  * Start transaction
 public function testBeginTransactionBasic()
     $obj_request = new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\BeginTransactionRequest();
     $obj_response = new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\BeginTransactionResponse();
     $this->apiProxyMock->expectCall('datastore_v4', 'BeginTransaction', $obj_request, $obj_response);
     $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ID'] = 'DatasetTest';
     $obj_gateway = $this->getMockBuilder('\\GDS\\Gateway\\ProtoBuf')->setMethods(['withTransaction', 'fetchById'])->getMock();
     $obj_store = new GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);
  * Test Failure on cross-group transactions
  * @expectedException        Exception
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Cross group transactions not supported over JSON API
 public function testFailCrossGroup()
     $obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient($this->setupTestClient(), 'Dataset');
     $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Film', $obj_gateway);

 * Create a single record in GDS
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'boilerplate.php';
$obj_store = new GDS\Store($obj_gateway, 'Friend');
// So now create a simple Model object
$obj_charlie = new GDS\Entity();
$obj_charlie->name = 'Charlie';
$obj_charlie->age = 26;
$obj_charlie->height = 120;
echo "Created: ", $obj_charlie->getKeyId(), PHP_EOL;
// So now create a simple Model object
$obj_max = new GDS\Entity();
$obj_max->name = 'Max';
$obj_max->age = 26;
$obj_max->height = 122;
echo "Created: ", $obj_max->getKeyId(), PHP_EOL;
echo "Query 1:", PHP_EOL;
foreach ($obj_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Friend WHERE age = 26") as $obj_result) {
    echo "Got: ", $obj_result->getKeyId(), ' ', $obj_result->name, PHP_EOL;
echo "Query 2:", PHP_EOL;
foreach ($obj_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Friend WHERE age = 26 AND height = 122") as $obj_result) {
    echo "Got: ", $obj_result->getKeyId(), ' ', $obj_result->name, PHP_EOL;
  * Run a complex GQL Query
 public function testGqlQueryParams()
     $obj_http = $this->initTestHttpClient('https://datastore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/DatasetTest:runQuery', ['json' => (object) ['gqlQuery' => (object) ['allowLiterals' => true, 'queryString' => 'SELECT * FROM Test WHERE booly = @booly AND stringy = @stringy AND inty = @inty AND floaty = @floaty AND datey = @datey AND somekey = @somekey LIMIT 1', 'namedBindings' => (object) ['booly' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['booleanValue' => true]], 'stringy' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['stringValue' => 'test']], 'inty' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['integerValue' => 123]], 'floaty' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['doubleValue' => 4.56]], 'datey' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['timestampValue' => '1955-11-10T01:02:03.000000Z']], 'somekey' => (object) ['value' => (object) ['keyValue' => (object) ['path' => [(object) ['kind' => 'Test', 'name' => 'my-first-key-name']], 'partitionId' => (object) ['projectId' => self::TEST_PROJECT]]]]]], 'partitionId' => (object) ['projectId' => self::TEST_PROJECT]]], ['batch' => (object) ['entityResultType' => 'FULL', 'entityResults' => []]]);
     $obj_gateway = $this->initTestGateway()->setHttpClient($obj_http);
     $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Test', $obj_gateway);
     $obj_key_entity = $obj_store->createEntity()->setKeyName('my-first-key-name');
     $obj_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE booly = @booly AND stringy = @stringy AND inty = @inty AND floaty = @floaty AND datey = @datey AND somekey = @somekey", ['booly' => true, 'stringy' => 'test', 'inty' => 123, 'floaty' => 4.56, 'datey' => new DateTime('1955-11-10 01:02:03'), 'somekey' => $obj_key_entity]);
Beispiel #5
  * Fetch Page with cursor offset from historical value, using 'default query'
 public function testFetchPageHistoricalCursor()
     $obj_request = $this->getBasicFetchRequest();
     $obj_gql_query = $obj_request->mutableGqlQuery();
     $obj_gql_query->setQueryString("SELECT * FROM `Person` ORDER BY __key__ ASC LIMIT @intPageSize OFFSET @startCursor");
     $obj_arg = $obj_gql_query->addNameArg();
     $obj_arg_offset = $obj_gql_query->addNameArg();
     $this->apiProxyMock->expectCall('datastore_v4', 'RunQuery', $obj_request, new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\RunQueryResponse());
     $obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf('Dataset');
     $obj_schema = (new \GDS\Schema('Person'))->addString('name')->addInteger('age');
     $obj_store = new GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway);
     $arr_result = $obj_store->fetchPage(11);
     $this->assertEquals($arr_result, []);

