function content($block) { //Add action for footer do_action('headway_before_footer'); echo "\n" . '<div class="footer-container">' . "\n"; echo "\n" . '<div class="footer">' . "\n"; do_action('headway_footer_open'); //Headway Attribution if (parent::get_setting($block, 'hide-headway-attribution', false) == false) { self::show_headway_link(); } //Go To Top Link if (parent::get_setting($block, 'show-go-to-top-link', true) == true) { self::show_go_to_top_link(); } //Admin Link if (parent::get_setting($block, 'show-admin-link', true) == true) { self::show_admin_link(); } //Copyright if (parent::get_setting($block, 'show-copyright', true) == true) { self::show_copyright(parent::get_setting($block, 'custom-copyright')); } if (parent::get_setting($block, 'show-responsive-grid-link', true) == true) { self::show_responsive_grid_toggle_link(); } do_action('headway_footer_close'); echo "\n" . '</div><!-- .footer -->'; echo "\n" . '</div><!-- .footer-container -->'; do_action('headway_after_footer'); }
function content($block) { //Use header image if there is one if ($header_image_src = parent::get_setting($block, 'header-image')) { do_action('headway_before_header_link'); if (parent::get_setting($block, 'resize-header-image', true)) { $block_width = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($block); $block_height = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_height($block); $header_image_url = headway_resize_image($header_image_src, $block_width, $block_height); } else { $header_image_url = $header_image_src; } echo '<a href="' . home_url() . '" class="banner-image"><img src="' . $header_image_url . '" alt="' . get_bloginfo('name') . '" /></a>'; do_action('headway_after_header_link'); //No image present } else { do_action('headway_before_header_link'); echo '<span class="banner"><a href="' . home_url() . '">' . get_bloginfo('name') . '</a></span>'; do_action('headway_after_header_link'); if (!parent::get_setting($block, 'hide-tagline', false)) { if ((is_front_page() || is_home()) && get_option('show_on_front') != 'page') { echo '<h1 class="tagline">' . get_bloginfo('description') . '</h1>' . "\n"; } else { echo '<span class="tagline">' . get_bloginfo('description') . '</span>' . "\n"; } do_action('headway_after_tagline'); } } }
function content($block) { $content = parent::get_setting($block, 'content'); if ($content != null) { echo headway_parse_php(do_shortcode(stripslashes($content))); } else { echo '<p>There is no custom code to display.</p>'; } }
/** * Anything in here will be displayed when the block is being displayed. **/ function content($block) { //The third argument in the following function is the default that will be returned if the setting is not present in the database $example_input_value = parent::get_setting($block, 'example-input', null); if ($example_input_value == null) { echo '<p>The example input has nothing in it yet!</p>'; } else { echo '<p>Here\'s what the example input has for a value: ' . $example_input_value . '</p>'; } }
function content($block) { $content = parent::get_setting($block, 'content'); echo '<div class="entry-content">'; if ($content != null) { echo do_shortcode(stripslashes($content)); } else { echo '<p>There is no content to display.</p>'; } echo '</div><!-- .entry-content -->'; }
function content($block) { echo parent::get_setting($block, 'horizontal-widgets') == true ? '<ul class="widget-area horizontal-sidebar">' : '<ul class="widget-area">'; if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('widget-area-' . $block['id'])) { echo '<li class="widget widget-no-widgets">'; echo '<span class="widget-title">No widgets!</span>'; echo '<p>Add widgets to this sidebar in the <a href="' . admin_url('widgets.php') . '">Widgets panel</a> under Appearance in the WordPress Admin.</p>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; }
function content($block) { $images = parent::get_setting($block, 'images', array()); $block_width = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($block); $block_height = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_height($block); $has_images = false; foreach ($images as $image) { if ($image['image']) { $has_images = true; break; } } if (!$has_images) { echo '<div class="alert alert-yellow"><p>There are no images to display.</p></div>'; return; } $no_slide_class = count($images) === 1 ? ' flexslider-no-slide' : ''; echo '<div class="flexslider' . $no_slide_class . '">'; /* Put in viewport div for sliders that only have 1 image and don't slide */ if (count($images) === 1) { echo '<div class="flex-viewport">'; } echo '<ul class="slides">'; foreach ($images as $image) { if (!