function TargetEvent()
        global $pricelist, $resource;
        $resourceIDs = array(901, 902, 903, 921);
        $debrisIDs = array(901, 902);
        $resQuery = array();
        $collectQuery = array();
        $collectedGoods = array();
        foreach ($debrisIDs as $debrisID) {
            $collectedGoods[$debrisID] = 0;
            $resQuery[] = 'der_' . $resource[$debrisID];
        $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(',', $resQuery) . ', (' . implode(' + ', $resQuery) . ') as total
		FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId';
        $targetData = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']));
        if (!empty($targetData['total'])) {
            $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;';
            $targetUser = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']));
            $targetUserFactors = getFactors($targetUser);
            $shipStorageFactor = 1 + $targetUserFactors['ShipStorage'];
            // Get fleet capacity
            $fleetData = FleetFunctions::unserialize($this->_fleet['fleet_array']);
            $recyclerStorage = 0;
            $otherFleetStorage = 0;
            foreach ($fleetData as $shipId => $shipAmount) {
                if ($shipId == 209 || $shipId == 219) {
                    $recyclerStorage += $pricelist[$shipId]['capacity'] * $shipAmount;
                } else {
                    $otherFleetStorage += $pricelist[$shipId]['capacity'] * $shipAmount;
            $recyclerStorage *= $shipStorageFactor;
            $otherFleetStorage *= $shipStorageFactor;
            $incomingGoods = 0;
            foreach ($resourceIDs as $resourceID) {
                $incomingGoods += $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_' . $resource[$resourceID]];
            $totalStorage = $recyclerStorage + min(0, $otherFleetStorage - $incomingGoods);
            $param = array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']);
            // fast way
            $collectFactor = min(1, $totalStorage / $targetData['total']);
            foreach ($debrisIDs as $debrisID) {
                $fleetColName = 'fleet_resource_' . $resource[$debrisID];
                $debrisColName = 'der_' . $resource[$debrisID];
                $collectedGoods[$debrisID] = ceil($targetData[$debrisColName] * $collectFactor);
                $collectQuery[] = $debrisColName . ' = GREATEST(0, ' . $debrisColName . ' - :' . $resource[$debrisID] . ')';
                $param[':' . $resource[$debrisID]] = $collectedGoods[$debrisID];
                $this->UpdateFleet($fleetColName, $this->_fleet[$fleetColName] + $collectedGoods[$debrisID]);
            $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET ' . implode(',', $collectQuery) . ' WHERE id = :planetId;';
            Database::get()->update($sql, $param);
        $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']);
        $Message = sprintf($LNG['sys_recy_gotten'], pretty_number($collectedGoods[901]), $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($collectedGoods[902]), $LNG['tech'][902]);
        PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 5, $LNG['sys_recy_report'], $Message, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
 function TargetEvent()
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;';
     $senderUser = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']));
     $senderUser['factor'] = getFactors($senderUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
     $fleetArray = FleetFunctions::unserialize($this->_fleet['fleet_array']);
     $duration = $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'] - $this->_fleet['start_time'];
     $SpeedFactor = FleetFunctions::GetGameSpeedFactor();
     $distance = FleetFunctions::GetTargetDistance(array($this->_fleet['fleet_start_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_planet']), array($this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']));
     $consumption = FleetFunctions::GetFleetConsumption($fleetArray, $duration, $distance, $senderUser, $SpeedFactor);
     $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium'] + $consumption / 2);
     $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']);
     $TargetUserID = $this->_fleet['fleet_target_owner'];
     $TargetMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_stat_mess'], GetTargetAddressLink($this->_fleet, ''), pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal']), $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal']), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium']), $LNG['tech'][903]);
     PlayerUtil::sendMessage($TargetUserID, 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 5, $LNG['sys_stat_mess_stay'], $TargetMessage, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
    function RestoreFleet($onStart = true)
        global $resource;
        $fleetData = FleetFunctions::unserialize($this->_fleet['fleet_array']);
        $updateQuery = array();
        $param = array(':metal' => $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal'], ':crystal' => $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal'], ':deuterium' => $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium'], ':darkmatter' => $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter'], ':planetId' => $onStart == true ? $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id'] : $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']);
        foreach ($fleetData as $shipId => $shipAmount) {
            $updateQuery[] = "p.`" . $resource[$shipId] . "` = p.`" . $resource[$shipId] . "` + :" . $resource[$shipId];
            $param[':' . $resource[$shipId]] = $shipAmount;
        $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% as p, %%USERS%% as u SET
		' . implode(', ', $updateQuery) . ',
		p.`metal` = p.`metal` + :metal,
		p.`crystal` = p.`crystal` + :crystal,
		p.`deuterium` = p.`deuterium` + :deuterium,
		u.`darkmatter` = u.`darkmatter` + :darkmatter
		WHERE p.`id` = :planetId AND = p.id_owner;';
        Database::get()->update($sql, $param);
 public function show()