 * Read data based on Ancestor Keys
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'boilerplate.php';
$obj_person_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Person'))->addString('name')->addString('description');
$obj_store = new GDS\Store($obj_person_schema, $obj_gateway);
// Load the parent (run 'ancestor_keys.php' if needed to create it)
$obj_stored_parent = $obj_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE __key__ = KEY(Person, '*****@*****.**')");
// All "Person" entities in the group (INCLUDING the root)
$arr = $obj_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE __key__ HAS ANCESTOR @person", ['person' => $obj_stored_parent]);
// Now just load one (which is a nested entity)
print_r($obj_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE __key__ = @person", ['person' => $arr[1]]));
Beispiel #7

 * GDS Example - Create one record, with no Schema
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../_includes.php';
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
$obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book');
// Alternative Gateway (remote JSON API)
// Download your service JSON file from the Google Developer Console
// $obj_gateway = new \GDS\Gateway\RESTv1('your-app-id');
// $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);
// Create a simple Entity object
$obj_book = new GDS\Entity();
$obj_book->title = 'Romeo and Juliet';
$obj_book->author = 'William Shakespeare';
$obj_book->isbn = '1840224339';
// Insert into the Datastore
// Show the key
echo "Created: ", $obj_book->getKeyId(), PHP_EOL;

 * Create a hierarchy of records in GDS
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'boilerplate.php';
$obj_person_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Person'))->addString('name')->addString('description');
$obj_store = new GDS\Store($obj_person_schema, $obj_gateway);
// Create the parent
$obj_john = $obj_store->createEntity();
$obj_john->name = 'John Smiths';
$obj_john->description = 'A parent';
// Create a child
$obj_jane = $obj_store->createEntity();
$obj_jane->name = 'Jane Smiths';
$obj_jane->description = 'A child';
// Create a grand child
$obj_jo = $obj_store->createEntity();
$obj_jo->name = 'Jo Smiths';
$obj_jo->description = 'A child';
// Now fetch and display the Entity Group

