select() public method

Returns an array of records with the column names as keys, and column values as values.
public select ( string $sql, mixed $arg1 = null, string $arg2 = null ) : Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_Result
$sql string SQL statement.
$arg1 mixed Either an array of bound parameters or a query name.
$arg2 string If $arg1 contains bound parameters, the query name.
return Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_Result
Beispiel #1
  * Ensure that an array of users exist in storage. Create any that don't,
  * return user_ids for all.
  * @param array $users  An array of users. Values typed as an integer
  *                        are assumed to already be an user_id.
  * @return array  An array of user_ids.
 public function ensureUsers($users)
     if (!is_array($users)) {
         $users = array($users);
     $userIds = array();
     $userName = array();
     // Anything already typed as an integer is assumed to be a user id.
     foreach ($users as $userIndex => $user) {
         if (is_int($user)) {
             $userIds[$userIndex] = $user;
         } else {
             $userName[$user] = $userIndex;
     // Get the ids for any users that already exist.
     try {
         if (count($userName)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_name FROM ' . $this->_t('users') . ' WHERE user_name IN (' . implode(',', array_map(array($this, 'toDriver'), array_keys($userName))) . ')';
             foreach ($this->_db->select($sql) as $row) {
                 $userIndex = $userName[$row['user_name']];
                 $userIds[$userIndex] = $row['user_id'];
         // Create any users that didn't already exist
         foreach ($userName as $user => $userIndex) {
             $userIds[$userIndex] = $this->_db->insert('INSERT INTO ' . $this->_t('users') . ' (user_name) VALUES (' . $this->toDriver($user) . ')');
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Content_Exception($e);
     return $userIds;
Beispiel #2
 public function get($mailbox, $uids, $fields, $uidvalid)
     $this->getMetaData($mailbox, $uidvalid, array('uidvalid'));
     $query = $this->_baseSql($mailbox, self::MSG_TABLE);
     $query[0] = 'SELECT, t.msguid ' . $query[0];
     $uid_query = array();
     foreach ($uids as $val) {
         $uid_query[] = 't.msguid = ?';
         $query[1][] = strval($val);
     $query[0] .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $uid_query) . ')';
     $compress = new Horde_Compress_Fast();
     $out = array();
     try {
         $columns = $this->_db->columns(self::MSG_TABLE);
         $res = $this->_db->select($query[0], $query[1]);
         foreach ($res as $row) {
             try {
                 $out[$row['msguid']] = @unserialize($compress->decompress($columns['data']->binaryToString($row['data'])));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
     return $out;
Beispiel #3
 public function getMany($num = 50)
     $tasks = array();
     $values = array();
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM horde_queue_tasks where task_queue = ? ORDER BY task_id LIMIT ?';
     $values[] = $this->_queue;
     $values[] = $num;
     try {
         $rows = $this->_db->select($query, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Queue_Exception($e);
     $query = 'DELETE FROM horde_queue_tasks WHERE task_id = ?';
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $tasks[] = unserialize($row['task_fields']);
         // TODO: Evaluate if a single call for all IDs is faster for
         // various scenarios
         try {
             $this->_db->delete($query, array($row['task_id']));
         } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
             throw new Horde_Queue_Exception($e);
     return $tasks;
Beispiel #4
  * Retrieve an option set from the storage backend.
  * @param boolean $defaults  Whether to retrieve the global defaults
  *                           instead of user options.
  * @return array  Array of option-value pairs.
  * @throws Sam_Exception
 protected function _retrieve($defaults = false)
     $user = $defaults ? $this->_params['global_user'] : $this->_user;
     try {
         $result = $this->_db->select('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->_params['table'] . ' WHERE username = ?', array($user));
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Sam_Exception($e);
     /* Loop through rows, retrieving options. */
     $return = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $attribute = $this->_mapOptionToAttribute($row['preference']);
         if (isset($return[$attribute])) {
             if (!is_array($return[$attribute])) {
                 $return[$attribute] = array($return[$attribute]);
             if (!in_array($row['value'], $return[$attribute])) {
                 $return[$attribute][] = $row['value'];
         } else {
             $return[$attribute] = $row['value'];
     return $return;
Beispiel #5
  * Retrieves all of the notes of the current notepad from the backend.
  * @throws Mnemo_Exception
 public function retrieve()
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM mnemo_memos WHERE memo_owner = ?';
     $values = array($this->_notepad);
     try {
         $rows = $this->_db->select($query, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Mnemo_Exception($e->getMessage());
     // Store the retrieved values in a fresh list.
     $this->_memos = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $this->_memos[$row['memo_id']] = $this->_buildNote($row);
Beispiel #6
  * Fetch client settings from storage.
  * @param integer the client id
  * @return array  A hash of client settings.
  * @throws Hermes_Exception
 public function getClientSettings($clientID)
     $clients = Hermes::listClients();
     if (empty($clientID) || !isset($clients[$clientID])) {
         throw new Horde_Exception_NotFound('Does not exist');
     $sql = 'SELECT clientjob_id, clientjob_enterdescription,' . ' clientjob_exportid FROM hermes_clientjobs' . ' WHERE clientjob_id = ?';
     $values = array($clientID);
     try {
         $rows = $this->_db->select($sql, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Hermes_Exception($e);
     $clientJob = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $clientJob[$row['clientjob_id']] = array($row['clientjob_enterdescription'], $row['clientjob_exportid']);
     if (isset($clientJob[$clientID])) {
         $settings = array('id' => $clientID, 'enterdescription' => $clientJob[$clientID][0], 'exportid' => $this->_convertFromDriver($clientJob[$clientID][1]));
     } else {
         $settings = array('id' => $clientID, 'enterdescription' => 1, 'exportid' => null);
     $settings['name'] = $clients[$clientID];
     return $settings;
Beispiel #7
  * Return a list of valid locks with the option to limit the results
  * by principal, scope and/or type.
