public static function show()
     remove_action('frm_form_action_reports', 'FrmStatisticsController::list_reports');
     add_filter('frm_form_stop_action_reports', '__return_true');
     global $wpdb;
     $form = false;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['form'])) {
         $form = FrmForm::getOne($_REQUEST['form']);
     if (!$form) {
         require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/classes/views/frmpro-statistics/select.php';
     $exclude_types = FrmField::no_save_fields();
     $exclude_types = array_merge($exclude_types, array('rte', 'textarea', 'file', 'grid', 'signature', 'form', 'table'));
     $fields = FrmField::getAll(array('fi.form_id' => (int) $form->id, 'fi.type not' => $exclude_types), 'field_order');
     $js = '';
     $data = array();
     $colors = '#21759B,#EF8C08,#C6C6C6';
     $data['time'] = self::get_daily_entries($form, array('is3d' => true, 'colors' => $colors, 'bg_color' => 'transparent'));
     $data['month'] = self::get_daily_entries($form, array('is3d' => true, 'colors' => $colors, 'bg_color' => 'transparent', 'width' => '100%'), 'MONTH');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $this_data = self::graph_shortcode(array('id' => $field->id, 'field' => $field, 'is3d' => true, 'min' => 0, 'colors' => $colors, 'width' => 650, 'bg_color' => 'transparent'));
         if (strpos($this_data, 'frm_no_data_graph') === false) {
             $data[$field->id] = $this_data;
         unset($field, $this_data);
     $entries = FrmDb::get_col($wpdb->prefix . 'frm_items', array('form_id' => $form->id), 'created_at');
     // trigger the scripts to load
     global $frm_vars;
     $frm_vars['forms_loaded'][] = true;
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/classes/views/frmpro-statistics/show.php';
 public static function load_css()
     global $frmpro_settings;
     if (!is_admin()) {
         $use_saved = true;
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/css/custom_theme.css.php';
 public static function license_settings()
     $plugins = apply_filters('frm_installed_addons', array());
     if (empty($plugins)) {
         _e('There are no plugins on your site that require a license', 'formidable');
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/addons/settings.php';
Beispiel #4
  * Create static css file
 public function save_settings($styles)
     $filename = FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/css/custom_theme.css.php';
     update_option('frm_last_style_update', date('njGi'));
     if (!is_file($filename)) {
     $defaults = $this->get_defaults();
     $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
     $target_path = $uploads['basedir'] . '/formidable';
     $needed_dirs = array($target_path, $target_path . '/css');
     $dirs_exist = true;
     $saving = true;
     $css = '/* ' . __('WARNING: Any changes made to this file will be lost when your Formidable settings are updated', 'formidable') . ' */' . "\n";
     $frm_style = $this;
     include $filename;
     $css .= preg_replace('/\\/\\*(.|\\s)*?\\*\\//', '', str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", '    '), '', ob_get_contents()));
     $access_type = get_filesystem_method();
     if ($access_type === 'direct') {
         $creds = request_filesystem_credentials(site_url() . '/wp-admin/', '', false, false, array());
     } else {
         $creds = $this->get_ftp_creds($access_type);
     if (!empty($creds)) {
         // initialize the API
         if (!WP_Filesystem($creds)) {
             // any problems and we exit
             $dirs_exist = false;
         if ($dirs_exist) {
             global $wp_filesystem;
             $chmod_dir = defined('FS_CHMOD_DIR') ? FS_CHMOD_DIR : fileperms(ABSPATH) & 0777 | 0755;
             $chmod_file = defined('FS_CHMOD_FILE') ? FS_CHMOD_FILE : fileperms(ABSPATH . 'index.php') & 0777 | 0644;
             // Create the directories if need be:
             foreach ($needed_dirs as $_dir) {
                 // Only check to see if the Dir exists upon creation failure. Less I/O this way.
