Author: Melon`` @ 1010
Beispiel #1
  * Create the application document registry
  * @param array $aData
  * @return string
 public function create($aData)
     $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(RoutePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $sRouteUID = G::generateUniqueID();
         $aData['ROU_UID'] = $sRouteUID;
         $oRoute = new Route();
         // validating default values
         $aData['ROU_TO_LAST_USER'] = $this->validateValue(isset($aData['ROU_TO_LAST_USER']) ? $aData['ROU_TO_LAST_USER'] : '', array('TRUE', 'FALSE'), 'FALSE');
         $aData['ROU_OPTIONAL'] = $this->validateValue(isset($aData['ROU_OPTIONAL']) ? $aData['ROU_OPTIONAL'] : '', array('TRUE', 'FALSE'), 'FALSE');
         $aData['ROU_SEND_EMAIL'] = $this->validateValue(isset($aData['ROU_SEND_EMAIL']) ? $aData['ROU_SEND_EMAIL'] : '', array('TRUE', 'FALSE'), 'TRUE');
         $oRoute->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
         if ($oRoute->validate()) {
             $iResult = $oRoute->save();
             return $sRouteUID;
         } else {
             $sMessage = '';
             $aValidationFailures = $oRoute->getValidationFailures();
             foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) {
                 $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />';
             throw new Exception('The registry cannot be created!<br />' . $sMessage);
     } catch (Exception $oError) {
         throw $oError;
Beispiel #2
function iniciarBusqueda($numSeccion, $paramStrBuscar)
    require_once 'clases/Global.php';
    $global = new G();
    $busqueda = new memestimeBusqueda();
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="strLoQueBusco" value="' . $paramStrBuscar . '" />';
    $cursor = $busqueda->buscar($paramStrBuscar, $numSeccion, $numResultados, $strRespuesta);
    foreach ($cursor as $elemento) {
        echo '<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4"><div class="thumbnail">';
        echo '<img class="img-responsive img-circle" src="http://' . $global->getFtpServer() . '/' . $elemento['url'] . '">';
        echo '<div class="caption">';
        echo "<h3>" . implode(" ", $elemento['nombreImagen']) . "</h3>";
        echo '<p><a href="image.php?image=' . $elemento['_id'] . '" class="btn btn-primary" role="button">Ver</a></p>';
        echo '</div></div></div>';
    $numIndices = ceil($numResultados / 3);
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-sm-12">';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="numIndices" value= ' . $numIndices . ' />';
    echo '<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" id="btnIrAPrimero" name = "btnIrAPrimero">First</button>';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $numIndices; $i++) {
        echo '<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" id="btnIrA' . $i . '" name = "btnIrA' . $i . '" value = ' . $i . '>' . $i . '</button>';
    echo '<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" id="btnIrAUltimo" name = "btnIrAUltimo">Last</button>';
    echo '</div></div>';
Beispiel #3
  * Constructs a new Log_firebug object.
  * @param string $name     Ignored.
  * @param string $ident    The identity string.
  * @param array  $conf     The configuration array.
  * @param int    $level    Log messages up to and including this level.
