Beispiel #1
  * A widget for displaying a list of items
  * @param string[] $columnheaders The headers in the top row
  * @param boolean $alternaterow Determines if different styling should be applied to every other row
  * @param boolean $alternatecell Determines if different styling should be applied to every other cell
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function __construct($columnheaders, $alternaterow = true, $alternatecell = false, $args = null)
     $args->Add('class', 'listview', false);
     $this->AddContainer(new HtmlElement('div', $args, EMPTYSTRING, new HtmlElement('table')), 'table');
     if ($alternaterow == false) {
         $this->_alternaterow = null;
     } else {
         $this->_alternaterow = true;
     if ($alternatecell == false) {
         $this->_alternatecell = null;
     } else {
         $this->_alternatecell = true;
     if (sizeof($columnheaders) > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($columnheaders); $i++) {
             $string = $columnheaders[$i];
             if (is_string($string) && strlen($string) > 0 && $string[0] == '_') {
                 $this->_compressedcols[] = $i;
                 $columnheaders[$i] = substr($columnheaders[$i], 1);
Beispiel #2
  * A widget for containing/structuring other widgets (div)
  * @param string $id The HTML #id of the box
  * @param string $class The HTML .class of box
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function __construct($id = null, $class = null, $args = null)
     $args->Add('id', $id);
     $args->Add('class', $class);
     parent::__construct('div', $args);
Beispiel #3
  * A widget containing a menu
  * @param string $id The HTML #id of the element
  * @param string $class The HTML .class of element
  * @param string[][] $links The links in the menu
  * @param string $selected The title of the selected item in the menu
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function __construct($id, $class, $links, $selected = null, $args = null)
     $args->Add('id', $id);
     $args->Add('class', $class);
     $url = $title = null;
     $items = array();
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         if (_array::IsLongerThan($link, 1)) {
             $url = $link[0];
             $title = $link[1];
         } else {
             $url = $title = $link;
         $linkargs = null;
         $forcehttps = false;
         if (_string::StartsWith($title, '_')) {
             $title = _string::RemovePrefix($title, '_');
             $forcehttps = true;
         if ($selected != null && $selected == $title) {
             $linkargs = array('selected' => true);
         $items[] = new RTK_Link($url, $title, $forcehttps, $linkargs);
     parent::__construct($items, $args);
Beispiel #4
  * A widget for displaying an image (img)
  * @param string $imgurl The url of the image
  * @param string $alttext A text that will be shown if the image could not be loaded
  * @param boolean $forcehttps Specify if the link has to have https 
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function __construct($imgurl = EMPTYSTRING, $alttext = EMPTYSTRING, $args = null)
     $args->Add('src', $imgurl, true);
     $args->Add('alt', $alttext, true);
     $this->AddChild(new HtmlElement('img', $args));
Beispiel #5
  * A button widget
  * @param string $name The name/id of the button
  * @param string $title The text written on the button
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function __construct($name = 'submit', $title = 'Submit', $args = null)
     $args->Add('type', 'submit', false);
     $args->Add('name', $name, false);
     $args->Add('class', 'submit', false);
     $args->Add('value', $title, false);
     parent::__construct('input', $args);
Beispiel #6
  * A widget containing text (essentially just a div or span with text)
  * @param string $text The text to display
  * @param boolean $inline Determines if the widget should be span(true) or div(false)
  * @param string $id The HTML #id of the element
  * @param string $class The HTML .class of element
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function __construct($text = EMPTYSTRING, $inline = false, $id = null, $class = null, $args = null)
     if (Value::SetAndNotNull($id)) {
         $args->Add('id', $id);
     if (Value::SetAndNotNull($class)) {
         $args->Add('class', $class);
     $tag = $inline ? 'span' : 'div';
     parent::__construct($tag, $args, $text);
Beispiel #7
  * A widget containing the links to different pages for a common URL
  * @param string $baseurl The base part of the URL that all links in the paginition shares
  * @param integer $amount The amount of items to divide into pages
  * @param integer $perpage The amount of items per page
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function __construct($baseurl, $amount, $perpage, $page, $args = null)