                 if (!$wp_filesystem->mkdir($_dir, $chmod_dir) && !$wp_filesystem->is_dir($_dir)) {
                     $dirs_exist = false;
             $index_path = $target_path . '/index.php';
             $wp_filesystem->put_contents($index_path, "<?php\n// Silence is golden.\n?>", $chmod_file);
             // only write the file if the folders exist
             if ($dirs_exist) {
                 $css_file = $target_path . '/css/formidablepro.css';
                 $wp_filesystem->put_contents($css_file, $css, $chmod_file);
     update_option('frmpro_css', $css);
     set_transient('frmpro_css', $css);
 public static function display_form($errors = array(), $message = '')
     global $frm_vars;
     $frm_settings = FrmAppHelper::get_settings();
     $frm_roles = FrmAppHelper::frm_capabilities();
     $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
     $target_path = $uploads['basedir'] . '/formidable/css';
     $sections = apply_filters('frm_add_settings_section', array());
     $captcha_lang = FrmAppHelper::locales('captcha');
     require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-settings/form.php';
Beispiel #6
 public static function validate($params, $fields, $form, $title, $description)
     global $frm_vars;
     $frm_settings = FrmAppHelper::get_settings();
     if (($_POST && isset($_POST['frm_page_order_' . $form->id]) || FrmProFormsHelper::going_to_prev($form->id)) && !FrmProFormsHelper::saving_draft()) {
         $errors = '';
         $fields = FrmFieldsHelper::get_form_fields($form->id);
         $submit = isset($form->options['submit_value']) ? $form->options['submit_value'] : $frm_settings->submit_value;
         $values = $fields ? FrmEntriesHelper::setup_new_vars($fields, $form) : array();
         require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-entries/new.php';
         add_filter('frm_continue_to_create', '__return_false');
     } else {
         if ($form->editable && isset($form->options['single_entry']) && $form->options['single_entry'] && $form->options['single_entry_type'] == 'user') {
             $user_ID = get_current_user_id();
             if ($user_ID) {
                 $entry = FrmEntry::getAll(array('it.user_id' => $user_ID, 'it.form_id' => $form->id), '', 1, true);
                 if ($entry) {
                     $entry = reset($entry);
             } else {
                 $entry = false;
             if ($entry && !empty($entry) && (!isset($frm_vars['created_entries'][$form->id]) || !isset($frm_vars['created_entries'][$form->id]['entry_id']) || $entry->id != $frm_vars['created_entries'][$form->id]['entry_id'])) {
                 FrmProEntriesController::show_responses($entry, $fields, $form, $title, $description);
             } else {
                 $record = $frm_vars['created_entries'][$form->id]['entry_id'];
                 $saved_message = isset($form->options['success_msg']) ? $form->options['success_msg'] : $frm_settings->success_msg;
                 if (FrmProFormsHelper::saving_draft()) {
                     $saved_message = isset($form->options['draft_msg']) ? $form->options['draft_msg'] : __('Your draft has been saved.', 'formidable');
                 $saved_message = apply_filters('frm_content', $saved_message, $form, $record ? $record : false);
                 $message = wpautop(do_shortcode($record ? $saved_message : $frm_settings->failed_msg));
                 $message = '<div class="frm_message" id="message">' . $message . '</div>';
                 FrmProEntriesController::show_responses($record, $fields, $form, $title, $description, $message);
             add_filter('frm_continue_to_create', '__return_false');
         } else {
             if (FrmProFormsHelper::saving_draft()) {
                 $record = isset($frm_vars['created_entries']) && isset($frm_vars['created_entries'][$form->id]) ? $frm_vars['created_entries'][$form->id]['entry_id'] : 0;
                 if (!$record) {
                 $saved_message = '';
                 FrmProFormsHelper::save_draft_msg($saved_message, $form, $record);
                 $message = FrmFormsHelper::get_success_message(array('message' => $saved_message, 'form' => $form, 'entry_id' => $record, 'class' => 'frm_message'));
                 FrmProEntriesController::show_responses($record, $fields, $form, $title, $description, $message);
                 add_filter('frm_continue_to_create', '__return_false');
