Beispiel #1
 public function hasPermission(GWF_User $user)
     if ($user->getID() === $this->getVar('hdt_uid')) {
         return true;
     if ($user->isStaff() || $user->isAdmin()) {
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #2
  * Returns error message or false.
  * @param GWF_Order $order
  * @param GWF_User $user
  * @return string | false
 public function canAffordB(GWF_Order $order, $user)
     if ($user === false) {
         return false;
     if ($user->isAdmin()) {
         return false;
     $money = $user->getMoney();
     $price = $order->getOrderPriceTotal();
     $left = $money - $price;
     if ($left >= 0) {
         return false;
     $lang = $this->loadLangGWF();
     return GWF_HTML::error('Buy with GWF', $lang->lang('err_funds', array(Module_Payment::displayPrice($money), Module_Payment::displayPrice($price), Module_Payment::displayPrice(-$left))));
Beispiel #3
  * Get permission query for a user. (View)
  * @param GWF_User $user
  * @return string
 public static function getPermissionQueryList($user)
     $enabled = GWF_Download::ENABLED;
     if ($user === false) {
         $guest_view = GWF_Download::GUEST_VISIBLE;
         return "dl_gid=0 AND dl_level=0 AND dl_options&{$guest_view} AND dl_options&{$enabled}";
     if ($user->isAdmin()) {
         return '';
     $uid = $user->getID();
     $level = $user->getLevel();
     $ug = GWF_TABLE_PREFIX . 'usergroup';
     return "( dl_level<={$level} AND dl_options&{$enabled} AND ((dl_gid=0) OR (SELECT 1 FROM {$ug} WHERE ug_userid={$uid} AND ug_groupid=dl_gid)) )";
Beispiel #4
 public function validate_limits(GWF_User $from, GWF_User $to)
     $options = GWF_PMOptions::getPMOptions($to);
     if ($from->isGuest() && !$options->isOptionEnabled(GWF_PMOptions::ALLOW_GUEST_PM)) {
         return $this->error('err_user_no_ppm');
     if ($from->isAdmin() || $from->isStaff()) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->cfgIsPMLimited()) {
         return false;
     if ($from->getLevel() <= $options->getVar('pmo_level')) {
         return $this->error('err_user_pmo_level', array($options->getVar('pmo_level')));
     $user = GWF_Session::getUser();
     $uid = GWF_Session::getUserID();
     $within = $this->cfgLimitTimeout();
     $cut = GWF_Time::getDate(GWF_Date::LEN_SECOND, time() - $within);
     $count = GDO::table('GWF_PM')->countRows("pm_from={$uid} AND pm_date>'{$cut}'");
     $max = $this->calcPMLimit($user);
     if ($count >= $max) {
         return $this->lang('err_limit', array($max, GWF_Time::humanDuration($within)));
     return false;