public function uploadContents($content)
     if ($this->data['appkey'] === null) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('appkey should not be null!');
     if ($this->data['timestamp'] === null) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('timestamp should not be null!');
     if (!is_string($content)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('content should be a string!');
     $post = array('appkey' => $this->data['appkey'], 'timestamp' => $this->data['timestamp'], 'content' => $content);
     $url = $this->host . $this->uploadPath;
     $postBody = json_encode($post);
     $sign = md5('POST' . $url . $postBody . $this->appMasterSecret);
     $url = $url . '?sign=' . $sign;
     $http = new HttpClient();
     $http->execute($url, $postBody);
     if ($http->httpCode === '0') {
         //time out
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Curl error number:' . $http->curlErrNo . ' , Curl error details:' . $http->curlErr . '\\r\\n');
     } elseif ($http->httpCode !== '200') {
         //we did send the notifition out and got a non-200 response
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('http code:' . $http->httpCode . PHP_EOL . ' details:' . $http->result . '\\r\\n');
     $returnData = json_decode($http->result, true);
     if ($returnData['ret'] === 'FAIL') {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Failed to upload file, details:' . $http->result . '\\r\\n');
     } else {
         $this->data['file_id'] = $returnData['data']['file_id'];
 public function execute()
     return $this->_responseBody;
Beispiel #3
  * Use remote Ushahidi deployments API to get Incident Data
  * Limit to 20 not to kill remote server
 private function _parse_json($sharing_id = NULL, $sharing_url = NULL)
     if (!$sharing_id or !$sharing_url) {
         return false;
     $timeout = 5;
     $limit = 20;
     $since_id = 0;
     $modified_ids = array();
     // this is an array of our primary keys
     $more_reports_to_pull = TRUE;
     while ($more_reports_to_pull == TRUE) {
         $api_url = "/api?task=incidents&limit=" . $limit . "&resp=json&orderfield=incidentid&sort=0&by=sinceid&id=" . $since_id;
         $request = new HttpClient(sharing_helper::clean_url($sharing_url) . $api_url);
         $json = $request->execute();
         $all_data = json_decode($json, false);
         if (!$all_data) {
             return false;
         if (!isset($all_data->payload->incidents)) {
             return false;
         // Parse Incidents Into Database
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($all_data->payload->incidents as $incident) {
             // See if this incident already exists so we can edit it
             $item_check = ORM::factory('sharing_incident')->where('sharing_id', $sharing_id)->where('incident_id', $incident->incident->incidentid)->find();
             if ($item_check->loaded == TRUE) {
                 $item = ORM::factory('sharing_incident', $item_check->id);
             } else {
                 $item = ORM::factory('sharing_incident');
             $item->sharing_id = $sharing_id;
             $item->incident_id = $incident->incident->incidentid;
             $item->incident_title = $incident->incident->incidenttitle;
             $item->latitude = $incident->incident->locationlatitude;
             $item->longitude = $incident->incident->locationlongitude;
             $item->incident_date = $incident->incident->incidentdate;
             // Save the primary key of the row we touched. We will be deleting ones that weren't touched.
