$publish_frequency_output .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $key . '">- ' . $val . '</option>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $publish_frequency_output .= '<option value="' . $key . '">' . $val . '</option>' . "\n";
    $publish_frequency_output .= '</select>' . "\n";
$marker_output = '<p><a href="marker-type.list.php">Edit marker types</a> (chapter, scene, etc)</p>';
$new_title_output = '<input type="text" name="new_title" value="' . $book->info['title'] . '" size="16" style="width:16rem"/>' . "\n";
$view->page_title("Book: {$book_info['title']}");
$view->headline('Book <span>' . $book->info['title'] . '</span>');
// Group
$view->group_instruction('Change the name of your book.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
// Group
$view->group_instruction('How often you publish new pages.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
// Group
$link->title('Learn more about markers');
$link->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/markers');
$view->group_instruction($link->external_link() . ' are sections of a book, like chapters, scenes or supplemental material.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
if ($palette_list) {
    $view->group_css('tone colors');
    $palette_output = '<ul class="option-list">';
    foreach ($palette_list as $label => $val) {
        $this_label = ucfirst($val['title']);
        $this_option = '<input type="text" id="color-' . $label . '" name="input[' . $label . ']" value="' . $val['value'] . '" />';
        $palette_output .= '<li><h5><span>' . $this_option . '</span>' . $this_label . '</h5></li>';
        $js_call .= "\$('#" . $label . "').css('background-color', '" . $val['value'] . "')\n";
    $palette_output .= '</ul></div>';
    $l = new GrlxLayout();
    $l->filler = '&nbsp;';
    $layout_output = '<div class="palette">' . $l->decode($theme_info['palette']);
    $view->group_contents($palette_output . $layout_output);
    $palette_output = $view->format_group() . $form->form_buttons() . '<hr class="sub"/>';
if ($options_list) {
    $styles_output = '<ul class="option-list">';
    $x = 1;
    foreach ($options_list as $type => $set) {
        foreach ($set as $label => $val) {
            $this_label = ucfirst($val['title']);
            if ($val['type'] == 'border-style') {
                $this_option = build_select_val_as_key("input[{$label}]", array('none', 'hidden', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'solid', 'double', 'groove', 'ridge'), $val['value']);
            if ($val['type'] == 'border-width') {
Beispiel #3
  <li>Artist name</li>
  <li>Copyright year</li>
  <li>Date format</li>
  <li>Google Analytics ID</li>
  <li>Site description</li>
  <li>Time zone</li>

