protected function renderContent()
     $model = new Page();
     //If it has guid, it means this is a translated version
     $guid = isset($_GET['guid']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['guid'])) : '';
     //List of language that should exclude not to translate
     $lang_exclude = array();
     //List of translated versions
     $versions = array();
     // If the guid is not empty, it means we are creating a translated version of a content
     // We will exclude the translated language and include the name of the translated content to $versions
     if ($guid != '') {
         $page_object = Page::model()->findAll('guid=:gid', array(':gid' => $guid));
         if (count($page_object) > 0) {
             $langs = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages();
             foreach ($page_object as $obj) {
                 $lang_exclude[] = $obj->lang;
                 $versions[] = $obj->name . ' - ' . $langs[$obj->lang]['name'];
         $model->guid = $guid;
     // if it is ajax validation request
     if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] === 'page-form') {
         echo CActiveForm::validate($model);
     //Define Blocks in Regions
     $regions_blocks = array();
     // collect user input data
     if (isset($_POST['Page'])) {
         $regions_blocks = isset($_POST['Page']['regions']) ? $_POST['Page']['regions'] : array();
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Page'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             if (!empty($regions_blocks)) {
                 //Delete All Page Block Before
                 PageBlock::model()->deleteAll('page_id = :id', array(':id' => $model->page_id));
                 foreach ($regions_blocks as $key => $blocks) {
                     $order = 1;
                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($blocks['id']); $i++) {
                         $block = $blocks['id'][$i];
                         $temp_page_block = new PageBlock();
                         $temp_page_block->page_id = $model->page_id;
                         $temp_page_block->block_id = $block;
                         $temp_page_block->region = $key;
                         $temp_page_block->block_order = $order;
                         $temp_page_block->status = $blocks['status'][$i];
             //Start to save the Page Block
             user()->setFlash('success', t('cms', 'Create new Page Successfully!'));
             $model = new Page();
     $this->render('', array('model' => $model, 'lang_exclude' => $lang_exclude, 'versions' => $versions, 'regions_blocks' => $regions_blocks));
 protected function renderContent()
     $model = new Taxonomy();
     //The type of the content we want to create
     $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['type'])) : '';
     //If it has guid, it means this is a translated version
     $guid = isset($_GET['guid']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['guid'])) : '';
     //Get the list of Content Type
     $types = GxcHelpers::getAvailableContentType();
     //List of language that should exclude not to translate
     $lang_exclude = array();
     //List of translated versions
     $versions = array();
     if ($type != '' && !array_key_exists($type, $types)) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, t('Page Not Found'));
     } else {
         // If the guid is not empty, it means we are creating a translated version of a content
         // We will exclude the translated language and include the name of the translated content to $versions
         if ($guid != '') {
             $taxonomy_object = Taxonomy::model()->findAll('guid=:gid', array(':gid' => $guid));
             $langs = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages();
             if (count($taxonomy_object) > 0) {
                 foreach ($taxonomy_object as $obj) {
                     $lang_exclude[] = $obj->lang;
                     $versions[] = $obj->name . ' - ' . $langs[$obj->lang]['name'];
             $model->guid = $guid;
         // if it is ajax validation request
         if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] === 'taxonomy-form') {
             echo CActiveForm::validate($model);
         // collect user input data
         if (isset($_POST['Taxonomy'])) {
             $model->attributes = $_POST['Taxonomy'];
             if ($model->save()) {
                 user()->setFlash('success', t('cms', 'Create new Taxonomy Successfully!'));
                 $model = new Taxonomy();
         $this->render('cmswidgets.views.taxonomy.taxonomy_form_widget', array('model' => $model, 'lang_exclude' => $lang_exclude, 'versions' => $versions, 'type' => $type));
 protected function renderContent()
     $model = new Menu();
     //If it has guid, it means this is a translated version
     $guid = isset($_GET['guid']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['guid'])) : '';
     //List of language that should exclude not to translate
     $lang_exclude = array();
     //List of translated versions
     $versions = array();
     // If the guid is not empty, it means we are creating a translated version of a content
     // We will exclude the translated language and include the name of the translated content to $versions
     if ($guid != '') {
         $menu_object = Menu::model()->findAll('guid=:gid', array(':gid' => $guid));
         if (count($menu_object) > 0) {
             $langs = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages();
             foreach ($menu_object as $obj) {
                 $lang_exclude[] = $obj->lang;
                 $versions[] = $obj->menu_name . ' - ' . $langs[$obj->lang]['name'];
