echo HTML::section(3, _("Attending Physician")); echo HTML::para($staff->getSurname1() . ' ' . $staff->getSurname2() . ', ' . $staff->getFirstName()); } $staffQ->freeResult(); } $staffQ->close(); unset($staffQ); unset($staff); } echo HTML::section(3, _("Opening Date")); echo HTML::para(I18n::localDate($problem->getOpeningDate())); echo HTML::section(3, _("Last Update Date")); echo HTML::para(I18n::localDate($problem->getLastUpdateDate())); if ($problem->getClosingDate() != "" && $problem->getClosingDate() != "0000-00-00") { echo HTML::section(3, _("Closing Date")); echo HTML::para(I18n::localDate($problem->getClosingDate())); } if ($problem->getMeetingPlace()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Meeting Place")); echo HTML::para($problem->getMeetingPlace()); } echo HTML::section(3, _("Wording")); echo HTML::para(nl2br($problem->getWording())); if ($problem->getSubjective()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Subjective")); echo HTML::para(nl2br($problem->getSubjective())); } if ($problem->getObjective()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Objective")); echo HTML::para(nl2br($problem->getObjective())); }
exit; } $thead = array(_("#"), _("Access Date"), _("Login")); if ($table == 'record') { $thead[] = _("Table"); $thead[] = _("Operation"); $thead[] = _("Data"); } else { $thead[] = _("Profile"); } $options = array('align' => 'center', 0 => array('align' => 'right')); $tbody = array(); for ($i = 1; $log = $logQ->fetch(); $i++) { $row = $i . '.'; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= I18n::localDate($log["access_date"]); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $log["login"]; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; if ($table == 'record') { $row .= $log["table_name"]; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $log["operation"]; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= htmlspecialchars(var_export(unserialize($log["affected_row"]), true)); } else { $row .= $profiles[$log["id_profile"]]; } $tbody[] = explode(OPEN_SEPARATOR, $row); } // end for
* @license GNU GPL * @version CVS: $Id: problem_fields.php,v 1.31 2008/03/23 12:00:17 jact Exp $ * @author jact <*****@*****.**> */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/exe_protect.php"; executionProtection(__FILE__); require_once "../model/Query/Staff.php"; $tbody = array(); $row = _("Código do atendimento") . ": "; $row .= $formVar["order_number"]; $tbody[] = $row; $row = _("Data de inclusão") . ": "; $row .= I18n::localDate($formVar["opening_date"]); $tbody[] = $row; $row = _("Última atualização") . ": "; $row .= I18n::localDate($formVar["last_update_date"]); $tbody[] = $row; $row = Form::label("id_member", _("Atendimento pelo projeto") . ":"); $staffQ = new Query_Staff(); $array = null; $array[0] = ""; // to permit null value if ($staffQ->selectType('D')) { while ($staff = $staffQ->fetch()) { $array[$staff->getIdMember()] = $staff->getFirstName() . " " . $staff->getSurname1() . " " . $staff->getSurname2(); } $staffQ->freeResult(); } $staffQ->close(); unset($staffQ); $row .= Form::select("id_member", $array, isset($formVar["id_member"]) ? $formVar["id_member"] : null);
$tbody = array(); while ($problem = $problemQ->fetch()) { $row = $problem->getOrderNumber(); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; if ($_SESSION['auth']['is_administrative']) { $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_edit.png', _("edit")), '../medical/problem_edit_form.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_delete.png', _("delete")), '../medical/problem_del_confirm.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; } // end if $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_view.png', _("view")), '../medical/problem_view.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_test.png', _("tests")), '../medical/test_list.