  * @access public
 function Log_firebug($name = '', $ident = 'PHP', $conf = array(), $level = PEAR_LOG_DEBUG)
     if (!class_exists('G')) {
         $realdocuroot = str_replace('\\', '/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
         $docuroot = explode('/', $realdocuroot);
         $pathhome = implode('/', $docuroot) . '/';
         $pathTrunk = implode('/', $docuroot) . '/';
         require_once $pathTrunk . 'gulliver/system/class.g.php';
     $this->_id = G::encryptOld(microtime());
     $this->_ident = $ident;
     $this->_mask = Log::UPTO($level);
     if (isset($conf['buffering'])) {
         $this->_buffering = $conf['buffering'];
     if ($this->_buffering) {
         register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, '_Log_firebug'));
     if (!empty($conf['lineFormat'])) {
         $this->_lineFormat = str_replace(array_keys($this->_formatMap), array_values($this->_formatMap), $conf['lineFormat']);
     if (!empty($conf['timeFormat'])) {
         $this->_timeFormat = $conf['timeFormat'];
  * Create the application document registry
  * @param array $aData
  * @return string
 public function create($aData)
     $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(SwimlanesElementsPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $aData['SWI_UID'] = G::generateUniqueID();
         $oSwimlanesElements = new SwimlanesElements();
         $oSwimlanesElements->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
         if ($oSwimlanesElements->validate()) {
             if (isset($aData['SWI_TEXT'])) {
             $iResult = $oSwimlanesElements->save();
             return $aData['SWI_UID'];
         } else {
             $sMessage = '';
             $aValidationFailures = $oSwimlanesElements->getValidationFailures();
             foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) {
                 $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />';
             throw new Exception('The registry cannot be created!<br />' . $sMessage);
     } catch (Exception $oError) {
         throw $oError;
 public function create(array $arrayData)
     $cnn = Propel::getConnection(ConfigurationPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $this->setCfgValue(isset($arrayData["CFG_VALUE"]) ? $arrayData["CFG_VALUE"] : "");
         if ($this->validate()) {
             $result = $this->save();
             return $result;
         } else {
             $msg = "";
             foreach ($this->getValidationFailures() as $validationFailure) {
                 $msg = $msg . ($msg != "" ? "\n" : "") . $validationFailure->getMessage();
             throw new Exception(G::LoadTranslation("ID_RECORD_CANNOT_BE_CREATED") . ($msg != "" ? "\n" . $msg : ""));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
  * __construct
  * @return void     
 function __construct()
     //Initialize the Library and register the Default
     $this->registerFunctionsFileToLibrary(PATH_CORE . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "class.pmFunctions.php", "ProcessMaker Functions");
     //Register all registered PLugin Functions
     if (class_exists('folderData')) {
         //$folderData = new folderData($sProUid, $proFields['PRO_TITLE'], $sAppUid, $Fields['APP_TITLE'], $sUsrUid);
         $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
         $aAvailablePmFunctions = $oPluginRegistry->getPmFunctions();
         foreach ($aAvailablePmFunctions as $key => $class) {
             $filePlugin = PATH_PLUGINS . $class . PATH_SEP . 'classes' . PATH_SEP . 'class.pmFunctions.php';
             if (file_exists($filePlugin) && !is_dir($filePlugin)) {
                 $this->registerFunctionsFileToLibrary($filePlugin, "ProcessMaker Functions");
     //Add External Triggers
     $dir = G::ExpandPath("classes") . 'triggers';
     $filesArray = array();
     if (file_exists($dir)) {
         if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
             while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                 if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir($dir . PATH_SEP . $file)) {
                     $this->registerFunctionsFileToLibrary($dir . PATH_SEP . $file, "ProcessMaker External Functions");
Beispiel #7
 public function create($aData)
     $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(StagePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         if (isset($aData['STG_UID']) && $aData['STG_UID'] == '') {
         if (!isset($aData['STG_UID'])) {
             $aData['STG_UID'] = G::generateUniqueID();
         $oStage = new Stage();
         $oStage->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
         if ($oStage->validate()) {
             $iResult = $oStage->save();
             return $aData['STG_UID'];
         } else {
             $sMessage = '';
             $aValidationFailures = $oStage->getValidationFailures();
             foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) {
                 $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />';
             throw new Exception('The registry cannot be created!<br />' . $sMessage);
     } catch (Exception $oError) {
         throw $oError;
 * this function get the fields that are part of the temporal
 * dynaform file.