     global $USER, $PLANET, $reslist, $resource, $LNG;
     $acsData = array();
     $FleetID = HTTP::_GP('fleetID', 0);
     $GetAction = HTTP::_GP('action', "");
     $db = Database::get();
     if (!empty($FleetID) && !IsVacationMode($USER)) {
         switch ($GetAction) {
             case "sendfleetback":
                 FleetFunctions::SendFleetBack($USER, $FleetID);
             case "acs":
                 $acsData = $this->getACSPageData($FleetID);
     $techExpedition = $USER[$resource[124]];
     if ($techExpedition >= 1) {
         $activeExpedition = FleetFunctions::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id'], 15, true);
         $maxExpedition = floor(sqrt($techExpedition));
     } else {
         $activeExpedition = 0;
         $maxExpedition = 0;
     $maxFleetSlots = FleetFunctions::GetMaxFleetSlots($USER);
     $targetGalaxy = HTTP::_GP('galaxy', (int) $PLANET['galaxy']);
     $targetSystem = HTTP::_GP('system', (int) $PLANET['system']);
     $targetPlanet = HTTP::_GP('planet', (int) $PLANET['planet']);
     $targetType = HTTP::_GP('planettype', (int) $PLANET['planet_type']);
     $targetMission = HTTP::_GP('target_mission', 0);
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE fleet_owner = :userID AND fleet_mission <> 10 ORDER BY fleet_end_time ASC;";
     $fleetResult = $db->select($sql, array(':userID' => $USER['id']));
     $activeFleetSlots = $db->rowCount();
     $FlyingFleetList = array();
     foreach ($fleetResult as $fleetsRow) {
         $FleetList[$fleetsRow['fleet_id']] = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetsRow['fleet_array']);
         if ($fleetsRow['fleet_mission'] == 4 && $fleetsRow['fleet_mess'] == FLEET_OUTWARD) {
             $returnTime = $fleetsRow['fleet_start_time'];
         } else {
             $returnTime = $fleetsRow['fleet_end_time'];
         $FlyingFleetList[] = array('id' => $fleetsRow['fleet_id'], 'mission' => $fleetsRow['fleet_mission'], 'state' => $fleetsRow['fleet_mess'], 'startGalaxy' => $fleetsRow['fleet_start_galaxy'], 'startSystem' => $fleetsRow['fleet_start_system'], 'startPlanet' => $fleetsRow['fleet_start_planet'], 'startTime' => _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $fleetsRow['fleet_start_time'], $USER['timezone']), 'endGalaxy' => $fleetsRow['fleet_end_galaxy'], 'endSystem' => $fleetsRow['fleet_end_system'], 'endPlanet' => $fleetsRow['fleet_end_planet'], 'endTime' => _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $fleetsRow['fleet_end_time'], $USER['timezone']), 'amount' => pretty_number($fleetsRow['fleet_amount']), 'returntime' => $returnTime, 'resttime' => $returnTime - TIMESTAMP, 'FleetList' => $FleetList[$fleetsRow['fleet_id']]);
     $FleetsOnPlanet = array();
     foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $FleetID) {
         if ($PLANET[$resource[$FleetID]] == 0) {
         $FleetsOnPlanet[] = array('id' => $FleetID, 'speed' => FleetFunctions::GetFleetMaxSpeed($FleetID, $USER), 'count' => $PLANET[$resource[$FleetID]]);
     $this->assign(array('FleetsOnPlanet' => $FleetsOnPlanet, 'FlyingFleetList' => $FlyingFleetList, 'activeExpedition' => $activeExpedition, 'maxExpedition' => $maxExpedition, 'activeFleetSlots' => $activeFleetSlots, 'maxFleetSlots' => $maxFleetSlots, 'targetGalaxy' => $targetGalaxy, 'targetSystem' => $targetSystem, 'targetPlanet' => $targetPlanet, 'targetType' => $targetType, 'targetMission' => $targetMission, 'acsData' => $acsData, 'isVacation' => IsVacationMode($USER), 'bonusAttack' => $USER[$resource[109]] * 10 + (1 + abs($USER['factor']['Attack'])) * 100, 'bonusDefensive' => $USER[$resource[110]] * 10 + (1 + abs($USER['factor']['Defensive'])) * 100, 'bonusShield' => $USER[$resource[111]] * 10 + (1 + abs($USER['factor']['Shield'])) * 100, 'bonusCombustion' => $USER[$resource[115]] * 10, 'bonusImpulse' => $USER[$resource[117]] * 20, 'bonusHyperspace' => $USER[$resource[118]] * 30));
    function EndStayEvent()
        global $pricelist, $reslist, $resource;
        $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']);
        $config = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
        $expeditionPoints = array();
        foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $shipId) {
            $expeditionPoints[$shipId] = ($pricelist[$shipId]['cost'][901] + $pricelist[$shipId]['cost'][902]) * 5 / 1000;
        $fleetArray = FleetFunctions::unserialize($this->_fleet['fleet_array']);
        $fleetPoints = 0;
        $fleetCapacity = 0;
        foreach ($fleetArray as $shipId => $shipAmount) {
            $fleetCapacity += $shipAmount * $pricelist[$shipId]['capacity'];
            $fleetPoints += $shipAmount * $expeditionPoints[$shipId];
        $fleetCapacity -= $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium'] + $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter'];
        $GetEvent = mt_rand(1, 9);
        $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_nothing_' . mt_rand(1, 8)];
        switch ($GetEvent) {
            case 1:
                $eventSize = mt_rand(0, 100);
                $factor = 0;
                if (10 < $eventSize) {
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_1_' . mt_rand(1, 4)];
                    $factor = mt_rand(10, 50);
                } elseif (0 < $eventSize && 10 >= $eventSize) {
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_2_' . mt_rand(1, 3)];
                    $factor = mt_rand(50, 100);
                } elseif (0 == $eventSize) {
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ress_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)];
                    $factor = mt_rand(100, 200);
                $chanceToFound = mt_rand(1, 6);
                if ($chanceToFound > 3) {
                    $resourceId = 901;
                } elseif ($chanceToFound > 1) {
                    $resourceId = 902;
                    $factor = $factor / 2;
                } else {
                    $resourceId = 903;
                    $factor = $factor / 3;
                $sql = "SELECT MAX(total_points) as total FROM %%STATPOINTS%%\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `stat_type` = :type AND `universe` = :universe;";
