protected function get_content()
     $content = new HTMLTags_TagContent();
     return $content;
 protected function get_content()
     $content = new HTMLTags_TagContent();
     $colgroups = $this->get_colgroups();
     foreach ($colgroups as $colgroup) {
     return $content;
 public function get_content()
     $content = new HTMLTags_TagContent();
     $content->append_tag(new HTMLTags_BR());
     $action_a = new HTMLTags_A($this->yes_str);
     $content->append_str(' ');
     $cancel_a = new HTMLTags_A($this->no_str);
     return $content;
 public function get_content()
     $content = new HTMLTags_TagContent();
     foreach ($this->get_options() as $option) {
     return $content;
 protected function get_content()
     $content = new HTMLTags_TagContent();
     # The field set.
     $field_set = new HTMLTags_FieldSet();
     $inputs_list = new HTMLTags_OL();
     $input_lis = $this->get_input_lis();
     if (count($input_lis) > 0) {
         foreach ($input_lis as $input_li) {
     } else {
         throw new Exception('No inputs set in HTMLTags_SimpleOLForm!');
     foreach ($this->get_hidden_inputs() as $hidden_input) {
     $submit_buttons_div = new HTMLTags_Div();
     $submit_buttons_div->set_attribute_str('class', 'submit_buttons_div');
     # The content
     return $content;
 public function get_content()
     #echo "\$this->offset: $this->offset\n";
     #echo "\$this->limit: $this->limit\n";
     $content = new HTMLTags_TagContent();
      * Are we at the beginning?
     if ($this->offset > 0) {
         $first_offset = 0;
         $previous_offset = $this->offset - $this->limit;
         $first_page_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
         $link_to_first_page = new HTMLTags_A('first');
         # How will we set this to 'primero' etc?
         $first_page_href = clone $this->link_href;
         $first_page_href->set_get_variable('offset', 0);
         $first_page_href->set_get_variable('limit', $this->limit);
          * Do previous and first collide?
         if ($first_offset < $previous_offset) {
             $previous_page_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
             $link_to_previous_page = new HTMLTags_A('previous');
             $previous_page_href = clone $this->link_href;
             $previous_page_href->set_get_variable('offset', $previous_offset);
             $previous_page_href->set_get_variable('limit', $this->limit);
      * Current
      * offset to offset + limit
     $current_page_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
     $current_msg = $this->offset + 1;
     $current_msg .= ' to ';
     #$row_count = $this->table->count_all_rows();
     $current_msg .= $this->offset + $this->limit < $this->row_count ? $this->offset + $this->limit : $this->row_count;
      * Are there more rows to show?
     #echo "\$row_count: $row_count\n";
     if ($this->offset + $this->limit < $this->row_count) {
         #echo "There are more pages\n";
         $next_offset = $this->offset + $this->limit;
         $last_offset = $this->row_count - ($this->row_count % $this->limit == 0 ? $this->limit : $this->row_count % $this->limit);
          * Do next and final collide?
         if ($next_offset < $last_offset) {
             $next_page_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
             $link_to_next_page = new HTMLTags_A('next');
             $next_page_href = clone $this->link_href;
             $next_page_href->set_get_variable('offset', $next_offset);
             $next_page_href->set_get_variable('limit', $this->limit);
         $last_page_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
         $link_to_last_page = new HTMLTags_A('last');
         $last_page_href = clone $this->link_href;
         $last_page_href->set_get_variable('offset', $last_offset);
         $last_page_href->set_get_variable('limit', $this->limit);
     return $content;
 protected function get_content()
     $content = new HTMLTags_TagContent();
      * The Inputs
     $inputs_list = new HTMLTags_OL();
     $input_lis = $this->get_input_lis();
     if (count($input_lis) > 0) {
         foreach ($input_lis as $input_li) {
     } else {
         throw new Exception('No inputs set in HTMLTags_SimpleOLForm!');
      * The buttons
     $submit_buttons_div = new HTMLTags_Div();
     $submit_buttons_div->set_attribute_str('class', 'submit_buttons_div');
      * The hidden inputs.
     foreach ($this->get_hidden_inputs() as $hidden_input) {
     return $content;
 public function get_content()
     $content = new HTMLTags_TagContent();
      * Build the LI for each section.
     foreach ($this->anxf->get_sections() as $section) {
         if ($this->anxf->has_access_permission_for_section($section, $this->admin_user_level)) {
             $section_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
              * Append the section title.
             $section_title = $this->anxf->get_section_title($section);
             $section_title_h3 = new HTMLTags_Heading(3, $section_title);
             $section_title_h3->set_attribute_str('id', 'section-title');
              * We deal with the project-specific section differently
              * as it doesn't have modules.
             if ($section == 'project-specific') {
                 $pages = $this->anxf->get_pages_in_section($section);
                 $section_ul = new HTMLTags_UL();
                 $section_ul->set_attribute_str('class', 'section-pages-list');
                 foreach ($pages as $page) {
                     if ($this->anxf->has_access_permission_for_page_in_section($page, $section, $this->admin_user_level)) {
                         $page_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
                         $page_title = $this->anxf->get_title_for_page_in_section($page, $section);
                         $page_a = new HTMLTags_A($page_title);
                         $page_url = $this->anxf->get_url_for_page_in_section($page, $section);
             } else {
                 $modules = $this->anxf->get_modules_in_section($section);
                 $section_ul = new HTMLTags_UL();
                 foreach ($modules as $module) {
                     if ($this->anxf->has_access_permission_for_module_in_section($module, $section, $this->admin_user_level)) {
                         $module_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
                         $module_title = $this->anxf->get_module_title_in_section($module, $section);
                         $module_title_h4 = new HTMLTags_Heading(4, $module_title);
                         $module_title_h4->set_attribute_str('id', 'module-title');
                         $module_ul = new HTMLTags_UL();
                         $module_ul->set_attribute_str('class', 'module-pages-list');
                         $pages = $this->anxf->get_pages_in_module($module, $section);
                         #echo 'count($pages): ' . count(\$pages) . "\n";
                         foreach ($pages as $page) {
                             if ($this->anxf->has_access_permission_for_page_in_module_in_section($page, $module, $section, $this->admin_user_level)) {
                                 $page_li = new HTMLTags_LI();
                                 $page_title = $this->anxf->get_title_for_page_in_module_in_section($page, $module, $section);
                                 $page_a = new HTMLTags_A($page_title);
                                 $page_url = $this->anxf->get_url_for_page_in_module_in_section($page, $module, $section);
     return $content;