public function gigyaCommentsScode($attrs) { require_once GIGYA__PLUGIN_DIR . 'features/comments/GigyaCommentsSet.php'; $comments = new GigyaCommentsSet(); $defaults = $comments->getParams(); if (empty($attrs)) { $attrs = $defaults; if (isset($attrs['advanced'])) { $advanced = gigyaCms::jsonToArray($attrs['advanced']); if (is_array($advanced)) { $attrs = array_merge($attrs, $advanced); } else { if (is_string($advanced)) { _gigya_error_log("Error in " . __FUNCTION__ . " shortcode advanced parameters message: " . $advanced); } } } } else { $attrs = $this->attrs_to_gigya($attrs); $attrs = array_merge($defaults, $attrs); } return _gigya_render_tpl('admin/tpl/comments.tpl.php', array('data' => $attrs)); }
/** * @param $args * @param $instance * * @return string */ public function getContent($args, $instance) { $output = ''; $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); // Get the data from the argument. require_once GIGYA__PLUGIN_DIR . 'features/comments/GigyaCommentsSet.php'; $comments = new GigyaCommentsSet(); $data = $comments->getParams(); // Override params or take the defaults. if (!empty($instance['override'])) { foreach ($instance as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $data[$key] = esc_attr($value); } } } $output .= $args['before_widget']; if (!empty($title)) { $output .= $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title']; } $output .= _gigya_render_tpl('admin/tpl/comments.tpl.php', array('data' => $data)); $output .= $args['after_widget']; return $output; }
<?php /** * Gigya comments anchor. */ if (empty($data)) { $comments_options = get_option(GIGYA__SETTINGS_COMMENTS); // Get the data from the argument. require_once GIGYA__PLUGIN_DIR . 'features/comments/GigyaCommentsSet.php'; $comments = new GigyaCommentsSet(); $data = $comments->getParams(); } else { if (isset($data['rating'])) { $comments_options['rating'] = $data['rating']; } // Just so we would render the comments plugins $comments_options['position'] = "here"; } if ($comments_options['position'] !== 'none') { ?> <?php if (!empty($comments_options['rating'])) { ?> <div class="gigya-rating-widget"></div> <?php } ?> <div class="gigya-comments-widget"></div> <script class="data-comments" type="application/json"><?php echo json_encode($data); ?>