlspaces) {
         $new_subject = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter')->filter($subject, 'space2html', array('encode' => true));
         if (empty($new_subject)) {
             $new_subject = htmlspecialchars($subject);
     return empty($new_subject) ? $subject : $new_subject;
Beispiel #13
  * Expand addresses in a string. Only the last address in the string will
  * be expanded.
  * @param string $input  The input string.
  * @return mixed  If a string, this value should be used as the new
  *                input string.  If an array, the first value is the
  *                input string without the search string; the second
  *                value is the search string; and the third value is
  *                the list of matching addresses.
 protected function _expandAddresses($input)
     $addr_list = IMP::parseAddressList($input, array('default_domain' => null));
     if (!($size = count($addr_list))) {
         return '';
     $search = $addr_list[$size - 1];
     /* Don't search if the search string looks like an e-mail address. */
     if (!is_null($search->mailbox) && !is_null($search->host)) {
         return strval($search);
     /* "Search" string will be in mailbox element. */
     $imple = new IMP_Ajax_Imple_ContactAutoCompleter();
     $res = $imple->getAddressList($search->mailbox);
     switch (count($res)) {
         case 0:
             $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(_("Search for \"%s\" failed: no address found."), $search->mailbox), 'horde.warning');
             return strval($addr_list);
         case 1:
             $addr_list[$size] = $res[0];
             return strval($addr_list);
             $GLOBALS['notification']->push(_("Ambiguous address found."), 'horde.warning');
             return array(strval($addr_list), $search->mailbox, $res);
Beispiel #14
  * URL parameters:
  *   - bcc: BCC addresses.
  *   - bcc_json: JSON encoded addresses to send to. Overwrites 'bcc'.
  *   - body: Message body text.
  *   - cc: CC addresses.
  *   - cc_json: JSON encoded addresses to send to. Overwrites 'cc'.
  *   - identity: Force message to use this identity by default.
  *   - subject: Subject to use.
  *   - type: redirect, reply, reply_auto, reply_all, reply_list,
  *           forward_attach, forward_auto, forward_body, forward_both,
  *           forward_redirect, resume, new, new_to, editasnew, template,
  *           template_edit, template_new
  *   - to: Addresses to send to.
  *   - to_json: JSON encoded addresses to send to. Overwrites 'to'.
 protected function _init()
     global $injector, $notification, $page_output, $prefs, $session;
     $alist = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Dynamic_AddressList');
     $clink = new IMP_Compose_Link($this->vars);
     $addr = array();
     foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc') as $val) {
         $var_name = $val . '_json';
         if (isset($this->vars->{$var_name})) {
             /* Check for JSON encoded information. */
             $addr[$val] = $alist->parseAddressList($this->vars->{$var_name});
         } elseif (isset($clink->args[$val])) {
             /* Non-JSON encoded address information. */
             $addr[$val] = IMP::parseAddressList($clink->args[$val]);
     $subject = isset($clink->args['subject']) ? $clink->args['subject'] : null;
     $identity = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Identity');
     if (!$prefs->isLocked('default_identity') && isset($this->vars->identity)) {
     /* Init objects. */
     $imp_compose = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Compose')->create();
     $compose_ajax = new IMP_Ajax_Application_Compose($imp_compose, $this->vars->type);
     $ajax_queue = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Ajax_Queue');
     $compose_opts = array('title' => _("New Message"));
     switch ($this->vars->type) {
         case 'reply':
         case 'reply_all':
         case 'reply_auto':
         case 'reply_list':
             try {
                 $result = $imp_compose->replyMessage($compose_ajax->reply_map[$this->vars->type], $this->_getContents(), array('to' => isset($addr['to']) ? $addr['to'] : null));
             } catch (IMP_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
             $onload = $compose_ajax->getResponse($result);
             switch ($result['type']) {
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_SENDER:
                     $compose_opts['title'] = _("Reply");
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_ALL:
                     $compose_opts['title'] = _("Reply to All");
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_LIST:
                     $compose_opts['title'] = _("Reply to List");
             $compose_opts['title'] .= ': ' . $result['subject'];
         case 'forward_attach':
         case 'forward_auto':
         case 'forward_body':
         case 'forward_both':
             try {
                 if (count($this->indices) > 1) {
                     if (!in_array($this->vars->type, array('forward_attach', 'forward_auto'))) {
                         $notification->push(_("Multiple messages can only be forwarded as attachments."), 'horde.warning');
                     $result = $imp_compose->forwardMultipleMessages($this->indices);
                 } else {
                     $result = $imp_compose->forwardMessage($compose_ajax->forward_map[$this->vars->type], $this->_getContents());
             } catch (IMP_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
             $onload = $compose_ajax->getResponse($result);
             $compose_opts['title'] = $result['title'];
             $ajax_queue->attachment($imp_compose, IMP_Compose::FORWARD_ATTACH);
         case 'forward_redirect':
             try {
                 $compose_opts['title'] = _("Redirect");
             } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
             $onload = $compose_ajax->getBaseResponse();
         case 'editasnew':
         case 'resume':
         case 'template':
         case 'template_edit':
             try {
                 switch ($this->vars->type) {
                     case 'editasnew':
                         $result = $imp_compose->editAsNew($this->indices);
                     case 'resume':
                         $result = $imp_compose->resumeDraft($this->indices);
                         $compose_opts['resume'] = true;
                     case 'template':
                         $result = $imp_compose->useTemplate($this->indices);
                     case 'template_edit':
                         $result = $imp_compose->editTemplate($this->indices);
                         $compose_opts['template'] = true;
                 $onload = $compose_ajax->getResponse($result);
                 $ajax_queue->attachment($imp_compose, $result['type']);
                 $show_editor = $result['format'] == 'html';
             } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
         case 'new_to':
             $h = $this->_getContents()->getHeader();
             $addr['to'] = $h->getOb('reply-to') ?: $h->getOb('from');
             // Fall-through
         // Fall-through
         case 'new':
         case 'template_new':
             $show_editor = $prefs->getValue('compose_html') && $session->get('imp', 'rteavail');
             $onload = $compose_ajax->getBaseResponse();
             $onload->body = isset($clink->args['body']) ? strval($clink->args['body']) : '';
             if ($show_editor) {
                 $onload->format = 'html';
             if ($this->vars->type == 'template_new') {
                 $compose_opts['template'] = true;
     $compose_opts['redirect'] = $this->vars->type == 'forward_redirect';
     if (isset($onload->addr) || !empty($addr)) {
         foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc') as $val) {
             if (!isset($onload->addr[$val])) {
                 $onload->addr[$val] = array();
             if (isset($addr[$val])) {
                 $onload->addr[$val] = array_merge($onload->addr[$val], array_map('strval', $addr[$val]->base_addresses));
     if (!is_null($subject)) {
         $onload->subject = $subject;
     $this->title = $compose_opts['title'];
     $this->view->compose = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Dynamic_Compose_Common')->compose($this, $compose_opts);
     $page_output->addInlineJsVars(array('DimpCompose.onload_show' => $onload, 'DimpCompose.tasks' => $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Ajax')->create('imp', $this->vars)->getTasks()));
     $notification->notify(array('listeners' => array('status', 'audio')));
     $this->view->status = Horde::endBuffer();
     $this->_pages[] = 'compose-base';
Beispiel #15
  * URL Parameters:
  *   a: (string) Action ID.
  *   allto: (boolean) View all To addresses?
  *   buid: (string) Browser UID.
  *   t: (string) Token.
 protected function _init()
     global $injector, $notification, $page_output, $prefs, $session;
     $imp_mailbox = $this->indices->mailbox->list_ob;
     $mailbox_url = IMP_Minimal_Mailbox::url(array('mailbox' => $this->indices->mailbox));
     /* Make sure we have a valid index. */
     if (!$imp_mailbox->isValidIndex()) {
         $mailbox_url->add('a', 'm')->redirect();
     $imp_ui = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message_Ui');
     /* Run through action handlers */
     $msg_delete = false;
     switch ($this->vars->a) {
         // 'd' = delete message
         case 'd':
             $old_index = $imp_mailbox->getIndex();
             try {
                 $msg_delete = (bool) $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->delete($this->indices, array('mailboxob' => $imp_mailbox));
             } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             // 'u' = undelete message
         // 'u' = undelete message
         case 'u':
             $old_index = $imp_mailbox->getIndex();
             // 'rs' = report spam
             // 'ri' = report innocent
         // 'rs' = report spam
         // 'ri' = report innocent
         case 'rs':
         case 'ri':
             $old_index = $imp_mailbox->getIndex();
             $msg_delete = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Spam')->create($this->vars->a == 'rs' ? IMP_Spam::SPAM : IMP_Spam::INNOCENT)->report($this->indices, array('mailboxob' => $imp_mailbox)) === 1;
     if ($msg_delete && $imp_ui->moveAfterAction($this->indices->mailbox)) {
     /* We may have done processing that has taken us past the end of the
      * message array, so we will return to the mailbox. */
     if (!$imp_mailbox->isValidIndex() || $msg_delete && $prefs->getValue('mailbox_return')) {
         $mailbox_url->add('s', $old_index)->redirect();
     /* Now that we are done processing, get the index and array index of
      * the current message. */
     $msg_index = $imp_mailbox[$imp_mailbox->getIndex()];
     $mailbox = $msg_index['m'];
     $uid = $msg_index['u'];
     $buid = $imp_mailbox->getBuid($mailbox, $uid);
     /* Get envelope/flag/header information. */
     try {
         $imp_imap = $mailbox->imp_imap;
         /* Need to fetch flags before HEADERTEXT, because SEEN flag might
          * be set before we can grab it. */
         $query = new Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query();
         $flags_ret = $imp_imap->fetch($mailbox, $query, array('ids' => $imp_imap->getIdsOb($uid)));
         $query = new Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query();
         $fetch_ret = $imp_imap->fetch($mailbox, $query, array('ids' => $imp_imap->getIdsOb($uid)));
     } catch (IMP_Imap_Exception $e) {
         $mailbox_url->add('a', 'm')->redirect();
     $envelope = $fetch_ret->first()->getEnvelope();
     $flags = $flags_ret->first()->getFlags();
     /* Parse the message. */
     try {
         $imp_contents = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Contents')->create(new IMP_Indices($imp_mailbox));
         $mime_headers = $imp_contents->getHeaderAndMarkAsSeen();
     } catch (IMP_Exception $e) {
         $mailbox_url->add('a', 'm')->redirect();
     /* Get the starting index for the current message and the message
      * count. */
     $msgindex = $imp_mailbox->getIndex();
     $msgcount = count($imp_mailbox);
     /* Generate the mailbox link. */
     $mailbox_link = $mailbox_url->add('s', $msgindex);
     $self_link = self::url(array('buid' => $buid, 'mailbox' => $this->indices->mailbox));
     /* Create the Identity object. */
     $user_identity = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Identity');
     /* Develop the list of headers to display. */
     $basic_headers = $imp_ui->basicHeaders();
     $display_headers = $msgAddresses = array();
     if ($subject = $mime_headers->getValue('subject')) {
         /* Filter the subject text, if requested. */
         $subject = Horde_String::truncate(IMP::filterText($subject), 50);
     } else {
         $subject = _("[No Subject]");
     $display_headers['subject'] = $subject;
     $format_date = $imp_ui->getLocalTime($envelope->date);
     if (!empty($format_date)) {
         $display_headers['date'] = $format_date;
     /* Build From address links. */
     $display_headers['from'] = $imp_ui->buildAddressLinks($envelope->from, null, false);
     /* Build To/Cc/Bcc links. */
     foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc') as $val) {
         $msgAddresses[] = $mime_headers->getValue($val);
         $addr_val = $imp_ui->buildAddressLinks($envelope->{$val}, null, false);
         if (!empty($addr_val)) {
             $display_headers[$val] = $addr_val;
     /* Check for the presence of mailing list information. */
     $list_info = $imp_ui->getListInformation($mime_headers);
     /* See if the priority has been set. */
     switch ($priority = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Mime_Headers')->getPriority($mime_headers)) {
         case 'high':
         case 'low':
             $basic_headers['priority'] = _("Priority");
             $display_headers['priority'] = Horde_String::ucfirst($priority);
     /* Set the status information of the message. */
     $status = '';
     $match_identity = $identity = null;
     if (!empty($msgAddresses)) {
         $match_identity = $identity = $user_identity->getMatchingIdentity($msgAddresses);
         if (is_null($identity)) {
             $identity = $user_identity->getDefault();
     $flag_parse = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Flags')->parse(array('flags' => $flags, 'personal' => $match_identity));
     foreach ($flag_parse as $val) {
         if ($abbrev = $val->abbreviation) {
             $status .= $abbrev;
         } elseif ($val instanceof IMP_Flag_User) {
             $status .= ' *' . Horde_String::truncate($val->label, 8) . '*';
     /* Create the body of the message. */
     $inlineout = $imp_contents->getInlineOutput(array('display_mask' => IMP_Contents::RENDER_INLINE, 'no_inline_all' => true));
     $msg_text = $inlineout['msgtext'];
     $this->view->msg = nl2br($injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter')->filter($msg_text, 'space2html'));
     $menu = array();
     if ($this->indices->mailbox->access_deletemsgs) {
         $menu[] = in_array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_DELETED, $flags) ? array(_("Undelete"), $self_link->copy()->add('a', 'u')) : array(_("Delete"), $self_link->copy()->add(array('a' => 'd', 't' => $session->getToken())));
     /* Add compose actions (Reply, Reply List, Reply All, Forward,
      * Redirect, Edit as New). */
     if (IMP_Compose::canCompose()) {
         $clink_ob = new IMP_Compose_Link();
         $clink_ob->args['buid'] = $buid;
         $clink_ob->args['mailbox'] = $this->indices->mailbox;
         $clink = $clink_ob->link()->add(array('identity' => $identity));
         $menu[] = array(_("Reply"), $clink->copy()->add(array('a' => 'r')));
         if ($list_info['reply_list']) {
             $menu[] = array(_("Reply to List"), $clink->copy()->add(array('a' => 'rl')));
         $addr_ob = clone $envelope->to;
         $addr_ob->setIteratorFilter(0, $user_identity->getAllFromAddresses());
         if (count($addr_ob)) {
             $menu[] = array(_("Reply All"), $clink->copy()->add(array('a' => 'ra')));
         $menu[] = array(_("Forward"), $clink->copy()->add(array('a' => 'f')));
         $menu[] = array(_("Redirect"), $clink->copy()->add(array('a' => 'rc')));
         $menu[] = array(_("Edit as New"), $clink->copy()->add(array('a' => 'en')));
     /* Generate previous/next links. */
     if ($prev_msg = $imp_mailbox[$imp_mailbox->getIndex() - 1]) {
         $menu[] = array(_("Previous Message"), self::url(array('buid' => $imp_mailbox->getBuid($prev_msg['m'], $prev_msg['u']), 'mailbox' => $this->indices->mailbox)));
     if ($next_msg = $imp_mailbox[$imp_mailbox->getIndex() + 1]) {
         $menu[] = array(_("Next Message"), self::url(array('buid' => $imp_mailbox->getBuid($next_msg['m'], $next_msg['u']), 'mailbox' => $this->indices->mailbox)));
     $menu[] = array(sprintf(_("To %s"), $this->indices->mailbox->label), $mailbox_link);
     if ($mailbox->spam_show) {
         $menu[] = array(_("Report as Spam"), $self_link->copy()->add(array('a' => 'rs', 't' => $session->getToken())));
     if ($mailbox->innocent_show) {
         $menu[] = array(_("Report as Innocent"), $self_link->copy()->add(array('a' => 'ri', 't' => $session->getToken())));
     $this->view->menu = $this->getMenu('message', $menu);
     $hdrs = array();
     foreach ($display_headers as $head => $val) {
         $tmp = array('label' => $basic_headers[$head]);
         if (Horde_String::lower($head) == 'to' && !isset($this->vars->allto) && ($pos = strpos($val, ',')) !== false) {
             $val = Horde_String::substr($val, 0, $pos);
             $tmp['all_to'] = $self_link->copy()->add('allto', 1);
         $tmp['val'] = $val;
         $hdrs[] = $tmp;
     $this->view->hdrs = $hdrs;
     $atc = array();
     foreach ($inlineout['atc_parts'] as $key) {
         $summary = $imp_contents->getSummary($key, IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_BYTES | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_SIZE | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DESCRIP | IMP_Contents::SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD);
         $tmp = array('descrip' => $summary['description_raw'], 'size' => $summary['size'], 'type' => $summary['type']);
         if (!empty($summary['download'])) {
             /* Preference: if set, only show download confirmation screen
              * if attachment over a certain size. */
             $tmp['download'] = IMP_Minimal_Messagepart::url(array('buid' => $buid, 'mailbox' => $this->indices->mailbox))->add('atc', $key);
         if ($imp_contents->canDisplay($key, IMP_Contents::RENDER_INLINE)) {
             $tmp['view'] = IMP_Minimal_Messagepart::url(array('buid' => $buid, 'mailbox' => $this->indices->mailbox))->add('id', $key);
         $atc[] = $tmp;
     $this->view->atc = $atc;
     $this->title = $display_headers['subject'];
     $this->view->title = ($status ? $status . ' ' : '') . sprintf(_("(Message %d of %d)"), $msgindex, $msgcount);
     $this->_pages[] = 'message';
     $this->_pages[] = 'menu';
Beispiel #16
  * Obtains IMAP overview data for a given set of message UIDs.