$image['image']) { continue; } $output = array('image' => array('src' => parent::get_setting($block, 'crop-resize-images', true) ? headway_resize_image($image['image'], $block_width, $block_height) : $image['image'], 'alt' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-alt', $image)), 'title' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-title', $image)), 'caption' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-description', $image))), 'hyperlink' => array('href' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-hyperlink', $image)), 'target' => headway_fix_data_type(headway_get('image-open-link-in-new-window', $image, false)) ? ' target="_blank"' : null)); echo '<li>'; /* Open hyperlink if user added one for image */ if ($output['hyperlink']['href']) { echo '<a href="' . $output['hyperlink']['href'] . '"' . $output['hyperlink']['target'] . '>'; } /* Don't forget to display the ACTUAL IMAGE */ echo '<img src="' . $output['image']['src'] . '" alt="' . $output['image']['alt'] . '" title="' . $output['image']['title'] . '" />'; /* Closing tag for hyperlink */ if ($output['hyperlink']['href']) { echo '</a>'; } /* Caption */ if (!empty($output['image']['caption'])) { echo '<p class="flex-caption">' . $output['image']['caption'] . '</p>'; } echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; /* Put in viewport div for sliders that only have 1 image and don't slide */ if (count($images) === 1) { echo '</div><!-- .flex-viewport -->'; } echo '</div><!-- .flexslider -->'; }
function content($block) { if ($embed_url = parent::get_setting($block, 'embed-url', false)) { $block_width = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($block); $block_height = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_height($block); $embed_code = wp_oembed_get($embed_url, array('width' => $block_width, 'height' => $block_height)); //Make the width and height exactly what the block's dimensions are. $embed_code = preg_replace(array('/width="\\d+"/i', '/height="\\d+"/i'), array('width="' . $block_width . '"', 'height="' . $block_height . '"'), $embed_code); echo $embed_code; } else { echo '<div class="alert alert-yellow"><p>There is no content to display. Please enter a valid embed URL in the visual editor.</p></div>'; } }
/** * Anything in here will be displayed when the block is being displayed. **/ function content($block) { global $SlideDeckPlugin; /* Make sure SlideDeck is activated and working */ if (!is_object($SlideDeckPlugin)) { echo '<div class="alert alert-red"><p>SlideDeck must be installed and activated in order for the SlideDeck block to work properly.</p></div>'; return; } /* Get the chosen SlideDeck ID */ $slidedeck_id = parent::get_setting($block, 'slidedeck-id', null); /* Make sure that there's a selected SlideDeck */ if (empty($slidedeck_id)) { echo '<div class="alert alert-red"><p>Please choose a SlideDeck to display.</p></div>'; return; } $slidedeck_query = $SlideDeckPlugin->SlideDeck->get($slidedeck_id); if (empty($slidedeck_query)) { echo '<div class="alert alert-red"><p>The SlideDeck you previously chose must\'ve been deleted or moved elsewhere. Please select another SlideDeck to display.</p></div>'; return; } /* Setup arguments */ $args = array('id' => $slidedeck_id, 'width' => null, 'height' => null); if (parent::get_setting($block, 'use-block-size', true)) { $args['width'] = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_width($block); $args['height'] = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block_height($block); $args['proportional'] = false; } if (HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe()) { $args['iframe'] = true; } if (!HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe() && HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_active()) { $args['ress'] = true; } /* Work around for iframe dimensions */ $GLOBALS['slidedeck-width'] = $args['width']; $GLOBALS['slidedeck-height'] = $args['height']; add_filter('slidedeck_dimensions', array(__CLASS__, 'modify_slidedeck_iframe_size_for_ajax'), 10, 5); /* End work around for iframe dimensions */ /* Show the SlideDeck! */ echo $SlideDeckPlugin->shortcode($args); /* Remove any filters if necessary */ remove_filter('slidedeck_dimensions', array(__CLASS__, 'modify_slidedeck_iframe_size_for_ajax')); if (isset($GLOBALS['slidedeck-width'])) { unset($GLOBALS['slidedeck-width']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['slidedeck-height'])) { unset($GLOBALS['slidedeck-height']); } /* End removing filters */ }