 * GDS Example - Create one record (using the array syntax), with no Schema
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../_includes.php';
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
$obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book');
// Alternative Gateway (remote JSON API)
// Download your service JSON file from the Google Developer Console
// $obj_client = \GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient::createClientFromJson('/path/to/your/service.json');
// $obj_gateway = new \GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient($obj_client, 'your-app-id');
// $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);
// Create a simple Entity object
$obj_book = $obj_store->createEntity(['title' => 'Romeo and Juliet', 'author' => 'William Shakespeare', 'isbn' => '1840224339']);
// Insert into the Datastore
// Show the key
echo "Created: ", $obj_book->getKeyId(), PHP_EOL;
  * Fetch with custom entity class
 public function testFetchByIdWithResult()
     $obj_request = new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\LookupRequest();
     $obj_key = $obj_request->addKey();
     $obj_partition = $obj_key->mutablePartitionId();
     $obj_kpe = $obj_key->addPathElement();
     $obj_response = new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\LookupResponse();
     $obj_found = $obj_response->addFound();
     $obj_entity = $obj_found->mutableEntity();
     $obj_result_key = $obj_entity->mutableKey();
     $obj_result_kpe = $obj_result_key->addPathElement();
     $obj_result_property = $obj_entity->addProperty();
     $obj_val = $obj_result_property->mutableValue();
     // addDeprecatedValue();
     $obj_val->setStringValue('William Shakespeare');
     $this->apiProxyMock->expectCall('datastore_v4', 'Lookup', $obj_request, $obj_response);
     $obj_gateway = new \GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf('Dataset');
     $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);
     $obj_result = $obj_store->fetchById(123456789);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\GDS\\Entity', $obj_result);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Book', $obj_result);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($obj_result->getData()));
     $this->assertEquals('Book', $obj_result->getKind());
     $this->assertEquals(123456789, $obj_result->getKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals($obj_result->author, 'William Shakespeare');
Beispiel #11
 public function testMixedOverlappingQuotedParamFallback()
     $obj_deny_proxy = new DenyGQLProxyMock();
     $obj_request = new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\RunQueryRequest();
     $obj_partition = $obj_request->mutablePartitionId();
     $obj_query = $obj_request->mutableQuery();
     $obj_query->addKind()->setName('Book and "stuff"');
     $obj_comp_filter = $obj_query->mutableFilter()->mutableCompositeFilter()->setOperator(\google\appengine\datastore\v4\CompositeFilter\Operator::AND_);
     $obj_prop_filter1 = $obj_comp_filter->addFilter()->mutablePropertyFilter()->setOperator(\google\appengine\datastore\v4\PropertyFilter\Operator::EQUAL);
     $obj_prop_filter1->mutableValue()->setStringValue('William "Will" Shakespeare');
     $obj_prop_filter2 = $obj_comp_filter->addFilter()->mutablePropertyFilter()->setOperator(\google\appengine\datastore\v4\PropertyFilter\Operator::EQUAL);
     $obj_deny_proxy->expectCall('datastore_v4', 'RunQuery', $obj_request, new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\RunQueryResponse());
     $obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf('Dataset');
     $obj_store = new GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);
     $obj_store->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM `Book and "stuff"` WHERE author = \'William "Will" Shakespeare\' AND isbn = "1234\'5\'6789"');
  * Test delete with namespace
 public function testDeleteWithNamespace()
     $str_ns = 'TestNameSpace';
     $obj_http = $this->initTestHttpClient('https://datastore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/DatasetTest:commit', ['json' => (object) ['mode' => 'NON_TRANSACTIONAL', 'mutations' => [(object) ['delete' => (object) ['path' => [(object) ['kind' => 'Test', 'id' => '123456789']], 'partitionId' => (object) ['projectId' => self::TEST_PROJECT, 'namespaceId' => $str_ns]]]]]]);
     $obj_gateway = $this->initTestGateway($str_ns)->setHttpClient($obj_http);
     $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Test', $obj_gateway);
     $obj_entity = (new GDS\Entity())->setKeyId('123456789');
Beispiel #13

 * GDS Example - Create several records in one upsert, with no Schema
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../_includes.php';
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
$obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book');
// Alternative Gateway (remote JSON API)
// Download your service JSON file from the Google Developer Console
// $obj_gateway = new \GDS\Gateway\RESTv1('your-app-id');
// $obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);
// Create some Entity objects
$obj_romeo = $obj_store->createEntity(['title' => 'Romeo and Juliet', 'author' => 'William Shakespeare', 'isbn' => '1840224339']);
$obj_midsummer = $obj_store->createEntity(['title' => "A Midsummer Night's Dream", 'author' => 'William Shakespeare', 'isbn' => '1853260304']);
// Insert multiple into the Datastore
$arr_books = [$obj_romeo, $obj_midsummer];
// Show their keys
foreach ($arr_books as $obj_book) {
    echo "Created: ", $obj_book->getKeyId(), PHP_EOL;

 * Move data between name spaces
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../_includes.php';
// Define our Book Schema
$obj_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Book'))->addString('title', FALSE)->addString('author')->addString('isbn')->addDatetime('published', FALSE)->addInteger('pages', FALSE);
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
// BUT, this time With a namespace defined ("ns1")
$obj_gateway_ns1 = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf(null, 'ns1');
$obj_store_ns1 = new \GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway_ns1);
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
// BUT, this time With a namespace defined ("ns2")
$obj_gateway_ns2 = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf(null, 'ns2');
$obj_store_ns2 = new \GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway_ns2);
// Fetch a record from the first namespace
$obj_book = $obj_store_ns1->fetchOne();
// =========
// =========
// The book inserted to ns2 here will have the SAME keyId or keyName
// BUT will be in a different namespace, so will still be uniquely addressable
// As the "fully qualified" key of an Entity in GDS includes the namespace
// Insert into the second namesapce

 * Simplest GDS example - no schema, Kind only
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'config/setup.php';
// We'll need a Google_Client, use our convenience method
$obj_client = GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient::createGoogleClient(GDS_APP_NAME, GDS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, GDS_KEY_FILE_PATH);
// Gateway requires a Google_Client and Dataset ID
$obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient($obj_client, GDS_DATASET_ID);
// Store requires a Gateway and Kind
$obj_book_store = new GDS\Store($obj_gateway, 'Book');
// Fetch a record
$obj_book = $obj_book_store->fetchOne();
// Dump the result

