public function on_start()
     Events::extend('on_file_add', function ($f, $fv) {
         $setless_fs = FileSet::getByName('Setless');
     Events::extend('on_file_added_to_set', function ($fID, $fv) {
         $setless_fs = FileSet::getByName('Setless');
         $file = File::getByID($fID);
         $file_sets = $file->getFileSets();
         $file_set_ids = array();
         foreach ($file_sets as $file_set) {
             $file_set_ids[] = $file_set->fsID;
         // If file is in multiple sets and setless is one of them, remove from setless
         if (count($file_set_ids) >= 2 && in_array($setless_fs->fsID, $file_set_ids)) {
     Events::extend('on_file_removed_from_set', function ($fID, $fv) {
         $setless_fs = FileSet::getByName('Setless');
         $file = File::getByID($fID);
         $file_sets = $file->getFileSets();
         // If file is no longer in any sets, add to setless
         if (count($file_sets) == 0) {
Beispiel #2
 public static function addFilesForProduct(array $files, StoreProduct $product)
     //add new ones.
     if (!empty($files['dffID'])) {
         foreach ($files['dffID'] as $fileID) {
             if (!empty($fileID) && $fileID > 0) {
                 self::add($product->getProductID(), $fileID);
                 $fileObj = \File::getByID($fileID);
                 $fs = \FileSet::getByName("Digital Downloads");
                 $pk = \Concrete\Core\Permission\Key\FileKey::getByHandle('view_file');
                 $pao = $pk->getPermissionAssignmentObject();
                 $groupEntity = \Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity\GroupEntity::getOrCreate(\Group::getByID(GUEST_GROUP_ID));
                 $pa = $pk->getPermissionAccessObject();
                 if ($pa) {
Beispiel #3

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$ih = Loader::helper('concrete/interface');
$cap = Loader::helper('concrete/dashboard');
$valt = Loader::helper('validation/token');
$form = Loader::helper('form');
$u = new User();
$pageTypeIconsFS = FileSet::getByName("Page Type Icons");
    <!-- START: Add Page Type pane -->
echo Loader::helper('concrete/dashboard')->getDashboardPaneHeaderWrapper(t('Add Page Type'), false, false, false);
    <form method="post" class="form-horizontal" id="add_page_type" action="<?php 
echo $this->url('/dashboard/pages/types/add', 'do_add');
echo $valt->output('add_page_type');
echo $form->hidden('task', 'add');
    <div class="ccm-pane-body">
Beispiel #4
 public function getIcons()
     $f = Loader::helper('file');
     $fileList = new FileList();
     $fs = FileSet::getByName('Page Type Icons');
     if (!$fs) {
         return $f->getDirectoryContents(DIR_FILES_COLLECTION_TYPE_ICONS);
     } else {
         $icons = $fileList->get(100);
         if (!count($icons)) {
             $icons = $f->getDirectoryContents(DIR_FILES_COLLECTION_TYPE_ICONS);
         return $icons;
Beispiel #5
 public function save($data)
     $db = Database::get();
     if ($data['pID']) {
         //if we know the pID, we're updating.
