Beispiel #1
	public static function load($file, $group = null)
		$lang = array();

		// Use the current language, failing that use the fallback language
		foreach (array(\Config::get('language'), static::$fallback) as $language)
			if ($path = \Fuel::find_file('lang/'.$language, $file, '.php', true))
				$lang = array();
				foreach ($path as $p)
					$lang = $lang + \Fuel::load($p);

		if ($group === null)
			static::$lines = static::$lines + $lang;
			if ( ! isset(static::$lines[$group]))
				static::$lines[$group] = array();
			static::$lines[$group] = static::$lines[$group] + $lang;
Beispiel #2
  * Get or inject a ProcessWire API variable
  * 1. As a getter (option 1):
  * ==========================
  * Usage: $this->wire('name'); // name is an API variable name
  * If 'name' does not exist, a WireException will be thrown.
  * Specify '*' or 'all' for name to retrieve all API vars (as a Fuel object)
  * 2. As a getter (option 2):
  * ==========================
  * Usage: $this->wire()->name; // name is an API variable name
  * Null will be returned if API var does not exist (no Exception thrown).
  * 3. As a setter:
  * ===============
  * $this->wire('name', $value);
  * $this->wire('name', $value, true); // lock the API variable so nothing else can overwrite it
  * $this->wire()->set('name', $value);
  * $this->wire()->set('name', $value, true); // lock the API variable so nothing else can overwrite it
  * 4. As a dependency injector (PW 3.0 only)
  * =========================================
  * $this->wire(new Page());
  * When creating a new object, this makes it inject the current PW instance into that object.
  * @param string|object $name Name of API variable to retrieve, set, or omit to retrieve the master ProcessWire object
  * @param null|mixed $value Value to set if using this as a setter, otherwise omit.
  * @param bool $lock When using as a setter, specify true if you want to lock the value from future changes (default=false)
  * @return ProcessWire|Wire|Session|Page|Pages|Modules|User|Users|Roles|Permissions|Templates|Fields|Fieldtypes|Sanitizer|Config|Notices|WireDatabasePDO|WireInput|string|mixed
  * @throws WireException
 public function wire($name = '', $value = null, $lock = false)
     if (is_null(self::$fuel)) {
         self::$fuel = new Fuel();
     if ($value !== null) {
         // setting a fuel value
         return self::$fuel->set($name, $value, $lock);
     if (empty($name)) {
         // return ProcessWire instance
         return self::$fuel->wire;
     } else {
         if ($name === '*' || $name === 'all') {
             // return Fuel instance
             return self::$fuel;
     /* TBA PW3
     		if(is_object($name)) {
     			// injecting ProcessWire instance to object
     			if($name instanceof Wire) return $name->setWire($this->_wire); // inject fuel, PW 3.0 
     			throw new WireException("Expected Wire instance");
     // get API variable
     $value = self::$fuel->{$name};
     return $value;
Beispiel #3
     * Quick and nice way to output a mixed variable to the browser
     * @static
     * @access	public
     * @return	string
    public static function inspect()
        $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        // If being called from within, show the file above in the backtrack
        if (strpos($backtrace[0]['file'], 'core/classes/debug.php') !== FALSE) {
            $callee = $backtrace[1];
            $label = \Inflector::humanize($backtrace[1]['function']);
        } else {
            $callee = $backtrace[0];
            $label = 'Debug';
        $arguments = func_get_args();
        $total_arguments = count($arguments);
        $callee['file'] = \Fuel::clean_path($callee['file']);
        if (!static::$js_displayed) {
            echo <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript">function fuel_debug_toggle(a){if(document.getElementById){if(document.getElementById(a).style.display=="none"){document.getElementById(a).style.display="block"}else{document.getElementById(a).style.display="none"}}else{if(document.layers){if("none"){"block"}else{"none"}}else{if("none"){"block"}else{"none"}}}};</script>
            static::$js_displayed = true;
        echo '<div style="font-size: 13px;background: #EEE !important; border:1px solid #666; color: #000 !important; padding:10px;">';
        echo '<h1 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 0 0 5px 0; margin: 0 0 5px 0; font: bold 120% sans-serif;">' . $callee['file'] . ' @ line: ' . $callee['line'] . '</h1>';
        echo '<pre style="overflow:auto;font-size:100%;">';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
            echo '<strong>' . $label . ' #' . ++$i . ' of ' . $total_arguments . '</strong>:<br />';
            echo static::format('...', $argument);
            echo '<br />';
        echo "</pre>";
        echo "</div>";
Beispiel #4
  * Gets a dot-notated key from an array, with a default value if it does
  * not exist.
  * @param   array   $array    The search array
  * @param   mixed   $key      The dot-notated key or array of keys
  * @param   string  $default  The default value
  * @return  mixed
 public static function get($array, $key, $default = null)
     if (!is_array($array) and !$array instanceof \ArrayAccess) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('First parameter must be an array or ArrayAccess object.');
     if (is_null($key)) {
         return $array;
     if (is_array($key)) {
         $return = array();
         foreach ($key as $k) {
             $return[$k] = static::get($array, $k, $default);
         return $return;
     foreach (explode('.', $key) as $key_part) {
         if (($array instanceof \ArrayAccess and isset($array[$key_part])) === false) {
             if (!is_array($array) or !array_key_exists($key_part, $array)) {
                 return \Fuel::value($default);
         $array = $array[$key_part];
     return $array;
Beispiel #5
    public static function save($file, $config)
        if (!is_array($config)) {
            if (!isset(static::$items[$config])) {
                return false;
            $config = static::$items[$config];
        $content = <<<CONF
 * Fuel
 * Fuel is a fast, lightweight, community driven PHP5 framework.
 * @package\t\tFuel
 * @version\t\t1.0
 * @author\t\tFuel Development Team
 * @license\t\tMIT License
 * @copyright\t2011 Fuel Development Team
 * @link\t\t