  * @param IMP_Mailbox $mbox  The current mailbox.
  * @param array $msglist     The list of message sequence numbers to
  *                           process.
  * @return array  TODO
  * @throws Horde_Exception
 private function _getOverviewData($mbox, $msglist)
     global $injector;
     $msgs = array();
     if (empty($msglist)) {
         return $msgs;
     /* Get mailbox information. */
     $flags = $mbox->access_flags;
     $imp_flags = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Flags');
     $imp_ui = new IMP_Mailbox_Ui($mbox);
     $list_ob = $mbox->list_ob;
     $overview = $list_ob->getMailboxArray($msglist);
     /* Display message information. */
     while (list(, $ob) = each($overview['overview'])) {
         /* Get all the flag information. */
         $msg = array('flag' => $flags ? array_map('strval', $imp_flags->parse(array('flags' => $ob['flags'], 'headers' => $ob['headers'], 'personal' => $ob['envelope']->to, 'runhook' => $ob, 'structure' => $ob['structure']))) : array());
         /* Format size information. */
         $msg['size'] = IMP::sizeFormat($ob['size']);
         /* Format the Date: Header. */
         $msg['date'] = strval(new IMP_Message_Date(isset($ob['envelope']->date) ? $ob['envelope']->date : null));
         /* Format the From: Header. */
         $getfrom = $imp_ui->getFrom($ob['envelope']);
         if (count($getfrom['from_list'])) {
             $from_ob = new IMP_Ajax_Addresses($getfrom['from_list']);
             $msg['from'] = $from_ob->toArray()->addr;
             if (isset($getfrom['from_label'])) {
                 $msg['fromlabel'] = $getfrom['from_label'];
         } else {
             $msg['from'] = array();
             $msg['fromlabel'] = $getfrom['from'];
         /* Format the Subject: Header. */
         $msg['subject'] = $imp_ui->getSubject($ob['envelope']->subject);
         /* Check to see if this is a list message. Namely, we want to
          * check for 'List-Post' information because that is the header
          * that gives the e-mail address to reply to, which is all we
          * care about. */
         if (isset($ob['headers']['List-Post'])) {
             $msg['listmsg'] = 1;
         $msgs[$list_ob->getBuid($ob['mailbox'], $ob['uid'])] = $msg;
     return $msgs;
Beispiel #17
  * Adds linked attachments to message.
  * @param string &$body  Plaintext data.
  * @param mixed $html    HTML data (Horde_Domhtml) or null.
  * @throws IMP_Compose_Exception
 protected function _linkAttachments(&$body, $html)
     global $conf;
     if (empty($conf['compose']['link_attachments'])) {
     $link_all = false;
     $linked = array();
     if (!empty($conf['compose']['link_attach_size_hard'])) {
         $limit = intval($conf['compose']['link_attach_size_hard']);
         foreach ($this as $val) {
             if (($limit -= $val->getPart()->getBytes()) < 0) {
                 $link_all = true;
     foreach (iterator_to_array($this) as $key => $val) {
         if ($link_all && !$val->linked) {
             $val = new IMP_Compose_Attachment($this, $val->getPart(), $val->storage->getTempFile());
             $val->forceLinked = true;
             $this[$key] = $val;
         if ($val->linked && !$val->related) {
             $linked[] = $val;
     if (empty($linked)) {
     if ($del_time = IMP_Compose_LinkedAttachment::keepDate(false)) {
         /* Subtract 1 from time to get the last day of the previous
          * month. */
         $expire = ' (' . sprintf(_("links will expire on %s"), strftime('%x', $del_time - 1)) . ')';
     $body .= "\n-----\n" . _("Attachments") . $expire . ":\n";
     if ($html) {
         $body = $html->getBody();
         $dom = $html->dom;
         $body->appendChild($div = $dom->createElement('DIV'));
         $div->appendChild($dom->createElement('H4', _("Attachments") . $expire . ':'));
         $div->appendChild($ol = $dom->createElement('OL'));
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($linked as $val) {
         $apart = $val->getPart();
         $name = $apart->getName(true);
         $size = IMP::sizeFormat($apart->getBytes());
         $url = strval($val->link_url->setRaw(true));
         $body .= "\n" . ++$i . '. ' . $name . ' (' . $size . ') [' . $apart->getType() . "]\n" . sprintf(_("Download link: %s"), $url) . "\n";
         if ($html) {
             $ol->appendChild($li = $dom->createElement('LI'));
             $li->appendChild($dom->createElement('STRONG', $name));
             $li->appendChild($dom->createTextNode(' (' . $size . ') [' . htmlspecialchars($apart->getType()) . ']'));
             $li->appendChild($dom->createTextNode(_("Download link") . ': '));
             $li->appendChild($a = $dom->createElement('A', htmlspecialchars($url)));
             $a->setAttribute('href', $url);
Beispiel #18
 public function getInitialPage()
     return strval(IMP::getInitialPage()->url->setRaw(true));
Beispiel #19
echo _("Your signature to use when composing with the HTML editor (if empty, the text signature will be used)") . ($this->img_limit ? ' (' . sprintf(_("maximum total image size is %s"), IMP::sizeFormat($this->img_limit)) . ')' : '');

<div class="fixed">
 <textarea id="signature_html" name="signature_html" rows="4" cols="80" class="fixed"><?php 
echo $this->h($this->signature);
Beispiel #20
  * Render the object.
  * @param boolean $inline  Viewing inline?
  * @return array  See parent::render().
 protected function _impRender($inline)
     global $injector, $prefs, $registry;
     $cache = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->getViewCache();
     $mime_id = $this->_mimepart->getMimeId();
     if (isset($cache->plain[$mime_id])) {
         return array($mime_id => null);
     // Trim extra whitespace in the text.
     $charset = $this->_mimepart->getCharset();
     $text = trim($this->_mimepart->getContents());
     if ($text == '') {
         return array($mime_id => array('data' => '', 'type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $charset));
     // Convert to the local charset.
     if ($inline) {
         $text = Horde_String::convertCharset($text, $charset, 'UTF-8');
         $charset = $this->getConfigParam('charset');
     $type = 'text/html; charset=' . $charset;
     // Check for 'flowed' text data.
     if ($this->_mimepart->getContentTypeParameter('format') == 'flowed') {
         $text = $this->_formatFlowed($text, $this->_mimepart->getContentTypeParameter('delsp'));
     } else {
         /* A "From" located at the beginning of a line in the body text
          * will be escaped with a '>' by the IMAP server.  Remove this
          * escape character or else the line will display as being
          * quoted. Flowed conversion would have already taken care of this
          * for us. */
         $text = preg_replace('/(\\n+)> ?From(\\s+)/', "\$1From\$2", $text);
     $text = IMP::filterText($text);
     /* Done processing if in minimal mode. */
     if ($registry->getView() == Horde_Registry::VIEW_MINIMAL) {
         $filters = array('text2html' => array('charset' => $charset, 'parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::NOHTML_NOBREAK));
         $text = $this->_textFilter($text, array_keys($filters), array_values($filters));
         return array($mime_id => array('data' => $text, 'type' => $type));
     // Build filter stack. Starts with HTML markup and tab expansion.
     $filters = array('text2html' => array('charset' => $charset, 'parselevel' => $inline ? Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::MICRO : Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::MICRO_LINKURL), 'tabs2spaces' => array());
     // Highlight quoted parts of an email.
     if ($prefs->getValue('highlight_text')) {
         $hideBlocks = $js_blocks = false;
         if ($registry->getView() !== $registry::VIEW_SMARTMOBILE) {
             $js_blocks = $inline;
             if ($inline) {
                 $show = $prefs->getValue('show_quoteblocks');
                 $hideBlocks = $show == 'hidden' || $show == 'thread' && $injector->getInstance('Horde_Variables')->page == 'thread';
                 if (!$hideBlocks && in_array($show, array('list', 'listthread'))) {
                     $header = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->getHeader();
                     $list_info = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message_Ui')->getListInformation($header);
                     $hideBlocks = $list_info['exists'];
         if ($js_blocks) {
             $filters['highlightquotes'] = array('hideBlocks' => $hideBlocks, 'noJS' => $registry->getView() == Horde_Registry::VIEW_DYNAMIC);
         } else {
             $filters['Horde_Text_Filter_Highlightquotes'] = array('hideBlocks' => $hideBlocks);
     // Highlight simple markup of an email.
     if ($prefs->getValue('highlight_simple_markup')) {
         $filters['simplemarkup'] = array();
     // Dim signatures.
     if ($prefs->getValue('dim_signature')) {
         $filters['dimsignature'] = array();
     if ($prefs->getValue('emoticons')) {
         $filters['emoticons'] = array('entities' => true);
     // Run filters.
     $status = array();
     $text = $this->_textFilter($text, array_keys($filters), array_values($filters));
     if (strlen($text)) {
         // Wordwrap.
         $text = str_replace(array('  ', "\n "), array(' &nbsp;', "\n&nbsp;"), $text);
         if (!strncmp($text, ' ', 1)) {
             $text = '&nbsp;' . substr($text, 1);
     } else {
         $error = new IMP_Mime_Status(array(_("Cannot display message text."), _("The message part may contain incorrect character set information preventing correct display.")));
         $status[] = $error;
     return array($mime_id => array('data' => "<div class=\"fixed leftAlign\">\n" . $text . '</div>', 'status' => $status, 'type' => $type));
Beispiel #21
  * Obtains IMAP overview data for a given set of message UIDs.
  * @param IMP_Mailbox $mbox  The current mailbox.
  * @param array $msglist     The list of message sequence numbers to
  *                           process.
