inSection() public static method

Returns whether or not the page is in the current section.
public static inSection ( string | array $Section )
$Section string | array
  * Returns whether or not the page is in one of the given section(s).
  * @param string|array $Section
  * @return bool
  * @since 2.1
 function inSection($Section)
     return Gdn_Theme::inSection($Section);
  * Placed these components everywhere due to some Web sites loading the
  * editor in some areas where the values were not yet injected into HTML.
 public function base_render_before($Sender)
     // Don't render any assets for editor if it's embedded. This effectively
     // disables the editor from embedded comments. Some HTML is still
     // inserted, because of the BeforeBodyBox handler, which does not contain any data relating to embedded content.
     if ($this->isEmbeddedComment($Sender)) {
         return false;
     $c = Gdn::controller();
     // If user wants to modify styling of Wysiwyg content in editor,
     // they can override the styles with this file.
     $CssInfo = AssetModel::cssPath('wysiwyg.css', 'plugins/editor');
     if ($CssInfo) {
         $CssPath = asset($CssInfo[1]);
     // Load JavaScript used by every editor view.
     $c->addJsFile('editor.js', 'plugins/editor');
     if (Gdn_Theme::inSection('Dashboard')) {
         // Add some JS and CSS to blur out option when Wysiwyg not chosen.
         $c->addJsFile('settings.js', 'plugins/editor');
         $c->addCssFile('settings.css', 'plugins/editor');
     // Fileuploads
     $c->addJsFile('jquery.ui.widget.js', 'plugins/editor');
     $c->addJsFile('jquery.iframe-transport.js', 'plugins/editor');
     $c->addJsFile('jquery.fileupload.js', 'plugins/editor');
     // Set definitions for JavaScript to read
     $c->addDefinition('editorVersion', $this->pluginInfo['Version']);
     $c->addDefinition('editorInputFormat', $this->Format);
     $c->addDefinition('editorPluginAssets', $this->AssetPath);
     $c->addDefinition('fileUpload-remove', t('Remove file'));
     $c->addDefinition('fileUpload-reattach', t('Click to re-attach'));
     $c->addDefinition('fileUpload-inserted', t('Inserted'));
     $c->addDefinition('fileUpload-insertedTooltip', t('This image has been inserted into the body of text.'));
     $c->addDefinition('wysiwygHelpText', t('editor.WysiwygHelpText', 'You are using <a href="" target="_new">WYSIWYG</a> in your post.'));
     $c->addDefinition('bbcodeHelpText', t('editor.BBCodeHelpText', 'You can use <a href="" target="_new">BBCode</a> in your post.'));
     $c->addDefinition('htmlHelpText', t('editor.HtmlHelpText', 'You can use <a href="" target="_new">Simple HTML</a> in your post.'));
     $c->addDefinition('markdownHelpText', t('editor.MarkdownHelpText', 'You can use <a href="" target="_new">Markdown</a> in your post.'));
     $c->addDefinition('textHelpText', t('editor.TextHelpText', 'You are using plain text in your post.'));
     $c->addDefinition('editorWysiwygCSS', $CssPath);
     $c->addDefinition('canUpload', $this->canUpload());
     $additionalDefinitions = array();
     $this->EventArguments['definitions'] =& $additionalDefinitions;
     // Make sure we still have an array after all event handlers have had their turn and iterate through the result.
     if (is_array($additionalDefinitions)) {
         foreach ($additionalDefinitions as $defKey => $defVal) {
             $c->addDefinition($defKey, $defVal);
         unset($defKey, $defVal);
     // Set variables for file uploads
     $PostMaxSize = Gdn_Upload::unformatFileSize(ini_get('post_max_size'));
     $FileMaxSize = Gdn_Upload::unformatFileSize(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
     $ConfigMaxSize = Gdn_Upload::unformatFileSize(c('Garden.Upload.MaxFileSize', '1MB'));
     $MaxSize = min($PostMaxSize, $FileMaxSize, $ConfigMaxSize);
     $c->addDefinition('maxUploadSize', $MaxSize);
     // Set file input name
     $c->addDefinition('editorFileInputName', $this->editorFileInputName);
     $Sender->setData('_editorFileInputName', $this->editorFileInputName);
     // Save allowed file types
     $c->addDefinition('allowedFileExtensions', json_encode(c('Garden.Upload.AllowedFileExtensions')));
     // Get max file uploads, to be used for max drops at once.
     $c->addDefinition('maxFileUploads', ini_get('max_file_uploads'));