function general_action()
     $this->pageTitle = 'Ustawienia ogólne';
     $form = new Form('wmelon.options.general', 'options/general_save', 'options/general');
     // input values
     $config = Watermelon::$config;
     $siteName = $config->siteName;
     $footer = $config->footer;
     $head = $config->headTags;
     $tail = $config->tailTags;
     $userData = Users::userData();
     $login = $userData->login;
     $nick = $userData->nick;
     $email = $userData->email;
     $sblamKey = Config::get('wmelon.sblam.apiKey');
     // label notes
     $footer_label = 'Możesz używać HTML<br>oraz <em>$/</em> dla linków na stronie';
     $head_label = '"sekcja &lt;head&gt;"; skrypty, arkusze stylów itp.';
     $tail_label = 'Skrypty, dodane na końcu strony';
     $login_label = 'Nazwa użyta podczas logowania. Uważaj, żeby przypadkiem nie zmienić.';
     $nick_label = 'Nazwa pokazywana przy Twoich komentarzach itp.';
     $email_label = 'Zostanie użyty obok Twoich komentarzy do pokazania <a href="" target="_blank">gravatara</a>';
     if (!empty($email)) {
         $email_label .= '<br>Podgląd: ';
         $email_label .= '<img src="' . md5($email) . '?s=64&amp;d=mm" style="vertical-align:middle" />';
     $sblamKey_label = '';
     // input args
     $siteName = array('value' => $siteName);
     $footer = array('value' => $footer, 'labelNote' => $footer_label);
     $head = array('value' => $head, 'labelNote' => $head_label);
     $tail = array('value' => $tail, 'labelNote' => $tail_label);
     $login = array('value' => $login, 'labelNote' => $login_label);
     $nick = array('value' => $nick, 'labelNote' => $nick_label);
     $email = array('value' => $email, 'labelNote' => $email_label);
     $sblamKey = array('value' => $sblamKey, 'labelNote' => $sblamKey_label);
     // adding inputs
     $form->addHTML('<fieldset id="siteOptions"><legend>Strona</legend>');
     $form->addInput('text', 'siteName', 'Nazwa strony', true, $siteName);
     $form->addInput('textarea', 'footer', 'Stopka', false, $footer);
     $form->addInput('textarea', 'head', 'Własne tagi na początek strony', false, $head);
     $form->addInput('textarea', 'tail', 'Własne tagi na koniec strony', false, $tail);
     $form->addHTML('<fieldset id="adminOptions"><legend>Ty</legend>');
     $form->addInput('text', 'login', 'Twój login', true, $login);
     $form->addInput('text', 'nick', 'Twój nick', false, $nick);
     $form->addInput('password', 'pass', 'Twoje hasło', false);
     $form->addInput('password', 'pass2', 'Twoje hasło (powtórz)', false);
     $form->addHTML('<fieldset id="sblamOptions"><legend>Sblam!</legend>');
     $form->addHTML('<p>Sblam! to filtr antyspamowy użyty w Watermelonie. Aby działał poprawnie należy ustalić dla niego <em>klucz API</em>. Własny klucz możesz <a href="">wygenerować na stronie Sblam!</a></p>');
     $form->addInput('text', 'sblamKey', 'Klucz API', false, $sblamKey);
     // rendering
     echo $form->generate();
Beispiel #2
 function login_action($backPage = '')
     $this->pageTitle = 'Logowanie';
     $form = new Form('wmelon.users.login', 'users/loginSubmit', 'users/login');
     $form->submitLabel = 'Zaloguj';
     $form->addInput('text', 'login', 'Login');
     $form->addInput('password', 'pass', 'Hasło');
     $form->addInput('hidden', 'backPage', $backPage);
     echo $form->generate();
Beispiel #3
 protected function build(PageBody &$body, SubMenu &$submenu)
     $submenu->addLink("Sign in", "#", TRUE);
     $submenu->addLink("Sign up", "#");
     $submenu->addLink("Forget Password", "#");
     $loginForm = new Form("login");
     $loginForm->addInput(Input::textInput("email", "Enter your Email:"));
     $loginForm->addInput(Input::textInput("password", "Enter your Password:"));
Beispiel #4
 protected function build(PageBody &$body, SubMenu &$submenu)
     $subPage = isset($_GET['subpage']) ? $_GET['subpage'] : '';
     if (isset($_GET['event'])) {
         $this->event = Database::getRow('Event', $_GET['event']);
         $this->event->id = $_GET['event'];
         // for testing
         $this->pageName = $this->event->name;
     if ($this->event == null) {
         $body->addToTop(new Message("No Event", Message::DANGER));
     $submenu->addLink("Event Details", "?page=Event&event=" . $this->event->id, $subPage == '');
     $submenu->addLink("Update Event", "?page=Event&event=" . $this->event->id . "&subpage=update", $subPage == 'update');
     $submenu->addLink("Send Email Invitation", "?page=Event&event=" . $this->event->id . "&subpage=send", $subPage == 'send');
     $submenu->addLink("Add VIP Participant", "#");
     $submenu->addLink("Show All Participants", "#", false, false, 100);
     $submenu->addLink("Show Missing Participants", "#", false, false, 90);
     $submenu->addLink("Show Event Attendances", "#", false, false, 10);
     $submenu->addLink("Build Schedule", "#");
     $submenu->addLink("Send Schedule", "#");
     $submenu->addLink("Start Timer", "#");
     $submenu->addDangerLink("Delete Event", "#");
     $body->addToTop(new CustomHTML("\n            <div class='page-header'>\n                <h1> " . $this->event->name . " <small>" . $this->event->address . "</small></h1>\n            </div>\n        "));
     if ($subPage == '') {
         $body->addToCenter(new CustomHTML("\n                <dl class='dl-horizontal' style='font-size:18px'>\n                    <dt>Name</dt>\n                    <dd>" . $this->event->name . "</dd>\n                    <dt>Address</dt>\n                    <dd>" . $this->event->address . "</dd>\n                </dl>\n            "));