        $content .= 'return ' . str_replace('  ', "\t", var_export($config, true)) . ';';
        $content .= <<<CONF

/* End of file {$file}.php */
        $path = \Fuel::find_file('config', $file, '.php') or $path[0] = APPPATH . 'config' . DS . $file . '.php';
        $path = pathinfo($path[0]);
        return File::update($path['dirname'], $path['basename'], $content);
Beispiel #6
 public static function run($task, $args)
     // Make sure something is set
     if ($task === null or $task === 'help') {
     // Just call and run() or did they have a specific method in mind?
     list($task, $method) = array_pad(explode(':', $task), 2, 'run');
     $task = ucfirst(strtolower($task));
     // Find the task
     if (!($file = \Fuel::find_file('tasks', $task))) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Task "%s" does not exist.', $task));
     require $file;
     $task = '\\Fuel\\Tasks\\' . $task;
     $new_task = new $task();
     // The help option hs been called, so call help instead
     if (\Cli::option('help') && is_callable(array($new_task, 'help'))) {
         $method = 'help';
     if ($return = call_user_func_array(array($new_task, $method), $args)) {
    public static function config($args, $build = true)
        $args = self::_clear_args($args);
        $file = strtolower(array_shift($args));
        $config = array();
        // load the config
        if ($paths = \Finder::search('config', $file, '.php', true)) {
            // Reverse the file list so that we load the core configs first and
            // the app can override anything.
            $paths = array_reverse($paths);
            foreach ($paths as $path) {
                $config = \Fuel::load($path) + $config;
        // We always pass in fields to a config, so lets sort them out here.
        foreach ($args as $conf) {
            // Each paramater for a config is seperated by the : character
            $parts = explode(":", $conf);
            // We must have the 'name:value' if nothing else!
            if (count($parts) >= 2) {
                $config[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
        $overwrite = \Cli::option('o') or \Cli::option('overwrite');
        $content = <<<CONF
 * Fuel is a fast, lightweight, community driven PHP5 framework.
 * @package\t\tFuel
 * @version\t\t1.0
 * @author\t\tFuel Development Team
 * @license\t\tMIT License
 * @copyright\t2011 Fuel Development Team
 * @link\t\t

        $content .= 'return ' . str_replace('  ', "\t", var_export($config, true)) . ';';
        $content .= <<<CONF

