Beispiel #1
 function summaryAsHTML($rev)
     if (!($summary = $this->summary($rev))) {
         return '';
     return HTML::strong(array('class' => 'wiki-summary'), "(", TransformLinks($summary, $rev->get('markup'), $rev->getPageName()), ")");
Beispiel #2
 function highlight_line($line, $hilight_re)
     while (preg_match("/^(.*?)({$hilight_re})/i", $line, $m)) {
         $line = substr($line, strlen($m[0]));
         $html[] = $m[1];
         // prematch
         $html[] = HTML::strong(array('class' => 'search-term'), $m[2]);
         // match
     $html[] = $line;
     // postmatch
     return $html;
Beispiel #3
 function showForm(&$dbi, &$request, $args)
     $action = $request->getPostURL();
     $hiddenfield = HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), '', array('action', 'page', 's', 'direction'));
     $pagefilter = HTML::input(array('name' => 'page', 'value' => $args['page'], 'title' => _("Search only in these pages. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'false', 'autocomplete_list' => 'xmlrpc:wiki.titleSearch ^[S] 4'), '');
     $query = HTML::input(array('name' => 's', 'value' => $args['s'], 'title' => _("Filter by this link. These are pagenames. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'true', 'autocomplete_list' => 'xmlrpc:wiki.titleSearch ^[S] 4'), '');
     $dirsign_switch = JavaScript("\nfunction dirsign_switch() {\n  var d = document.getElementById('dirsign')\n  d.innerHTML = (d.innerHTML == ' => ') ? ' <= ' : ' => '\n}\n");
     $dirsign = " => ";
     $in = $out = array('name' => 'direction', 'type' => 'radio', 'onChange' => 'dirsign_switch()');
     $out['value'] = 'out';
     $out['id'] = 'dir_out';
     if ($args['direction'] == 'out') {
         $out['checked'] = 'checked';
     $in['value'] = 'in';
     $in['id'] = 'dir_in';
     if ($args['direction'] == 'in') {
         $in['checked'] = 'checked';
         $dirsign = " <= ";
     $direction = HTML(HTML::input($out), HTML::label(array('for' => 'dir_out'), _("outgoing")), HTML::input($in), HTML::label(array('for' => 'dir_in'), _("incoming")));
     $direction = HTML::select(array('name'=>'direction',
                                     'onChange' => 'dirsign_switch()'));
     $out = array('value' => 'out');
     if ($args['direction']=='out') $out['selected'] = 'selected';
     $in = array('value' => 'in');
     if ($args['direction']=='in') {
         $in['selected'] = 'selected';
         $dirsign = " <= ";
     $direction->pushContent(HTML::option($out, _("outgoing")));
     $direction->pushContent(HTML::option($in, _("incoming")));
     $submit = Button('submit:search', _("LinkSearch"), false);
     $instructions = _("Search in pages for links with the matching name.");
     $form = HTML::form(array('action' => $action, 'method' => 'GET', 'accept-charset' => $GLOBALS['charset']), $dirsign_switch, $hiddenfield, $instructions, HTML::br(), $pagefilter, HTML::strong(HTML::tt(array('id' => 'dirsign'), $dirsign)), $query, HTML::raw('&nbsp;'), $direction, HTML::raw('&nbsp;'), $submit);
     return $form;
Beispiel #4
 function format_revision($rev)
     static $doublettes = array();
     if (isset($doublettes[$rev->getPageName()])) {
     $doublettes[$rev->getPageName()] = 1;
     $args =& $this->_args;
     $class = 'rc-' . $this->importance($rev);
     $time = $this->time($rev);
     if (!$rev->get('is_minor_edit')) {
         $time = HTML::strong(array('class' => 'pageinfo-majoredit'), $time);
     $line = HTML::li(array('class' => $class));
     if ($args['difflinks']) {
         $line->pushContent($this->diffLink($rev), ' ');
     if ($args['historylinks']) {
         $line->pushContent($this->historyLink($rev), ' ');
     $line->pushContent($this->pageLink($rev), ' ', $time, ' ', ' . . . . ', _("latest comment by "), $this->authorLink($rev));
     return $line;
Beispiel #5
 function showWatchList($pagelist)
     return HTML::strong(HTML::tt(empty($pagelist) ? _("<empty>") : $pagelist));
Beispiel #6
  * Handle AntiSpam here. How?
  * Need to check dynamically some blacklist wikipage settings 
  * (plugin WikiAccessRestrictions) and some static blacklist.
  * DONE: 
  *   Always: More then 20 new external links
  *   ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN:  content patterns by babycart (only php >= 4.3 for now)
  *   ENABLE_SPAMBLOCKLIST: content domain blacklist
 function isSpam()
     $current =& $this->current;
     $request =& $this->request;
     $oldtext = $current->getPackedContent();
     $newtext =& $this->_content;
     // FIXME: in longer texts the NUM_SPAM_LINKS number should be increased.
     //        better use a certain text : link ratio.
     // 1. Not more then 20 new external links
     if (defined("NUM_SPAM_LINKS")) {
         if ($this->numLinks($newtext) - $this->numLinks($oldtext) >= NUM_SPAM_LINKS) {
             // Allow strictly authenticated users?
             // TODO: mail the admin?
             $this->tokens['PAGE_LOCKED_MESSAGE'] = HTML($this->getSpamMessage(), HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Too many external links."))));
             return true;
     // 2. external babycart (SpamAssassin) check
     // This will probably prevent from discussing sex or viagra related topics. So beware.
         include_once "lib/spam_babycart.php";
         if ($babycart = check_babycart($newtext, $request->get("REMOTE_ADDR"), $this->user->getId())) {
             // TODO: mail the admin
             if (is_array($babycart)) {
                 $this->tokens['PAGE_LOCKED_MESSAGE'] = HTML($this->getSpamMessage(), HTML::p(HTML::em(_("SpamAssassin reports: "), join("\n", $babycart))));
             return true;
     // 3. extract (new) links and check surbl for blocked domains
     if (ENABLE_SPAMBLOCKLIST and $this->numLinks($newtext)) {
         include_once "lib/SpamBlocklist.php";
         include_once "lib/InlineParser.php";
         $parsed = TransformLinks($newtext);
         foreach ($parsed->_content as $link) {
             if (isa($link, 'Cached_ExternalLink')) {
                 $uri = $link->_getURL($this->page->getName());
                 if ($res = IsBlackListed($uri)) {
                     // TODO: mail the admin
                     $this->tokens['PAGE_LOCKED_MESSAGE'] = HTML($this->getSpamMessage(), HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("External links contain blocked domains:")), HTML::ul(HTML::li(sprintf(_("%s is listed at %s"), $res[2], $res[0])))));
                     return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #7
function displayPage(&$request, $template = false)
    global $WikiTheme, $pv;
    $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename');
    $version = $request->getArg('version');
    $page = $request->getPage();
    if ($version) {
        $revision = $page->getRevision($version);
        if (!$revision) {
            NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $version);
    } else {
        $revision = $page->getCurrentRevision();
    if (isSubPage($pagename)) {
        $pages = explode(SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, $pagename);
        $last_page = array_pop($pages);
        // deletes last element from array as side-effect
        $pageheader = HTML::span(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pages[0]), 'class' => 'pagetitle'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($pages[0] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)));
        $first_pages = $pages[0] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR;
        foreach ($pages as $p) {
            if ($pv != 2) {
                //Add the Backlink in page title
                $pageheader->pushContent(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($first_pages . $p), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($p . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)));
            } else {
                // Remove Backlinks
            $first_pages .= $p . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR;
        if ($pv != 2) {
            $backlink = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => _("BackLinks"))), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($last_page));
            $backlink->addTooltip(sprintf(_("BackLinks for %s"), $pagename));
        } else {
            $backlink = HTML::h1($pagename);
    } else {
        if ($pv != 2) {
            $pageheader = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => _("BackLinks"))), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($pagename));
            $pageheader->addTooltip(sprintf(_("BackLinks for %s"), $pagename));
        } else {
            $pageheader = HTML::h1($pagename);
            //Remove Backlinks
        if ($request->getArg('frame')) {
            $pageheader->setAttr('target', '_top');
    // {{{ Codendi hook to insert stuff between navbar and header
    $eM =& EventManager::instance();
    $ref_html = '';
    $crossref_fact = new CrossReferenceFactory($pagename, ReferenceManager::REFERENCE_NATURE_WIKIPAGE, GROUP_ID);
    if ($crossref_fact->getNbReferences() > 0) {
        $ref_html .= '<h3>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('cross_ref_fact_include', 'references') . '</h3>';
        $ref_html .= $crossref_fact->getHTMLDisplayCrossRefs();
    $additional_html = false;
    $eM->processEvent('wiki_before_content', array('html' => &$additional_html, 'group_id' => GROUP_ID, 'wiki_page' => $pagename));
    if ($additional_html) {
        $beforeHeader = HTML();
        $toks['BEFORE_HEADER'] = $beforeHeader;
    } else {
        $beforeHeader = HTML();
        $toks['BEFORE_HEADER'] = $beforeHeader;
    // }}} /Codendi hook
    $pagetitle = SplitPagename($pagename);
    if ($redirect_from = $request->getArg('redirectfrom')) {
        $redirect_message = HTML::span(array('class' => 'redirectfrom'), fmt("(Redirected from %s)", RedirectorLink($redirect_from)));
        // abuse the $redirected template var for some status update notice
    } elseif ($request->getArg('errormsg')) {
        $redirect_message = $request->getArg('errormsg');
        $request->setArg('errormsg', false);
    $request->appendValidators(array('pagerev' => $revision->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $revision->get('mtime')));
        // FIXME: This is also in the template...