     } else {
         if ($subPage == 'update') {
             $form = new Form("Event");
             $form->addInput(Input::textInput("eventName", "Event Name", $this->event->name));
             $form->addInput(Input::textareaInput("eventAddress", "Event Address", $this->event->address));
         } else {
             if ($subPage == 'send') {
                 $form = new Form("Event");
                 $form->addInput(Input::tokenInput("emails", "Send To:"));
                 $form->addInput(Input::textInput("subject", "Subject", "Invitation to " . $this->event->name));
                 $form->addInput(Input::textareaInput("message", "Message"));
     //        $table = new HtmlTable();
     //        $table->addRow(["Name",  $this->event->name]);
     //        $table->addRow(["Address",  $this->event->address]);
     //        $body->addToCenter($table);
 public function testToHTML()
     $args = array('action' => '', 'method' => 'GET', 'id' => 'my_id', 'name' => 'some_name', 'class' => array('form-class'));
     $form = new Form("default", $args);
     $input_args = array('field_type' => 'meta_key', 'format' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('one', 'two'));
     $input = new Input("myinput", $input_args);
     $input_args = array('field_type' => 'search', 'format' => 'text', 'placeholder' => 'Enter keywords...');
     $input = new Input("myinput", $input_args);
Beispiel #6
 public static function display()
     $messages = "";
     if ($_POST['cc_form'] === 'add-group') {
         $group = $_POST['group'];
         $rows = Database::select('users', 'name', array('name = ? AND type = ?', $group, 'group'), null, 1)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         if (!empty($rows)) {
             $messages .= Message::error(__('admin', 'group-in-use'));
         } else {
             $row = DB::select('users', array('data'), array('users_id = ?', $_GET['parent']))->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $inheritance = unserialize($row['data']);
             $inheritance = $inheritance['permissions'];
             $result = Database::insert('users', array('name' => filter('admin_add_group_name', $group), 'type' => 'group', 'group' => '-1', 'data' => serialize(filter('admin_add_group_data', array('permissions' => $inheritance)))));
             if ($result === 1) {
                 $messages .= Message::success(__('admin', 'group-added'));
     $form = new Form('self', 'post', 'add-group');
     $form->startFieldset(__("admin", 'group-information'));
     $form->addInput(__('admin', 'group-name'), 'text', 'group', self::get('group'));
     $groups = Users::allGroups();
     foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
         $groups[$value->getId()] = $value->getName();
     $form->addSelectList(__('admin', 'inherit-permissions'), 'parent', $groups);
     plugin('admin_add_group_custom_fields', array(&$form));
     $form->addSubmit('', 'add-group', __('admin', 'add-group'));
     plugin('admin_add_group_custom_fieldset', array(&$form));
     $form = $form->endAndGetHTML();
     return array(__('admin', 'add-group'), $messages . $form);
Beispiel #7
    protected function build(PageBody &$body, SubMenu &$submenu)
        $form = new Form("Test");
        //$form->addInput("list1", "list", "Exsample List:", ["1", "2", "3"]);
        $form->addInput(Input::textInput("input1", "Enter your name: "));
        $form->addInput(Input::selectInput("list1", "Example List:", ["A", "B", "C"]));
        //$form->addInput(Input::dateInput("date", "choose a date: "));
        $left = new CustomHTML('
<div class="list-group">
  <a href="#" class="list-group-item active">Home</a>
  <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Profile</a>
  <a href="#" class="list-group-item">Messages</a>
        $submenu->addLink("Home", "?page=home");
        $submenu->addLink("Login", "?page=login");
        $submenu->addLink("Top", "#top");
        $submenu->addLink("Down", "#down");
        $right = new CustomHTML('
<div class="panel panel-default">
  <div class="panel-heading">Panel heading without title</div>
  <div class="panel-body">
    Panel content

<div class="panel panel-default">
  <div class="panel-heading">
    <h3 class="panel-title">Panel title</h3>
  <div class="panel-body">
    Panel content
        $body->addToTop(new Message("This is a test page", Message::INFO));
        if (isset($_POST['list1'])) {
            $body->addToTop(new Message("the value of list1=" . $_POST['list1'], Message::SUCCESS));
Beispiel #8
 public static function display()
     $messages = "";
     if ($_POST['cc_form'] === 'add-user') {
         $username = $_POST['username'];
         $password = $_POST['password'];
         $cpassword = $_POST['confirm-password'];
         $group = $_POST['group'];
         if ($password != $cpassword) {
             $messages .= Message::error(__('admin', 'passwords-dont-match'));
         } else {
             $rows = Database::select('users', 'name', array('name = ? AND type = ?', $username, 'user'), null, 1)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             if (!empty($rows)) {
                 $messages .= Message::error(__('admin', 'username-in-use'));
             } else {
                 $hash = hash('whirlpool', $password);