/* End of file {$file}.php */
        $path = APPPATH . 'config' . DS . $file . '.php';
        if (!$overwrite and is_file($path)) {
            throw new Exception("APPPATH/config/{$file}.php already exist, please use -overwrite option to force update");
        $path = pathinfo($path);
        try {
            \File::update($path['dirname'], $path['basename'], $content);
            \Cli::write("Created config: APPPATH/config/{$file}.php", 'green');
        } catch (\InvalidPathException $e) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid basepath, cannot update at " . APPPATH . "config" . DS . "{$file}.php");
        } catch (\FileAccessException $e) {
            throw new Exception(APPPATH . "config" . DS . $file . ".php could not be written.");
Beispiel #8
 public static function init($args)
     try {
         if (!isset($args[1])) {
         switch ($args[1]) {
             case 'g':
             case 'generate':
                 switch ($args[2]) {
                     case 'controller':
                     case 'model':
                     case 'view':
                     case 'views':
                     case 'migration':
                         call_user_func('Oil\\Generate::' . $args[2], array_slice($args, 3));
                     case 'scaffold':
                         call_user_func('Oil\\Scaffold::generate', array_slice($args, 3));
             case 'c':
             case 'console':
                 new Console();
             case 'r':
             case 'refine':
                 $task = isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] : null;
                 call_user_func('Oil\\Refine::run', $task, array_slice($args, 3));
             case 'p':
             case 'package':
                 switch ($args[2]) {
                     case 'install':
                     case 'uninstall':
                         call_user_func_array('Oil\\Package::' . $args[2], array_slice($args, 3));
             case '-v':
             case '--version':
                 \Cli::write('Fuel: ' . \Fuel::VERSION);
             case 'test':
                 call_user_func('\\Fuel\\Octane\\Tests::run_' . $args[2], array_slice($args, 3));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         \Cli::write(\Cli::color('Error: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'light_red'));
Beispiel #9
  * Returns the option with the given name.	You can also give the option
  * number.
  * Named options must be in the following formats:
  * php index.php user -v --v -name=John --name=John
  * @param	string|int	$name	the name of the option (int if unnamed)
  * @return	string
 public static function option($name, $default = null)
     if (!isset(static::$args[$name])) {
         return \Fuel::value($default);
     return static::$args[$name];
Beispiel #10
  * Get stencil data.
  * @return  mixed   returns the array or string on success or false on failure
 public static function get($stencil_name, $key = null)
     $stencil_path = STENCILSPATH . $stencil_name . DS . 'config.php';
     if (!File::file_exists($stencil_path)) {
         return false;
     if (!($stencil_data = \Fuel::load($stencil_path))) {
         return false;
     // return value if key found
     if (isset($key)) {
         if (isset($stencil_data[$key])) {
             return $stencil_data[$key];
         } else {
             return false;
     // build inflections replacement array
     $tbl_singular = Table::get('crud.TBL_SINGULAR');
     $tbl_plural = Table::get('crud.TBL_PLURAL');
     if ($tbl_prefix = Table::get('crud.TBL_PREFIX')) {
         $pfx_path = str_replace('_', DS, $tbl_prefix);
         $tbl_singular = str_replace($tbl_prefix, $pfx_path, $tbl_singular);
         $tbl_plural = str_replace($tbl_prefix, $pfx_path, $tbl_plural);
     $inflections = array(':SINGULAR' => $tbl_singular, ':PLURAL' => $tbl_plural);
     // make the replacements
     foreach ($stencil_data['files'] as $key => $value) {
         $stencil_data['files'][$key]['output_path'] = str_replace(array_keys($inflections), array_values($inflections), $value['output_path']);
     return $stencil_data;
Beispiel #11
  * Loads the given package.  If a path is not given, then PKGPATH is used.
  * It also accepts an array of packages as the first parameter.
  * @param   string|array  $package  The package name or array of packages.
  * @param   string|null   $path     The path to the package
  * @return  bool  True on success
  * @throws  PackageNotFoundException
 public static function load($package, $path = null)
     if (is_array($package)) {
         foreach ($package as $pkg) {
             $path = null;
             if (is_array($pkg)) {
                 list($pkg, $path) = $pkg;
             static::load($pkg, $path);
         return false;
     if (static::loaded($package)) {
     // Load it from PKGPATH if no path was given.
     if ($path === null) {
         $path = PKGPATH . $package . DS;
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         throw new \PackageNotFoundException("Package '{$package}' could not be found at '" . \Fuel::clean_path($path) . "'");
     \Finder::instance()->add_path($path, 1);
     \Fuel::load($path . 'bootstrap.php');
     static::$packages[$package] = $path;
     return true;
Beispiel #12
	public static function run($task, $args)
		// Just call and run() or did they have a specific method in mind?
		list($task, $method)=array_pad(explode(':', $task), 2, 'run');

