function handler_admin($page) { $page->changeTpl('xnet/admin.tpl'); if (Get::has('del')) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT id, nom, mail_domain FROM groups WHERE diminutif={?}', Get::v('del')); list($id, $nom, $domain) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('nom', $nom); if ($id && Post::has('del')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::query('DELETE FROM group_members WHERE asso_id={?}', $id); $page->trigSuccess('membres supprimés'); if ($domain) { XDB::execute('DELETE v FROM email_virtual AS v INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (v.domain = WHERE = {?}', $domain); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $domain); $page->trigSuccess('suppression des alias mails'); $mmlist = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password'), $domain); if ($listes = $mmlist->get_lists()) { foreach ($listes as $l) { $mmlist->delete_list($l['list'], true); } $page->trigSuccess('mail lists surpprimées'); } } XDB::query('DELETE FROM groups WHERE id={?}', $id); $page->trigSuccess("Groupe {$nom} supprimé"); Get::kill('del'); } if (!$id) { Get::kill('del'); } } if (Post::has('diminutif') && Post::v('diminutif') != "") { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groups WHERE diminutif = {?}', Post::v('diminutif')); if ($res->fetchOneCell() == 0) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO groups (id, diminutif) VALUES (NULL, {?})', Post::v('diminutif')); pl_redirect(Post::v('diminutif') . '/edit'); } else { $page->trigError('Le diminutif demandé est déjà pris.'); } } $res = XDB::query('SELECT nom, diminutif FROM groups ORDER BY nom'); $page->assign('assos', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); }
function show($area = null) { global $page, $fs, $db, $proj, $user, $conf; $perpage = '20'; if (isset($user->infos['tasks_perpage'])) { $perpage = $user->infos['tasks_perpage']; } $pagenum = max(1, Get::num('pagenum', 1)); $offset = $perpage * ($pagenum - 1); // Get the visibility state of all columns $visible = explode(' ', trim($proj->id ? $proj->prefs['visible_columns'] : $fs->prefs['visible_columns'])); if (!is_array($visible) || !count($visible) || !$visible[0]) { $visible = array('id'); } list($tasks, $id_list) = Backend::get_task_list($_GET, $visible, $offset, $perpage); $page->assign('tasks', $tasks); $page->assign('offset', $offset); $page->assign('perpage', $perpage); $page->assign('pagenum', $pagenum); $page->assign('visible', $visible); // List of task IDs for next/previous links $_SESSION['tasklist'] = $id_list; $page->assign('total', count($id_list)); // Javascript replacement if (Get::val('toggleadvanced')) { $advanced_search = intval(!Req::val('advancedsearch')); Flyspray::setCookie('advancedsearch', $advanced_search, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); $_COOKIE['advancedsearch'] = $advanced_search; } // Update check {{{ if (Get::has('hideupdatemsg')) { unset($_SESSION['latest_version']); } else { if ($conf['general']['update_check'] && $user->perms('is_admin') && $fs->prefs['last_update_check'] < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) { if (!isset($_SESSION['latest_version'])) { $latest = Flyspray::remote_request('', GET_CONTENTS); //if for some silly reason we get and empty response, we use the actual version $_SESSION['latest_version'] = empty($latest) ? $fs->version : $latest; $db->x->execParam('UPDATE {prefs} SET pref_value = ? WHERE pref_name = ?', array(time(), 'last_update_check')); } } } if (isset($_SESSION['latest_version']) && version_compare($fs->version, $_SESSION['latest_version'], '<')) { $page->assign('updatemsg', true); } // }}} $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . $proj->prefs['project_title'] . ': ' . L('tasklist')); $page->pushTpl('index.tpl'); }
protected function doAuth($level) { if (S::identified()) { // Nothing to do there return User::getSilentWithValues(null, array('uid' => S::i('uid'))); } if (!Get::has('auth')) { return null; } global $globals; if (md5('1' . S::v('challenge') . $globals->xnet->secret . Get::i('uid') . '1') != Get::v('auth')) { return null; } Get::kill('auth'); S::set('auth', AUTH_PASSWD); return User::getSilentWithValues(null, array('uid' => Get::i('uid'))); }
function handler_panel($page) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/panel.tpl'); if (Get::has('read')) { XDB::execute('UPDATE watch SET last = FROM_UNIXTIME({?}) WHERE uid = {?}', Get::i('read'), S::i('uid')); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); pl_redirect('carnet/panel'); } require_once ''; $page->assign('now', time()); $user = S::user(); $notifs = Watch::getEvents($user, time() - 7 * 86400); $page->assign('notifs', $notifs); $page->assign('today', date('Y-m-d')); $this->_add_rss_link($page); }
/** Check the validity of the current Wats4U SSO request. * * Dispatches the request to the appropriate protocol checker. * * Uses Get:: * * @returns: boolean, whether the current HTTP request is a valid Wats4U request. */ function wats4u_sso_check() { global $globals; $version = Get::s('version'); switch ($version) { case "1.0": if (!Get::has('url') || !Get::has('challenge') || !Get::has('pass') || !Get::has('session')) { return false; } $return_url = Get::s('url'); $challenge = Get::s('challenge'); $pass = Get::s('pass'); $shared_key = $globals->wats4u->shared_key; $valid_return_url_prefix = $globals->wats4u->return_url_prefix; return wats4u_sso_v1_check($return_url, $challenge, $pass, $shared_key, $valid_return_url_prefix); default: return false; } }
function handler_nl_show($page, $nid = 'last') { $page->changeTpl('newsletter/show.tpl'); $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } try { $issue = $nl->getIssue($nid); $user =& S::user(); if (Get::has('text')) { $issue->toText($page, $user); } else { $issue->toHtml($page, $user); } if (Post::has('send')) { $issue->sendTo($user); } } catch (MailNotFound $e) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } }
header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($result)); ob_clean(); flush(); // finally send out our data printf("%s", $result); } // } }} // Javascript replacement if (Get::val('toggleadvanced')) { $advanced_search = intval(!Req::val('advancedsearch')); Flyspray::setCookie('advancedsearch', $advanced_search, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); $_COOKIE['advancedsearch'] = $advanced_search; } // Update check {{{ if (Get::has('hideupdatemsg')) { unset($_SESSION['latest_version']); } else { if ($conf['general']['update_check'] && $user->perms('is_admin') && $fs->prefs['last_update_check'] < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) { if (!isset($_SESSION['latest_version'])) { $latest = Flyspray::remote_request('', GET_CONTENTS); //if for some silly reason we get and empty response, we use the actual version $_SESSION['latest_version'] = empty($latest) ? $fs->version : $latest; $db->Query('UPDATE {prefs} SET pref_value = ? WHERE pref_name = ?', array(time(), 'last_update_check')); } } } if (isset($_SESSION['latest_version']) && version_compare($fs->version, $_SESSION['latest_version'], '<')) { $page->assign('updatemsg', true); } // }}}
/** * @return BaseProcessor */ function BaseProcessor() { if (!Session::has(ACCOUNT_ID)) { $this->SetError(1); } $accountId = Session::val(ACCOUNT_ID); $this->sArray = Session::val(SARRAY, array()); $this->settings =& Settings::CreateInstance(); if (!$this->settings || !$this->settings->isLoad) { $this->SetError(3); } if ($accountId) { if (Get::has(CHANGE_ACCID)) { $oldaccount =& Account::LoadFromDb(Session::val(ACCOUNT_ID, -1)); $accountId = Get::val(CHANGE_ACCID); if (!isset($_SESSION['attachtempdir'])) { $_SESSION['attachtempdir'] = md5(session_id()); } $fs =& new FileSystem(INI_DIR . '/temp', $oldaccount->Email, $oldaccount->Id); $attfolder =& new Folder($oldaccount->Id, -1, $_SESSION['attachtempdir']); $fs->DeleteDir($attfolder); unset($fs, $attfolder); $this->sArray[ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId; $this->account =& Account::LoadFromDb($accountId); if (!$this->account || $this->account->IdUser != $oldaccount->IdUser) { $this->account = null; } else { $_SESSION[ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId; unset($_SESSION[SARRAY]); $this->sArray = array(); } } else { $this->sArray[ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId; $this->account =& Account::LoadFromDb($accountId); } if (!$this->account) { $this->SetError(2); } } else { $this->SetError(1); } if (!isset($this->sArray[ACCOUNT_ID]) || $this->sArray[ACCOUNT_ID] != $accountId) { $this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId; } $this->processor =& new MailProcessor($this->account); if (!$this->processor->DbStorage || !$this->processor->DbStorage->Connect()) { $this->SetError(5); } $this->db =& $this->processor->DbStorage; $this->accounts =& $this->GetAccounts(); $skins =& FileSystem::GetSkinsList(); $hasDefSettingsSkin = false; $normalSkin = false; foreach ($skins as $skinName) { if ($skinName == $this->settings->DefaultSkin) { $hasDefSettingsSkin = true; } if ($skinName == $this->account->DefaultSkin) { $normalSkin = true; break; } } if (!$normalSkin) { $this->account->DefaultSkin = $hasDefSettingsSkin ? $this->settings->DefaultSkin : ($this->account->DefaultSkin = $skins[0]); } $_SESSION[ATTACH_DIR] = Session::val(ATTACH_DIR, md5(session_id())); if (isset($this->sArray[SCREEN])) { $screen = Get::val(SCREEN, $this->sArray[SCREEN]); $this->sArray[SCREEN] = $screen; if ($this->account->AllowChangeSettings == false && ($screen == SET_ACCOUNT_PROF || $screen == SET_ACCOUNT_ADDACC)) { $this->sArray[SCREEN] = SCREEN_MAILBOX; } if (!$this->settings->AllowContacts && $screen == SCREEN_CONTACTS) { $this->sArray[SCREEN] = SCREEN_MAILBOX; } } else { $this->sArray[SCREEN] = Get::val(SCREEN, SCREEN_MAILBOX); } if (isset($this->sArray[FOLDER_ID])) { $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = Get::val(FOLDER_ID, $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID]); } else { $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = Get::val(FOLDER_ID, -1); } if (Get::has(FOLDER_ID) || Get::has(SCREEN)) { if (isset($this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY])) { unset($this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY]); } } if (Session::has(GOTOFOLDER)) { $this->sArray[GOTOFOLDER] = Session::val(GOTOFOLDER, ''); unset($_SESSION[GOTOFOLDER]); } if (isset($this->sArray[PAGE])) { $this->sArray[PAGE] = Get::val(PAGE, $this->sArray[PAGE]); } else { $this->sArray[PAGE] = 1; } if (Get::has(S_GETMODE)) { $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT] = Get::val(S_GETMODE, 'mini') == 'mini' ? Post::val('smallLookFor', '') : Post::val('bigLookFor', ''); if (!empty($this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT])) { $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER] = Post::val('qfolder', -2); $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_MODE] = Post::val('qmmode', 'onlyheaders'); $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER]; $this->sArray[PAGE] = 1; } else { if (Post::val('qfolder', -2) < 1) { $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = -1; } unset($this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY]); $this->sArray[PAGE] = 1; } } if (Get::has(S_GETMODECONTACT)) { $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT] = Get::val(S_GETMODECONTACT, 'mini') == 'mini' ? Post::val('smallLookFor', '') : Post::val('bigLookFor', ''); $this->sArray[CONTACT_ID] = Post::val(CONTACT_ID, -1); $this->sArray[CONTACT_PAGE] = 1; } if (isset($this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER])) { $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER]; } if (isset($this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID])) { $this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID] = Get::val(EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID, $this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID]); } else { $this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId; } if (Get::has(EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID)) { $this->sArray[SCREEN] = $this->sArray[SCREEN] == SET_ACCOUNT_ADDACC ? SET_ACCOUNT_PROF : $this->sArray[SCREEN]; } $this->sArray[CONTACT_PAGE] = isset($this->sArray[CONTACT_PAGE]) ? Get::val(CONTACT_PAGE, $this->sArray[CONTACT_PAGE]) : Get::val(CONTACT_PAGE, 1); $this->sArray[CONTACT_ORD] = isset($this->sArray[CONTACT_ORD]) ? Get::val(CONTACT_ORD, $this->sArray[CONTACT_ORD]) : Get::val(CONTACT_ORD, 0); if (isset($this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD])) { if (Get::val(CONTACT_FLD, $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD]) != $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD]) { $this->sArray[CONTACT_ORD] = 0; } $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD] = Get::val(CONTACT_FLD, $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD]); } else { $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD] = Get::val(CONTACT_FLD, 0); } if (isset($_COOKIE['wm_vert_resizer']) || isset($_COOKIE['wm_horiz_resizer']) || isset($_COOKIE['wm_hide_folders'])) { if (isset($_COOKIE['wm_vert_resizer']) && strlen($_COOKIE['wm_vert_resizer']) > 0) { $this->account->VertResizer = (int) $_COOKIE['wm_vert_resizer']; setcookie('wm_vert_resizer', '0', time() - 24 * 3600); } if (isset($_COOKIE['wm_horiz_resizer']) && strlen($_COOKIE['wm_horiz_resizer']) > 0) { $this->account->HorizResizer = (int) $_COOKIE['wm_horiz_resizer']; setcookie('wm_horiz_resizer', '0', time() - 24 * 3600); } if (isset($_COOKIE['wm_hide_folders']) && strlen($_COOKIE['wm_hide_folders']) > 0) { $this->account->HideFolders = (bool) $_COOKIE['wm_hide_folders']; setcookie('wm_hide_folders', '0', time() - 24 * 3600); } $this->account->Update(); } $this->FillData(); $this->UpdateSession(); }