        if ($request->getArg('action') != 'pdf' and !headers_sent()) {
          // FIXME: enable MathML/SVG/... support
          if (ENABLE_XHTML_XML
                 and (!isBrowserIE()
                      and strstr($request->get('HTTP_ACCEPT'),'application/xhtml+xml')))
                header("Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']);
                header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']);
    $page_content = $revision->getTransformedContent();
    // if external searchengine (google) referrer, highlight the searchterm
    // FIXME: move that to the transformer?
    // OR: add the searchhightplugin line to the content?
    if ($result = isExternalReferrer($request)) {
        if (DEBUG and !empty($result['query'])) {
            //$GLOBALS['SearchHighlightQuery'] = $result['query'];
            /* simply add the SearchHighlight plugin to the top of the page. 
               This just parses the wikitext, and doesn't highlight the markup */
            include_once 'lib/WikiPlugin.php';
            $loader = new WikiPluginLoader();
            $xml = $loader->expandPI('<' . '?plugin SearchHighlight s="' . $result['query'] . '"?' . '>', $request, $markup);
            if ($xml and is_array($xml)) {
                foreach (array_reverse($xml) as $line) {
                    array_unshift($page_content->_content, $line);
                array_unshift($page_content->_content, HTML::div(_("You searched for: "), HTML::strong($result['query'])));
            if (0) {
                /* Parse the transformed (mixed HTML links + strings) lines?
                     This looks like overkill.
                require_once "lib/TextSearchQuery.php";
                $query = new TextSearchQuery($result['query']);
                $hilight_re = $query->getHighlightRegexp();
                //$matches = preg_grep("/$hilight_re/i", $revision->getContent());
                // FIXME!
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($page_content->_content); $i++) {
                    $found = false;
                    $line = $page_content->_content[$i];
                    if (is_string($line)) {
                        while (preg_match("/^(.*?)({$hilight_re})/i", $line, $m)) {
                            $found = true;
                            $line = substr($line, strlen($m[0]));
                            $html[] = $m[1];
                            // prematch
                            $html[] = HTML::strong(array('class' => 'search-term'), $m[2]);
                            // match
                    if ($found) {
                        $html[] = $line;
                        // postmatch
                        $page_content->_content[$i] = HTML::span(array('class' => 'search-context'), $html);
    $toks['CONTENT'] = new Template('browse', $request, $page_content);
    $toks['TITLE'] = $pagetitle;
    // <title> tag
    $toks['HEADER'] = $pageheader;
    // h1 with backlink
    $toks['revision'] = $revision;
    if (!empty($redirect_message)) {
        $toks['redirected'] = $redirect_message;
    $toks['ROBOTS_META'] = 'index,follow';
    $toks['PAGE_DESCRIPTION'] = $page_content->getDescription();
    $toks['PAGE_KEYWORDS'] = GleanKeywords($page);
    if (!$template) {
        $template = new Template('html', $request);
    if ($request->getArg('action') != 'pdf') {
Beispiel #8
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     if ($request->getArg('action') != 'browse') {
         if (!$request->getArg('action') == _("PhpWikiAdministration/Markup")) {
             return $this->disabled("(action != 'browse')");
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     $this->_args = $args;
     $this->preSelectS($args, $request);
     $p = $request->getArg('p');
     if (!$p) {
         $p = $this->_list;
     $post_args = $request->getArg('admin_markup');
     if (!$request->isPost() and empty($post_args['markup'])) {
         $post_args['markup'] = $args['markup'];
     $next_action = 'select';
     $pages = array();
     if ($p && !$request->isPost()) {
         $pages = $p;
     if ($p && $request->isPost() && !empty($post_args['button']) && empty($post_args['cancel'])) {
         // without individual PagePermissions:
         if (!ENABLE_PAGEPERM and !$request->_user->isAdmin()) {
             $this->disabled("! user->isAdmin");
         // DONE: error message if not allowed.
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'verify') {
             // Real action
             return $this->chmarkupPages($dbi, $request, array_keys($p), $post_args['markup']);
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'select') {
             if (!empty($post_args['markup'])) {
                 $next_action = 'verify';
             foreach ($p as $name => $c) {
                 $pages[$name] = 1;
     if ($next_action == 'select' and empty($pages)) {
         $pages = $this->collectPages($pages, $dbi, $args['sortby'], $args['limit'], $args['exclude']);
     if ($next_action == 'select') {
         $pagelist = new PageList_Selectable($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args);
     } else {
         $pagelist = new PageList_Unselectable($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args);
     $header = HTML::fieldset();
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $button_label = _("Yes");
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Are you sure you want to permanently change the markup type of the selected files?"))));
         $header = $this->chmarkupForm($header, $post_args);
     } else {
         $button_label = _("Change markup type");
         $header->pushContent(HTML::legend(_("Select the pages to change the markup type")));
         $header = $this->chmarkupForm($header, $post_args);
     $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:admin_markup[button]', $button_label, 'wikiadmin'), Button('submit:admin_markup[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button'));
     return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), $header, $pagelist->getContent(), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('admin_markup')), HiddenInputs(array('admin_markup[action]' => $next_action)), ENABLE_PAGEPERM ? '' : HiddenInputs(array('require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_ADMIN)));
Beispiel #9
 function summaryAsHTML($rev)
     if (!($summary = $this->summary($rev))) {
         return '';
     return HTML::strong(array('class' => 'wiki-summary'), "[", $summary, "]");
Beispiel #10
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     if ($request->getArg('action') != 'browse') {
         if ($request->getArg('action') != _("PhpWikiAdministration/Rename")) {
             return $this->disabled("(action != 'browse')");
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     $this->_args = $args;
     $this->preSelectS($args, $request);
     $p = $request->getArg('p');
     if (!$p) {
         $p = $this->_list;
     $post_args = $request->getArg('admin_rename');
     $next_action = 'select';
     $pages = array();
     if ($p && !$request->isPost()) {
         $pages = $p;
     if ($p && $request->isPost() && !empty($post_args['rename']) && empty($post_args['cancel'])) {
         // without individual PagePermissions:
         if (!ENABLE_PAGEPERM and !$request->_user->isAdmin()) {
             $this->disabled("! user->isAdmin");
         // DONE: error message if not allowed.
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'verify') {
             // Real action
             return $this->renamePages($dbi, $request, array_keys($p), $post_args['from'], $post_args['to'], !empty($post_args['updatelinks']));
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'select') {
             if (!empty($post_args['from'])) {
                 $next_action = 'verify';
             foreach ($p as $name => $c) {
                 $pages[$name] = 1;
     if ($next_action == 'select' and empty($pages)) {
         // List all pages to select from.
