htmlFilter() public static method

Use this instead of Gdn_Format::Html() when you do not want magic formatting.
public static htmlFilter ( mixed $Mixed ) : string
$Mixed mixed An object, array, or string to be formatted.
return string HTML
Beispiel #1
  * Filters an unsafe HTML string and returns it.
  * @param string $html The HTML to filter.
  * @param bool $convertNewlines Whether to convert new lines to html br tags.
  * @param bool $filter Whether to filter HTML or not.
  * @return string The filtered HTML string.
 protected function formatContent($html, $convertNewlines = false, $filter = false)
     $str = $html;
     if ($filter) {
         $str = Gdn_Format::htmlFilter($str);
     if ($convertNewlines) {
         $str = preg_replace('/(\\015\\012)|(\\015)|(\\012)/', '<br>', $str);
     // $str = strip_tags($str, ['b', 'i', 'p', 'strong', 'em', 'br']);
     return $str;
Beispiel #2
  * Output markup for extended profile fields.
  * @param array $profileFields Formatted profile fields.
  * @param array $allFields Extended profile field data.
  * @param array $magicLabels "Magic" labels configured on the Profile Extender plug-in class.
 function extendedProfileFields($profileFields, $allFields, $magicLabels = [])
     foreach ($profileFields as $name => $value) {
         // Skip empty and hidden fields.
         if (!$value || !val('OnProfile', $allFields[$name])) {
         // Non-magic fields must be plain text, but we'll auto-link
         if (!in_array($name, $magicLabels)) {
             $value = Gdn_Format::links(Gdn_Format::text($value));
         $class = 'Profile' . Gdn_Format::alphaNumeric($name);
         $label = Gdn_Format::text($allFields[$name]['Label']);
         $filteredVal = Gdn_Format::htmlFilter($value);
         echo " <dt class=\"ProfileExtend {$class}\">{$label}</dt> ";
         echo " <dd class=\"ProfileExtend {$class}\">{$filteredVal}</dd> ";
  * Sanitize a string according to the filter specified _Filter in the data array.
  * The valid values for _Filter are:
  * - none: No sanitization.
  * - filter: Sanitize using {@link Gdn_Format::htmlFilter()}.
  * - safe: Sanitize using {@link htmlspecialchars()}.
  * @param string $string The string to sanitize.
  * @return string Returns the sanitized string.
 protected function sanitize($string)
     switch ($this->data('_Filter', 'safe')) {
         case 'none':
             return $string;
         case 'filter':
             return Gdn_Format::htmlFilter($string);
         case 'safe':
             return htmlspecialchars($string);
Beispiel #4
  * Adds an error to the errors collection and optionally relates it to the
  * specified FieldName. Errors added with this method can be rendered with
  * $this->Errors().
  * @param mixed $ErrorCode
  *  - <b>string</b>: The translation code that represents the error to display.
  *  - <b>Exception</b>: The exception to display the message for.
  * @param string $FieldName The name of the field to relate the error to.
 public function addError($Error, $FieldName = '')
     if (is_string($Error)) {
         $ErrorCode = $Error;
     } elseif (is_a($Error, 'Gdn_UserException')) {
         $ErrorCode = '@' . Gdn_Format::htmlFilter($Error->getMessage());
     } elseif (is_a($Error, 'Exception')) {
         // Strip the extra information out of the exception.