 public function no_items()
     $s = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? $_REQUEST['s'] : '';
     if (!empty($s)) {
         _e('No Entries Found', 'formidable');
     $form_id = $form = $this->params['form'];
     if ($form_id) {
         $form = FrmForm::getOne($form_id);
     $colspan = $this->get_column_count();
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-entries/no_entries.php';
 public function edd_plugin_updater()
     $license = trim($this->license);
     if (!empty($license)) {
         if (!class_exists('EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater')) {
             include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/models/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php';
         // setup the updater
         $edd = new EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater($this->pro_mothership, $this->plugin_file, array('version' => $this->version, 'license' => $license, 'item_name' => $this->edd_plugin_name, 'author' => $this->author));
         $this->edd = $edd;
         // let WordPress handle the changelog
         remove_filter('plugins_api', array($edd, 'plugins_api_filter'), 10, 3);
 public static function display_form($errors = array(), $message = '')
     global $frm_vars;
     $frm_settings = FrmAppHelper::get_settings();
     $frm_roles = FrmAppHelper::frm_capabilities();
     $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
     $target_path = $uploads['basedir'] . '/formidable/css';
     $sections = array();
     if (apply_filters('frm_include_addon_page', false)) {
         $sections['licenses'] = array('class' => 'FrmAddonsController', 'function' => 'license_settings', 'name' => __('Plugin Licenses', 'formidable'));
     $sections = apply_filters('frm_add_settings_section', $sections);
     $captcha_lang = FrmAppHelper::locales('captcha');
     require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-settings/form.php';
    public static function head()
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http<?php 
        echo is_ssl() ? 's' : '';
://" />
<link href="<?php 
        echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
?action=frmpro_css" type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" class="frm-custom-theme"/>
        require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/shared/head.php';
 public static function list_entries()
     global $frm_entry;
     $frm_form = new FrmForm();
     $form_select = $frm_form->getAll("is_template=0 AND (status is NULL OR status = '' OR status = 'published')", ' ORDER BY name');
     $form_id = FrmAppHelper::get_param('form', false);
     if ($form_id) {
         $form = $frm_form->getOne($form_id);
     } else {
         $form = isset($form_select[0]) ? $form_select[0] : 0;
     if ($form) {
         $entry_count = $frm_entry->getRecordCount($form->id);
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-entries/list.php';
 public static function load_admin_hooks()
     add_action('admin_menu', 'FrmAppController::menu', 1);
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'FrmAppController::load_wp_admin_style');
     add_action('admin_notices', 'FrmAppController::pro_get_started_headline');
     add_action('admin_init', 'FrmAppController::admin_init', 11);
     add_filter('admin_body_class', 'FrmAppController::wp_admin_body_class');
     add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . FrmAppHelper::plugin_folder() . '/formidable.php', 'FrmAppController::settings_link');
     register_activation_hook(FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/formidable.php', 'FrmAppController::activation_install');
     // Entries Controller
     add_action('admin_menu', 'FrmEntriesController::menu', 12);
     add_filter('contextual_help', 'FrmEntriesController::contextual_help', 10, 3);
     add_filter('set-screen-option', 'FrmEntriesController::save_per_page', 10, 3);
     add_filter('update_user_metadata', 'FrmEntriesController::check_hidden_cols', 10, 5);
     add_action('updated_user_meta', 'FrmEntriesController::update_hidden_cols', 10, 4);
     // Fields Controller
     add_filter('frm_display_field_options', 'FrmFieldsController::display_field_options');
     add_action('frm_field_options_form', 'FrmFieldsController::add_conditional_update_msg', 50);
     // Form Actions Controller
