function ListOfQuestions()
     $output = '';
     foreach ($this->Questions() as $sq) {
         $output .= "Label: \"" . $sq->Label . "\" | Type: \"" . $sq->ClassName . "\"<br>";
     $richText = new HTMLText('something');
     return $richText;
 function ListOfQuestions()
     $output = '';
     foreach ($this->SurveyQuestions() as $sq) {
         $output .= $sq->Number . " " . $sq->Title . "<br>";
     $richText = new HTMLText('something');
     return $richText;
Beispiel #3
 function testFirstSentence()
     $many = str_repeat('many ', 100);
     $cases = array('<h1>should ignore</h1><p>First sentence. Second sentence.</p>' => 'First sentence.', '<h1>should ignore</h1><p>First Mr. sentence. Second sentence.</p>' => 'First Mr. sentence.', "<h1>should ignore</h1><p>Sentence with {$many}words. Second sentence.</p>" => "Sentence with {$many}words.");
     foreach ($cases as $orig => $match) {
         $textObj = new HTMLText();
         $this->assertEquals($match, $textObj->FirstSentence());
  * Provide a way to get the required script for AB testing into the template engine
  * @return mixed
 public function getABTestGlobalScript()
     if ($this->owner->getField('ABGlobalTest') != 0) {
         if (!is_null($this->owner->getField('ABTestGlobalScript'))) {
             $html = new HTMLText();
             return $html;
     return false;
  * Provide a way to get the required script for AB testing into the template engine
  * @return mixed
 public function getABTestScript()
     if ($this->owner->ABTestPage) {
         if ($this->owner->ABTestInlineScript) {
             $html = new HTMLText();
             return $html;
     return false;
 public function getCMSPreview()
     $html = ViewableData::renderWith('Icon_CMS_Preview');
     $obj = HTMLText::create();
     return $obj;
  * Trackback notify the specified trackback url
  * @param	boolean | true on success, otherwise false 
 function trackbackNotify($url)
     $content = new HTMLText('Content');
     $excerpt = $content->FirstParagraph();
     if ($this->owner->Parent() && $this->owner->ParentID > 0) {
         $blogName = $this->owner->Parent()->Title;
     } else {
         $blogName = "";
     $postData = array('url' => $this->owner->AbsoluteLink(), 'title' => $this->owner->Title, 'excerpt' => $excerpt, 'blog_name' => $blogName);
     $controller = Object::create(self::$trackback_server_class);
     $response = $controller->request($url, $postData);
     if ($response->getStatusCode() == '200' && stripos($response->getBody(), "<error>0</error>") !== false) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * @return HTMLText
 public function getCMSPublishedState()
     $html = new HTMLText('PublishedState');
     if ($this->isPublished()) {
         if ($this->stagesDiffer('Stage', 'Live')) {
             $colour = '#1391DF';
             $text = 'Modified';
         } else {
             $colour = '#18BA18';
             $text = 'Published';
     } else {
         $colour = '#C00';
         $text = 'Draft';
     $html->setValue(sprintf('<span style="color: %s;">%s</span>', $colour, htmlentities($text)));
     return $html;
 function Thumbnail()
     $res = HTMLText::create();
     $res->setValue("<em>No thumbnail found</em>");
     if ($this->GetThumbURL()) {
         $res->setValue("<img src='" . $this->GetThumbURL() . "' style='max-width: 120px; height: auto;' />");
     return $res;
  * @return string
 protected function getContentSummary()
     if ($this->Content) {
         /** @var HTMLText $html */
         $html = HTMLText::create();
         return $html;
     return '(none)';
 public function getCMSPublishedState()
     if ($this->isInvalidPublishState()) {
         $colour = '#C00';
         $text = 'Error';
         $html = new HTMLText('PublishedState');
         $html->setValue(sprintf('<span style="color: %s;">%s</span>', $colour, htmlentities($text)));
         return $html;
     $publishedState = null;
     foreach ($this->extension_instances as $instance) {
         if (method_exists($instance, 'getCMSPublishedState')) {
             $publishedState = $instance->getCMSPublishedState();
     return $publishedState;
  * Rewrite the links
  * @param NewsletterEmail
 function updateNewsletterEmail(&$email)
     if (!$email->body || !$email->newsletter) {
     $text = $email->body->forTemplate();
     // find all the matches
     if (preg_match_all("/<a\\s[^>]*href=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>/siU", $text, $matches)) {
         if (isset($matches[1]) && ($links = $matches[1])) {
             $titles = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : array();
             $id = (int) $email->newsletter->ID;
             $replacements = array();
             $current = array();
             // workaround as we want to match the longest urls (/foo/bar/baz) before /foo/
             $sorted = array_combine($links, array_map('strlen', $links));
             foreach ($sorted as $link => $length) {
                 $SQL_link = Convert::raw2sql($link);
                 $tracked = DataObject::get_one('Newsletter_TrackedLink', "\"NewsletterID\" = '" . $id . "' AND \"Original\" = '" . $SQL_link . "'");
                 if (!$tracked) {
                     // make one.