 * @name getTemporalFields
 * @author gustavo cruz
 * @access public
 * @param $file - the name of the dynaform file
 * @return invalidFields string
function getTemporalFields($file)
    try {
        //$G_PUBLISH->AddContent('pagedtable', 'paged-table', 'dynaforms/fields_List', 'display:none', $Parameters , '', SYS_URI.'dynaforms/dynaforms_PagedTableAjax');
        $i = 0;
        $aFields = array();
        $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => 'char', 'TYPE' => 'char', 'UP' => 'char', 'DOWN' => 'char');
        $oSession = new DBSession(new DBConnection(PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '_tmp0.xml', '', '', '', 'myxml'));
        $oDataset = $oSession->Execute('SELECT * FROM dynaForm WHERE NOT( XMLNODE_NAME = "" ) AND TYPE <> "pmconnection"');
        $iMaximun = $oDataset->count();
        while ($aRow = $oDataset->Read()) {
            $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => $aRow['XMLNODE_NAME'], 'TYPE' => $aRow['TYPE'], 'UP' => $i > 0 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_UP') : '', 'DOWN' => $i < $iMaximun - 1 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_DOWN') : '', 'row__' => $i + 1);
        // print_r($aFields);
        // die;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    $invalidFields = validateGridConversion($aFields);
    if (count($invalidFields) > 0) {
        return implode(", ", $invalidFields);
    } else {
        return "ok";
Beispiel #9
function run_create_translation($args, $opts)
    $filter = new InputFilter();
    $opts = $filter->xssFilterHard($opts);
    $args = $filter->xssFilterHard($args);
    $rootDir = realpath(__DIR__."/../../../../");
    $app = new Maveriks\WebApplication();
    $loadConstants = false;

    $workspaces = get_workspaces_from_args($args);
    $lang = array_key_exists("lang", $opts) ? $opts['lang'] : 'en';

    $translation = new Translation();
    CLI::logging("Updating labels Mafe ...\n");
    foreach ($workspaces as $workspace) {
        try {
            echo "Updating labels for workspace " . pakeColor::colorize($workspace->name, "INFO") . "\n";
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo "Errors upgrading labels for workspace " . CLI::info($workspace->name) . ": " . CLI::error($e->getMessage()) . "\n";

    CLI::logging("Create successful\n");

Beispiel #10
 function create($aData)
     try {
         $sCode = $aData['PER_CODE'];
         $oCriteria = new Criteria('rbac');
         $oCriteria->add(PermissionsPeer::PER_CODE, $sCode);
         $oDataset = PermissionsPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria);
         $aRow = $oDataset->getRow();
         if (is_array($aRow)) {
             return 1;
         $aData['PER_UID'] = G::generateUniqueID();
         $aData['PER_CODE'] = $aData['PER_CODE'];
         $aData['PER_CREATE_DATE'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $aData['PER_UPDATE_DATE'] = $aData['PER_CREATE_DATE'];
         $aData['PER_STATUS'] = 1;
         $oPermission = new Permissions();
         $oPermission->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
         $iResult = $oPermission->save();
         return $aData['PER_UID'];
     } catch (Exception $oError) {
         throw $oError;
function postNote($httpData)
    $appUid = isset($httpData->appUid) ? $httpData->appUid : '';
    $usrUid = isset($httpData->usrUid) ? $httpData->usrUid : '';
    require_once "classes/model/AppNotes.php";
    $appNotes = new AppNotes();
    $noteContent = addslashes($httpData->noteText);
    $result = $appNotes->postNewNote($appUid, $usrUid, $noteContent, false);
    //return true;
    //send the response to client
    @ini_set('implicit_flush', 1);
    //echo G::json_encode($result);
    //return true;
    //send notification in background
    $noteRecipientsList = array();
    $oCase = new Cases();
    $p = $oCase->getUsersParticipatedInCase($appUid);
    foreach ($p['array'] as $key => $userParticipated) {
        $noteRecipientsList[] = $key;
    $noteRecipients = implode(",", $noteRecipientsList);
