Beispiel #1
 function validate_all($config_data, &$response_array)
     $valid = true;
     $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     // check the session token, but we don't want a redirect happening here so don't use JRequest::checkToken()
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, "3.0.0", "<")) {
         // if < 3.0
         $token = JUtility::getToken();
     } else {
         $token = JSession::getFormToken();
     // get token from session
     if (!$jinput->get($token, '', 'STRING')) {
         FCP_trace::trace(" Token incorrect or session expired");
         $response = array();
         $response['fcp_wrapper'] = '<div style="padding:20px">' . JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_SESSION') . '</div>';
         $response_array = array();
         // clear out any other responses
         $response_array[] = $response;
         return -1;
         // tell the controller to kill the session
     // Do we check the Captcha?
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if ($config_data->show_captcha == 1) {
         $check_captcha = true;
     } else {
         if ($user->guest) {
             $check_captcha = true;
         } else {
             $check_captcha = false;
     // for image captcha, validate that the correct image was chosen
     // if the user gets it wrong more than 5 times, tell the controller to kill the session
     if ($check_captcha and $config_data->num_images > 0) {
         require_once LAFC_HELPER_PATH . '/flexi_captcha.php';
         $pic_selected = $jinput->get('picselected', '', 'STRING');
         $pic_selected = substr($pic_selected, 2);
         // strip off the i_
         $resp = Flexi_captcha::check($pic_selected);
         switch ($resp) {
             case 0:
                 FCP_trace::trace(" validating image captcha [{$pic_selected}] => pass");
                 $response = array();
                 $response['e_valid'] = 'fcp_err_image';
                 $response_array[] = $response;
             case 1:
                 FCP_trace::trace(" validating image captcha [{$pic_selected}] => fail");
                 $response = array();
                 $response['fcp_image_outer'] = Flexi_captcha::show_image_captcha($config_data);
                 $response['e_error'] = 'fcp_err_image';
                 $response['fcp_err_image'] = $this->make_error($config_data, JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_WRONG_PICTURE'));
                 $response_array[] = $response;
                 $valid = false;
             case 2:
                 FCP_trace::trace(" validating image captcha failed more than 5 times");
                 $response = array();
                 $response['fcp_wrapper'] = '<div style="padding:20px">' . JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_TOO_MANY') . '</div>';
                 $response_array = array();
                 // clear out any other responses
                 $response_array[] = $response;
                 return -1;
                 // tell the controller to kill the session
     // if using SecureImage captcha, validate the entry
     // if it passes, we will not re-validate in this session
     if ($check_captcha and $config_data->secure_captcha) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $secure_captcha_passed = $app->getUserState(LAFC_COMPONENT . "_secure_captcha_passed", 'N');
         if ($secure_captcha_passed == 'N') {
             require_once LAFC_HELPER_PATH . '/secure_captcha.php';
             $captcha_code = $jinput->get('fcp_captcha_code', '', 'STRING');
             if (Secure_captcha::check($captcha_code)) {
                 FCP_trace::trace(" validating SecureImage [{$captcha_code}] => pass");
                 $response = array();
                 $response['e_valid'] = 'fcp_err_captcha';
                 $response['f_valid'] = 'fcp_captcha_code';
                 $response_array[] = $response;
                 $app->setUserState(LAFC_COMPONENT . "_secure_captcha_passed", "Y");
             } else {
                 FCP_trace::trace(" validating SecureImage [{$captcha_code}] => fail");
                 $response = array();
                 $response['e_error'] = 'fcp_err_captcha';
                 $response['f_error'] = 'fcp_captcha_code';
                 $response['fcp_err_captcha'] = $this->make_error($config_data, JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_CAPTCHA_INVALID'));
                 $response_array[] = $response;
                 $valid = false;
     // if using ReCaptcha, validate it
     // if it passes, we will not re-validate in this session