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_connection.png', _("connect")), '../medical/connection_list.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $problem->getWordingPreview(); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= I18n::localDate($problem->getOpeningDate()); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= I18n::localDate($problem->getLastUpdateDate()); $tbody[] = explode(OPEN_SEPARATOR, $row); } // end while $problemQ->freeResult(); $problemQ->close(); unset($problemQ); unset($problem); echo HTML::table($thead, $tbody, null, $options); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
unset($links); echo HTML::section(2, sprintf(_("Record Logs List for user %s"), $login) . ":"); // Printing result stats and page nav echo HTML::para(HTML::tag('strong', sprintf(_("%d transactions."), $recordQ->getRowCount()))); $params = array('id_user='******'login='******'&', $params); $pageCount = $recordQ->getPageCount(); $pageLinks = Search::pageLinks($currentPage, $pageCount, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $params); echo $pageLinks; $thead = array(_("Access Date") => array('colspan' => 2), _("Login"), _("Table"), _("Operation"), _("Data")); $options = array(0 => array('align' => 'right'), 1 => array('align' => 'center', 'nowrap' => 1), 2 => array('align' => 'center'), 3 => array('align' => 'center'), 4 => array('align' => 'center')); $tbody = array(); while ($record = $recordQ->fetch()) { $row = $recordQ->getCurrentRow() . "."; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= I18n::localDate($record["access_date"]); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $record["login"]; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $record["table_name"]; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $record["operation"]; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= htmlspecialchars(var_export(unserialize($record["affected_row"]), true)); $tbody[] = explode(OPEN_SEPARATOR, $row); } $recordQ->freeResult(); $recordQ->close(); echo HTML::table($thead, $tbody, null, $options); echo $pageLinks; unset($recordQ);
echo HTML::section(2, sprintf(_("Access Logs List for user %s"), $login) . ":"); // Printing result stats and page nav echo HTML::para(HTML::tag('strong', sprintf(_("%d accesses."), $accessQ->getRowCount()))); $params = array('id_user='******'login='******'&', $params); $pageCount = $accessQ->getPageCount(); $pageLinks = Search::pageLinks($currentPage, $pageCount, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $params); echo $pageLinks; $profiles = array(OPEN_PROFILE_ADMINISTRATOR => _("Administrator"), OPEN_PROFILE_ADMINISTRATIVE => _("Administrative"), OPEN_PROFILE_DOCTOR => _("Doctor")); $thead = array(_("Access Date") => array('colspan' => 2), _("Login"), _("Profile")); $options = array(0 => array('align' => 'right'), 2 => array('align' => 'center'), 3 => array('align' => 'center')); $tbody = array(); while ($access = $accessQ->fetch()) { $row = $accessQ->getCurrentRow() . "."; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= I18n::localDate($access["access_date"]); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $access["login"]; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $profiles[$access["id_profile"]]; $tbody[] = explode(OPEN_SEPARATOR, $row); } $accessQ->freeResult(); $accessQ->close(); echo HTML::table($thead, $tbody, null, $options); echo $pageLinks; unset($accessQ); unset($access); unset($profiles); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return to users list"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
