Beispiel #1
 public function getFormFields(DataContainer $dc)
     $arrOptions = array('column' => array("type='stores'"));
     $objFields = FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($dc->id, $arrOptions);
     if ($objFields) {
         while ($objFields->next()) {
             $arrFields[$objFields->name] = $objFields->label;
         return $arrFields;
  * Prepare a set of fields.
  * @param \FormFieldModel[] $fields         The given set of fields being prepared.
  * @param \FormFieldModel[] $combinedFields The prepared list of form fields.
  * @param array             $formStack      A stack of form ids to protect against recursion.
  * @return void
 private function prepareFields($fields, &$combinedFields, $formStack)
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if ($field->type === 'subform') {
             $subformFields = \FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($field->subform);
             if ($subformFields && !in_array($field->subform, $formStack)) {
                 $newStack = $formStack;
                 $newStack[] = $field->subform;
                 $this->prepareFields($subformFields, $combinedFields, $newStack);
         $combinedFields[] = $field;
Beispiel #3
  * Generate the form
  * @return string
 protected function compile()
     $hasUpload = false;
     $doNotSubmit = false;
     $arrSubmitted = array();
     $formId = $this->formID != '' ? 'auto_' . $this->formID : 'auto_form_' . $this->id;
     $this->Template->fields = '';
     $this->Template->hidden = '';
     $this->Template->formSubmit = $formId;
     $this->Template->method = $this->method == 'GET' ? 'get' : 'post';
     $arrLabels = array();
     // Get all form fields
     $arrFields = array();
     $objFields = \FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($this->id);
     if ($objFields !== null) {
         while ($objFields->next()) {
             if ($objFields->name != '') {
                 $arrFields[$objFields->name] = $objFields->current();
             } else {
                 $arrFields[] = $objFields->current();
     // HOOK: compile form fields
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields'] as $callback) {
             $arrFields = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrFields, $formId, $this);
     // Process the fields
     if (!empty($arrFields) && is_array($arrFields)) {
         $row = 0;
         $max_row = count($arrFields);
         foreach ($arrFields as $objField) {
             /** @var \FormFieldModel $objField */
             $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL'][$objField->type];
             // Continue if the class is not defined
             if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
             $arrData = $objField->row();
             $arrData['decodeEntities'] = true;
             $arrData['allowHtml'] = $this->allowTags;
             $arrData['rowClass'] = 'row_' . $row . ($row == 0 ? ' row_first' : ($row == $max_row - 1 ? ' row_last' : '')) . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
             // Increase the row count if its a password field
             if ($objField->type == 'password') {
                 $arrData['rowClassConfirm'] = 'row_' . $row . ($row == $max_row - 1 ? ' row_last' : '') . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
             // Submit buttons do not use the name attribute
             if ($objField->type == 'submit') {
                 $arrData['name'] = '';
             // Unset the default value depending on the field type (see #4722)
             if (!empty($arrData['value'])) {
                 if (!in_array('value', trimsplit('[,;]', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_form_field']['palettes'][$objField->type]))) {
                     $arrData['value'] = '';
             /** @var \Widget $objWidget */
             $objWidget = new $strClass($arrData);
             $objWidget->required = $objField->mandatory ? true : false;
             // HOOK: load form field callback
             if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField'])) {
                 foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField'] as $callback) {
                     $objWidget = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($objWidget, $formId, $this->arrData, $this);
             // Validate the input
             if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $formId) {
                 // HOOK: validate form field callback
                 if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['validateFormField']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['validateFormField'])) {
                     foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['validateFormField'] as $callback) {
                         $objWidget = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($objWidget, $formId, $this->arrData, $this);
                 if ($objWidget->hasErrors()) {
                     $doNotSubmit = true;
                 } elseif ($objWidget->submitInput()) {
                     $arrSubmitted[$objField->name] = $objWidget->value;
                     $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$objField->name] = $objWidget->value;
                     // see #5474
             if ($objWidget instanceof \uploadable) {
                 $hasUpload = true;
