Beispiel #1
  * Initialize the embedded Gallery 2 instance.  Call this before any other Gallery 2 calls.
 static function init_embed($embed_path)
     if (!is_file($embed_path)) {
         return false;
     // Gallery 2 defines a class called Gallery.  So does Gallery 3.  They don't get along.  So do
     // a total hack here and copy over a few critical files (embed.php, main.php,
     // and Gallery.class) and munge them so that we can rename the Gallery class to be
     // G2_Gallery.   Is this retarded?  Why yes it is.
     // Store the munged files in a directory that's the md5 hash of the embed path so that
     // multiple import sources don't interfere with each other.
     $mod_path = VARPATH . "modules/g2_import/" . md5($embed_path);
     if (!file_exists($mod_path) || !file_exists("{$mod_path}/embed.php")) {
         $config_dir = dirname($embed_path);
         if (filesize($embed_path) > 200) {
             // Regular install
             $base_dir = $config_dir;
         } else {
             // Multisite install.  Line 2 of embed.php will be something like:
             //   require('/usr/home/bharat/public_html/gallery2/embed.php');
             $lines = file($embed_path);
             preg_match("#require\\('(.*)/embed.php'\\);#", $lines[2], $matches);
             $base_dir = $matches[1];
         file_put_contents("{$mod_path}/embed.php", str_replace(array("require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class');"), array("require_once('{$base_dir}/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "require('{$base_dir}/modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class');"), array_merge(array("<?php defined(\"SYSPATH\") or die(\"No direct script access.\") ?>\n"), file("{$base_dir}/embed.php"))));
         file_put_contents("{$mod_path}/main.php", str_replace(array("include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/');", "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/');"), array("include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/');", "require_once('{$base_dir}/');"), array_merge(array("<?php defined(\"SYSPATH\") or die(\"No direct script access.\") ?>\n"), file("{$base_dir}/main.php"))));
         file_put_contents("{$mod_path}/", str_replace(array("require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class');", "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "define('GALLERY_CONFIG_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));", "\$gallery =& new Gallery();", "\$GLOBALS['gallery'] =& new Gallery();", "\$gallery = new Gallery();"), array("require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Gallery.class');", "require_once('{$base_dir}/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "define('GALLERY_CONFIG_DIR', '{$config_dir}');", "\$gallery =& new G2_Gallery();", "\$GLOBALS['gallery'] =& new G2_Gallery();", "\$gallery = new G2_Gallery();"), array_merge(array("<?php defined(\"SYSPATH\") or die(\"No direct script access.\") ?>\n"), file("{$base_dir}/"))));
         file_put_contents("{$mod_path}/Gallery.class", str_replace(array("class Gallery", "function Gallery"), array("class G2_Gallery", "function G2_Gallery"), array_merge(array("<?php defined(\"SYSPATH\") or die(\"No direct script access.\") ?>\n"), file("{$base_dir}/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class"))));
     require "{$mod_path}/embed.php";
     if (!class_exists("GalleryEmbed")) {
         return false;
     $ret = GalleryEmbed::init();
     if ($ret) {
         return false;
     $admin_group_id = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "core", "id.adminGroup"));
     $admins = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchUsersForGroup($admin_group_id, 1));
     $admin_id = current(array_flip($admins));
     $admin = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($admin_id));
     // Make sure we have an embed location so that embedded url generation comes out ok.  Without
     // this, the Gallery2 ModRewrite code won't try to do url generation.
     $g2_embed_location = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.embeddedLocation"));
     if (empty($g2_embed_location)) {
         $g2_embed_location = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.galleryLocation"));
         g2(GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.embeddedLocation", $g2_embed_location));
     self::$g2_base_url = $g2_embed_location;
     return true;
Beispiel #2
  * Initialize the embedded Gallery 2 instance.  Call this before any other Gallery 2 calls.
  * Return values:
  *  "ok"      - the Gallery 2 install is fine
  *  "missing" - the embed path does not exist
  *  "invalid" - the install path is not a valid Gallery 2 code base
  *  "broken"  - the embed path is correct, but the Gallery 2 install is broken
 static function init_embed($embed_path)
     if (!is_file($embed_path)) {
         return "missing";
     try {
         // Gallery 2 defines a class called Gallery.  So does Gallery 3.  They don't get along.  So do
         // a total hack here and copy over a few critical files (embed.php, main.php,
         // and Gallery.class) and munge them so that we can rename the Gallery class to be
         // G2_Gallery.   Is this retarded?  Why yes it is.