  * @see Horde_Lock_Base::getLocks()
 public function getLocks($scope = null, $principal = null, $type = null)
     $now = time();
     $sql = 'SELECT lock_id, lock_owner, lock_scope, lock_principal, ' . 'lock_origin_timestamp, lock_update_timestamp, ' . 'lock_expiry_timestamp, lock_type FROM ' . $this->_params['table'] . ' WHERE (lock_expiry_timestamp >= ? OR lock_expiry_timestamp = ?)';
     $values = array($now, Horde_Lock::PERMANENT);
     // Check to see if we need to filter the results
     if (!empty($principal)) {
         $sql .= ' AND lock_principal = ?';
         $values[] = $principal;
     if (!empty($scope)) {
         $sql .= ' AND lock_scope = ?';
         $values[] = $scope;
     if (!empty($type)) {
         $sql .= ' AND lock_type = ?';
         $values[] = $type;
     try {
         $result = $this->_db->select($sql, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Lock_Exception($e);
     $locks = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $locks[$row['lock_id']] = $row;
     return $locks;
Beispiel #8
  * Reads the given data from the SQL database and returns the results.
  * @param string $key        The primary key field to use.
  * @param mixed $ids         The ids of the contacts to load.
  * @param string $owner      Only return contacts owned by this user.
  * @param array $fields      List of fields to return.
  * @param array $blobFields  Array of fields containing binary data.
  * @param array $dateFields  Array of fields containing date data.
  *                           @since 4.2.0
  * @return array  Hash containing the search results.
  * @throws Turba_Exception
 protected function _read($key, $ids, $owner, array $fields, array $blobFields = array(), array $dateFields = array())
     $values = array();
     $in = '';
     if (is_array($ids)) {
         if (!count($ids)) {
             return array();
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $in .= empty($in) ? '?' : ', ?';
             $values[] = $this->_convertToDriver($id);
         $where = $key . ' IN (' . $in . ')';
     } else {
         $where = $key . ' = ?';
         $values[] = $this->_convertToDriver($ids);
     if (isset($this->map['__owner'])) {
         $where .= ' AND ' . $this->map['__owner'] . ' = ?';
         $values[] = $this->_convertToDriver($owner);
     if (!empty($this->_params['filter'])) {
         $where .= ' AND ' . $this->_params['filter'];
     $query = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $fields) . ' FROM ' . $this->_params['table'] . ' WHERE ' . $where;
     try {
         return $this->_parseRead($blobFields, $this->_db->select($query, $values), $dateFields);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Turba_Exception(_("Server error when performing search."));
Beispiel #9
  * Fetches the fields for a particular form.
  * @param integer $form_id  The form id of the form to return.
  * @return array  The fields.
  * @throws Ulaform_Exception
 public function getFields($form_id, $field_id = null)
     $values = array($form_id);
     $sql = 'SELECT field_id, form_id, field_name, field_order, field_label, field_type, ' . ' field_params, field_required, field_readonly, field_desc FROM ulaform_fields ' . ' WHERE form_id = ?';
     if (!is_null($field_id)) {
         $sql .= ' AND field_id = ?';
         $values[] = (int) $field_id;
     $sql .= ' ORDER BY field_order';
     try {
         $results = $this->_db->select($sql, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Ulaform_Exception($e);
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($results as $field) {
         /* If no internal name set, generate one using field_id. */
         if (empty($field['field_name'])) {
             $field['field_name'] = 'field_' . $field['field_id'];
         /* Check if any params and unserialize, otherwise return null. */
         if (!empty($field['field_params'])) {
             $field['field_params'] = Horde_Serialize::unserialize($field['field_params'], Horde_Serialize::UTF7_BASIC);
         } else {
             $field['field_params'] = null;
         $fields[] = $field;
     return $fields;
Beispiel #10
  * Ensure that an array of objects exist in storage. Create any that don't,
  * return object_ids for all. All objects in the $objects array must be
  * of the same content type.
  * @param mixed $objects  An array of objects (or single obejct value).
  *                        Values typed as an integer are assumed to already
  *                        be an object_id.
  * @param mixed $type     Either a string type_name or integer type_id
  * @return array  An array of object_ids.
 public function ensureObjects($objects, $type)
     if (!is_array($objects)) {
         $objects = array($objects);
     $objectIds = array();
     $objectName = array();
     $type = current($this->_typeManager->ensureTypes($type));
     // Anything already typed as an integer is assumed to be an object id.
     foreach ($objects as $objectIndex => $object) {
         if (is_int($object)) {
             $objectIds[$objectIndex] = $object;
         } else {
             $objectName[$object] = $objectIndex;
     // Get the ids for any objects that already exist.