/** * @param PageBuilder $pageBuilder * @return ContactsPanel */ function CNewMessagePanel(&$pagebuilder) { $this->Type = Post::val('mtype', 'mes'); $this->To = ''; $this->_pagebuilder =& $pagebuilder; $this->_proc =& $pagebuilder->_proc; $this->From = $this->_getFromEmail(); $this->_pagebuilder->_top->AddOnResize('ResizeElements(\'all\');'); if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) { $editorResize = 'HTMLEditor.Resize(width - 1, height - 2);'; $editorReplace = 'HTMLEditor.Replace();'; } else { $editorResize = ' = (height - 1) + "px"; = (width - 2) + "px"; '; $editorReplace = ''; } $this->inputs = ''; $contacts = null; if (Post::has('contacts') && is_array(Post::val('contacts'))) { $contactsArray = array_keys(Post::val('contacts')); $contacts =& $this->_proc->db->LoadContactsById($contactsArray); } if (Post::has('groupid')) { $group =& $this->_proc->db->SelectGroupById(Post::val('groupid', -1)); $contacts =& $this->_proc->db->SelectAddressGroupContacts(Post::val('groupid', -1)); } if ($contacts) { foreach ($contacts->Instance() as $contact) { if (!$contact->Email) { continue; } $this->To .= $contact->Name ? '"' . $contact->Name . '" <' . $contact->Email . '>, ' : $contact->Email . ','; } $this->To = trim(trim($this->To), ','); } if (Post::has('mailto')) { $this->To = Post::val('mailto', ''); } if (Get::has('to')) { $this->To = (string) trim(Get::val('to', '')); } $message = null; $isHtml = $this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor; $this->attacmentsHtml = ''; $this->_pagebuilder->AddJSText(' var bcc, bcc_mode, bcc_mode_switcher; var plainCont = null; var plainEditor = null; var HTMLEditor = null; var EditAreaUrl = "edit-area.php"; var prevWidth = 0; var prevHeight = 0; var rowIndex = 0; function ResizeElements(mode) { var width = GetWidth(); if (width < 684) width = 684; width = width - 40; var height = Math.ceil(width/3); if (prevWidth != width && prevHeight != height) { prevWidth = width; prevHeight = height; if (plainCont != null) { = height + "px"; = width + "px"; ' . $editorResize . ' } } } function WriteEmails(str, field) { var mailInput; if (field == 2) { mailInput = document.getElementById("toCC"); } else if (field == 3) { mailInput = document.getElementById("toBCC"); } else { mailInput = document.getElementById("toemail"); } if (mailInput) { mailInput.value = (mailInput.value == "") ? str : mailInput.value + ", " + str; mailInput.focus(); } } function LoadAttachmentHandler(attachObj) { var attachtable = document.getElementById("attachmentTable"); if (attachObj) { var imageLink = GetFileParams(attachObj.FileName); var tr = attachtable.insertRow(rowIndex++); = "tr_" + attachObj.TempName; var td = tr.insertCell(0); td.className = "wm_attachment"; var innerHtml = \'<img src="./images/icons/\' + imageLink.image + \'" />\'; innerHtml += \'<input type="hidden" name="attachments[\' + attachObj.TempName + \']" value="\' + attachObj.FileName + \'">\'; innerHtml += HtmlEncode(attachObj.FileName) + \' (\' + GetFriendlySize(attachObj.Size) + \') <a href="#" id="\' + attachObj.TempName + \'" onclick="return DeleteAttach(;">' . JS_LANG_Delete . '</a>\'; td.innerHTML = innerHtml; } } function ChangeBCCMode() { if (bcc_mode == "hide") { bcc_mode = "show"; bcc.className = ""; bcc_mode_switcher.innerHTML = Lang.HideBCC; } else { bcc_mode = "hide"; bcc.className = "wm_hide"; bcc_mode_switcher.innerHTML = Lang.ShowBCC; } ' . $editorReplace . ' return false; } function UpdateIdUid(id, uid) { var idf = document.getElementById("m_id"); var uidf = document.getElementById("m_uid"); if (idf && uidf) { idf.value = id; uidf.value = uid; } } var Rep_m, Err_m; var hiddensaveiframe; var pop3Pr = ' . ($pagebuilder->_proc->account->MailProtocol == MAILPROTOCOL_POP3 ? 'true' : 'false') . '; function DoSaveButton() { if (pop3Pr) { if (!hiddensaveiframe) { hiddensaveiframe = CreateChildWithAttrs(document.body, "iframe", [["name", "hiddensaveiframe"], ["class", "wm_hide"]]); } } var form = document.getElementById("messageForm"); form.action = "' . ACTIONFILE . '?action=save&req=message"; = (pop3Pr) ? "hiddensaveiframe" : ""; if (submitSaveMessage()) { form.submit(); } } function DoSendButton() { var toemail = document.getElementById("toemail"); var ccemail = document.getElementById("toCC"); var bccemail = document.getElementById("toBCC"); var subject = document.getElementById("subject"); var mailIsCorrect = false; if ((toemail && toemail.value.length > 3) || (ccemail && ccemail.value.length > 3) || (bccemail && bccemail.value.length > 3)) { mailIsCorrect = true; } if (mailIsCorrect) { if (subject && subject.value.length < 1 && !confirm(Lang.ConfirmEmptySubject)) { return false; } var form = document.getElementById("messageForm"); form.action = "' . ACTIONFILE . '?action=send&req=message"; = ""; if (submitSaveMessage()) { form.submit(); } } else { alert(Lang.WarningToBlank); } } function DeleteAttach(idline) { var trtable = document.getElementById("tr_" + idline); if (trtable) { trtable.className = "wm_hide"; CleanNode(trtable); } return false; } function ShowPictures() { var showPictureTable = document.getElementById("showpicturestable"); if (HTMLEditor) { var temp = HTMLEditor.GetText().ReplaceStr("wmx_src", "src"); temp = temp.ReplaceStr("wmx_background", "background"); HTMLEditor.SetHtml(temp); if (showPictureTable) { showPictureTable.className = "wm_hide"; } HTMLEditor.Replace(); } } '); $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText(' bcc_mode = "hide"; bcc = document.getElementById("bcc"); bcc_mode_switcher = document.getElementById("bcc_mode_switcher"); plainEditor = document.getElementById("editor_area"); plainCont = document.getElementById("editor_cont"); Rep_m = new CReport("Rep_m"); Rep_m.Build(); Err_m = new