		$task = ucfirst(strtolower($task));

		if ( ! $file = \Fuel::find_file('tasks', $task))
			throw new \Exception('Well that didnt work...');

		require $file;

		$task = '\\Fuel\\Tasks\\'.$task;

		$new_task = new $task;

		// The help option hs been called, so call help instead
		if (\Cli::option('help') && is_callable(array($new_task, 'help')))
			$method = 'help';

		if ($return = call_user_func_array(array($new_task, $method), $args))
Beispiel #13
  * Loads the given package.
  * If a path is not given, if will search through
  * the defined package_paths. If not defined, then PKGPATH is used.
  * It also accepts an array of packages as the first parameter.
  * @param string|array $package
  *        	The package name or array of packages.
  * @param string|null $path
  *        	The path to the package
  * @return bool True on success
  * @throws PackageNotFoundException
 public static function load($package, $path = null)
     if (is_array($package)) {
         foreach ($package as $pkg => $path) {
             if (is_numeric($pkg)) {
                 $pkg = $path;
                 $path = null;
             static::load($pkg, $path);
         return false;
     if (static::loaded($package)) {
     // if no path is given, try to locate the package
     if ($path === null) {
         $paths = \Config::get('package_paths', array());
         empty($paths) and $paths = array(PKGPATH);
         if (!empty($paths)) {
             foreach ($paths as $modpath) {
                 if (is_dir($path = $modpath . strtolower($package) . DS)) {
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         throw new \PackageNotFoundException("Package '{$package}' could not be found at '" . \Fuel::clean_path($path) . "'");
     \Finder::instance()->add_path($path, 1);
     \Fuel::load($path . 'bootstrap.php');
     static::$packages[$package] = $path;
     return true;
Beispiel #14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function forge($instance = 'default', array $handlers = array())
     $logger = new Monolog\Logger($instance);
     $handlers = \Arr::merge(\Config::get('logger.' . $instance, array()), $handlers);
     foreach ($handlers as $handler) {
         $handler = \Fuel::value($handler);
     return static::newInstance($instance, $logger);
Beispiel #15
  * passes the data to the template and returns the result
  * @param 	string 	$template_file	the template file used to structure the data
  * @return 	array	the restructured data
 public function to($template)
     $template_folder = \Config::get('structure.templates_folder');
     $template_path = \Fuel::find_file($template_folder, $template);
     if (!$template_path) {
         throw new \Fuel_Exception('The requested template could not be found: ' . \Fuel::clean_path($file));
     $data = static::capture($template_path, $this->_data);
     return static::capture($template_path, $this->_data);
Beispiel #16
 public function action_index($page = 'petro')
     $dir = APPPATH . 'views';
     $file = '/dashboard/' . $page . '.md';
     $path = \Fuel::clean_path($dir . $file);
     // var_dump($dir, $file, $path);
     // var_dump(\Finder::instance()->locate($dir, 'dashboard/index'));  die;
     $data['text'] = \View::forge('dashboard/' . $page . '.md');
     $this->template->content = \View::forge('dashboard/index', $data);
Beispiel #17
 public function test_debug_dump_by_call_fuel_func_array()
     // Set to browser mode.
     \Fuel::$is_cli = false;
     $expected = '<div class="fuelphp-dump" style="font-size: 13px;background: #EEE !important; border:1px solid #666; color: #000 !important; padding:10px;"><h1 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 0 0 5px 0; margin: 0 0 5px 0; font: bold 120% sans-serif;">COREPATH/base.php @ line: 462</h1><pre style="overflow:auto;font-size:100%;"><strong>Variable #1:</strong>' . "\n" . '<i></i> <strong></strong> (Integer): 1' . "\n\n\n" . '<strong>Variable #2:</strong>' . "\n" . '<i></i> <strong></strong> (Integer): 2' . "\n\n\n" . '<strong>Variable #3:</strong>' . "\n" . '<i></i> <strong></strong> (Integer): 3' . "\n\n\n" . '</pre></div>';
     call_fuel_func_array('\\Debug::dump', array(1, 2, 3));
     $output = ob_get_contents();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
Beispiel #18
 public static function get($line, array $params = array(), $default = null, $language = null)
     $output = parent::get($line, $params, '__NOT__FOUND__', $language);
     if (!empty($output) && $output != '__NOT__FOUND__') {
         return $output;
     if ($output == '__NOT__FOUND__') {
         $output = $default;
     if (!static::$autosave || !\CMF::$lang_enabled) {
         return $output;
     $language === null and $language = static::get_lang();
     $pos = strpos($line, '.');
     $group = 'common';
     $basename = $line;
     if ($pos === false) {
         if (empty($default)) {
             $default = $line;
         $line = "{$group}.{$line}";
     } else {
         $basename = substr($line, $pos + 1);
         if (empty($default)) {
             $default = $basename;
         $group = substr($line, 0, $pos);
     // Try and load from the DB...
     if (!in_array($group . '_' . $language, static::$loaded)) {
         static::load("{$group}.db", $group, $language, true, true);
         static::$loaded[] = $group . '_' . $language;
     // Don't continue if it's not the 'common' group
     if ($group != 'common') {
         return $output != null ? \Str::tr(\Fuel::value($output), $params) : $default;
     $output = \Arr::get(static::$lines, "{$language}.{$line}");
     if ($output == null) {
         // First try and get from the fallback...
         $output = \Arr::get(static::$lines, static::$fallback[0] . ".{$line}");