// Group
$view->group_h2('I want to …');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr/>' . "\n";
$view->group_h2('Coming up');
$view->group_instruction('The next comic will be …');
$content_output .= $view->format_group().'<hr/>'."\n";
/* ! Display * * * * * * * */
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
$output .= $content_output;
$output .= $view->close_view();
print $output;
        $details_output .= $form->paint();
        $details_output .= $form->form_buttons();
        $password_output = $form->new_password("password[{$val['id']}]");
        $password_output .= $form->form_buttons();
$view->page_title('User info');
$view->headline('User info');
$content_output = $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
 * Display
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
$output .= $form->open_form();
$output .= $content_output;
$output .= $form->close_form();
$output .= $view->close_view();
    $all_themes_output .= '</ul>';
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr/>';
$view->group_instruction('Manage your installed themes here.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
/* ! Display * * * * * * * */
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
//$output .= '<div id="result"></div>';
$output .= $alert_output;
$output .= $content_output;
$js_call = <<<EOL
$alert_output .= $fileops->check_or_make_dir('..' . $image_path);
$view->page_title('Link list');
$view->headline('Link list');
if ($list_items) {
    $list->headings(array('Title', 'URL', 'Actions'));
    $links_output = $list->format_headings();
    $links_output .= $list->format_content();
if (!$links_output) {
    $links_output = '<b>You have no links to other sites.</b>';
$view->group_h2('Your links');
$content_output = $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$form->value('Site name');
$form_output = $form->paint();
$form_output .= $form->paint();
$form_output .= $form->paint();
$form_output = $form->build_form();
$quick_upload_field = <<<EOL
<form action="uploadtome.php" class="dropzone" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="fallback">
  <input name="file[]" type="file" multiple />
$link->tap('Create one comic page');
$action_output = $link->button_secondary('new');
$view->group_h2('Upload images');
$view->group_instruction('Add page(s) to the end of your book.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . "\n";
 * Display
$view->page_title('Comic page creator');
$view->headline('Create multiple comic pages');
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
//$output .= $modal->modal_container();
//$output .= $content_output;
print $output;
    foreach ($slot_list as $key => $val) {
        $link->query('slot_id=' . $key);
        $slot_list_content[$key] = array($val['title'], $val['max_width'] . ' &times; ' . $val['max_height'], $val['ad_count'], $link->icon_link());
$slot_list_output = $list->format_headings();
$slot_list_output .= $list->format_content();
///////// Assemble the overall page view.
$view->group_h2('Ad slots');
$view->group_instruction('Slots are locations on your site’s pages that contain ads.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_h2('House ads');
$view->group_instruction('A.k.a. promos, these are custom graphics and links you upload yourself.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_h2('Project Wonderful');
$view->group_instruction('Ads served by this wonderful third-party service.');
$view->group_contents($wonderful_ad_list_output . $wonderful_info_output . $wonderful_refresh_output);
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_h2('Google Adsense');
$view->group_instruction('Ads served by the internet juggernaut.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
 * Display
//$new_upload_field .= 'Uploading more than '.$fileops-> up_get_max_file_uploads().' images? Try the <a href="book.import.php">bulk importer</a>.';
$result = $db->get('book_page', 1, 'MAX(sort_order) AS endpage');
if ($result) {
    $end_page = number_format($result[0]['endpage']) + 1;
} else {
    $end_page = 1;
$new_order_field = '<input name="new_order" id="new_order" size="3" style="width:3rem" type="text" value="' . $end_page . '" />';
$view->page_title('New pages');
$view->headline('New pages');
if (count($this_type) > 1) {
    $view->group_instruction('What kind of marker is this?');
    $content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
} else {
    $id = reset($marker_type_list);
    $id = $id['id'];
    $content_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="add-marker-type" value="' . $id . '"/>';
$quick_upload_field = <<<EOL
<form action="uploadtome.php" class="dropzone" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="fallback">
  <input name="file[]" type="file" multiple />
$view->group_h2('Quick add');
$view->group_instruction('Just add pages to the end of your book with no frills.');
    $heading_list = array('Ad', 'Action');
    //	$ad_list_instructions  = '<p>This slot measures <strong>'.$slot_info['max_width'].' &times; '.$slot_info['max_height'].'</strong> pixels. That means <strong>'.$number_o_ads.'</strong> can fit here.</p>'."\n";
    $ad_list_output .= $list->format_headings();
    $ad_list_output .= $list->format_content();
} else {
    $ad_list_output = '<h2>No ad images fit into this slot.</h2>' . "\n";
$label_output = '<input type="text" name="label" id="label" value="' . $slot_info['label'] . '"/>';
$code_output = '<input type="text" id="template-code" value="&lt;?=show_ad(\'' . $slot_info['label'] . '\') ?&gt;"';
// Group
$view->group_h2('Ad list');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
// Group
$view->group_h2('Template code');
$view->group_instruction('Every slot in your site — the places where ads go — needs a unique ID. <strong>Change this only if you’re willing to edit your site’s theme.</strong>');
$view->group_contents($label_output . $code_output);
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
// Setup
$view->page_title('Ad slot');
$view->headline('Ad slot <span>' . $slot_info['title'] . '</span>');
 * Display
print $view->open_view();
    	$select_options .= '</select>';
$upload_output = <<<EOL

<form action="uploadtome.php" class="dropzone" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="fallback">
  <input name="file[]" type="file" multiple />

$view->group_h2('Add images');
$view->group_instruction('Upload images from your computer to make comic pages.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_h2('Starting at');
$view->group_instruction('Where in your story should the new pages go?');
$content_output .= $view->format_group().'<hr />';