     try {
         if (count($objectName)) {
             $rows = $this->_db->select('SELECT object_id, object_name FROM ' . $this->_t('objects') . ' WHERE object_name IN (' . implode(',', array_map(array($this->_db, 'quoteString'), array_keys($objectName))) . ') AND type_id = ' . $type);
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $objectIndex = $objectName[$row['object_name']];
                 $objectIds[$objectIndex] = $row['object_id'];
         // Create any objects that didn't already exist
         foreach ($objectName as $object => $objectIndex) {
             $objectIds[$objectIndex] = $this->_db->insert('INSERT INTO ' . $this->_t('objects') . ' (object_name, type_id) VALUES (' . $this->_db->quoteString($object) . ', ' . $type . ')');
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Content_Exception($e);
     return $objectIds;
Beispiel #11
 public function get($scope_ob)
     $charset = $this->_db->getOption('charset');
     $query = 'SELECT pref_name, pref_value FROM ' . $this->_params['table'] . ' ' . 'WHERE pref_uid = ? AND pref_scope = ?';
     $values = array($this->_params['user'], $scope_ob->scope);
     try {
         $result = $this->_db->select($query, $values);
         $columns = $this->_db->columns($this->_params['table']);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Prefs_Exception($e);
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $name = trim($row['pref_name']);
         $value = $columns['pref_value']->binaryToString($row['pref_value']);
         $scope_ob->set($name, Horde_String::convertCharset($value, $charset, 'UTF-8'));
     return $scope_ob;
Beispiel #12
  * Return the images corresponding to the given ids.
  * @param array $params function parameters:
  *  <pre>
  *    'ids'        - An array of image ids to fetch.
  *    'preserve'   - Preserve the order of the image ids when returned.
  *    'gallery_id' - Return all images from requested gallery (ignores 'ids').
  *    'from'       - If passing a gallery, start at this image.
  *    'count'      - If passing a gallery, return this many images.
  *  </pre>
  * @return array An array of Ansel_Image objects.
  * @throws Ansel_Exception, Horde_Exception_NotFound, InvalidArgumentException
 public function getImages(array $params = array())
     // First check if we want a specific gallery or a list of images
     if (!empty($params['gallery_id'])) {
         $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->_getImageFields() . ' FROM ansel_images WHERE gallery_id = ' . $params['gallery_id'] . ' ORDER BY image_sort';
     } elseif (!empty($params['ids']) && is_array($params['ids']) && count($params['ids']) > 0) {
         $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->_getImageFields() . ' FROM ansel_images WHERE image_id IN (';
         $i = 1;
         $cnt = count($params['ids']);
         foreach ($params['ids'] as $id) {
             $sql .= (int) $id . ($i++ < $cnt ? ',' : ');');
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Ansel_Storage::getImages requires either a gallery_id or an array of image ids');
     // Limit the query?
     if (isset($params['count']) && isset($params['from'])) {
         $sql = $this->_db->addLimitOffset($sql, array('limit' => $params['count'], 'offset' => $params['from']));
     try {
         $images = $this->_db->select($sql);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Ansel_Exception($images);
     // Throw exception if we asked for specific image ids and not found.
     if (empty($images) && empty($params['gallery_id'])) {
         throw new Horde_Exception_NotFound(_("Images not found"));
     } elseif (empty($images)) {
         return array();
     $return = array();
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         $image['image_filename'] = Horde_String::convertCharset($image['image_filename'], $GLOBALS['conf']['sql']['charset'], 'UTF-8');
         $image['image_caption'] = Horde_String::convertCharset($image['image_caption'], $GLOBALS['conf']['sql']['charset'], 'UTF-8');
         $return[$image['image_id']] = new Ansel_Image($image);
         $this->_images[(int) $image['image_id']] =& $return[$image['image_id']];
     // Need to get comment counts if comments are enabled
     $ccounts = $this->_getImageCommentCounts(array_keys($return));
     if (count($ccounts)) {
         foreach ($return as $key => $image) {
             $return[$key]->commentCount = !empty($ccounts[$key]) ? $ccounts[$key] : 0;
     // Preserve the order the images_ids were passed in
     if (empty($params['gallery_id']) && !empty($params['preserve'])) {
         foreach ($params['ids'] as $id) {
             $ordered[$id] = $return[$id];
         return $ordered;
     return $return;
Beispiel #13
  * Initialization tasks.
  * @throws Horde_Alarm_Exception
 public function initialize()
     /* Handle any database specific initialization code to run. */
     switch ($this->_db->adapterName()) {
         case 'PDO_Oci':
             $query = "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'";
         case 'PDO_PostgreSQL':
             $query = "SET datestyle TO 'iso'";
Beispiel #14
  * Returns an array of all system shares.
  * @return array  All system shares.
  * @throws Horde_Share_Exception
 public function listSystemShares()
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->_table . ' WHERE share_owner IS NULL';
     try {
         $rows = $this->_db->select($query);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Share_Exception($e->getMessage());
     $sharelist = array();
     foreach ($rows as $share) {
         $data = $this->_fromDriverCharset($share);
         $sharelist[$data['share_name']] = $this->_createObject($data);
     return $sharelist;
Beispiel #15
  * Generate a tag cloud. Same syntax as getTags, except that fetching a
  * cloud for a userId + objectId combination doesn't make sense - the counts
  * would all be one. In addition, this method returns counts for each tag.
  * @param array  $args  Search criteria:
  *   - limit: (integer)  Maximum number of tags to return.
  *   - offset: (integet) Offset the results. Only useful for paginating, and
  *                       not recommended.