  * @return array  TODO
  * @throws Horde_Exception
 private function _getOverviewData($mbox, $msglist)
     global $injector, $prefs;
     $msgs = array();
     if (empty($msglist)) {
         return $msgs;
     /* Get mailbox information. */
     $flags = $mbox->access_flags;
     $imp_flags = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Flags');
     $imp_ui = new IMP_Mailbox_Ui($mbox);
     $list_ob = $mbox->list_ob;
     $overview = $list_ob->getMailboxArray($msglist, array('headers' => true, 'type' => $prefs->getValue('atc_flag')));
     /* Display message information. */
     while (list(, $ob) = each($overview['overview'])) {
         /* Get all the flag information. */
         $msg = array('flag' => $flags ? array_map('strval', $imp_flags->parse(array('flags' => $ob['flags'], 'headers' => $ob['headers'], 'runhook' => $ob, 'personal' => $ob['envelope']->to))) : array());
         /* Format size information. */
         $msg['size'] = IMP::sizeFormat($ob['size']);
         /* Format the Date: Header. */
         $msg['date'] = $imp_ui->getDate(isset($ob['envelope']->date) ? $ob['envelope']->date : null);
         /* Format the From: Header. */
         $getfrom = $imp_ui->getFrom($ob['envelope']);
         $msg['from'] = $getfrom['from'];
         if ($getfrom['from'] !== $getfrom['from_addr']) {
             $msg['fromaddr'] = $getfrom['from_addr'];
         /* Format the Subject: Header. */
         $msg['subject'] = $imp_ui->getSubject($ob['envelope']->subject);
         /* Check to see if this is a list message. Namely, we want to
          * check for 'List-Post' information because that is the header
          * that gives the e-mail address to reply to, which is all we
          * care about. */
         if ($ob['headers']->getValue('list-post')) {
             $msg['listmsg'] = 1;
         $msgs[$list_ob->getBuid($ob['mailbox'], $ob['uid'])] = $msg;
     /* Allow user to alter template array. */
     try {
         $msgs = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Hooks')->callHook('mailboxarray', 'imp', array($msgs));
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
     return $msgs;
Beispiel #22
 protected function _title()
     return Horde::link(IMP::getInitialPage()->url) . $GLOBALS['registry']->get('name') . '</a>';
Beispiel #23
  * Return subject header data.
  * @return array  Array with these possible keys:
  * <pre>
  *   - subject: (string) The subject.
  *   - subjectlink: (string) The subject with linked URLs/email addresses
  *                  (if not present, is same as 'subject').
  *   - title: (string) The title of the page derived from the subject.
  * </pre>
 public function getSubject()
     global $injector;
     if (!isset($this->_cache['subject'])) {
         $out = array();
         if (strlen($subject = $this->_envelope->subject)) {
             $text_filter = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter');
             $filtered_subject = preg_replace("/\\b\\s+\\b/", ' ', IMP::filterText($subject));
             $out['subject'] = $text_filter->filter($filtered_subject, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::NOHTML));
             $subjectlink = $text_filter->filter($filtered_subject, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::MICRO));
             if ($subjectlink != $out['subject']) {
                 $out['subjectlink'] = $subjectlink;
             $out['title'] = $subject;
         } else {
             $out['subject'] = $out['title'] = _("[No Subject]");
         $this->_cache['subject'] = $out;
     return $this->_cache['subject'];
Beispiel #24
  * Sets a property with a specified value.
  * @see setValue()
 public function setValue($key, $val, $identity = null)
     switch ($key) {
         case 'alias_addr':
         case 'bcc_addr':
         case 'replyto_addr':
         case 'tieto_addr':
             if (is_string($val) && strpbrk($val, "\r\n") !== false) {
                 $val = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $val);
             /* Validate Reply-To, Alias, Tie-to, and BCC addresses. */
             $ob = IMP::parseAddressList($val, array('limit' => $val == 'replyto_addr' ? 1 : 0));
             foreach ($ob as $address) {
                 try {
                     IMP::parseAddressList($address, array('validate' => true));
                 } catch (Horde_Mail_Exception $e) {
                     throw new Horde_Prefs_Exception(sprintf(_("\"%s\" is not a valid email address.", strval($address))));
             $val = $ob->addresses;
         case IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT:
             $val = IMP_Mailbox::prefTo($val);
     return parent::setValue($key, $val, $identity);
Beispiel #25
  * Sets a property with a specified value.
  * @see setValue()
 public function setValue($key, $val, $identity = null)
     switch ($key) {
         case 'alias_addr':
         case 'bcc_addr':
         case 'replyto_addr':
         case 'tieto_addr':
             if (is_string($val) && strpbrk($val, "\r\n") !== false) {
                 $val = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $val);
             /* Validate Reply-To, Alias, Tie-to, and BCC addresses. */
             $val = IMP::parseAddressList($val, array('limit' => $val == 'replyto_addr' ? 1 : 0))->addresses;
         case IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT:
             $val = IMP_Mailbox::prefTo($val);
     return parent::setValue($key, $val, $identity);
Beispiel #26
 protected function _init()
     global $browser, $injector, $notification, $page_output, $prefs, $registry, $session;
     /* Mailto link handler: redirect based on current view. */
     if ($this->vars->actionID == 'mailto_link') {
         switch ($registry->getView()) {
             case Horde_Registry::VIEW_DYNAMIC:
             case Horde_Registry::VIEW_MINIMAL:
     /* The message headers and text. */
     $header = array();
     $msg = '';
     $redirect = $resume = $spellcheck = false;
     $oldrtemode = $rtemode = null;
     /* Is this a popup window? */
     if ($isPopup = $prefs->getValue('compose_popup') || $this->vars->popup) {
         $page_output->topbar = $page_output->sidebar = false;
     /* Set the current identity. */
     $identity = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Identity');
     if (!$prefs->isLocked('default_identity') && !is_null($this->vars->identity)) {
     if ($this->vars->actionID) {
         switch ($this->vars->actionID) {
             case 'draft':
             case 'editasnew':
             case 'forward_attach':
             case 'forward_auto':
             case 'forward_body':
             case 'forward_both':
             case 'fwd_digest':
             case 'mailto':
             case 'mailto_link':
             case 'reply':
             case 'reply_all':
             case 'reply_auto':
             case 'reply_list':
             case 'redirect_compose':
             case 'template':
             case 'template_edit':
             case 'template_new':
                 /* These are all safe actions that might be invoked without a
                  * token. */
                 try {
                 } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                     $this->vars->actionID = null;
     /* Check for duplicate submits. */
     if ($reload = $this->vars->compose_formToken) {
         try {
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             $notification->push(_("You have already submitted this page."), 'horde.error');
             $this->vars->actionID = null;
     /* Determine if compose mode is disabled. */
     $compose_disable = !IMP_Compose::canCompose();
     /* Determine if mailboxes are readonly. */
     $draft = IMP_Mailbox::getPref(IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_DRAFTS);
     $readonly_drafts = $draft && $draft->readonly;
     $sent_mail = $identity->getValue(IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT);
     if (!$sent_mail) {
         $readonly_sentmail = $save_sent_mail = false;
     } elseif ($sent_mail->readonly) {
         $readonly_sentmail = true;
         $save_sent_mail = false;
     } else {
         $readonly_sentmail = false;
         $save_sent_mail = $reload ? (bool) $this->vars->save_sent_mail : true;
     /* Initialize the IMP_Compose:: object. */
     $imp_compose = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Compose')->create($this->vars->composeCache);
     /* Init objects. */
     $imp_imap = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Imap')->create();
     $imp_ui = new IMP_Compose_Ui();
     /* Determine the composition type - text or HTML.
        $rtemode is null if browser does not support it. */
     if ($session->get('imp', 'rteavail')) {
         if ($prefs->isLocked('compose_html')) {
             $rtemode = $prefs->getValue('compose_html');
         } else {
             $rtemode = $this->vars->rtemode;
             if (is_null($rtemode)) {
                 $rtemode = $prefs->getValue('compose_html');
             } else {
                 $rtemode = intval($rtemode);
                 $oldrtemode = intval($this->vars->oldrtemode);
     /* Update the file attachment information. */
     $attach_upload = $imp_compose->canUploadAttachment();
     if ($attach_upload) {
         /* Only notify if we are reloading the compose screen. */
         $notify = !in_array($this->vars->actionID, array('send_message', 'save_draft'));
         $deleteList = Horde_Util::getPost('delattachments', array());
         /* Update the attachment information. */
         foreach ($imp_compose as $key => $val) {
             if (!in_array($key, $deleteList)) {
                 $val->getPart()->setDescription($this->vars->filter('file_description_' . $key));
                 $imp_compose[$key] = $val;
         /* Delete attachments. */
         foreach ($deleteList as $val) {
             if ($notify) {
                 $notification->push(sprintf(_("Deleted attachment \"%s\"."), $imp_compose[$val]->getPart()->getName(true)), 'horde.success');
         /* Add attachments. */
         for ($i = 1, $fcount = count($_FILES); $i <= $fcount; ++$i) {
             if (isset($_FILES['upload_' . $i]) && strlen($_FILES['upload_' . $i]['name'])) {
                 try {
                     $atc_ob = $imp_compose->addAttachmentFromUpload('upload_' . $i);
                     if ($atc_ob[0] instanceof IMP_Compose_Exception) {
                         throw $atc_ob[0];
                     if ($notify) {
                         $notification->push(sprintf(_("Added \"%s\" as an attachment."), $atc_ob[0]->getPart()->getName()), 'horde.success');
                 } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
                     /* Any error will cancel the current action. */
                     $this->vars->actionID = null;
                     $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
     /* Get message priority. */
     $priority = $this->vars->get('priority', 'normal');
     /* Request read receipt? */
     $request_read_receipt = (bool) $this->vars->request_read_receipt;
     /* Run through the action handlers. */
     $this->title = _("New Message");
     switch ($this->vars->actionID) {
         case 'mailto':
             try {
                 $contents = $this->_getContents();
             } catch (IMP_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
             $imp_headers = $contents->getHeader();
             $header['to'] = '';
             if ($this->vars->mailto) {
                 $header['to'] = $imp_headers->getValue('to');
             if (empty($header['to'])) {
                 ($header['to'] = strval($imp_headers->getOb('from'))) || ($header['to'] = strval($imp_headers->getOb('reply-to')));
         case 'mailto_link':
             $clink = new IMP_Compose_Link($this->vars);
             if (isset($clink->args['body'])) {
                 $msg = $clink->args['body'];
             foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject') as $val) {
                 if (isset($clink->args[$val])) {
                     $header[$val] = $clink->args[$val];
         case 'draft':
         case 'editasnew':
         case 'template':
         case 'template_edit':
             try {
                 switch ($this->vars->actionID) {
                     case 'draft':
                         $result = $imp_compose->resumeDraft($this->indices);
                         $resume = true;
                     case 'editasnew':
                         $result = $imp_compose->editAsNew($this->indices);
                     case 'template':
                         $result = $imp_compose->useTemplate($this->indices);
                     case 'template_edit':
                         $result = $imp_compose->editTemplate($this->indices);
                         $this->vars->template_mode = true;
                 if (!is_null($rtemode)) {
                     $rtemode = $result['format'] == 'html';
                 $msg = $result['body'];
                 $header = array_merge($header, $this->_convertToHeader($result));
                 if (!is_null($result['identity']) && $result['identity'] != $identity->getDefault() && !$prefs->isLocked('default_identity')) {
                     $sent_mail = $identity->getValue(IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT);
                 $priority = $result['priority'];
                 $request_read_receipt = $result['readreceipt'];
             } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
         case 'reply':
         case 'reply_all':
         case 'reply_auto':
         case 'reply_list':
             try {
                 $contents = $this->_getContents();
             } catch (IMP_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
             $reply_map = array('reply' => IMP_Compose::REPLY_SENDER, 'reply_all' => IMP_Compose::REPLY_ALL, 'reply_auto' => IMP_Compose::REPLY_AUTO, 'reply_list' => IMP_Compose::REPLY_LIST);
             $reply_msg = $imp_compose->replyMessage($reply_map[$this->vars->actionID], $contents, array('to' => $this->vars->to));
             $msg = $reply_msg['body'];
             $header = $this->_convertToHeader($reply_msg);
             $format = $reply_msg['format'];
             switch ($reply_msg['type']) {
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_SENDER:
                     $this->vars->actionID = 'reply';
                     $this->title = _("Reply:");
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_ALL:
                     if ($this->vars->actionID == 'reply_auto') {
                         $recip_list = $imp_compose->recipientList($header);
                         if (!empty($recip_list['list'])) {
                             $replyauto_all = count($recip_list['list']);
                     $this->vars->actionID = 'reply_all';
                     $this->title = _("Reply to All:");
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_LIST:
                     if ($this->vars->actionID == 'reply_auto') {
                         $replyauto_list = true;
                         if (($parse_list = $injector->getInstance('Horde_ListHeaders')->parse('list-id', $contents->getHeader()->getValue('list-id'))) && !is_null($parse_list->label)) {
                             $replyauto_list_id = $parse_list->label;
                     $this->vars->actionID = 'reply_list';
                     $this->title = _("Reply to List:");
             if (!empty($reply_msg['lang'])) {
                 $reply_lang = array_values($reply_msg['lang']);
             $this->title .= ' ' . $header['subject'];
             if (!is_null($rtemode)) {
                 $rtemode = $rtemode || $format == 'html';
         case 'replyall_revert':
         case 'replylist_revert':
             try {
                 $reply_msg = $imp_compose->replyMessage(IMP_Compose::REPLY_SENDER, $imp_compose->getContentsOb());
                 $header = $this->_convertToHeader($reply_msg);
             } catch (IMP_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
         case 'forward_attach':
         case 'forward_auto':
         case 'forward_body':
         case 'forward_both':
             $fwd_map = array('forward_attach' => IMP_Compose::FORWARD_ATTACH, 'forward_auto' => IMP_Compose::FORWARD_AUTO, 'forward_body' => IMP_Compose::FORWARD_BODY, 'forward_both' => IMP_Compose::FORWARD_BOTH);
             try {
                 $fwd_msg = $imp_compose->forwardMessage($fwd_map[$this->vars->actionID], $this->_getContents());
             } catch (IMP_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
             $msg = $fwd_msg['body'];
             $header = $this->_convertToHeader($fwd_msg);
             $format = $fwd_msg['format'];
             $rtemode = $rtemode || !is_null($rtemode) && $format == 'html';
             $this->title = $fwd_msg['title'];
         case 'redirect_compose':
             try {
                 $redirect = true;
                 $this->title = ngettext("Redirect", "Redirect Messages", count($this->indices));
             } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
                 $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
         case 'redirect_send':
             try {
                 $num_msgs = $imp_compose->sendRedirectMessage($this->vars->to);
                 if ($isPopup) {
                     if ($prefs->getValue('compose_confirm')) {
                         $notification->push(ngettext("Message redirected successfully.", "Messages redirected successfully", count($num_msgs)), 'horde.success');
                     echo Horde::wrapInlineScript(array('window.close();'));
                 } else {
                     $notification->push(ngettext("Message redirected successfully.", "Messages redirected successfully", count($num_msgs)), 'horde.success');
             } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                 $this->vars->actionID = 'redirect_compose';
         case 'auto_save_draft':
         case 'save_draft':
         case 'save_template':
         case 'send_message':
             // Drafts readonly is handled below.