         $pages = $this->collectPages($pages, $dbi, $args['sortby'], $args['limit'], $args['exclude']);
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $args['info'] = "checkbox,pagename,renamed_pagename";
     $pagelist = new PageList_Selectable($args['info'], $args['exclude'], array('types' => array('renamed_pagename' => new _PageList_Column_renamed_pagename('rename', _("Rename to")))));
     $header = HTML::p();
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $button_label = _("Yes");
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Are you sure you want to permanently rename the selected files?"))));
         $header = $this->renameForm($header, $post_args);
     } else {
         $button_label = _("Rename selected pages");
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(_("Select the pages to rename:")));
         if (!$post_args and count($pages) == 1) {
             list($post_args['from'], ) = array_keys($pages);
             $post_args['to'] = $post_args['from'];
         $header = $this->renameForm($header, $post_args);
     $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:admin_rename[rename]', $button_label, 'wikiadmin'), Button('submit:admin_rename[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button'));
     return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), $header, $pagelist->getContent(), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('admin_rename')), HiddenInputs(array('admin_rename[action]' => $next_action)), ENABLE_PAGEPERM ? '' : HiddenInputs(array('require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_ADMIN)), $buttons);
Beispiel #11
 function setaclForm(&$header, $post_args, $pagehash)
     $acl = $post_args['acl'];
     //FIXME: find intersection of all pages perms, not just from the last pagename
     $pages = array();
     foreach ($pagehash as $name => $checked) {
         if ($checked) {
             $pages[] = $name;
     $perm_tree = pagePermissions($name);
     $table = pagePermissionsAclFormat($perm_tree, !empty($pages));
     $header->pushContent(HTML::strong(_("Selected Pages: ")), HTML::tt(join(', ', $pages)), HTML::br());
     $first_page = $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi->getPage($name);
     $owner = $first_page->getOwner();
     list($type, $perm) = pagePermissionsAcl($perm_tree[0], $perm_tree);
     //if (DEBUG) $header->pushContent(HTML::pre("Permission tree for $name:\n",print_r($perm_tree,true)));
     if ($type == 'inherited') {
         $type = sprintf(_("page permission inherited from %s"), $perm_tree[1][0]);
     } elseif ($type == 'page') {
         $type = _("individual page permission");
     } elseif ($type == 'default') {
         $type = _("default page permission");
     $header->pushContent(HTML::strong(_("Type") . ': '), HTML::tt($type), HTML::br());
     $header->pushContent(HTML::strong(_("ACL") . ': '), HTML::tt($perm->asAclLines()), HTML::br());
     $header->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Description") . ': '), _("Selected Grant checkboxes allow access, unselected checkboxes deny access."), _("To ignore delete the line."), _("To add check 'Add' near the dropdown list.")));
     // display array of checkboxes for existing perms
     // and a dropdown for user/group to add perms.
     // disabled if inherited,
     // checkbox to disable inheritance,
     // another checkbox to progate new permissions to all childs (if there exist some)
     // warn if more pages are selected and they have different perms
     //$header->pushContent(HTML::input(array('name' => 'admin_setacl[acl]',
     //                                       'value' => $post_args['acl'])));
     if (!empty($pages) and defined('EXPERIMENTAL') and EXPERIMENTAL) {
         $checkbox = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'admin_setacl[updatechildren]', 'value' => 1));
         if (!empty($post_args['updatechildren'])) {
             $checkbox->setAttr('checked', 'checked');
         $header->pushContent($checkbox, _("Propagate new permissions to all subpages?"), HTML::raw("&nbsp;&nbsp;"), HTML::em(_("(disable individual page permissions, enable inheritance)?")), HTML::br(), HTML::em(_("(Currently not working)")));
     return $header;
Beispiel #12
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $this->_args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (!$page) {
         return '';
     $hidden_pagemeta = array('_cached_html');
     $readonly_pagemeta = array('hits');
     $dbi = $request->getDbh();
     $p = $dbi->getPage($page);
     $pagemeta = $p->getMetaData();
     // Look at arguments to see if submit was entered. If so,
     // process this request before displaying.
     if ($request->isPost() and $request->_user->isAdmin() and $request->getArg('metaedit')) {
         $metafield = trim($request->getArg('metafield'));
         $metavalue = trim($request->getArg('metavalue'));
         if (!in_array($metafield, $readonly_pagemeta)) {
             if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\\[(.*?)\\]$/', $metafield, $matches)) {
                 list(, $array_field, $array_key) = $matches;
                 $array_value = $pagemeta[$array_field];
                 $array_value[$array_key] = $metavalue;
                 $p->set($array_field, $array_value);
             } else {
                 $p->set($metafield, $metavalue);
         $url = $request->getURLtoSelf(false, array('metaedit', 'metafield', 'metavalue'));
         // The rest of the output will not be seen due to the
         // redirect.
     // Now we show the meta data and provide entry box for new data.
     $html = HTML();
     $html->pushContent(fmt("Existing page-level metadata for %s:", $page));
     $dl = HTML::dl();
     foreach ($pagemeta as $key => $val) {
         if (is_string($val) and substr($val, 0, 2) == 'a:') {
             $dl->pushContent(HTML::dt("\n{$key} => {$val}\n", $dl1 = HTML::dl()));
             foreach (unserialize($val) as $akey => $aval) {
                 $dl1->pushContent(HTML::dt(HTML::strong("{$key}" . '[' . $akey . "] => {$aval}\n")));
         } elseif (is_array($val)) {
             $dl->pushContent(HTML::dt("\n{$key}:\n", $dl1 = HTML::dl()));
             foreach ($val as $akey => $aval) {
                 $dl1->pushContent(HTML::dt(HTML::strong("{$key}" . '[' . $akey . "] => {$aval}\n")));
         } elseif (in_array($key, $hidden_pagemeta)) {
         } elseif (in_array($key, $readonly_pagemeta)) {
             $dl->pushContent(HTML::dt(array('style' => 'background: #dddddd'), "{$key} => {$val}\n"));
         } else {
             $dl->pushContent(HTML::dt(HTML::strong("{$key} => {$val}\n")));
     if ($request->_user->isAdmin()) {
         $action = $request->getPostURL();
         $hiddenfield = HiddenInputs($request->getArgs());
         $instructions = _("Add or change a page-level metadata 'key=>value' pair. Note that you can remove a key by leaving the value-box empty.");
         $keyfield = HTML::input(array('name' => 'metafield'), '');
         $valfield = HTML::input(array('name' => 'metavalue'), '');
         $button = Button('submit:metaedit', _("Submit"), false);
         $form = HTML::form(array('action' => $action, 'method' => 'post', 'accept-charset' => $GLOBALS['charset']), $hiddenfield, $instructions, HTML::br(), $keyfield, ' => ', $valfield, HTML::raw('&nbsp;'), $button);
         $html->pushContent(HTML::br(), $form);
     } else {
         $html->pushContent(HTML::em(_("Requires WikiAdmin privileges to edit.")));
     return $html;
Beispiel #13
 function setaclForm(&$header, $pagehash)
     $pages = array();
     foreach ($pagehash as $name => $checked) {
         if ($checked) {
             $pages[] = $name;
     $header->pushContent(HTML::strong(_("Selected Pages: ")), HTML::tt(join(', ', $pages)), HTML::br());
     return $header;
Beispiel #14
 function error($message)
     return HTML::div(array('class' => 'errors'), HTML::strong(fmt("Plugin %s failed.", $this->getName())), ' ', $message);
Beispiel #15
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request));
     if (!$lang) {
         return $this->error(_("This internal action page cannot viewed.") . "\n" . _("You can only use it via the _WikiTranslation plugin."));
     $this->lang = $lang;
     if (!empty($translate) and isset($translate['submit']) and $request->isPost()) {
         $trans = $translate["content"];
         if (empty($trans) or $trans == $pagename) {
             $header = HTML(HTML::h2(_("Translation Error!")), HTML::p(_("Your translated text is either empty or equal to the untranslated text. Please try again.")));
         } else {
             //save translation in a users subpage
             $user = $request->getUser();
             $homepage = $user->_HomePagehandle;
             $transpagename = $homepage->getName() . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . _("ContributedTranslations");
             $page = $dbi->getPage($transpagename);
             $current = $page->getCurrentRevision();
             $version = $current->getVersion();
             if ($version) {
                 $text = $current->getPackedContent() . "\n";
                 $meta = $current->_data;
             } else {
                 $text = '';
                 $meta = array('markup' => 2.0, 'author' => $user->getId());
             $text .= $user->getId() . " " . Iso8601DateTime() . "\n" . "* " . sprintf(_("Translate '%s' to '%s' in *%s*"), $pagename, $trans, $lang);
             $text .= "\n  <verbatim>locale/po/{$lang}.po:\n  msgid \"" . $pagename . "\"\n  msgstr \"" . $trans . "\"\n  </verbatim>";
             $meta['summary'] = sprintf(_("Translate %s to %s in %s"), substr($pagename, 0, 15), substr($trans, 0, 15), $lang);
             $page->save($text, $version + 1, $meta);
             // TODO: admin notification
             return HTML(HTML::h2(_("Thanks for adding this translation!")), HTML::p(fmt("Your translated text doesn't yet appear in this %s, but the Administrator will pick it up and add to the installation.", WIKI_NAME)), fmt("Your translation is stored in %s", WikiLink($transpagename)));
     $trans = $this->translate($pagename, $lang, 'en');
     //Todo: google lookup or at least a google lookup button.