                 $result = Database::insert('users', array('name' => filter('admin_add_user_username', $username), 'value' => $hash, 'type' => 'user', 'group' => filter('admin_add_group', $group), 'data' => serialize(filter('admin_add_user_data', array()))));
                 if ($result === 1) {
                     $messages .= Message::success(__('admin', 'user-added'));
     $form = new Form('self', 'post', 'add-user');
     $groups = Users::allGroups();
     foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
         $groups[$value->getId()] = $value->getName();
     $form->startFieldset(__("admin", 'user-information'));
     $form->addInput(__('admin', 'username'), 'text', 'username', self::get('username'));
     $form->addInput(__('admin', 'password'), 'password', 'password');
     $form->addInput(__('admin', 'confirm-password'), 'password', 'confirm-password');
     $form->addSelectList(__('admin', 'group'), 'group', $groups, true, self::get('group'));
     plugin('admin_add_user_custom_fields', array(&$form));
     $form->addSubmit('', 'add-user', __('admin', 'add-user'));
     plugin('admin_add_user_custom_fieldset', array(&$form));
     $form = $form->endAndGetHTML();
     return array(__('admin', 'add-user'), $messages . $form);
Beispiel #9
  * Constructor
  * @param Form   $form   The form this fieldset is asssociated to
  * @param string $name   The fieldset name
  * @param array  $inputs The inputs in this fieldset
  * @param array  $params The parameters to apply to this fieldset
 public function __construct($form, $name, $inputs = array(), $params = array())
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->form = $form;
     $this->id = $form->id . '-' . $this->name . '-fieldset';
     if ($this->legend) {
         $this->legendId = $form->id . '-' . $this->name . '-legend';
     foreach ($inputs as &$input) {
         $form->addInput($input, $this->name);
         $this->inputs[$input->name] = $input;
Beispiel #10
 protected function build(PageBody &$body, SubMenu &$submenu)
     $this->pageName = "New Event";
     $form = new Form("Event");
     $form->addInput(Input::textInput("eventName", "Event Name"));
     $form->addInput(Input::textareaInput("eventAddress", "Address"));
     $form->addInput(Input::createGroupInput([Input::dateInput("eventDay", "Day"), Input::timeInput("eventTime", "time")]));
     $form->addInput(Input::createGroupInput([Input::dateInput("eventDeadline", "Registration Deadline"), Input::timeInput("eventDeadlineTime", "Registration Deadline Time")]));
     $form->addInput(Input::textInput("eventFee", "Registration Fee"));
     $form->addInput(Input::textInput("eventStuFee", "Student Fee"));
     $form->addInput(Input::tokenInput("organizations", "Organizations"));
Beispiel #11
 public static function display()
     if (!is_numeric($_GET['id'])) {
     if ($_POST['cc_form'] == 'edit-group') {
         $id = $_GET['id'];
         $previous = (array) unserialize(urldecode($_POST['previous']));
         $group = $_POST['group'];
         $permissions = (array) $_POST['permissions'];
         $new = array_merge($previous, $permissions);
         foreach ($new as $k => $v) {
             if ($v == "1") {
                 $new[$k] = true;
             if (!array_key_exists($k, $permissions)) {
                 $new[$k] = false;
         if (DB::update('users', array('name', 'data'), array($group, serialize(filter('admin_edit_group_data', array('permissions' => $new)))), array('users_id = ?', $id))) {
             $message = Message::success(__('admin', 'group-information-updated'));
         } else {
             $message = Message::error(__('admin', 'database-error'));
     $p = Permissions::getAll();
     $g = new Group((int) $_GET['id']);
     $p_form = new Form('');
     $p_form->startFieldset(__('admin', 'group-information'));
     $p_form->addInput(__('admin', 'group-name'), 'text', 'group', $g->getName());
     $p_form->addHTML(sprintf("<h3>%s</h3>", __('admin', 'permissions')));
     $p_table = new Table('permissions');
     $p_table->addHeader(array('Name', 'Allowed'));
     foreach ($p as $k => $v) {
         $previous[$v['name']] = $g->isAllowed($v['name']);
         $p_table->addRow(array(__('permissions', $v['name']), sprintf('<input type="checkbox" name="permissions[%s]"%svalue="1"/>', $v['name'], $g->isAllowed($v['name']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '')));
     $p_form->addHidden('previous', urlencode(serialize($previous)));
     $p_form->addSubmit('', 'save-permissions', __('admin', 'save-changes'));
     return array(sprintf('%s: %s', __('admin', 'edit-group'), $g->getName()), $message . $p_form->html());
    //set up some content for the token:
    $token_str = '';
    foreach ($cart as $product) {
        $content .= '<div class="cart-item">';
        $content .= $product->product_name;
        $content .= ' $' . $product->price;
        $pid = $product->id;
        $quantity = $cart->getProductQuantity($product->id);
        $content .= ' x ' . $quantity . '= $' . $product->price * $quantity;
        $content .= " | <a href='profile.php?type=product&id={$pid}'>view</a> | ";
        $content .= "<a href='cart-remove.php?pid={$pid}'>remove</a>";
        $content .= '</div>';
        //add to token string
        $token_str .= $product->price;
    //show total price
    $content .= '<p class="total">TOTAL: ';
    $content .= $cart->getFormattedTotal();
    $form = new Form();