     if (FrmAppHelper::is_admin_page('formidable')) {
         add_action('frm_before_update_form_settings', 'FrmFormActionsController::update_settings');
     add_action('frm_after_duplicate_form', 'FrmFormActionsController::duplicate_form_actions', 20, 3);
     // Forms Controller
     add_action('admin_menu', 'FrmFormsController::menu', 10);
     add_action('admin_head-toplevel_page_formidable', 'FrmFormsController::head');
     add_filter('set-screen-option', 'FrmFormsController::save_per_page', 10, 3);
     add_action('admin_footer', 'FrmFormsController::insert_form_popup');
     add_filter('media_buttons_context', 'FrmFormsController::insert_form_button');
     // Forms Model
     add_action('frm_after_duplicate_form', 'FrmForm::after_duplicate', 10, 2);
     // Settings Controller
     add_action('admin_menu', 'FrmSettingsController::menu', 45);
     add_action('frm_before_settings', 'FrmSettingsController::license_box');
     // Stats Controller
     add_action('admin_menu', 'FrmStatisticsController::menu', 24);
     add_action('frm_form_action_reports', 'FrmStatisticsController::list_reports');
     // Styles Controller
     add_action('admin_menu', 'FrmStylesController::menu', 14);
     add_action('admin_init', 'FrmStylesController::admin_init');
     // XML Controller
     add_action('admin_menu', 'FrmXMLController::menu', 41);
    public static function pro_get_started_headline()
        // Don't display this error as we're upgrading the thing, or if the user shouldn't see the message
        if ('upgrade-plugin' == FrmAppHelper::simple_get('action', 'sanitize_title') || !current_user_can('update_plugins')) {
        if (get_site_option('frmpro-authorized') && !file_exists(FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/formidable-pro.php')) {
            // user is authorized, but running free version
            $inst_install_url = '';
<div class="error" class="frm_previous_install">
            echo wp_kses_post(apply_filters('frm_pro_update_msg', sprintf(__('This site has been previously authorized to run Formidable Forms.<br/>%1$sInstall Formidable Pro%2$s or %3$sdeauthorize%4$s this site to continue running the free version and remove this message.', 'formidable'), '<a href="' . esc_url($inst_install_url) . '" target="_blank">', '</a>', '<a href="#" class="frm_deauthorize_link">', '</a>'), esc_url($inst_install_url)));
Beispiel #14
 function no_items()
     switch ($this->plural) {
         case 'entries':
             $s = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? $_REQUEST['s'] : '';
             if (!empty($s)) {
                 _e('No Entries Found', 'formidable');
             } else {
                 $frm_form = new FrmForm();
                 $form_id = $this->params['form'];
                 $form = $frm_form->getOne($form_id);
                 $colspan = $this->get_column_count();
                 if ($form) {
                     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-entries/no_entries.php';
 public static function show()
     global $frmdb, $frm_field, $frm_entry_meta, $frm_entry, $wpdb;
     if (!isset($_GET['form'])) {
         require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/classes/views/frmpro-statistics/show.php';
     $frm_form = new FrmForm();
     $form = $frm_form->getOne($_GET['form']);
     $form_options = maybe_unserialize($form->options);
     $fields = $frm_field->getAll("fi.type not in ('divider','captcha','break','rte','textarea','file','grid','html','signature','table') and fi.form_id=" . (int) $form->id, 'field_order ASC');
     $js = '';
     $data = array();
     $colors = '#21759B,#EF8C08,#C6C6C6';
     $data['time'] = self::get_daily_entries($form, array('is3d' => true, 'colors' => $colors));
     $data['month'] = self::get_daily_entries($form, array('is3d' => true, 'colors' => $colors), 'MONTH');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $data[$field->id] = self::graph_shortcode(array('id' => $field->id, 'field' => $field, 'is3d' => true, 'min' => 0, 'colors' => $colors, 'width' => 650));
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/classes/views/frmpro-statistics/show.php';
Beispiel #16
" />
                                        echo FrmProFieldsHelper::get_file_icon($field['value']);
                                include_once FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/classes/views/frmpro-entries/loading.php';