     if (isset($header)) {
         $header = HTML($header, fmt("From english to %s: ", HTML::strong($lang)));
     } else {
         $header = fmt("From english to %s: ", HTML::strong($lang));
     $button_label = _("Translate");
     $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:translate[submit]', $button_label, 'wikiadmin'), Button('submit:translate[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button'));
     return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), $header, HTML::textarea(array('class' => 'wikiedit', 'name' => 'translate[content]', 'id' => 'translate[content]', 'rows' => 4, 'cols' => $request->getPref('editWidth'), 'wrap' => 'virtual'), $trans), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('translate')), HiddenInputs(array('translate[action]' => $pagename, 'require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_BOGO)), $buttons);
Beispiel #16
 function asEditableTable($type)
     global $WikiTheme;
     if (!isset($this->_group)) {
         $this->_group =& $GLOBALS['request']->getGroup();
     $table = HTML::table();
     $table->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::th(array('align' => 'left'), _("Access")), HTML::th(array('align' => 'right'), _("Group/User")), HTML::th(_("Grant")), HTML::th(_("Del/+")), HTML::th(_("Description"))));
     $allGroups = $this->_group->_specialGroups();
     foreach ($this->_group->getAllGroupsIn() as $group) {
         if (!in_array($group, $this->_group->specialGroups())) {
             $allGroups[] = $group;
     $deletesrc = $WikiTheme->_findData('images/delete.png');
     $addsrc = $WikiTheme->_findData('images/add.png');
     $nbsp = HTML::raw('&nbsp;');
     foreach ($this->perm as $access => $groups) {
         //$permlist = HTML::table(array('class' => 'cal','valign' => 'top'));
         $first_only = true;
         $newperm = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "acl[_new_perm][{$access}]", 'value' => 1));
         $addbutton = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "acl[_add_group][{$access}]", 'title' => _("Add this ACL"), 'value' => 1));
         $newgroup = HTML::select(array('name' => "acl[_new_group][{$access}]", 'style' => 'text-align: right;', 'size' => 1));
         foreach ($allGroups as $groupname) {
             if (!isset($groups[$groupname])) {
                 $newgroup->pushContent(HTML::option(array('value' => $groupname), $this->groupName($groupname)));
         if (empty($groups)) {
             $addbutton->setAttr('checked', 'checked');
             $newperm->setAttr('checked', 'checked');
             $table->pushContent(HTML::tr(array('valign' => 'top'), HTML::td(HTML::strong($access . ":")), HTML::td($newgroup), HTML::td($nbsp, $newperm), HTML::td($nbsp, $addbutton), HTML::td(HTML::em(getAccessDescription($access)))));
         foreach ($groups as $group => $bool) {
             $checkbox = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "acl[{$access}][{$group}]", 'title' => _("Allow / Deny"), 'value' => 1));
             if ($bool) {
                 $checkbox->setAttr('checked', 'checked');
             $checkbox = HTML(HTML::input(array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => "acl[{$access}][{$group}]", 'value' => 0)), $checkbox);
             $deletebutton = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "acl[_del_group][{$access}][{$group}]", 'style' => 'background: #aaa url(' . $deletesrc . ')', 'title' => _("Delete this ACL"), 'value' => 1));
             if ($first_only) {
                 $table->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::td(HTML::strong($access . ":")), HTML::td(array('class' => 'cal-today', 'align' => 'right'), HTML::strong($this->groupName($group))), HTML::td(array('align' => 'center'), $nbsp, $checkbox), HTML::td(array('align' => 'right', 'style' => 'background: #aaa url(' . $deletesrc . ') no-repeat'), $deletebutton), HTML::td(HTML::em(getAccessDescription($access)))));
                 $first_only = false;
             } else {
                 $table->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::td(), HTML::td(array('class' => 'cal-today', 'align' => 'right'), HTML::strong($this->groupName($group))), HTML::td(array('align' => 'center'), $nbsp, $checkbox), HTML::td(array('align' => 'right', 'style' => 'background: #aaa url(' . $deletesrc . ') no-repeat'), $deletebutton), HTML::td()));
         if (!empty($groups)) {
             $table->pushContent(HTML::tr(array('valign' => 'top'), HTML::td(array('align' => 'right'), _("add ")), HTML::td($newgroup), HTML::td(array('align' => 'center'), $nbsp, $newperm), HTML::td(array('align' => 'right', 'style' => 'background: #ccc url(' . $addsrc . ') no-repeat'), $addbutton), HTML::td(HTML::small(_("Check to add this ACL")))));
     if ($type == 'default') {
         $table->setAttr('style', 'border: dotted thin black; background-color:#eee;');
     } elseif ($type == 'inherited') {
         $table->setAttr('style', 'border: dotted thin black; background-color:#ddd;');
     } elseif ($type == 'page') {
         $table->setAttr('style', 'border: solid thin black; font-weight: bold;');
     return $table;
Beispiel #17
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     return $this->disabled("This action is blocked by administrator. Sorry for the inconvenience !");
     if (!DEBUG) {
         return $this->disabled("WikiAdminChmod not yet enabled. Set DEBUG to try it.");
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     $this->_args = $args;
     $this->preSelectS($args, $request);
     $p = $request->getArg('p');
     if (!$p) {
         $p = $this->_list;
     $post_args = $request->getArg('admin_chmod');
     $next_action = 'select';
     $pages = array();
     if ($p && !$request->isPost()) {
         $pages = $p;
     if ($p && $request->isPost() && !empty($post_args['chmod']) && empty($post_args['cancel'])) {
         // without individual PagePermissions:
         if (!ENABLE_PAGEPERM and !$request->_user->isAdmin()) {
             $this->disabled("! user->isAdmin");
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'verify') {
             // Real action
             return $this->chmodPages($dbi, $request, array_keys($p), $post_args['perm']);
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'select') {
             if (!empty($post_args['perm'])) {
                 $next_action = 'verify';
             foreach ($p as $name => $c) {
                 $pages[$name] = 1;
     if ($next_action == 'select' and empty($pages)) {
         // List all pages to select from.
         $pages = $this->collectPages($pages, $dbi, $args['sortby'], $args['limit'], $args['exclude']);
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $args['info'] = "checkbox,pagename,perm,author,mtime";
     $args['types'] = array('perm' => new _PageList_Column_chmod_perm('perm', _("Permission")));
     $pagelist = new PageList_Selectable($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args);
     $header = HTML::p();
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $button_label = _("Yes");
         $header = $this->chmodForm($header, $post_args);
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Are you sure you want to permanently change the selected files?"))));
     } else {
         $button_label = _("Chmod");
         $header = $this->chmodForm($header, $post_args);
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(_("Select the pages to change:")));
     $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:admin_chmod[chmod]', $button_label, 'wikiadmin'), Button('submit:admin_chmod[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button'));
     return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), $header, $pagelist->getContent(), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('admin_chmod')), HiddenInputs(array('admin_chmod[action]' => $next_action)), ENABLE_PAGEPERM ? '' : HiddenInputs(array('require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_ADMIN)), $buttons);
Beispiel #18
 function _do_syncwiki(&$request, $args)
     global $charset;
     if (!function_exists('wiki_xmlrpc_post')) {
         include_once "lib/XmlRpcClient.php";
     $userid = $request->_user->_userid;
     $dbh = $request->getDbh();
     $merge_point = $dbh->get('mergepoint');
     if (empty($merge_point)) {
         $page = $dbh->getPage("ReleaseNotes");
         // this is usually the latest official page
         $last = $page->getCurrentRevision(false);
         $merge_point = $last->get("mtime");
         // for testing: 1160396075
         $dbh->set('mergepoint', $merge_point);
     //TODO: remote auth, set session cookie
     $pagelist = wiki_xmlrpc_post('wiki.getRecentChanges', iso8601_encode($merge_point, 1), $args['url'], $args);
     $html = HTML();
     //$html->pushContent(HTML::div(HTML::em("check RPC2 interface...")));
     if (gettype($pagelist) === "array") {
         //$request->_deferredPageChangeNotification = array();
         StartLoadDump($request, _("Syncing this PhpWiki"));
         PrintXML(HTML::strong(fmt("Download all externally changed sources.")));
         echo "<br />\n";
         PrintXML(fmt("Retrieving from external url %s wiki.getRecentChanges(%s)...", $args['url'], iso8601_encode($merge_point, 1)));
         echo "<br />\n";
         $ouriter = $dbh->mostRecent(array('since' => $merge_point));
         //$ol = HTML::ol();
         $done = array();
         foreach ($pagelist as $ext) {
             $reaction = _("<unknown>");
             // compare existance and dates with local page
             $extdate = iso8601_decode($ext['lastModified']->scalar, 1);
             // TODO: urldecode ???