    $token = md5(time() . $token_str . $customer_id);
    //also add a salt? from file or db
    $_SESSION['form_token'] = $token;
    $form->addInput('token', '', $token, 'hidden');
    $form->addInput('submit', null, 'Check out', 'submit');
    $content .= $form->render();
    $content .= '<p class="back"><a href="index.php">Back to shopping</a></p>';
require_once 'template.php';
$error_msg = '';
$content = '';
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password_confirm']) {
        $customer = new Customer();
        $success = $customer->newAccount(strip_tags($_POST['email']), strip_tags($_POST['first_name']), strip_tags($_POST['last_name']), strip_tags($_POST['password']));
        if ($success) {
            $content .= 'New account created. <a href="login.php">Login</a>';
            //TODO: email confirmation
        } else {
            if ($customer->error_msg) {
                $error_msg = strip_tags($customer->error_msg);
            } else {
                $error_msg = 'Error creating new account.';
    } else {
        $error_msg = 'Passwords do not match.';
} else {
    $form = new Form();
    $form->addInput('first_name', 'First Name');
    $form->addInput('last_name', 'Last Name');
    $form->addInput('email', 'Email');
    $form->addInput('password', 'Password', null, 'password');
    $form->addInput('password_confirm', 'Confirm Password', null, 'password');
    $form->addInput('submit', null, 'Register', 'submit');
    $content .= $form->render();
require_once 'template.php';
             $address_options[] = array($a->id, $a->address1);
     $form = new Form();
     $form->addSelectList('address_id', 'Ship to', $address_options);
     $form->addText('Or ship to a different address');
     $token_str = '';
     //make a string from the cart ids converted to hex
     foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $id) {
         $token_str .= dechex($id);
     $token = md5($customer_id . time() . $token_str);
     //also add a salt? from file or db
     $_SESSION['form_token'] = $token;
     $form->addInput('token', '', $token, 'hidden');
     $form->addInput('address1', 'Address Line 1');
     $form->addInput('address2', 'Address Line 2');
     $form->addInput('city', 'City');
     $form->addInput('state', 'State');
     $form->addInput('zip', 'Zip');
     //add payment fields here
     $form->addInput('submit', null, 'Place Order', 'submit');
     $content .= $form->render();
     //choose payment -- paypal API sandbox???
 } else {
     //if not valid
     require_once 'template.php';
 function edit_action($id)
     $id = (int) $id;
     // getting data
     $data = $this->model->pageData_id($id);
     if (!$data) {
     // back to link
     if ($this->params->backTo == 'site') {
         $backTo = '?backTo=site';
         $backToLabel = ' lub <a href="#/' . $data->name . '">powróć do strony</a>';
     } else {
         $backToLabel = ', <a href="$/pages/">powróć do listy stron</a> lub <a href="#/' . $data->name . '">obejrzyj stronę</a>';
     // form options
     $this->pageTitle = 'Edytuj stronę';
     $form = new Form('wmelon.pages.editPage', 'pages/editSubmit/' . $id . $backTo, 'pages/edit/' . $id . $backTo);
     $form->displaySubmitButton = false;
     // inputs labels
     $nameLabel = 'Nie zmieniaj, jeśli <em>naprawdę</em> nie wiesz co robisz';
     // inputs args
     $titleArgs = array('value' => $data->title);
     $contentArgs = array('value' => $data->content, 'style' => 'width: 100%; height:30em');
     $nameArgs = array('value' => $data->name, 'labelNote' => $nameLabel);
     // adding inputs
     $form->addInput('text', 'title', 'Tytuł', true, $titleArgs);
     $form->addInput('textarea', 'content', 'Treść', true, $contentArgs);
     $form->addInput('text', 'name', 'Nazwa', true, $nameArgs);
     $form->addHTML('<label><span></span><input type="submit" value="Zapisz">' . $backToLabel . '</label>');
     echo $form->generate();
Beispiel #16
 public static function display()
     $r = "";
     if ($_POST['cc_form'] == 'settings') {
         $name_lookup = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             if ($key == 'cc_form') {
             if (substr($key, 0, 12) == 'cc_settings_') {
                 $name_lookup[substr($key, 12)] = explode('|', $value);
             $setting_name = $key;
             //var_dump(array_key_exists($key, $name_lookup),$name_lookup);
             if (!array_key_exists($setting_name, $name_lookup)) {
             if ($key == 'clean-urls') {
                 $value = (bool) $value;
             Database::update('settings', array('data'), array(serialize($value)), array('package = ? AND name = ?', $name_lookup[$setting_name][1], $name_lookup[$setting_name][0]));
         $r .= Message::success(__('admin', 'settings-saved'));
     $settings = Database::select('settings', '*', array('package = ? OR package = ? OR package = ? OR package = ?', 'core', 'admin', 'site', 'gui'), array('package', 'ASC', 'name', 'ASC'));
     $settings = $settings->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($settings as $row) {
         if (!array_key_exists($row['package'], $rows)) {
             $rows[$row['package']] = array();
         $rows[$row['package']][] = $row;
     $form = new Form('self', 'POST', 'settings');
     foreach ($rows as $cat => $catRows) {
         $form->startFieldset(__('settings', $cat));
         foreach ($catRows as $row) {
