public function execCapture()
     $context = Context::getContext();
     $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
     $hipay_redirect_status = 'ok';
     // If id_order is sent, we instanciate a new Order object
     if (Tools::isSubmit('id_order') && Tools::getValue('id_order') > 0) {
         $order = new Order(Tools::getValue('id_order'));
         if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) {
             throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t load Order object');
         if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5.6', '>')) {
             ShopUrl::cacheMainDomainForShop((int) $order->id_shop);
         if (Tools::isSubmit('id_emp') && Tools::getValue('id_emp') > 0) {
             $id_employee = Tools::getValue('id_emp');
         } else {
             $id_employee = '1';
     if (Tools::isSubmit('hipay_capture_type')) {
         $refund_type = Tools::getValue('hipay_capture_type');
         $refund_amount = Tools::getValue('hipay_capture_amount');
         $refund_amount = str_replace(' ', '', $refund_amount);
         $refund_amount = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $refund_amount));
     // First check
     if (Tools::isSubmit('hipay_capture_submit') && $refund_type == 'partial') {
         $hipay_redirect_status = false;
         $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
         $orderLoaded = new OrderCore(Tools::getValue('id_order'));
         // v1.5 // $orderTotal = $orderLoaded->total_products_wt + $orderLoaded->total_shipping_tax_incl + $orderLoaded->total_wrapping_tax_incl;
         $orderTotal = $orderLoaded->total_products_wt + $orderLoaded->total_shipping + $orderLoaded->total_wrapping;
         $totalEncaissement = $hipay->getOrderTotalAmountCaptured($orderLoaded->id);
         $stillToCapture = floatval($orderTotal - $totalEncaissement);
         if (!$refund_amount) {
             $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Please enter an amount', 'capture');
             Tools::redirectAdmin('../../' . Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?tab=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $order->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay');
         if ($refund_amount < 0) {
             $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Please enter an amount greater than zero', 'capture');
             Tools::redirectAdmin('../../' . Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?tab=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $order->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay');
         if ($refund_amount > $stillToCapture) {
             $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Amount exceeding authorized amount', 'capture');
             Tools::redirectAdmin('../../' . Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?tab=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $order->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay');
     if (Tools::isSubmit('hipay_capture_submit') && isset($order)) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hipay_transactions` WHERE `cart_id`='" . (int) $order->id_cart . "'";
         $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
         $reference = $result['transaction_reference'];
         if ($refund_type == 'complete') {
             // Appel HiPay
             $data = HipayMaintenance::getMaintenanceData('capture', '0');
             $response = HipayMaintenance::restMaintenanceApi($reference, $data);
             // Ajout commentaire
             $msg = new Message();
             $message = 'HIPAY_CAPTURE_REQUESTED ' . $orderTotal;
             $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>');
             if (Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) {
                 $msg->message = $message;
                 $msg->id_order = intval($order->id);
                 $msg->private = 1;
         } else {
             // 'partial';
             // Appel HiPay
              * VERIFICATION
             // v1.5 // $orderTotal = $order->total_products_wt + $order->total_shipping_tax_incl + $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl;
             $orderTotal = $order->total_products_wt + $order->total_shipping + $order->total_wrapping;
             $totalEncaissement = $this->getOrderTotalAmountCaptured($order->id);
             $stillToCapture = $orderTotal - $totalEncaissement;
             $orderLoaded = new OrderCore(Tools::getValue('id_order'));
             $currentState = $orderLoaded->getCurrentState();
             $stateLoaded = new OrderState($currentState);
             if (round($stillToCapture, 2) < round($refund_amount, 2)) {
                 $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Error, you are trying to capture more than the amount remaining', 'capture');
             } else {
                 $data = HipayMaintenance::getMaintenanceData('capture', $refund_amount);
                 $response = HipayMaintenance::restMaintenanceApi($reference, $data);
                 // Ajout commentaire
                 $msg = new Message();
                 $message = 'HIPAY_CAPTURE_REQUESTED ' . $refund_amount;
                 $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>');
                 if (Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) {
                     $msg->message = $message;
                     $msg->id_order = intval($order->id);
                     $msg->private = 1;
                 $hipay_redirect_status = 'ok';
     } else {
         $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('You do not have permission to do this.', 'capture');