             if ($compose_disable && $this->vars->actionID == 'send_message') {
             try {
                 $header['from'] = strval($identity->getFromLine(null, $this->vars->from));
             } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                 $header['from'] = '';
             $header['to'] = $this->vars->to;
             $header['cc'] = $this->vars->cc;
             $header['bcc'] = $this->vars->bcc;
             $header['subject'] = strval($this->vars->subject);
             $message = strval($this->vars->message);
             /* Save the draft. */
             switch ($this->vars->actionID) {
                 case 'auto_save_draft':
                 case 'save_draft':
                 case 'save_template':
                     if (!$readonly_drafts || $this->vars->actionID == 'save_template') {
                         $save_opts = array('html' => $rtemode, 'priority' => $priority, 'readreceipt' => $request_read_receipt);
                         try {
                             switch ($this->vars->actionID) {
                                 case 'save_template':
                                     $result = $imp_compose->saveTemplate($header, $message, $save_opts);
                                     $result = $imp_compose->saveDraft($header, $message, $save_opts);
                             /* Closing draft if requested by preferences. */
                             switch ($this->vars->actionID) {
                                 case 'save_draft':
                                     if ($isPopup) {
                                         if ($prefs->getValue('close_draft')) {
                                             echo Horde::wrapInlineScript(array('window.close();'));
                                         $notification->push($result, 'horde.success');
                                     } else {
                                         $notification->push($result, 'horde.success');
                                         if ($prefs->getValue('close_draft')) {
                                 case 'save_template':
                                     if ($isPopup) {
                                         echo Horde::wrapInlineScript(array('window.close();'));
                                     $notification->push($result, 'horde.success');
                         } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
                             if ($this->vars->actionID == 'save_draft') {
                     if ($this->vars->actionID == 'auto_save_draft') {
                         $r = new stdClass();
                         $r->requestToken = $session->getToken();
                         $r->formToken = $session->getNonce();
                         $response = new Horde_Core_Ajax_Response_HordeCore($r);
                     $header['replyto'] = $identity->getValue('replyto_addr');
                     if ($this->vars->sent_mail) {
                         $sent_mail = IMP_Mailbox::formFrom($this->vars->sent_mail);
                     try {
                         $imp_compose->buildAndSendMessage($message, $header, $identity, array('encrypt' => $prefs->isLocked('default_encrypt') ? $prefs->getValue('default_encrypt') : $this->vars->encrypt_options, 'html' => $rtemode, 'pgp_attach_pubkey' => $this->vars->pgp_attach_pubkey, 'priority' => $priority, 'save_sent' => $save_sent_mail, 'sent_mail' => $sent_mail, 'signature' => $this->vars->signature, 'strip_attachments' => !$this->vars->save_attachments_select, 'readreceipt' => $request_read_receipt, 'vcard_attach' => $this->vars->vcard ? $identity->getValue('fullname') : null));
                         if ($isPopup) {
                             if ($prefs->getValue('compose_confirm')) {
                                 $notification->push(_("Message sent successfully."), 'horde.success');
                             echo Horde::wrapInlineScript(array('window.close();'));
                         } else {
                             $notification->push(_("Message sent successfully."), 'horde.success');
                     } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
                         $code = $e->getCode();
                         $notification->push($e->getMessage(), strpos($code, 'horde.') === 0 ? $code : 'horde.error');
                         /* Switch to tied identity. */
                         if (!is_null($e->tied_identity)) {
                             $notification->push(_("Your identity has been switched to the identity associated with the current recipient address. The identity will not be checked again during this compose action."));
                         switch ($e->encrypt) {
                             case 'pgp_symmetric_passphrase_dialog':
                                 $imp_ui->passphraseDialog('pgp_symm', $imp_compose->getCacheId());
                             case 'pgp_passphrase_dialog':
                             case 'smime_passphrase_dialog':
         case 'fwd_digest':
             if (count($this->indices)) {
                 try {
                     $res = $imp_compose->forwardMultipleMessages($this->indices);
                     $header['subject'] = $res['subject'];
                     $fwd_msg = array('type' => IMP_Compose::FORWARD_ATTACH);
                 } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
                     $notification->push($e, 'horde.error');
         case 'cancel_compose':
         case 'discard_compose':
             $imp_compose->destroy($this->vars->actionID == 'cancel_compose' ? 'cancel' : 'discard');
             if ($isPopup) {
                 echo Horde::wrapInlineScript(array('window.close();'));
             } else {
         case 'template_new':
             $this->vars->template_mode = true;
     /* Get the message cache ID. */
     $composeCacheID = filter_var($imp_compose->getCacheId(), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     /* Attach autocompleters to the compose form elements. */
     if ($redirect) {
     } else {
         $imp_ui->attachAutoCompleter(array('to', 'cc', 'bcc'));
         $spellcheck = $imp_ui->attachSpellChecker();
         $page_output->addScriptFile('ieescguard.js', 'horde');
     $max_attach = $imp_compose->additionalAttachmentsAllowed();
     /* Get the URL to use for the cancel action. If the attachments cache
      * is not empty, or this is the resume drafts page, we must reload
      * this page and delete the attachments and/or the draft message. */
     if ($isPopup) {
         if ($resume || count($imp_compose)) {
             $cancel_url = self::url()->setRaw(true)->add(array('actionID' => 'cancel_compose', 'compose_requestToken' => $session->getToken(), 'composeCache' => $composeCacheID, 'popup' => 1));
             $discard_url = clone $cancel_url;
             $discard_url->add('actionID', 'discard_compose');
         } else {
             $cancel_url = $discard_url = '';
     } elseif ($resume || count($imp_compose)) {
         $cancel_url = $this->_mailboxReturnUrl(self::url()->setRaw(true))->setRaw(true)->add(array('actionID' => 'cancel_compose', 'compose_requestToken' => $session->getToken(), 'composeCache' => $composeCacheID));
         $discard_url = clone $cancel_url;
         $discard_url->add('actionID', 'discard_compose');
     } else {
         $cancel_url = $discard_url = $this->_mailboxReturnUrl(false)->setRaw(true);
     /* Grab any data that we were supplied with. */
     if (!strlen($msg)) {
         $msg = $this->vars->get('message', strval($this->vars->body));
         if ($browser->hasQuirk('double_linebreak_textarea')) {
             $msg = preg_replace('/(\\r?\\n){3}/', '$1', $msg);
         $msg = "\n" . $msg;
     if (isset($this->vars->signature)) {
         $signature = $this->vars->signature;
         if ($browser->hasQuirk('double_linebreak_textarea')) {
             $signature = preg_replace('/(\\r?\\n){3}/', '$1', $signature);
         $signatureChanged = $signature != $identity->getSignature($oldrtemode ? 'html' : 'text');
     } else {
         $signatureChanged = false;
     /* Convert from Text -> HTML or vice versa if RTE mode changed. */
     if (!is_null($oldrtemode) && $oldrtemode != $rtemode) {
         $msg = $imp_ui->convertComposeText($msg, $rtemode ? 'html' : 'text');
         if ($signatureChanged) {
             $signature = $imp_ui->convertComposeText($signature, $rtemode ? 'html' : 'text');
     /* If this is the first page load for this compose item, add auto BCC
      * addresses. */
     if (!$reload && !$resume) {
         $header['bcc'] = strval($identity->getBccAddresses());
     foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc') as $val) {
         if (!isset($header[$val])) {
             $header[$val] = $this->vars->{$val};
     if (!isset($header['subject'])) {
         $header['subject'] = $this->vars->subject;
     /* If PGP encryption is set by default, and we have a recipient list
      * on first load, make sure we have public keys for all recipients. */
     $encrypt_options = $prefs->isLocked('default_encrypt') ? $prefs->getValue('default_encrypt') : $this->vars->encrypt_options;
     if ($prefs->getValue('use_pgp') && !$prefs->isLocked('default_encrypt') && $prefs->getValue('pgp_reply_pubkey')) {
         $default_encrypt = $prefs->getValue('default_encrypt');
         if (!$reload && in_array($default_encrypt, array(IMP_Crypt_Pgp::ENCRYPT, IMP_Crypt_Pgp::SIGNENC))) {
             $addrs = $imp_compose->recipientList($header);
             if (!empty($addrs['list'])) {
                 $imp_pgp = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Crypt_Pgp');
                 try {
                     foreach ($addrs['list'] as $val) {
                 } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                     $notification->push(_("PGP encryption cannot be used by default as public keys cannot be found for all recipients."), 'horde.warning');
                     $encrypt_options = $default_encrypt == IMP_Crypt_Pgp::ENCRYPT ? IMP::ENCRYPT_NONE : IMP_Crypt_Pgp::SIGN;
     /* Define some variables used in the javascript code. */
     $js_vars = array('ImpComposeBase.editor_on' => $rtemode, 'ImpCompose.auto_save' => intval($prefs->getValue('auto_save_drafts')), 'ImpCompose.cancel_url' => strval($cancel_url), 'ImpCompose.cursor_pos' => $rtemode ? null : $prefs->getValue('compose_cursor'), 'ImpCompose.discard_url' => strval($discard_url), 'ImpCompose.max_attachments' => $max_attach === true ? null : $max_attach, 'ImpCompose.popup' => intval($isPopup), 'ImpCompose.redirect' => intval($redirect), 'ImpCompose.reloaded' => intval($reload), 'ImpCompose.sm_check' => intval(!$prefs->isLocked(IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT)), 'ImpCompose.spellcheck' => intval($spellcheck && $prefs->getValue('compose_spellcheck')), 'ImpCompose.text' => array('cancel' => _("Cancelling this message will permanently discard its contents.") . "\n" . _("Are you sure you want to do this?"), 'change_identity' => _("You have edited your signature. Change the identity and lose your changes?"), 'discard' => _("Doing so will discard this message permanently."), 'file' => _("File"), 'nosubject' => _("The message does not have a Subject entered.") . "\n" . _("Send message without a Subject?"), 'recipient' => _("You must specify a recipient.")));
     /* Set up the base view now. */
     $view = $injector->createInstance('Horde_View');
     $view->allow_compose = !$compose_disable;
     $view->post_action = self::url();
     $blank_url = new Horde_Url('#');
     if ($redirect) {
         /* Prepare the redirect template. */
         $view->cacheid = $composeCacheID;
         $view->title = $this->title;
         $view->token = $session->getToken();
         if ($registry->hasMethod('contacts/search')) {
             $view->abook = $blank_url->copy()->link(array('class' => 'widget', 'id' => 'redirect_abook', 'title' => _("Address Book")));
             $js_vars['ImpCompose.redirect_contacts'] = strval(IMP_Basic_Contacts::url()->add(array('to_only' => 1))->setRaw(true));
         $view->input_value = $header['to'];
         $this->output = $view->render('basic/compose/redirect');
     } else {
         /* Prepare the compose template. */
         $view->file_upload = $attach_upload;
         $hidden = array('actionID' => '', 'attachmentAction' => '', 'compose_formToken' => $session->getNonce(), 'compose_requestToken' => $session->getToken(), 'composeCache' => $composeCacheID, 'composeHmac' => $imp_compose->getHmac(), 'oldrtemode' => $rtemode, 'rtemode' => $rtemode, 'user' => $registry->getAuth());
         if ($attach_upload) {
             $hidden['MAX_FILE_SIZE'] = $session->get('imp', 'file_upload');
         foreach (array('page', 'start', 'popup', 'template_mode') as $val) {
             $hidden[$val] = $this->vars->{$val};
         $view->hidden = $hidden;
         $view->tabindex = 1;
         $view->title = $this->title;
         if (!$this->vars->template_mode) {
             $view->send_msg = true;
             $view->save_draft = $imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_DRAFTS) && !$readonly_drafts;
         $view->resume = $resume;
         $view->di_locked = $prefs->isLocked('default_identity');
         if ($view->di_locked) {
             $view->fromaddr_locked = $prefs->isLocked('from_addr');
             try {
                 $view->from = $identity->getFromLine(null, $this->vars->from);
             } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
         } else {
             $select_list = $identity->getSelectList();
             $view->last_identity = $identity->getDefault();
             if (count($select_list) > 1) {
                 $view->count_select_list = true;
                 $t_select_list = array();
                 foreach ($select_list as $key => $select) {
                     $t_select_list[] = array('label' => $select, 'selected' => $key == $identity->getDefault(), 'value' => $key);
                 $view->select_list = $t_select_list;
             } else {
                 $view->identity_default = $identity->getDefault();
                 $view->identity_text = $select_list[0];
         $view->signature = $identity->hasSignature(true);
         $addr_array = array('to' => _("_To"), 'cc' => _("_Cc"), 'bcc' => _("_Bcc"));
         $address_array = array();
         foreach ($addr_array as $val => $label) {