     // if it doesn't pass, tell the Javascript to re-load a different challenge because each challenge can only be used once
     if ($check_captcha and $config_data->recaptcha_theme > 0) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $recaptcha_passed = $app->getUserState(LAFC_COMPONENT . "_recaptcha_passed", 'N');
         if ($recaptcha_passed == 'N') {
             require_once LAFC_HELPER_PATH . '/recaptchalib.php';
             $recaptcha_challenge_field = $jinput->get('recaptcha_challenge_field', '', 'STRING');
             $recaptcha_response_field = $jinput->get('recaptcha_response_field', '', 'STRING');
             $remote_addr = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
             $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($config_data->recaptcha_private_key, $remote_addr, $recaptcha_challenge_field, $recaptcha_response_field);
             if ($resp->is_valid) {
                 FCP_trace::trace(" validating ReCaptcha [{$recaptcha_response_field}] => pass");
                 $response = array();
                 $response['e_valid'] = 'fcp_err_recap';
                 $response_array[] = $response;
                 $app->setUserState(LAFC_COMPONENT . "_recaptcha_passed", "Y");
             } else {
                 FCP_trace::trace(" validating ReCaptcha [{$recaptcha_response_field}] => " . $resp->error);
                 $response = array();
                 $response['e_error'] = 'fcp_err_recap';
                 $response['fcp_err_recap'] = $this->make_error($config_data, JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_CAPTCHA_INVALID'));
                 $response['reloadcaptcha'] = 'Yes';
                 $response_array[] = $response;
                 $valid = false;
     // if using magic word, validate the word
     if ($check_captcha and $config_data->magic_word != '') {
         $magic_word = $jinput->get('fcp_magic', '', 'STRING');
         if (strcasecmp($magic_word, $config_data->magic_word) == 0) {
             FCP_trace::trace(" validating magic word [{$magic_word}] vs [{$config_data->magic_word}] => pass");
             $response = array();
             $response['e_valid'] = 'fcp_err_magic';
             $response['f_valid'] = 'fcp_magic';
             $response_array[] = $response;
         } else {
             FCP_trace::trace(" validating magic word [{$magic_word}] vs [{$config_data->magic_word}] => fail");
             $response = array();
             $response['e_error'] = 'fcp_err_magic';
             $response['f_error'] = 'fcp_magic';
             $response['fcp_err_magic'] = $this->make_error($config_data, JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_WRONG_MAGIC_WORD'));
             $response_array[] = $response;
             $valid = false;
     // validate all the user defined fields
     $fields_valid = $this->validate_fields($config_data, $response_array);
     return $valid and $fields_valid;
     // if both valid return true, else false
Beispiel #2
    static function draw_page($config_data, $data)
        // load our css
        // Are we going to show Captcha or not?
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        if ($config_data->show_captcha == 0) {
            if ($user->guest) {
                $config_data->show_captcha = 1;
            } else {
                $config_data->show_captcha = 0;
        // display the input form
        $html = "\n" . '<div id="fcp_wrapper" class="fcp_wrapper">';
        $html .= "\n" . '<span id="fcp_err_top"></span>';
        // start the form - we don't care about the action url because we never submit the form
        $html .= "\n" . '<form name="fcp_form" id="fcp_form" class="fcp_form" action="#" method="post" >';
        $html .= "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="config_id" id="config_id" value="' . $config_data->id . '" />';
        $html .= "\n" . JHTML::_('form.token');
        // display the user defined fields
        $div_open = false;
        $fieldset_open = false;
        foreach ($config_data->all_fields as $field_index => $field) {
            $field->id = sprintf('field%03d', $field_index);
            $field->div_id = sprintf('fcp_div%03d', $field_index);
            $field->error_id = sprintf('fcp_err%03d', $field_index);
            // if the line div is open and we are about to draw a field that is not a horizontal checkbox, close the div
            if ($div_open and $field->field_type != LAFC_FIELD_CHECKBOX_H) {
                $html .= "\n" . '</div>';
                $div_open = false;
            // fixed texts will leave the line div open
            if ($field->field_type == LAFC_FIELD_FIXED_TEXT) {
                $div_open = true;
            // is it a fieldset?