             $data = unserialize($row['data']);
             $form->addHidden('cc_settings_' . UTF8::slugify($row['name']), $row['name'] . '|' . $row['package']);
             if ($row['name'] == 'clean urls') {
                 $form->addSelectList(__('settings', $row['name']), UTF8::slugify($row['name']), array(1 => __('admin', 'yes'), 0 => __('admin', 'no')), true, $data);
             } else {
                 if ($row['name'] == 'theme') {
                     $themes = Themes::getThemeList();
                     $options = array();
                     foreach ($themes as $slug => $ini) {
                         $options[$slug] = $ini['name'];
                     $form->addSelectList(__('settings', $row['name']), UTF8::slugify($row['name']), $options, true, $data);
                 } else {
                     if ($row['name'] == 'locale') {
                         $locales = i18n::getLocales();
                         $form->addSelectList(__('settings', $row['name']), UTF8::slugify($row['name']), $locales, false, $data);
                     } else {
                         if ($row['name'] == 'homepage id') {
                             $form->addSelectList(__('settings', $row['name']), UTF8::slugify($row['name']), Content::optionListArrayFromArray(Content::parseNavigation()), true, $data);
                         } else {
                             if ($row['name'] == 'site name') {
                                 $form->addInput(__('settings', $row['name']), 'text', UTF8::slugify($row['name']), $data);
                             } else {
                                 if ($row['name'] == 'editor') {
                                     $editors = Editors::getNamesOfRegistered();
                                     $form->addSelectList(__('settings', $row['name']), UTF8::slugify($row['name']), $editors, false, $data);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($row['name'] == 'homepage') {
                                         $form->addSelectList(__('settings', $row['name']), UTF8::slugify($row['name']), Admin::getAdminPageOptions(), true, $data);
     $form->addSubmit('', 'save-settings', __('admin', 'save'));
     return array(__('admin', 'settings'), $r . $form->endAndGetHTML());
 function edit_action($id, $backPage)
     $id = (int) $id;
     // getting data
     $data = $this->model->commentData($id);
     if (!$data) {
     // displaying form
     $this->pageTitle = 'Edytuj wpis';
     $form = new Form('wmelon.comments.editComment', 'comments/editSubmit/' . $id . '/' . $backPage, 'comments/edit/' . $id . '/' . $backPage);
     $form->addInput('textarea', 'content', 'Treść', true, array('style' => 'width: 100%; height:30em', 'value' => $data->content));
     echo $form->generate();
 function edit_action($id)
     $id = (int) $id;
     // getting data
     $data = $this->model->postData_id($id);
     if (!$data) {
     // back to link
     $backTo = isset($this->params->backTo) ? '?backTo=' . $this->params->backTo : '';
     $postURL = '#/' . date('Y/m', $data->published) . '/' . $data->name;
     switch ($this->params->backTo) {
         case 'post':
             $backToLabel = ' lub <a href="' . $postURL . '">powróć do wpisu</a>';
         case 'site':
             $backToLabel = ' lub <a href="#/#blogpost-' . $data->id . '">powróć do strony</a>';
             // TODO: and what if the post is not on first page?
             $backToLabel = ', <a href="$/blog/">powróć do listy wpisów</a> albo <a href="' . $postURL . '">obejrzyj wpis</a>';
     // options
     $this->pageTitle = 'Edytuj wpis';
     $form = new Form('', 'blog/editSubmit/' . $id . $backTo, 'blog/edit/' . $id . $backTo);
     $form->displaySubmitButton = false;
     // label notes
     $summary_note = 'Jeśli chcesz, napisz krótko wstęp lub streszczenie wpisu - zostanie ono pokazane na stronie głównej i w czytnikach kanałów';
     // inputs args
     $titleArgs = array('value' => $data->title);
     $contentArgs = array('value' => $data->content, 'style' => 'width: 100%; height:30em');
     $summaryArgs = array('value' => $data->summary, 'labelNote' => $summary_note);
     $allowCommentsArgs = array('value' => $data->allowComments);
     // adding inputs
     $form->addInput('text', 'title', 'Tytuł', true, $titleArgs);
     $form->addInput('textarea', 'content', 'Treść', true, $contentArgs);
     $form->addInput('textarea', 'summary', 'Streszczenie', false, $summaryArgs);
     $form->addInput('checkbox', 'allowComments', 'Pozwól na komentarze', false, $allowCommentsArgs);
     // submit buttons
     $form->addHTML('<input type="submit" name="submit_save" value="Zapisz">');
     if ($data->status == 'draft') {
         $form->addHTML('<input type="submit" name="submit_publish" value="Opublikuj">');
     echo $form->generate();
Beispiel #19
    if (isset($_SESSION['cid'])) {
        //if they are logged in, this is the log-out form
        $info_msg = 'You are now logged out. Thank you for visiting.';
    //Determine the page to send the user when they successfully log in
    if (isset($_GET['ref'])) {
        //to prevent undefined index notice
        if (in_array('cart', $allowed_refs) && (int) $_GET['n']) {
            $ref = 'cart';
            $id = (int) $_GET['n'];
    //login form
    $form = new Form();
    $form->addInput('email', 'Email');
    $form->addInput('password', 'Password', null, 'password');
    //send the reference info is there is some.