CError("Err_m", "' . ConvertUtils::ClearJavaScriptString($this->_pagebuilder->SkinName(), '"') . '"); Err_m.Build(); '); $m_id = -1; $m_uid = ''; if (Post::has('m_id')) { $mes_id = Post::val('m_id'); $mes_uid = Post::val('m_uid'); $folder_id = Post::val('f_id'); $folder_name = Post::val('f_name'); $folder_name = 'defaultname'; $mes_charset = Post::val('charset', -1); $message = new GetMessageBase($this->_proc->account, $mes_id, $mes_uid, $folder_id, $folder_name, $mes_charset); $m_id = (int) $mes_id; $m_uid = $mes_uid; } $this->inputs = '<input type="hidden" id="m_id" name="m_id" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($m_id) . '"><input type="hidden" id="m_uid" name="m_uid" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($m_uid) . '">'; $withSignature = false; switch ($this->_proc->account->SignatureOptions) { case SIGNATURE_OPTION_AddToAll: $withSignature = true; break; case SIGNATURE_OPTION_AddToNewOnly: $withSignature = $this->Type == 'mes'; break; default: case SIGNATURE_OPTION_DontAdd: $withSignature = false; break; } if ($message) { if ($this->Type != 'forward' && $this->Type != 'reply' && $this->Type != 'replytoall') { $withSignature = false; } $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText('SetPriority(' . $message->msg->GetPriorityStatus() . ');'); switch ($this->Type) { default: $this->To = $message->PrintTo(true); $this->CC = $message->PrintCC(true); $this->BCC = ''; $this->Subject = $message->PrintSubject(true); break; case 'forward': $this->To = ''; $this->CC = ''; $this->BCC = ''; $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Fwd . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true); break; case 'reply': $replyto = trim($message->PrintReplyTo(true)); $this->To = strlen($replyto) > 0 ? $replyto : $message->PrintFrom(true); $this->CC = ''; $this->BCC = ''; $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Re . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true); break; case 'replytoall': $emailCollection =& $message->msg->GetAllRecipients(false, true); $temp = ''; if ($emailCollection) { foreach ($emailCollection->Instance() as $value) { $email =& $value; if ($email->Email != $this->_proc->account->Email) { $temp .= $email->Email . ', '; } } } $this->To = trim(trim($temp), ','); $this->CC = ''; $this->BCC = ''; $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Re . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true); break; } if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) { switch ($this->Type) { case 'forward': case 'reply': case 'replytoall': if ($message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG || $message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_WITHOUT_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG) { $isHtml = true; $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetRelpyAsHtml(true)); if (isset($GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) && $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) { $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG] = false; $this->isSafety = false; } } else { $isHtml = true; $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetRelpyAsHtml(true)); } break; default: if ($message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG || $message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_WITHOUT_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG) { if ($message->msg->HasHtmlText()) { $isHtml = true; $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetCensoredHtmlWithImageLinks(true)); if (isset($GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) && $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) { $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG] = false; $this->isSafety = false; } } elseif ($message->msg->HasPlainText()) { $isHtml = false; $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true); } } else { if ($message->msg->HasHtmlText()) { $isHtml = true; $this->Body = $message->msg->GetCensoredHtmlWithImageLinks(true); } elseif ($message->msg->HasPlainText()) { $isHtml = false; $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true); } } break; } } else { $isHtml = false; switch ($this->Type) { case 'forward': case 'reply': case 'replytoall': $this->Body = $message->msg->GetRelpyAsPlain(true); break; default: $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true); break; } } if ($message->HasAttachments() && $this->Type != 'reply' && $this->Type != 'replytoall') { $attachments =& $message->msg->Attachments; if ($attachments != null && $attachments->Count() > 0) { foreach (array_keys($attachments->Instance()) as $key) { $attachment =& $attachments->Get($key); $tempname = $message->msg->IdMsg . '-' . $key . '_' . $attachment->GetTempName(); //$filename = ConvertUtils::ConvertEncoding($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime(), $GLOBALS[MailInputCharset], $message->account->GetUserCharset()); $filename = ConvertUtils::WMHtmlSpecialChars($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime()); $filesize = GetFriendlySize(strlen($attachment->MimePart->GetBinaryBody())); $fs =& new FileSystem(INI_DIR . '/temp', $message->account->Email, $message->account->Id); $attfolder =& new Folder($message->account->Id, -1, Session::val('attachtempdir', md5(session_id()))); $fs->SaveAttach($attachment, $attfolder, $tempname); $this->attacmentsHtml .= ' <tr id="tr_' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . '"><td class="wm_attachment"><img src="./images/icons/' . GetAttachImg($filename) . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="attachments[' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . ']" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($filename) . '"> ' . $filename . ' (' . $filesize . ') <a href="#" id="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . '" onClick="return DeleteAttach(;">' . JS_LANG_Delete . '</a></td></tr>'; } } } } else { $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText('SetPriority(3);'); } $signature = ''; if ($withSignature) { if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) { $signature = $this->_proc->account->SignatureType == 0 ? nl2br($this->_proc->account->Signature) : $this->_proc->account->Signature; $signature = $isHtml ? $signature : strip_tags(nl2br($signature)); } else { $signature = $this->_proc->account->SignatureType == 0 ? strip_tags($this->_proc->account->Signature) : strip_tags($this->_proc->account->Signature); } } $this->Body = $signature . $this->Body; if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) { $this->_pagebuilder->AddJSFile('class.html-editor.js'); $setText = $isHtml ? 