                $topPoints = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':type' => 1, ':universe' => $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']), 'total');
                if ($topPoints > 5000000) {
                    $maxFactor = 12000;
                } elseif ($topPoints > 1000000) {
                    $maxFactor = 9000;
                } elseif ($topPoints > 100000) {
                    $maxFactor = 6000;
                } else {
                    $maxFactor = 2400;
                $founded = round(min($maxFactor, max(200, $factor)) * $fleetPoints);
                $fleetColName = 'fleet_resource_' . $resource[$resourceId];
                $this->UpdateFleet($fleetColName, $this->_fleet[$fleetColName] + $founded);
            case 2:
                $eventSize = mt_rand(0, 100);
                $Size = 0;
                if (10 < $eventSize) {
                    $Size = mt_rand(100, 300);
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_1_' . mt_rand(1, 5)];
                } elseif (0 < $eventSize && 10 >= $eventSize) {
                    $Size = mt_rand(301, 600);
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_2_' . mt_rand(1, 3)];
                } elseif (0 == $eventSize) {
                    $Size = mt_rand(601, 3000);
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_dm_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)];
                $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_darkmatter', $this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter'] + $Size);
            case 3:
                $eventSize = mt_rand(0, 100);
                $Size = 0;
                $Message = "";
                if (10 < $eventSize) {
                    $Size = mt_rand(10, 50);
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_1_' . mt_rand(1, 4)];
                } elseif (0 < $eventSize && 10 >= $eventSize) {
                    $Size = mt_rand(52, 100);
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_2_' . mt_rand(1, 2)];
                } elseif (0 == $eventSize) {
                    $Size = mt_rand(102, 200);
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_3_' . mt_rand(1, 2)];
                $sql = "SELECT MAX(total_points) as total FROM %%STATPOINTS%%\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `stat_type` = :type AND `universe` = :universe;";
                $topPoints = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':type' => 1, ':universe' => $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']), 'total');
                $MaxPoints = $topPoints < 5000000 ? 4500 : 6000;
                $FoundShips = max(round($Size * min($fleetPoints, $MaxPoints)), 10000);
                $FoundShipMess = "";
                $NewFleetArray = "";
                $Found = array();
                foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) {
                    if (!isset($fleetArray[$ID]) || $ID == 208 || $ID == 209 || $ID == 214) {
                    $MaxFound = floor($FoundShips / ($pricelist[$ID]['cost'][901] + $pricelist[$ID]['cost'][902]));
                    if ($MaxFound <= 0) {
                    $Count = mt_rand(0, $MaxFound);
                    if ($Count <= 0) {
                    $Found[$ID] = $Count;
                    $FoundShips -= $Count * ($pricelist[$ID]['cost'][901] + $pricelist[$ID]['cost'][902]);
                    $FoundShipMess .= '<br>' . $LNG['tech'][$ID] . ': ' . pretty_number($Count);
                    if ($FoundShips <= 0) {
                if (empty($Found)) {
                    $FoundShipMess .= '<br><br>' . $LNG['sys_expe_found_ships_nothing'];
                foreach ($fleetArray as $ID => $Count) {
                    if (!empty($Found[$ID])) {
                        $Count += $Found[$ID];
                    $NewFleetArray .= $ID . "," . floatToString($Count) . ';';
                $Message .= $FoundShipMess;
                $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', $NewFleetArray);
                $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', array_sum($fleetArray));
            case 4:
                $messageHTML = <<<HTML
<div class="raportMessage">
<td colspan="2"><a href="CombatReport.php?raport=%s" target="_blank"><span class="%s">%s %s (%s)</span></a></td>
<td>%s</td><td><span class="%s">%s: %s</span>&nbsp;<span class="%s">%s: %s</span></td>
<td>%s</td><td><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="raportSteal element901">%s</span>&nbsp;</span><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="raportSteal element902">%s</span>&nbsp;</span><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="raportSteal element903">%s</span></span></td>
<td>%s</td><td><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="raportDebris element901">%s</span>&nbsp;</span><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="raportDebris element902">%s</span></span></td>
                //Minize HTML
                $messageHTML = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), "", $messageHTML);
                // pirate or alien
                $attackType = mt_rand(1, 2);
                $eventSize = mt_rand(0, 100);
                $targetFleetData = array();
                if ($attackType == 1) {
                    $techBonus = -3;
                    $targetName = $LNG['sys_expe_attackname_1'];
                    $roundFunction = 'floor';
                    if (10 < $eventSize) {
                        $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_1_1_5'];
                        $attackFactor = 30 + mt_rand(-3, 3) / 100;
                        $targetFleetData[204] = 5;
                    } elseif (0 < $eventSize && 10 >= $eventSize) {
                        $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_1_2_3'];
                        $attackFactor = 50 + mt_rand(-5, 5) / 100;
                        $targetFleetData[206] = 3;
                    } else {
                        $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_1_3_2'];
