$instance = new GAAuthLdap($auth->id);
 $instance->set_config('group_synching_ldap_attribute_attribute', $attributename);
 // override defaut contexts values for the auth plugin
 if ($onlycontexts) {
     $instance->set_config('contexts', $onlycontexts);
 // OVERRRIDING searchsub contexts for this auth plugin
 if ($searchsub !== false) {
     $instance->set_config('search_sub', $searchsub ? 'yes' : 'no');
 if ($CFG->debug_ldap_groupes) {
     moodle_print_object("config. LDAP : ", $instance->get_config());
 // get the distinct values of the used attribute by a LDAP search
 // that may be restricted by flags -c or -o
 $groups = $instance->get_attribute_distinct_values();
 if ($CFG->debug_ldap_groupes) {
     moodle_print_object("distinct values found for {$attributename} ", $groups);
 $nbadded = 0;
 foreach ($groups as $group) {
     // skip if in excludelist or not in the includelist
     if (!ldap_sync_filter_name($group, $includelist, $excludelist)) {
     if ($CFG->debug_ldap_groupes) {
         moodle_print_object("processing group  : ", $group);
     // test whether this group exists within the institution
     if (!($dbgroup = get_record('group', 'shortname', $group, 'institution', $institutionname))) {
         if ($nocreate) {