         $pID = $data['pID'];
         //update product details
         $vals = array($data['gID'], $data['pName'], $data['pDesc'], $data['pDetail'], $data['pPrice'], $data['pFeatured'], $data['pQty'], $data['pTaxable'], $data['pfID'], $data['pActive'], $data['pShippable'], $data['pWidth'], $data['pHeight'], $data['pLength'], $data['pWeight'], $data['pID']);
         $db->Execute('UPDATE VividStoreProducts SET gID=?,pName=?,pDesc=?,pDetail=?,pPrice=?,pFeatured=?,pQty=?,pTaxable=?,pfID=?,pActive=?,pShippable=?,pWidth=?,pHeight=?,pLength=?,pWeight=? WHERE pID = ?', $vals);
         //update additional images
         $db->Execute('DELETE FROM VividStoreProductImages WHERE pID = ?', $data['pID']);
         $count = count($data['pifID']);
         if ($count > 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                 $vals = array($data['pID'], $data['pifID'][$i], $data['piSort'][$i]);
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductImages (pID,pifID,piSort) VALUES (?,?,?)", $vals);
         //update user groups
         $db->Execute('DELETE FROM VividStoreProductUserGroups WHERE pID = ?', $data['pID']);
         if (!empty($data['pUserGroups'])) {
             foreach ($data['pUserGroups'] as $gID) {
                 $vals = array($data['pID'], $gID);
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductUserGroups (pID,gID) VALUES (?,?)", $vals);
         //update product groups
         $db->Execute('DELETE FROM VividStoreProductGroups WHERE pID = ?', $data['pID']);
         if (!empty($data['pProductGroups'])) {
             foreach ($data['pProductGroups'] as $gID) {
                 $vals = array($pID, $gID);
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductGroups (pID,gID) VALUES (?,?)", $vals);
         //update option groups
         $db->Execute('DELETE FROM VividStoreProductOptionGroups WHERE pID = ?', $data['pID']);
         $db->Execute('DELETE FROM VividStoreProductOptionItems WHERE pID = ?', $data['pID']);
         $count = count($data['pogSort']);
         $ii = 0;
         //set counter for items
         if ($count > 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                 $vals = array($data['pID'], $data['pogName'][$i], $data['pogSort'][$i]);
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductOptionGroups (pID,pogName,pogSort) VALUES (?,?,?)", $vals);
                 //add option items
                 $pogID = $db->lastInsertId();
                 $itemsInGroup = count($data['optGroup' . $i]);
                 if ($itemsInGroup > 0) {
                     for ($gi = 0; $gi < $itemsInGroup; $gi++, $ii++) {
                         $vals = array($data['pID'], $pogID, $data['poiName'][$ii], $data['poiSort'][$ii]);
                         $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductOptionItems (pID,pogID,poiName,poiSort) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", $vals);
     } else {
         //else, we don't know it, so we're adding
         $dt = Core::make('helper/date');
         $now = $dt->getLocalDateTime();
         //add product details
         $vals = array($data['gID'], $data['pName'], $data['pDesc'], $data['pDetail'], $data['pPrice'], $data['pFeatured'], $data['pQty'], $data['pTaxable'], $data['pfID'], $data['pActive'], $data['pShippable'], $data['pWidth'], $data['pHeight'], $data['pLength'], $data['pWeight'], $now);
         $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProducts (gID,pName,pDesc,pDetail,pPrice,pFeatured,pQty,pTaxable,pfID,pActive,pShippable,pWidth,pHeight,pLength,pWeight,pDateAdded) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", $vals);
         //add additional images
         $pID = $db->lastInsertId();
         $count = count($data['pifID']);
         if ($count > 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                 $vals = array($pID, $data['pifID'][$i], $data['piSort'][$i]);
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductImages (pID,pifID,piSort) VALUES (?,?,?)", $vals);
         //insert user groups
         if (!empty($data['pUserGroups'])) {
             foreach ($data['pUserGroups'] as $gID) {
                 $vals = array($pID, $gID);
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductUserGroups (pID,gID) VALUES (?,?)", $vals);
         //insert product groups
         if (!empty($data['pProductGroups'])) {
             foreach ($data['pProductGroups'] as $gID) {
                 $vals = array($pID, $gID);
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductGroups (pID,gID) VALUES (?,?)", $vals);
         //add option groups
         $count = count($data['pogSort']);
         $ii = 0;
         //set counter for items
         if ($count > 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                 $vals = array($pID, $data['pogName'][$i], $data['pogSort'][$i]);
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductOptionGroups (pID,pogName,pogSort) VALUES (?,?,?)", $vals);
                 //add option items
                 $pogID = $db->lastInsertId();
                 $itemsInGroup = count($data['optGroup' . $i]);