                        $attackFactor = 80 + mt_rand(-8, 8) / 100;
                        $targetFleetData[207] = 2;
                } else {
                    $techBonus = 3;
                    $targetName = $LNG['sys_expe_attackname_2'];
                    $roundFunction = 'ceil';
                    if (10 < $eventSize) {
                        $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_1_1_5'];
                        $attackFactor = 40 + mt_rand(-4, 4) / 100;
                        $targetFleetData[204] = 5;
                    } elseif (0 < $eventSize && 10 >= $eventSize) {
                        $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_1_3_3'];
                        $attackFactor = 60 + mt_rand(-6, 6) / 100;
                        $targetFleetData[215] = 3;
                    } else {
                        $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_attack_1_3_2'];
                        $attackFactor = 90 + mt_rand(-9, 9) / 100;
                        $targetFleetData[213] = 2;
                foreach ($fleetArray as $shipId => $shipAmount) {
                    if (isset($targetFleetData[$shipId])) {
                        $targetFleetData[$shipId] = 0;
                    $targetFleetData[$shipId] = $roundFunction($shipAmount * $attackFactor);
                $targetFleetData = array_filter($targetFleetData);
                $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;';
                $senderData = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']));
                $targetData = array('id' => 0, 'username' => $targetName, 'military_tech' => min($senderData['military_tech'] + $techBonus, 0), 'defence_tech' => min($senderData['defence_tech'] + $techBonus, 0), 'shield_tech' => min($senderData['shield_tech'] + $techBonus, 0), 'rpg_amiral' => 0, 'dm_defensive' => 0, 'dm_attack' => 0);
                $fleetID = $this->_fleet['fleet_id'];
                $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $this->_fleet;
                $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'] = $senderData;
                $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetAttack[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
                $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] = $fleetArray;
                $fleetDefend = array();
                $fleetDefend[0]['fleetDetail'] = array('fleet_start_galaxy' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], 'fleet_start_system' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], 'fleet_start_planet' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], 'fleet_start_type' => 1, 'fleet_end_galaxy' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], 'fleet_end_system' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], 'fleet_end_planet' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], 'fleet_end_type' => 1, 'fleet_resource_metal' => 0, 'fleet_resource_crystal' => 0, 'fleet_resource_deuterium' => 0);
                $bonusList = BuildFunctions::getBonusList();
                $fleetDefend[0]['player'] = $targetData;
                $fleetDefend[0]['player']['factor'] = ArrayUtil::combineArrayWithSingleElement($bonusList, 0);
                $fleetDefend[0]['unit'] = $targetFleetData;
                require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/calculateAttack.php';
                $combatResult = calculateAttack($fleetAttack, $fleetDefend, $config->Fleet_Cdr, $config->Defs_Cdr);
                $fleetArray = '';
                $totalCount = 0;
                $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] = array_filter($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit']);
                foreach ($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] as $element => $amount) {
                    $fleetArray .= $element . ',' . $amount . ';';
                    $totalCount += $amount;
                if ($totalCount <= 0) {
                } else {
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', substr($fleetArray, 0, -1));
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', $totalCount);
                require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/GenerateReport.php';
                $debrisResource = array(901, 902);
                $debris = array();
                foreach ($debrisResource as $elementID) {
                    $debris[$elementID] = 0;
                $stealResource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0);
                $reportInfo = array('thisFleet' => $this->_fleet, 'debris' => $debris, 'stealResource' => $stealResource, 'moonChance' => 0, 'moonDestroy' => false, 'moonName' => NULL, 'moonDestroyChance' => NULL, 'moonDestroySuccess' => NULL, 'fleetDestroyChance' => NULL, 'fleetDestroySuccess' => NULL);
                $reportData = GenerateReport($combatResult, $reportInfo);
                $reportID = md5(uniqid('', true) . TIMESTAMP);
                $sql = "INSERT INTO %%RW%% SET\n\t\t\t\trid\t\t\t= :reportId,\n\t\t\t\traport\t\t= :reportData,\n\t\t\t\ttime\t\t= :time,\n\t\t\t\tattacker\t= :attacker;";
                Database::get()->insert($sql, array(':reportId' => $reportID, ':reportData' => serialize($reportData), ':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], ':attacker' => $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']));
                switch ($combatResult['won']) {
                    case "a":
                        $attackClass = 'raportWin';
                        $defendClass = 'raportLose';
                    case "r":
                        $attackClass = 'raportLose';
                        $defendClass = 'raportWin';
                        $attackClass = 'raportDraw';
                        $defendClass = 'raportDraw';