            if ($field->field_type == LAFC_FIELD_FIELDSET_START) {
                if ($fieldset_open) {
                    // if a fieldset was already open
                    $html .= "\n" . '</fieldset>';
                // close it
                $fieldset_open = true;
            if ($field->field_type == LAFC_FIELD_FIELDSET_END) {
                $fieldset_open = false;
            $html .= self::draw_field($field, $data, $config_data);
        if ($div_open) {
            $html .= "\n" . '</div>';
            $div_open = false;
        // the "send me a copy" checkbox
        if ($config_data->show_copy == LAFC_COPYME_CHECKBOX) {
            $html .= "\n" . '<div class="fcp_line fcp_copy_me fcp_checkbox fcp_checkbox_l">';
            $html .= "\n" . '<input type="checkbox" class="fcp_lcb" name="show_copy" id="show_copy" value="1" />';
            $html .= "\n" . '<label for="show_copy" class="fcp_lcb">' . JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_COPY_ME') . '</label>';
            $html .= "\n" . '</div>';
        // the agreement required checkbox
        $send_button_state = '';
        if ($config_data->agreement_prompt != '') {
            $send_button_state = 'disabled="disabled"';
            $onclick = ' onclick="if(this.checked==true){form.fcp_send_button.disabled=false;}else{form.fcp_send_button.disabled=true;}"';
            $checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" class="fcp_lcb" name="agreement_check" id="agreement_check" value="1" ' . $onclick . '/>';
            if ($config_data->agreement_name != '' and $config_data->agreement_link != '') {
                $popup = 'onclick="' . "'" . $config_data->agreement_link . "', 'fcagreement', 'width=640,height=480,scrollbars=1,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1'); return false;" . '"';
                $link_text = $config_data->agreement_prompt . ' ' . JHTML::link($config_data->agreement_link, $config_data->agreement_name, 'target="_blank" ' . $popup);
            } else {
                $link_text = $config_data->agreement_prompt;
            $html .= "\n" . '<div class="fcp_line fcp_agreement fcp_checkbox fcp_checkbox_l">';
            $html .= "\n" . $checkbox;
            $html .= "\n" . '<label for="agreement_check" class="fcp_lcb">' . $link_text . '</label>';
            $html .= "\n" . '</div>';
        // the magic word
        if ($config_data->show_captcha == 1 and $config_data->magic_word != '') {
            $html .= "\n" . '<div class="fcp_line fcp_magic">';
            $html .= "\n" . '<label><span class="fcp_mandatory">' . $config_data->magic_word_prompt . '</span></label>';
            $html .= "\n" . '<input type="text" name="fcp_magic" id="fcp_magic" value="" />';
            $html .= "\n" . '<span id="fcp_err_magic"></span>';
            $html .= "\n" . '</div>';
        // the image captcha
        if ($config_data->show_captcha == 1 and $config_data->num_images > 0) {
            require_once LAFC_HELPER_PATH . '/flexi_captcha.php';
            $html .= "\n" . '<div class="fcp_line fcp_image_outer" id="fcp_image_outer" >';
            $html .= Flexi_captcha::show_image_captcha($config_data);
            $html .= "\n" . '</div>';
        // the SecureImage captcha
        if ($config_data->show_captcha == 1 and $config_data->secure_captcha > 0) {
            require_once LAFC_HELPER_PATH . '/secure_captcha.php';
            $html .= Secure_captcha::show_secure_captcha($config_data);
        // reCAPTCHA
        if ($config_data->show_captcha == 1 and $config_data->recaptcha_theme > 0) {
            switch ($config_data->recaptcha_theme) {
                case RECAPTCHA_RED:
                    $theme_name = 'red';
                case RECAPTCHA_WHITE:
                    $theme_name = 'white';
                case RECAPTCHA_BLACKGLASS:
                    $theme_name = 'blackglass';
                case RECAPTCHA_CLEAN:
                    $theme_name = 'clean';
            $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">var RecaptchaOptions = {theme:' . "'" . $theme_name . "'" . '};</script>';
            require_once LAFC_HELPER_PATH . '/recaptchalib.php';
            $uri = JURI::getInstance();
            $ssl = strtolower($uri->getScheme()) == 'https';
            $html .= "\n" . '<div class="fcp_line fcp_recaptcha">';
            $html .= "\n" . '<label>&nbsp;</label>';
            $html .= "\n" . recaptcha_get_html($config_data->recaptcha_public_key, null, $ssl, $config_data->recaptcha_language);
            $html .= "\n" . '<span id="fcp_err_recap"></span>';
            $html .= "\n" . '</div>';
        // the send button
        $js = "if (!window.jQuery) alert('" . JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_JQUERY_NOT') . "');";
        if ($config_data->send_text == '') {
            $send_text = JText::_('COM_FLEXICONTACT_SEND_BUTTON');
        } else {
            $send_text = $config_data->send_text;
        $html .= "\n" . '<div class="fcp_line fcp_sendrow">';
        $html .= "\n" . '<input type="submit" class="button" id="fcp_send_button" name="fcp_send_button" ' . $send_button_state . ' 
		value="' . $send_text . '" onclick="' . $js . '" />';
        $html .= "\n" . '<div id="fcp_spinner" style="display:inline-block"></div>';
        $html .= "\n" . '<div id="fcp_smsg" style="display:inline-block"></div>';
        $html .= "\n</div>";
        // fcp_sendrow
        // if a fieldset is left open at the end of the user defined fields, we close it here
        if ($fieldset_open) {
            $html .= "\n" . '</fieldset>';
            $fieldset_open = false;
        $html .= "\n</form>";
        // form
        $html .= "\n" . '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
        $html .= "\n</div>";
        // fcp_wrapper
        if (FCP_trace::tracing()) {
            FCP_trace::trace("Generated Html:\n---------------\n" . $html);
        return $html;