                            } else {
                                if ($field['type'] == 'data') {
<div id="frm_data_field_<?php 
                                    echo $field['id'];
                                    require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/classes/views/frmpro-fields/data-options.php';
                                } else {
                                    if ($field['type'] == 'form') {
                                        echo 'FRONT FORM';
Beispiel #17
 public function form($form_action, $args = array())
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-form-actions/_email_settings.php';
 public static function fill_action()
     check_ajax_referer('frm_ajax', 'nonce');
     $action_key = absint($_POST['action_id']);
     $action_type = sanitize_text_field($_POST['action_type']);
     $action_control = self::get_form_actions($action_type);
     if (empty($action_control)) {
     $form_action = $action_control->get_single_action($action_key);
     $values = array();
     $form = self::fields_to_values($form_action->menu_order, $values);
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-form-actions/_action_inside.php';
 public static function import_options()
     check_ajax_referer('frm_ajax', 'nonce');
     if (!is_admin() || !current_user_can('frm_edit_forms')) {
     $field_id = absint($_POST['field_id']);
     $field = FrmField::getOne($field_id);
     if (!in_array($field->type, array('radio', 'checkbox', 'select'))) {
     $field = FrmFieldsHelper::setup_edit_vars($field);
     $opts = stripslashes_deep($_POST['opts']);
     $opts = explode("\n", rtrim($opts, "\n"));
     if ($field['separate_value']) {
         foreach ($opts as $opt_key => $opt) {
             if (strpos($opt, '|') !== false) {
                 $vals = explode('|', $opt);
                 if ($vals[0] != $vals[1]) {
                     $opts[$opt_key] = array('label' => trim($vals[0]), 'value' => trim($vals[1]));
             unset($opt_key, $opt);
     //Keep other options after bulk update
     if (isset($field['field_options']['other']) && $field['field_options']['other'] == true) {
         $other_array = array();
         foreach ($field['options'] as $opt_key => $opt) {
             if ($opt_key && strpos($opt_key, 'other') !== false) {
                 $other_array[$opt_key] = $opt;
             unset($opt_key, $opt);
         if (!empty($other_array)) {
             $opts = array_merge($opts, $other_array);
     FrmField::update($field_id, array('options' => maybe_serialize($opts)));
     $field['options'] = $opts;
     $field_name = $field['name'];
     // Get html_id which will be used in single-option.php
     $html_id = FrmFieldsHelper::get_html_id($field);
     if ($field['type'] == 'radio' || $field['type'] == 'checkbox') {
         require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-fields/radio.php';
     } else {
Beispiel #20
" <?php 
                    do_action('frm_field_input_html', $field);
                    if ($field['default_value']) {
<img src="<?php 
                        echo $field['default_value'];
" height="50px"><?php 
                } else {
                    if ($field['type'] == 'scale') {
                        require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/classes/views/frmpro-fields/10radio.php';
                    } else {
                        if ($field['type'] == 'rte') {
                            <div id="<?php //echo user_can_richedit() ? 'postdivrich' : 'postdiv'; ?>" class="postarea">
                            	<?php //the_editor($field['default_value'], $field_name, 'title', false); ?>
    <div class="frm_rte">
        <p class="howto"><?php 
                            _e('These buttons are for illustrative purposes only. They will be functional in your form.', 'formidable');
        <textarea name="<?php 
                            echo $field_name;
 public static function load_saved_css()
     $css = get_transient('frmpro_css');
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/css/custom_theme.css.php';
Beispiel #22
        if ($field['type'] == 'radio' || $field['type'] == 'checkbox') {
            $field['default_value'] = maybe_unserialize($field['default_value']);
            if (isset($field['post_field']) && $field['post_field'] == 'post_category') {