'HTMLEditor.SetHtml(mess);' : 'HTMLEditor.SetText(mess);'; $this->_pagebuilder->AddJSText(' function submitSaveMessage() { var hiddenkey = document.getElementById("ishtml"); if (HTMLEditor._htmlMode) { plainEditor.value = HTMLEditor.GetText(); hiddenkey.value = "1"; } else { hiddenkey.value = "0"; } if (bcc_mode == "hide") { document.getElementById("toBCC").value = ""; } return true; } function EditAreaLoadHandler() { HTMLEditor.LoadEditArea(); } function CreateLinkHandler(url) { HTMLEditor.CreateLinkFromWindow(url); } function DesignModeOnHandler(rer) { HTMLEditor.Show(); var mess = "' . ConvertUtils::ReBuildStringToJavaScript($this->Body, '"') . '"; if (mess.length == 0) { mess = "<br />"; } ' . $setText . ' } '); $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText(' HTMLEditor = new CHtmlEditorField(true); HTMLEditor.SetPlainEditor(plainEditor, document.getElementById("mode_switcher")); HTMLEditor.Show();'); } else { $this->_pagebuilder->AddJSText(' function submitSaveMessage() { var hiddenkey = document.getElementById("ishtml"); hiddenkey.value = "0"; if (bcc_mode == "hide") { document.getElementById("toBCC").value = ""; } return true; } '); } }
foreach ($modes as $mode) { require_once BASEDIR . '/scripts/' . $mode . '.php'; } $do = Req::val('do'); // Any "do" mode that accepts a task_id or id field should be added here. if (Req::num('task_id')) { $project_id = $db->x->GetOne('SELECT project_id FROM {tasks} WHERE task_id = ?', null, Req::num('task_id')); $do = Filters::enum($do, array('details', 'depends', 'editcomment')); } else { if ($do == 'admin' && Get::has('switch') && Get::val('project') != '0') { $do = 'pm'; } elseif ($do == 'pm' && Get::has('switch') && Get::val('project') == '0') { $do = 'admin'; } elseif (Get::has('switch') && $do == 'details') { $do = 'index'; } if ($do && class_exists('FlysprayDo' . ucfirst($do)) && !call_user_func(array('FlysprayDo' . ucfirst($do), 'is_projectlevel'))) { $project_id = 0; } } if (!isset($project_id)) { // Determine which project we want to see if (($project_id = Cookie::val('flyspray_project')) == '') { $project_id = $fs->prefs['default_project']; } $project_id = Req::val('project', Req::val('project_id', $project_id)); } $proj = new Project($project_id); // reset do for default project level entry page
function handler_index($page, $action = null) { require_once ''; require_once ''; $page->changeTpl('googleapps/index.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Compte Google Apps'); $user = S::user(); $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($user); // Fills up the 'is Google Apps redirection active' variable. $redirect_active = false; $redirect_unique = true; $gapps_email = ''; if ($account->active()) { $redirect = new Redirect($user); foreach ($redirect->emails as $email) { if ($email->type == 'googleapps') { $gapps_email = $email->email; $redirect_active = $email->active; $redirect_unique = !$redirect->other_active($email->email); } } } $page->assign('redirect_active', $redirect_active); $page->assign('redirect_unique', $redirect_unique); // Updates the Google Apps account as required. if ($action) { if ($action == 'password' && Post::has('pwsync')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (Post::v('pwsync') == 'sync') { $account->set_password_sync(true); $account->set_password($user->password()); } else { $account->set_password_sync(false); } } elseif ($action == 'password' && Post::has('pwhash') && Post::t('pwhash') && !$account->sync_password) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $account->set_password(Post::t('pwhash')); } if ($action == 'suspend' && Post::has('suspend') && $account->active()) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if ($account->pending_update_suspension) { $page->trigWarning("Ton compte est déjà en cours de désactivation."); } else { if (!$redirect_active || $redirect->modify_one_email($gapps_email, false) == SUCCESS) { $account->suspend(); $page->trigSuccess("Ton compte Google Apps est dorénavant désactivé."); } else { $page->trigError("Ton compte Google Apps est ta seule adresse de redirection. Ton compte ne peux pas être désactivé."); } } } elseif ($action == 'unsuspend' && Post::has('unsuspend') && $account->suspended()) { $account->unsuspend(Post::b('redirect_mails', true)); $page->trigSuccess("Ta demande de réactivation a bien été prise en compte."); } if ($action == 'create') { $page->assign('has_password_sync', Get::has('password_sync')); $page->assign('password_sync', Get::b('password_sync', true)); } if ($action == 'create' && Post::has('password_sync') && Post::has('redirect_mails')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $password_sync = Post::b('password_sync'); $redirect_mails = Post::b('redirect_mails'); if ($password_sync) { $password = $user->password(); } else { $password = Post::t('pwhash'); } $account->create($password_sync, $password, $redirect_mails); $page->trigSuccess("La demande de création de ton compte Google Apps a bien été enregistrée."); } } $page->assign('account', $account); }
function val($key, $default = null) { return Get::has($key) ? $_GET[$key] : $default; }
function handler_register($page, $hash = null) { $page->forceSkin('register'); $alert = array(); $alert_details = ''; $subState = new PlDict(S::v('subState', array())); if (!$subState->has('step')) { $subState->set('step', 0); } if (!$subState->has('backs')) { $subState->set('backs', new PlDict()); } if (Get::has('back') && Get::i('back') < $subState->i('step')) { $subState->set('step', max(0, Get::i('back'))); $subState->v('backs')->set($subState->v('backs')->count() + 1, $subState->dict()); $subState->v('backs')->kill('backs'); if ($subState->v('backs')->count() == 3) { $alert[] = "Tentative d'inscription très hésitante"; $alert_details .= "\n * Retours en arrières : 3."; } } if ($hash) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT a.uid, a.hruid, ppn.lastname_initial AS lastname, ppn.firstname_initial AS firstname, p.xorg_id AS xorgid,\n, pe.promo_year AS yearpromo, AS edu_type,\n p.birthdate_ref AS birthdateRef, FIND_IN_SET('watch', a.flags) AS watch, m.hash, a.type, a.comment\n FROM register_marketing AS m\n INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (m.uid = a.uid)\n INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (a.