                $message = sprintf($messageHTML, $reportID, $attackClass, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], sprintf($LNG['sys_adress_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $LNG['type_planet_short'][$this->_fleet['fleet_end_type']], $LNG['sys_lost'], $attackClass, $LNG['sys_attack_attacker_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['attacker']), $defendClass, $LNG['sys_attack_defender_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['defender']), $LNG['sys_gain'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($stealResource[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($stealResource[902]), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($stealResource[903]), $LNG['sys_debris'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($debris[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($debris[902]));
                PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'], 3, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], $message);
            case 5:
                $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_lost_fleet_' . mt_rand(1, 4)];
            case 6:
                $chance = mt_rand(0, 100);
                $Wrapper = array();
                $Wrapper[] = 2;
                $Wrapper[] = 2;
                $Wrapper[] = 2;
                $Wrapper[] = 2;
                $Wrapper[] = 2;
                $Wrapper[] = 2;
                $Wrapper[] = 2;
                $Wrapper[] = 3;
                $Wrapper[] = 3;
                $Wrapper[] = 5;
                if ($chance < 75) {
                    // More return time
                    $normalBackTime = $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'];
                    $stayTime = $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'];
                    $factor = $Wrapper[mt_rand(0, 9)];
                    $endTime = $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] + $normalBackTime + $stayTime + $factor;
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_end_time', $endTime);
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_time_slow_' . mt_rand(1, 6)];
                } else {
                    $normalBackTime = $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'];
                    $stayTime = $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'] - $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'];
                    $factor = $Wrapper[mt_rand(0, 9)];
                    $endTime = max(1, $normalBackTime - $stayTime / 3 * $factor);
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_end_time', $endTime);
                    $Message = $LNG['sys_expe_time_fast_' . mt_rand(1, 3)];
        PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 15, $LNG['sys_expe_report'], $Message, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_stay'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
Beispiel #6
    function TargetEvent()
        global $pricelist, $reslist, $resource;
        $db = Database::get();
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;';
        $senderUser = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']));
        $targetUser = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_target_owner']));
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;';
        $targetPlanet = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']));
        $sql = 'SELECT name FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;';
        $senderPlanetName = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id']), 'name');
        $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']);
        $senderUser['factor'] = getFactors($senderUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
        $targetUser['factor'] = getFactors($targetUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
        $planetUpdater = new ResourceUpdate();
        list($targetUser, $targetPlanet) = $planetUpdater->CalcResource($targetUser, $targetPlanet, true, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE fleet_end_id = :planetId AND fleet_mission = 5 AND fleet_end_stay > :time;';
        $targetStayFleets = $db->select($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'], ':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']));
        foreach ($targetStayFleets as $fleetRow) {
            $fleetData = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetRow['fleet_array']);
            foreach ($fleetData as $shipId => $shipAmount) {
                $targetPlanet[$resource[$shipId]] += $shipAmount;
        $fleetAmount = $this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] * (1 + $senderUser['factor']['SpyPower']);
        $senderSpyTech = max($senderUser['spy_tech'], 1);
        $targetSpyTech = max($targetUser['spy_tech'], 1);
        $techDifference = abs($senderSpyTech - $targetSpyTech);
        $MinAmount = ($senderSpyTech > $targetSpyTech ? -1 : 1) * pow($techDifference * SPY_DIFFENCE_FACTOR, 2);
        $SpyFleet = $fleetAmount >= $MinAmount;
        $SpyDef = $fleetAmount >= $MinAmount + 1 * SPY_VIEW_FACTOR;
        $SpyBuild = $fleetAmount >= $MinAmount + 3 * SPY_VIEW_FACTOR;
        $SpyTechno = $fleetAmount >= $MinAmount + 5 * SPY_VIEW_FACTOR;
        $classIDs[900] = array_merge($reslist['resstype'][1], $reslist['resstype'][2]);
        if ($SpyFleet) {
            $classIDs[200] = $reslist['fleet'];
        if ($SpyDef) {
            $classIDs[400] = array_merge($reslist['defense'], $reslist['missile']);
        if ($SpyBuild) {
            $classIDs[0] = $reslist['build'];
        if ($SpyTechno) {
            $classIDs[100] = $reslist['tech'];
        $targetChance = mt_rand(0, min($fleetAmount / 4 * ($targetSpyTech / $senderSpyTech), 100));
        $spyChance = mt_rand(0, 100);
        $spyData = array();
        foreach ($classIDs as $classID => $elementIDs) {
            foreach ($elementIDs as $elementID) {
                if (isset($targetUser[$resource[$elementID]])) {
                    $spyData[$classID][$elementID] = $targetUser[$resource[$elementID]];
                } else {
                    $spyData[$classID][$elementID] = $targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]];
            if ($senderUser['spyMessagesMode'] == 1) {
                $spyData[$classID] = array_filter($spyData[$classID]);
        // I'm use template class here, because i want to exclude HTML in PHP.