                     $tracked = new Newsletter_TrackedLink();
                     $tracked->Original = $link;
                     $tracked->NewsletterID = $id;
                 // replace the link
                 $replacements[$link] = $tracked->Link();
                 // track that this link is still active
                 $current[] = $tracked->ID;
             // replace the strings
             $text = str_ireplace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $text);
             // replace the body
             $output = new HTMLText();
             $email->body = $output;
 public function IconsHTML()
     $obj = HTMLText::create();
     $html = "";
     if ($this->owner->GridFieldIconRowClasses()) {
         foreach ($this->owner->GridFieldIconRowClasses() as $icon) {
             $html .= (new ArrayData(array('Icon' => $icon)))->renderWith('GridFieldIcon');
     return $obj;
  * Returns the string which will be used in the template
  * @return string
 public function forTemplate()
     $isEditable = FrontendEditing::editingEnabled() && FrontendEditing::isEditable($this);
     if ($isEditable) {
         $this->processShortcodes = false;
     $value = parent::forTemplate();
     if ($isEditable) {
         $randId = uniqid();
         $value = '<div id="' . $randId . '" contenteditable=true class="frontend-editable frontend-editable-html" data-feclass="' . FrontendEditing::getClassName($this) . '" data-feid="' . FrontendEditing::getID($this) . '" data-fefield="' . $this->name . '">' . $value . '</div>';
     return $value;
  * Unserialise the list of customisations and rendering into a basic
  * HTML string
 public function CustomisationHTML()
     $return = HTMLText::create();
     $items = $this->Customisations();
     $html = "";
     if ($items && $items->exists()) {
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $html .= $item->Title . ': ' . $item->Value . ";<br/>";
     return $return;
 public function stripCaption($caption, $limit = null)
     // Remove the hash tags
     $caption = substr($caption, 0, strpos($caption, '#'));
     // Create a HTMLText
     $sf = HTMLText::create('Caption');
     // Optional: limit the characters
     if ($limit != null) {
         return $sf->LimitCharacters($limit, '...');
     return $sf;
  * Unserialise the list of customisations and rendering into a basic
  * HTML string
 public function getCustomDetails()
     $htmltext = HTMLText::create();
     $return = "";
     if ($this->Customisation) {
         $customisations = unserialize($this->Customisation);
         foreach ($customisations as $custom) {
             $return .= $custom->Title . ': ' . $custom->Value . ";<br/>";
     return $htmltext;
 public function getCMSState()
     if ($this->owner->UserSubmissionHolder()) {
         $page = $this->owner->UserSubmissionPage();
         if ($page && $page->exists()) {
             $colour = '#18BA18';
             $text = 'Page Created';
         } else {
             $colour = '#1391DF';
             $text = 'Pending';
         $html = HTMLText::create('CMSState');
         $html->setValue(sprintf('<span style="color: %s;">%s</span>', $colour, htmlentities($text)));
         return $html;
  * Return whether the participation is opened
  * for gridfield summary
  * @return HTMLText
 public function getStatus()
     $colours = array('red', 'green', 'blue');
     $colour = !$this->hasStarted() ? $colours[2] : $colours[(int) $this->isOpen()];
     $message = '';
     // Not started yet
     if (!$this->hasStarted()) {
         $date = new DateTime($this->Starts);
         $message = 'Starting on ' . $date->format('d-m-Y');
     } else {
         $message = $this->hasExpired() ? 'Expired' : 'Active';
     $output = sprintf('<span style="color:%s">%s</span>', $colour, $message);
     $field = HTMLText::create('Status');
     return $field;
Beispiel #20
  * Return a list string summarising each item in this order