function content($block) { $form_id = parent::get_setting($block, 'form-id', null); //If no form ID is present, display the message and stop this function. if (!$form_id) { echo '<p>There is no form to display.</p>'; return; } $display_title = parent::get_setting($block, 'display-title', true); $display_description = parent::get_setting($block, 'display-description', true); $force_display = true; $field_values = null; $use_ajax = parent::get_setting($block, 'use-ajax', false); echo RGForms::get_form($form_id, $display_title, $display_description, $force_display, null, $use_ajax); }
/** * Created this function to make the call a little shorter. **/ function get_setting($setting, $default = null) { return HeadwayBlockAPI::get_setting($this->block, $setting, $default); }
public static function home_link_filter($menu) { $block = self::$block; if (parent::get_setting($block, 'hide-home-link')) { return $menu; } if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'posts') { $current = is_home() || is_front_page() ? ' current_page_item' : null; $home_text = parent::get_setting($block, 'home-link-text') ? parent::get_setting($block, 'home-link-text') : 'Home'; /* If it's not the grid, then do not add the extra <span>'s */ if (!HeadwayRoute::is_grid() && !headway_get('ve-live-content-query', $block)) { $home_link = '<li class="menu-item-home headway-home-link' . $current . '"><a href="' . home_url() . '">' . $home_text . '</a></li>'; } else { $home_link = '<li class="menu-item-home headway-home-link' . $current . '"><a href="' . home_url() . '"><span>' . $home_text . '</span></a></li>'; } } else { $home_link = null; } return $home_link . $menu; }
function content($block) { /* If Yoast's breadcrumbs are activated then use them instead */ if (function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb')) { return yoast_breadcrumb('<p class="breadcrumbs yoastbreadcrumb">', '</p>'); } wp_reset_query(); /* Set up variables */ global $post; $breadcrumbs = array(); $breadcrumbs[home_url()] = __('Home', 'headway'); /* Handle blogs that aren't set to the homepage */ if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'page' && get_option('page_for_posts') !== get_option('page_on_front')) { /* If the blog is set to a page rather than homepage, then don't show that fragment if it's a 404, search, or non-post singular */ if (!is_404() && !is_search() && !(is_singular() && get_post_type() != 'post')) { $breadcrumbs[get_page_link(get_option('page_for_posts'))] = get_the_title(get_option('page_for_posts')); } } /* Single Posts */ if (is_single() && get_post_type() == 'post') { $breadcrumbs[] = get_the_category_list(', '); $breadcrumbs[] = get_the_title(); } else { if (is_singular() && !is_home() && !is_front_page()) { $current_page = array($post); /* Get the parent pages of the current page if they exist */ if (isset($current_page[0]->post_parent)) { while ($current_page[0]->post_parent) { array_unshift($current_page, get_post($current_page[0]->post_parent)); } } /* Add returned pages to breadcrumbs */ foreach ($current_page as $page) { $breadcrumbs[get_page_link($page->ID)] = $page->post_title; } /* Categories */ } else { if (is_category()) { $breadcrumbs[] = single_cat_title('', false); } else { if (is_search()) { $breadcrumbs[] = __('Search Results For:', 'headway') . ' ' . get_search_query(); } else { if (is_author()) { $author = get_queried_object(); $breadcrumbs[] = __('Author Archives:', 'headway') . ' ' . $author->display_name; } else { if (is_tag()) { $breadcrumbs[] = __('Tag Archives:', 'headway') . ' ' . single_tag_title('', false); } else { if (is_date()) { $breadcrumbs[] = __('Archives:', 'headway') . ' ' . get_the_time('F Y'); } else { if (is_404()) { $breadcrumbs[] = __('Whoops! Page Not Found...', 'headway'); } } } } } } } } /* Display the breadcrumbs */ echo '<p class="breadcrumbs" xmlns:v="">'; if (parent::get_setting($block, 'show-prefix', false)) { echo '<span class="breadcrumbs-prefix">' . parent::get_setting($block, 'prefix-text', __('You Are Here:', 'headway')) . '</span> '; } $breadcrumbs = apply_filters('headway_breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs); $breadcrumbs_length = count($breadcrumbs); $breadcrumbs_loop_counter = 0; foreach ($breadcrumbs as $breadcrumb_url => $breadcrumb) { /* Do not show separator before first item */ if ($breadcrumbs_loop_counter != 0) { echo ' <span class="sep">' . parent::get_setting($block, 'separator', '»') . '</span> '; } echo '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb" class="breadcrumb">'; if (!is_numeric($breadcrumb_url) && $breadcrumbs_loop_counter != $breadcrumbs_length - 1) { echo '<a href="' . $breadcrumb_url . '" rel="v:url" property="v:title">' . $breadcrumb . '</a></span>'; } else { echo $breadcrumb; } echo '</span><!-- .breadcrumb -->'; $breadcrumbs_loop_counter++; } echo "\n</p>\n\n"; }