        require_once 'includes/classes/class.template.php';
        $template = new template();
        $template->caching = true;
        $template->compile_id = $senderUser['lang'];
        $template->loadFilter('output', 'trimwhitespace');
        list($tplDir) = $template->getTemplateDir();
        $template->setTemplateDir($tplDir . 'game/');
        $template->assign_vars(array('spyData' => $spyData, 'targetPlanet' => $targetPlanet, 'targetChance' => $targetChance, 'spyChance' => $spyChance, 'isBattleSim' => ENABLE_SIMULATOR_LINK == true && isModuleAvailable(MODULE_SIMULATOR), 'title' => sprintf($LNG['sys_mess_head'], $targetPlanet['name'], $targetPlanet['galaxy'], $targetPlanet['system'], $targetPlanet['planet'], _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'], $targetUser['timezone'], $LNG))));
        $template->assign_vars(array('LNG' => $LNG), false);
        $spyReport = $template->fetch('shared.mission.spyReport.tpl');
        PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_qg'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_spy_report'], $spyReport, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
        $LNG = $this->getLanguage($targetUser['lang']);
        $targetMessage = $LNG['sys_mess_spy_ennemyfleet'] . " " . $senderPlanetName;
        if ($this->_fleet['fleet_start_type'] == 3) {
            $targetMessage .= $LNG['sys_mess_spy_report_moon'] . ' ';
        $text = '<a href="game.php?page=galaxy&amp;galaxy=%1$s&amp;system=%2$s">[%1$s:%2$s:%3$s]</a> %7$s
		%8$s <a href="game.php?page=galaxy&amp;galaxy=%4$s&amp;system=%5$s">[%4$s:%5$s:%6$s]</a> %9$s';
        $targetMessage .= sprintf($text, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $LNG['sys_mess_spy_seen_at'], $targetPlanet['name'], $LNG['sys_mess_spy_seen_at2']);
        PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_target_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_spy_control'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_spy_activity'], $targetMessage, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
        if ($targetChance >= $spyChance) {
            $config = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
            $whereCol = $this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3 ? "id_luna" : "id";
            $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET
			der_metal	= der_metal + :metal,
			der_crystal = der_crystal + :crystal
			WHERE ' . $whereCol . ' = :planetId;';
            $db->update($sql, array(':metal' => $fleetAmount * $pricelist[210]['cost'][901] * $config->Fleet_Cdr / 100, ':crystal' => $fleetAmount * $pricelist[210]['cost'][902] * $config->Fleet_Cdr / 100, ':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']));
        } else {
    function TargetEvent()
        global $resource, $reslist;
        $db = Database::get();
        $fleetAttack = array();
        $fleetDefend = array();
        $userAttack = array();
        $userDefend = array();
        $incomingFleets = array();
        $stealResource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0);
        $debris = array();
        $planetDebris = array();
        $debrisResource = array(901, 902);
        $messageHTML = <<<HTML
<div class="raportMessage">
\t\t\t<td colspan="2"><a href="game.php?page=raport&raport=%s" target="_blank"><span class="%s">%s %s (%s)</span></a></td>
\t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span class="%s">%s: %s</span>&nbsp;<span class="%s">%s: %s</span></td>
\t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="reportSteal element901">%s</span>&nbsp;</span><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="reportSteal element902">%s</span>&nbsp;</span><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="reportSteal element903">%s</span></span></td>
\t\t\t<td>%s</td><td><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="reportDebris element901">%s</span>&nbsp;</span><span>%s:&nbsp;<span class="reportDebris element902">%s</span></span></td>
        //Minize HTML
        $messageHTML = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), "", $messageHTML);
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;";
        $targetPlanet = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']));
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;";
        $targetUser = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $targetPlanet['id_owner']));
        $targetUser['factor'] = getFactors($targetUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
        $planetUpdater = new ResourceUpdate();
        list($targetUser, $targetPlanet) = $planetUpdater->CalcResource($targetUser, $targetPlanet, true, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
        if ($this->_fleet['fleet_group'] != 0) {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM %%AKS%% WHERE id = :acsId;";
            $db->delete($sql, array(':acsId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_group']));
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE fleet_group = :acsId;";
            $incomingFleetsResult = $db->select($sql, array(':acsId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_group']));
            foreach ($incomingFleetsResult as $incomingFleetRow) {
                $incomingFleets[$incomingFleetRow['fleet_id']] = $incomingFleetRow;
        } else {
            $incomingFleets = array($this->_fleet['fleet_id'] => $this->_fleet);
        foreach ($incomingFleets as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;";
            $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'] = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $fleetDetail['fleet_owner']));
            $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
            $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $fleetDetail;
            $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetDetail['fleet_array']);
            $userAttack[$fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['id']] = $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['username'];
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%%\n\t\tWHERE fleet_mission\t\t= :mission\n\t\tAND fleet_end_id\t\t= :fleetEndId\n\t\tAND fleet_start_time \t<= :timeStamp\n\t\tAND fleet_end_stay \t\t>= :timeStamp;";
        $targetFleetsResult = $db->select($sql, array(':mission' => 5, ':fleetEndId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'], ':timeStamp' => TIMESTAMP));
        foreach ($targetFleetsResult as $fleetDetail) {
            $fleetID = $fleetDetail['fleet_id'];
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;";
            $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player'] = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $fleetDetail['fleet_owner']));
            $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
            $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $fleetDetail;
            $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['unit'] = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetDetail['fleet_array']);
            $userDefend[$fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['id']] = $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['username'];