                 if ($itemsInGroup > 0) {
                     for ($gi = 0; $gi < $itemsInGroup; $gi++, $ii++) {
                         $vals = array($pID, $pogID, $data['poiName'][$ii], $data['poiSort'][$ii]);
                         $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreProductOptionItems (pID,pogID,poiName,poiSort) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", $vals);
         $product = Product::getByID($pID);
     //save files
     $db->Execute("DELETE FROM VividStoreDigitalFiles WHERE pID=?", $pID);
     $u = User::getByUserID(1);
     $ui = \UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
     if ($data['dffID']) {
         foreach ($data['dffID'] as $dffID) {
             if ($dffID) {
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO VividStoreDigitalFiles(dffID,pID) VALUES (?,?)", array($dffID, $pID));
                 $fileObj = File::getByID($dffID);
                 $fs = \FileSet::getByName("Digital Downloads");
                 $pk = \Concrete\Core\Permission\Key\FileKey::getByHandle('view_file');
                 $pao = $pk->getPermissionAssignmentObject();
                 $groupEntity = \Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity\GroupEntity::getOrCreate(\Group::getByID(GUEST_GROUP_ID));
                 $pa = $pk->getPermissionAccessObject();
                 if ($pa) {
     $db->Execute("DELETE FROM VividStoreProductLocations where pID = ?", array($pID));
     foreach ($data['cID'] as $cID) {
         if ($cID > 0) {
             $db->Execute("REPLACE INTO VividStoreProductLocations(pID,cID) VALUES (?,?)", array($pID, (int) $cID));
     $product = Product::getByID($pID);
     return $product;
Beispiel #6
 private function importUploadedFiles()
     foreach ($this->field_defs as $name => $field_def) {
         if (!empty($field_def['fileset'])) {
             if (!empty($this->field_values[$name])) {
                 //Okay! Now that we've established that this field is a file upload
                 // and that something was uploaded, we want to do some sanity checks
                 // and if all is well, import the uploaded file to the file manager,
                 // add it to the desired file set, and then put the file ID into this object's
                 // values array (so the file ID is what gets saved to the database record).
                 $file_info = $this->field_values[$name];
                 $this->field_values[$name] = null;
                 //do this now in case one of our sanity checks below fails
                 if (!is_array($file_info) || empty($file_info['tmp_name']) || empty($file_info['name'])) {
                 $fs = FileSet::getByName($field_def['fileset']);
                 if (empty($fs)) {
                 $fi = new FileImporter();
                 $f = $fi->import($file_info['tmp_name'], $file_info['name']);
                 if (!$f instanceof FileVersion) {
                 $this->field_values[$name] = $f->getFileID();
Beispiel #7
    if (!$validExtension) {
        $error[] = t('Invalid File Extension');
if (count($error) > 0) {
    // send in the errors
    $errorStr = implode(', ', $error);
    $file->error = $errorStr . '.';
    echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($file);
// -- end intitial validation -- //
// begin file import
$fi = new FileImporter();
$fv = $fi->import($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
if (!$fv instanceof \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\Version) {
    $file->error = $fi->getErrorMessage($fv);
    $file->timestamp = $_POST['timestamp'];
} else {
    $file_set = Config::get('conversations.attachments_pending_file_set');
    $fs = FileSet::getByName($file_set);
    if (!is_object($fs)) {
        $fs = FileSet::createAndGetSet($file_set, FileSet::TYPE_PUBLIC, USER_SUPER_ID);
    $file->id = $fv->getFileID();
    $file->tag = $_POST['tag'];
    $file->timestamp = $_POST['timestamp'];
echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($file);
Beispiel #8

            <section class="container-fluid padded-vertical padded-horizontal download-section" id="download">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="titled">
                        <h2>Documents utiles</h2>
                        <span class="subtitle orange">Téléchargez ici les documents relatifs au tournoi.</span>
                   <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 col-xs-12 col-xs-offset-0">
$fileset = FileSet::getByName('download');
$fileslist = new FileList();
$fileslist->sortBy('fsDisplayOrder', 'asc');
$documents = $fileslist->getResults();
foreach ($documents as $doc) {
    if ($doc->getAttribute('inactive') == 1) {
        $icon = '<i class="fa fa-chain-broken"></i>';
        $link = '';
        $class = 'not-active';
        $sup = '<br><small class="inactive">indiponible pour le moment</small>';
    } else {
        $icon = '<i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i>';
        $link = $doc->getDownloadURL();
        $class = '';
        $sup = "";