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))\n INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON ( = AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags))\n INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pde ON ( = pe.degreeid)\n INNER JOIN profile_public_names AS ppn ON ( =\n WHERE m.hash = {?} AND a.state = 'pending'", $hash); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { $subState->merge($res->fetchOneRow()); $subState->set('main_mail_domain', User::$sub_mail_domains[$subState->v('type')]); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO register_mstats (uid, sender, success) SELECT m.uid, m.sender, 0 FROM register_marketing AS m WHERE m.hash ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sender = VALUES(sender), success = VALUES(success)', $subState->s('hash')); } } switch ($subState->i('step')) { case 0: $wp = new PlWikiPage('Reference.Charte'); $wp->buildCache(); if (Post::has('step1')) { $subState->set('step', 1); if ($subState->has('hash')) { $subState->set('step', 3); $this->load(''); createAliases($subState); } } break; case 1: if (Post::has('yearpromo')) { $edu_type = Post::t('edu_type'); $yearpromo = Post::i('yearpromo'); $promo = Profile::$cycle_prefixes[$edu_type] . $yearpromo; $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*)\n FROM accounts AS a\n INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (a.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))\n INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON ( = AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags))\n WHERE a.state = 'pending' AND p.deathdate IS NULL AND pe.promo_year = {?}", $yearpromo); if (!$res->fetchOneCell()) { $error = 'La promotion saisie est incorrecte ou tous les camarades de cette promotion sont inscrits !'; } else { $subState->set('step', 2); $subState->set('promo', $promo); $subState->set('yearpromo', $yearpromo); $subState->set('edu_type', $edu_type); if ($edu_type == Profile::DEGREE_X) { if ($yearpromo >= 1996 && $yearpromo < 2000) { $subState->set('schoolid', $yearpromo % 100 * 10 . '???'); $subState->set('schoolid_exemple', $yearpromo % 100 * 10000 + 532); $subState->set('schoolid_exemple_ev2', ($yearpromo + 1) % 100 * 10000 + 532); } elseif ($yearpromo >= 2000) { $subState->set('schoolid', 100 + $yearpromo % 100 . '???'); $subState->set('schoolid_exemple', (100 + $yearpromo % 100) * 1000 + 532); $subState->set('schoolid_exemple_ev2', (100 + ($yearpromo + 1) % 100) * 1000 + 532); } } } } break; case 2: if (count($_POST)) { $this->load(''); $subState->set('firstname', Post::t('firstname')); $subState->set('lastname', Post::t('lastname')); if (Post::has('schoolid')) { $subState->set('schoolid', Post::i('schoolid')); } $error = checkNewUser($subState); if ($error !== true) { break; } $error = createAliases($subState); if ($error === true) { unset($error); $subState->set('step', 3); } } break; case 3: if (count($_POST)) { $this->load(''); // Validate the email address format and domain. require_once ''; $user = User::get($subState->s('uid')); if (!isvalid_email(Post::v('email'))) { $error[] = "Le champ 'Email' n'est pas valide."; } elseif (!isvalid_email_redirection(Post::v('email'), $user)) { $error[] = $subState->s('forlife') . ' doit renvoyer vers un email existant ' . 'valide, en particulier, il ne peut pas être renvoyé vers lui-même.'; } // Validate the birthday format and range. $birth = Post::t('birthdate'); if (!preg_match('@^[0-3]?\\d/[01]?\\d/(19|20)?\\d{2}$@', $birth)) { $error[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte."; } else { $birth = explode('/', $birth, 3); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) { $birth[$i] = intval($birth[$i]); } if ($birth[2] < 100) { $birth[2] += 1900; } $year = $birth[2]; $ref_year = substr($subState->v('birthdateRef'), 0, 4); if (abs($ref_year - $year) > 2) { $error[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte."; $alert[] = "Date de naissance incorrecte à l'inscription"; $alert_details .= "\n * Date de naissance renseignée : " . Post::t('birthdate'); if ($subState->v('birthdateRef') == '0000-00-00') { $alert_details .= ' (date inconnue)'; } else { $alert_details .= ' (date connue : ' . $subState->v('birthdateRef') . ')'; } $subState->set('wrong_birthdate', $birth); } } // Register the optional services requested by the user. $services = array(); foreach (array('com_letters', 'imap', 'ml_promo', 'nl') as $service) { if (Post::b($service)) { $services[] = $service; } } $subState->set('services', $services); // Validate the password. if (!Post::v('pwhash', false)) { $error[] = "Le mot de passe n'est pas valide."; } // Check if the given email is known as dangerous. $res = XDB::query("SELECT state, description\n FROM email_watch\n WHERE email = {?} AND state != 'safe'", Post::v('email')); $bannedEmail = false; if ($res->numRows()) { list($state, $description) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $alert[] = "Email surveillé proposé à l'inscription"; $alert_details .= "\n * Email surveillé : " . Post::v('email'); $subState->set('email_desc', $description); if ($state == 'dangerous') { $bannedEmail = true; } } if ($subState->i('watch') != 0) { $alert[] = "Inscription d'un utilisateur surveillé"; $alert_details .= "\n * Commentaire pour la surveillance : " . $subState->v('comment'); } if ($bannedIp = check_ip('unsafe')) { unset($error); } if (isset($error)) { $error = join('<br />', $error); } else { $subState->set('birthdate', sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", intval($birth[2]), intval($birth[1]), intval($birth[0]))); $subState->set('email', Post::t('email')); $subState->set('password', Post::t('pwhash')); // Update the current alert if the birthdate is incorrect, // or if the IP address of the user has been banned. if ($subState->s('birthdateRef') != '0000-00-00' && $subState->s('birthdateRef') != $subState->s('birthdate')) { $alert[] = "Date de naissance incorrecte à l'inscription"; $alert_details .= "\n * Date de naissance renseignée : " . Post::t('birthdate'); if ($subState->v('birthdateRef') == '0000-00-00') { $alert_details .= ' (date inconnue)'; } else { $alert_details .= ' (date connue : ' . $subState->v('birthdateRef') . ')'; } } if ($bannedIp) { $alert[] = "Tentative d'inscription depuis une IP surveillée"; $alert_details .= "\n * IP surveillée : " . $_SESSION['check_ip']; } // Prevent banned user from actually registering; save the current state for others. if ($bannedEmail || $bannedIp) { global $globals; $error = "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'inscription." . " Merci de contacter <a href='mailto:register@{$globals->mail->domain}>" . " register@{$globals->mail->domain}</a>" . " pour nous faire part de cette erreur."; } else { $subState->set('step', 4); if ($subState->v('backs')->count() >= 3) { $alert[] = "Fin d'une inscription hésitante"; $alert_details .= "\n * Nombre de retours en arrière : " . $subState->v('backs')->count(); } finishRegistration($subState); } } } break; } $_SESSION['subState'] = $subState->dict(); if (count($alert)) { $alert_details = "Détails des alertes :" . $alert_details . "\n\n"; $alert_details .= 'Compte concerné : ' . $subState->s('forlife') . ' (redirection vers : ' . ($subState->s('email') == '' ? Post::t('email') : $subState->s('email')) . ")\n\n\n"; send_warning_mail(implode(' - ', $alert), $alert_details); } $page->changeTpl('register/step' . $subState->i('step') . '.tpl'); if (isset($error)) { $page->trigError($error); } }