             $name = utf8_decode($ext['name']);
             $our = $dbh->getPage($name);
             $done[$name] = 1;
             $ourrev = $our->getCurrentRevision(false);
             $rel = '<=>';
             if (!$our->exists()) {
                 // we might have deleted or moved it on purpose?
                 // check date of latest revision if there's one, and > mergepoint
                 if ($ourrev->getVersion() > 1 and $ourrev->get('mtime') > $merge_point) {
                     // our was deleted after sync, and changed after last sync.
                     $this->_addConflict('delete', $args, $our, $extdate);
                     $reaction = _(" skipped") . " (" . "locally deleted or moved" . ")";
                 } else {
                     $reaction = $this->_import($args, $our, $extdate);
             } else {
                 $ourdate = $ourrev->get('mtime');
                 if ($extdate > $ourdate and $ourdate < $merge_point) {
                     $rel = '>';
                     $reaction = $this->_import($args, $our, $extdate);
                 } elseif ($extdate > $ourdate and $ourdate >= $merge_point) {
                     $rel = '>';
                     // our is older then external but newer than last sync
                     $reaction = $this->_addConflict('import', $args, $our, $extdate);
                 } elseif ($extdate < $ourdate and $extdate < $merge_point) {
                     $rel = '>';
                     $reaction = $this->_export($args, $our);
                 } elseif ($extdate < $ourdate and $extdate >= $merge_point) {
                     $rel = '>';
                     // our is newer and external is also newer
                     $reaction = $this->_addConflict('export', $args, $our, $extdate);
                 } else {
                     $rel = '==';
                     $reaction = _("same date");
             /*$ol->pushContent(HTML::li(HTML::strong($name)," ",
               $extdate,"<=>",$ourdate," ",
               HTML::strong($reaction))); */
             PrintXML(HTML::strong($name), " ", $extdate, " {$rel} ", $ourdate, " ", HTML::strong($reaction), HTML::br());
     } else {
         $html->pushContent("xmlrpc error:  wiki.getRecentChanges returned " . "(" . gettype($pagelist) . ") " . $pagelist);
         trigger_error("xmlrpc error:  wiki.getRecentChanges returned " . "(" . gettype($pagelist) . ") " . $pagelist, E_USER_WARNING);
         return $this->error($html);
     if (empty($args['noexport'])) {
         PrintXML(HTML::strong(fmt("Now upload all locally newer pages.")));
         echo "<br />\n";
         PrintXML(fmt("Checking all local pages newer than %s...", iso8601_encode($merge_point, 1)));
         echo "<br />\n";
         while ($our = $ouriter->next()) {
             $name = $our->getName();
             if ($done[$name]) {
             $reaction = _(" skipped");
             $ext = wiki_xmlrpc_post('wiki.getPageInfo', $name, $args['url']);
             if (is_array($ext)) {
                 $extdate = iso8601_decode($ext['lastModified']->scalar, 1);
                 $ourdate = $our->get('mtime');
                 if ($extdate < $ourdate and $extdate < $merge_point) {
                     $reaction = $this->_export($args, $our);
                 } elseif ($extdate < $ourdate and $extdate >= $merge_point) {
                     // our newer and external newer
                     $reaction = $this->_addConflict($args, $our, $extdate);
             } else {
                 $reaction = 'xmlrpc error';
             PrintXML(HTML::strong($name), " ", $extdate, " < ", $ourdate, " ", HTML::strong($reaction), HTML::br());
         PrintXML(HTML::strong(fmt("Now upload all locally newer uploads.")));
         echo "<br />\n";
         PrintXML(fmt("Checking all local uploads newer than %s...", iso8601_encode($merge_point, 1)));
         echo "<br />\n";
         $this->_fileList = array();
         $prefix = getUploadFilePath();
         $len = strlen($prefix);
         foreach ($this->_fileList as $path) {
             // strip prefix
             $file = substr($path, $len);
             $ourdate = filemtime($path);
             $oursize = filesize($path);
             $reaction = _(" skipped");
             $ext = wiki_xmlrpc_post('wiki.getUploadedFileInfo', $file, $args['url']);
             if (is_array($ext)) {
                 $extdate = iso8601_decode($ext['lastModified']->scalar, 1);
                 $extsize = $ext['size'];
                 if (empty($extsize) or $extdate < $ourdate) {
                     $timeout = $oursize * 0.0002;
                     // assume 50kb/sec upload speed
                     $reaction = $this->_upload($args, $path, $timeout);
             } else {
                 $reaction = 'xmlrpc error wiki.getUploadedFileInfo not supported';
             PrintXML(HTML::strong($name), " ", "{$extdate} ({$extsize}) < {$ourdate} ({$oursize})", HTML::strong($reaction), HTML::br());
     $dbh->set('mergepoint', time());
     return '';
Beispiel #19
 function showForm(&$dbi, &$request, $args)
     global $WikiTheme;
     $action = $request->getPostURL();
     $hiddenfield = HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), '', array('action', 'page', 's', 'semsearch', 'relation', 'attribute'));
     $pagefilter = HTML::input(array('name' => 'page', 'value' => $args['page'], 'title' => _("Search only in these pages. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'false', 'autocomplete_list' => 'xmlrpc:wiki.titleSearch ^[S] 4'), '');
     $allrelations = $dbi->listRelations(false, false, true);
     $svalues = empty($allrelations) ? "" : join("','", $allrelations);
     $reldef = JavaScript("var semsearch_relations = new Array('" . $svalues . "')");
     $relation = HTML::input(array('name' => 'relation', 'value' => $args['relation'], 'title' => _("Filter by this relation. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'style' => 'width:10em', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_assoc' => 'false', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'true', 'autocomplete_list' => 'array:semsearch_relations'), '');
     $queryrel = HTML::input(array('name' => 's', 'value' => $args['s'], 'title' => _("Filter by this link. These are pagenames. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'true', 'autocomplete_list' => 'xmlrpc:wiki.titleSearch ^[S] 4'), '');
     $relsubmit = Button('submit:semsearch[relations]', _("Relations"), false);
     // just testing some dhtml... not yet done
     $enhancements = HTML();
     $nbsp = HTML::raw('&nbsp;');
     $this_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '#';
     $andbutton = new Button(_("AND"), $this_uri, 'wikiaction', array('onclick' => "addquery('rel', 'and')", 'title' => _("Add an AND query")));
     $orbutton = new Button(_("OR"), $this_uri, 'wikiaction', array('onclick' => "addquery('rel', 'or')", 'title' => _("Add an OR query")));
     if (DEBUG) {
         $enhancements = HTML::span($andbutton, $nbsp, $orbutton);
     $instructions = _("Search in pages for a relation with that value (a pagename).");
     $form1 = HTML::form(array('action' => $action, 'method' => 'post', 'accept-charset' => $GLOBALS['charset']), $reldef, $hiddenfield, HiddenInputs(array('attribute' => '')), $instructions, HTML::br(), HTML::table(array('border' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 2), HTML::colgroup(array('span' => 6)), HTML::thead(HTML::tr(HTML::th('Pagefilter'), HTML::th('Relation'), HTML::th(), HTML::th('Links'), HTML::th())), HTML::tbody(HTML::tr(HTML::td($pagefilter, ": "), HTML::td($relation), HTML::td(HTML::strong(HTML::tt('  ::  '))), HTML::td($queryrel), HTML::td($nbsp, $relsubmit, $nbsp, $enhancements)))));
     $allattrs = $dbi->listRelations(false, true, true);
     if (empty($allrelations) and empty($allattrs)) {
         // be nice to the dummy.