     $args->Add('class', 'pagination', false);
     if ($amount > $perpage || PAGINATIONSHOWEMPTY) {
         parent::__construct('ul', $args);
         $firstpage = 1;
         $lastpage = ceil($amount / $perpage);
         $lowerlimit = $page - PAGINATIONLINKS;
         $upperlimit = $page + PAGINATIONLINKS;
         $nolink = new HtmlElement('li', EMPTYSTRING, '&nbsp;');
         // First, previous
         if ($page > $firstpage) {
             $this->AddChild(new HtmlElement('li', EMPTYSTRING, EMPTYSTRING, new HtmlElement('a', array('href' => $baseurl . $firstpage . SINGLESLASH), PAGINATIONFIRST)));
             $this->AddChild(new HtmlElement('li', EMPTYSTRING, EMPTYSTRING, new HtmlElement('a', array('href' => $baseurl . ($page - 1) . SINGLESLASH), PAGINATIONPREV)));
         } else {
         // Available page numbers
         for ($i = $lowerlimit; $i <= $upperlimit; $i++) {
             if ($i == $page) {
                 $this->AddChild(new HtmlElement('li', array('class' => 'current'), $page));
             } elseif ($i >= $firstpage && $i <= $lastpage) {
                 $this->AddChild(new HtmlElement('li', EMPTYSTRING, EMPTYSTRING, new HtmlElement('a', array('href' => $baseurl . $i . SINGLESLASH), $i)));
             } else {
         // Next Page, Last Page
         if ($page < $lastpage) {
             $this->AddChild(new HtmlElement('li', EMPTYSTRING, EMPTYSTRING, new HtmlElement('a', array('href' => $baseurl . ($page + 1) . SINGLESLASH), PAGINATIONNEXT)));
             $this->AddChild(new HtmlElement('li', EMPTYSTRING, EMPTYSTRING, new HtmlElement('a', array('href' => $baseurl . $lastpage . SINGLESLASH), PAGINATIONLAST)));
         } else {
     } else {
Beispiel #8
  * A widget containing a clickable link (a)
  * @param string $url The url of the link
  * @param string $name The title of the list
  * @param boolean $forcehttps Specify if the link has to have https
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function __construct($url = EMPTYSTRING, $name = EMPTYSTRING, $forcehttps = false, $args = null)
     $args->Add('href', Site::GetBaseURL($forcehttps) . $url);
     parent::__construct('a', $args, $name);
Beispiel #9
  * Add a row of radiobuttons to the form
  * @param string $name The HTML name (and #id) of the input field
  * @param string $title The text written next to the input field
  * @param string[][] $options An array of options, each of which is an array of value and title
  * @param string $selected The value of the selected radiobutton
  * @param HtmlElement $container (optional) The "container" to add it to
 public function AddRadioButtons($name, $title, $options, $selected = null, $container = null)
     $group = new HtmlElement('div', array('class' => 'formgroup'));
     $option_value = EMPTYSTRING;
     $option_title = EMPTYSTRING;
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         if (_array::IsLongerThan($option, 1)) {
             $option_value = $option[0];
             $option_title = $option[1];
         } else {
             $option_value = $option_title = $option;
         $args = new HtmlAttributes();
         $args->Add('type', 'radio');
         $args->Add('class', 'radiobox');
         $args->Add('name', $name);
         $args->Add('id', $name);
         $args->Add('value', $option_value);
         if ($selected == $option_value) {
             $args->Add('checked', true);
         $group->AddChild(new HtmlElement('input', $args));
         $group->AddChild(new HtmlElement('span', EMPTYSTRING, $option_title));
     $field = new HtmlElement('div', array('class' => 'formline'));
     $field->AddChild(new HtmlElement('label', array('for' => $name), $title));
     $this->AddToContainer($field, $container);
Beispiel #10
  * Adds a javascript to the HTML document
  * @param string $filename The name of the file to add
  * @param HtmlAttributes $args Allows custom html tag arguments to be specified (not recommended)
 public function AddJavascript($filename, $args = null)
     $args->Add('src', $filename);
     $this->_javascripts[$filename] = new HtmlElement('script', $args);

Part::input($id, 'string');
Part::input($name, 'string');
Part::input($value, 'array', array());
Part::input($attrs, 'HtmlAttributes', new HtmlAttributes());
Part::input($classes, 'HtmlClasses', new HtmlClasses('nmc-controls-checkbox-array'));
Part::input($choices, 'array');
$i = 0;
$name = $name . '[]';
foreach ($choices as $key => $choiceValue) {
    $boxId = $id . '_' . $choiceValue;
    $attrs = new HtmlAttributes();
    if (in_array($choiceValue, $value)) {
        $attrs->set('checked', 'checked');
    Part::draw('html/input', 'checkbox', $boxId, $name, (string) $choiceValue, $attrs, $classes);
    echo '<label for="' . $boxId . '">' . $key . '</label><br />';