             if ($objWidget instanceof \FormHidden) {
                 $this->Template->hidden .= $objWidget->parse();
             if ($objWidget->name != '' && $objWidget->label != '') {
                 $arrLabels[$objWidget->name] = $this->replaceInsertTags($objWidget->label);
                 // see #4268
             $this->Template->fields .= $objWidget->parse();
     // Process the form data
     if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $formId && !$doNotSubmit) {
         $this->processFormData($arrSubmitted, $arrLabels, $arrFields);
     // Add a warning to the page title
     if ($doNotSubmit && !\Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
         /** @var \PageModel $objPage */
         global $objPage;
         $title = $objPage->pageTitle ?: $objPage->title;
         $objPage->pageTitle = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['form'] . ' - ' . $title;
         $_SESSION['FILES'] = array();
         // see #3007
     $strAttributes = '';
     $arrAttributes = deserialize($this->attributes, true);
     if ($arrAttributes[1] != '') {
         $strAttributes .= ' class="' . $arrAttributes[1] . '"';
     $this->Template->hasError = $doNotSubmit;
     $this->Template->attributes = $strAttributes;
     $this->Template->enctype = $hasUpload ? 'multipart/form-data' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
     $this->Template->formId = $arrAttributes[0] ?: 'f' . $this->id;
     $this->Template->action = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest');
     $this->Template->maxFileSize = $hasUpload ? $this->objModel->getMaxUploadFileSize() : false;
     $this->Template->novalidate = $this->novalidate ? ' novalidate' : '';
     // Get the target URL
     if ($this->method == 'GET' && $this->jumpTo && ($objTarget = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) !== null) {
         $this->Template->action = $this->generateFrontendUrl($objTarget->row());
     return $this->Template->parse();
Beispiel #4
  * Add form fields from a back end form generator form ID
  * @param int      $intId       The form generator form ID
  * @param callable $varCallback Called for each field, return true if you want to include the field in the form
  * @return $this
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function addFieldsFromFormGenerator($intId, $varCallback = null)
     if (($objFields = \FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($intId)) === null) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Form ID "' . $intId . '" does not exist or has no published fields.');
     $arrFields = array();
     while ($objFields->next()) {
         // make sure "name" is set because not all form fields do need it and it would thus overwrite the array indexes
         $strName = $objFields->name ?: 'field_' . $objFields->id;
         $arrDca = $objFields->row();
         // Make sure it has a "name" attribute because it is mandatory
         if (!isset($arrDca['name'])) {
             $arrDca['name'] = $strName;
         if (is_callable($varCallback) && !call_user_func_array($varCallback, array(&$strName, &$arrDca))) {
         $this->arrFormFields[$strName] = $arrDca;
     $this->intState = self::STATE_DIRTY;
     return $this;
  * Get the data ready for Salesforce
  * @access	protected
  * @param 	array
  * @param 	integer
  * @return 	array
 protected static function getSalesforceFields($arrSubmitted, $intFormId)
     $arrReturn = array();
     $objFormFields = \FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($intFormId);
     if ($objFormFields !== null) {
         while ($objFormFields->next()) {
             if ($objFormFields->current()->salesforceField) {
                 $arrReturn[$objFormFields->current()->salesforceField] = $arrSubmitted[$objFormFields->current()->name];
     return $arrReturn;
     * Generate the form
     * @return string
    protected function compile()
        $hasUpload = false;
        $doNotSubmit = false;
        $arrSubmitted = array();
        $blnAddDateJS = true;
        $formId = $this->formID != '' ? 'auto_' . $this->formID : 'auto_form_' . $this->id;
        $arrUnset = array('FORM_NEXT', 'FORM_BACK');
        foreach ($arrUnset as $strKey) {
        // Form is used to edit existing formdata record
        if ($this->objEditRecord instanceof \Database\Result) {
            $arrEditRecord = $this->objEditRecord->row();
            $this->blnEditform = true;
        // Check if the form is a multipage form
        $objPaginators = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT id,pid,invisible,`sorting`,`type`,`name`,`label`,`value`,`imageSubmit`,`singleSRC`,`sLabel`,`efgAddBackButton`,`efgBackStoreSessionValues`,`efgBackSlabel`,`efgBackImageSubmit`,`efgBackSingleSRC` FROM tl_form_field WHERE pid=? AND `type`=?" . (!BE_USER_LOGGED_IN ? " AND invisible=''" : "") . " ORDER BY `sorting`")->execute($this->id, 'efgFormPaginator');
        if ($objPaginators->numRows) {
            $this->blnMultipage = true;
            $this->intTotalPages = (int) $objPaginators->numRows;
            while ($objPaginators->next()) {
                $this->arrPaginators[] = $objPaginators->row();
        // Use the core class Form if this is not a multi page form and not frontend edit form
        if (!$this->blnMultipage && !$this->blnEditform || $this->method == 'GET' || TL_MODE == 'BE') {