                do_action('frm_after_checkbox', array('field' => $field, 'field_name' => $field_name, 'type' => $field['type']));
            } else {
                do_action('frm_add_multiple_opts_labels', $field);
        <ul id="frm_field_<?php 
                echo esc_attr($field['id']);
_opts" class="frm_sortable_field_opts frm_clear<?php 
                echo count($field['options']) > 10 ? ' frm_field_opts_list' : '';
                include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-fields/radio.php';
        } else {
            if ($field['type'] == 'select') {
                if (isset($field['post_field']) && $field['post_field'] == 'post_category') {
                    echo FrmFieldsHelper::dropdown_categories(array('name' => $field_name, 'field' => $field));
                } else {
	<select name="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($field_name) . (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple') ? '[]' : '');
" <?php 
                    echo FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'size') ? 'class="auto_width"' : '';
Beispiel #23

<span id="frm_show_selected_values_<?php 
echo esc_attr($key . '_' . $meta_name);
if ($condition['hide_field'] && is_numeric($condition['hide_field'])) {
    $new_field = FrmField::getOne($condition['hide_field']);
$val = isset($condition['hide_opt']) ? $condition['hide_opt'] : '';
if (!isset($field)) {
    $field = array('hide_opt' => array($meta_name => $val));
$field_name = $names['hide_opt'];
require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/pro/classes/views/frmpro-fields/field-values.php';
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="frm_remove_tag frm_icon_font" data-removeid="<?php 
echo esc_attr($id);
" <?php 
echo !empty($showlast) ? 'data-showlast="' . esc_attr($showlast) . '"' : '';
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="frm_add_tag frm_icon_font frm_add_<?php 
echo esc_attr($type);
_logic" data-emailkey="<?php 
echo esc_attr($key);
 public static function generate_xml($type, $args = array())
     global $wpdb;
     $type = (array) $type;
     if (in_array('items', $type) && !in_array('forms', $type)) {
         // make sure the form is included if there are entries
         $type[] = 'forms';
     if (in_array('forms', $type)) {
         // include actions with forms
         $type[] = 'actions';
     $tables = array('items' => $wpdb->prefix . 'frm_items', 'forms' => $wpdb->prefix . 'frm_forms', 'posts' => $wpdb->posts, 'styles' => $wpdb->posts, 'actions' => $wpdb->posts);
     $defaults = array('ids' => false);
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     $sitename = sanitize_key(get_bloginfo('name'));
     if (!empty($sitename)) {
         $sitename .= '.';
     $filename = $sitename . 'formidable.' . date('Y-m-d') . '.xml';
     header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename);
     header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), true);
     //make sure ids are numeric
     if (is_array($args['ids']) && !empty($args['ids'])) {
         $args['ids'] = array_filter($args['ids'], 'is_numeric');
     $records = array();
     foreach ($type as $tb_type) {
         $where = array();
         $join = '';
         $table = $tables[$tb_type];
         $select = $table . '.id';
         $query_vars = array();
         switch ($tb_type) {
             case 'forms':
                 //add forms
                 if ($args['ids']) {
                     $where[] = array('or' => 1, $table . '.id' => $args['ids'], $table . '.parent_form_id' => $args['ids']);
                 } else {
                     $where[$table . '.status !'] = 'draft';
             case 'actions':
                 $select = $table . '.ID';
                 $where['post_type'] = FrmFormActionsController::$action_post_type;
                 if (!empty($args['ids'])) {
                     $where['menu_order'] = $args['ids'];
             case 'items':
                 //$join = "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}frm_item_metas im ON ($ = im.item_id)";
                 if ($args['ids']) {
                     $where[$table . '.form_id'] = $args['ids'];
             case 'styles':
                 // Loop through all exported forms and get their selected style IDs
                 $form_ids = $args['ids'];
                 $style_ids = array();
                 foreach ($form_ids as $form_id) {