/** * string getHeader(void) * * Returns a header with medical problem information * * @return string * @access public * @since 0.8 */ function getHeader() { $_html = HTML::start('div', array('id' => 'problem_header', 'class' => 'clearfix')); $_html .= HTML::para(_("Wording") . ': ' . $this->getWordingPreview()); $_html .= HTML::para(_("Opening Date") . ': ' . I18n::localDate($this->getOpeningDate()), array('class' => 'right')); $_html .= HTML::para(_("Last Update Date") . ': ' . I18n::localDate($this->getLastUpdateDate()), array('class' => 'right')); $_html .= HTML::end('div'); return $_html; }
/** * mixed SQLDefinition(string $db, string $table, array $options = null) * * Returns $table's CREATE definition * * @param string $db database name * @param string $table table name * @param array $options (optional) (drop, use_backquotes) * @return mixed false if error occurs, string with CREATE statement if OK * @access public * @static * @see DUMP_CRLF, DUMP_MYSQL_INT_VERSION */ public static function SQLDefinition($db, $table, $options = null) { $schemaCreate = ''; $useBackquote = isset($options['use_backquotes']) ? $options['use_backquotes'] : false; if (isset($options['drop']) && $options['drop']) { $schemaCreate .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . self::backQuote($table, $useBackquote) . ';' . DUMP_CRLF; } $localConn = new DbConnection(); if (!$localConn->connect()) { return false; } if (DUMP_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 32321) { $result = $localConn->exec('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . $db . ' LIKE "' . self::addSlashes($table) . '"'); if ($result != false && $localConn->numRows() > 0) { $tmpRes = $localConn->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC); if (isset($tmpRes['Create_time']) && !empty($tmpRes['Create_time'])) { $schemaCreate .= '# ' . _("Create Time") . ': ' . I18n::localDate($tmpRes['Create_time']) . DUMP_CRLF; } if (isset($tmpRes['Update_time']) && !empty($tmpRes['Update_time'])) { $schemaCreate .= '# ' . _("Update Time") . ': ' . I18n::localDate($tmpRes['Update_time']) . DUMP_CRLF; } if (isset($tmpRes['Check_time']) && !empty($tmpRes['Check_time'])) { $schemaCreate .= '# ' . _("Check Time") . ': ' . I18n::localDate($tmpRes['Check_time']) . DUMP_CRLF; } $schemaCreate .= DUMP_CRLF; } $localConn->freeResult(); // Whether to quote table and fields names or not $localConn->exec('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE=' . ($useBackquote ? 1 : 0)); $localQuery = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . self::backQuote($db) . '.' . self::backQuote($table); $result = $localConn->exec($localQuery); if ($result != false && $localConn->numRows() > 0) { $tmpRes = $localConn->fetchRow(MYSQL_NUM); $pos = strpos($tmpRes[1], ' ('); $tmpRes[1] = substr($tmpRes[1], 0, 13) . ($useBackquote ? self::backQuote($tmpRes[0]) : $tmpRes[0]) . substr($tmpRes[1], $pos); $schemaCreate .= str_replace("\n", DUMP_CRLF, $tmpRes[1]); } $localConn->close(); return $schemaCreate; } // end if MySQL >= 3.23.21 // For MySQL < 3.23.20 $schemaCreate .= 'CREATE TABLE ' . self::backQuote($table, $useBackquote) . ' (' . DUMP_CRLF; $localQuery = 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . self::backQuote($db) . '.' . self::backQuote($table); if (!$localConn->exec($localQuery)) { return false; } while ($row = $localConn->fetchRow()) { $schemaCreate .= ' ' . self::backQuote($row['Field'], $useBackquote) . ' ' . strtoupper($row['Type']); if (isset($row['Default']) && !empty($row['Default'])) { $schemaCreate .= ' DEFAULT "' . self::addSlashes($row['Default']) . '"'; } if ($row['Null'] != 'YES') { $schemaCreate .= ' NOT NULL'; } if ($row['Extra'] != '') { $schemaCreate .= ' ' . $row['Extra']; } $schemaCreate .= ',' . DUMP_CRLF; } // end while $schemaCreate = preg_replace('/,' . DUMP_CRLF . '$/', '', $schemaCreate); $localQuery = 'SHOW KEYS FROM ' . self::backQuote($db) . '.' . self::backQuote($table); if (!