} return new League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Vkontakte(array('clientId' => $conf['oauth']['vkontakte_id'], 'clientSecret' => $conf['oauth']['vkontakte_secret'], 'redirectUri' => $conf['oauth']['vkontakte_redirect'])); }); if (!isset($_SESSION['return_to'])) { $_SESSION['return_to'] = base64_decode(Get::val('return_to', '')); $_SESSION['return_to'] = $_SESSION['return_to'] ?: $baseurl; } $provider = isset($_SESSION['oauth_provider']) ? $_SESSION['oauth_provider'] : 'none'; $provider = strtolower(Get::val('provider', $provider)); unset($_SESSION['oauth_provider']); $active_oauths = explode(' ', $fs->prefs['active_oauths']); if (!in_array($provider, $active_oauths)) { Flyspray::show_error(26); } $obj = $providers[$provider](); if (!Get::has('code') && !Post::has('username')) { // get authorization code header('Location: ' . $obj->getAuthorizationUrl()); exit; } if (isset($_SESSION['oauth_token'])) { $token = unserialize($_SESSION['oauth_token']); unset($_SESSION['oauth_token']); } else { // Try to get an access token try { $token = $obj->getAccessToken('authorization_code', array('code' => $_GET['code'])); } catch (\League\OAuth2\Client\Exception\IDPException $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } }
function handler_xnet_payment($page, $pid = null) { global $globals; $perms = S::v('perms'); if (is_null($pid)) { if (!(S::identified() && $perms->hasFlag('groupadmin'))) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } } else { if (!(S::identified() && $perms->hasFlag('groupmember'))) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT 1\n FROM group_events AS e\n INNER JOIN group_event_participants AS ep ON (ep.eid = e.eid AND ep.uid = {?})\n WHERE e.paiement_id = {?} AND e.asso_id = {?}", S::i('uid'), $pid, $globals->asso('id')); $public = XDB::query("SELECT 1\n FROM payments AS p\n INNER JOIN group_events AS g ON (g.paiement_id =\n WHERE g.asso_id = {?} AND = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET('public', p.flags)", $globals->asso('id'), $pid); if ($res->numRows() == 0 && $public->numRows() == 0) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } } } if (!is_null($pid)) { return $this->handler_payment($page, $pid); } $page->changeTpl('payment/xnet.tpl'); $res = XDB::query("SELECT id, text, url\n FROM payments\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('old', flags)\n ORDER BY id DESC", $globals->asso('id')); $tit = $res->fetchAllAssoc(); $page->assign('titles', $tit); $trans = array(); $event = array(); if (may_update()) { static $orders = array('ts_confirmed' => 'p', 'directory_name' => 'a', 'promo' => 'pd', 'comment' => 'p', 'amount' => 'p'); if (Get::has('order_id') && Get::has('order') && array_key_exists(Get::v('order'), $orders)) { $order_id = Get::i('order_id'); $order = Get::v('order'); $ordering = ' ORDER BY ' . $orders[$order] . '.' . $order; if (Get::has('order_inv') && Get::i('order_inv') == 1) { $ordering .= ' DESC'; $page->assign('order_inv', 0); } else { $page->assign('order_inv', 1); } $page->assign('order_id', $order_id); $page->assign('order', $order); $page->assign('anchor', 'legend_' . $order_id); } else { $order_id = false; $ordering = ''; $page->assign('order', false); } } else { $ordering = ''; $page->assign('order', false); } foreach ($tit as $foo) { $pid = $foo['id']; if (may_update()) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT p.uid, IF(p.ts_confirmed = \'0000-00-00\', 0, p.ts_confirmed) AS date, p.comment, p.amount FROM payment_transactions AS p INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.uid = p.uid) LEFT JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = p.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) LEFT JOIN profile_display AS pd ON ( = WHERE p.ref = {?}' . ($order_id == $pid ? $ordering : ''), $pid); $trans[$pid] = User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs($res->fetchAllAssoc(), 'uid', 'user'); $sum = 0; foreach ($trans[$pid] as $i => $t) { $sum += $t['amount']; $trans[$pid][$i]['amount'] = $t['amount']; } $trans[$pid][] = array('limit' => true, 'amount' => $sum); } $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT e.eid, e.short_name, e.intitule, ep.nb, ei.montant, ep.paid\n FROM group_events AS e\n LEFT JOIN group_event_participants AS ep ON (ep.eid = e.eid AND ep.uid = {?})\n INNER JOIN group_event_items AS ei ON (ep.eid = ei.eid AND ep.item_id = ei.item_id)\n WHERE e.paiement_id = {?}", S::v('uid'), $pid); $event[$pid] = array(); $event[$pid]['paid'] = 0; if ($res->total()) { $event[$pid]['topay'] = 0; while (list($eid, $shortname, $title, $nb, $montant, $paid) = $res->next()) { $event[$pid]['topay'] += $nb * $montant; $event[$pid]['eid'] = $eid; $event[$pid]['shortname'] = $shortname; $event[$pid]['title'] = $title; $event[$pid]['ins'] = !is_null($nb); $event[$pid]['paid'] = $paid; } } $res = XDB::query('SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum_amount FROM payment_transactions WHERE ref = {?} AND uid = {?}', $pid, S::v('uid')); $event[$pid]['paid'] = $res->fetchOneCell(); } $page->register_modifier('decode_comment', 'decode_comment'); $page->assign('trans', $trans); $page->assign('event', $event); }
function handler_exit($page, $level = null) { if (S::suid()) { $old = S::user()->login(); S::logger()->log('suid_stop', $old . " by " . S::suid('hruid')); Platal::session()->stopSUID(); $target = S::s('suid_startpage'); S::kill('suid_startpage'); if (!empty($target)) { http_redirect($target); } pl_redirect('admin/user/' . $old); } if ($level == 'forget' || $level == 'forgetall') { Platal::session()->killAccessCookie(); } if ($level == 'forgetuid' || $level == 'forgetall') { Platal::session()->killLoginFormCookies(); } if (S::logged()) { S::logger()->log('deconnexion', @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); Platal::session()->destroy(); } if (Get::has('redirect')) { http_redirect(rawurldecode(Get::v('redirect'))); } else { $page->changeTpl('platal/exit.tpl'); } }