             $address_array[] = array('id' => $val, 'label' => $label, 'val' => $header[$val]);
         $view->addr = $address_array;
         $view->subject = $header['subject'];
         if ($prefs->getValue('set_priority')) {
             $view->set_priority = true;
             $priorities = array('high' => _("High"), 'normal' => _("Normal"), 'low' => _("Low"));
             $priority_option = array();
             foreach ($priorities as $key => $val) {
                 $priority_option[] = array('label' => $val, 'selected' => $priority == $key, 'val' => $key);
             $view->pri_opt = $priority_option;
         $compose_options = array();
         if ($registry->hasMethod('contacts/search')) {
             $compose_options[] = array('url' => $blank_url->copy()->link(array('class' => 'widget', 'id' => 'addressbook_popup')), 'img' => Horde_Themes_Image::tag('addressbook_browse.png'), 'label' => _("Address Book"));
             $js_vars['ImpCompose.contacts_url'] = strval(IMP_Basic_Contacts::url()->setRaw(true));
         if ($spellcheck) {
             $compose_options[] = array('url' => $blank_url->copy()->link(array('class' => 'widget', 'id' => 'spellcheck')), 'img' => '', 'label' => '');
         if ($attach_upload) {
             $url = new Horde_Url('#attachments');
             $compose_options[] = array('url' => $url->link(array('class' => 'widget')), 'img' => Horde_Themes_Image::tag('attachment.png'), 'label' => _("Attachments"));
         $view->compose_options = $compose_options;
         if ($imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FOLDERS) && !$prefs->isLocked('save_sent_mail')) {
             $view->ssm = true;
             if ($readonly_sentmail) {
                 $notification->push(sprintf(_("Cannot save sent-mail message to \"%s\" as that mailbox is read-only.", $sent_mail->display), 'horde.warning'));
             $view->ssm_selected = $reload ? $save_sent_mail : $sent_mail && $identity->saveSentmail();
             if ($this->vars->sent_mail) {
                 $sent_mail = IMP_Mailbox::formFrom($this->vars->sent_mail);
             if (!$prefs->isLocked(IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_SENT)) {
                 $iterator = new IMP_Ftree_IteratorFilter($injector->getInstance('IMP_Ftree'));
                 $iterator->mboxes = array('INBOX');
                 $ssm_options = array('abbrev' => false, 'basename' => true, 'iterator' => $iterator, 'selected' => $sent_mail);
                 /* Check to make sure the sent-mail mailbox is created -
                  * it needs to exist to show up in drop-down list. */
                 if ($sent_mail) {
                 $view->ssm_mboxes = new IMP_Ftree_Select($ssm_options);
             } else {
                 if ($sent_mail) {
                     $sent_mail = '&quot;' . $sent_mail->display_html . '&quot;';
                 $view->ssm_mbox = $sent_mail;
         $view->rrr_selected = $prefs->isLocked('request_mdn') ? null : $prefs->getValue('request_mdn') == 'always' || $request_read_receipt;
         if (!is_null($rtemode) && !$prefs->isLocked('compose_html')) {
             $view->compose_html = true;
             $view->html_switch = $blank_url->copy()->link(array('id' => 'rte_toggle', 'title' => _("Switch Composition Method")));
             $view->rtemode = $rtemode;
         if (isset($replyauto_all)) {
             $view->replyauto_all = $replyauto_all;
         } elseif (isset($replyauto_list)) {
             $view->replyauto_list = true;
             if (isset($replyauto_list_id)) {
                 $view->replyauto_list_id = $replyauto_list_id;
         if (isset($reply_lang)) {
             $view->reply_lang = implode(',', $reply_lang);
         $view->message = $msg;
         if ($signatureChanged) {
             $view->signatureContent = $signature;
         if ($prefs->getValue('use_pgp') || $prefs->getValue('use_smime')) {
             if ($prefs->isLocked('default_encrypt')) {
                 $view->use_encrypt = false;
             } else {
                 $view->use_encrypt = true;
                 $view->encrypt_options = $imp_ui->encryptList($encrypt_options);
             if ($prefs->getValue('use_pgp') && $prefs->getValue('pgp_public_key')) {
                 $view->pgp_options = true;
                 $view->pgp_attach_pubkey = $reload ? $this->vars->pgp_attach_pubkey : $prefs->getValue('pgp_attach_pubkey');
         if ($registry->hasMethod('contacts/ownVCard')) {
             $view->vcard = true;
             $view->attach_vcard = $this->vars->vcard;
         if ($attach_upload) {
             $view->attach_size = IMP::numberFormat($imp_compose->maxAttachmentSize(), 0);
             $view->maxattachmentnumber = !$max_attach;
             $save_attach = $prefs->getValue('save_attachments');
             if ($view->ssm && !$prefs->isLocked('save_attachments')) {
                 $view->show_link_save_attach = true;
                 $view->attach_options = array(array('label' => _("Save attachments with message in sent-mail mailbox?"), 'name' => 'save_attachments_select', 'val' => $reload ? $this->vars->save_attachments_select : $save_attach == 'always'));
             if (count($imp_compose)) {
                 $view->numberattach = true;
                 $atc = array();
                 $v = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_MimeViewer');
                 foreach ($imp_compose as $data) {
                     $mime = $data->getPart();
                     $type = $mime->getType();
                     $entry = array('name' => $mime->getName(true), 'icon' => $v->getIcon($type), 'number' => $data->id, 'type' => $type, 'size' => $mime->getSize(), 'description' => $mime->getDescription(true));
                     if (!(isset($fwd_msg) && $fwd_msg['type'] != IMP_Compose::FORWARD_BODY) && $type != 'application/octet-stream') {
                         $entry['name'] = $data->viewUrl()->link(array('class' => 'link', 'target' => 'compose_preview_window', 'title' => _("Preview"))) . htmlspecialchars($entry['name']) . '</a>';
                     $atc[] = $entry;
                 $view->atc = $atc;
         $this->output = $view->render('basic/compose/compose');
     if (!$redirect) {
     if ($rtemode && !$redirect) {
Beispiel #27
 protected function _init()
     global $injector, $notification, $page_output, $prefs, $registry, $session;
     $mailbox = $this->indices->mailbox;
     /* Call the mailbox redirection hook, if requested. */
     try {
         $redirect = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Hooks')->callHook('mbox_redirect', 'imp', array($mailbox));
         if (!empty($redirect)) {
             Horde::url($redirect, true)->redirect();
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
     $mailbox_url = Horde::url('basic.php')->add('page', 'mailbox');
     $mailbox_imp_url = $mailbox->url('mailbox')->add('newmail', 1);
     $imp_flags = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Flags');
     $imp_imap = $mailbox->imp_imap;
     $imp_search = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Search');
     /* Run through the action handlers */
     if (($actionID = $this->vars->actionID) && $actionID != 'message_missing') {
         try {
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             $actionID = null;
     /* We know we are going to be exclusively dealing with this mailbox,
      * so select it on the IMAP server (saves some STATUS calls). Open
      * R/W to clear the RECENT flag. This call will catch invalid
      * mailboxes. */
     $imp_imap->openMailbox($mailbox, Horde_Imap_Client::OPEN_READWRITE);
     $imp_mailbox = $mailbox->list_ob;
     /* Determine if mailbox is readonly. */
     $readonly = $mailbox->readonly;
     switch ($actionID) {
         case 'change_sort':
             $mailbox->setSort($this->vars->sortby, $this->vars->sortdir);
         case 'blacklist':
         case 'whitelist':
         case 'spam_report':
         case 'innocent_report':
         case 'message_missing':
             $notification->push(_("Requested message not found."), 'horde.error');
         case 'fwd_digest':
         case 'redirect_messages':
         case 'template_edit':
             if (count($this->indices)) {
                 $compose_actions = array('fwd_digest' => 'fwd_digest', 'redirect_messages' => 'redirect_compose', 'template_edit' => 'template_edit');
                 $clink = new IMP_Compose_Link($this->vars);
                 $options = array_merge(array('actionID' => $compose_actions[$actionID], 'muid' => strval($this->indices)), $clink->args);
                 if ($prefs->getValue('compose_popup')) {
                     $page_output->addInlineScript(array(Horde::popupJs(IMP_Basic_Compose::url(), array('novoid' => true, 'params' => array_merge(array('popup' => 1), $options)))), true);
                 } else {
         case 'delete_messages':
             $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->delete($this->indices, array('mailboxob' => $imp_mailbox));
         case 'undelete_messages':
         case 'move_messages':
         case 'copy_messages':
             if (isset($this->vars->targetMbox) && count($this->indices) && (!$readonly || $actionID == 'copy_messages')) {
                 $targetMbox = IMP_Mailbox::formFrom($this->vars->targetMbox);
                 if (!empty($this->vars->newMbox) && $this->vars->newMbox == 1) {
                     $targetMbox = IMP_Mailbox::get($this->vars->targetMbox)->namespace_append;
                     $newMbox = true;
                 } else {
                     $targetMbox = IMP_Mailbox::formFrom($this->vars->targetMbox);
                     $newMbox = false;
                 $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->copy($targetMbox, $actionID == 'move_messages' ? 'move' : 'copy', $this->indices, array('create' => $newMbox, 'mailboxob' => $imp_mailbox));
         case 'flag_messages':
             if (!$readonly && $this->vars->flag && count($this->indices)) {
                 $flag = $imp_flags->parseFormId($this->vars->flag);
                 $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->flag(array($flag['set'] ? 'add' : 'remove' => array($flag['flag'])), $this->indices);
         case 'filter_messages':
             if (!$readonly) {
                 $filter = IMP_Mailbox::formFrom($this->vars->filter);
                 $q_ob = null;
                 if (strpos($filter, self::FLAG_FILTER_PREFIX) === 0) {
                     /* Flag filtering. */
                     $flag_filter = $imp_flags->parseFormId(substr($filter, strpos($filter, "") + 1));
                     try {
                         $q_ob = $imp_search->createQuery(array(new IMP_Search_Element_Flag($flag_filter['flag'], $flag_filter['set'])), array('mboxes' => array($mailbox), 'type' => IMP_Search::CREATE_QUERY));
                     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                 } else {
                     /* Pre-defined filters. */
                     try {
                         $q_ob = $imp_search->applyFilter($filter, array($mailbox));
                     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                 if ($q_ob) {
         case 'hide_deleted':
         case 'expunge_mailbox':
             $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->expungeMailbox(array(strval($mailbox) => 1), array('mailboxob' => $imp_mailbox));
         case 'filter':
         case 'empty_mailbox':
         case 'view_messages':
             $mailbox->url(IMP_Basic_Thread::url(), null, false)->add(array('mode' => 'msgview', 'muid' => strval($this->indices)))->redirect();
     /* Token to use in requests. */
     $token = $session->getToken();
     $search_mbox = $mailbox->search;
     /* Deal with filter options. */
     if (!$readonly && IMP_Filter::canApplyFilters() && !$mailbox->filterOnDisplay() && ($mailbox->inbox || $prefs->getValue('filter_any_mailbox') && !$search_mbox)) {
         $filter_url = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'filter', 'token' => $token));
     /* Generate folder options list. */
     if ($imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FOLDERS)) {
         $iterator = new IMP_Ftree_IteratorFilter($injector->getInstance('IMP_Ftree'));
         $folder_options = new IMP_Ftree_Select(array('heading' => _("Messages to"), 'inc_notepads' => true, 'inc_tasklists' => true, 'iterator' => $iterator, 'new_mbox' => true));
     /* Build the list of messages in the mailbox. */
     $pageOb = $imp_mailbox->buildMailboxPage($this->vars->mpage, $this->vars->start);
     $show_preview = $prefs->getValue('preview_enabled');
     $mbox_info = $imp_mailbox->getMailboxArray(range($pageOb['begin'], $pageOb['end']), array('headers' => true, 'preview' => (int) $show_preview, 'type' => $prefs->getValue('atc_flag')));
     /* Determine sorting preferences. */
     $sortpref = $mailbox->getSort();
     $thread_sort = $sortpref->sortby == Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD;
     /* Determine if we are going to show the Hide/Purge Deleted Message
      * links. */
     if (!($use_trash = $prefs->getValue('use_trash')) && !$mailbox->vinbox) {
         $showdelete = array('hide' => true, 'purge' => $mailbox->access_expunge);
     } else {
         $showdelete = array('hide' => false, 'purge' => false);
     if ($showdelete['hide'] && !$prefs->isLocked('delhide')) {
         if ($prefs->getValue('delhide')) {
             $deleted_prompt = _("Show Deleted");
         } else {
             $deleted_prompt = _("Hide Deleted");
     /* Generate paging links. */
     if ($pageOb['pagecount']) {
         if ($pageOb['page'] == 1) {
             $url_first = $url_prev = null;
             $pages_first = 'navfirstgreyImg';
             $pages_prev = 'navleftgreyImg';
         } else {
             $url_first = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', 1);
             $pages_first = 'navfirstImg';
             $url_prev = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['page'] - 1);
             $pages_prev = 'navleftImg';
         if ($pageOb['page'] == $pageOb['pagecount']) {
             $url_last = $url_next = null;
             $pages_last = 'navlastgreyImg';
             $pages_next = 'navrightgreyImg';
         } else {
             $url_next = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['page'] + 1);
             $pages_next = 'navrightImg';
             $url_last = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['pagecount']);