     Tools::redirectAdmin('../../' . Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?tab=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $order->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay');
 // Check if its a partiel capture before zapping the process
 if ($_POST['authorized_amount'] == $_POST['captured_amount']) {
     // This meants its a full capture
     // Proceed to check if payment already exists
     if ($cart->orderExists()) {
         // If order exists for cart
         $context = Context::getContext();
         // Retrieve Order ID
         $order_id = retrieveOrderId($cart->id);
         $order = new Order((int) $order_id);
         // Check if partial payment has been made before
         // If partial payment has been done, then proceed to make a final capture
         $totalEncaissement = $hipay->getOrderTotalAmountCaptured($order->id);
         if ($totalEncaissement >= $_POST['captured_amount']) {
             // Total Encaissement greater/equalto captured amount, then stop and issue a warning msg
             if ((bool) $order->getHistory($context->language->id, Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'))) {
                 // Paiement has already been done at least once, stop the process
                 $msg = new Message();
                 $message = $hipay->l('HiPay - Callback initiated') . "<br>";
                 $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Transaction_reference : ') . $_POST['transaction_reference'] . "<br>";
                 $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('State : ') . $_POST['state'] . "<br>";
                 $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Status : ') . $_POST['status'] . "<br>";
                 $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Message : ') . $_POST['message'] . "<br>";
                 $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Amount : ') . $_POST['captured_amount'] . "<br>";
                 $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('data : ') . $_POST['cdata1'] . "<br>";
                 $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('NO ACTION TAKEN, CART HAS ALREADY BEEN CAPTURED') . "<br>";
                 $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>');
                 if (Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) {
  * @see FrontController::postProcess()
 public function postProcess()
     $this->HipayLog('# Début demande de remboursement partiel ou complète');
     $context = Context::getContext();
     $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
     $hipay_redirect_status = 'ok';
     $this->HipayLog('-- context et hipay sont init');
     // If id_order is sent, we instanciate a new Order object
     if (Tools::isSubmit('id_order') && Tools::getValue('id_order') > 0) {
         $this->HipayLog('-- init de la commande = ' . Tools::getValue('id_order'));
         $order = new Order(Tools::getValue('id_order'));
         if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) {
             throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t load Order object');
         if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5.6', '>')) {
             $this->HipayLog('---- init du shop si version > à la 1.5.6 = ' . $order->id_shop);
             ShopUrl::cacheMainDomainForShop((int) $order->id_shop);
         if (Tools::isSubmit('id_emp') && Tools::getValue('id_emp') > 0) {
             $id_employee = Tools::getValue('id_emp');
         } else {
             $id_employee = '1';
         $this->HipayLog('---- init id_emp = ' . $id_employee);
     if (Tools::isSubmit('hipay_refund_type')) {
         $refund_type = Tools::getValue('hipay_refund_type');
         $refund_amount = Tools::getValue('hipay_refund_amount');
         $refund_amount = str_replace(' ', '', $refund_amount);
         $refund_amount = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $refund_amount));
         $this->HipayLog('-- init refund_type = ' . $refund_type);
         $this->HipayLog('-- init refund_amount = ' . $refund_amount);
     // First check
     if (Tools::isSubmit('hipay_refund_submit') && $refund_type == 'partial') {
         $this->HipayLog('-- Début Refund_submit & partiel');
         $hipay_redirect_status = false;
         $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
         $orderLoaded = new OrderCore(Tools::getValue('id_order'));
         $orderTotal = $orderLoaded->total_products_wt + $orderLoaded->total_shipping_tax_incl + $orderLoaded->total_wrapping_tax_incl;
         $this->HipayLog('---- Init id_order = ' . Tools::getValue('id_order'));
         $this->HipayLog('---- Init orderTotal => ' . $orderTotal . ' = ' . $orderLoaded->total_products_wt . ' + ' . $orderLoaded->total_shipping_tax_incl . ' + ' . $orderLoaded->total_wrapping_tax_incl);
         // patch de compatibilité
         if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
             $id_or_reference = $orderLoaded->id;
         } else {
             $id_or_reference = $orderLoaded->reference;
         $this->HipayLog('---- PS_VERSION = ' . _PS_VERSION_);
         $this->HipayLog('---- id_or_reference = ' . $id_or_reference);
         $totalEncaissement = $hipay->getOrderTotalAmountCaptured($id_or_reference);
         $this->HipayLog('---- totalEncaissement = ' . $totalEncaissement);
         // -----------------------
         if (!$refund_amount) {
             $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Please enter an amount', 'refund');
             $url = Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?controller=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $orderLoaded->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_refund_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay';