  *   - userId: (string)  Only return tags that have been applied by a
  *                       specific user.
  *   - typeId: (array)   Only return tags that have been applied by specific
  *                       object types.
  *   - objectId: (array) Only return tags that have been applied to specific
  *                       objects all objects must be of the same type and
  *                       specified by typeId.
  *   - tagIds: (array)   Only return information on specific tag
  *                       (an array of tag ids).
  * @return array  An array of hashes, each containing tag_id, tag_name, and count.
 public function getTagCloud($args = array())
     if (isset($args['objectId'])) {
         if (empty($args['typeId'])) {
             throw new Content_Exception('Specified objectId, but failed to specify typeId for getTagCloud call.');
         $args['objectId'] = $this->_objectManager->ensureObjects($args['objectId'], $args['typeId']);
         $sql = 'SELECT t.tag_id AS tag_id, tag_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ' . $this->_t('tagged') . ' tagged INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tags') . ' t ON tagged.tag_id = t.tag_id WHERE tagged.object_id IN (' . implode(',', $args['objectId']) . ') GROUP BY t.tag_id, t.tag_name';
     } elseif (isset($args['userId']) && isset($args['typeId'])) {
         $args['userId'] = current($this->_userManager->ensureUsers($args['userId']));
         $args['typeId'] = $this->_typeManager->ensureTypes($args['typeId']);
         // This doesn't use a stat table, so may be slow.
         $sql = 'SELECT t.tag_id AS tag_id, tag_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ' . $this->_t('tagged') . ' tagged INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('objects') . ' objects ON tagged.object_id = objects.object_id AND objects.type_id IN (' . implode(',', $args['typeId']) . ') INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tags') . ' t ON tagged.tag_id = t.tag_id WHERE tagged.user_id = ' . (int) $args['userId'] . ' GROUP BY t.tag_id, t.tag_name';
     } elseif (isset($args['userId'])) {
         $args['userId'] = current($this->_userManager->ensureUsers($args['userId']));
         $sql = 'SELECT t.tag_id AS tag_id, tag_name, count FROM ' . $this->_t('tagged') . ' tagged INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tags') . ' t ON tagged.tag_id = t.tag_id INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('user_tag_stats') . ' uts ON t.tag_id = uts.tag_id AND uts.user_id = ' . (int) $args['userId'] . ' GROUP BY t.tag_id, tag_name, count';
     } elseif (isset($args['tagIds']) && isset($args['typeId'])) {
         $args['typeId'] = $this->_typeManager->ensureTypes($args['typeId']);
         // This doesn't use a stat table, so may be slow.
         $sql = 'SELECT t.tag_id AS tag_id, tag_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ' . $this->_t('tagged') . ' tagged INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('objects') . ' objects ON tagged.object_id = objects.object_id AND objects.type_id IN(' . implode(',', $args['typeId']) . ') INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tags') . ' t ON tagged.tag_id = t.tag_id AND t.tag_id IN (' . implode(', ', $args['tagIds']) . ') GROUP BY t.tag_id, t.tag_name';
     } elseif (isset($args['typeId'])) {
         $args['typeId'] = $this->_typeManager->ensureTypes($args['typeId']);
         // This doesn't use a stat table, so may be slow.
         $sql = 'SELECT t.tag_id AS tag_id, tag_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ' . $this->_t('tagged') . ' tagged INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('objects') . ' objects ON tagged.object_id = objects.object_id AND objects.type_id IN(' . implode(',', $args['typeId']) . ') INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tags') . '  t ON tagged.tag_id = t.tag_id GROUP BY t.tag_id, t.tag_name';
     } elseif (isset($args['tagIds'])) {
         $ids = $this->_checkTags($args['tagIds'], false);
         $sql = 'SELECT t.tag_id AS tag_id, tag_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ' . $this->_t('tagged') . ' tagged INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tags') . ' t ON tagged.tag_id = t.tag_id INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tag_stats') . ' ts ON t.tag_id = ts.tag_id WHERE t.tag_id IN (' . implode(', ', $ids) . ') GROUP BY t.tag_id, t.tag_name';
     } else {
         $sql = 'SELECT t.tag_id AS tag_id, tag_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ' . $this->_t('tagged') . ' tagged INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tags') . ' t ON tagged.tag_id = t.tag_id INNER JOIN ' . $this->_t('tag_stats') . ' ts ON t.tag_id = ts.tag_id GROUP BY t.tag_id, t.tag_name';
     if (isset($args['limit'])) {
         $sql = $this->_db->addLimitOffset($sql . ' ORDER BY count DESC', array('limit' => $args['limit'], 'offset' => isset($args['offset']) ? $args['offset'] : 0));
     try {
         $rows = $this->_db->select($sql);
         $results = array();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $results[$row['tag_id']] = $row;
         return $results;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Content_Exception($e);
Beispiel #16
  * Lists a slice of the image ids in the given gallery.
  * @param array $params  Filter parameters.
  *  integer|array 'gallery_id'  - A gallery id to list images from
  *  integer 'offset'            - The image to start listing from
  *  integer 'limit'             - How many images to return
  *  array|string 'fields'       - The fields to return
  *  string 'sort'               - The field to sort by.
  *  array  'filter'             - Additional filters. Each element is an
  *                                array containing 'property', 'op', and
  *                                'value' keys. Passing 'IN' as the 'op'
  *                                and an array as 'value' will produce a
  *                                SQL IN conditional.