                     $form_data = FrmForm::getOne($form_id);
                     // For forms that have not been updated while running 2.0, check if custom_style is set
                     if (isset($form_data->options['custom_style'])) {
                         $style_ids[] = $form_data->options['custom_style'];
                     unset($form_id, $form_data);
                 $select = $table . '.ID';
                 $where['post_type'] = 'frm_styles';
                 // Only export selected styles
                 if (!empty($style_ids)) {
                     $where['ID'] = $style_ids;
                 $select = $table . '.ID';
                 $join = ' INNER JOIN ' . $wpdb->postmeta . ' pm ON (pm.post_id=' . $table . '.ID)';
                 $where['pm.meta_key'] = 'frm_form_id';
                 if (empty($args['ids'])) {
                     $where['pm.meta_value >'] = 1;
                 } else {
                     $where['pm.meta_value'] = $args['ids'];
         $records[$tb_type] = FrmDb::get_col($table . $join, $where, $select);
     echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . esc_attr(get_bloginfo('charset')) . "\" ?>\n";
     include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/xml/xml.php';
Beispiel #25
            if ($values['custom_style']) {
                $frm_vars['load_css'] = true;
            if ((!isset($frm_vars['css_loaded']) || !$frm_vars['css_loaded']) && $frm_vars['load_css']) {
                echo FrmAppController::footer_js('header');
                $frm_vars['css_loaded'] = true;
<div class="frm_forms<?php 
            echo $values['custom_style'] ? ' with_frm_style' : '';
" id="frm_form_<?php 
            echo $form->id;
            require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-entries/errors.php';
    } else {
        do_action('frm_success_action', $conf_method, $form, $form->options, $created);
    do_action('frm_after_entry_processed', array('entry_id' => $created, 'form' => $form));
} else {
    do_action('frm_display_form_action', $params, $fields, $form, $title, $description);
    if (apply_filters('frm_continue_to_new', true, $form->id, $params['action'])) {
        $values = FrmEntriesHelper::setup_new_vars($fields, $form);
        require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-entries/new.php';
Beispiel #26
 function validate($values, $exclude = false)
     global $wpdb, $frm_field, $frm_entry_meta, $frm_settings;
     $errors = array();
     if (!isset($values['form_id']) || !isset($values['item_meta'])) {
         $errors['form'] = __('There was a problem with your submission. Please try again.', 'formidable');
         return $errors;
     if (is_admin() && is_user_logged_in() && (!isset($values['frm_submit_entry_' . $values['form_id']]) || !wp_verify_nonce($values['frm_submit_entry_' . $values['form_id']], 'frm_submit_entry_nonce'))) {
         $errors['form'] = __('You do not have permission to do that', 'formidable');
     if (!isset($values['item_key']) or $values['item_key'] == '') {
         $_POST['item_key'] = $values['item_key'] = FrmAppHelper::get_unique_key('', $wpdb->prefix . 'frm_items', 'item_key');
     $where = apply_filters('frm_posted_field_ids', 'fi.form_id=' . (int) $values['form_id']);
     if ($exclude) {
         $where .= " and fi.type not in ('" . implode("','", array_filter($exclude, 'esc_sql')) . "')";
     $posted_fields = $frm_field->getAll($where, 'field_order');
     foreach ($posted_fields as $posted_field) {
         $posted_field->field_options = maybe_unserialize($posted_field->field_options);
         $value = '';
         if (isset($values['item_meta'][$posted_field->id])) {
             $value = $values['item_meta'][$posted_field->id];
         if (isset($posted_field->field_options['default_blank']) and $posted_field->field_options['default_blank'] and $value == $posted_field->default_value) {
             $value = '';
         if (is_array($value) and count($value) === 1) {
             $value = reset($value);
         if ($posted_field->type == 'rte' and !is_array($value) and trim($value) == '<br>') {
             $value = '';
         if ($posted_field->required == '1' and !is_array($value) and trim($value) == '') {
             $errors['field' . $posted_field->id] = (!isset($posted_field->field_options['blank']) or $posted_field->field_options['blank'] == '' or $posted_field->field_options['blank'] == 'Untitled cannot be blank') ? $frm_settings->blank_msg : $posted_field->field_options['blank'];