             $this->HipayLog('---- Init URL pour redirectAdmin - refund_amount = ' . $url);
         if ($refund_amount < 0) {
             $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Please enter an amount greater than zero', 'refund');
             $url = Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?controller=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $orderLoaded->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_refund_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay';
             $this->HipayLog('---- Init URL pour redirectAdmin - refund_amount = ' . $url);
         if ($refund_amount > $totalEncaissement) {
             $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Amount exceeding authorized amount', 'refund');
             $url = Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?controller=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $orderLoaded->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_refund_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay';
             $this->HipayLog('---- Init URL pour redirectAdmin - refund_amount = ' . $url);
         if (!is_numeric($refund_amount)) {
             $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Please enter an amount', 'refund');
             $url = Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?controller=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $orderLoaded->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_refund_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay';
             $this->HipayLog('---- Init URL pour redirectAdmin - refund_amount = ' . $url);
     if (Tools::isSubmit('hipay_refund_submit') && isset($order)) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hipay_transactions` WHERE `cart_id`='" . (int) $order->id_cart . "'";
         $this->HipayLog('-- SQL hipay refund submit & isset order = ' . $sql);
         $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
         $reference = $result['transaction_reference'];
         $this->HipayLog('-- Transaction reference = ' . $reference);
         $this->HipayLog('---- type = ' . $refund_type);
         if ($refund_type == 'complete') {
             // Appel HiPay
             $data = HipayMaintenance::getMaintenanceData('refund', '0');
             $response = HipayMaintenance::restMaintenanceApi($reference, $data, (int) $order->id_shop);
             // Ajout commentaire
             $msg = new Message();
             $message = 'HiPay - Complete refund requested to HiPay.';
             $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>');
             $this->HipayLog('---- message = ' . $message);
             if (Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) {
                 $msg->message = $message;
                 $msg->id_order = intval($order->id);
                 $msg->private = 1;
         } else {
             // 'partial';
             // Appel HiPay
             $this->HipayLog('---- Partiel ');
              * VERIFICATION
             $orderTotal = $order->total_products_wt + $order->total_shipping_tax_incl + $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl;
             $this->HipayLog('---- OrderTotal = ' . $order->total_products_wt . '+' . $order->total_shipping_tax_incl . '+' . $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl);
             // patch de compatibilité
             if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
                 $id_or_reference = $order->id;
             } else {
                 $id_or_reference = $order->reference;
             $this->HipayLog('---- PS_VERSION = ' . _PS_VERSION_);
             $this->HipayLog('---- id_or_reference = ' . $id_or_reference);
             $totalEncaissement = $this->module->getOrderTotalAmountCaptured($id_or_reference);
             // -----------------------
             $this->HipayLog('---- totalEncaissement = ' . $totalEncaissement);
             if ($totalEncaissement < $refund_amount) {
                 $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('Error, you are trying to refund an amount that is more than the amount captured', 'refund');
                 $this->HipayLog('---- Error = ' . $hipay_redirect_status);
             } else {
                 $data = HipayMaintenance::getMaintenanceData('refund', $refund_amount);
                 $response = HipayMaintenance::restMaintenanceApi($reference, $data, (int) $order->id_shop);
                 // Ajout commentaire
                 $msg = new Message();
                 $message = 'HIPAY_REFUND_REQUESTED ' . $refund_amount;
                 $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>');
                 $this->HipayLog('---- Message = ' . $message);
                 if (Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) {
                     $msg->message = $message;
                     $msg->id_order = intval($order->id);
                     $msg->private = 1;
                 $hipay_redirect_status = 'ok';
                 $this->HipayLog('---- Redirect status = ' . $hipay_redirect_status);
     } else {
         $hipay_redirect_status = $hipay->l('You do not have permission to do this.', 'refund');
         $this->HipayLog('---- Error = ' . $hipay_redirect_status);
     $this->HipayLog('# Fin demande de remboursement partiel ou complète');
     Tools::redirectAdmin(Tools::getValue('adminDir') . '/index.php?controller=AdminOrders' . '&id_order=' . (int) $order->id . '&vieworder&token=' . Tools::getValue('token') . '&hipay_refund_err=' . $hipay_redirect_status . '#hipay');