            // unset files in session to avoid wrong validation and submission of file uploads
            // .. files may be stored in session after frontend editing or submission of multi page form
            $_SESSION['FILES'] = array();
            $this->strTemplate = 'form';
            return parent::compile();
        global $objPage;
        if ($objPage->outputFormat == 'html5') {
            $blnIsHtml5 = true;
        $this->blnAllowSkipRequired = false;
        // allow form submission, if ALL required fields are empty
        $this->arrWidgetsFailedValidation = array();
        // validation result of required widgets
        $doNotValidate = false;
        $strMode = '';
        $intActivePage = 1;
        $this->Template = new \FrontendTemplate($this->strTemplate);
        // render a previous completed page
        if (strlen($_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['render_page'])) {
            $intActivePage = (int) $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['render_page'];
            $this->intActivePage = (int) $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['render_page'];
            $strMode = 'reload';
        } elseif (!strlen($_POST['FORM_SUBMIT'])) {
        if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $formId && (strlen($_POST['FORM_PAGE']) || is_array($_POST['FORM_STEP']))) {
            $intActivePage = (int) $_POST['FORM_PAGE'];
            $intGoto = 0;
            if (strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK']) || strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK_x'])) {
                $intActivePage = (int) $_POST['FORM_PAGE'];
                $doNotValidate = true;
                $strMode = 'back';
            } elseif (is_array($_POST['FORM_STEP']) || is_array($_POST['FORM_STEP_x'])) {
                $intGoto = is_array($_POST['FORM_STEP']) ? key($_POST['FORM_STEP']) : key($_POST['FORM_STEP_x']);
                if ($intGoto < $intActivePage) {
                    $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['render_page'] = $intGoto < 1 ? 1 : $intGoto;
                } elseif ($intGoto > $intActivePage && $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['completed']['page_' . $intGoto]) {
                    $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['render_page'] = $intGoto;
            if ($intActivePage < 1) {
                $intActivePage = 1;
            if ($intActivePage > $this->intTotalPages) {
                $intActivePage = $this->intTotalPages;
            $this->intActivePage = $intActivePage;
        $this->Template->fields = '';
        $this->Template->hidden = '';
        $this->Template->formSubmit = $formId;
        $this->Template->tableless = $this->tableless ? true : false;
        $this->Template->method = $this->method == 'GET' ? 'get' : 'post';
        if ($this->blnMultipage || $this->blnEditform) {
            $objPageWidget = new \FormHidden(array('name' => 'FORM_PAGE', 'value' => $this->intActivePage));
            $this->Template->hidden .= $objPageWidget->parse();
        $arrLabels = array();
        // Get all form fields
        $arrFields = array();
        $objFields = \FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($this->id);
        if ($objFields !== null) {
            while ($objFields->next()) {
                $arrFields[] = $objFields->current();
        // HOOK: compile form fields
        if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields'])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields'] as $callback) {
                $arrFields = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrFields, $formId, $this);
        // Process the fields
        if (!empty($arrFields) && is_array($arrFields)) {
            $row = 0;
            $max_row = count($arrFields);
            foreach ($arrFields as $objField) {
                // Skip fields outside range of active page
                if ($this->intTotalPages > 1 && ($this->blnMultipage || $this->blnEditform)) {
                    $intFieldSorting = (int) $objField->sorting;
                    if ($this->intActivePage <= 1 && $intFieldSorting > (int) $this->arrPaginators[$this->intActivePage - 1]['sorting']) {
                    } elseif ($this->intActivePage > 1 && $this->intActivePage < $this->intTotalPages && ($intFieldSorting <= (int) $this->arrPaginators[$this->intActivePage - 2]['sorting'] || $intFieldSorting > (int) $this->arrPaginators[$this->intActivePage - 1]['sorting'])) {
                    } elseif ($this->intActivePage == $this->intTotalPages && $intFieldSorting <= (int) $this->arrPaginators[$this->intActivePage - 2]['sorting']) {
                $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL'][$objField->type];
                // Continue if the class is not defined
                if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
                $arrData = $objField->row();
                $arrData['decodeEntities'] = true;
                $arrData['allowHtml'] = $this->allowTags;
                $arrData['rowClass'] = 'row_' . $row . ($row == 0 ? ' row_first' : ($row == $max_row - 1 ? ' row_last' : '')) . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
                $arrData['tableless'] = $this->tableless;
                if ($this->blnMultipage || $this->blnEditform) {
                    $arrData['formMultipage'] = $this->blnMultipage;