         $model->guid = $guid;
     // if it is ajax validation request
     if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] === 'menu-form') {
         echo CActiveForm::validate($model);
     // collect user input data
     if (isset($_POST['Menu'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Menu'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             user()->setFlash('success', t('cms', 'Create new Menu Successfully!'));
             $model = new Menu();
     $this->render('', array('model' => $model, 'lang_exclude' => $lang_exclude, 'versions' => $versions));
 protected function renderContent()
     //Get some pre value from URL
     //The type of the content we want to create
     $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['type'])) : '';
     //If it has guid, it means this is a translated version
     $guid = isset($_GET['guid']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['guid'])) : '';
     //Get the list of Content Type
     $types = GxcHelpers::getAvailableContentType();
     //List of language that should exclude not to translate
     $lang_exclude = array();
     //List of translated versions
     $versions = array();
     //Available Terms for this Object Type
     $terms = array();
     //Selected Terms
     $selected_terms = array();
     //Get Term Order
     $term_orders = ConstantDefine::getTermOrder();
     //If $type is empty then redirect to choose content type page
     if ($type != '') {
         //Check if the type appear in content type Definition
         if (array_key_exists($type, $types)) {
             // If the guid is not empty, it means we are creating a translated version of a content
             // We will exclude the translated language and include the name of the translated content to $versions
             if ($guid != '') {
                 $temp_object = Object::model()->findAll('guid=:gid', array(':gid' => $guid));
                 if (count($temp_object) > 0) {
                     foreach ($temp_object as $obj) {
                         $lang_exclude[] = $obj->lang;
                         $langs = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages();
                         $versions[] = $obj->object_name . ' - ' . $langs[$obj->lang]['name'];
             //Import the Content Type Class
             Yii::import('common.content_type.' . $type . '.' . $types[$type]['class']);
             //Init the class
             $typeClassObj = new $types[$type]['class']();
             $content_resources = $typeClassObj->Resources();
             //We start to implement the checking Permission HERE
             $param_content_check = array();
             $data_content_check = array();
             $param_content_check['type'] = $type;
             if (GxcContentPermission::checkCreatePermission($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions())) {
                 $param_content_check['new_content'] = true;
                 $content_status = GxcContentPermission::getContentStatus($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions());
                 $model = new $types[$type]['class']();
                 // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
                 // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
                 $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $model->person = '';
                 $model->guid = $guid;
                 $get_languages = GxcHelpers::loadLanguageItems($lang_exclude);
                 $available_languages = array();
                 foreach ($get_languages as $key => $value) {
                     $available_languages[] = $key;
                 //Get available Taxonomy and Terms for this Object
                 $available_taxonomy = Taxonomy::model()->findAll(' type = :type AND lang IN (' . implode(',', $available_languages) . ') ', array(':type' => $type));
                 if ($available_taxonomy) {
                     foreach ($available_taxonomy as $t) {
                         $temp = array();
                         $temp['id'] = $t->taxonomy_id;
                         $temp['lang'] = $t->lang;
                         $temp['name'] = $t->name;
                         $temp['terms'] = array();
                         //Look for the Term Items belong to this Taxonomy
                         $list_terms = Term::model()->findAll(array('select' => '*', 'condition' => 'taxonomy_id=:id', 'order' => 't.parent ASC, t.order ASC', 'params' => array(':id' => $t->taxonomy_id)));
                         if ($list_terms) {
                             foreach ($list_terms as $term) {
                                 $temp_item['id'] = $term->term_id;
                                 $temp_item['name'] = CHtml::encode($term->name);
                                 $temp_item['parent'] = $term->parent;
                                 $temp['terms']['item_' . $term->term_id] = $temp_item;
                         $terms[$t->taxonomy_id] = $temp;
                 if (isset($_POST[$types[$type]['class']])) {
                     $model->attributes = $_POST[$types[$type]['class']];
                     //Convert the date time publish to timestamp
                     $model->object_date = strtotime($model->object_date);
                     $model->object_date_gmt = local_to_gmt($model->object_date);
                     //Check which button the User click To Send to person or group
                     $button = $_POST['which_button'];
                     $trans = new Transfer();
                     // Get the Terms that the User Choose
                     $post_terms = isset($_POST['terms']) ? $_POST['terms'] : array();
                     $selected_terms = array();