         $this->_norelations_warning = 1;
     $svalues = empty($allattrs) ? "" : join("','", $allattrs);
     $attdef = JavaScript("var semsearch_attributes = new Array('" . $svalues . "')\n" . "var semsearch_op = new Array('" . join("','", $this->_supported_operators) . "')");
     // TODO: We want some more tricks: Autofill the base unit of the selected
     // attribute into the s area.
     $attribute = HTML::input(array('name' => 'attribute', 'value' => $args['attribute'], 'title' => _("Filter by this attribute name. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'style' => 'width:10em', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'true', 'autocomplete_assoc' => 'false', 'autocomplete_list' => 'array:semsearch_attributes'), '');
     $attr_op = HTML::input(array('name' => 'attr_op', 'value' => $args['attr_op'], 'title' => _("Comparison operator. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'style' => 'width:2em', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'true', 'autocomplete_assoc' => 'false', 'autocomplete_list' => 'array:semsearch_op'), '');
     $queryatt = HTML::input(array('name' => 's', 'value' => $args['s'], 'title' => _("Filter by this numeric attribute value. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'acdropdown' => 'false', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'false', 'autocomplete_assoc' => 'false', 'autocomplete_list' => 'plugin:SemanticSearch page=' . $args['page'] . ' attribute=^[S] attr_op==~'), '');
     $andbutton = new Button(_("AND"), $this_uri, 'wikiaction', array('onclick' => "addquery('attr', 'and')", 'title' => _("Add an AND query")));
     $orbutton = new Button(_("OR"), $this_uri, 'wikiaction', array('onclick' => "addquery('attr', 'or')", 'title' => _("Add an OR query")));
     if (DEBUG) {
         $enhancements = HTML::span($andbutton, $nbsp, $orbutton);
     $attsubmit = Button('submit:semsearch[attributes]', _("Attributes"), false);
     $instructions = HTML::span(_("Search in pages for an attribute with that numeric value."), "\n");
     if (DEBUG) {
         $instructions->pushContent(HTML(" ", new Button(_("Advanced..."), _("SemanticSearchAdvanced"))));
     $form2 = HTML::form(array('action' => $action, 'method' => 'post', 'accept-charset' => $GLOBALS['charset']), $attdef, $hiddenfield, HiddenInputs(array('relation' => '')), $instructions, HTML::br(), HTML::table(array('border' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 2), HTML::colgroup(array('span' => 6)), HTML::thead(HTML::tr(HTML::th('Pagefilter'), HTML::th('Attribute'), HTML::th('Op'), HTML::th('Value'), HTML::th())), HTML::tbody(HTML::tr(HTML::td($pagefilter, ": "), HTML::td($attribute), HTML::td($attr_op), HTML::td($queryatt), HTML::td($nbsp, $attsubmit, $nbsp, $enhancements)))));
     return HTML($form1, $form2);
Beispiel #20
function MacOSX_PH_revision_formatter(&$fmt, &$rev)
    $class = 'rc-' . $fmt->importance($rev);
    return HTML::li(array('class' => $class), $fmt->diffLink($rev), ' ', $fmt->pageLink($rev), ' ', $rev->get('is_minor_edit') ? $fmt->time($rev) : HTML::strong($fmt->time($rev)), ' . . . ', $fmt->summaryAsHTML($rev), ' -- ', $fmt->authorLink($rev), $rev->get('is_minor_edit') ? HTML::em(" (" . _("minor edit") . ")") : '');
Beispiel #21
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     if ($request->getArg('action') != 'browse') {
         if ($request->getArg('action') != _("PhpWikiAdministration/MassRevert")) {
             return $this->disabled("(action != 'browse')");
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (!is_numeric($args['min_age'])) {
         $args['min_age'] = -1;
     $this->_args =& $args;
     /*if (!empty($args['exclude']))
           $exclude = explodePageList($args['exclude']);
       $exclude = false;*/
     $this->preSelectS($args, $request);
     $p = $request->getArg('p');
     if (!$p) {
         $p = $this->_list;
     $post_args = $request->getArg('admin_revert');
     $next_action = 'select';
     $pages = array();
     if ($p && $request->isPost() && !empty($post_args['revert']) && empty($post_args['cancel'])) {
         // check individual PagePermissions
         if (!ENABLE_PAGEPERM and !$request->_user->isAdmin()) {
             $this->disabled("! user->isAdmin");
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'verify') {
             // Real delete.
             return $this->revertPages($request, array_keys($p));
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'select') {
             $next_action = 'verify';
             foreach ($p as $name => $c) {
                 $name = str_replace(array('%5B', '%5D'), array('[', ']'), $name);
                 $pages[$name] = $c;
     } elseif ($p && is_array($p) && !$request->isPost()) {
         // from WikiAdminSelect
         $next_action = 'verify';
         foreach ($p as $name => $c) {
             $name = str_replace(array('%5B', '%5D'), array('[', ']'), $name);
             $pages[$name] = $c;
         $request->setArg('p', false);
     if ($next_action == 'select') {
         // List all pages to select from.
         $pages = $this->collectPages($pages, $dbi, $args['sortby'], $args['limit'], $args['exclude']);
     $pagelist = new PageList_Selectable($args['info'], $args['exclude'], array('types' => array('revert' => new _PageList_Column_revert('revert', _("Revert")), 'diff' => new _PageList_Column_diff('diff', _("Changes")))));
     $header = HTML::p();
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $button_label = _("Yes");
         $header->pushContent(HTML::strong(_("Are you sure you want to overwrite the selected files with the previous version?")));
     } else {
         $button_label = _("Revert selected pages");
         $header->pushContent(_("Permanently remove the selected files:"), HTML::br());
         if ($args['min_age'] > 0) {
             $header->pushContent(fmt("Also pages which have been deleted at least %s days.", $args['min_age']));
         } else {
             $header->pushContent(_("List all pages."));
         if ($args['max_age'] > 0) {
             $header->pushContent(" ", fmt("(Pages which have been deleted at least %s days are already checked.)", $args['max_age']));
     $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:admin_revert[revert]', $button_label, 'wikiadmin'), Button('submit:admin_revert[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button'));
     // TODO: quick select by regex javascript?