    if ($ref) {
        $form->addInput('ref', '', $ref, 'hidden');
    if ($id) {
        $form->addInput('n', '', $id, 'hidden');
    $form->addInput('submit', null, 'Log in', 'submit');
    //need to add a token field
    $content .= $form->render();
require_once 'template.php';
Beispiel #20
    <title>Form.php Örnek Kullanım</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
    <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/validation.js"></script>
<div align='center'>
include_once 'FormCreator/Form.php';
//FormHelper ile amele işlerin yaptırılacağı bir class yazılabilir.
try {
    $form = new Form("test.php");
    $form->setFormAttributes(array('id' => 'formId'));
    $form->setTableAttributes(array("class" => "table"));
    $form->addInput("text", "name", "Email")->setValidation(array("required" => true, "min" => 3));
    $form->addInput("password", "pass", "Şifre")->setValidation(array("required" => true, "min" => 8));
    $form->addInput("text", "yas", "Yaş");
    $form->addRadioButton("cinsiyet", "erkek", "Erkek", array("checked" => "checked"));
    $form->addRadioButton("cinsiyet", "bayan", "Bayan");
    $form->addComboBox("carbrand", "Arabanızın Markası", array('mercedes' => 'Mercedes', 'bmw' => 'BMW'));
    //$form->addTextArea(32, 5, "adres","Adres");
    //$form->addCheckBox("termofuse", "read", "Kullanmıcı Sözleşmesini okudum")->setValidation(array("mustBeChecked"=>true));
    $form->addTermsOfUse("files/file.txt", true);
    $form->addInput("submit", "dugme", "Kaydet");
    echo $form->show();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();
Beispiel #21

load_library(array('bootstrap-css', 'jquery'));
queue_css(TH_PUB_ADMIN . 'design/styles.css');
	<body class="login">
		<div id="login-wrapper">
$form = new Form('self', 'post', 'login');
$form->addInput(__("Username"), 'text', 'cc_login_uname');
$form->addInput(__("Password"), 'password', 'cc_login_passwd');
$form->addInput(__("remember-me"), 'checkbox', 'cc_login_remember', 'yes');
$form->addSubmit('', 'cc_login_login', __('login_cc'));
echo $form->endAndGetHTML();
    $is_edit = 0;
    $button = 'Add New Product';
    //is this an edit?
    if (isset($_GET['id']) && (int) $_GET['id'] > 0) {
        $is_edit = 1;
        $id = (int) $_GET['id'];
        $product = new Product($id);
        $name = $product->product_name;
        $num = $product->product_num;
        $price = $product->price;
        $quantity = $product->quantity_on_hand;
        $desc = $product->description;
        $action = 'Edit';
        $button = 'Edit';
    $title = $action . ' Product';
    $form = new Form();
    $form->addInput('product_name', 'Product Name', $name);
    $form->addInput('product_num', 'Product Number', $num);
    $form->addInput('price', 'Price', $price);
    $form->addInput('quantity', 'Quantity on Hand', $quantity);
    $form->addTextArea('desc', 'Description', $desc);
    if ($is_edit) {
        $form->addInput('id', '', $id, 'hidden');
    $form->addInput('submit', null, $button, 'submit');
    $content = $form->render();
$content .= '<p class="back"><a href="product-list.php">Back to product list</a></p>';
require_once '../template.php';
Beispiel #23
 public static function display()
     $id = $_GET['id'];
     if (!is_numeric($id)) {
         return 'redirected.';
     $messages = "";
     if ($_POST['cc_form'] === 'edit-user') {
         $username = $_POST['name'];
         $password = $_POST['password'];
         $cpassword = $_POST['confirm-password'];
         $group = $_POST['group'];
         if ($password != $cpassword) {
             $messages .= Message::error(__('admin', 'passwords-dont-match'));
         } else {
             $result = Database::select('users', '*', array('users_id = ?', $id));
             $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $result = Database::select('users', '*', array('name = ?', $username));
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 $userRow = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             } else {
                 $result = false;
             if ($result && $userRow['name'] == $username && $id != $userRow['id']) {
                 $messages .= Message::error(__('admin', 'username-in-use'));
             } else {
                 if (!empty($password) && !empty($cpassword) && $password == $cpassword) {
                     $hash = hash('whirlpool', $password);
                 } else {
                     $hash = $row['value'];
                 $data = unserialize($row['data']);
                 $result = Database::update('users', array('name' => filter('admin_edit_user_username', $username), 'value' => $hash, 'type' => 'user', 'group' => filter('admin_edit_group', $group), 'data' => serialize(filter('admin_edit_user_data', $data))), null, array('id = ?', $id));
                 if ($result === 1) {
                     $messages .= Message::success(__('admin', 'user-updated'));
     $result = Database::select('users', '*', array('users_id = ?', $id));
     if (empty($result)) {
     self::$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $form = new Form('self', 'post', 'edit-user');
     $groups = Users::allGroups();
     foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
         $groups[$value->getId()] = $value->getName();