         if (!in_array($group, static::$to_save)) {
             static::$to_save[] = $group;
         //if (!empty($default) && $default != $line)
         static::set($line, $default);
         static::set($line, $default, null, static::$fallback[0]);
         if ($output == null) {
             $output = $default;
     return $output != null ? \Str::tr(\Fuel::value($output), $params) : $default;
Beispiel #19
 public static function run($task, $args)
     $task = strtolower($task);
     // Make sure something is set
     if (empty($task) or $task === 'help') {
     $module = false;
     list($module, $task) = array_pad(explode('::', $task), 2, null);
     if ($task === null) {
         $task = $module;
         $module = false;
     if ($module) {
         try {
             $path = \Fuel::add_module($module);
         } catch (\FuelException $e) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf('Module "%s" does not exist.', $module));
     // Just call and run() or did they have a specific method in mind?
     list($task, $method) = array_pad(explode(':', $task), 2, 'run');
     // Find the task
     if (!($file = \Finder::search('tasks', $task))) {
         $files = \Finder::instance()->list_files('tasks');
         $possibilities = array();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $possible_task = pathinfo($file, \PATHINFO_FILENAME);
             $difference = levenshtein($possible_task, $task);
             $possibilities[$difference] = $possible_task;
         if ($possibilities and current($possibilities) <= 5) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf('Task "%s" does not exist. Did you mean "%s"?', $task, current($possibilities)));
         } else {
             throw new Exception(sprintf('Task "%s" does not exist.', $task));
     require_once $file;
     $task = '\\Fuel\\Tasks\\' . ucfirst($task);
     $new_task = new $task();
     // The help option hs been called, so call help instead
     if (\Cli::option('help') && is_callable(array($new_task, 'help'))) {
         $method = 'help';
     if ($return = call_user_func_array(array($new_task, $method), $args)) {
Beispiel #20
  * Sets a signed cookie. Note that all cookie values must be strings and no
  * automatic serialization will be performed!
  *     // Set the "theme" cookie
  *     Cookie::set('theme', 'red');
  * @param   string    name of cookie
  * @param   string    value of cookie
  * @param   integer   lifetime in seconds
  * @param   string    path of the cookie
  * @param   string    domain of the cookie
  * @param   boolean   if true, the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection
  * @param   boolean   if true, the cookie will be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol
  * @return  boolean
 public static function set($name, $value, $expiration = null, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = null, $http_only = null)
     $value = \Fuel::value($value);
     // use the class defaults for the other parameters if not provided
     is_null($expiration) and $expiration = static::$config['expiration'];
     is_null($path) and $path = static::$config['path'];
     is_null($domain) and $domain = static::$config['domain'];
     is_null($secure) and $secure = static::$config['secure'];
     is_null($http_only) and $http_only = static::$config['http_only'];
     // add the current time so we have an offset
     $expiration = $expiration > 0 ? $expiration + time() : 0;
     return setcookie($name, $value, $expiration, $path, $domain, $secure, $http_only);
Beispiel #21
 private function write($filepath, $data)
     if (!($handle = fopen($filepath, 'w+'))) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot open file: ' . \Fuel::clean_path($filepath));
     $result = @fwrite($handle, $data);
     // Write $somecontent to our opened file.
     if ($result === FALSE) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot write to file: ' . \Fuel::clean_path($filepath));
     chmod($filepath, 0666);
     return $result;
 public function index()
     $this->layout->body_class = '';
     $zip_code = Input::query('zip_code', '');
     $distance = Input::query('distance', '50');
     if (empty($zip_code)) {
         $zip_code = Session::get('zip_code', '');
     Session::put('zip_code', $zip_code);
     Session::put('distance', $distance);
     $data = array('search_text' => '', 'zip_code' => $zip_code, 'distance' => $distance, 'status' => $this->getStatus(), 'makes' => $this->getPropertiesList(Make::orderBy('make')->get(), 'make'), 'bodies' => $this->getPropertiesList(Body::orderBy('body')->get(), 'body'), 'transmissions' => $this->getPropertiesList(Transmission::orderBy('transmission')->get(), 'transmission'), 'drives' => $this->getPropertiesList(Drive::orderBy('drive')->get(), 'drive'), 'interiors' => $this->getPropertiesList(Interior::orderBy('interior', 'DESC')->take(10)->get(), 'interior'), 'exteriors' => $this->getPropertiesList(Exterior::orderBy('exterior', 'DESC')->take(10)->get(), 'exterior'), 'fuels' => $this->getPropertiesList(Fuel::orderBy('fuel')->get(), 'fuel'), 'doors_count' => $this->getDoorsCounts(), 'cylinders_count' => $this->getCylindersCounts());
     $this->layout->contents = View::make('search/search-advanced', $data);
Beispiel #23
    public static function save($file, $config)
        if (!is_array($config)) {
            if (!isset(static::$items[$config])) {
                return false;
            $config = static::$items[$config];
        $content = <<<CONF
 * Fuel is a fast, lightweight, community driven PHP5 framework.
 * @package\t\tFuel
 * @version\t\t1.0
 * @author\t\tFuel Development Team
 * @license\t\tMIT License
 * @copyright\t2011 Fuel Development Team
 * @link\t\t

