Beispiel #1
if (!defined('VANILLA_CONSTANTS')) {
    include PATH_CONF . '/constants.php';
// Make sure a default time zone is set
// Make sure the mb_* functions are utf8.
if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) {
// Include the core function definitions
require_once PATH_LIBRARY_CORE . '/functions.error.php';
require_once PATH_LIBRARY_CORE . '/functions.general.php';
require_once PATH_LIBRARY_CORE . '/functions.compatibility.php';
// Include and initialize the autoloader
require_once PATH_LIBRARY_CORE . '/class.autoloader.php';
// Cache Layer
Gdn::FactoryInstall(Gdn::AliasCache, 'Gdn_Cache', NULL, Gdn::FactoryRealSingleton, 'Initialize');
// Install the configuration handler
Gdn::FactoryInstall(Gdn::AliasConfig, 'Gdn_Configuration');
// Load default baseline Garden configurations
Gdn::Config()->Load(PATH_CONF . '/config-defaults.php');
// Load installation-specific configuration so that we know what apps are enabled
Gdn::Config()->Load(Gdn::Config()->DefaultPath(), 'Configuration', TRUE);
 * Bootstrap Early
 * A lot of the framework is loaded now, most importantly the autoloader,
 * default config and the general and error functions. More control is possible
 * here, but some things have already been loaded and are immutable.