Beispiel #1
// terminals
// Manually construct the BNF Grammar in its raw form
$raw = array(BNF_RULES => array(array(BNF_RULES, BNF_RULE), array(BNF_RULE), array(BNF_RULES, BNF_EMPTY_RULE), array(BNF_EMPTY_RULE)), BNF_RULE => array(array('<', BNF_TEXT, '>', ':', BNF_EXPRESSION, BNF_RULE_END)), BNF_EMPTY_RULE => array(array(BNF_RULE_END)), BNF_EXPRESSION => array(array(BNF_LIST), array(BNF_EXPRESSION, '|', BNF_LIST)), BNF_LIST => array(array(BNF_TERM), array(BNF_LIST, BNF_TERM)), BNF_TERM => array(array(BNF_TEXT), array(BNF_LITERAL), array('<', BNF_TEXT, '>')));
$Grammar = GrammarBuilder::make($raw);
// Construct LR(1) Parse Table
$NDA = new LRNDA($Grammar, 1);
$Table = $NDA->export();
// Output classes
$commentData = array('author' => 'Tim Whitlock', 'category' => 'PLUG', 'package' => 'parsing', 'subpackage' => 'bnf', 'version' => '$Id' . '$');
$Lex->class_export('BNFLex', $commentData);
file_put_contents('../BNFLex.php', "<?php\n" . ob_get_contents());
$Grammar->class_export('BNFGrammar', $commentData);
file_put_contents('../BNFGrammar.php', "<?php\n" . ob_get_contents());
$lexname = 'JLexBase';
$grammarname = 'JGrammar';
$tablename = 'JParseTable';
$commentData = array('author' => 'Tim Whitlock', 'category' => 'PLUG', 'package' => 'JavaScript', 'version' => '$Id' . '$');
$Timer = new Timer();
$classdir = PLUG_HOST_DIR . '/PLUG/JavaScript';
$bnfpath = $classdir . '/dev/ecma_262.bnf';
$Tree = BNFParser::parse_file($bnfpath);
// Make Lex object
$Lex = $Tree->make_lex();
echo "----------\n";
// Make Grammar object
$rawgrammar = $Tree->evaluate();
$Grammar = GrammarBuilder::make($rawgrammar);
// Load special rules
$Grammar->exclude_terminal(J_EXPR_STATEMENT, '{');
$Grammar->exclude_terminal(J_EXPR_STATEMENT, J_FUNCTION);
// trash dummy rules that we used just to get redundant terminals into the Lex
echo "----------\n";
printf("Ready to build automaton after %f milliseconds\n", $Timer->reset());
// Make Parse Table object
$NDA = new LRNDA($Grammar, 1);
printf("NDA built in %f milliseconds\n", $Timer->reset());
$Table = $NDA->export();
printf("Table exported in %f milliseconds\n", $Timer->reset());