        $content .= 'return ' . str_replace('  ', "\t", var_export($config, true)) . ';';
        if (!($path = \Fuel::find_file('config', $file, '.php'))) {
            if ($pos = strripos($file, '::')) {
                // get the namespace path
                if ($path = \Autoloader::namespace_path('\\' . ucfirst(substr($file, 0, $pos)))) {
                    // strip the namespace from the filename
                    $file = substr($file, $pos + 2);
                    // strip the classes directory as we need the module root
                    // and construct the filename
                    $path = substr($path, 0, -8) . 'config' . DS . $file . '.php';
                } else {
                    // invalid namespace requested
                    return false;
        $content .= <<<CONF

        // make sure we have a fallback
        $path or $path = APPPATH . 'config' . DS . $file . '.php';
        $path = pathinfo($path);
        return File::update($path['dirname'], $path['basename'], $content);
 public function findSelectedFilter($filters, $aggregations, $fuel_filter)
     if (!empty($fuel_filter)) {
         $values = array();
         $fuel_ranges = explode("-", $fuel_filter);
         foreach ($fuel_ranges as $fuel_range) {
             $fuels = Fuel::where('id', '=', $fuel_range);
             if ($fuels->count()) {
                 $title = $fuels->first()->fuel;
                 array_push($values, array("title" => $title, "index" => 'fuel-remove-' . $fuel_range));
         array_push($filters, array("name" => "Fuel", "values" => $values, "modal" => "fuel"));
     return $filters;
Beispiel #25
	public static function load($file, $group = null, $reload = false)
		if ( ! is_array($file) && array_key_exists($file, static::$loaded_files) and ! $reload)
			return false;