 * Query parameter examples - datetime bindings
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'boilerplate.php';
// Schema with datetime
$obj_task_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Task'))->addString('title')->addDatetime('due', TRUE);
// Store requires a Gateway and Schema
$obj_task_store = new GDS\Store($obj_gateway, $obj_task_schema);
// Insert some data, with datetime binding
$obj_task_1 = $obj_task_store->createEntity(['title' => 'My first task', 'due' => new DateTime('+1 day')]);
// Insert some data, with "normal" string format
$obj_task_2 = $obj_task_store->createEntity(['title' => 'My first task', 'due' => date('Y-m-d H:10:00')]);
// Fetch with datetime binding
$arr_results = $obj_task_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Task WHERE due < @dtm", ['dtm' => new DateTime('+6 hours')]);
describeResult($arr_results, TRUE);
 * Helper function to simplify results display
 * @param $mix_result
 * @param bool $bol_recurse
function describeResult($mix_result, $bol_recurse = FALSE)
    if ($mix_result instanceof GDS\Entity) {
        $str_class = get_class($mix_result);

 * Create or some records in GDS  * with an indexed string field *
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'config/setup.php';
// We'll need a Google_Client, use our convenience method
$obj_google_client = GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient::createGoogleClient(GDS_APP_NAME, GDS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, GDS_KEY_FILE_PATH);
$obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient($obj_google_client, GDS_DATASET_ID);
// Optionally, namespace
// Define the model on-the-fly
$obj_contact_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Contact'))->addString('first_name')->addString('last_name')->addStringList('tags', TRUE);
// Configure the Store
$obj_store = new GDS\Store($obj_gateway, $obj_contact_schema);
// Create 1
$obj_contact1 = $obj_store->createEntity(['first_name' => 'Tom', 'last_name' => 'Walder', 'tags' => ["customer", "newsletter"]]);
// Create 2
$obj_contact2 = $obj_store->createEntity(['first_name' => 'Thomas', 'last_name' => 'Walder', 'tags' => ["newsletter", "api"]]);
// Upsert
$obj_store->upsert([$obj_contact1, $obj_contact2]);
  * Fetch with string list
 public function testFetchWithStringListResult()
     $obj_response = new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\LookupResponse();
     $obj_found = $obj_response->addFound();
     $obj_entity = $obj_found->mutableEntity();
     $obj_result_key = $obj_entity->mutableKey();
     $obj_result_kpe = $obj_result_key->addPathElement();
     $obj_result_property = $obj_entity->addProperty();
     $obj_val = $obj_result_property->mutableValue();
     $obj_val->setStringValue('Robert Zemeckis');
     $obj_result_property2 = $obj_entity->addProperty();
     $obj_val2 = $obj_result_property2->mutableValue();
     $obj_val2->addListValue()->setStringValue('Marty McFly');
     $obj_val2->addListValue()->setStringValue('Emmett Brown');
     $this->apiProxyMock->expectCall('datastore_v4', 'Lookup', $this->getBasicBookByIdRequest(), $obj_response);
     $obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf('Dataset');
     $obj_store = new GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);
     $obj_result = $obj_store->fetchById(123456789);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\GDS\\Entity', $obj_result);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($obj_result->getData()));
     $this->assertEquals('Book', $obj_result->getKind());
     $this->assertEquals(123456789, $obj_result->getKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals('Robert Zemeckis', $obj_result->director);
     $this->assertEquals(['Marty McFly', 'Emmett Brown'], $obj_result->dedications);
Beispiel #19