  * @return array  An array of images. Either an array of ids, or an array
  *                of field values, keyed by id.
  * @throws Ansel_Exception, InvalidArgumentException
 public function listImages(array $params = array())
     $params = new Horde_Support_Array($params);
     if (is_array($params['fields'])) {
         $field_count = count($params['fields']);
         $params['fields'] = implode(', ', $params['fields']);
     } elseif ($params['fields'] == '*') {
         // The count is not important, as long as it's > 1
         $field_count = 2;
     } else {
         $field_count = substr_count($params->get('fields', 'image_id'), ',') + 1;
     if (is_array($params['sort'])) {
         $params['sort'] = implode(', ', $params['sort']);
     if (is_array($params['gallery_id'])) {
         $query_where = 'WHERE gallery_id IN (' . implode(',', $params['gallery_id']) . ')';
     } elseif ($params['gallery_id']) {
         $query_where = 'WHERE gallery_id = ' . $params['gallery_id'];
     } else {
         $query_where = '';
     if ($params['filter']) {
         foreach ($params['filter'] as $filter) {
             $query_where .= (!empty($query_where) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . $this->_toImageDriverName($filter['property']) . ' ' . $filter['op'] . ' ' . (is_array($filter['value']) ? '(' . implode(',', $filter['value']) . ')' : $filter['value']);
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . $params->get('fields', 'image_id') . ' FROM ansel_images ' . $query_where . ' ORDER BY ' . $params->get('sort', 'image_sort');
     $sql = $this->_db->addLimitOffset($sql, array('limit' => $params->get('limit', 0), 'offset' => $params->get('offset', 0)));
     try {
         if ($field_count > 1) {
             $results = $this->_db->select($sql);
             $images = array();
             foreach ($results as $image) {
                 $images[$image['image_id']] = $image;
             return $images;
         } else {
             return $this->_db->selectValues($sql);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Ansel_Exception($e);
Beispiel #17
  * Retrieves a set of pages matching an SQL WHERE clause.
  * @param string $table        Table to retrieve pages from.
  * @param array|string $where  Where clause for sql statement (without the
  *                             'WHERE'). If an array the 1st element is the
  *                             clause with placeholder, the 2nd element the
  *                             values.
  * @param string $orderBy      Order results by this column.
  * @param integer $limit       Maximum number of pages to fetch.
  * @return array  A list of page hashes.
  * @throws Wicked_Exception
 protected function _retrieve($table, $where, $orderBy = null, $limit = null)
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table;
     $values = array();
     if (!empty($where)) {
         $query .= ' WHERE ';
         if (is_array($where)) {
             $query .= $where[0];
             $values = $where[1];
         } else {
             $query .= $where;
     if (!empty($orderBy)) {
         $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy;
     if (!empty($limit)) {
         try {
             $query = $this->_db->addLimitOffset($query, array('limit' => $limit));
         } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
             throw new Wicked_Exception($e);
     try {
         $result = $this->_db->select($query, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Wicked_Exception($e);
     $pages = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         if (isset($row['page_name'])) {
             $row['page_name'] = $this->_convertFromDriver($row['page_name']);
         if (isset($row['page_text'])) {
             $row['page_text'] = $this->_convertFromDriver($row['page_text']);
         if (isset($row['change_log'])) {
             $row['change_log'] = $this->_convertFromDriver($row['change_log']);
         $pages[] = $row;
     return $pages;
Beispiel #18
  * Lists all alarms near $date.
  * @param integer $date  The unix epoch time to check for alarms.
  * @return array  An array of tasks that have alarms that match.
  * @throws Nag_Exception
 public function listAlarms($date)
     // Check for non-empty alarm AND a non-empty due date.
     // See Bug: 14214
     $q = 'SELECT * FROM nag_tasks' . ' WHERE task_owner = ?' . ' AND task_alarm > 0 AND task_due > 0' . ' AND (task_due - (task_alarm * 60) <= ?)' . ' AND task_completed = 0';
     $values = array($this->_tasklist, $date);
     try {
         $result = $this->_db->select($q, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Nag_Exception($e->getMessage());
     $tasks = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $task = new Nag_Task($this, $this->_buildTask($row));
         if ($task->getNextDue()->before($date + $task->alarm * 60)) {
             $tasks[$row['task_id']] = $task;
     return $tasks;
Beispiel #19
  * Searches forums for matching threads or posts.
  * @param array $filter  Hash of filter criteria:
  *          'forums'         => Array of forum IDs to search.  If not
  *                              present, searches all forums.
  *          'keywords'       => Array of keywords to search for.  If not
  *                              present, finds all posts/threads.
  *          'allkeywords'    => Boolean specifying whether to find all
  *                              keywords; otherwise, wants any keyword.
  *                              False if not supplied.
  *          'message_author' => Name of author to find posts by.  If not
  *                              present, any author.
  *          'searchsubjects' => Boolean specifying whether to search
  *                              subjects.  True if not supplied.
  *          'searchcontents' => Boolean specifying whether to search
  *                              post contents.  False if not supplied.
  * @param string  $sort_by       The column by which to sort.
  * @param integer $sort_dir      The direction by which to sort:
  *                                   0 - ascending
  *                                   1 - descending
  * @param string  $from          The thread to start listing at.
  * @param string  $count         The number of threads to return.
  * @return array  A search result hash where:
  *          'results'        => Array of messages.