$localConn->exec($localQuery)) { return false; } while ($row = $localConn->fetchRow()) { $kname = $row['Key_name']; $comment = isset($row['Comment']) ? $row['Comment'] : ''; $subPart = isset($row['Sub_part']) ? $row['Sub_part'] : ''; if ($kname != 'PRIMARY' && $row['Non_unique'] == 0) { $kname = "UNIQUE|{$kname}"; } if ($comment == 'FULLTEXT') { $kname = 'FULLTEXT|$kname'; } if (!isset($index[$kname])) { $index[$kname] = array(); } if ($subPart > 1) { $index[$kname][] = self::backQuote($row['Column_name'], $useBackquote) . '(' . $subPart . ')'; } else { $index[$kname][] = self::backQuote($row['Column_name'], $useBackquote); } } // end while $localConn->close(); while (list($x, $columns) = @each($index)) { $schemaCreate .= ',' . DUMP_CRLF; if ($x == 'PRIMARY') { $schemaCreate .= ' PRIMARY KEY ('; } elseif (substr($x, 0, 6) == 'UNIQUE') { $schemaCreate .= ' UNIQUE ' . substr($x, 7) . ' ('; } elseif (substr($x, 0, 8) == 'FULLTEXT') { $schemaCreate .= ' FULLTEXT ' . substr($x, 9) . ' ('; } else { $schemaCreate .= ' KEY ' . $x . ' ('; } $schemaCreate .= implode($columns, ', ') . ')'; } // end while $schemaCreate .= DUMP_CRLF . ')'; return $schemaCreate; }
} else { $query .= $word[$i] . " " . $logical . " "; } } } if ($logical == OPEN_NOT) { $query .= " NOT "; } $query .= $word[$num - 1] . ")"; $thead = array(sprintf(_("Search Results From Query: %s"), $query) => array('colspan' => 2)); $options = array(0 => array('align' => 'right')); $recordset = null; while ($problem = $problemQ->fetch()) { $row = $problemQ->getCurrentRow(); eval("\$aux = {$val};"); $recordset[$row] = $row . OPEN_SEPARATOR . $problem->getIdProblem() . OPEN_SEPARATOR . $problem->getIdPatient() . OPEN_SEPARATOR . $aux . OPEN_SEPARATOR . I18n::localDate($problem->getOpeningDate()) . OPEN_SEPARATOR . I18n::localDate($problem->getClosingDate()); } // end while $problemQ->freeResult(); $problemQ->close(); unset($problemQ); $tbody = array(); foreach ($recordset as $arrKey => $arrValue) { $array = explode(OPEN_SEPARATOR, $arrValue, 6); $patQ = new Query_Page_Patient(); if ($patQ->select($array[2])) { $pat = $patQ->fetch(); if (!$pat) { $patQ->close(); Error::fetch($patQ); }
$options = array(0 => array('align' => 'right')); $tbody = array(); while ($problem = $problemQ->fetch()) { $row = $problem->getOrderNumber(); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; // a closed medical problem is not editable $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_view.png', _("view")), '../medical/problem_view.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; if ($_SESSION['auth']['is_administrative']) { $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_delete.png', _("delete")), '../medical/problem_del_confirm.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; } // end if $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_test.png', _("tests")), '../medical/test_list.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_connection.png', _("connect")), '../medical/connection_list.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $problem->getIdPatient())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $problem->getWordingPreview(); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= I18n::localDate($problem->getOpeningDate()); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= I18n::localDate($problem->getClosingDate()); $tbody[] = explode(OPEN_SEPARATOR, $row); } // end while $problemQ->freeResult(); $problemQ->close(); unset($problemQ); unset($problem); echo HTML::table($thead, $tbody, null, $options); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