     $form->startFieldset(__("admin", 'user-information'));
     $form->addInput(__('admin', 'username'), 'text', 'name', self::get('name'));
     $form->addInput(__('admin', 'password'), 'password', 'password');
     $form->addInput(__('admin', 'confirm-password'), 'password', 'confirm-password');
     $form->addSelectList(__('admin', 'group'), 'group', $groups, true, self::get('group'));
     plugin('admin_edit_user_custom_fields', array(&$form));
     $form->addSubmit('', 'edit-user', __('admin', 'edit-user'));
     plugin('admin_edit_user_custom_fieldset', array(&$form));
     $form = $form->endAndGetHTML();
     return array(sprintf("%s: %s", __('admin', 'edit-user'), self::get('name')), $messages . $form);
Beispiel #24
 public static function create_display()
     if ($_POST['cc_form'] == 'create_page') {
         $id = $_GET['id'];
         $title = filter('admin_create_post_title', self::get('title'));
         $content = filter('admin_create_post_content', self::get('content_area'));
         $last_modified = filter('admin_create_post_last_modified', time());
         $settings = filter('admin_create_post_settings', self::get('settings'));
         $weight = filter('admin_create_post_weight', self::get('weight'));
         $menutitle = filter('admin_create_post_menutitle', self::get('menutitle'));
         $parent_id = filter('admin_create_post_parent_id', self::get('parent_id'));
         $slug = filter('admin_create_post_slug', self::get('slug'));
         if (empty($menutitle) || empty($slug)) {
             $message = Message::error(__('blank-error'));
         } else {
             $values = array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'settings' => unserialize($settings), 'weight' => $weight, 'menutitle' => $menutitle, 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'slug' => $slug);
             $values = filter('admin_create_post_posted_values', $values);
             $values['settings'] = serialize($values['settings']);
             $res = Content::createNode($_GET['type'], $values);
             if ($res) {
                 $message = Message::success(sprintf(__('page-creation-successful') . ' (<a href="%s">%s</a>)', Admin::link('content'), __('view-all-pages')));
             } else {
                 $message = Message::error(__('page-creation-failed'));
         //Hooks::bind('post_edit_page', 'EditPage::handlePost');
     $r = $message;
     $themeList = array_subkeys(Themes::getThemeList(), 'name');
     $themeList['-1'] = 'Default Theme';
     $form = new Form('self', 'post', 'create_page');
     $form->addHidden('settings', 'a:0:{}');
     $form->startFieldset(__('page-info'), array('id' => 'page_info_f'));
     $form->addInput(__('page-title'), 'text', 'title', self::get('title'), array('class' => 'large'));
     $form->addHidden('content_type', self::get('type'));
     $form->addSelectList(__('theme-override'), 'theme', $themeList);
     $form->addSelectList(__('parent'), 'parent_id', self::buildParentOptions(), true, $_POST['parent_id'] ? $_POST['parent_id'] : '0');
     plugin('admin_create_custom_fields', array(&$form));
     $form->startFieldset(__('menu-settings'), array('id' => 'menu_settings_f'));
     $form->addInput(__('menu-title'), 'text', 'menutitle', self::get('menutitle'));
     $form->addInput(__('slug'), 'text', 'slug', self::get('slug'));
     $form->addInput(__('weight'), 'text', 'weight', $_POST['weight'] ? $_POST['weight'] : '0');
     plugin('admin_create_custom_fields2', array(&$form));
     $content = self::get('content_area');
     $form->addEditor('<p></p>', 'content_area', empty($content) ? "<p></p>" : $content);
     plugin('admin_create_custom_fields3', array(&$form));
     $form->addSubmit('', 'save', __('save'));
     return array(__('admin', 'add-page'), $r . $form->endAndGetHTML());
Beispiel #25
 public static function commentsView($id, $type, $backPage, $open = true)
     $id = (int) $id;
     $type = (string) $type;
     $backPage = (string) $backPage;
     $model = new Comments_Model();
     // comments
     $commentsObj = $model->commentsFor($id, $type);
     $approvedCount = 0;
     // counter of approved comments
     $unapprovedCount = 0;
     // counter of unapproved comments
     $visibleCount = 0;
     // counter of comments visible to user
     // visibilityToken
     if (!Users::isLogged() && isset($_SESSION['wmelon.comments.visibilityToken'])) {
         $visibilityToken = $_SESSION['wmelon.comments.visibilityToken'];
     // composing comments array
     foreach ($commentsObj as $comment) {
         // tools
         $linkEnding = $comment->id . '/' . base64_encode($backPage . '#comment-' . $comment->id);
         $comment->editHref = '%/comments/edit/' . $linkEnding;
         $comment->deleteHref = '%/comments/delete/' . $comment->id . '/' . base64_encode($backPage . '#comments');
         $comment->approveHref = '%/comments/approve/' . $linkEnding;
         $comment->rejectHref = '%/comments/reject/' . $linkEnding;
         // visibility
         // (comment is visible if admin or comment is approved or comment visibility token match user's visibility token)
         $comment->visible = Users::isLogged() || $comment->approved || $comment->visibilityToken == $visibilityToken && !empty($comment->visibilityToken);
         if ($comment->visible) {