    $appNotes->sendNoteNotification($appUid, $usrUid, $noteContent, $noteRecipients);
Beispiel #12
 public function minify()
     if ($this->contentType != 'text/css') {
         G::LoadThirdParty('jsmin', 'jsmin');
         $this->content = JSMin::minify($this->content);
Beispiel #13
function AuthenticationBasicHTTP($realm)
    if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'])) {
        header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $realm . '"');
        header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
        die('401 Unauthorized');
    global $RBAC;
    $uid = $RBAC->VerifyLogin($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']);
    if ($uid > 0) {
        // Asign the uid of user to userloggedobj
        $RBAC->loadUserRolePermission($RBAC->sSystem, $uid);
        $res = $RBAC->userCanAccess('PM_WEBDAV');
        if ($res != 1) {
            if ($res == -2) {
                $msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_SYSTEM');
            } else {
                $msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_PAGE');
            header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $realm . '"');
            header('HTTP/1.0 401 ' . $msg);
            die('401 ' . $msg);
            return false;
        return true;
    header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $realm . '"');
    header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
    die('401 Unauthorized');
    return false;
Beispiel #14
 function Presentation(&$base, $what, $typ = 0)
     global ${"gorum{$what}template"}, $gorumroll;
     $this->base =& $base;
     if ($typ) {
         $this->typ =& $typ;
     } else {
         $this->typ =& $base->getTypeInfo(TRUE);
     if (isset($this->typ["{$gorumroll->list}: {$what}Template"])) {
         $this->template = $this->typ["{$gorumroll->list}: {$what}Template"];
     if (isset($this->typ["{$gorumroll->method}: {$what}Template"])) {
         $this->template = $this->typ["{$gorumroll->method}: {$what}Template"];
     } elseif (isset($this->typ["{$what}Template"])) {
         $this->template = $this->typ["{$what}Template"];
     } else {
         $this->template = ${"gorum{$what}template"};
     $this->innerBordersOnly = G::getSetting($this->typ, "innerBordersOnly");
     if ($this->innerBordersOnly) {
         // a szelso td-k kulso bordereit toroljuk:
         JavaScript::addOnload("\n            \$('.template > table').find('tbody tr:not(.noapply), tfoot tr').find('td:first, th:first').css('border-left', 'none').end().\n                                    find('td:last, th:last').css('border-right', 'none').end().\n                                    find('td.groupsep_v + td').css('border-left', 'none').end().\n                                    find('td.groupsep_v').prev().css('border-right', 'none').end().end().\n                                    slice(-1).find('td').css('border-bottom', 'none');\n        ", "innerBordersOnly");
Beispiel #15
 private function renderImagesList()
     G::addToRender("forms/admin_copy_image_form.php", BLOCK_PRE_CONTENT, CODE);
     G::addToRender("admin/mimages_images_table.php", BLOCK_PRE_CONTENT, CODE);
     //G::addToRender("forms/admin_product_edit_form.php", BLOCK_CONTENT, CODE);
     G::addToRender("forms/admin_upload_image_form.php", BLOCK_CONTENT, CODE);
Beispiel #16
 public function create($arrayData)
     $cnn = Propel::getConnection(OauthClientsPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $id = G::generateCode(32, "ALPHA");
         $secret = G::generateUniqueID();
         if ($this->validate()) {
             $result = $this->save();
             return array("CLIENT_ID" => $id, "CLIENT_SECRET" => $secret);
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Failed Validation in class \"" . get_class($this) . "\".");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
 function saveAuthSources($params)
     global $RBAC;
     if ($RBAC->userCanAccess('PM_SETUP_ADVANCE') != 1) {
         G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_PAGE', 'error', 'labels');