         } else {
             if ($posted_field->type == 'text' and !isset($_POST['name'])) {
                 $_POST['name'] = $value;
         $_POST['item_meta'][$posted_field->id] = $value;
         if ($posted_field->type == 'captcha' and isset($_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'])) {
             global $frm_settings;
             if (!function_exists('recaptcha_check_answer')) {
                 require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/recaptchalib.php';
             $response = recaptcha_check_answer($frm_settings->privkey, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'], $_POST['recaptcha_response_field']);
             if (!$response->is_valid) {
                 // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
                 $errors['captcha-' . $response->error] = $errors['field' . $posted_field->id] = (!isset($posted_field->field_options['invalid']) or $posted_field->field_options['invalid'] == '') ? $frm_settings->re_msg : $posted_field->field_options['invalid'];
         $errors = apply_filters('frm_validate_field_entry', $errors, $posted_field, $value);
     // check for spam
     if (empty($exclude) && isset($values['item_meta']) && !empty($values['item_meta']) && empty($errors)) {
         global $wpcom_api_key;
         if ((function_exists('akismet_http_post') || is_callable('Akismet::http_post')) && (get_option('wordpress_api_key') || $wpcom_api_key) && $this->akismet($values)) {
             $frm_form = new FrmForm();
             $form = $frm_form->getOne($values['form_id']);
             if (isset($form->options['akismet']) && !empty($form->options['akismet']) && ($form->options['akismet'] != 'logged' || !is_user_logged_in())) {
                 $errors['spam'] = __('Your entry appears to be spam!', 'formidable');
         // check for blacklist keys
         if ($this->blacklist_check($values)) {
             $errors['spam'] = __('Your entry appears to be spam!', 'formidable');
     $errors = apply_filters('frm_validate_entry', $errors, $values);
     return $errors;
Beispiel #27
<div id="form_views_page" class="wrap">
    <div class="frmicon icon32"><br/></div>
_e('Views', 'formidable');
        <a href="#" class="add-new-h2" style="visibility:hidden;"><?php 
_e('Add New', 'formidable');

if ($form) {
require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/shared/errors.php';
FrmAppController::update_message('display collected data in lists, calendars, and other formats');

    <img src="" alt="Display" style="max-width:100%"/>

<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">

$action = isset($_REQUEST['frm_action']) ? 'frm_action' : 'action';
$action = FrmAppHelper::get_param($action, '', 'get', 'sanitize_title');
$button = $action == 'new' || $action == 'duplicate' ? __('Create', 'formidable') : __('Update', 'formidable');
include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-forms/_publish_box.php';

    <div id="frm_position_ele"></div>

    <div class="postbox frm_field_list">
    <div class="inside">
    <div id="taxonomy-linkcategory" class="categorydiv">
        <ul id="category-tabs" class="category-tabs frm-category-tabs">
    		<li class="tabs" ><a href="#frm-insert-fields" id="frm_insert_fields_tab"><?php 
_e('Fields', 'formidable');
    		<li class="hide-if-no-js"><a href="#frm-layout-classes" id="frm_layout_classes_tab" class="frm_help" title="<?php 
esc_attr_e('Open the Field Options and click on the CSS Layout Classes option to enable this tab', 'formidable');
_e('Layout', 'formidable');
Beispiel #29

do_action('frm_add_form_option_section', $values);
        <div class="clear"></div>


        <input type="submit" value="<?php 
esc_attr_e('Update', 'formidable');
" class="button-primary" />

require FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-forms/sidebar-settings.php';
Beispiel #30
    if (isset($ldfe)) {
        	    <li class="frm_col_two">
					<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="frmbutton button frm_insert_code" data-code="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($dfe . ' show="' . $ldfe . '"');
        _e('Field From Entry', 'formidable');


if ($settings_tab) {
    include FrmAppHelper::plugin_path() . '/classes/views/frm-forms/mb_html_tab.php';