$link-> title = 'Learn more about markers';
$link-> url = 'http://getgrawlix.com/docs/'.DOCS_VERSION.'/marker';
$link-> tap = 'mark these pages';

$view->group_instruction('Optionally, you can '.$link-> external_link().' with a new '.$this_type.'.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group().'<hr />';
$view->group_h2('Add marker');
$view->group_instruction('INSTRUCTIONS GO HERE');
$content_output .= '<hr/>' . $view->format_group();
$view->group_h2('Remove marker');
$view->group_instruction('INSTRUCTIONS GO HERE');
$content_output .= $view->format_group().'<hr/>';
$view->group_h2('Add pages');
$view->group_instruction('Upload images to create new pages here.');
$upload_output .= $view->format_group();
 * Display
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
//$output .= $modal->modal_container();
$output .= '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post" action="marker.view.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . "\n";
if ($pages_displayed && $pages_displayed > 10) {
    $output .= $upload_output . '<hr/>';
    $output .= $content_output;
} else {
    $output .= $content_output . '<hr/>';
    $output .= $upload_output;
<input type="text" name="blog_headline" id="blog_headline" value="{$headline_output}"/>
<label for="blog_post">Post</label>
<textarea name="blog_post" id="blog_post" rows="32">{$page->pageInfo[blog_post]}</textarea>

$transcript_output = <<<EOL
<label for="transcript">Transcript</label>
<textarea name="transcript" id="transcript" rows="32">{$page->pageInfo[transcript]}</textarea>

$content_output = '<hr />';
$link1->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/seo');
$view->group_instruction($link1->external_link() . ' is information that describes this comic page.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Write your thoughts for the day on this comic page. The post accepts HTML and ' . $link1->external_link() . '.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$link1->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/seo');
$view->group_instruction('Transcript is a record of the the dialog, events and scenes in a comic page. In short, a script. Use this to improve accessibility and ' . $link1->external_link() . '.');
$link->tap('Create multiple comic pages');
$action_output = $link->button_secondary('new');
//$action_output .= '<a href="#multiple">Upload multiple pics</a>'."\n";
$new_image = <<<EOL
<label for="file_change">Comic page image</label>
<input type="file" id="file_change" name="file_change[]" value="" multiple/>