  *          'total           => Total message number.
  * @throws Agora_Exception
 public function search($filter, $sort_by = 'message_subject', $sort_dir = 0, $from = 0, $count = 0)
     if (!isset($filter['allkeywords'])) {
         $filter['allkeywords'] = false;
     if (!isset($filter['searchsubjects'])) {
         $filter['searchsubjects'] = true;
     if (!isset($filter['searchcontents'])) {
         $filter['searchcontents'] = false;
     /* Select forums ids to search in */
     $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM ' . $this->_forums_table . ' WHERE ';
     if (empty($filter['forums'])) {
         $sql .= ' active = ? AND scope = ?';
         $values = array(1, $this->_scope);
     } else {
         $sql .= ' forum_id IN (' . implode(',', $filter['forums']) . ')';
         $values = array();
     try {
         $forums = $this->_db->selectAssoc($sql, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Agora_Exception($e->getMessage());
     /* Build query  */
     $sql = ' FROM ' . $this->_threads_table . ' WHERE forum_id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($forums)) . ')';
     if (!empty($filter['keywords'])) {
         $sql .= ' AND (';
         if ($filter['searchsubjects']) {
             $keywords = '';
             foreach ($filter['keywords'] as $keyword) {
                 if (!empty($keywords)) {
                     $keywords .= $filter['allkeywords'] ? ' AND ' : ' OR ';
                 $keywords .= 'message_subject LIKE ' . $this->_db->quote('%' . $keyword . '%');
             $sql .= '(' . $keywords . ')';
         if ($filter['searchcontents']) {
             if ($filter['searchsubjects']) {
                 $sql .= ' OR ';
             $keywords = '';
             foreach ($filter['keywords'] as $keyword) {
                 if (!empty($keywords)) {
                     $keywords .= $filter['allkeywords'] ? ' AND ' : ' OR ';
                 $keywords .= 'body LIKE ' . $this->_db->quote('%' . $keyword . '%');
             $sql .= '(' . $keywords . ')';
         $sql .= ')';
     if (!empty($filter['author'])) {
         $sql .= ' AND message_author = ' . $this->_db->quote(Horde_String::lower($filter['author']));
     /* Sort by result column. */
     $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $sort_by . ' ' . ($sort_dir ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
     /* Slice directly in DB. */
     if ($count) {
         $total = $this->_db->selectValue('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $sql);
         $sql = $this->_db->addLimitOffset($sql, array('limit' => $count, 'offset' => $from));
     $sql = 'SELECT message_id, forum_id, message_subject, message_author, message_timestamp ' . $sql;
     try {
         $messages = $this->_db->select($sql);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Agora_Exception($e->getMessage());
     if (empty($messages)) {
         return array('results' => array(), 'total' => 0);
     $results = array();
     $msg_url = Horde::url('messages/index.php');
     $forum_url = Horde::url('threads.php');
     while ($message = $messages->fetch()) {
         if (!isset($results[$message['forum_id']])) {
             $index = array('agora' => $message['forum_id'], 'scope' => $this->_scope);
             $results[$message['forum_id']] = array('forum_id' => $message['forum_id'], 'forum_url' => $forum_url->add($index), 'forum_name' => $this->convertFromDriver($forums[$message['forum_id']]), 'messages' => array());
         $index = array('agora' => $message['forum_id'] . '.' . $message['message_id'], 'scope' => $this->_scope);
         $results[$message['forum_id']]['messages'][] = array('message_id' => $message['message_id'], 'message_subject' => htmlspecialchars($this->convertFromDriver($message['message_subject'])), 'message_author' => $message['message_author'], 'message_date' => $this->dateFormat($message['message_timestamp']), 'message_url' => $msg_url->add($index));
     return array('results' => $results, 'total' => $total);
Beispiel #20
  * Lists all events that satisfy the given conditions.
  * @param Horde_Date $startInterval  Start of range date object.
  * @param Horde_Date $endInterval    End of range data object.
  * @param string $conditions         Conditions, given as SQL clauses.
  * @param array $vals                SQL bind variables for use with
  *                                   $conditions clauses.
  * @return array  Events in the given time range satisfying the given
  *                conditions.