        $fleetDefend[0]['player'] = $targetUser;
        $fleetDefend[0]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetDefend[0]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
        $fleetDefend[0]['fleetDetail'] = array('fleet_start_galaxy' => $targetPlanet['galaxy'], 'fleet_start_system' => $targetPlanet['system'], 'fleet_start_planet' => $targetPlanet['planet'], 'fleet_start_type' => $targetPlanet['planet_type']);
        $fleetDefend[0]['unit'] = array();
        foreach (array_merge($reslist['fleet'], $reslist['defense']) as $elementID) {
            if (empty($targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]])) {
            $fleetDefend[0]['unit'][$elementID] = $targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]];
        $userDefend[$fleetDefend[0]['player']['id']] = $fleetDefend[0]['player']['username'];
        require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/calculateAttack.php';
        $fleetIntoDebris = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe'])->Fleet_Cdr;
        $defIntoDebris = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe'])->Defs_Cdr;
        $combatResult = calculateAttack($fleetAttack, $fleetDefend, $fleetIntoDebris, $defIntoDebris);
        foreach ($fleetAttack as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) {
            $fleetArray = '';
            $totalCount = 0;
            $fleetDetail['unit'] = array_filter($fleetDetail['unit']);
            foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) {
                $fleetArray .= $elementID . ',' . floattostring($amount) . ';';
                $totalCount += $amount;
            if ($totalCount == 0) {
                if ($this->_fleet['fleet_id'] == $fleetID) {
                } else {
                    $sql = 'DELETE %%FLEETS%%, %%FLEETS_EVENT%%
					FROM %%FLEETS%%
					INNER JOIN %%FLEETS_EVENT%% ON fleetID = fleet_id
					WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;';
                    $db->delete($sql, array(':fleetId' => $fleetID));
                $sql = 'UPDATE %%LOG_FLEETS%% SET fleet_state = :fleetState WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;';
                $db->update($sql, array(':fleetId' => $fleetID, ':fleetState' => FLEET_HOLD));
            } elseif ($totalCount > 0) {
                $sql = "UPDATE %%FLEETS%% fleet, %%LOG_FLEETS%% log SET\n\t\t\t\tfleet.fleet_array\t= :fleetData,\n\t\t\t\tfleet.fleet_amount\t= :fleetCount,\n\t\t\t\tlog.fleet_array\t\t= :fleetData,\n\t\t\t\tlog.fleet_amount\t= :fleetCount\n\t\t\t\tWHERE log.fleet_id = :fleetId AND log.fleet_id = :fleetId;";
                $db->update($sql, array(':fleetData' => substr($fleetArray, 0, -1), ':fleetCount' => $totalCount, ':fleetId' => $fleetID));
            } else {
                throw new OutOfRangeException("Negative Fleet amount ....");
        foreach ($fleetDefend as $fleetID => $fleetDetail) {
            if ($fleetID != 0) {
                // Stay fleet
                $fleetArray = '';
                $totalCount = 0;
                $fleetDetail['unit'] = array_filter($fleetDetail['unit']);
                foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) {
                    $fleetArray .= $elementID . ',' . floattostring($amount) . ';';
                    $totalCount += $amount;
                if ($totalCount == 0) {
                    $sql = 'DELETE %%FLEETS%%, %%FLEETS_EVENT%%
					FROM %%FLEETS%%
					INNER JOIN %%FLEETS_EVENT%% ON fleetID = fleet_id
					WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;';
                    $db->delete($sql, array(':fleetId' => $fleetID));
                    $sql = 'UPDATE %%LOG_FLEETS%% SET fleet_state = :fleetState WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;';
                    $db->update($sql, array(':fleetId' => $fleetID, ':fleetState' => FLEET_HOLD));
                } elseif ($totalCount > 0) {
                    $sql = "UPDATE %%FLEETS%% fleet, %%LOG_FLEETS%% log SET\n\t\t\t\t\tfleet.fleet_array\t= :fleetData,\n\t\t\t\t\tfleet.fleet_amount\t= :fleetCount,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog.fleet_array\t\t= :fleetData,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog.fleet_amount\t= :fleetCount\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE log.fleet_id = :fleetId AND log.fleet_id = :fleetId;";
                    $db->update($sql, array(':fleetData' => substr($fleetArray, 0, -1), ':fleetCount' => $totalCount, ':fleetId' => $fleetID));
                } else {
                    throw new OutOfRangeException("Negative Fleet amount ....");
            } else {
                $params = array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']);
                // Planet fleet
                $fleetArray = array();
                foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount) {
                    $fleetArray[] = '`' . $resource[$elementID] . '` = :' . $resource[$elementID];
                    $params[':' . $resource[$elementID]] = $amount;
                if (!empty($fleetArray)) {
                    $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET ' . implode(', ', $fleetArray) . ' WHERE id = :planetId;';
                    $db->update($sql, $params);
        if ($combatResult['won'] == "a") {
            require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/calculateSteal.php';
            $stealResource = calculateSteal($fleetAttack, $targetPlanet);
        if ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3) {
            // Use planet debris, if attack on moons
            $sql = "SELECT der_metal, der_crystal FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id_luna = :moonId;";
            $targetDebris = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':moonId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']));
            $targetPlanet += $targetDebris;
        foreach ($debrisResource as $elementID) {
            $debris[$elementID] = $combatResult['debris']['attacker'][$elementID] + $combatResult['debris']['defender'][$elementID];
            $planetDebris[$elementID] = $targetPlanet['der_' . $resource[$elementID]] + $debris[$elementID];
        $reportInfo = array('thisFleet' => $this->_fleet, 'debris' => $debris, 'stealResource' => $stealResource, 'moonChance' => NULL, 'moonDestroy' => true, 'moonName' => NULL, 'moonDestroyChance' => NULL, 'moonDestroySuccess' => NULL, 'fleetDestroyChance' => NULL, 'fleetDestroySuccess' => false);
        switch ($combatResult['won']) {
            case "a":
                $moonDestroyChance = round((100 - sqrt($targetPlanet['diameter'])) * sqrt($fleetAttack[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['unit'][214]), 1);
                // Max 100% | Min 0%
                $moonDestroyChance = min($moonDestroyChance, 100);
                $moonDestroyChance = max($moonDestroyChance, 0);
                $randChance = mt_rand(1, 100);
                if ($randChance <= $moonDestroyChance) {
                    $sql = 'SELECT id FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id_luna = :moonId;';
                    $planetID = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id']), 'id');