             $pages_last = 'navlastImg';
     /* Generate RSS link. */
     if ($mailbox->inbox) {
         $rss_box = '';
     } else {
         $ns_info = $mailbox->namespace_info;
         if (is_null($ns_info)) {
             $rss_box = null;
         } else {
             $rss_box = str_replace(rawurlencode($ns_info->delimiter), '/', rawurlencode($ns_info->delimiter . ($ns_info->type == $ns_info::NS_PERSONAL ? $ns_info->stripNamespace($mailbox) : $mailbox)));
     if (!is_null($rss_box)) {
         $page_output->addLinkTag(array('href' => Horde::url('rss.php', true, -1) . $rss_box));
     /* If user wants the mailbox to be refreshed, set time here. */
     $refresh_url = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['page']);
     if (isset($filter_url)) {
         $filter_url->add('mpage', $pageOb['page']);
     /* Determine if we are showing previews. */
     $preview_tooltip = $show_preview ? $prefs->getValue('preview_show_tooltip') : false;
     if (!$preview_tooltip) {
         $strip_preview = $prefs->getValue('preview_strip_nl');
     $unread = $imp_mailbox->unseenMessages(Horde_Imap_Client::SEARCH_RESULTS_COUNT);
     $page_output->addInlineJsVars(array('ImpMailbox.pop3' => intval(!$mailbox->is_imap), 'ImpMailbox.text' => array('delete_messages' => _("Are you sure you wish to PERMANENTLY delete these messages?"), 'delete_all' => _("Are you sure you wish to delete all mail in this mailbox?"), 'delete_vfolder' => _("Are you sure you want to delete this Virtual Folder Definition?"), 'innocent_report' => _("Are you sure you wish to report this message as innocent?"), 'moveconfirm' => _("Are you sure you want to move the message(s)? (Some message information might get lost, like message headers, text formatting or attachments!)"), 'newmbox' => _("You are copying/moving to a new mailbox.") . "\n" . _("Please enter a name for the new mailbox:") . "\n", 'no' => _("No"), 'selectone' => _("You must select at least one message first."), 'selectonlyone' => _("You must select only one message for this action."), 'spam_report' => _("Are you sure you wish to report this message as spam?"), 'submit' => _("You must select at least one message first."), 'target_mbox' => _("You must select a target mailbox first.")), 'ImpMailbox.unread' => intval($unread)));
     $pagetitle = $this->title = $mailbox->label;
     if ($mailbox->editvfolder) {
         $query_text = wordwrap($imp_search[$mailbox]->querytext);
         $pagetitle .= ' [' . Horde::linkTooltip('#', $query_text, '', '', '', $query_text) . _("Virtual Folder") . '</a>]';
         $this->title .= ' [' . _("Virtual Folder") . ']';
     } elseif ($mailbox->editquery) {
         $query_text = wordwrap($imp_search[$mailbox]->querytext);
         $pagetitle = Horde::linkTooltip('#', $query_text, '', '', '', $query_text) . $pagetitle . '</a>';
     } else {
         $pagetitle = $this->title = htmlspecialchars($this->title);
     /* Generate mailbox summary string. */
     $subinfo = new IMP_View_Subinfo(array('mailbox' => $mailbox));
     $subinfo->value = $pagetitle . ' (';
     if (empty($pageOb['end'])) {
         $subinfo->value .= _("No Messages");
     } else {
         $subinfo->value .= $pageOb['pagecount'] > 1 ? sprintf(_("%d Messages"), $pageOb['msgcount']) . ' / ' . sprintf(_("Page %d of %d"), $pageOb['page'], $pageOb['pagecount']) : sprintf(_("%d Messages"), $pageOb['msgcount']);
     $subinfo->value .= ')';
     $injector->getInstance('Horde_View_Topbar')->subinfo = $subinfo->render();
     $page_output->addScriptFile('hordecore.js', 'horde');
     $page_output->metaRefresh($prefs->getValue('refresh_time'), $refresh_url);
     /* Prepare the header template. */
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/basic/mailbox'));
     $hdr_view = clone $view;
     $hdr_view->readonly = $readonly;
     $hdr_view->refresh_url = $refresh_url;
     if (isset($filter_url)) {
         $hdr_view->filter_url = $filter_url;
     if ($mailbox->access_search) {
         if (!$search_mbox) {
             $hdr_view->search_url = $mailbox->url(IMP_Basic_Searchbasic::url());
         } else {
             if ($mailbox->editvfolder) {
                 $edit_search = _("Edit Virtual Folder");
             } elseif ($mailbox->query) {
                 if ($mailbox->editquery) {
                     $edit_search = _("Edit Search Query");
                 } else {
                     /* Basic search results. */
                     $search_mailbox = IMP_Mailbox::get($imp_search[$mailbox]->mboxes[0]);
                     $hdr_view->search_url = $search_mailbox->url(IMP_Basic_Searchbasic::url());
                     $hdr_view->searchclose = $search_mailbox->url('mailbox');
             if (isset($edit_search)) {
                 $hdr_view->edit_search_url = $imp_search->editUrl($mailbox);
                 $hdr_view->edit_search_title = $edit_search;
     if ($mailbox->access_empty) {
         $hdr_view->empty = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'empty_mailbox', 'token' => $token));
     $this->output = $hdr_view->render('header');
     /* If no messages, exit immediately. */
     if (empty($pageOb['end'])) {
         if ($pageOb['anymsg'] && isset($deleted_prompt)) {
             /* Show 'Show Deleted' prompt if mailbox has no viewable
              * message but has hidden, deleted messages. */
             $del_view = clone $view;
             $del_view->hide = Horde::widget(array('url' => $refresh_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'hide_deleted', 'token' => $token)), 'class' => 'hideAction', 'title' => $deleted_prompt));
             if ($mailbox->access_expunge) {
                 $del_view->purge = Horde::widget(array('url' => $refresh_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'expunge_mailbox', 'token' => $token)), 'class' => 'purgeAction', 'title' => _("Pur_ge Deleted")));
             $this->output .= $del_view->render('actions_deleted');
         $empty_view = clone $view;
         $empty_view->search_mbox = $search_mbox;
         $this->output .= $empty_view->render('empty_mailbox');
     $clink_ob = new IMP_Compose_Link();
     $clink = $clink_ob->link();
     /* Display the navbar and actions if there is at least 1 message in
      * mailbox. */
     if ($pageOb['msgcount']) {
         /* Prepare the navbar template. */
         $n_view = clone $view;
         $n_view->id = 1;
         $n_view->readonly = $readonly;
         $filtermsg = false;
         if ($mailbox->access_flags) {
             $args = array('imap' => true, 'mailbox' => $search_mbox ? null : $mailbox);
             $form_set = $form_unset = array();
             foreach ($imp_flags->getList($args) as $val) {
                 if ($val->canset) {
                     $form_set[] = array('f' => $val->form_set, 'l' => $val->label, 'v' => IMP_Mailbox::formTo(self::FLAG_FILTER_PREFIX . $val->form_set));
                     $form_unset[] = array('f' => $val->form_unset, 'l' => $val->label, 'v' => IMP_Mailbox::formTo(self::FLAG_FILTER_PREFIX . $val->form_unset));
             $n_view->flaglist_set = $form_set;
             $n_view->flaglist_unset = $form_unset;
             if (!$search_mbox && $mailbox->access_search) {
                 $filtermsg = $n_view->flag_filter = true;
         if (!$search_mbox && $mailbox->access_filters) {
             $filters = array();
             $iterator = IMP_Search_IteratorFilter::create(IMP_Search_IteratorFilter::FILTER);
             foreach ($iterator as $val) {
                 $filters[] = array('l' => $val->label, 'v' => IMP_Mailbox::formTo($val));
             if (!empty($filters)) {
                 $filtermsg = true;
                 $n_view->filters = $filters;
         $n_view->filtermsg = $filtermsg;
         if ($imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FOLDERS)) {
             $n_view->move = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'moveAction', 'title' => _("Move"), 'nocheck' => true));
             $n_view->copy = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'copyAction', 'title' => _("Copy"), 'nocheck' => true));
             $n_view->folder_options = $folder_options;
         $n_view->mailbox_url = $mailbox_url;
         $n_view->mailbox = $mailbox->form_to;
         if ($pageOb['pagecount'] > 1) {
             $n_view->multiple_page = true;
             $n_view->pages_first = $pages_first;
             $n_view->url_first = $url_first;
             $n_view->pages_prev = $pages_prev;
             $n_view->url_prev = $url_prev;
             $n_view->pages_next = $pages_next;
             $n_view->url_next = $url_next;
             $n_view->pages_last = $pages_last;
             $n_view->url_last = $url_last;
             $n_view->page_val = $pageOb['page'];
             $n_view->page_size = Horde_String::length($pageOb['pagecount']);
         $this->output .= $n_view->render('navbar');
         /* Prepare the actions template. */
         $a_view = clone $view;
         if ($mailbox->access_deletemsgs) {
             $del_class = $use_trash && $mailbox->trash ? 'permdeleteAction' : 'deleteAction';
             $a_view->delete = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => $del_class, 'title' => _("_Delete")));
         if ($showdelete['purge'] || $mailbox->vtrash) {
             $a_view->undelete = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'undeleteAction', 'title' => _("_Undelete")));
         $mboxactions = array();
         if ($showdelete['purge']) {
             $mailbox_link = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['page']);
             if (isset($deleted_prompt)) {
                 $mboxactions[] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_link->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'hide_deleted', 'token' => $token)), 'class' => 'hideAction', 'title' => $deleted_prompt));
             $mboxactions[] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_link->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'expunge_mailbox', 'token' => $token)), 'class' => 'purgeAction', 'title' => _("Pur_ge Deleted")));
         if (!$sortpref->sortby_locked && $sortpref->sortby != Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SEQUENCE) {
             $mboxactions[] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('sortby' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SEQUENCE, 'actionID' => 'change_sort', 'token' => $token)), 'title' => _("Clear Sort")));
         if ($mailbox->templates) {
             $a_view->templateedit = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'templateeditAction', 'title' => _("Edit Template")));
             $mboxactions[] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $clink->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'template_new')), 'title' => _("Create New Template")));
         $a_view->mboxactions = $mboxactions;
         if ($registry->hasMethod('mail/blacklistFrom')) {
             $a_view->blacklist = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'blacklistAction', 'title' => _("_Blacklist")));
         if ($registry->hasMethod('mail/whitelistFrom')) {
             $a_view->whitelist = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'whitelistAction', 'title' => _("_Whitelist")));
         if (IMP_Compose::canCompose()) {
             $a_view->forward = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'forwardAction', 'title' => _("Fo_rward")));
             $a_view->redirect = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'redirectAction', 'title' => _("Redirect")));
         if ($mailbox->spam_show) {
             $a_view->spam = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'spamAction', 'title' => _("Report as Spam")));
         if ($mailbox->innocent_show) {
             $a_view->innocent = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'innocentAction', 'title' => _("Report as Innocent")));
         $a_view->view_messages = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'viewAction', 'title' => _("View Messages")));
         $this->output .= $a_view->render('actions');
     /* Define some variables now so we don't have to keep redefining in
      * the foreach loop or the templates. */
     $lastMbox = '';
     $mh_count = 0;
     $sortImg = $sortpref->sortdir ? 'sortup' : 'sortdown';
     $headers = array(Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_TO => array('id' => 'mboxto', 'stext' => _("Sort by To Address"), 'text' => _("To")), Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_FROM => array('id' => 'mboxfrom', 'stext' => _("Sort by From Address"), 'text' => _("Fro_m")), Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD => array('id' => 'mboxthread', 'stext' => _("Sort by Thread"), 'text' => _("_Thread")), Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT => array('id' => 'mboxsubject', 'stext' => _("Sort by Subject"), 'text' => _("Sub_ject")), IMP::IMAP_SORT_DATE => array('id' => 'mboxdate', 'stext' => _("Sort by Date"), 'text' => _("Dat_e")), Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SIZE => array('id' => 'mboxsize', 'stext' => _("Sort by Message Size"), 'text' => _("Si_ze")));
     /* If this is the Drafts or Sent-Mail mailbox, sort by To instead of
      * From. */
     if ($mailbox->special_outgoing) {
     } else {
     /* Determine which of Subject/Thread to emphasize. */
     if (!$mailbox->access_sortthread || $sortpref->sortby_locked) {
         if ($sortpref->sortby_locked && $thread_sort) {
             $sortpref->sortby = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT;
     } else {
         if ($thread_sort) {
             $extra = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT;
             $standard = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD;
         } else {
             $extra = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD;
             $standard = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT;
         $headers[$standard]['altsort'] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'change_sort', 'token' => $token, 'sortby' => $extra)), 'title' => $headers[$extra]['text']));
     foreach ($headers as $key => $val) {
         $ptr =& $headers[$key];
         if ($sortpref->sortby == $key) {
             $csl_icon = '<span class="iconImg ' . $sortImg . '"></span>';
             if ($sortpref->sortdir_locked) {
                 $ptr['change_sort_link'] = $csl_icon;
                 $ptr['change_sort_widget'] = Horde::stripAccessKey($val['text']);
