if (!$file) {
    Util::log_and_die("Bad client upload request: no file data");
// check required field
if (!$from || !$title) {
    Util::log_and_die("Bad client upload request: required fields are missing");
// generate md5 id for uploaded file
$md5_id = md5_file($file["tmp_name"]);
if (!$md5_id) {
    Util::log_and_die("Server error: can't generate md5 id for uploaded file");
// initiate db connection
// duplication check
if (FileDB::check_duplicate($md5_id)) {
    Util::log_and_die("Bad client upload request: duplicated file for " . $md5_id);
// type and size check
$type = strtolower(pathinfo($file["name"], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$size = $_FILES['file']['size'];
if ($size > MAXSIZE) {
    Util::log_and_die("Bad client upload request: file exceed size limit(" . MAXSIZE . "kb)");
} elseif (!in_array($type, $allowed_types)) {
    Util::log_and_die("Bad client upload request: unacceptable file format");
// build upload path
$upload_dir = "uploads/";
$ext = $type;
$upload_path = $upload_dir . $md5_id . "." . $ext;
// save the uploaded file to filesystem and add record to database