                    $arrData['formActivePage'] = $this->intActivePage;
                    $arrData['formTotalPages'] = $this->intTotalPages;
                // Increase the row count if it is a password field
                if ($objField->type == 'password') {
                    $arrData['rowClassConfirm'] = 'row_' . $row . ($row == $max_row - 1 ? ' row_last' : '') . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
                // Submit buttons do not use the name attribute
                if ($objField->type == 'submit') {
                    $arrData['name'] = '';
                $objWidget = new $strClass($arrData);
                $objWidget->required = $objField->mandatory ? true : false;
                if ($objWidget->required) {
                    $this->arrWidgetsFailedValidation[$objField->name] = 0;
                // Unset session values if no FORM_SUBMIT or form page has not been completed
                // (to avoid wrong validation against session values and to avoid usage of values of other forms):
                // This behaviour can be deactivated by setting: $GLOBALS['EFP'][$formId]['doNotCleanStoredSessionData'] = true;
                if ($strMode != 'reload' && strlen($objField->name)) {
                    if (!strlen($_POST['FORM_SUBMIT']) || !$_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['completed']['page_' . $this->intActivePage]) {
                        if (!$GLOBALS['EFP'][$formId]['doNotCleanStoredSessionData']) {
                        if ($objWidget instanceof \uploadable) {
                // Always populate from existing session data if configured
                if ($GLOBALS['EFP'][$formId]['doNotCleanStoredSessionData'] == true && isset($_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$objField->name])) {
                    $objWidget->value = $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$objField->name];
                if ($strMode == 'reload' || $this->blnEditform && !strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK']) && !strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK_x'])) {
                    // Frontend editing
                    if ($this->blnEditform && !$_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['completed']['page_' . $this->intActivePage]) {
                        if (is_array($objWidget->options)) {
                            $arrData['options'] = $objWidget->options;
                        // Prepare options array
                        $arrData['options'] = $this->Formdata->prepareWidgetOptions($arrData);
                        // Set rgxp 'date' for field type 'calendar' if not set
                        if ($arrData['type'] == 'calendar') {
                            if (!isset($arrData['rgxp'])) {
                                $arrData['rgxp'] = 'date';
                        } elseif ($arrData['type'] == 'xdependentcalendarfields') {
                            $arrData['rgxp'] = 'date';
                            $arrData['dateFormat'] = $arrData['xdateformat'];
                        if ($objWidget instanceof \uploadable) {
                        // Prepare value
                        $varFieldValue = $this->Formdata->prepareDatabaseValueForWidget($arrEditRecord[$objField->name], $arrData);
                        $objWidget->value = $varFieldValue;
                    } else {
                        // Populate field if page has been completed
                        if ($_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['completed']['page_' . $this->intActivePage] == true) {
                            $objWidget->value = $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$objField->name];
                        } else {
                            if ($objWidget instanceof \uploadable) {
                // HOOK: Load form field callback
                if (!strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK']) && !strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK_x'])) {
                    if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField'])) {
                        foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField'] as $callback) {
                            $objWidget = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($objWidget, $formId, $this->arrData);
                // Validate the input
                if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $formId) {
                    // Populate field
                    if (strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK']) || strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK_x'])) {
                        if ($strMode == 'back' && strlen($this->arrPaginators[$this->intActivePage - 1]['efgBackStoreSessionValues'])) {
                            $objWidget->value = \Input::post($objField->name);
                        } elseif ($_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['completed']['page_' . $this->intActivePage] == true) {
                            $objWidget->value = $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$objField->name];
                    if (!$doNotValidate) {
                        if ($objWidget instanceof \uploadable) {
                            // If the widget does not store the file, store it in tmp folder and session to make it available for mails etc.