             } else {
                 $tmp = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('sortby' => $key, 'sortdir' => intval(!$sortpref->sortdir), 'actionID' => 'change_sort', 'token' => $token));
                 $ptr['change_sort_link'] = Horde::link($tmp, $val['stext'], null, null, null, $val['stext']) . $csl_icon . '</a>';
                 $ptr['change_sort_widget'] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $tmp, 'title' => $val['text']));
         } else {
             $ptr['change_sort_link'] = null;
             $ptr['change_sort_widget'] = $sortpref->sortby_locked ? Horde::stripAccessKey($val['text']) : Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'change_sort', 'token' => $token, 'sortby' => $key)), 'title' => $val['text']));
         $ptr['class'] = 'horde-split-left';
     /* Output the form start. */
     $f_view = clone $view;
     $f_view->mailbox = $mailbox->form_to;
     $f_view->mailbox_url = $mailbox_url;
     $f_view->page = $pageOb['page'];
     $f_view->token = $token;
     $this->output .= $f_view->render('form_start');
     /* Prepare the message headers template. */
     $mh_view = clone $view;
     $mh_view->headers = $headers;
     if (!$search_mbox) {
         $mh_view->show_checkbox = !$mh_count++;
         $this->output .= $mh_view->render('message_headers');
     /* Initialize repetitively used variables. */
     $fromlinkstyle = $prefs->getValue('from_link');
     $imp_ui = new IMP_Mailbox_Ui($mailbox);
     /* Display message information. */
     $msgs = array();
     $search_view = clone $view;
     $summary_view = clone $view;
     while (list(, $ob) = each($mbox_info['overview'])) {
         if ($search_mbox) {
             if (empty($lastMbox) || $ob['mailbox'] != $lastMbox) {
                 if (!empty($lastMbox)) {
                     $this->_outputSummaries($msgs, $summary_view);
                     $msgs = array();
                 $mbox = IMP_Mailbox::get($ob['mailbox']);
                 $search_view->mbox_link = Horde::link($mbox->url($mailbox_url), sprintf(_("View messages in %s"), $mbox->display), 'smallheader') . $mbox->display_html . '</a>';
                 $this->output .= $search_view->render('searchmbox');
                 $mh_view->show_checkbox = !$mh_count++;
                 $this->output .= $mh_view->render('message_headers');
         $lastMbox = $ob['mailbox'];
         /* Initialize the data fields. */
         $msg = array('bg' => '', 'buid' => $imp_mailbox->getBuid($ob['mailbox'], $ob['uid']), 'class' => '', 'date' => $imp_ui->getDate($ob['envelope']->date), 'preview' => '', 'status' => '', 'size' => IMP::sizeFormat($ob['size']));
         /* Generate the target link. */
         if ($mailbox->drafts || $mailbox->templates) {
             $clink_copy = clone $clink_ob;
             $clink_copy->args['buid'] = $msg['buid'];
             $clink_copy->args['mailbox'] = $mailbox;
             $target = $clink_copy->link()->add(array('actionID' => $mailbox->drafts ? 'draft' : 'template'));
         } else {
             $target = $mailbox->url('message', $msg['buid']);
         /* Get all the flag information. */
         $flag_parse = $imp_flags->parse(array('flags' => $ob['flags'], 'headers' => $ob['headers'], 'runhook' => $ob, 'personal' => $ob['envelope']->to));
         $css_class = $subject_flags = array();
         foreach ($flag_parse as $val) {
             if ($val instanceof IMP_Flag_User) {
                 $subject_flags[] = $val;
             } else {
                 if (!$val->bgdefault) {
                     $msg['bg'] = $val->bgcolor;
                 $css_class[] = $val->css;
                 $msg['status'] .= $val->span;
         $msg['class'] = implode(' ', $css_class);
         /* Show message preview? */
         if ($show_preview && isset($ob['preview'])) {
             if (empty($ob['preview'])) {
                 $ptext = '[[' . _("No Preview Text") . ']]';
             } else {
                 $ptext = empty($strip_preview) ? str_replace("\r", '', $ob['preview']) : preg_replace(array('/\\n/', '/(\\s)+/'), array(' ', '$1'), str_replace("\r", "\n", $ob['preview']));
                 if (!$preview_tooltip) {
                     $ptext = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter')->filter($ptext, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::NOHTML));
                 $maxlen = $prefs->getValue('preview_maxlen');
                 if (Horde_String::length($ptext) > $maxlen) {
                     $ptext = Horde_String::truncate($ptext, $maxlen);
                 } elseif (empty($ob['previewcut'])) {
                     $ptext .= '[[' . _("END") . ']]';
             $msg['preview'] = $ptext;
         /* Format the From: Header. */
         $getfrom = $imp_ui->getFrom($ob['envelope']);
         $msg['from'] = htmlspecialchars($getfrom['from'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         switch ($fromlinkstyle) {
             case 0:
                 $from_tmp = array();
                 foreach ($getfrom['from_list']->base_addresses as $from_ob) {
                     $from_tmp[] = call_user_func_array(array('Horde', $preview_tooltip ? 'linkTooltip' : 'link'), array($clink->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'mailto_link', 'to' => strval($from_ob))), sprintf(_("New Message to %s"), $from_ob->label))) . htmlspecialchars($from_ob->label, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a>';
                 if (!empty($from_tmp)) {
                     $msg['from'] = implode(', ', $from_tmp);
                 $from_uri = $mailbox->url('message', $msg['buid']);
                 $msg['from'] = Horde::link($from_uri) . $msg['from'] . '</a>';
         /* Format the Subject: Header. */
         $msg['subject'] = $imp_ui->getSubject($ob['envelope']->subject, true);
         $msg['subject'] = $preview_tooltip ? substr(Horde::linkTooltip($target, $msg['preview'], '', '', '', $msg['preview']), 0, -1) . ' class="mboxSubject">' . $msg['subject'] . '</a>' : substr(Horde::link($target, $imp_ui->getSubject($ob['envelope']->subject)), 0, -1) . ' class="mboxSubject">' . $msg['subject'] . '</a>' . (!empty($msg['preview']) ? '<br /><small>' . $msg['preview'] . '</small>' : '');
         /* Add subject flags. */
         foreach ($subject_flags as $val) {
             $flag_label = Horde_String::truncate($val->label, 12);
             $msg['subject'] = '<span class="' . $val->css . '" style="' . ($val->bgdefault ? '' : 'background:' . htmlspecialchars($val->bgcolor) . ';') . 'color:' . htmlspecialchars($val->fgcolor) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($val->label) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($flag_label) . '</span>' . $msg['subject'];
         /* Set up threading tree now. */
         if ($thread_sort) {
             $t_ob = $imp_mailbox->getThreadOb($ob['idx']);
             $msg['subject'] = ($sortpref->sortdir ? $t_ob->reverse_img : $t_ob->img) . ' ' . $msg['subject'];
         $msgs[$msg['buid']] = $msg;
     $this->_outputSummaries($msgs, $summary_view);
     $this->output .= '</form>';
     /* If there are 20 messages or less, don't show the actions/navbar
      * again. */
     if ($pageOb['end'] - $pageOb['begin'] >= 20) {
         $this->output .= $a_view->render('actions');
         $n_view->id = 2;
         $this->output .= $n_view->render('navbar');
Beispiel #28
 protected function _node($doc, $node)
     parent::_node($doc, $node);
     if (empty($this->_imptmp) || !$node instanceof DOMElement) {
         if ($node instanceof DOMText && $node->length > 1) {
             /* Filter bad language. */
             $text = IMP::filterText($node->data);
             if ($node->data != $text) {
                 $node->replaceData(0, $node->length, $text);
     $tag = Horde_String::lower($node->tagName);
     /* Remove 'height' styles from HTML messages, because it can break
      * sizing of IFRAME. */
     foreach ($node->attributes as $key => $val) {
         if ($key == 'style') {
             /* Do simplistic style parsing here. */
             $parts = array_filter(explode(';', $val->value));
             foreach ($parts as $k2 => $v2) {
                 if (preg_match("/^\\s*height:\\s*/i", $v2)) {
             $val->value = implode(';', $parts);
     switch ($tag) {
         case 'a':
         case 'area':
             /* Convert links to open in new windows. Ignore mailto: links and
              * links that already have a target. */
             if ($node->hasAttribute('href')) {
                 $url = parse_url($node->getAttribute('href'));
                 if (isset($url['scheme']) && $url['scheme'] == 'mailto') {
                     /* We don't include HordePopup in IFRAME, so need to use
                      * 'simple' links. */
                     $clink = new IMP_Compose_Link($node->getAttribute('href'));
                     $node->setAttribute('href', $clink->link(true));
                 } elseif (!empty($this->_imptmp['inline']) && isset($url['fragment']) && empty($url['path']) && $GLOBALS['browser']->isBrowser('mozilla')) {
                     /* See Bug #8695: internal anchors are broken in
                      * Mozilla. */
                 } elseif (empty($url)) {
                     /* Empty URL - remove href/target so the link is not
                      * clickable. */
                 } else {
                     $node->setAttribute('target', strval(new Horde_Support_Randomid()));
         case 'body':
             $style = $node->hasAttribute('style') ? rtrim($node->getAttribute('style'), ';') . ';' : '';
             $node->setAttribute('style', $style . 'width:auto !important');
         case 'img':
         case 'input':
             if ($node->hasAttribute('src')) {
                 $val = $node->getAttribute('src');
                 /* Multipart/related. */
                 if ($tag == 'img' && ($id = $this->_cidSearch($val))) {
                     $val = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->urlView(null, 'view_attach', array('params' => array('ctype' => 'image/*', 'id' => $id, 'imp_img_view' => 'data')));
                 /* Block images.*/
                 if ($this->_imgBlock()) {
                     if (Horde_Url_Data::isData($val)) {
                         $url = new Horde_Url_Data($val);
                     } else {
                         /* Check for relative URLs. These won't be loaded and
                          * will cause unnecessary 404 hits to the local web
                          * server. */
                         $parsed_url = parse_url($val);
                         if (isset($parsed_url['host'])) {
                             $url = new Horde_Url($val);
                         } else {
                             $url = null;
                     if ($url) {
                         $node->setAttribute(self::IMGBLOCK, $url);
                         $node->setAttribute('src', $this->_imgBlockImg());
                         $this->_imptmp['imgblock'] = true;
                     } else {
                         $this->_imptmp['imgbroken'] = true;
                 } else {
                     $node->setAttribute('data-src', $val);
             /* IMG only */
             if ($tag == 'img' && $this->_imgBlock() && $node->hasAttribute('srcset')) {
                 $node->setAttribute(self::SRCSETBLOCK, $node->getAttribute('srcset'));
                 $node->setAttribute('srcset', '');
                 $this->_imptmp['imgblock'] = true;
         case 'link':
             /* Block all link tags that reference foreign URLs, other than
              * CSS. There's no inherently wrong with linking to a foreign
              * CSS file other than privacy concerns. Therefore, block
              * linking until requested by the user. */
             $delete_link = true;
             switch (Horde_String::lower($node->getAttribute('type'))) {
                 case 'text/css':
                     if ($node->hasAttribute('href')) {
                         $tmp = $node->getAttribute('href');
                         if ($id = $this->_cidSearch($tmp, false)) {
                             $this->_imptmp['style'][] = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->getMIMEPart($id)->getContents();
                         } elseif ($this->_imgBlock()) {
                             $node->setAttribute(self::CSSBLOCK, $node->getAttribute('href'));
                             $this->_imptmp['cssblock'] = true;
                             $delete_link = false;
             if ($delete_link && $node->hasAttribute('href') && $node->parentNode) {
         case 'style':
             switch (Horde_String::lower($node->getAttribute('type'))) {
                 case 'text/css':
                     $this->_imptmp['style'][] = str_replace(array('<!--', '-->'), '', $node->nodeValue);
         case 'table':
             /* If displaying inline (in IFRAME), tables with 100% height seems
              * to confuse many browsers re: the IFRAME internal height. */
             if (!empty($this->_imptmp['inline']) && $node->hasAttribute('height') && $node->getAttribute('height') == '100%') {
             // Fall-through
         // Fall-through
         case 'body':
         case 'td':
             if ($node->hasAttribute('background')) {
                 $val = $node->getAttribute('background');
                 /* Multipart/related. */
                 if ($id = $this->_cidSearch($val)) {
                     $val = $this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->urlView(null, 'view_attach', array('params' => array('id' => $id, 'imp_img_view' => 'data')));
                     $node->setAttribute('background', $val);
                 /* Block images.*/
                 if ($this->_imgBlock()) {
                     $node->setAttribute(self::IMGBLOCK, $val);
                     $node->setAttribute('background', $this->_imgBlockImg());
                     $this->_imptmp['imgblock'] = true;
     $remove = array();
     foreach ($node->attributes as $val) {
         /* Catch random mailto: strings in attributes that will cause
          * problems with e-mail linking. */
         if (stripos($val->value, 'mailto:') === 0) {
             $remove[] = $val->name;
     foreach ($remove as $val) {
     if ($node->hasAttribute('style')) {
         if (strpos($node->getAttribute('style'), 'content:') !== false) {
             // TODO: Figure out way to unblock?
