public function home($request, $match) { $prj = $request->project; $team = $prj->getMembershipData(); $title = (string) $prj; $downloads = array(); if ($request->rights['hasDownloadsAccess']) { $tags = IDF_Views_Download::getDownloadTags($prj); // the first tag is the featured, the last is the deprecated. $downloads = $tags[0]->get_idf_upload_list(); } $pages = array(); if ($request->rights['hasWikiAccess']) { $tags = IDF_Views_Wiki::getWikiTags($prj); $pages = $tags[0]->get_idf_wikipage_list(); } return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/project/home.html', array('page_title' => $title, 'team' => $team, 'downloads' => $downloads, 'pages' => $pages), $request); }
public function timeline($request, $match) { $prj = $request->project; $title = sprintf(__('%s Updates'), (string) $prj); $team = $prj->getMembershipData(); $pag = new IDF_Timeline_Paginator(new IDF_Timeline()); $pag->class = 'recent-issues'; $pag->item_extra_props = array('request' => $request); $pag->summary = __('This table shows the project updates.'); // Need to check the rights $rights = array(); if (true === IDF_Precondition::accessSource($request)) { $rights[] = '\'IDF_Commit\''; IDF_Scm::syncTimeline($request->project); } if (true === IDF_Precondition::accessIssues($request)) { $rights[] = '\'IDF_Issue\''; $rights[] = '\'IDF_IssueComment\''; } if (true === IDF_Precondition::accessDownloads($request)) { $rights[] = '\'IDF_Upload\''; } if (true === IDF_Precondition::accessWiki($request)) { $rights[] = '\'IDF_WikiPage\''; $rights[] = '\'IDF_WikiRevision\''; } if (true === IDF_Precondition::accessReview($request)) { $rights[] = '\'IDF_Review_Comment\''; $rights[] = '\'IDF_Review_Patch\''; } if (count($rights) == 0) { $rights[] = '\'IDF_Dummy\''; } $sql = sprintf('model_class IN (%s)', implode(', ', $rights)); $pag->forced_where = new Pluf_SQL('project=%s AND ' . $sql, array($prj->id)); $pag->sort_order = array('creation_dtime', 'ASC'); $pag->sort_reverse_order = array('creation_dtime'); $pag->action = array('IDF_Views_Project::timeline', array($prj->shortname)); $list_display = array('creation_dtime' => __('Age'), 'id' => __('Change')); $pag->configure($list_display, array(), array('creation_dtime')); $pag->items_per_page = 20; $pag->no_results_text = __('No changes were found.'); $pag->setFromRequest($request); $downloads = array(); if ($request->rights['hasDownloadsAccess']) { $tags = IDF_Views_Download::getDownloadTags($prj); // the first tag is the featured, the last is the deprecated. $downloads = $tags[0]->get_idf_upload_list(); } $pages = array(); if ($request->rights['hasWikiAccess']) { $tags = IDF_Views_Wiki::getWikiTags($prj); $pages = $tags[0]->get_idf_wikipage_list(); } if (!$request->user->isAnonymous() and $prj->isRestricted()) { $feedurl = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('idf_project_timeline_feed_auth', array($prj->shortname, IDF_Precondition::genFeedToken($prj, $request->user))); } else { $feedurl = Pluf_HTTP_URL_urlForView('idf_project_timeline_feed', array($prj->shortname)); } return Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse('idf/project/timeline.html', array('page_title' => $title, 'feedurl' => $feedurl, 'timeline' => $pag, 'team' => $team, 'downloads' => $downloads), $request); }
/** * Generate the tag clouds. * * Return an array of tags sorted by class, then name. Each tag * get the extra property 'nb_use' for the number of use in the * project. * * @param string ('issues') 'closed_issues', 'wiki' or 'downloads' * @return ArrayObject of IDF_Tag */ public function getTagCloud($what = 'issues') { $tag_t = Pluf::factory('IDF_Tag')->getSqlTable(); if ($what == 'issues' or $what == 'closed_issues') { $what_t = Pluf::factory('IDF_Issue')->getSqlTable(); $asso_t = $this->_con->pfx . 'idf_issue_idf_tag_assoc'; if ($what == 'issues') { $ostatus = $this->getTagIdsByStatus('open'); } else { $ostatus = $this->getTagIdsByStatus('closed'); } if (count($ostatus) == 0) { $ostatus[] = 0; } $sql = sprintf('SELECT ' . $tag_t . '.id AS id, COUNT(*) AS nb_use FROM ' . $tag_t . ' ' . "\n" . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $asso_t . ' ON idf_tag_id=' . $tag_t . '.id ' . "\n" . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $what_t . ' ON idf_issue_id=' . $what_t . '.id ' . "\n" . 'WHERE idf_tag_id IS NOT NULL AND ' . $what_t . '.status IN (%s) AND ' . $what_t . '.project=' . $this->id . ' GROUP BY ' . $tag_t . '.id, ' . $tag_t . '.class, ' . $tag_t . '.name ORDER BY ' . $tag_t . '.class ASC, ' . $tag_t . '.name ASC', implode(', ', $ostatus)); } elseif ($what == 'wiki') { $dep_ids = IDF_Views_Wiki::getDeprecatedPagesIds($this); $extra = ''; if (count($dep_ids)) { $extra = ' AND idf_wikipage_id NOT IN (' . implode(', ', $dep_ids) . ') '; } $what_t = Pluf::factory('IDF_WikiPage')->getSqlTable(); $asso_t = $this->_con->pfx . 'idf_tag_idf_wikipage_assoc'; $sql = 'SELECT ' . $tag_t . '.id AS id, COUNT(*) AS nb_use FROM ' . $tag_t . ' ' . "\n" . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $asso_t . ' ON idf_tag_id=' . $tag_t . '.id ' . "\n" . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $what_t . ' ON idf_wikipage_id=' . $what_t . '.id ' . "\n" . 'WHERE idf_tag_id IS NOT NULL ' . $extra . ' AND ' . $what_t . '.project=' . $this->id . ' GROUP BY ' . $tag_t . '.id, ' . $tag_t . '.class, ' . $tag_t . '.name ORDER BY ' . $tag_t . '.class ASC, ' . $tag_t . '.name ASC'; } elseif ($what == 'downloads') { $dep_ids = IDF_Views_Download::getDeprecatedFilesIds($this); $extra = ''; if (count($dep_ids)) { $extra = ' AND idf_upload_id NOT IN (' . implode(', ', $dep_ids) . ') '; } $what_t = Pluf::factory('IDF_Upload')->getSqlTable(); $asso_t = $this->_con->pfx . 'idf_tag_idf_upload_assoc'; $sql = 'SELECT ' . $tag_t . '.id AS id, COUNT(*) AS nb_use FROM ' . $tag_t . ' ' . "\n" . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $asso_t . ' ON idf_tag_id=' . $tag_t . '.id ' . "\n" . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $what_t . ' ON idf_upload_id=' . $what_t . '.id ' . "\n" . 'WHERE idf_tag_id IS NOT NULL ' . $extra . ' AND ' . $what_t . '.project=' . $this->id . ' GROUP BY ' . $tag_t . '.id, ' . $tag_t . '.class, ' . $tag_t . '.name ORDER BY ' . $tag_t . '.class ASC, ' . $tag_t . '.name ASC'; } $tags = array(); foreach ($this->_con->select($sql) as $idc) { $tag = new IDF_Tag($idc['id']); $tag->nb_use = $idc['nb_use']; $tags[] = $tag; } return new Pluf_Template_ContextVars($tags); }