         // additional information (for admin)
         if (Users::isLogged() && $comment->authorID === null) {
             $comment->additionalInfo = $comment->authorEmail . '; IP:' . $comment->authorIP;
         // if commented as logged user
         $authorID = $comment->authorID;
         if ($authorID !== null) {
             // author's user data
             $comment->author = Users::userData(1);
             // CSS class (for admin comments distinction)
             $comment->cssClass = 'adminComment';
         // "awaiting moderation" CSS class
         if (!$comment->approved) {
             $comment->cssClass .= ' awaitingModerationComment';
         // comments counter
         if ($comment->approved) {
         } else {
         $comments[] = $comment;
     // form
     $submitPage = 'comments/post/' . $id . '/' . $type . '/' . base64_encode($backPage);
     $form = new Form('wmelon.comments.addComment', $submitPage, $backPage . '#commentForm-link');
     $form->globalMessages = false;
     $form->submitLabel = 'Zapisz';
     // user data inputs (if not logged in)
     if (!Users::isLogged()) {
         // remembered user data
         $name = $_SESSION[''];
         $email = $_SESSION[''];
         $website = $_SESSION[''];
         // inputs args
         $name = array('value' => $name);
         $email = array('value' => $email);
         $website = array('value' => $website, 'labelNote' => '(Opcjonalnie)');
         // adding inputs
         $form->addInput('text', 'name', 'Imię', true, $name);
         $form->addInput('email', 'email', 'Email', true, $email);
         $form->addInput('url', 'website', 'Strona', false, $website);
     // content input
     $form->addInput('textarea', 'content', 'Komentarz');
     // comments counter
     $commentsCount = Users::isLogged() ? $commentsObj->rows : $approvedCount;
     // number of visible (approved) comments - for user and all comments - for admin
     if ($commentsCount > 0) {
         $commentsCountStr = $commentsCount . ' ' . pl_inflect($commentsCount, 'komentarzy', 'komentarz', 'komentarze');
     if (Users::isLogged() && $unapprovedCount > 0) {
         $commentsCountStr .= ' <span class="important">(' . $unapprovedCount . ' do sprawdzenia!)</span>';
     // view
     $view = Loader::view('/comments/comments');
     $view->comments = $comments;
     $view->areComments = $commentsObj->exists;
     $view->commentsCount = $commentsCountStr;
     $view->visibleCount = $visibleCount;
     $view->visibilityToken = $visibilityToken;
     $view->id = $id;
     $view->type = $type;
     $view->backPage = $backPage;
     $view->form = $form->generate();
     $view->open = $open;
     return $view->generate();
     //cache the data
     //$cache = new Cache($id,$type);
 $content = '';
 foreach ($data_array as $field => $value) {
     if ($field == 'title') {
         $title = $value;
     } else {
         $content .= "<p>{$field}: {$value}</p>";
 if ($type == 'product') {
     //display 'Add to Cart' button
     $form = new Form();
     $form->addInput('pid', '', $id, 'hidden');
     $form->addInput('qty', 'Quantity', 1, 'text', 2);
     $form->addInput('submit', null, 'Add to Cart', 'submit');
     $content .= $form->render();
     $content .= '<p><br/><a href="index.php">Back to shopping</a></p>';
 if ($type == 'customer') {
     //display list of addresses
     $addresses = new AddressList($id);
     if (!empty($addresses)) {
         $content .= '<h3>Addresses</h3>';
         foreach ($addresses as $a) {
             $content .= '<div class="cust-address">';
             $content .= $a->getFullAddress();
             $content .= '</div>';
Beispiel #27
 public static function create_display()
     $message = "";
     if ($_POST['cc_form'] == 'create_external_link') {
         $id = $_GET['id'];
         $weight = self::get('weight');
         $menutitle = self::get('menutitle');
         $parent_id = self::get('parent_id');
         $slug = self::get('slug');
         if (empty($url) || empty($text)) {
             $message = Message::error(__('blank-error'));
         } else {
             if (empty($weight)) {
                 $weight = '0';
             $values = array('title' => '', 'content' => '', 'settings' => 'a:0:{}', 'weight' => $weight, 'menutitle' => $menutitle, 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'slug' => $slug);
             $res = Content::createNode($_GET['type'], $values);
             if ($res) {
                 $message = Message::success(sprintf(__('link-creation-successful') . ' (<a href="%s">%s</a>)', Admin::link('content'), __('admin', 'view-all-pages')));
             } else {
                 $message = Message::error(__('link-creation-failed'));
     $r = $message;
     $form = new Form('self', 'post', 'create_external_link');
     $form->addInput(__('url'), 'text', 'slug', self::get('slug'));
     $form->addInput(__('display-text'), 'text', 'menutitle', self::get('menutitle'));
     $form->addSelectList(__('parent'), 'parent_id', PageNode::buildParentOptions(), true, $_POST['parent_id'] ? $_POST['parent_id'] : '0');
     $form->addInput(__('weight'), 'text', 'weight', self::get('weight'));
     $form->addSubmit('', 'create', 'Create');
     return array(__('external-link-nodetype', 'create-external-link'), $form->endAndGetHTML());