                     if (!empty($post_terms)) {
                         foreach ($post_terms as $t) {
                             $t = explode('_', $t);
                             if (!isset($selected_terms[$t[1]])) {
                                 $selected_temp = array();
                                 $selected_temp['id'] = $terms[$t[1]]['id'];
                                 $selected_temp['lang'] = $terms[$t[1]]['lang'];
                                 $selected_temp['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['name'];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]];
                                 $selected_terms[$t[1]] = $selected_temp;
                             } else {
                                 if (!isset($selected_terms['terms']['item_' . $t[0]])) {
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0];
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'];
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'];
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2];
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]];
                     // After having the selected Terms, we need to make sure  all parents
                     // of the selected Terms must be added also
                     foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) {
                         $array_parent_selected_terms = array();
                         foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) {
                             $current_term = $st_terms;
                             while ($current_term['parent'] != 0) {
                                 if (!isset($array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]) && !isset($t['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']])) {
                                     $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']] = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']];
                                     $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data'] = key($term_orders);
                                     $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data_name'] = $term_orders[key($term_orders)];
                                 $current_term = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']];
                         $selected_terms[$tx_key]['terms'] = CMap::mergeArray($t['terms'], $array_parent_selected_terms);
                     //Re-Set the Status based on what User Chooose
                     //The content is sent to ROLES OR STATUS
                     if ($button == '1') {
                         //Check if the object_status is number or character
                         if (!is_numeric($model->object_status)) {
                             //Set the status to Pending
                             $trans->note = $model->object_status;
                             $model->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                             $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_ROLE;
                             $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                         } else {
                             $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_STATUS;
                             $trans->after_status = $model->object_status;
                         $trans->from_user_id = user()->id;
                         $trans->to_user_id = 0;
                         $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_DRAFT;
                     //The content is sent to PERSON DIRECTLY
                     if ($button == '2') {
                         $to_user_id = User::findPeople($model->person);
                         //Start to Transfer to the user and set the status to Pending
                         if ($to_user_id) {
                             $model->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                             $trans->from_user_id = user()->id;
                             $trans->to_user_id = $to_user_id->user_id;
                             $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_PERSON;
                             $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                             $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                         } else {
                             $model->addError('person', t('User not found'));
                     //Work with Resource Binding
                     $resource = array();
                     $resource_upload = array();
                     foreach ($content_resources as $res) {
                         $resource_upload[] = GxcHelpers::getArrayResourceObjectBinding('resource_upload_' . $res['type']);
                     $i = 0;
                     $count_resource = 0;
                     foreach ($content_resources as $cres) {
                         $j = 1;
                         foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) {
                     $model->total_number_resource = $count_resource;
                     if ($model->save()) {
                         user()->setFlash('success', t('cms', 'Create new Content Successfully!'));
                         $trans->object_id = $model->object_id;
                         // We have all the selected Terms for now
                         // We will add them to Object Terms
                         foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) {
                             foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) {
                                 $obj_term = new ObjectTerm();
                                 $obj_term->object_id = $model->object_id;