         } elseif (!empty($this->_imptmp['cid']) || $this->_imgBlock()) {
             $this->_imptmp['node'] = $node;
             $style = preg_replace_callback(self::CSS_BG_PREG, array($this, '_styleCallback'), $node->getAttribute('style'), -1, $matches);
             if ($matches) {
                 $node->setAttribute('style', $style);
Beispiel #29
 protected function _addMailboxVars()
     global $injector, $prefs, $registry;
     /* Does server support ACLs? */
     $imp_imap = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Imap')->create();
     $acl = $imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_ACL);
     $subscribe = $prefs->getValue('subscribe');
     $this->js_conf += array_filter(array('URI_LISTINFO' => strval(IMP_Basic_Listinfo::url()->setRaw(true)), 'URI_MESSAGE' => strval(IMP_Dynamic_Message::url()->setRaw(true)), 'URI_PORTAL' => strval($registry->getServiceLink('portal')->setRaw(true)), 'URI_PREFS_IMP' => strval($registry->getServiceLink('prefs', 'imp')->setRaw(true)), 'URI_SEARCH' => strval(IMP_Basic_Search::url()->setRaw(true)), 'URI_THREAD' => strval(IMP_Basic_Thread::url()->setRaw(true)), 'FLAG_DELETED' => Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_DELETED, 'FLAG_DRAFT' => Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_DRAFT, 'FLAG_INNOCENT' => Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_NOTJUNK, 'FLAG_SEEN' => Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_SEEN, 'FLAG_SPAM' => Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_JUNK, 'msglist_template_horiz' => file_get_contents(IMP_TEMPLATES . '/dynamic/msglist_horiz.html'), 'msglist_template_vert' => file_get_contents(IMP_TEMPLATES . '/dynamic/msglist_vert.html'), 'acl' => $acl, 'filter_any' => intval($prefs->getValue('filter_any_mailbox')), 'fsearchid' => IMP_Mailbox::formTo(IMP_Search::MBOX_PREFIX . IMP_Search::FILTERSEARCH), 'initial_page' => is_null($initial_page = IMP::getInitialPage()->mbox) ? null : $initial_page->form_to, 'mbox_expand' => intval($prefs->getValue('nav_expanded') == 2), 'name' => $registry->get('name', 'imp'), 'poll_alter' => intval(!$prefs->isLocked('nav_poll') && !$prefs->getValue('nav_poll_all')), 'qsearchid' => IMP_Mailbox::formTo(IMP_Search::MBOX_PREFIX . IMP_Search::QUICKSEARCH), 'refresh_time' => intval($prefs->getValue('refresh_time')), 'sidebar_width' => max(intval($prefs->getValue('sidebar_width')), 150), 'sort' => array('from' => array('c' => 'msgFrom', 't' => _("From"), 'v' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_FROM), 'to' => array('c' => 'msgFrom', 'ec' => 'msgFromTo', 't' => _("To"), 'v' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_TO), 'subject' => array('c' => 'msgSubject', 't' => _("Subject"), 'v' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT), 'thread' => array('c' => 'msgSubject', 'v' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD), 'date' => array('c' => 'msgDate', 't' => _("Date"), 'v' => IMP::IMAP_SORT_DATE), 'msgarrival' => array('c' => 'msgDate', 'v' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_ARRIVAL), 'msgdate' => array('c' => 'msgDate', 'v' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_DATE), 'sequence' => array('v' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SEQUENCE), 'size' => array('c' => 'msgSize', 't' => _("Size"), 'v' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SIZE)), 'subscribe' => intval($subscribe)));
     $context = array('ctx_container' => array('_mbox' => '', '_sep1' => null, 'create' => _("Create subfolder"), 'rename' => _("Rename"), 'delete' => _("Delete subfolders"), '_sep2' => null, 'search' => _("Search"), '_sep3' => null, 'expand' => _("Expand All"), 'collapse' => _("Collapse All")), 'ctx_datesort' => array('*msgarrival' => _("Arrival Time"), '*msgdate' => _("Message Date")), 'ctx_flag' => array(), 'ctx_flagunset' => array(), 'ctx_flag_search' => array(), 'ctx_mbox_flag' => array('seen' => _("Seen"), 'unseen' => _("Unseen")), 'ctx_noactions' => array('_mbox' => '', '_sep1' => null, 'noaction' => _("No actions available")), 'ctx_remoteauth' => array('_mbox' => '', '_sep1' => null, 'create' => _("Create Mailbox"), 'logout' => _("Log Out")), 'ctx_sortopts' => array('from' => _("From"), 'to' => _("To"), 'subject' => _("Subject"), 'thread' => _("Thread"), 'msgarrival' => _("Date (Arrival)"), 'msgdate' => _("Date (Message)"), 'size' => _("Size"), '_sep1' => null, 'sequence' => _("No Sort")), 'ctx_subjectsort' => array('thread' => _("Thread Sort")), 'ctx_template' => array('edit' => _("Edit Template"), 'new' => _("Create New Template")), 'ctx_vcontainer' => array('_mbox' => _("Virtual Folders"), '_sep1' => null, 'edit' => _("Edit Virtual Folders")), 'ctx_vfolder' => array('_mbox' => '', '_sep1' => null, 'edit' => _("Edit Virtual Folder"), 'delete' => _("Delete Virtual Folder")));
     /* Folder options context menu. */
     if ($imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FOLDERS)) {
         $context['ctx_folderopts'] = array('new' => _("Create Mailbox"), 'sub' => _("Hide Unsubscribed"), 'unsub' => _("Show All Mailboxes"), 'expand' => _("Expand All"), 'collapse' => _("Collapse All"), '_sep1' => null, 'reload' => _("Rebuild Folder List"));
     if (!$subscribe) {
         unset($context['ctx_folderopts']['sub'], $context['ctx_folderopts']['unsub']);
     /* Message context menu. */
     $context['ctx_message'] = array('_sub1' => array('resume' => _("Resume Draft"), 'template' => _("Use Template"), 'template_edit' => _("Edit Template"), 'view' => _("View Message")), 'reply' => _("Reply"), 'forward' => _("Forward"), '_sub2' => array('_sep1' => null, 'setflag' => _("Mark as") . '...', 'unsetflag' => _("Unmark as") . '...'), '_sep2' => null, 'spam' => _("Report as Spam"), 'innocent' => _("Report as Innocent"), 'blacklist' => _("Blacklist"), 'whitelist' => _("Whitelist"), 'addfilter' => _("Create Filter"), 'delete' => _("Delete"), 'undelete' => _("Undelete"), '_sub3' => array('_sep3' => null, 'source' => _("View Source")));
     if (empty($imp_imap->config->spam_params)) {
     if (empty($imp_imap->config->innocent_params)) {
     if (!$registry->hasLink('mail/newEmailFilter')) {
     $view_source = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Perms')->hasAppPermission('view_msg_source');
     if (!$view_source) {
     /* Mailbox context menu. */
     $context['ctx_mbox'] = array('_mbox' => '', '_sep1' => null, 'create' => _("Create subfolder"), 'rename' => _("Rename"), 'empty' => _("Empty"), 'delete' => _("Delete"), '_sep2' => null, 'setflag' => _("Mark all as"), '_sep3' => null, 'poll' => _("Check for New Mail"), 'nopoll' => _("Do Not Check for New Mail"), 'sub' => _("Subscribe"), 'unsub' => _("Unsubscribe"), '_sep4' => null, 'search' => _("Search"), '_sub1' => array('_sep5' => null, 'expand' => _("Expand All"), 'collapse' => _("Collapse All")), '_sep6' => null, 'export' => _("Export"), 'import' => _("Import"), '_sep7' => null, 'size' => _("Mailbox Size"), '_sub2' => array('_sep8' => null, 'acl' => _("Edit ACL")));
     if (!$subscribe) {
         unset($context['ctx_mbox']['sub'], $context['ctx_mbox']['unsub']);
     if (!$imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_IMPORT)) {
     if (!$imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FLAGS)) {
         unset($context['ctx_mbox']['_sep2'], $context['ctx_mbox']['setflag'], $context['ctx_mbox']['_sep3'], $context['ctx_mbox']['poll'], $context['ctx_mbox']['nopoll']);
     if (!$imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FOLDERS)) {
         unset($context['ctx_mbox']['_sep7'], $context['ctx_mbox']['size']);
     if (!$imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_SEARCH)) {
         unset($context['ctx_mbox']['_sep4'], $context['ctx_mbox']['search']);
     if (!$imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FLAGS) || $prefs->isLocked('acl')) {
     /* Other Actions context menu. */
     $context['ctx_oa'] = array('preview_hide' => _("Hide Preview"), 'preview_show' => _("Show Preview"), 'layout_horiz' => _("Horizontal Layout"), 'layout_vert' => _("Vertical Layout"), '_sub1' => array('_sep1' => null, 'setflag' => _("Mark as") . '...', 'unsetflag' => _("Unmark as") . '...'), 'blacklist' => _("Blacklist"), 'whitelist' => _("Whitelist"), '_sub2' => array('_sep2' => null, 'purge_deleted' => _("Purge Deleted"), 'undelete' => _("Undelete")), 'show_deleted' => _("Show Deleted"), 'hide_deleted' => _("Hide Deleted"), '_sub3' => array('_sep3' => null, 'clear_sort' => _("Clear Sort")));
     if ($prefs->isLocked('delhide')) {
     /* Shared between message and other actions menus. */
     if (!$registry->hasMethod('mail/blacklistFrom')) {
         unset($context['ctx_message']['blacklist'], $context['ctx_oa']['blacklist']);
     if (!$registry->hasMethod('mail/whitelistFrom')) {
         unset($context['ctx_message']['whitelist'], $context['ctx_oa']['whitelist']);
     /* Preview context menu. */
     $context['ctx_preview'] = array('save' => _("Save"), 'viewsource' => _("View Source"), 'allparts' => _("All Parts"), 'thread' => _("View Thread"), 'listinfo' => _("List Info"));
     if (!$view_source) {
     /* Search related context menus. */
     if ($imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_SEARCH)) {
         $context['ctx_filteropts'] = array('*filter' => _("Filter By"), '*flag' => _("Show Only"), '*flagnot' => _("Don't Show"));
         if (IMP_Filter::canApplyFilters()) {
             $context['ctx_filteropts']['_sub1'] = array('_sep1' => null, 'applyfilters' => _("Apply Filters"));
         $context['ctx_qsearchopts'] = array('*all' => _("Entire Message"), '*body' => _("Body"), '*from' => _("From"), '*recip' => _("Recipients (To/Cc/Bcc)"), '*subject' => _("Subject"), '_sep1' => null, '*advanced' => _("Advanced Search..."));
         /* Generate filter array. */
         $iterator = IMP_Search_IteratorFilter::create(IMP_Search_IteratorFilter::FILTER);
         $context['ctx_filter'] = array();
         foreach ($iterator as $val) {
             if ($val->enabled) {
                 $context['ctx_filter']['*' . $val->id] = $val->label;
     /* Remote accounts context menu. */
     if ($imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_REMOTE)) {
         $context['ctx_rcontainer'] = array('*prefs' => _("Manage Remote Accounts"));
     $this->js_context = array_merge($context, $this->js_context);
     $this->js_text += array('atc_downloadall' => _("Download All (%s)"), 'badaddr' => _("Invalid Address"), 'badsubject' => _("Invalid Subject"), 'baselevel' => _("base level of the folder tree"), 'check' => _("Checking..."), 'copyto' => _("Copy %s to %s"), 'create_prompt' => _("Create mailbox:"), 'createsub_prompt' => _("Create subfolder of %s:"), 'delete_mbox' => _("Permanently delete %s?"), 'download_mbox' => _("All messages in this mailbox will be downloaded into the format that you choose. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this action may take awhile."), 'empty_mbox' => _("Permanently delete all %d messages in %s?"), 'import_mbox' => _("Mbox or .eml file:"), 'import_mbox_loading' => _("Importing (this may take some time)..."), 'listmsg_wait' => _("The server is still generating the message list."), 'listmsg_timeout' => _("The server was unable to generate the message list."), 'loading' => _("Loading..."), 'message_0' => _("No messages"), 'message_1' => _("1 message"), 'message_2' => _("%d messages"), 'mboxsize' => _("%s is: %s."), 'moveto' => _("Move %s to %s"), 'newflag_name' => _("Flag Name:"), 'newflag_wait' => _("Creating New Flag..."), 'no_folder_name' => _("Must enter a folder name"), 'onlogout' => _("Logging Out..."), 'portal' => _("Portal"), 'prefs' => _("User Options"), 'remote_password' => _("Password for %s:"), 'rename_prompt' => _("Rename %s to:"), 'search' => _("Search"), 'search_input' => _("Search (%s)"), 'search_time' => _("Results are %d Minutes Old"), 'selected' => _("%s selected."), 'slidertext' => _("Messages %d - %d"), 'vfolder' => _("Virtual Folder: %s"), 'vp_empty' => _("There are no messages in this mailbox."), 'vp_empty_search' => _("No messages matched the search query."));
     if ($subscribe) {
         $this->js_text += array('subscribe_mbox' => _("Subscribe to %s?"), 'subscribe_mbox_subfolders' => _("Subscribe to all subfolders of %s?"), 'unsubscribe_mbox' => _("Unsubscribe to %s?"), 'unsubscribe_mbox_subfolders' => _("Unsubscribe to all subfolders of %s?"));