$content_output .= '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="book.page-create.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . "\n";
$view->group_instruction('Upload the graphic(s) that readers will see on this page.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . "<hr/>\n";
$view->group_instruction('Choose where in your book the new page will go.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . "<hr/>\n";
$link->title = 'Learn more about metadata';
$link->url = 'http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/metadata';
$link->tap = 'information that describes';
$link->transpose = false;
$view->group_instruction('Enter information about this page. Learn more about ' . $link->external_link() . ' this comic page.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . "<hr/>\n";
    $folder_output = $list->format_headings();
    $folder_output .= $list->format_content();
// Group
if ($folder_output) {
    $link->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/ftp');
    $link->tap('via FTP');
    $link1->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/importing');
    $link1->tap('Learn more.');
    $view->group_instruction('This tool lets you copy images from the “/import” folder (' . $link->external_link() . ') into ' . $marker_type_list[1]['title'] . 's. ' . $link1->external_link());
    $view->group_contents($folder_output . $submit_output);
    $content_output .= $view->format_group() . "\n";
$view->page_title('Create pages from FTP');
$view->headline('Create pages from FTP');
$link->tap('Create one comic page');
$action_output = $link->button_secondary('new');
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
print $output;
if ($xml->saveResult == 'error') {
    $message = new GrlxAlert();
    $alert_output = $message->alert_dialog('Changes failed to save.');
/* ! Display * * * * * * * */
$view->headline('Comic archive editor');
$book_info = $form->paint();
$view->group_instruction('Select how you want readers to navigate through your archives.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr/>';
$view->group_instruction('Select how you want to arrange information.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr/>';
$view->group_instruction('Select the types of information to display.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr/>';
$content_output .= $form->form_buttons();
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
$output .= $form->open_form();
$output .= $book_info;
    $home_output .= '<div><label for="home-id">Homepage</label></div>';
    $home_output .= '<div>' . $home_options . '</div>';
    $home_output .= '</div>';
    $home_output .= $form->form_buttons($edit_home);
$link->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/settings');
$link->tap('Read the docs');
$instruction = 'Use this panel to customize your overall site. ' . $link->external_link() . ' for details.';
$content_output = $form->open_form();
$view->page_title('Site settings');
$view->headline('Site settings');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
$content_output .= $form->close_form();
 * Display
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
$output .= $content_output;
$output .= $view->close_view();
print $output;
    $htaccess_module['status'] = 0;
    $htaccess_module['anchor'] = 'htaccess';
    $htaccess_module['heading'] = 'Routes';
    $htaccess_module['report'] = '<p>.htaccess file found.</p>';
} else {
    $htaccess_module['status'] = 1;
    $htaccess_module['anchor'] = 'htaccess';
    $htaccess_module['heading'] = 'Routes';
    $htaccess_module['report'] = '<p>.htaccess file not found.</p>';
/////////// Display
// Group
$report = display_module($permissions_module, $link);
$view->group_h2($report[1] . ' Permissions');
$view->group_instruction('This checks the ability to add or edit files on your behalf.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
// Group
$report = display_module($panel_file_module, $link);
$view->group_h2($report[1] . ' Panel files');
$view->group_instruction('The panel should only have Grawlix files. Extras could indicate a hack attempt.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
// Group
$report = display_module($htaccess_module, $link);
$view->group_h2($report[1] . ' Access');
$view->group_instruction('Grawlix needs permission to add images to certain folders.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
// Group
$link->url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/' . DOCS_VERSION . '/seo');
// ! Build the edit form
$edit_form_output .= '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="marker.edit.php" method="post">' . "\n";
$edit_form_output .= '	<p><label for="new_title">Title</label>' . "\n";
$edit_form_output .= '	<input type="text" id="new_title" name="new_title" size="12" style="width:12rem" value="' . $marker->markerInfo['title'] . '"/></p>' . "\n";
$edit_form_output .= '	<label for="edit_marker_type">Type</label>' . "\n";
$edit_form_output .= $select_options . "\n";
$edit_form_output .= '	<button class="btn primary save" name="submit" type="submit" value="save"><i></i>Save</button>' . "\n";
$edit_form_output .= '	<input type="hidden" name="marker_id" value="' . $marker_id . '"/>' . "\n";
$edit_form_output .= '</form>' . "\n";
// ! Build the overall view
$view->page_title('Marker: ' . $marker->markerInfo['title']);
$view->headline('Marker <span>' . $marker->markerInfo['title'] . '</span>');
$view->group_h2('General info');
$view->group_instruction('Change this marker’s name and type.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
// Let artists jump to the marker type manager
// from here because it’s contextual.
$link1->tap('Edit marker types');
$action_output = $link1->text_link('editmeta');
// ! Display
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
$output .= $content_output;
$output .= $view->close_view();
print $output;
	    <p><strong>Order:</strong> Rearrange your pages by changing their numbers …</p>
	  <li data-id="sort-with-me" data-button="Done" data-prev-text="Prev" data-options="tip_location:bottom;">
	    <p>… then tap here to execute the move.</p>
// Group
if ($total_shown > 1) {
    // Group
    $view->group_h2('Reorder pages');
    $view->group_instruction('Change the pages’ numbers above to move them around the book.');
    $view->group_contents('<button class="btn primary save" name="submit" id="sort-with-me" type="submit" value="reorder"><i></i>Sort</button>' . "\n");
    $reorder_output .= $view->format_group();
$link-> title('Learn more about markers');
$link-> url('http://www.getgrawlix.com/docs/'.DOCS_VERSION.'/markers');
$link-> tap('Markers');