                                 $obj_term->term_id = $st_terms['id'];
                                 $obj_term->data = $st_terms['data'];
                         //Update Resource Binding Here
                         $i = 0;
                         $count_resource = 0;
                         foreach ($content_resources as $cres) {
                             $j = 1;
                             foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) {
                                 $obj_res = new ObjectResource();
                                 $obj_res->resource_id = $res_up['resid'];
                                 $obj_res->object_id = $model->object_id;
                                 $obj_res->description = '';
                                 $obj_res->type = $cres['type'];
                                 $obj_res->resource_order = $j;
                         //Re-init new Model
                         $model = new $types[$type]['class']();
                         $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     } else {
                         $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $model->object_date);
                 $render_template = 'cmswidgets.views.object.object_form_widget';
                 if (file_exists(Yii::getPathOfAlias('common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget') . '.php')) {
                     $render_template = 'common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget';
                 $this->render($render_template, array('model' => $model, 'versions' => $versions, 'lang_exclude' => $lang_exclude, 'content_status' => $content_status, 'terms' => $terms, 'selected_terms' => $selected_terms, 'type' => $type, 'content_resources' => $content_resources));
         } else {
             //The type is not in Content Type Definition
             $this->render('cmswidgets.views.object.object_start_widget', array('types' => $types));
     } else {
         //There is no Type in $_GET
         $this->render('cmswidgets.views.object.object_start_widget', array('types' => $types));

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'taxonomy-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'summaryText' => t('cms', 'Displaying') . ' {start} - {end} ' . t('cms', 'in') . ' {count} ' . t('cms', 'results'), 'pager' => array('header' => t('cms', 'Go to page:'), 'nextPageLabel' => t('cms', 'Next'), 'prevPageLabel' => t('cms', 'previous'), 'firstPageLabel' => t('cms', 'First'), 'lastPageLabel' => t('cms', 'Last'), 'pageSize' => Yii::app()->settings->get('system', 'page_size')), 'columns' => array(array('name' => 'taxonomy_id', 'type' => 'raw', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'gridmaxwidth'), 'value' => '$data->taxonomy_id'), array('name' => 'name', 'type' => 'raw', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'gridLeft'), 'value' => 'CHtml::link($data->name,array("' . app()->controller->id . '/view","id"=>$data->taxonomy_id))'), array('name' => 'description', 'type' => 'raw', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'gridLeft'), 'value' => '$data->description'), array('name' => 'type', 'type' => 'raw', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'gridLeft gridmaxwidth'), 'value' => 'Object::convertObjectType($data->type)'), array('name' => 'lang', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'GxcHelpers::convertLanguage($data->lang)'), array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'template' => '{translate}', 'visible' => count(GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages() > 1), 'buttons' => array('translate' => array('label' => t('cms', 'Translate'), 'imageUrl' => false, 'url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("' . app()->controller->id . '/create", array("guid"=>$data->guid,"type"=>$data->type))'))), array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'template' => '{update}', 'buttons' => array('update' => array('label' => t('cms', 'Edit'), 'imageUrl' => false, 'url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("' . app()->controller->id . '/update", array("id"=>$data->taxonomy_id))'))), array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'template' => '{delete}', 'buttons' => array('delete' => array('label' => t('cms', 'Delete'), 'imageUrl' => false))))));
Beispiel #6
 public static function getMenu()
     $menus = Menu::model()->findAll();
     $data = array(0 => t('cms', "None"));
     $langs = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages();
     if ($menus && count($menus) > 0) {
         foreach ($menus as $t) {
             $data[$t->menu_id] = $t->menu_name . ' - ' . $langs[$t->lang]['name'];
     return $data;
            echo "<br /><b>- " . $version . "</b>";

            <br />
    $lang_number = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages();
    if (count($lang_number) > 1) {
    <div class="row">    
        echo $form->labelEx($model, 'lang');
        echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'lang', GxcHelpers::loadLanguageItems($lang_exclude), array('options' => array(array_search(Yii::app()->language, GxcHelpers::loadLanguageItems($lang_exclude, false)) => array('selected' => true))));
        echo $form->error($model, 'lang');
            <div class="clear"></div>
Beispiel #8
 public static function getTaxonomy()
     $taxonomy = Taxonomy::model()->findAll();
     $langs = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages();
     $data = array(0 => t('cms', "None"));
     if ($taxonomy && count($taxonomy) > 0) {
         foreach ($taxonomy as $t) {
             $data[$t->taxonomy_id] = $t->name . ' - ' . $langs[$t->lang]['name'];
     return $data;