<?php /* This script is the AJAX callback that performs a search for users, and returns true if the user_name is not given. */ define('IN_FS', true); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); require_once '../../header.php'; $baseurl = dirname(dirname($baseurl)) . '/'; if (Get::has('name')) { $searchterm = strtolower(Get::val('name')); } // Get the list of users from the global groups above $get_users = $db->x->getRow(' SELECT count(u.user_name) AS anz_u_user, count(r.user_name) AS anz_r_user FROM {users} u LEFT JOIN {registrations} r ON u.user_name = r.user_name WHERE Lower(u.user_name) = ? OR Lower(r.user_name) = ?', null, array($searchterm, $searchterm)); if ($get_users) { if ($get_users['anz_u_user'] > '0' || $get_users['anz_r_user'] > '0') { $html = 'false|' . eL('usernametaken'); } else { $html = 'true'; } } echo $html;
function handler_aaliases($page, $alias = null) { global $globals; require_once ''; $page->setTitle('Administration - Aliases'); if (Post::has('new_alias')) { pl_redirect('admin/aliases/' . Post::t('new_alias') . '@' . $globals->mail->domain); } // If no alias, list them all. if (is_null($alias)) { $page->changeTpl('lists/admin_aliases.tpl'); $page->assign('aliases', array_merge(iterate_list_alias($globals->mail->domain), iterate_list_alias($globals->mail->domain2))); return; } list($local_part, $domain) = explode('@', $alias); if (!($globals->mail->domain == $domain || $globals->mail->domain2 == $domain) || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]*\$/", $local_part)) { $page->trigErrorRedirect('Le nom de l\'alias est erroné.', $globals->asso('diminutif') . 'admin/aliases'); } // Now we can perform the action. if (Post::has('del_alias')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); delete_list_alias($local_part, $domain); $page->trigSuccessRedirect($alias . ' supprimé.', 'admin/aliases'); } if (Post::has('add_member')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (add_to_list_alias(Post::t('add_member'), $local_part, $domain)) { $page->trigSuccess('Ajout réussit.'); } else { $page->trigError('Ajout infructueux.'); } } if (Get::has('del_member')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (delete_from_list_alias(Get::t('del_member'), $local_part, $domain)) { $page->trigSuccess('Suppression réussie.'); } else { $page->trigError('Suppression infructueuse.'); } } $page->changeTpl('lists/admin_edit_alias.tpl'); $page->assign('members', list_alias_members($local_part, $domain)); $page->assign('alias', $alias); }
//PROJECT GRAPH if (Get::has('project_id') && Get::val('graph', 'project') == 'project') { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $thirtyone_days = date('U', strtotime("-31 day", strtotime($today))); $sixtyone_days = date('U', strtotime("-61 day", strtotime($today))); //look 30 + days and if found scale $projectCheck = Project::getActivityProjectCount($sixtyone_days, $thirtyone_days, Get::num('project_id')); if ($projectCheck > 0) { $data = Project::getDayActivityByProject($sixtyone_days, date('U', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))), Get::num('project_id')); } else { $data = Project::getDayActivityByProject($thirtyone_days, date('U', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))), Get::num('project_id')); } $data = implode(',', $data); //User Graph } else { if (Get::has('user_id') && Get::has('project_id') && Get::val('graph') == 'user') { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $thirtyone_days = date('U', strtotime("-31 day", strtotime($today))); $sixtyone_days = date('U', strtotime("-61 day", strtotime($today))); //look 30 + days and if found scale $projectCheck = Project::getActivityProjectCount($sixtyone_days, $thirtyone_days, Get::num('project_id')); if ($projectCheck > 0) { $data = User::getDayActivityByUser($sixtyone_days, date('U', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))), Get::num('project_id'), Get::num('user_id')); } else { $data = User::getDayActivityByUser($thirtyone_days, date('U', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))), Get::num('project_id'), Get::num('user_id')); } $data = implode(',', $data); } else { $data = ''; } }
function handler_lists($page, $order_by = null, $order = null) { require_once ''; if (!$this->get_lists_domain()) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $page->changeTpl('xnetlists/index.tpl'); if (Get::has('del')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $mlist = $this->prepare_list(Get::v('del')); $mlist->unsubscribe(); pl_redirect('lists'); } if (Get::has('add')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $mlist = $this->prepare_list(Get::v('add')); $mlist->subscribe(); pl_redirect('lists'); } if (Post::has('del_alias') && may_update()) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $alias = Post::t('del_alias'); list($local_part, ) = explode('@', $alias); delete_list_alias($local_part, $this->get_lists_domain()); $page->trigSuccess($alias . ' supprimé !'); } $client = $this->prepare_client(); $listes = $client->get_lists(); // Default ordering is by ascending names. if (is_null($order_by) || is_null($order) || !in_array($order_by, array('list', 'desc', 'nbsub')) || !in_array($order, array('asc', 'desc'))) { $order_by = 'list'; $order = 'asc'; } $compare = function ($a, $b) use($order_by, $order) { switch ($order_by) { case 'desc': $a[$order_by] = replace_accent($a[$order_by]); $b[$order_by] = replace_accent($b[$order_by]); case 'list': $res = strcasecmp($a[$order_by], $b[$order_by]); break; case 'nbsub': $res = $a[$order_by] - $b[$order_by]; break; default: $res = 0; } if ($order == 'asc') { return $res; } return $res * -1; }; usort($listes, $compare); $page->assign('listes', $listes); $page->assign('order_by', $order_by); $page->assign('order', $order); $page->assign('aliases', iterate_list_alias($this->get_lists_domain())); $page->assign('may_update', may_update()); if (S::suid()) { $page->trigWarning("Attention : l'affichage des listes de diffusion ne tient pas compte de l'option « Voir le site comme… »."); } global $globals; if (count($listes) > 0 && !$globals->asso('has_ml')) { XDB::execute("UPDATE groups\n SET flags = CONCAT_WS(',', IF(flags = '', NULL, flags), 'has_ml')\n WHERE id = {?}", $globals->asso('id')); } }