         G::header('location: ../login/login');
     $aFields = $aData = array();
     foreach ($params as $sField => $sValue) {
         if (in_array($sField, $aCommonFields)) {
             $aFields[$sField] = $sField == 'AUTH_SOURCE_ENABLED_TLS' || $sField == 'AUTH_ANONYMOUS' ? $sValue == 'yes' ? 1 : 0 : $sValue;
         } else {
             $aData[$sField] = $sValue;
     $aFields['AUTH_SOURCE_DATA'] = $aData;
     if ($aFields['AUTH_SOURCE_UID'] == '') {
     } else {
     $data = array();
     $data['success'] = true;
     return $data;
Beispiel #18
  * Handle SQL query
  * edit this for custom sql handling
  * @param string $query
  * @return sql result
 static function __handleQuery($query)
     if (defined('SQL_DEBUG')) {
     return mysql_query($query);
 function create($aData)
     if (!isset($aData['AUTH_SOURCE_UID'])) {
         $aData['AUTH_SOURCE_UID'] = G::generateUniqueID();
     } else {
         if ($aData['AUTH_SOURCE_UID'] == '') {
             $aData['AUTH_SOURCE_UID'] = G::generateUniqueID();
     $aData['AUTH_SOURCE_DATA'] = is_array($aData['AUTH_SOURCE_DATA']) ? serialize($aData['AUTH_SOURCE_DATA']) : $aData['AUTH_SOURCE_DATA'];
     $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(AuthenticationSourcePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $oAuthenticationSource = new AuthenticationSource();
         $oAuthenticationSource->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
         if ($oAuthenticationSource->validate()) {
             $iResult = $oAuthenticationSource->save();
             return $aData['AUTH_SOURCE_UID'];
         } else {
             $sMessage = '';
             $aValidationFailures = $oAuthenticationSource->getValidationFailures();
             foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) {
                 $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />';
             throw new Exception('The registry cannot be created!<br />' . $sMessage);
     } catch (Exception $oError) {
         throw $oError;
Beispiel #20
 public function create($aData)
     $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(GatewayPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $sGatewayUID = G::generateUniqueID();
         $aData['GAT_UID'] = $sGatewayUID;
         $oGateway = new Gateway();
         $oGateway->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
         if ($oGateway->validate()) {
             $iResult = $oGateway->save();
             return $sGatewayUID;
         } else {
             $sMessage = '';
             $aValidationFailures = $oGateway->getValidationFailures();
             foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) {
                 $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />';
             throw new Exception('The registry cannot be created!<br />' . $sMessage);
     } catch (Exception $oError) {
         throw $oError;
Beispiel #21
function runHotfixInstall($command, $args)
    CLI::logging("HOTFIX", PATH_DATA . "log" . PATH_SEP . "upgrades.log");
    CLI::logging("Install hotfix to system\n");
    $arrayFile = $command;
    if (count($arrayFile) > 0) {
        //Install hotfix
        foreach ($arrayFile as $value) {
            $f = $value;
            $result = workspaceTools::hotfixInstall($f);
            CLI::logging($result["message"] . "\n");
        //Clear server's cache
        CLI::logging("\nClearing cache...\n");
        if (defined("PATH_C")) {
            G::mk_dir(PATH_C, 0777);
        //Safe upgrade for JavaScript files
        CLI::logging("\nSafe upgrade for files cached by the browser\n\n");
        CLI::logging("HOTFIX done\n");
    } else {
        CLI::logging("Please specify the hotfix to install\n");
function run_flush_cache($args, $opts)
    $rootDir = realpath(__DIR__."/../../../../");
    $app = new Maveriks\WebApplication();
    $loadConstants = false;
    $workspaces = get_workspaces_from_args($args);

    if (! defined("PATH_C")) {
        die("ERROR: seems processmaker is not properly installed (System constants are missing).".PHP_EOL);