  * @throws Kronolith_Exception
 private function _listEventsConditional(Horde_Date $startInterval = null, Horde_Date $endInterval = null, $conditions = '', array $vals = array())
     if ($this->getParam('utc')) {
         if (!is_null($startInterval)) {
             $startInterval = clone $startInterval;
         if (!is_null($endInterval)) {
             $endInterval = clone $endInterval;
     $q = 'SELECT event_id, event_uid, event_description, event_location,' . ' event_private, event_status, event_attendees, event_organizer,' . ' event_title, event_recurcount, event_url, event_timezone,' . ' event_recurtype, event_recurenddate, event_recurinterval,' . ' event_recurdays, event_start, event_end, event_allday,' . ' event_alarm, event_alarm_methods, event_modified,' . ' event_exceptions, event_creator_id, event_resources, event_baseid,' . ' event_exceptionoriginaldate FROM kronolith_events' . ' WHERE calendar_id = ?';
     $values = array($this->calendar);
     if ($conditions) {
         $q .= ' AND ' . $conditions;
         $values = array_merge($values, $vals);
     if (!is_null($startInterval) && !is_null($endInterval)) {
         $etime = $endInterval->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $stime = $startInterval->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $q .= ' AND ((event_end >= ? AND event_start <= ?) OR (event_recurenddate >= ? AND event_start <= ? AND event_recurtype <> ?))';
         array_push($values, $stime, $etime, $stime, $etime, Horde_Date_Recurrence::RECUR_NONE);
     } elseif (!is_null($startInterval)) {
         $stime = $startInterval->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $q .= ' AND ((event_end >= ?) OR (event_recurenddate >= ? AND event_recurtype <> ?))';
         array_push($values, $stime, $stime, Horde_Date_Recurrence::RECUR_NONE);
     } elseif (!is_null($endInterval)) {
         $q .= ' AND (event_start <= ?)';
         $values[] = $endInterval->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     /* Run the query. */
     try {
         $qr = $this->_db->select($q, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Kronolith_Exception($e);
     $events = array();
     foreach ($qr as $row) {
         /* If the event did not have a UID before, we need to give it
          * one. */
         if (empty($row['event_uid'])) {
             $row['event_uid'] = (string) new Horde_Support_Guid();
             /* Save the new UID for data integrity. */
             $query = 'UPDATE kronolith_events SET event_uid = ? WHERE event_id = ?';
             $values = array($row['event_uid'], $row['event_id']);
             try {
                 $this->_db->update($query, $values);
             } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
                 throw new Kronolith_Exception($e);
         /* Convert TEXT/CLOB fields. */
         $row = $this->convertBlobs($row);
         /* We have all the information we need to create an event object
          * for this event, so go ahead and cache it. */
         $this->_cache[$this->calendar][$row['event_id']] = new $this->_eventClass($this, $row);
         if ($row['event_recurtype'] == Horde_Date_Recurrence::RECUR_NONE) {
             $events[$row['event_uid']] = $row['event_id'];
         } else {
             $next = $this->nextRecurrence($row['event_id'], $startInterval);
             if ($next && (is_null($endInterval) || $next->compareDateTime($endInterval) < 0)) {
                 $events[$row['event_uid']] = $row['event_id'];
     return $events;
Beispiel #21
  * Stores user preferences and default values in the backend.
  * @param boolean $defaults  Whether to store the global defaults instead
  *                           of user options. Unused.
  * @throws Sam_Exception
 public function store($defaults = false)
     /* Check if the policy already exists. */
     $policyID = $this->_lookupPolicyID();
     /* Delete existing policy. */
     if ($policyID !== false) {
         try {
             $this->_db->delete(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapNameToTable('policies'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('policies', 'name')), array($this->_user));
         } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
             throw new Sam_Exception($e);
     /* Insert new policy (everything but whitelists and blacklists). */
     $insertKeys = $insertVals = array();
     foreach ($this->_options as $attribute => $value) {
         if ($attribute != 'whitelist_from' && $attribute != 'blacklist_from') {
             $insertKeys[] = $this->_mapAttributeToField('policies', $attribute);
             $insertVals[] = strlen($value) ? $value : null;
     if (count($insertKeys)) {
         try {
             $this->_db->insert(sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%s)', $this->_mapNameToTable('policies'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('policies', 'name'), implode(', ', $insertKeys), implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($insertVals) + 1, '?'))), array_merge(array($this->_user), $insertVals));
         } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
             throw new Sam_Exception($e);
     /* Get the new policy id for the recipients table. */
     $policyID = $this->_lookupPolicyID();
     /* Update recipients with new policy id. */
     try {
         $this->_db->update(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapNameToTable('recipients'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('recipients', 'policy_id'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('recipients', 'email')), array($policyID, $this->_user));
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Sam_Exception($e);
     /* Find the user id. */
     $userID = $this->_lookupUserID();
     /* Query for whitelists and blacklists. */
     try {
         $result = $this->_db->select(sprintf('SELECT %s, %s FROM %s WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'sender'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'type'), $this->_mapNameToTable('wblists'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'recipient')), array($userID));
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Sam_Exception($e);
     /* Loop through results, retrieving whitelists and blacklists. */
     $existing = array('whitelist_from' => array(), 'blacklist_from' => array());
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $type = $row[$this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'type')];
         $senderID = $row[$this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'sender')];
         /* Only proceed if sender is listed white or black. */
         if (preg_match('/[WYBN]/i', $type)) {
             try {
                 $sender = $this->_db->selectValue(sprintf('SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapAttributeToField('senders', 'email'), $this->_mapNameToTable('senders'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('senders', 'id')), array($senderID));
             } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
                 throw new Sam_Exception($e);
             $list = preg_match('/[WY]/i', $type) ? 'whitelist_from' : 'blacklist_from';
             if (isset($this->_options[$list]) && in_array($sender, $this->_options[$list])) {
                 $existing[$list][] = $sender;
             } else {
                 /* User removed an address from a list. */
                 try {
                     $this->_db->delete(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = ? AND %s = ?', $this->_mapNameToTable('wblists'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'sender'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'recipient')), array($senderID, $userID));