                    $sql = 'UPDATE %%FLEETS%% SET
					fleet_start_type		= 1,
					fleet_start_id			= :planetId
					WHERE fleet_start_id	= :moonId;';
                    $db->update($sql, array(':planetId' => $planetID, ':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id']));
                    $sql = 'UPDATE %%FLEETS%% SET
					fleet_end_type	= 1,
					fleet_end_id	= :moonId,
					fleet_mission	= IF(fleet_mission = 9, 1, fleet_mission)
					WHERE fleet_end_id = :planetId
					AND fleet_id != :fleetId;';
                    $db->update($sql, array(':planetId' => $planetID, ':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id'], ':fleetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_id']));
                    $sql = "UPDATE %%AKS%% SET target = :planetId WHERE target = :moonId;";
                    $db->update($sql, array(':planetId' => $planetID, ':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id']));
                    $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = 1;
                } else {
                    $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = 0;
                $fleetDestroyChance = round(sqrt($targetPlanet['diameter']) / 2);
                $randChance = mt_rand(1, 100);
                if ($randChance <= $fleetDestroyChance) {
                    $reportInfo['fleetDestroySuccess'] = true;
                } else {
                    $reportInfo['fleetDestroySuccess'] = false;
                $reportInfo['moonDestroyChance'] = $moonDestroyChance;
                $reportInfo['fleetDestroyChance'] = $fleetDestroyChance;
                // Win
                $attackStatus = 'wons';
                $defendStatus = 'loos';
                $class = array('raportWin', 'raportLose');
            case "r":
                // Lose
                $attackStatus = 'loos';
                $defendStatus = 'wons';
                $class = array('raportLose', 'raportWin');
                $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = -1;
                // Draw
                $attackStatus = 'draws';
                $defendStatus = 'draws';
                $class = array('raportDraw', 'raportDraw');
                $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = -1;
        require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/GenerateReport.php';
        $reportData = GenerateReport($combatResult, $reportInfo);
        $reportID = md5(uniqid('', true) . TIMESTAMP);
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO %%RW%% SET
		rid 		= :reportId,
		raport 		= :reportData,
		time 		= :time,
		attacker	= :attackers,
		defender	= :defenders;';
        $db->insert($sql, array(':reportId' => $reportID, ':reportData' => serialize($reportData), ':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], ':attackers' => implode(',', array_keys($userAttack)), ':defenders' => implode(',', array_keys($userDefend))));
        $i = 0;
        foreach (array($userAttack, $userDefend) as $data) {
            $thisClass = $class[$i];
            foreach ($data as $userID => $userName) {
                $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $userID);
                $message = sprintf($messageHTML, $reportID, $thisClass[$i], $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], sprintf($LNG['sys_adress_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $LNG['type_planet_short'][$this->_fleet['fleet_end_type']], $LNG['sys_lost'], $thisClass[0], $LNG['sys_attack_attacker_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['attacker']), $thisClass[1], $LNG['sys_attack_defender_pos'], pretty_number($combatResult['unitLost']['defender']), $LNG['sys_gain'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($stealResource[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($stealResource[902]), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($stealResource[903]), $LNG['sys_debris'], $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($debris[901]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($debris[902]));
                PlayerUtil::sendMessage($userID, 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 3, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'], $message, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
                $sql = "INSERT INTO %%TOPKB_USERS%% SET\n\t\t\t\trid\t\t\t= :reportId,\n\t\t\t\trole\t\t= :userRole,\n\t\t\t\tusername\t= :username,\n\t\t\t\tuid\t\t\t= :userId;";
                $db->insert($sql, array(':reportId' => $reportID, ':userRole' => 1, ':username' => $userName, ':userId' => $userID));
        if ($this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3) {
            $debrisType = 'id_luna';
        } else {
            $debrisType = 'id';
        $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET
		der_metal	= :metal,
		der_crystal	= :crystal
		WHERE ' . $debrisType . ' = :planetId;';
        $db->update($sql, array(':metal' => $planetDebris[901], ':crystal' => $planetDebris[902], ':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']));
        $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET
		metal		= metal - :metal,
		crystal		= crystal - :crystal,
		deuterium	= deuterium - :deuterium
		WHERE id = :planetId;';
        $db->update($sql, array(':metal' => $stealResource[901], ':crystal' => $stealResource[902], ':deuterium' => $stealResource[903], ':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']));
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO %%TOPKB%% SET
		units 		= :units,
		rid			= :reportId,
		time		= :time,
		universe	= :universe,
		result		= :result;';
        $db->insert($sql, array(':units' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'] + $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'], ':reportId' => $reportID, ':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], ':universe' => $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], ':result' => $combatResult['won']));
        $sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET
		`' . $attackStatus . '` = `' . $attackStatus . '` + 1,
		kbmetal		= kbmetal + :debrisMetal,
		kbcrystal	= kbcrystal + :debrisCrystal,
		lostunits	= lostunits + :lostUnits,
		desunits	= desunits + :destroyedUnits
		WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($userAttack)) . ');';
        $db->update($sql, array(':debrisMetal' => $debris[901], ':debrisCrystal' => $debris[902], ':lostUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'], ':destroyedUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['defender']));
        $sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET
		`' . $defendStatus . '` = `' . $defendStatus . '` + 1,
		kbmetal		= kbmetal + :debrisMetal,
		kbcrystal	= kbcrystal + :debrisCrystal,
		lostunits	= lostunits + :lostUnits,
		desunits	= desunits + :destroyedUnits
		WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($userDefend)) . ');';
        $db->update($sql, array(':debrisMetal' => $debris[901], ':debrisCrystal' => $debris[902], ':lostUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'], ':destroyedUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker']));