    CLI::logging("Flush ".pakeColor::colorize("system", "INFO")." cache ... ");
    G::mk_dir(PATH_C, 0777);
    echo "DONE" . PHP_EOL;

    foreach ($workspaces as $workspace) {
        echo "Flush workspace " . pakeColor::colorize($workspace->name, "INFO") . " cache ... ";

        G::rm_dir($workspace->path . "/cache");
        G::mk_dir($workspace->path . "/cache", 0777);
        G::rm_dir($workspace->path . "/cachefiles");
        G::mk_dir($workspace->path . "/cachefiles", 0777);
        echo "DONE" . PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #23
 function get_session_xmlforms()
     $cur = array_keys($_SESSION);
     $res = '';
     $colors = array('white', '#EEFFFF');
     $colori = 0;
     $count = 0;
     //Get xmlforms in session
     foreach ($cur as $key) {
         $res .= '<div style="background-color:' . $colors[$colori] . ';">';
         $xml = G::getUIDName($key, '');
         if (strpos($xml, '.xml') !== false) {
             $res .= '<i>FORM:</i>  ' . $xml;
             $colori = $colori ^ 1;
         $res .= '</div>';
     //Get pagedTable in session
     foreach ($cur as $key) {
         $res .= '<div style="background-color:' . $colors[$colori] . ';">';
         if (substr($key, 0, 11) === "pagedTable[") {
             $xml = G::getUIDName(substr($key, 11, -1), '');
             $res .= '<i>TABLE:</i> ' . $xml;
             $colori = $colori ^ 1;
         $res .= '</div>';
     return array("count" => $count, "html" => $res);
Beispiel #24
 function cloneCategory($category, $sortId = 0)
     $id = $category->id;
     $category->sortId = $sortId;
     $category->subCatNum = $category->directSubCatNum = $category->itemNum = $category->directItemNum = 0;
     if (!$this->withPictures) {
         $category->picture = "";
     $category->create(FALSE, TRUE);
     // fromClone=TRUE
     if ($this->withPictures && $category->picture) {
         copy(CAT_PIC_DIR . "/{$id}.{$category->picture}", CAT_PIC_DIR . "/{$category->id}.{$category->picture}");
     // Cloning the custom fields:
     G::load($fields, array("SELECT * FROM @customfield WHERE cid=#cid#", $id));
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $field->cid = $category->id;
     if ($this->recursive) {
         G::load($subCats, array("SELECT * FROM @category WHERE up=#id#", $id));
         foreach ($subCats as $sc) {
             $sc->up = $category->id;
             $this->cloneCategory($sc, $sc->sortId);
 public function saveInputDoc($params)
     require_once 'classes/model/InputDocument.php';
     $aData = array();
     $aData['PRO_UID'] = $params->PRO_UID;
     $aData['INP_DOC_UID'] = $params->INP_DOC_UID;
     $aData['INP_DOC_TITLE'] = $params->INP_DOC_TITLE;
     $aData['INP_DOC_FORM_NEEDED'] = $params->INP_DOC_FORM_NEEDED;
     if ($aData['INP_DOC_FORM_NEEDED'] != 'VIRTUAL') {
         $aData['INP_DOC_ORIGINAL'] = $params->INP_DOC_ORIGINAL;
     } else {
         $aData['INP_DOC_ORIGINAL'] = 'ORIGINAL';
     $aData['INP_DOC_TAGS'] = $params->INP_DOC_TAGS;
     $oInputDocument = new InputDocument();
     if ($aData['INP_DOC_UID'] == '') {
         $this->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_INPUT_DOC_SUCCESS_NEW');
     } else {
         $this->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_INPUT_DOC_SUCCESS_UPDATE');
     //refresh dbarray with the last change in inputDocument
     $oMap = new processMap();
     $oCriteria = $oMap->getInputDocumentsCriteria($aData['PRO_UID']);
     $this->success = true;
Beispiel #26
 public function GetOrderData_m_diler($id_order)
     $and['o.id_order'] = $id_order;
     $sql = "SELECT o.id_order, o.note2, o.note, o.target_date\r\n\t\t\tFROM  " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "order o\r\n\t\t\t" . $this->db->GetWhere($and) . "\r\n\t\t\tGROUP BY o.id_order";
     $arr = $this->db->GetArray($sql) or G::DieLoger("SQL - error: {$sql}");
     return $arr;
 * @method
 * Executes a Talend Web Service..
 * @name executeTalendWebservice
 * @label Executes a Talend Web Service.