                 } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
                     throw new Sam_Exception($e);
                 /* Check if there is anyone else using this sender
                  * address. */
                 $query = sprintf('SELECT 1 FROM %s WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapNameToTable('wblists'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'sender'));
                 if (!$this->_db->selectValue($query, array($senderID))) {
                     /* No one else needs this sender address, delete it
                      * from senders table. */
                     try {
                         $this->_db->delete(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapNameToTable('senders'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('senders', 'id')), array($senderID));
                     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
                         throw new Sam_Exception($e);
     /* Check any additions to the lists. */
     foreach (array('whitelist_from' => 'W', 'blacklist_from' => 'B') as $list => $type) {
         if (!isset($this->_options[$list])) {
         foreach ($this->_options[$list] as $sender) {
             if (in_array($sender, $existing[$list])) {
             /* Check if this sender address exists already. */
             $wb_result = $this->_db->selectValue(sprintf('SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapAttributeToField('senders', 'id'), $this->_mapNameToTable('senders'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('senders', 'email')), array($sender));
             if ($wb_result !== false) {
                 /* Address exists, use it's ID */
                 $senderID = $wb_result;
             } else {
                 /* Address doesn't exist, add it. */
                 try {
                     $this->_db->insert(sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (?)', $this->_mapNameToTable('senders'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('senders', 'email')), array($sender));
                 } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
                     throw new Sam_Exception($e);
                 try {
                     $senderID = $this->_db->selectValue(sprintf('SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapAttributeToField('senders', 'id'), $this->_mapNameToTable('senders'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('senders', 'email')), array($sender));
                 } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
                     throw new Sam_Exception($e);
             try {
                 $this->_db->insert(sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s, %s) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', $this->_mapNameToTable('wblists'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'recipient'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'sender'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'type')), array($userID, $senderID, $type));
             } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
                 throw new Sam_Exception($e);
     /* Remove any disjoined sender IDs. */
     try {
         $this->_db->delete(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = ?', $this->_mapNameToTable('wblists'), $this->_mapAttributeToField('wblists', 'recipient')), array(''));
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Sam_Exception($e);
Beispiel #22
  * Garbage collector - clean up from previous sync requests.
  * @param string $syncKey  The sync key
  * @throws Horde_ActiveSync_Exception
 protected function _gc($syncKey)
     if (!preg_match('/^\\{([0-9A-Za-z-]+)\\}([0-9]+)$/', $syncKey, $matches)) {
     $guid = $matches[1];
     $n = $matches[2];
     // Clean up all but the last 2 syncs for any given sync series, this
     // ensures that we can still respond to SYNC requests for the previous
     // key if the client never received the new key in a SYNC response.
     $sql = 'SELECT sync_key FROM ' . $this->_syncStateTable . ' WHERE sync_devid = ? AND sync_folderid = ? AND sync_user = ?';
     $values = array($this->_deviceInfo->id, !empty($this->_collection['id']) ? $this->_collection['id'] : Horde_ActiveSync::CHANGE_TYPE_FOLDERSYNC, $this->_deviceInfo->user);
     try {
         $results = $this->_db->select($sql, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         $this->_logger->err(sprintf('[%s] %s', $this->_procid, $e->getMessage()));
         throw new Horde_ActiveSync_Exception($e);
     $remove = array();
     $guids = array($guid);
     foreach ($results as $oldkey) {
         if (preg_match('/^\\{([0-9A-Za-z-]+)\\}([0-9]+)$/', $oldkey['sync_key'], $matches)) {
             if ($matches[1] == $guid && $matches[2] < $n - 1) {
                 $remove[] = $oldkey['sync_key'];
         } else {
             /* stale key from previous key series */
             $remove[] = $oldkey['sync_key'];
             $guids[] = $matches[1];
     if (count($remove)) {
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->_syncStateTable . ' WHERE sync_key IN (' . str_repeat('?,', count($remove) - 1) . '?)';
         try {
             $this->_db->delete($sql, $remove);
         } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
             $this->_logger->err(sprintf('[%s] %s', $this->_procid, $e->getMessage()));
             throw new Horde_ActiveSync_Exception($e);
     // Also clean up the map table since this data is only needed for one
     // SYNC cycle. Keep the same number of old keys for the same reasons as
     // above.
     foreach (array($this->_syncMapTable, $this->_syncMailMapTable) as $table) {
         $remove = array();
         $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT sync_key FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE sync_devid = ? AND sync_user = ?';
         try {
             $maps = $this->_db->selectValues($sql, array($this->_deviceInfo->id, $this->_deviceInfo->user));
         } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
             $this->_logger->err(sprintf('[%s] %s', $this->_procid, $e->getMessage()));
             throw new Horde_ActiveSync_Exception($e);
         foreach ($maps as $key) {
             if (preg_match('/^\\{([0-9A-Za-z-]+)\\}([0-9]+)$/', $key, $matches)) {
                 if ($matches[1] == $guid && $matches[2] < $n) {
                     $remove[] = $key;
         if (count($remove)) {
             $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE sync_key IN (' . str_repeat('?,', count($remove) - 1) . '?)';
             try {
                 $this->_db->delete($sql, $remove);
             } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
                 $this->_logger->err(sprintf('[%s] %s', $this->_procid, $e->getMessage()));
                 throw new Horde_ActiveSync_Exception($e);
Beispiel #23
  * Returns an array of records with the column names as keys, and
  * column values as values.
  * @param string  $sql   SQL statement.
  * @param mixed $arg1    Either an array of bound parameters or a query
  *                       name.
  * @param string $arg2   If $arg1 contains bound parameters, the query
  *                       name.
  * @return PDOStatement
  * @throws Horde_Db_Exception
 public function select($sql, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null)
     $result = $this->_read->select($sql, $arg1, $arg2);
     $this->_lastQuery = $this->_read->getLastQuery();
     return $result;