             $modified_ids[] = $item->id;
             // Save the highest pulled incident id so we can grab the next set from that id on
             $since_id = $incident->incident->incidentid;
             // Save count so we know if we need to pull any more reports or not
         if ($count < $limit) {
             $more_reports_to_pull = FALSE;
     // Delete the reports that are no longer being displayed on the shared site
     ORM::factory('sharing_incident')->notin('id', $modified_ids)->where('sharing_id', $sharing_id)->delete_all();
Beispiel #4
  * Fetches ushahidi from
  * @param String url-- download URL
 public function download_ushahidi($url)
     $http_client = new HttpClient($url, 30);
     $results = $http_client->execute();
     $this->log[] = "Starting to download the latest ushahidi build...";
     if ($results) {
         $this->log[] = "Download of latest ushahidi went successful.";
         $this->success = true;
         return $results;
     } else {
         $this->errors[] = sprintf(Kohana::lang('libraries.upgrade_failed') . ": %d", $http_client->get_error_msg());
         $this->success = false;
         return $results;
 public function send()
     //check the fields to make sure that they are not null
     $url = $this->host . $this->postPath;
     $this->postBody = $postBody = json_encode($this->data);
     $sign = md5('POST' . $url . $postBody . $this->appMasterSecret);
     $url = $url . '?sign=' . $sign;
     $http = new HttpClient();
     $http->execute($url, $postBody);
     if ($http->httpCode === '0') {
         // Time out
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Curl error number:' . $http->curlErrNo . ' , Curl error details:' . $http->curlErr . PHP_EOL);
     } elseif ($http->httpCode !== '200') {
         // We did send the notifition out and got a non-200 response
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Http code:' . $http->httpCode . PHP_EOL . ' details:' . $http->result . PHP_EOL);
     } else {
         return $http->result;
Beispiel #6
  * Geonames Feeds GeoCoding (RSS to GEORSS)
  * Due to limitations, this returns only 20 items
  * @param   string location / address
  * @return  string raw georss data
 function geocode_feed($feed_url = NULL)
     $base_url = "http://" . GEOCODER_GEONAMES . "/rssToGeoRSS?";
     // Only requests service if we have an user
     $geocode_username = Settings_Model::get_setting('feed_geolocation_user');
     if ($feed_url && !empty($geocode_username)) {
         // First check to make sure geonames webservice is running
         $geonames_status = @remote::status($base_url);
         if ($geonames_status == "200") {
             // Successful
             $request_url = $base_url . "&feedUrl=" . urlencode($feed_url) . "&username=" . $geocode_username;
         } else {
             // Down perhaps?? Use direct feed
             $request_url = $feed_url;
         $request = new HttpClient($request_url);
         if (!($georss = $request->execute($request_url))) {
             // If the request failed, something may be wrong with the GEOCODER_GEONAMES service
             return false;
         //$georss = utf8_encode($georss);
         // Lez verify this we got a good reply from the geocoder before proceeding
         $data = new SimplePie();
         // Feed no good - get outta here!
         if ($data->error()) {
             Kohana::log('error', $data->error() . $request_url);
             return false;
         return trim($georss);
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #7
  * Helper function to send a cURL request
  * @param url - URL for cURL to hit
 public function _curl_req($url)
     $request = new HttpClient($url);
     $buffer = $request->execute();
     if ($buffer === FALSE) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception($request->get_error_msg());
     return $buffer;
Beispiel #8
  * call an api endpoint. automatically adds needed authorization headers with access token or parameters
  * @param string $endpoint
  * @param string $method default 'GET'
  * @param array $uriParameters optional
  * @param mixed $postBody optional, can be string or array
  * @param array $additionalHeaders
  * @return string
 public function callApiEndpoint($endpoint, $method = 'GET', array $uriParameters = array(), $postBody = null, array $additionalHeaders = array())
     $token = $this->_dataStore->retrieveAccessToken();
     //check if token is invalid
     if ($token->getLifeTime() && $token->getLifeTime() < time()) {
         $token = $this->refreshAccessToken($token);
     $parameters = null;
     $authorizationMethod = $this->_configuration->getAuthorizationMethod();
     switch ($authorizationMethod) {
         case Service\Configuration::AUTHORIZATION_METHOD_HEADER:
             $additionalHeaders = array_merge(array('Authorization: OAuth ' . $token->getAccessToken()), $additionalHeaders);
         case Service\Configuration::AUTHORIZATION_METHOD_ALTERNATIVE:
             if ($method !== 'GET') {
                 if (is_array($postBody)) {
                     $postBody['oauth_token'] = $token->getAccessToken();
                 } else {
                     $postBody .= '&oauth_token=' . urlencode($token->getAccessToken());
             } else {
                 $uriParameters['oauth_token'] = $token->getAccessToken();
             throw new Exception("Invalid authorization method specified");
     if ($method !== 'GET') {
         if (is_array($postBody)) {
             $parameters = http_build_query($postBody);
         } else {
             $parameters = $postBody;
     if (!empty($uriParameters)) {
         $endpoint .= (strpos($endpoint, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . http_build_query($uriParameters);
     $http = new HttpClient($endpoint, $method, $parameters, $additionalHeaders);
     return $http->getResponse();
Beispiel #9
  * Read in new layer KML via HttpClient
  * @param int $layer_id - ID of the new KML Layer
 public function layer($layer_id = 0)
     $this->template = "";
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     $layer = ORM::factory('layer')->where('layer_visible', 1)->find($layer_id);
     if ($layer->loaded) {
         $layer_url = $layer->layer_url;
         $layer_file = $layer->layer_file;
         if ($layer_url != '') {
             // Pull from a URL
             $layer_link = $layer_url;
         } else {
             // Pull from an uploaded file
             $layer_link = Kohana::config('') . '/' . $layer_file;
         $layer_request = new HttpClient($layer_link);
         $content = $layer_request->execute();
         if ($content === FALSE) {
             throw new Kohana_Exception($layer_request->get_error_msg());
         } else {
             echo $content;
     } else {
         throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
Beispiel #10
  * Fetch latest ushahidi version from a remote instance then
  * compare it with local instance version number.