     return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), $header, $pagelist->getContent(), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('admin_revert')), HiddenInputs(array('admin_revert[action]' => $next_action, 'require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_ADMIN)), $buttons);
Beispiel #22
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (isa($request, 'MockRequest')) {
         return '';
     $user =& $request->_user;
     $post_args = $request->getArg('admin_reset');
     $userid = $request->getArg('user');
     $isadmin = $user->isAdmin();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         if (!$userid) {
             $alert = new Alert(_("Warning:"), _("You need to specify the userid!"));
             return $this->doForm($request);
         @($reset = $post_args['reset']);
         if ($reset and $userid and !empty($post_args['verify'])) {
             if ($user->isAdmin()) {
                 return $this->doReset($userid);
             } else {
                 return $this->doEmail($request, $userid);
         } elseif ($reset and empty($post_args['verify'])) {
             $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:admin_reset[reset]', $isadmin ? _("Yes") : _("Send email"), $isadmin ? 'wikiadmin' : 'button'), HTML::Raw('&nbsp;'), Button('submit:admin_reset[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button'));
             $header = HTML::strong("Verify");
             if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
                 // check for email
                 if ($userid == $user->UserName() and $user->isAuthenticated()) {
                     $alert = new Alert(_("Already logged in"), HTML(fmt("Changing passwords is done at "), WikiLink(_("UserPreferences"))));
                 $thisuser = WikiUser($userid);
                 $prefs = $thisuser->getPreferences();
                 $email = $prefs->get('email');
                 if (!$email) {
                     $alert = new Alert(_("Error"), HTML(fmt("No email stored for user %s.", $userid), HTML::br(), fmt("You need to ask an Administrator to reset this password. See below: "), HTML::br(), WikiLink(ADMIN_USER)));
                 $verified = $thisuser->_prefs->_prefs['email']->getraw('emailVerified');
                 if (!$verified) {
                     $header->pushContent(HTML::br(), "Warning: This users email address is unverified!");
             return $this->doForm($request, $header, HTML(HTML::hr(), fmt("Do you really want to reset the password of user %s?", $userid), $isadmin ? '' : _("An email will be sent."), HiddenInputs(array('admin_reset[verify]' => 1, 'user' => $userid)), $buttons));
         } else {
             return $this->doForm($request);
     } else {
         return $this->doForm($request);
Beispiel #23
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     if (!isset($_SERVER)) {
     $request->setArg('nocache', 'purge');
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (!$args['page']) {
         return $this->error("No page specified");
     if (!empty($args['admin']) and $request->_user->isAdmin()) {
         // reset statistics
         return $this->doPollAdmin($dbi, $request, $page);
     $page = $dbi->getPage($args['page']);
     // check ip and last visit
     $poll = $page->get("poll");
     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $disable_submit = false;
     if (isset($poll['ip'][$ip]) and time() - $poll['ip'][$ip] < 20 * 60) {
         //view at least the result or disable the Go button
         $html = HTML(HTML::strong(_("Sorry! You must wait at least 20 minutes until you can vote again!")));
         $html->pushContent($this->doPoll($page, $request, $request->getArg('answer'), true));
         return $html;
     $poll['ip'][$ip] = time();
     // purge older ip's
     foreach ($poll['ip'] as $ip => $time) {
         if (time() - $time > 21 * 60) {
     $html = HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'));
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         // checkme: check if all answers are answered
         if ($request->getArg('answer') and ($args['require_all'] and count($request->getArg('answer')) == count($question) or $args['require_least'] and count($request->getArg('answer')) >= $args['require_least'])) {
             $page->set("poll", $poll);
             // update statistics and present them the user
             return $this->doPoll($page, $request, $request->getArg('answer'));
         } else {
             $html->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Not enough questions answered!"))));
     $init = isset($question[0]) ? 0 : 1;
     for ($i = $init; $i <= count($question); $i++) {
         if (!isset($question[$i])) {
         $q = $question[$i];
         if (!isset($answer[$i])) {
             trigger_error(fmt("Missing %s for %s", "answer" . "[{$i}]", "question" . "[{$i}]"), E_USER_ERROR);
         $a = $answer[$i];
         if (!is_array($a)) {
             // a simple checkbox
             $html->pushContent(HTML::div(HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "answer[{$i}]", 'value' => 1)), HTML::raw("&nbsp;"), $a));
         } else {
             $row = HTML();
             for ($j = 0; $j <= count($a); $j++) {
                 if (isset($a[$j])) {
                     $row->pushContent(HTML::div(HTML::input(array('type' => 'radio', 'name' => "answer[{$i}]", 'value' => $j)), HTML::raw("&nbsp;"), $a[$j]));
             $html->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong($q)), $row);
     if (!$disable_submit) {
         $html->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::input(array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => "WikiPoll", 'value' => _("OK"))), HTML::input(array('type' => 'reset', 'name' => "reset", 'value' => _("Reset")))));
     } else {
         $html->pushContent(HTML::p(), HTML::strong(_("Sorry! You must wait at least 20 minutes until you can vote again!")));
     return $html;
Beispiel #24
 function __date($dbi, $time)
     $args =& $this->args;
     $page_for_date = $args['prefix'] . strftime($args['date_format'], $time);
     $t = localtime($time, 1);
     $td = HTML::td(array('align' => 'center'));
     $mday = $t['tm_mday'];
     if ($mday == $this->_today) {
         $mday = HTML::strong($mday);
         $td->setAttr('class', 'cal-today');
     } else {
         if ($dbi->isWikiPage($page_for_date)) {
             $this->_links[] = $page_for_date;
             $td->setAttr('class', 'cal-day');
     if ($dbi->isWikiPage($page_for_date)) {
         $this->_links[] = $page_for_date;
         $date = HTML::a(array('class' => 'cal-day', 'href' => WikiURL($page_for_date), 'title' => $page_for_date), HTML::em($mday));
     } else {
         $date = HTML::a(array('class' => 'cal-hide', 'rel' => 'nofollow', 'href' => WikiURL($page_for_date, array('action' => 'edit')), 'title' => sprintf(_("Edit %s"), $page_for_date)), $mday);
     $td->pushContent(HTML::raw('&nbsp;'), $date, HTML::raw('&nbsp;'));
     return $td;
Beispiel #25
function LoadDir(&$request, $dirname, $files = false, $exclude = false)
    $fileset = new LimitedFileSet($dirname, $files, $exclude);
    if (!$files and $skiplist = $fileset->getSkippedFiles()) {
        $list = HTML::ul();
        foreach ($skiplist as $file) {
    // Defer HomePage loading until the end. If anything goes wrong
    // the pages can still be loaded again.
    $files = $fileset->getFiles();
    if (in_array(HOME_PAGE, $files)) {
        $files = array_diff($files, array(HOME_PAGE));
        $files[] = HOME_PAGE;
    $timeout = !$request->getArg('start_debug') ? 20 : 120;
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        // longer timeout per page
        if (substr($file, -1, 1) != '~') {
            // refuse to load backup files
            LoadFile($request, "{$dirname}/{$file}");
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     // no action=replace support yet
     if ($request->getArg('action') != 'browse') {
         return $this->disabled("(action != 'browse')");
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     $this->_args = $args;
     //TODO: support p from <!plugin-list !>
     $this->preSelectS($args, $request);
     $p = $request->getArg('p');
     if (!$p) {
         $p = $this->_list;
     $post_args = $request->getArg('admin_replace');
     $next_action = 'select';
     $pages = array();
     if ($p && !$request->isPost()) {
         $pages = $p;
     if ($p && $request->isPost() && empty($post_args['cancel'])) {
         // without individual PagePermissions:
         if (!ENABLE_PAGEPERM and !$request->_user->isAdmin()) {
             $this->disabled("! user->isAdmin");
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'verify' and !empty($post_args['from'])) {
             // Real action
             return $this->searchReplacePages($dbi, $request, array_keys($p), $post_args['from'], $post_args['to']);
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'select') {
             if (!empty($post_args['from'])) {
                 $next_action = 'verify';
             foreach ($p as $name => $c) {
                 $pages[$name] = 1;
     if ($next_action == 'select' and empty($pages)) {
         // List all pages to select from.
         //TODO: check for permissions and list only the allowed
         $pages = $this->collectPages($pages, $dbi, $args['sortby'], $args['limit'], $args['exclude']);
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $args['info'] = "checkbox,pagename,hi_content";
     $pagelist = new PageList_Selectable($args['info'], $args['exclude'], array_merge($args, array('types' => array('hi_content' => new _PageList_Column_content('rev:hi_content', _("Content"))))));
     $header = HTML::p();
     if (empty($post_args['from'])) {
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::em(_("Warning: The search string cannot be empty!"))));
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $button_label = _("Yes");
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Are you sure you want to permanently search & replace text in the selected files?"))));
         $this->replaceForm($header, $post_args);
     } else {
         $button_label = _("Search & Replace");
         $this->replaceForm($header, $post_args);
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(_("Select the pages to search:")));
     $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:admin_replace[rename]', $button_label, 'wikiadmin'), Button('submit:admin_replace[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button'));
     return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), $header, $pagelist->getContent(), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('admin_replace')), HiddenInputs(array('admin_replace[action]' => $next_action)), ENABLE_PAGEPERM ? '' : HiddenInputs(array('require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_ADMIN)), $buttons);
 function getDocumentPath($id, $group_id, $referrer_id = null)
     $parents = array();
     $html = HTML();
     $hp =& Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
     $item_factory =& $this->_getItemFactory($group_id);
     $item =& $item_factory->getItemFromDb($id);
     $reference =& $item;
     if ($reference && $referrer_id != $id) {
         while ($item && $item->getParentId() != 0) {
             $item =& $item_factory->getItemFromDb($item->getParentId());
             $parents[] = array('id' => $item->getId(), 'title' => $item->getTitle());
         $parents = array_reverse($parents);
         $item_url = '/plugins/docman/?group_id=' . $group_id . '&sort_update_date=0&action=show&id=';
         foreach ($parents as $parent) {
             $html->pushContent(HTML::a(array('href' => $item_url . $parent['id'], 'target' => '_blank'), HTML::strong($parent['title'])));
             $html->pushContent(' / ');
         $md_uri = '/plugins/docman/?group_id=' . $group_id . '&action=details&id=' . $id;
         //Add a pen icon linked to document properties.