$limitFrom = $limitTo = 0; } $dumpBuffer .= Dump::SQLData(OPEN_DATABASE, $table, array('from' => $limitFrom, 'to' => $limitTo, 'use_backquotes' => isset($_POST['use_backquotes']) ? $_POST['use_backquotes'] : null, 'show_columns' => isset($_POST['show_columns']) ? $_POST['show_columns'] : null, 'extended_inserts' => isset($_POST['extended_inserts']) ? $_POST['extended_inserts'] : null)); } // end if } // end if } // end for // don't remove, it makes easier to select & copy from browser $dumpBuffer .= DUMP_CRLF; } elseif ($_POST['what'] == 'xml') { // first add the xml tag $dumpBuffer .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>' . DUMP_CRLF . DUMP_CRLF; // some comments $dumpBuffer .= '<!--' . DUMP_CRLF . '--' . DUMP_CRLF . '-- OpenClinic XML-Dump' . DUMP_CRLF . '-- version ' . OPEN_VERSION . DUMP_CRLF . '--' . DUMP_CRLF . '--' . DUMP_CRLF . '-- ' . _("Host") . ": " . OPEN_HOST . DUMP_CRLF . '-- ' . _("Generation Time") . ": " . I18n::localDate() . DUMP_CRLF . '-- ' . _("Server Version") . ': ' . DUMP_MYSQL_VERSION . DUMP_CRLF . '-- ' . _("PHP Version") . ": " . phpversion() . DUMP_CRLF . '-- ' . _("Database") . ": " . OPEN_DATABASE . DUMP_CRLF; if (isset($_POST['table_select'])) { $tableSelect = implode($_POST['table_select'], ', '); $tmpSelect = implode($_POST['table_select'], OPEN_SEPARATOR); $tmpSelect = OPEN_SEPARATOR . $tmpSelect . OPEN_SEPARATOR; } else { $tableSelect = _("All Tables"); } $dumpBuffer .= '-- ' . sprintf(_("Table Summary: %s"), $tableSelect) . DUMP_CRLF . '--' . DUMP_CRLF . '-->' . DUMP_CRLF . DUMP_CRLF; // Now build the structure // TODO: Make db and table names XML compatible (designer responsability) $dumpBuffer .= '<database name="' . OPEN_DATABASE . '">' . DUMP_CRLF; if (isset($_POST['table_select'])) { $tmpSelect = implode($_POST['table_select'], OPEN_SEPARATOR); $tmpSelect = OPEN_SEPARATOR . $tmpSelect . OPEN_SEPARATOR; }
echo HTML::section(3, _("Raça/Cor")); echo HTML::para($patient->getRace()); } if ($patient->getBirthDate() != "" && $patient->getBirthDate() != "0000-00-00") { echo HTML::section(3, _("Data nascimento")); echo HTML::para(I18n::localDate($patient->getBirthDate())); echo HTML::section(3, _("Idade")); echo HTML::para($patient->getAge()); } if ($patient->getBirthPlace()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Cidade em que nasceu")); echo HTML::para($patient->getBirthPlace()); } if ($patient->getDeceaseDate() != "" && $patient->getDeceaseDate() != "0000-00-00") { echo HTML::section(3, _("Data de saída do benefício")); echo HTML::para(I18n::localDate($patient->getDeceaseDate())); } if ($patient->getNTS()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("RG")); echo HTML::para($patient->getNTS()); } if ($patient->getNSS()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("CPF")); echo HTML::para($patient->getNSS()); } if ($patient->getFamilySituation()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Situação da família")); echo HTML::para(nl2br($patient->getFamilySituation())); } if ($patient->getLabourSituation()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Condição de trabalho"));
if ($problemQ->isError()) { Error::query($problemQ, false); continue; } $problem = $problemQ->fetch(); if (!$problem) { $problemQ->close(); Error::fetch($problemQ); } $row = $i + 1 . '.'; $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_view.png', _("view")), '../medical/problem_view.php', array('id_problem' => $problem->getIdProblem(), 'id_patient' => $idPatient)); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; if ($_SESSION['auth']['is_administrative']) { $row .= HTML::link(HTML::image('../img/action_delete.png', _("delete")), '../medical/connection_del_confirm.php', array('id_problem' => $idProblem, 'id_patient' => $idPatient, 'id_connection' => $problem->getIdProblem())); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; } // end if $row .= I18n::localDate($problem->getOpeningDate()); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= $problem->getWordingPreview(); $tbody[] = explode(OPEN_SEPARATOR, $row); } // end for $problemQ->freeResult(); $problemQ->close(); unset($problemQ); unset($problem); $options = array(0 => array('align' => 'right')); echo HTML::table($thead, $tbody, null, $options); require_once "../layout/footer.php";