 * @param string | $wsdl | Talend Web Service (including ?WSDL)
 * @param array(array(n1 v1) array(n2 v2) array(nN vN)) | $params | Array of params. Pairs of param Name Value
 * @param string | $message | Message to be displayed
 * @return array | $return | Talend Array
function executeTalendWebservice($wsdl, $params = array(), $message)
    $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => 1));
    $params[0] = "";
    foreach ($params as $paramO) {
        $params[] = "--context_param" . $paramO[0] . "=" . $paramO[1];
    $result = $client->__SoapCall('runJob', array($params));
    $params[1]="--context_param nb_line=".@=Quantity;
    $result = $client->__SoapCall('runJob', array($params));
    foreach ($result->item as $keyItem => $item){
    G::SendMessageText("<font color='blue'>Information from Talend ETL webservice</font><font color='darkgray'><br>" . $wsdl . "</font>", "INFO");
Beispiel #28
 function create()
     global $gorumroll;
     $class = strstr($gorumroll->list, "user") ? "user" : "item";
     if (Roll::isFormInvalid()) {
     if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,6}$/i', $this->youremail) || !preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,6}$/i', $this->friendsemail)) {
         return Roll::setFormInvalid("invalidEmail");
     G::load($n, Notification_adToAFriend, "notification");
     if ($n->active) {
         $obj = new $class();
         $obj->id = $gorumroll->rollid;
         $params["message"] = $this->mess;
         $params["name"] = $this->yourname;
         $sp = new SendingParameters();
         $sp->to = $this->friendsemail;
         $sp->from = $this->youremail;
         $sp->replyTo = $this->youremail;
         $sp->replyToName = $this->yourname;
         $n->send($sp, $params);
     //TODO: respnum increase
Beispiel #29
  * Constructs a new Log_display object.
  * @param string $name     Ignored.
  * @param string $ident    The identity string.
  * @param array  $conf     The configuration array.
  * @param int    $level    Log messages up to and including this level.
  * @access public
 function Log_display($name = '', $ident = '', $conf = array(), $level = PEAR_LOG_DEBUG)
     if (!class_exists('G')) {
         $realdocuroot = str_replace('\\', '/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
         $docuroot = explode('/', $realdocuroot);
         $pathhome = implode('/', $docuroot) . '/';
         $pathTrunk = implode('/', $docuroot) . '/';
         require_once $pathTrunk . 'gulliver/system/class.g.php';
     $this->_id = G::encryptOld(microtime());
     $this->_ident = $ident;
     $this->_mask = Log::UPTO($level);
     if (isset($conf['error_prepend'])) {
         $this->_error_prepend = $conf['error_prepend'];
     } else {
         $this->_error_prepend = ini_get('error_prepend_string');
     if (isset($conf['error_append'])) {
         $this->_error_append = $conf['error_append'];
     } else {
         $this->_error_append = ini_get('error_append_string');
     if (isset($conf['linebreak'])) {
         $this->_linebreak = $conf['linebreak'];
Beispiel #30
  * Constructs a new Log_console object.
  * @param string $name     Ignored.
  * @param string $ident    The identity string.
  * @param array  $conf     The configuration array.
  * @param int    $level    Log messages up to and including this level.
  * @access public
 function Log_console($name, $ident = '', $conf = array(), $level = PEAR_LOG_DEBUG)
     if (!class_exists('G')) {
         $realdocuroot = str_replace('\\', '/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
         $docuroot = explode('/', $realdocuroot);
         $pathhome = implode('/', $docuroot) . '/';
         $pathTrunk = implode('/', $docuroot) . '/';
         require_once $pathTrunk . 'gulliver/system/class.g.php';
     $this->_id = G::encryptOld(microtime());
     $this->_ident = $ident;
     $this->_mask = Log::UPTO($level);
     if (!empty($conf['stream'])) {
         $this->_stream = $conf['stream'];
     if (isset($conf['buffering'])) {
         $this->_buffering = $conf['buffering'];
     if (!empty($conf['lineFormat'])) {
         $this->_lineFormat = str_replace(array_keys($this->_formatMap), array_values($this->_formatMap), $conf['lineFormat']);
     if (!empty($conf['timeFormat'])) {
         $this->_timeFormat = $conf['timeFormat'];
      * If output buffering has been requested, we need to register a
      * shutdown function that will dump the buffer upon termination.
     if ($this->_buffering) {
         register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, '_Log_console'));