                            if (!$objWidget->storeFile) {
                                if ($this->intActivePage <= $this->intTotalPages) {
                                    // Unset the file in session, if this page has not been completed
                                    if (!$_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['completed']['page_' . $this->intActivePage]) {
                                    // File has been uploaded, store it in temp folder
                                    if (is_uploaded_file($_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]['tmp_name'])) {
                                        $strDstFile = TL_ROOT . '/system/tmp/' . md5_file($_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]['tmp_name']);
                                        if (@copy($_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]['tmp_name'], $strDstFile)) {
                                            $_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]['tmp_name'] = $strDstFile;
                                            $_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]['uploaded'] = true;
                                            $this->Files->chmod($strDstFile, 0644);
                            } else {
                        } else {
                        // HOOK: validate form field callback
                        if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['validateFormField']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['validateFormField'])) {
                            foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['validateFormField'] as $callback) {
                                $objWidget = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($objWidget, $formId, $this->arrData);
                    if ($objWidget->hasErrors()) {
                        if ($objWidget->required) {
                            $this->arrWidgetsFailedValidation[$objField->name] = 1;
                        $doNotSubmit = true;
                    } elseif ($objWidget->submitInput() || $strMode == 'back') {
                        if ($objWidget->submitInput()) {
                            $arrSubmitted[$objField->name] = $objWidget->value;
                            $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$objField->name] = $objWidget->value;
                            // see #5474
                if ($objWidget instanceof \FormHidden) {
                    $this->Template->hidden .= $objWidget->parse();
                if ($objWidget instanceof \uploadable) {
                    $hasUpload = true;
                    if ($this->blnMultipage || $this->blnEditform) {
                        // Save file info in the session in frontend edit mode
                        if ($this->blnEditform && strlen($arrEditRecord[$objField->name]) && (!isset($_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]) || empty($_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]))) {
                            $objFile = new \File($arrEditRecord[$objField->name]);
                            if ($objFile->size) {
                                $_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name] = array('name' => $objFile->basename, 'type' => $objFile->mime, 'tmp_name' => TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFile->value, 'size' => $objFile->size, 'uploaded' => true);
                        // Add info about uploaded file to upload input
                        if (isset($_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]) && $_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]['uploaded']) {
                            $this->Template->fields .= preg_replace('/(.*?)(<input.*?>)(.*?)/sim', '$1<p class="upload_info">' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['fileUploaded'], $_SESSION['FILES'][$objField->name]['name']) . '</p>$2$3', $objWidget->parse());
                if ($objWidget->name != '' && $objWidget->label != '') {
                    $arrLabels[$objWidget->name] = $this->replaceInsertTags($objWidget->label);
                $this->Template->fields .= $objWidget->parse();
        if ($doNotSubmit && $this->blnAllowSkipRequired) {
            if (!empty($this->arrWidgetsFailedValidation) && count(array_count_values($this->arrWidgetsFailedValidation)) == 1) {
                $doNotSubmit = false;
        // Process form data
        if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $formId && !$doNotSubmit) {
            if ($this->intTotalPages == 1 || !$this->blnMultipage && !$this->blnEditform) {
                $this->processFormData($arrSubmitted, $arrLabels);
            } else {
                // If not last page but page is completed, render next page
                if ($this->intActivePage < $this->intTotalPages && (strlen($_POST['FORM_NEXT']) || strlen($_POST['FORM_NEXT_x']))) {
                    $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['render_page'] = (int) $_POST['FORM_PAGE'] + 1;
                    $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['completed']['page_' . $_POST['FORM_PAGE']] = true;
                } elseif ($strMode == 'back' && $this->intActivePage <= $this->intTotalPages && (strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK']) || strlen($_POST['FORM_BACK_x']))) {
                    $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['render_page'] = (int) $_POST['FORM_PAGE'] - 1;
                    $_SESSION['EFP'][$formId]['completed']['page_' . $_POST['FORM_PAGE']] = true;
                } else {
                    if ((int) $_POST['FORM_PAGE'] == $this->intTotalPages && (strlen($_POST['FORM_NEXT']) || strlen($_POST['FORM_NEXT_x']))) {
                        // Populate arrSubmitted from session
                        $arrSubmitted = $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'];
                        $this->processFormData($arrSubmitted, $arrLabels);
        $strAttributes = '';
        $arrAttributes = deserialize($this->attributes, true);
