  * If exists language with this code in account directory, load custom translations
  * @param $language
 private function loadCustomTranslations(Gpf_Lang_CsvLanguage $language)
     $origFileName = Gpf_Lang_CsvLanguage::getAccountCsvFileName($language->getCode());
     $file = new Gpf_Io_File($origFileName);
     if ($file->isExists()) {
         $file = new Gpf_Io_Csv_Reader($origFileName);
         foreach ($file as $record) {
             switch ($record->get('type')) {
                 case 'M':
                     //Metadata - no processing required
                 case '':
                     //empty row - no processing required
                     try {
                         $translation = new Gpf_Lang_Parser_Translation();
                         if (!$language->existTranslation($translation) && $translation->isCustomerSpecific() == Gpf::YES) {
                             //add missing customer translation from current account language
                         } else {
                             //replace custom translation with own text even if it was already in file
                             $existingTranslation = $language->getTranslation($translation);
                             if ($translation->isCustomerSpecific() == Gpf::YES) {
                                 //keep custom translation from existing language file !
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
  * @service language write
  * @return Gpf_Rpc_Action
 public function saveFields(Gpf_Rpc_Params $params)
     $action = new Gpf_Rpc_Action($params);
     $action->setErrorMessage($this->_('Failed to save %s field(s)'));
     $action->setInfoMessage($this->_('%s field(s) successfully saved'));
     $language = new Gpf_Db_Language();
     $csvFile = new Gpf_Io_Csv_Reader(Gpf_Lang_CsvLanguage::getAccountCsvFileName($language->getCode()));
     $csvLanguage = new Gpf_Lang_CsvLanguage();
     $fields = new Gpf_Data_RecordSet();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $translation = new Gpf_Lang_Parser_Translation();
         if ($csvLanguage->existTranslation($translation)) {
             $existingTranslation = $csvLanguage->getTranslation($translation);
             if ($existingTranslation->getStatus() == Gpf_Lang_Parser_Translation::STATUS_NOT_TRANSLATED) {
             $existingTranslation->set($field->get("name"), $this->sourceCodeSpecialChars($field->get("value")));
     return $action;