/** The constructor
  * @access public
  * @param array $options
  * @return void
 public function __construct(array $options = null)
     $finds = new Finds();
     $schema = $finds->info();
     $fields = array_flip($schema['cols']);
     $remove = array('id', 'secuid', 'old_findID', 'updated', 'created', 'updatedBy', 'createdBy', 'institution', 'secwfstage', 'secowner', 'sectag', 'old_candidate', 'old_finderID', 'objdate2subperiod_old', 'objdate1subperiod_old', 'finder2ID', 'datefound2flag', 'datefound1flag', 'hoardID');
     $labels = array('finderID' => 'Finder name', 'smr_ref' => 'SMR reference', 'other_ref' => 'Other reference', 'datefound1qual' => 'First date found qualifier', 'datefound1' => 'First date found', 'datefound2' => 'Second date found', 'datefound2qual' => 'Second date found qualifier', 'culture' => 'Ascribed culture', 'discmethod' => 'Discovery method', 'disccircum' => 'Discovery circumstances', 'objecttype' => 'Object type', 'objecttypecert' => 'Object type certainty', 'subclass' => 'Sub-classification', 'objdate1cert' => 'Object period certainty from', 'objdate2cert' => 'Object period certainty to', 'objdate1period' => 'Object period from', 'objdate2period' => 'Object period to', 'objdate1subperiod' => 'Object sub-period from', 'objdate2subperiod' => 'Object sub-period to', 'numdate1qual' => 'Date from qualifier', 'numdate2qual' => 'Date to qualifier', 'numdate1' => 'Date from', 'numdate2' => 'Date to', 'material1' => 'Primary material', 'material2' => 'Secondary material', 'manmethod' => 'Manufacture method', 'decmethod' => 'Decoration method', 'surftreat' => 'Surface treatment', 'decstyle' => 'Decoration style', 'reuse_period' => 'Period of reuse', 'curr_loc' => 'Current location', 'recorderID' => 'Recorder', 'identifier1ID' => 'Primary identifier', 'identifier2ID' => 'Secondary identifier', 'musaccno' => 'Museum accession number', 'subs_action' => 'Subsequent action', 'findofnote' => 'Find of note', 'findofnotereason' => 'Find of note reasoning', 'treasureID' => 'Treasure ID number');
     foreach ($remove as $rem) {
     $elements = array();
     foreach (array_keys($fields) as $field) {
         $label = $field;
         $field = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox($field);
         if (array_key_exists($label, $labels)) {
             $clean = ucfirst($labels[$label]);
         } else {
             $clean = ucfirst($label);
         $field->setLabel($clean)->setRequired(false)->addValidator('NotEmpty', 'boolean');
         $elements[] = $field;
     $this->addDisplayGroup($elements, 'details');
     //Submit button
     $submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
     $submit->setLabel('Submit find form configuration');
     $this->details->setLegend('Choose fields: ');