 public function _fetch_core_release()
     // Current Version
     $current = urlencode(Kohana::config('settings.ushahidi_version'));
     // Extra Stats
     $url = urlencode(preg_replace("/^https?:\\/\\/(.+)\$/i", "\\1", url::base()));
     $ip_address = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? urlencode($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) : "";
     $version_url = "" . $current . "&u=" . $url . "&ip=" . $ip_address;
     $request = new HttpClient($version_url);
     $version = $request->execute();
     preg_match('/({.*})/', $version, $matches);
     $version_json_string = false;
     if (isset($matches[0])) {
         $version_json_string = $matches[0];
     // If we didn't get anything back...
     if (!$version_json_string) {
         return "";
     $version_details = json_decode($version_json_string);
     return $version_details;
Beispiel #11
  * Retrieves cities listing using GeoNames Service
  * @param int $country_id The id of the country to retrieve cities for
  * Returns a JSON response
 public function update_cities($country_id = 0)
     $this->template = "";
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     // Get country ISO code from DB
     $country = ORM::factory('country', (int) $country_id);
     // No. of cities fetched
     $entries = 0;
     // Default payload to be returned to client as a JSON object
     $status_response = array("status" => "error", "response" => sprintf("%d %s %s", $entries, Kohana::lang('ui_admin.cities_loaded'), Kohana::lang('ui_admin.country_not_found')));
     if ($country->loaded) {
         $base_url = "";
         // Get the cities within the country info
         // Limited to 1000 items to avoid query time out
         /* This URL runs an Overpass API request using OverpassQL similar to:
         				out body 1000;
         $cities_url = $base_url . "interpreter?data=" . urlencode('[out:json][timeout:300];area["admin_level"="2"]["name:en"~"^' . $country->country . '"];(node["place"="city"](area););out body 1000;');
         // Fetch the cities
         $cities_client = new HttpClient($cities_url, 300);
         if (($response = $cities_client->execute()) !== FALSE) {
             // Decode the JSON responce
             $response = json_decode($response);
             $cities = isset($response->elements) ? $response->elements : array();
             // Only proceed if cities are returned
             if (count($cities) > 0) {
                 // Set the city count for the country
                 $country->cities = count($cities);
                 // Delete all the cities for the current country
                 ORM::factory('city')->where('country_id', $country->id)->delete_all();
                 // Manually construct the query (DB library can't do bulk inserts)
                 $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %scity (`country_id`, `city`, `city_lat`, `city_lon`) VALUES ", $this->table_prefix);
                 $values = array();
                 // Create a database expression and use that to sanitize values
                 $values_expr = new Database_Expression("(:countryid, :city, :lat, :lon)");
                 // Add the freshly fetched cities
                 foreach ($cities as $city) {
                     // Skip nameless nodes or nodes with lat/lon
                     if (!isset($city->tags->name) or !$city->lat or !$city->lon) {
                     $values_expr->param(':countryid', $country->id);
                     $values_expr->param(':city', $city->tags->name);
                     $values_expr->param(':lat', $city->lat);
                     $values_expr->param(':lon', $city->lon);
                     $values[] = $values_expr->compile();
                 $query .= implode(",", $values);
                 // Batch insert
                 $entries = count($cities);
             // Set the response payload
             $status_response['status'] = "success";
             $status_response['response'] = sprintf("%d %s", $entries, Kohana::lang('ui_admin.cities_loaded'));
         } else {
             // Geonames timeout
             $status_response['response'] = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.timeout');
     echo json_encode($status_response);
Beispiel #12
  * Retrieves cities listing using GeoNames Service
  * @param int $country_id The id of the country to retrieve cities for
  * Returns a JSON response
 public function update_cities($country_id = 0)
     $this->template = "";
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     // Get country ISO code from DB
     $country = ORM::factory('country', (int) $country_id);
     // No. of cities fetched
     $entries = 0;
     // Default payload to be returned to client as a JSON object
     $status_response = array("status" => "error", "response" => sprintf("%d %s %s", $entries, Kohana::lang('ui_admin.cities_loaded'), Kohana::lang('ui_admin.country_not_found')));
     if ($country->loaded) {
         $iso = strtoupper($country->iso);