  * @return string
 public function getItemSummaryHTML()
     $html = new HTMLText("ItemSummary");
     $this->extend("updateItemSummary", $html);
     return $html;
  * Returns the additional email recipients as a html string
  * @return string
 public function getAdditionalRecipientsHtmlString()
     $additionalRecipientsArray = array();
     if ($this->AdditionalReceipients()->exists()) {
         foreach ($this->AdditionalReceipients() as $additionalRecipient) {
             $additionalRecipientsArray[] = htmlentities($additionalRecipient->getEmailAddressWithName());
     $additionalRecipientsHtml = new HTMLText();
     $additionalRecipientsHtml->setValue(implode('<br/>', $additionalRecipientsArray));
     return $additionalRecipientsHtml;
Beispiel #22
	 * Get a bbcode parsed summary of the blog entry
	function ParagraphSummary(){
		if(self::$allow_wysiwyg_editing) {
			return $this->obj('Content')->FirstParagraph('html');
		} else {
			$parser = new BBCodeParser($this->Content);
			$html = new HTMLText('Content');
			return $html->FirstParagraph('html');
  * @param Newsletter $newsletter
  * @param Mailinglists $recipient
  * @param Boolean $fakeRecipient
 function __construct($newsletter, $recipient, $fakeRecipient = false)
     $this->newsletter = $newsletter;
     $this->mailinglists = $newsletter->MailingLists();
     $this->recipient = $recipient;
     $this->fakeRecipient = $fakeRecipient;
     parent::__construct($this->newsletter->SendFrom, $this->recipient->Email);
     $this->populateTemplate(new ArrayData(array('UnsubscribeLink' => $this->UnsubscribeLink(), 'SiteConfig' => DataObject::get_one('SiteConfig'), 'AbsoluteBaseURL' => Director::absoluteBaseURLWithAuth())));
     $this->body = $newsletter->getContentBody();
     $this->subject = $newsletter->Subject;
     $this->ss_template = $newsletter->RenderTemplate;
     if ($this->body && $this->newsletter) {
         $text = $this->body->forTemplate();
         //Recipient Fields ShortCode parsing
         $bodyViewer = new SSViewer_FromString($text);
         $text = $bodyViewer->process($this->templateData());
         // Install link tracking by replacing existing links with "newsletterlink" and hash-based reference.
         if ($this->config()->link_tracking_enabled && !$this->fakeRecipient && preg_match_all("/<a\\s[^>]*href=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>/siU", $text, $matches)) {
             if (isset($matches[1]) && ($links = $matches[1])) {
                 $titles = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : array();
                 $id = (int) $this->newsletter->ID;
                 $replacements = array();
                 $current = array();
                 // workaround as we want to match the longest urls (/foo/bar/baz) before /foo/
                 $sorted = array_combine($links, array_map('strlen', $links));
                 foreach ($sorted as $link => $length) {
                     $SQL_link = Convert::raw2sql($link);
                     $tracked = DataObject::get_one('Newsletter_TrackedLink', "\"NewsletterID\" = '" . $id . "' AND \"Original\" = '" . $SQL_link . "'");
                     if (!$tracked) {
                         // make one.
                         $tracked = new Newsletter_TrackedLink();
                         $tracked->Original = $link;
                         $tracked->NewsletterID = $id;
                     // replace the link
                     $replacements[$link] = $tracked->Link();
                     // track that this link is still active
                     $current[] = $tracked->ID;
                 // replace the strings
                 $text = str_ireplace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $text);
         // replace the body
         $output = new HTMLText();
         $this->body = $output;
  * return the orders invoice address as complete HTML string.
