public static function cleanup($message = 'Clean shutdown!') { GWF_CachedCounter::persist(); if (NULL !== Dog_Init::getStartupTime()) { GWF_Counter::increaseCount('dog_uptime', Dog_Init::getUptime()); } if (self::$CLEANED === false) { self::$CLEANED = true; foreach (Dog::getServers() as $server) { $server instanceof Dog_Server; if ($server->isConnected()) { $server->disconnect($message); } } } die(0); }
public function execute() { if (Common::getGetString('list', '0') === '1') { return $this->module->template("tools/list.tpl"); } $whitelist = array('jpk', 'yabfdbg', 'jcs', 'jdictac', 'wordpat', 'wordlists', 'startcpp', 'encodings'); $file = Common::getGet('file'); if (!in_array($file, $whitelist, true)) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_PARAMETER', array(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'file')); } # Counter Box $count = GWF_Counter::getAndCount($file, 1); $box = GWF_Box::box($this->module->lang('pi_viewcount', array($count))); # Translations $langpath = $this->module->getDir() . '/lang/' . $file; #.'/'.$file; $trans = new GWF_LangTrans($langpath); GWF_Website::setPageTitle($trans->lang('page_title')); GWF_Website::setMetaTags($trans->lang('meta_tags')); $tVars = array('lang2' => $trans); return $this->module->templatePHP("tools/{$file}/{$file}.php", $tVars) . $box; }
private function increasePageView($by = 1) { // require_once 'GWF_Pageview.php'; // GWF_Pageview::increaseTodayView($by); self::$pagecount = GWF_Counter::getAndCount('pagecount', $by); // $this->saveModuleVar('pagecount', $this->cfgPagecount()+$by); }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD%. Print statistics about the bots uptime.', 'out' => 'This bot is running since %s. Total runtime: %s.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); if ($plugin->argc() > 0) { $plugin->showHelp(); } else { $uptime = round(Dog_Init::getUptime()); $total = GWF_Counter::getCount('dog_uptime') + $uptime; $plugin->rply('out', array(GWF_Time::humanDuration($uptime), GWF_Time::humanDuration($total))); }
<?php chdir('../../../'); define('GWF_PAGE_TITLE', 'The Last Hope'); require_once 'challenge/html_head.php'; require GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/WeChall/solutionbox.php'; if (false === ($chall = WC_Challenge::getByTitle(GWF_PAGE_TITLE))) { $chall = WC_Challenge::dummyChallenge(GWF_PAGE_TITLE, 4, 'challenge/bsdhell/thelasthope/index.php', false); } $chall->showHeader(); if (strcasecmp(Common::getPost('answer'), 'username_password') === 0) { $count = GWF_Counter::getCount('WC_BSD_LH_DOLT'); if (false === GWF_Session::getOrDefault('WC_BSD_LH_DOLT', false)) { $count++; GWF_Counter::saveCounter('WC_BSD_LH_DOLT', $count); GWF_Session::set('WC_BSD_LH_DOLT', '1'); } echo GWF_HTML::message('The Last Hope', $chall->lang('msg_literal'), false); echo GWF_HTML::error('The Last Hope', $chall->lang('err_literal', array($count)), false); } else { $chall->onCheckSolution(); } htmlTitleBox($chall->lang('title'), $chall->lang('info', array('bsd_thelasthope.elf'))); formSolutionbox($chall); echo $chall->copyrightFooter(); require_once 'challenge/html_foot.php';
public static function shadowTimer() { # 1 second over in the Shadowlamb world. self::$sr_timestamp = GWF_Counter::getAndCount('SR4_TIME', self::SECONDS_PER_TICK); # Execute Web Commands // self::shadowTimerWebcommands(); if (defined('SL4_REALS')) { self::shadowTimerRealNPCs(); } # All parties: $partyids = array_keys(self::$parties); shuffle($partyids); # Shuffle which party goes first to have evenly distributed winners in race conditions. foreach ($partyids as $id) { # still there? if (isset(self::$parties[$id])) { if (self::$parties[$id]->getTimestamp() < time() - self::KICK_IDLE_TIMEOUT) { self::removeParty(self::$parties[$id]); } else { self::$parties[$id] instanceof SR_Party; self::$parties[$id]->timer(self::$sr_timestamp); } } } # Next tick in one second pls. Dog_Timer::addTimer(array(__CLASS__, 'shadowTimer'), NULL, self::TICKLEN, false); }
private function onVote($by) { if ('' === ($message = $this->msgarg())) { $a = $by > 0 ? '++' : '--'; $this->showHelp('link' . $a); } elseif (false === ($link = Dog_Link::getByID($message))) { $this->rply('err_link_id', array(intval($message))); } elseif (!$link->increase('link_rating', $by)) { Dog::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } elseif (!GWF_Counter::increaseCount('dog_linkvotes', 1)) { Dog::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } else { $this->rply('voted'); } }
public function on_quotes_Pb() { $votes = GWF_Counter::getCount('dog_quotevotes'); $quotes = GDO::table('Dog_Quote'); $count = $quotes->countRows(); $last = $quotes->selectFirstObject('*', '', 'quot_date DESC'); $last = $last === false ? '' : sprintf(' The last quote has been added by %s at %s.', $last->getVar('quot_username'), $last->displayDate()); Dog::reply(sprintf('I have %d quotes in the database.%s The quotes have been voted %d times.', $count, $last, $votes)); }
public function deliver($from, $to, $title, $message, $parent1 = 0, $parent2 = 0) { require_once 'GWF_PM.php'; $pm1 = GWF_PM::fakePM($from, $to, $title, $message, $from, GWF_PM::OUTBOX, $parent1); $pm1->setOption(GWF_PM::READ, true); if (false === $pm1->insert()) { return -1; } $pm2 = GWF_PM::fakePM($from, $to, $title, $message, $to, GWF_PM::INBOX, $parent2, $pm1->getID()); $pm2->setOption(GWF_PM::OTHER_READ, true); if (false === $pm2->insert()) { return -2; } if (false === $pm1->saveVar('pm_otherid', $pm2->getID())) { return -3; } if (false === GWF_Counter::increaseCount('gwf3_pms_sent', 1)) { return -4; } if (!$this->cfgEmailOnPM()) { return 0; } $this->includeClass('GWF_EMailOnPM'); return GWF_EMailOnPM::deliver($this, $pm2); }