$view->group_h2('Add marker');
$view->group_instruction($link-> external_link().' are sections of a book, like chapters, scenes or supplemental material. Use the checkboxes above to choose page(s) to begin new sections.');
	$select_options .
 '<button class="btn primary new" name="submit" type="submit" value="add"><i></i>Add</button>'
$select_output .= $view->format_group();
        $list_items[$key] = array('select' => $val['rank'], 'title' => $val['title'], 'tally' => $val['tally'], 'action' => $action_output);
    $list_output = $list->format_headings();
    $list_output .= $list->format_content();
} else {
    $list_output .= 'I didn’t find any types of marker.';
$create_output = $link->button_primary('new');
$view->group_instruction('Markers denote the beginnings of sections, like chapters, scenes and supplemental pages. Tap to edit each type.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Make a new marker type.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
$view->page_title('Marker types: ' . $book->info['title']);
$view->headline('Marker types');
$output = $view->open_view();
$output .= $view->view_header();
$output .= $alert_output;
$output .= $content_output;
print $output;
print $view->close_view();
             $username = '******';
             $action_output = $edit_link->icon_link();
         } else {
             $row_css = $val['active'];
             $username = strfunc_check_empty($val['value']);
             $vis_output = $form->checkbox_switch($val['active']);
             $action_output = $vis_output . $edit_link->icon_link();
         $follow_list[$val['service_id'] . '||' . $row_css] = array($val['title'], $username, $action_output);
     $follow_output .= $list->format_content();
     $content_output = $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
 // ! Share
 if ($function_id == 2) {
     $form->title('Show/hide a share link for this service next to your comic.');
     $heading_list[] = array('value' => 'Service', 'class' => 'nudge');
     $heading_list[] = array('value' => 'Actions', 'class' => null);
     $share_output = $list->format_headings();
     foreach ($section_group['items'] as $key => $val) {
         $row_css = $val['active'];
$tablet_form = <<<EOL
\t\t<label for="medium_image_url">Tablet image</label>
\t\t<input type="file" id="medium_image_url" name="medium_image_url" value=""/>

$widescreen_form = <<<EOL
\t\t<label for="large_image_url">Widescreen image</label>
\t\t<input type="file" id="large_image_url" name="large_image_url" value=""/>

$destination_form = '<input type="text" id="destination" size="24" style="width:24rem" name="destination" value="http://"/>';
$code_form = '<textarea name="code" id="code" height="8" width="24" style="height:8rem;width:24rem"></textarea>';
$view->group_instruction('Where this ad will take people when they tap its graphics.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Graphic for this ad on smartphones.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group().'<hr />';

$view->group_instruction('Graphic for this ad on small screens and tablets.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group().'<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Graphic that readers will tap.');
// Group
$view->group_h2('Mobile image');
$view->group_instruction('Image that will appear on small screens, e.g. smartphones.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group().'<hr />';

$view->group_h2('Tablet image');
$view->group_instruction('Image will appear on smallish screens.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group().'<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Name of the website.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Image that readers will see.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Where the ad, when tapped, will take readers.');
$content_output .= $view->format_group() . '<hr />';
$view->group_instruction('Optional JS or HTML to use in lieu of images and destination. <strong>Entering code will override the image and link above.</strong>');
$content_output .= $view->format_group();
$view->page_title('Ad editor');
if ($static->info['title'] == 'Home') {
$settings_form = $form->paint();
$settings_form .= $form->paint();
$settings_form .= $path_link_output;
$layout_form = $layout_select_output;
$layout_form .= $pattern_select_output;
$view->group_instruction('General information for this static page.');
$settings_output = $view->format_group() . $form->form_buttons() . '<hr />';
if ($mode != 'plaintext') {
    $view->group_instruction('How items on this static page are arranged.');
    $settings_output .= $view->format_group() . $form->form_buttons() . '<hr />';
if ($mode == 'plaintext') {
    $form_output .= '<p>Freeform content:</p>';
    $form_output .= '<textarea name="raw_content" rows="10" style="height:12rem">' . $static->info['options'] . '</textarea>';
    //	$form_output .= '<p><a href="#to-do" target="_blank">Get sample XML</a></p>';
$form_output .= $form->form_buttons();