         // Store the munged files in a directory that's the md5 hash of the embed path so that
         // multiple import sources don't interfere with each other.
         $mod_path = VARPATH . "modules/g2_import/" . md5($embed_path);
         if (!file_exists($mod_path) || !file_exists("{$mod_path}/embed.php")) {
             $config_dir = dirname($embed_path);
             if (filesize($embed_path) > 200) {
                 // Regular install
                 $base_dir = $config_dir;
             } else {
                 // Multisite install.  Line 2 of embed.php will be something like:
                 //   require('/usr/home/bharat/public_html/gallery2/embed.php');
                 $lines = file($embed_path);
                 preg_match("#require\\('(.*)/embed.php'\\);#", $lines[2], $matches);
                 $base_dir = $matches[1];
             file_put_contents("{$mod_path}/embed.php", str_replace(array("require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class');"), array("require_once('{$base_dir}/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "require('{$base_dir}/modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class');"), array_merge(array("<?php defined(\"SYSPATH\") or die(\"No direct script access.\") ?>\n"), file("{$base_dir}/embed.php"))));
             file_put_contents("{$mod_path}/main.php", str_replace(array("include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/');", "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/');"), array("include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/');", "require_once('{$base_dir}/');"), array_merge(array("<?php defined(\"SYSPATH\") or die(\"No direct script access.\") ?>\n"), file("{$base_dir}/main.php"))));
             file_put_contents("{$mod_path}/", str_replace(array("require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class');", "require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "define('GALLERY_CONFIG_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));", "\$gallery =& new Gallery();", "\$GLOBALS['gallery'] =& new Gallery();", "\$gallery = new Gallery();"), array("require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Gallery.class');", "require_once('{$base_dir}/modules/core/classes/GalleryDataCache.class');", "define('GALLERY_CONFIG_DIR', '{$config_dir}');", "\$gallery =& new G2_Gallery();", "\$GLOBALS['gallery'] =& new G2_Gallery();", "\$gallery = new G2_Gallery();"), array_merge(array("<?php defined(\"SYSPATH\") or die(\"No direct script access.\") ?>\n"), file("{$base_dir}/"))));
             file_put_contents("{$mod_path}/Gallery.class", str_replace(array("class Gallery", "function Gallery"), array("class G2_Gallery", "function G2_Gallery"), array_merge(array("<?php defined(\"SYSPATH\") or die(\"No direct script access.\") ?>\n"), file("{$base_dir}/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class"))));
         } else {
             // Ok, this is a good one.  If you're running a bytecode accelerator and you move your
             // Gallery install, these files sometimes get cached with the wrong path and then fail to
             // load properly.
             // Documented in
         require "{$mod_path}/embed.php";
         if (!class_exists("GalleryEmbed")) {
             return "invalid";
         $ret = GalleryEmbed::init();
         if ($ret) {
             Kohana_Log::add("error", "Gallery 2 call failed with: " . $ret->getAsText());
             return "broken";
         $admin_group_id = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "core", "id.adminGroup"));
         $admins = g2(GalleryCoreApi::fetchUsersForGroup($admin_group_id, 1));
         $admin_id = current(array_flip($admins));
         $admin = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($admin_id));
         // Make sure we have an embed location so that embedded url generation comes out ok.  Without
         // this, the Gallery2 ModRewrite code won't try to do url generation.
         $g2_embed_location = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.embeddedLocation"));
         if (empty($g2_embed_location)) {
             $g2_embed_location = g2(GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.galleryLocation"));
             g2(GalleryCoreApi::setPluginParameter("module", "rewrite", "modrewrite.embeddedLocation", $g2_embed_location));
         if ($g2_embed_location) {
             self::$g2_base_url = $g2_embed_location;
         } else {
             self::$g2_base_url = $GLOBALS["gallery"]->getUrlGenerator()->generateUrl(array(), array("forceSessionId" => false, "htmlEntities" => false, "urlEncode" => false, "useAuthToken" => false));
     } catch (ErrorException $e) {
         Kohana_Log::add("error", $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
         return "broken";
     return "ok";