		$config = array();
		if (is_array($file))
			$config = $file;
		elseif ($paths = \Fuel::find_file('config', $file, '.php', true))
			// Reverse the file list so that we load the core configs first and
			// the app can override anything.
			$paths = array_reverse($paths);
			foreach ($paths as $path)
				$config = \Fuel::load($path) + $config;
		if ($group === null)
			static::$items = $reload ? $config : static::$items + $config;
			$group = ($group === true) ? $file : $group;
			if ( ! isset(static::$items[$group]) or $reload)
				static::$items[$group] = array();
			static::$items[$group] = static::$items[$group] + $config;

		if ( ! is_array($file))
			static::$loaded_files[$file] = true;
		return $config;
Beispiel #26
	public static function run()
		$writable_paths = array(
			APPPATH . 'cache',
			APPPATH . 'logs',
			APPPATH . 'tmp'

		foreach ($writable_paths as $path)
			if (@chmod($path, 0777))
				\Cli::write("\t" . \Cli::color('Made writable: ' . \Fuel::clean_path($path), 'green'));

				\Cli::write("\t" . \Cli::color('Failed to make writable: ' . \Fuel::clean_path($path), 'red'));
Beispiel #27
  * Load a language file
  * @param   string
  * @param   string|null  name of the group to load to, null for global
 public static function load($file, $group = null, $language = null)
     $languages = static::$fallback;
     array_unshift($languages, $language ?: \Config::get('language'));
     $lines = array();
     foreach ($languages as $lang) {
         if ($path = \Finder::search('lang/' . $lang, $file, '.php', true)) {
             foreach ($path as $p) {
                 $lines = \Arr::merge(\Fuel::load($p), $lines);
     if ($group === null) {
         static::$lines = \Arr::merge($lines, static::$lines);
     } else {
         $group = $group === true ? $file : $group;
         if (!isset(static::$lines[$group])) {
             static::$lines[$group] = array();
         static::$lines[$group] = \Arr::merge($lines, static::$lines[$group]);
 public function test_set_cache()
     // Save the environment. While we're at it, save the whales, too.
     $backup = \Fuel::$env;
      * TEST A
     // Configure the environment to something that shouldn't allow for caching.
     \Fuel::$env = 'private';
     \Utility::set_cache('test_set_cache', 'testvalue');
     try {
         \Fuel::$env = $backup;
         // Delete it for subsequent nuns.
     } catch (\CacheNotFoundException $e) {
         //The private and development environments should not cache the requests using \Utility.
      * TEST B
     // Set the environment to allow for caching.
     \Fuel::$env = 'test';
     \Utility::set_cache('test_set_cache', 'testvalue');
     try {
     } catch (\CacheNotFoundException $e) {
         //The private and development environments should not cache the requests using \Utility.
         \Fuel::$env = $backup;
     // Delete it for subsequent nuns.
     // Restore the environment. (Eden?)
     \Fuel::$env = $backup;
Beispiel #29
  * Loads the given module.  If a path is not given, then 'module_paths' is used.
  * It also accepts an array of modules as the first parameter.
  * @param   string|array  $package  The module name or array of modules.
  * @param   string|null   $path     The path to the module
  * @return  bool  True on success
  * @throws  ModuleNotFoundException
 public static function load($module, $path = null)
     if (is_array($module)) {
         foreach ($module as $mod => $path) {
             if (is_numeric($mod)) {
                 $mod = $path;
                 $path = null;
             static::load($mod, $path);
         return false;
     if (static::loaded($module)) {
     // if no path is given, try to locate the module
     if ($path === null) {
         $paths = \Config::get('module_paths', array());
         if (!empty($paths)) {
             foreach ($paths as $modpath) {
                 if (is_dir($path = $modpath . strtolower($module) . DS)) {
     // make sure the path exists
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         throw new ModuleNotFoundException("Module '{$module}' could not be found at '" . \Fuel::clean_path($path) . "'");
     // determine the module namespace
     $ns = '\\' . ucfirst($module);
     // add the namespace to the autoloader
     \Autoloader::add_namespaces(array($ns => $path . 'classes' . DS), true);
     static::$modules[$module] = $path;
     return true;
Beispiel #30

ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
// Bootstrap the framework DO NOT edit this
require COREPATH . 'bootstrap.php';
// Register the autoloader
 * Your environment.  Can be set to any of the following:
 * Fuel::TEST
 * Fuel::STAGING
\Fuel::$env = isset($_SERVER['FUEL_ENV']) ? $_SERVER['FUEL_ENV'] : \Fuel::DEVELOPMENT;
// Initialize the framework with the config file.