         $pen_icon = HTML::a(array('href' => $md_uri), HTML::img(array('src' => util_get_image_theme("ic/edit.png"))));
         $html->pushContent(HTML::a(array('href' => $item_url . $reference->getId()), HTML::strong($reference->getTitle())));
     return $html;
Beispiel #28
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     global $WikiTheme;
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if ($since) {
         $since = strtotime($since);
     if ($month) {
         $since = strtotime($month);
         $since = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $since), 1, date("Y", $since));
         $until = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m", $since) + 1, 0, date("Y", $since));
     } else {
         $until = 0;
     $iter = $dbi->getAllPages(false, '-mtime');
     $pages = array();
     while ($page = $iter->next()) {
         $pagename = $page->getName();
         if (!$page->exists()) {
         $rev = $page->getRevision(1, false);
         $date = $rev->get('mtime');
         //$author = $rev->get('author_id');
         $author = $page->getOwner();
         if (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG && $debug) {
             echo "<i>{$pagename}, ", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s", $date), ", {$author}</i><br />\n";
         if ($userid and !preg_match("/" . $userid . "/", $author)) {
         if ($since and $date < $since) {
         if ($until and $date > $until) {
         if (!$comments and preg_match("/\\/Comment/", $pagename)) {
         $monthnum = strftime("%Y%m", $date);
         if (!isset($pages[$monthnum])) {
             $pages[$monthnum] = array('author' => array(), 'month' => strftime("%B, %Y", $date));
         if (!isset($pages[$monthnum]['author'][$author])) {
             $pages[$monthnum]['author'][$author] = array('count' => 0, 'pages' => array());
         $pages[$monthnum]['author'][$author]['pages'][] = $pagename;
     $html = HTML::table(HTML::col(array('span' => 2, 'align' => 'left')));
     $nbsp = HTML::raw('&nbsp;');
     foreach ($pages as $monthname => $parr) {
         $html->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::td(array('colspan' => 2), HTML::strong($parr['month']))));
         uasort($parr['author'], 'cmp_by_count');
         foreach ($parr['author'] as $user => $authorarr) {
             $count = $authorarr['count'];
             $id = preg_replace("/ /", "_", 'pages-' . $monthname . '-' . $user);
             $html->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::td($nbsp, $nbsp, HTML::img(array('id' => "{$id}-img", 'src' => $WikiTheme->_findData("images/folderArrowClosed.png"), 'onclick' => "showHideFolder('{$id}')", 'alt' => _("Click to hide/show"), 'title' => _("Click to hide/show"))), $nbsp, $user), HTML::td($count)));
             if ($links) {
                 $pagelist = HTML();
                 foreach ($authorarr['pages'] as $p) {
                     $pagelist->pushContent(WikiLink($p), ', ');
             } else {
                 $pagelist = join(', ', $authorarr['pages']);
             $html->pushContent(HTML::tr(array('id' => $id . '-body', 'style' => 'display:none; background-color: #eee;'), HTML::td(array('colspan' => 2, 'style' => 'font-size:smaller'), $pagelist)));
     return $html;
Beispiel #29
 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     return $this->disabled("This action is blocked by administrator. Sorry for the inconvenience !");
     if ($request->getArg('action') != 'browse') {
         if (!$request->getArg('action') == _("PhpWikiAdministration/Chown")) {
             return $this->disabled("(action != 'browse')");
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     $this->_args = $args;
     if (empty($args['user'])) {
         $args['user'] = $request->_user->UserName();
     /*if (!empty($args['exclude']))
           $exclude = explodePageList($args['exclude']);
       $exclude = false;*/
     $this->preSelectS($args, $request);
     $p = $request->getArg('p');
     if (!$p) {
         $p = $this->_list;
     $post_args = $request->getArg('admin_chown');
     if (!$request->isPost() and empty($post_args['user'])) {
         $post_args['user'] = $args['user'];
     $next_action = 'select';
     $pages = array();
     if ($p && !$request->isPost()) {
         $pages = $p;
     if ($p && $request->isPost() && !empty($post_args['chown']) && empty($post_args['cancel'])) {
         // without individual PagePermissions:
         if (!ENABLE_PAGEPERM and !$request->_user->isAdmin()) {
             $this->disabled("! user->isAdmin");
         // DONE: error message if not allowed.
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'verify') {
             // Real action
             return $this->chownPages($dbi, $request, array_keys($p), $post_args['user']);
         if ($post_args['action'] == 'select') {
             if (!empty($post_args['user'])) {
                 $next_action = 'verify';
             foreach ($p as $name => $c) {
                 $pages[$name] = 1;
     if ($next_action == 'select' and empty($pages)) {
         // List all pages to select from.
         $pages = $this->collectPages($pages, $dbi, $args['sortby'], $args['limit'], $args['exclude']);
     /* // let the user decide which info
         if ($next_action == 'verify') {
            $args['info'] = "checkbox,pagename,owner,mtime";
     $pagelist = new PageList_Selectable($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args);
     $header = HTML::p();
     if ($next_action == 'verify') {
         $button_label = _("Yes");
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Are you sure you want to permanently chown the selected files?"))));
         $header = $this->chownForm($header, $post_args);
     } else {
         $button_label = _("Chown selected pages");
         $header->pushContent(HTML::p(_("Select the pages to change the owner:")));
         $header = $this->chownForm($header, $post_args);
     $buttons = HTML::p(Button('submit:admin_chown[chown]', $button_label, 'wikiadmin'), Button('submit:admin_chown[cancel]', _("Cancel"), 'button'));
     return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), $header, $pagelist->getContent(), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('admin_chown')), HiddenInputs(array('admin_chown[action]' => $next_action)), ENABLE_PAGEPERM ? '' : HiddenInputs(array('require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_ADMIN)), $buttons);
Beispiel #30
 * HomePage was not found so first-time install is supposed to run.
 * - import all pgsrc pages.
 * - Todo: installer interface to edit config/config.ini settings
 * - Todo: ask for existing old index.php to convert to config/config.ini
 * - Todo: theme-specific pages:
 *   blog - HomePage, ADMIN_USER/Blogs
function SetupWiki(&$request)
    global $GenericPages, $LANG;
    //FIXME: This is a hack (err, "interim solution")
    // This is a bogo-bogo-login:  Login without
    // saving login information in session state.
    // This avoids logging in the unsuspecting
    // visitor as ADMIN_USER
    // This really needs to be cleaned up...
    // (I'm working on it.)
    $real_user = $request->_user;
    if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) {
        $request->_user = new _BogoUser(ADMIN_USER);
    } else {
        $request->_user = new WikiUser($request, ADMIN_USER, WIKIAUTH_BOGO);
    StartLoadDump($request, _("Loading up virgin wiki"));
    $pgsrc = FindLocalizedFile(WIKI_PGSRC);
    $default_pgsrc = FindFile(DEFAULT_WIKI_PGSRC);
    $request->setArg('overwrite', true);
    if ($default_pgsrc != $pgsrc) {
        LoadAny($request, $default_pgsrc, $GenericPages);
    $request->setArg('overwrite', false);
    LoadAny($request, $pgsrc);
    $dbi =& $request->_dbi;
    // Ensure that all mandatory pages are loaded
    $finder = new FileFinder();
    if (!FUSIONFORGE) {
        $mandatory = explode(':', 'SandBox:Template/Category:Template/Talk:SpecialPages:CategoryCategory:CategoryActionPage:Help/OldTextFormattingRules:Help/TextFormattingRules:PhpWikiAdministration');
    } else {
        if (WIKI_NAME == "help") {
            $mandatory = explode(':', 'SandBox:Template/Category:Template/Talk:SpecialPages:CategoryCategory:CategoryActionPage:Help/TextFormattingRules:PhpWikiAdministration');
        } else {
            $mandatory = explode(':', 'SandBox:Template/UserPage:Template/Category:Template/Talk:SpecialPages:CategoryCategory:CategoryActionPage:TextFormattingRules:PhpWikiAdministration');
    foreach (array_merge($mandatory, $GLOBALS['AllActionPages'], array(constant('HOME_PAGE'))) as $f) {
        $page = gettext($f);
        $epage = urlencode($page);
        if (!$dbi->isWikiPage($page)) {
            // translated version provided?
            if ($lf = FindLocalizedFile($pgsrc . $finder->_pathsep . $epage, 1)) {
                LoadAny($request, $lf);
            } else {
                // load english version of required action page
                LoadAny($request, FindFile(DEFAULT_WIKI_PGSRC . $finder->_pathsep . urlencode($f)));
                $page = $f;
        if (!$dbi->isWikiPage($page)) {
            trigger_error(sprintf("Mandatory file %s couldn't be loaded!", $page), E_USER_WARNING);
    $pagename = _("InterWikiMap");
    $map = $dbi->getPage($pagename);
    $map->set('locked', true);
    PrintXML(HTML::p(HTML::em(WikiLink($pagename)), HTML::strong(" locked")));