        // Add a css class
        if ($this->blnMultipage) {
            $arrAttributes[1] = trim($arrAttributes[1] . ' multipage form_page_' . $this->intActivePage);
        if (strlen($arrAttributes[1])) {
            $strAttributes .= ' class="' . $arrAttributes[1] . '"';
        $this->Template->hasError = $doNotSubmit;
        $this->Template->attributes = $strAttributes;
        $this->Template->enctype = $hasUpload ? 'multipart/form-data' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
        $this->Template->formId = strlen($arrAttributes[0]) ? $arrAttributes[0] : 'f' . $this->id;
        $this->Template->action = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest');
        $this->Template->maxFileSize = $hasUpload ? $this->objModel->getMaxUploadFileSize() : false;
        $this->Template->novalidate = $this->novalidate ? ' novalidate' : '';
        // Get the target URL
        if ($this->method == 'GET' && $this->jumpTo && ($objTarget = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) !== null) {
            $this->Template->action = $this->generateFrontendUrl($objTarget->row());
        // Add Javascript to handle html5 input attribute 'required' on back button
        if ($blnIsHtml5) {
            $this->Template->fields .= '
<script>' . $this->getBackButtonJavascriptString() . '
        if ($blnAddDateJS) {
            $this->Template->fields .= '
<script' . (!$blnIsHtml5 ? ' type="text/javascript"' : '') . '>' . $this->getDateString() . '
        return $this->Template->parse();
  * Get the form postdata
  * @param int $formId
  * @return array
 protected function getFormPostData($formId)
     static $data;
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = array();
         $fieldModels = \FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($formId);
         if ($fieldModels !== null) {
             foreach ($fieldModels as $fieldModel) {
                 $data[$fieldModel->name] = \Input::post($fieldModel->name);
     return $data;
 public function processFormDataHook($arrSubmitted, $arrData, $arrFiles, $arrLabels, $objForm)
     $formId = $objForm->formID != '' ? 'auto_' . $objForm->formID : 'auto_form_' . $objForm->id;
     // Get all form fields
     $arrFields = array();
     $objFields = \FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($objForm->id);
     // default order by sorting
     $strReturn = null;
     if ($objFields !== null) {
         $start = false;
         while ($objFields->next()) {
             if ($objFields->successType == 'successStart') {
                 $start = true;
             if ($start || !$objForm->hideFormOnSuccess) {
                 $arrFields[] = $objFields->current();
             if ($objFields->successType == 'successStop') {
                 $start = false;
                 // hideFormOnSuccess: do not render other fields than successStart, fields inside and successStop
                 if ($objForm->hideFormOnSuccess) {
     if (!empty($arrFields) && is_array($arrFields)) {
         $row = 0;
         $max_row = count($arrFields);
         foreach ($arrFields as $objField) {
             $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL'][$objField->type];
             // Continue if the class is not defined
             if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
             $arrData = $objField->row();
             $arrData['decodeEntities'] = true;
             $arrData['allowHtml'] = $objForm->allowTags;
             $arrData['rowClass'] = 'row_' . $row . ($row == 0 ? ' row_first' : ($row == $max_row - 1 ? ' row_last' : '')) . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
             $arrData['tableless'] = $objForm->tableless;
             // Increase the row count if its a password field
             if ($objField->type == 'password') {
                 $arrData['rowClassConfirm'] = 'row_' . $row . ($row == $max_row - 1 ? ' row_last' : '') . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd');
             // Submit buttons do not use the name attribute
             if ($objField->type == 'submit') {
                 $arrData['name'] = '';
             // Unset the default value depending on the field type (see #4722)
             if (!empty($arrData['value'])) {
                 if (!in_array('value', trimsplit('[,;]', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_form_field']['palettes'][$objField->type]))) {
                     $arrData['value'] = '';
             $objWidget = new $strClass($arrData);
             $objWidget->required = $objField->mandatory ? true : false;
             // HOOK: load form field callback
             if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField'])) {
                 foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['loadFormField'] as $callback) {
                     $objWidget = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($objWidget, $formId, $arrData, $objForm);
             $strReturn .= $objWidget->parse();
     if ($objForm->isAjaxForm && !is_null($strReturn)) {
         $strReturn .= '<input type="hidden" name="FORM_SUBMIT" value="' . $formId . '">';
         $strReturn .= '<input type="hidden" name="REQUEST_TOKEN" value="' . \RequestToken::get() . '">';
  * Loads the form field models (calling the compileFormFields hook and ignoring itself).
 private function loadFormFieldModels()
     $formFieldModels = \FormFieldModel::findPublishedByPid($this->formModel->id);
     if (null === $formFieldModels) {
         $formFieldModels = [];
     } else {
         $formFieldModels = $formFieldModels->getModels();
     // Needed for the hook
     $form = $this->createDummyForm();
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileFormFields'] as $k => $callback) {
             // Do not call ourselves recursively
             if ('MPForms' === $callback[0]) {
             $objCallback = \System::importStatic($callback[0]);
             $formFieldModels = $objCallback->{$callback[1]}($formFieldModels, $this->getFormId(), $form);
     $this->formFieldModels = $formFieldModels;