 * Name-spaced CREATE examples for GDS
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../_includes.php';
// Define our Book Schema
$obj_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Book'))->addString('title', FALSE)->addString('author')->addString('isbn')->addDatetime('published', FALSE)->addInteger('pages', FALSE);
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
// BUT, this time With a namespace defined ("ns1")
$obj_gateway_ns1 = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf(null, 'ns1');
$obj_store_ns1 = new \GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway_ns1);
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
// BUT, this time With a namespace defined ("ns2")
$obj_gateway_ns2 = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf(null, 'ns2');
$obj_store_ns2 = new \GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway_ns2);
// Create a Book in the first namespace
$obj_book1 = $obj_store_ns1->createEntity(['title' => 'Romeo and Juliet', 'author' => 'William Shakespeare', 'isbn' => '1840224339']);
// Create a Book in the second namespace
$obj_book2 = $obj_store_ns2->createEntity(['title' => 'Hamlet', 'author' => 'William Shakespeare', 'isbn' => '1853260096']);
 * Name-spaced FETCH examples for GDS
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../_includes.php';
// Define our Book Schema
$obj_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Book'))->addString('title', FALSE)->addString('author')->addString('isbn')->addDatetime('published', FALSE)->addInteger('pages', FALSE);
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
// BUT, this time With a namespace defined ("ns1")
$obj_gateway_ns1 = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf(null, 'ns1');
$obj_store_ns1 = new \GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway_ns1);
// This Store uses the default Protocol Buffer Gateway - for App Engine local development or live App Engine
// BUT, this time With a namespace defined ("ns2")
$obj_gateway_ns2 = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf(null, 'ns2');
$obj_store_ns2 = new \GDS\Store($obj_schema, $obj_gateway_ns2);
// Fetch all (client 1)
echo "From ns1", PHP_EOL;
$arr_books1 = $obj_store_ns1->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Book");
echo "Query client 1 found ", count($arr_books1), " records", PHP_EOL;
foreach ($arr_books1 as $obj_book) {
    echo "   Title: {$obj_book->title}, ISBN: {$obj_book->isbn}", PHP_EOL;
// Fetch all (client 2)
echo "From ns2", PHP_EOL;
$arr_books2 = $obj_store_ns2->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Book");
echo "Query client 2 found ", count($arr_books2), " records", PHP_EOL;
foreach ($arr_books2 as $obj_book) {
    echo "   Title: {$obj_book->title}, ISBN: {$obj_book->isbn}", PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #21
// Fetch all
$arr_books = $obj_book_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Book");
// Fetch paginated
$obj_book_store->query('SELECT * FROM Book');
while ($arr_page = $obj_book_store->fetchPage(50)) {
// Retrieve multiple rows by ID
echo "Multi fetch:", PHP_EOL;
$arr_books = $obj_book_store->fetchByIds(['5692592335355904', '5149586599444480']);
foreach ($arr_books as $obj_book) {
$obj_store = new GDS\Store('Contact', $obj_gateway);
$arr_contacts = $obj_store->fetchByNames(['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']);
foreach ($arr_contacts as $obj_contact) {
    echo "  Found: {$obj_contact->first_name}, {$obj_contact->last_name}", PHP_EOL;
 * Helper function to simplify results display
 * @param $mix_result
 * @param bool $bol_recurse
function describeResult($mix_result, $bol_recurse = FALSE)
    if ($mix_result instanceof GDS\Entity) {
        $str_class = get_class($mix_result);
        echo "Found single result: [{$str_class}] {$mix_result->getKeyId()}, {$mix_result->title}, {$mix_result->isbn}, {$mix_result->author}", PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #22

