Beispiel #1
	function getChart()
		// Include PHP Class
		// Add JS to page header
		$document = JFactory::getDocument();

		$params = $this->getParams();
		$w = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_width');
		$h = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_height');

		// Create new chart
		$FC = new FusionCharts("GANTT","$w","$h");

		// Define path to FC's SWF

		$FC->setChartParam('dateFormat', 'yyyy-mm-dd');
		$FC->setChartParam('showTaskNames', 1);

		// ------------------- Setting Param string

		$listid = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_table');
		$listModel = JModel::getInstance('list', 'FabrikFEModel');
		$db = $listModel->getDB();
		$table = $listModel->getTable()->db_table_name;
		$process = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_process');
		$processraw = $process.'_raw';
		$start = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_startdate');
		$startraw = $start .'_raw';
		$end = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_enddate');
		$endraw = $end . '_raw';
		$label = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_label');
		$hover = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_hover');
		$milestone = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_milestone');
		$milestoneraw = $milestone."_raw";
		$connector = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_connector');
		$connectorraw = $connector."_raw";
		$fields = array();

		$fields[] = FabrikString::safeColName($process)." AS " . $db->nameQuote($process);
		$fields[] = FabrikString::safeColName($start)." AS " . $db->nameQuote($start);
		$fields[] = FabrikString::safeColName($end)." AS " . $db->nameQuote($end);
		$fields[] = FabrikString::safeColName($label)." AS " . $db->nameQuote($label);
		if ($hover !== '') {
			$fields[] = FabrikString::safeColName($hover)." AS " . $db->nameQuote($hover);
		if ($milestone !== '') {
			$fields[] = FabrikString::safeColName($milestone)." AS " . $db->nameQuote($milestone);
		if ($connector !== '') {
			$fields[] = FabrikString::safeColName($connector)." AS " . $db->nameQuote($connector);

		$listModel->asfields = $fields;
		$nav = $listModel->getPagination(0, 0, 0);
		$data = $listModel->getData();
		$data = $data[0];

		$mindate = null;
		$maxdate = null;
		$usedProcesses = array();
		$milestones = array();
		$connectors = array();
		$processLabel = $params->get('fusion_gantt_chart_process_label');

		foreach ($data as $d) {
			$hovertext = $hover == '' ? '' : $d->$hover;
			$processid = $d->$processraw;
			$startdate = JFactory::getDate($d->$startraw);
			$enddate = JFactory::getDate($d->$endraw);
			$strParam = "start=".$startdate->toFormat('%Y/%m/%d').";end=".$enddate->toFormat('%Y/%m/%d').";processId={$processid};id={$d->__pk_val};color=99cc00;alpha=60;topPadding=19;hoverText={$hovertext};";
			$strParam .="link={$d->fabrik_view_url};";
			$FC->addGanttTask($FC->encodeSpecialChars($d->$label), $strParam);

			if ($milestone !== '' && $d->$milestoneraw == 1) {
				$FC->addGanttMilestone($d->__pk_val, "date=".$enddate->toFormat('%Y/%m/%d').";radius=10;color=333333;shape=Star;numSides=5;borderThickness=1");

			if ($connector !== '' && $d->$connectorraw !== '') {
				$FC->addGanttConnector($d->$connectorraw, $d->__pk_val, "color=99cc00;thickness=2;");
			#apply processes
			if (!in_array($processid, $usedProcesses)) {
				$usedProcesses[] = $processid;
				$FC->addGanttProcess($FC->encodeSpecialChars($d->$process), "id={$processid};");
			#increaes max/min date range
			if (is_null($mindate)) {
				$mindate = $startdate;
				$maxdate = $enddate;
			} else {
				if (JFactory::getDate($d->$startraw)->toUnix() < $mindate->toUnix()) {
					$mindate = JFactory::getDate($d->$startraw);

				if (JFactory::getDate($d->$endraw)->toUnix() > $maxdate->toUnix()) {
					$maxdate = JFactory::getDate($d->$endraw);

		$startyear = $mindate ? $mindate->toFormat('%Y') : date('Y');
		$endyear = $maxdate ? $maxdate->toFormat('%Y') : 0;

		$monthdisplay = $params->get('fusion_gannt_chart_monthdisplay');
		for ($y = $startyear; $y <= $endyear; $y++) {
			$firstmonth = ($y == $startyear) ? (int)$mindate->toFormat('%m') : 1;
			$lastmonth = ($y == $endyear) ? $maxdate->toFormat('%m')+1 : 13;

			$start = date('Y/m/d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $firstmonth, 1, $y));
			$end = date('Y/m/d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $lastmonth, 0, $y));

			$strParam = "start=". $start.";end=".$end.";";
			$FC->addGanttCategory($y, $strParam);
		for ($y = $startyear; $y <= $endyear; $y++) {
			$lastmonth = ($y == $endyear) ? $maxdate->toFormat('%m')+1 : 13;
			$firstmonth = ($y == $startyear) ? (int)$mindate->toFormat('%m') : 1;
			for ($m = $firstmonth; $m < $lastmonth; $m++) {
				$starttime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y);
				$start = date('Y/m/d', $starttime);
				$end = date('Y/m/d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m+1, 0, $y));//use day = 0 to load last day of next month
				$m2 = $monthdisplay == 'str' ? JText::_(date('M', $starttime)) : $m;
				$FC->addGanttCategory($m2, "start=".$start.";end=".$end.";");

		# Render Chart
		return $FC->renderChart(false, false);