         $Parts = explode('|', $Error->getMessage());
         $Message = htmlspecialchars($Parts[0]);
         if (count($Parts) >= 3) {
             $FileSuffix = ": {$Parts[1]}->{$Parts[2]}(...)";
         } else {
             $FileSuffix = "";
         if (debug()) {
             $ErrorCode = '@<pre>' . $Message . "\n" . '## ' . $Error->getFile() . '(' . $Error->getLine() . ")" . $FileSuffix . "\n" . htmlspecialchars($Error->getTraceAsString()) . '</pre>';
         } else {
             $ErrorCode = '@' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($Error->getMessage()));
     if ($FieldName == '') {
         $FieldName = '<General Error>';
     if (!is_array($this->_ValidationResults)) {
         $this->_ValidationResults = array();
     if (!array_key_exists($FieldName, $this->_ValidationResults)) {
         $this->_ValidationResults[$FieldName] = array($ErrorCode);
     } else {
         if (!is_array($this->_ValidationResults[$FieldName])) {
             $this->_ValidationResults[$FieldName] = array($this->_ValidationResults[$FieldName], $ErrorCode);
         } else {
             $this->_ValidationResults[$FieldName][] = $ErrorCode;
Beispiel #5
 * "Table" layout for discussions. Mimics more traditional forum discussion layout.
$Session = Gdn::session();
include_once $this->fetchViewLocation('helper_functions', 'discussions', 'vanilla');
include_once $this->fetchViewLocation('table_functions', 'discussions', 'vanilla');
 * Render the page.
$PagerOptions = array('Wrapper' => '<div %1$s>%2$s</div>', 'RecordCount' => $this->data('CountDiscussions'), 'CurrentRecords' => $this->data('Discussions')->numRows());
if ($this->data('_PagerUrl')) {
    $PagerOptions['Url'] = $this->data('_PagerUrl');
echo '<h1 class="H HomepageTitle">' . $this->data('Title') . '</h1>';
$Description = $this->data('Category.Description', $this->Description());
echo wrapIf(Gdn_Format::htmlFilter($Description), 'div', array('class' => 'P PageDescription'));
include $this->fetchViewLocation('Subtree', 'Categories', 'Vanilla');
echo '<div class="PageControls Top">';
echo Gdn_Theme::Module('NewDiscussionModule', $this->data('_NewDiscussionProperties', array('CssClass' => 'Button Action Primary')));
echo '</div>';
if ($this->DiscussionData->numRows() > 0 || isset($this->AnnounceData) && is_object($this->AnnounceData) && $this->AnnounceData->numRows() > 0) {
    <div class="DataTableWrap">
        <table class="DataTable DiscussionsTable">
  * Display custom fields on Profile.
 public function userInfoModule_onBasicInfo_handler($Sender)
     if ($Sender->User->Banned) {
     try {
         // Get the custom fields
         $ProfileFields = Gdn::userModel()->getMeta($Sender->User->UserID, 'Profile.%', 'Profile.');
         // Import from CustomProfileFields if available
         if (!count($ProfileFields) && is_object($Sender->User) && c('Plugins.CustomProfileFields.SuggestedFields', false)) {
             $ProfileFields = Gdn::userModel()->getAttribute($Sender->User->UserID, 'CustomProfileFields', false);
             if ($ProfileFields) {
                 // Migrate to UserMeta & delete original
                 Gdn::userModel()->setMeta($Sender->User->UserID, $ProfileFields, 'Profile.');
                 Gdn::userModel()->saveAttribute($Sender->User->UserID, 'CustomProfileFields', false);
         // Send them off for magic formatting
         $ProfileFields = $this->parseSpecialFields($ProfileFields);
         // Get all field data, error check
         $AllFields = $this->getProfileFields();
         if (!is_array($AllFields) || !is_array($ProfileFields)) {
         // DateOfBirth is special case that core won't handle
         // Hack it in here instead
         if (c('ProfileExtender.Fields.DateOfBirth.OnProfile')) {
             // Do not use Gdn_Format::Date because it shifts to local timezone
             $BirthdayStamp = Gdn_Format::toTimestamp($Sender->User->DateOfBirth);
             if ($BirthdayStamp) {
                 $ProfileFields['DateOfBirth'] = date(t('Birthday Format', 'F j, Y'), $BirthdayStamp);
                 $AllFields['DateOfBirth'] = array('Label' => t('Birthday'), 'OnProfile' => true);
         // Display all non-hidden fields
         $ProfileFields = array_reverse($ProfileFields);
         foreach ($ProfileFields as $Name => $Value) {
             // Skip empty and hidden fields.