 * Create, update and retrieve a series of Entities to test retrieval and mapping of Auto-insert IDs
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'boilerplate.php';
$obj_store = new GDS\Store('Temperatures', $obj_gateway);
// Delete ALL
// $obj_store->delete($obj_store->fetchAll());
// Create some new records with random temperatures
$arr_new_records = [];
$int_new_records = mt_rand(10, 20);
for ($int = 1; $int <= $int_new_records; $int++) {
    $obj_new_entity = $obj_store->createEntity(['temp' => mt_rand(1, 9999)]);
    $arr_new_records[] = $obj_new_entity;
// Now keep a record of the mapping (POST upsert)
$arr_temp_id_map = [];
foreach ($arr_new_records as $obj_temp) {
    $arr_temp_id_map[$obj_temp->getKeyId()] = $obj_temp->temp;
// Get all records from the Datastore and compare
$arr_all_temps = $obj_store->fetchAll();
foreach ($arr_all_temps as $obj_stored_temp) {
    echo $obj_stored_temp->getKeyID() . " has temp " . $obj_stored_temp->temp;
    if (isset($arr_temp_id_map[$obj_stored_temp->getKeyID()])) {
        if ($arr_temp_id_map[$obj_stored_temp->getKeyID()] == $obj_stored_temp->temp) {
            echo ", match OK";
  * Insert One WITH result
 public function testUpsertOneAutoIdWithResult()
     $obj_request = new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\CommitRequest();
     $obj_mutation = $obj_request->mutableDeprecatedMutation();
     $obj_entity = $obj_mutation->addInsertAutoId();
     $obj_key = $obj_entity->mutableKey();
     $obj_partition = $obj_key->mutablePartitionId();
     $obj_kpe = $obj_key->addPathElement();
     $obj_property = $obj_entity->addProperty();
     $obj_val = $obj_property->mutableValue();
     $obj_val->setStringValue('Back to the Future');
     $obj_response = new \google\appengine\datastore\v4\CommitResponse();
     $obj_mutation_result = $obj_response->mutableDeprecatedMutationResult();
     $obj_ai_key = $obj_mutation_result->addInsertAutoIdKey();
     $obj_ai_kpe = $obj_ai_key->addPathElement();
     $this->apiProxyMock->expectCall('datastore_v4', 'Commit', $obj_request, $obj_response);
     $obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf('Dataset');
     $obj_store = new GDS\Store('Film', $obj_gateway);
     $obj_book = $obj_store->createEntity(['title' => 'Back to the Future']);
     $this->assertEquals(499190400, $obj_book->getKeyId());
Beispiel #24
 * Fetch data from GDS  * with an indexed string field *
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'config/setup.php';
// We'll need a Google_Client, use our convenience method
$obj_google_client = GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient::createGoogleClient(GDS_APP_NAME, GDS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, GDS_KEY_FILE_PATH);
$obj_gateway = new GDS\Gateway\GoogleAPIClient($obj_google_client, GDS_DATASET_ID);
// Optionally, namespace
// Define the model on-the-fly
$obj_contact_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Contact'))->addString('first_name')->addString('last_name')->addStringList('tags', TRUE);
// Configure the Store
$obj_store = new GDS\Store($obj_contact_schema, $obj_gateway);
// A couple of tests
show($obj_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Contact_v1 WHERE tags = 'newsletter' AND tags = 'customer'"));
show($obj_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Contact_v1 WHERE tags = 'api'"));
show($obj_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Contact_v1 WHERE tags = 'newsletter'"));
 * Show result data
 * @param $arr
function show($arr)
    echo PHP_EOL, "Query found ", count($arr), " records", PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($arr as $obj_model) {
        echo "   Email: {$obj_model->getKeyName()}, Name: {$obj_model->first_name}", PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #25

 * Create a single record in GDS
 * @author Tom Walder <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'boilerplate.php';
$obj_person_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Person'))->addString('name')->addString('description');
$obj_store = new GDS\Store($obj_person_schema, $obj_gateway);
// Create the parent
$obj_john = new \GDS\Entity();
$obj_john->name = 'John Smiths';
$obj_john->description = 'A parent';
$obj_stored_parent = $obj_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE __key__ = KEY(Person, '*****@*****.**')");
// Create a child
$obj_jane = new \GDS\Entity();
$obj_jane->name = 'Jane Smiths';
$obj_jane->description = 'A child';
Beispiel #26
// Fetch all
$arr_books = $obj_book_store->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM Book");
// Fetch paginated
$obj_book_store->query('SELECT * FROM Book');
while ($arr_page = $obj_book_store->fetchPage(50)) {
// Retrieve multiple rows by ID
echo "Multi fetch:", PHP_EOL;
$arr_books = $obj_book_store->fetchByIds(['5692592335355904', '5149586599444480']);
foreach ($arr_books as $obj_book) {
$obj_store = new GDS\Store('Contact', $obj_gateway);
$arr_contacts = $obj_store->fetchByNames(['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']);
foreach ($arr_contacts as $obj_contact) {
    echo "  Found: {$obj_contact->first_name}, {$obj_contact->last_name}", PHP_EOL;
 * Helper function to simplify results display
 * @param $mix_result
 * @param bool $bol_recurse
function describeResult($mix_result, $bol_recurse = FALSE)
    if ($mix_result instanceof GDS\Entity) {
        $str_class = get_class($mix_result);
        echo "Found single result: [{$str_class}] {$mix_result->getKeyId()}, {$mix_result->title}, {$mix_result->isbn}, {$mix_result->author}", PHP_EOL;