         // Base URL for the Geonames API endpoint
         $base_url = "";
         // Get the country info
         $country_url = $base_url . "countryInfoJSON?country=%s&username=ushahididev";
         $client = new HttpClient(sprintf($country_url, $iso));
         if (($response = $client->execute()) !== FALSE) {
             // Decode the JSON
             $response = json_decode($response, TRUE);
             // Geonames returned an error
             if (!array_key_exists('geonames', $response)) {
                 echo json_encode($status_response);
             // Get the south,east, north and west bounds
             $country_info = $response['geonames'][0];
             // Fetch the city names
             // TODO: EK <emmanuel(at)
             // The maximum no. of cities + the geonames username
             // should be configurable parameters. Right now, I've set the upper
             // limit for the cities to 1000
             $cities_url = $base_url . "citiesJSON?north=%s&south=%s&east=%s&west=%s&username=ushahididev&maxRows=1000";
             // Add the bounding box values
             $cities_url = sprintf($cities_url, $country_info['north'], $country_info['south'], $country_info['east'], $country_info['west']);
             // Fetch the cities
             $cities_client = new HttpClient($cities_url);
             if (($response = $cities_client->execute()) !== FALSE) {
                 // Decode the JSON response
                 $response = json_decode($response, TRUE);
                 $cities = array_key_exists('geonames', $response) ? $response['geonames'] : array();
                 // Only proceed if cities are returned
                 if (count($cities) > 0) {
                     // Set the city count for the country
                     $country->cities = count($cities);
                     // Delete all the cities for the current country
                     ORM::factory('city')->where('country_id', $country->id)->delete_all();
                     $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %scity (`country_id`, `city`, `city_lat`, `city_lon`) VALUES ", $this->table_prefix);
                     $values = array();
                     $values_template = "(%d, '%s', %s, %s)";
                     // Add the freshly fetched cities
                     foreach ($cities as $city) {
                         $values[] = sprintf($values_template, $country->id, $city['name'], $city['lat'], $city['lng']);
                     $query .= implode(",", $values);
                     // Batch insert
                     $entries = count($cities);
                 // Set the response payload
                 $status_response['status'] = "success";
                 $status_response['response'] = sprintf("%d %s", $entries, Kohana::lang('ui_admin.cities_loaded'));
             } else {
                 // Geonames timed out
                 $status_response['response'] = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.geonames_timeout');
         } else {
             // Geonames timeout
             $status_response['response'] = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.geonames_timeout');
     echo json_encode($status_response);
Beispiel #13
  * Generates the thumbnail a video
  * @param string $raw URL of the video
  * @return string url of video thumbnail
 public function thumbnail($raw)
     $output = FALSE;
     if (isset($this->service['oembed'])) {
         $url = $this->service['oembed'] . "?url=" . urlencode($this->url);
         $request = new HttpClient($url);
         $result = $request->execute();
         if ($result !== FALSE) {
             $oembed = json_decode($result);
             if (!empty($oembed) and !empty($oembed->thumbnail_url)) {
                 $output = $oembed->thumbnail_url;
     $data = array($this->service_name, $output);
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.video_embed_thumbnail', $data);
     list($this->service_name, $output) = $data;
     return $output;
Beispiel #14
  * Reverse Geocode a point using Google Geocode
  * @author
  * @param   double  $latitude
  * @param   double  $longitude
  * @return  string  closest approximation of the point as a display name
 static function reverseGoogle($lat, $lng)
     if ($lat && $lng) {
         $url = Kohana::config('config.external_site_protocol') . '://' . $lat . "," . $lng;
         $request = new HttpClient($url);
         if (!($json = $request->execute())) {
             Kohana::log('error', "Geocode - reverseGoogle\n" . $url . "\n" . $request->get_error_msg());
             return FALSE;
         $location = json_decode($json);
         if ($location->status != 'OK') {
             // logs anything different from OK
             Kohana::log('error', "Geocode - reverseGoogle: " . $location->status . " - " . $location->error_message);
             return FALSE;
         if (count($location->results) == 0) {
             return FALSE;
         return $location->results[0]->formatted_address;
     } else {
         return FALSE;