             if (!$Value || !val('OnProfile', $AllFields[$Name])) {
             // Non-magic fields must be plain text, but we'll auto-link
             if (!in_array($Name, $this->MagicLabels)) {
                 $Value = Gdn_Format::links(Gdn_Format::text($Value));
             echo ' <dt class="ProfileExtend Profile' . Gdn_Format::alphaNumeric($Name) . '">' . Gdn_Format::text($AllFields[$Name]['Label']) . '</dt> ';
             echo ' <dd class="ProfileExtend Profile' . Gdn_Format::alphaNumeric($Name) . '">' . Gdn_Format::htmlFilter($Value) . '</dd> ';
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         // No errors
Beispiel #7
  * Takes a mixed variable, filters unsafe HTML and returns it.
  * Does "magic" formatting of links, mentions, link embeds, emoji, & linebreaks.
  * @param mixed $Mixed An object, array, or string to be formatted.
  * @return string
 public static function html($Mixed)
     if (!is_string($Mixed)) {
         return self::to($Mixed, 'Html');
     } else {
         if (self::isHtml($Mixed)) {
             // Purify HTML
             $Mixed = Gdn_Format::htmlFilter($Mixed);
             // Links
             $Mixed = Gdn_Format::links($Mixed);
             // Mentions & Hashes
             $Mixed = Gdn_Format::mentions($Mixed);
             // Emoji
             $Mixed = Emoji::instance()->translateToHtml($Mixed);
             // nl2br
             if (C('Garden.Format.ReplaceNewlines', true)) {
                 $Mixed = preg_replace("/(\r\n)|(\r)|(\n)/", "<br />", $Mixed);
                 $Mixed = fixNl2Br($Mixed);
             $Result = $Mixed;
             //            $Result = $Result.
             //               "<h3>Html</h3><pre>".nl2br(htmlspecialchars(str_replace("<br />", "\n", $Mixed)))."</pre>".
             //               "<h3>Formatted</h3><pre>".nl2br(htmlspecialchars(str_replace("<br />", "\n", $Result)))."</pre>";
         } else {
             // The text does not contain html and does not have to be purified.
             // This is an optimization because purifying is very slow and memory intense.
             $Result = htmlspecialchars($Mixed, ENT_NOQUOTES, C('Garden.Charset', 'UTF-8'));
             $Result = Gdn_Format::mentions($Result);
             $Result = Gdn_Format::links($Result);
             $Result = Emoji::instance()->translateToHtml($Result);
             if (C('Garden.Format.ReplaceNewlines', true)) {
                 $Result = preg_replace("/(\r\n)|(\r)|(\n)/", "<br />", $Result);
                 $Result = fixNl2Br($Result);
         return $Result;
Beispiel #8
  * Takes a mixed variable, filters unsafe HTML and returns it.
  * Does "magic" formatting of links, mentions, link embeds, emoji, & linebreaks.
  * @param mixed $Mixed An object, array, or string to be formatted.
  * @return string HTML
 public static function html($Mixed)
     if (!is_string($Mixed)) {
         return self::to($Mixed, 'Html');
     } else {
         if (self::isHtml($Mixed)) {
             // Purify HTML
             $Mixed = Gdn_Format::htmlFilter($Mixed);
             // nl2br
             if (c('Garden.Format.ReplaceNewlines', true)) {
                 $Mixed = preg_replace("/(\r\n)|(\r)|(\n)/", "<br />", $Mixed);
                 $Mixed = fixNl2Br($Mixed);
             $Result = Gdn_Format::processHTML($Mixed);
         } else {
             // The text does not contain HTML and does not have to be purified.
             // This is an optimization because purifying is very slow and memory intense.
             $Result = htmlspecialchars($Mixed, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             if (c('Garden.Format.ReplaceNewlines', true)) {
                 $Result = preg_replace("/(\r\n)|(\r)|(\n)/", "<br />", $Result);
                 $Result = fixNl2Br($Result);
             $Result = Gdn_Format::processHTML($Result);
         return $Result;