Beispiel #1
 private function _addWidget($id)
     // Avoid duplicates
     if ($this->_form->elementExists($id)) {
     $field =& $this->fields[$id];
     $default = TIP::pickElement($id, $this->_defaults);
     // By default, fields starting with '_' and automatic fields
     // cannot be edited, so are included as hidden (if defined)
     if (substr($id, 0, 1) == '_' || $field['automatic']) {
         is_null($default) || $this->_form->addElement('hidden', $id, $default);
     $flags = isset($field['flags']) ? explode(',', strtolower($field['flags'])) : array();
     $explicit_default = TIP::pickElement($id, $this->defaults);
     // Check for "placeholder" flag
     if (is_null($explicit_default) && in_array('placeholder', $flags)) {
         // Special case: placeholder flag and no default value provided
         // The widget must not be built. The value will be automagically
         // handled by _converterPlaceholder()
         $this->_transaction_protected = true;
         $this->_addConverter($id, 'Placeholder');
     // Create the widget
     $old_tabindex = $this->_tabindex;
     $method = '_widget' . @$field['widget'];
     method_exists($this, $method) || ($method = '_widgetText');
     $element =& $this->{$method}($field, @$field['widget_args']);
     // Check for "immutable" flag and explicit default value provided
     if (!is_null($explicit_default) && in_array('immutable', $flags)) {
     // Check if the field is in the "readonly" list
     if (in_array($id, $this->readonly)) {
     // Remove the element on "trailing" flag set:
     // the element will be appended in the render() method
     if (in_array('trailing', $flags)) {
         $this->_trailing_elements[$id] =& $element;
         $this->_form->removeElement($id, false);
         $this->_tabindex = $old_tabindex;