  * @return string
 public function getInvoiceAddressSummaryHtml()
     $html = new HTMLText();
     $html->setValue(str_replace(PHP_EOL, '<br/>', $this->InvoiceAddressSummary));
     return $html;
	function deleteinstallfiles() {
		$title = new Varchar("Title");
		$content = new HTMLText("Content");
		$tempcontent = '';
		$username = Session::get('username');
		$password = Session::get('password');

		$installfiles = array(

		foreach($installfiles as $installfile) {
			if(file_exists('../' . $installfile)) {
				@unlink('../' . $installfile);

			if(file_exists('../' . $installfile)) {
				$unsuccessful[] = $installfile;

		if(isset($unsuccessful)) {
			$title->setValue("Unable to delete installation files");
			$tempcontent = "<p style=\"margin: 1em 0\">Unable to delete installation files. Please delete the files below manually:</p><ul>";
			foreach($unsuccessful as $unsuccessfulFile) {
				$tempcontent .= "<li>$unsuccessfulFile</li>";
			$tempcontent .= "</ul>";
		} else {
			$title->setValue("Deleted installation files");
			$tempcontent = <<<HTML
<p style="margin: 1em 0">Installation files have been successfully deleted.</p>

		$tempcontent .= <<<HTML
			<p style="margin: 1em 0">You can start editing your site's content by opening <a href="admin/">the CMS</a>. <br />
				&nbsp; &nbsp; Email: $username<br />
				&nbsp; &nbsp; Password: $password<br />

		return array(
			"Title" => $title,
			"Content" => $content,
    function deleteinstallfiles()
        if (!Permission::check("ADMIN")) {
            return Security::permissionFailure($this);
        $title = new Varchar("Title");
        $content = new HTMLText("Content");
        $tempcontent = '';
        $username = Session::get('username');
        $password = Session::get('password');
        // We can't delete index.php as it might be necessary for URL routing without mod_rewrite.
        // There's no safe way to detect usage of mod_rewrite across webservers,
        // so we have to assume the file is required.
        $installfiles = array('install.php', 'config-form.css', 'config-form.html', 'index.html');
        foreach ($installfiles as $installfile) {
            if (file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $installfile)) {
                @unlink(BASE_PATH . '/' . $installfile);
            if (file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $installfile)) {
                $unsuccessful[] = $installfile;
        if (isset($unsuccessful)) {
            $title->setValue("Unable to delete installation files");
            $tempcontent = "<p style=\"margin: 1em 0\">Unable to delete installation files. Please delete the files below manually:</p><ul>";
            foreach ($unsuccessful as $unsuccessfulFile) {
                $tempcontent .= "<li>{$unsuccessfulFile}</li>";
            $tempcontent .= "</ul>";
        } else {
            $title->setValue("Deleted installation files");
            $tempcontent = <<<HTML
<p style="margin: 1em 0">Installation files have been successfully deleted.</p>
        $tempcontent .= <<<HTML
\t\t\t<p style="margin: 1em 0">You can start editing your site's content by opening <a href="admin/">the CMS</a>. <br />
\t\t\t\t&nbsp; &nbsp; Email: {$username}<br />
\t\t\t\t&nbsp; &nbsp; Password: {$password}<br />
        return array("Title" => $title, "Content" => $content);
  * returns the order positions Title with extensions
  * @return string
 public function getFullTitle()
     $fullTitle = $this->Title . '<br/>' . $this->addToTitle();
     $htmlText = new HTMLText();
     return $htmlText;
Beispiel #28
  * Get a bbcode parsed summary of the blog entry
  * @deprecated
 function ParagraphSummary()
     user_error("BlogEntry::ParagraphSummary() is deprecated; use BlogEntry::Content()", E_USER_NOTICE);
     $val = $this->Content();
     $content = $val;
     if (!$content instanceof HTMLText) {
         $content = new HTMLText('Content');
         $content->value = $val;
     return $content->FirstParagraph('html');
 public function getFlaggedNice()
     $obj = HTMLText::create();
     $obj->setValue($this->Flag ? '<span class="red">&#10033;</span>' : '');
     return $obj;
Beispiel #30
 function testWhitelist()
     $textObj = new HTMLText('Test', 'meta,link');
     $this->assertEquals('<meta content="Keep"><link href="Also Keep">', $textObj->whitelistContent('<meta content="Keep"><p>Remove</p><link href="Also Keep" />Remove Text'), 'Removes any elements not in whitelist excluding text elements');
     $textObj = new HTMLText('Test', 'meta,link,text()');
     $this->assertEquals('<meta content="Keep"><link href="Also Keep">Keep Text', $textObj->whitelistContent('<meta content="Keep"><p>Remove</p><link href="Also Keep" />Keep Text'), 'Removes any elements not in whitelist including text elements');