  * Display Site Settings
 function display_site_settings()
     global $DB, $PREFS, $DSP;
     $SD = new Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay();
     $r = $SD->block() . $SD->row(array($SD->label('api_url_label', 'api_url_desc'), $SD->text('api_url', $this->site_settings['api_url']))) . $SD->row(array($SD->label('username_label', 'username_desc'), $SD->text('username', $this->site_settings['username']))) . $SD->row(array($SD->label('password_label', 'password_desc'), $SD->text('password', $this->site_settings['password']))) . $SD->block_c();
     return $r;
Beispiel #2
  * Display Field Settings
  * @param  array  $field_settings  The field's settings
  * @return array  Settings HTML (cell1, cell2, rows)
 function display_field_settings($field_settings)
     global $DSP, $LANG;
     // Initialize a new instance of SettingsDisplay
     $SD = new Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay();
     $out = $SD->block('field_settings');
     // Get the file upload destinations
     $dests = $this->_get_upload_dests();
     if ($dests) {
         // If there are any upload destinations, put them in a select box...
         $upload_dest = isset($field_settings['vz_upload_dest']) ? $field_settings['vz_upload_dest'] : key($dests);
         $out .= $SD->row(array($SD->label('settings_destination'), $SD->select('vz_upload_dest', $upload_dest, $dests)));
     } else {
         $out .= '<p class="highlight">' . $LANG->line('no_destinations_found') . '</p>';
     // Which file types are allowed?
     $types = isset($field_settings['vz_upload_types']) ? $field_settings['vz_upload_types'] : '*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif';
     $out .= $SD->row(array($SD->label('settings_types', 'settings_types_example'), $SD->text('vz_upload_types', $types)));
     // Allow multiple uploads?
     $multiple = isset($field_settings['vz_upload_multiple']) ? 1 : 0;
     $out .= $SD->row(array('<label for="vz_upload_multiple" class="defaultBold">' . $LANG->line('settings_multiple_uploads') . '</label>', $DSP->input_checkbox('vz_upload_multiple', 'y', $multiple, 'style="width:auto"')));
     $out .= $SD->block_c();
     // Return the settings block
     return array('cell2' => $out);
     * Display Site Settings
    function display_site_settings()
        global $DB, $DSP;
        $fields_q = $DB->query('SELECT f.field_id, f.field_label, g.group_name
		                          FROM exp_weblog_fields AS f, exp_field_groups AS g
		                          WHERE f.field_type = "data_matrix"
		                            AND f.group_id = g.group_id
		                          ORDER BY g.group_name, f.field_order, f.field_label');
        if ($fields_q->num_rows) {
            $SD = new Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay();
            $r = $SD->block();
            $convert_r = '';
            $last_group_name = '';
            foreach ($fields_q->result as $row) {
                if ($row['group_name'] != $last_group_name) {
                    $convert_r .= $DSP->qdiv('defaultBold', $row['group_name']);
                    $last_group_name = $row['group_name'];
                $convert_r .= '<label>' . $DSP->input_checkbox('convert[]', $row['field_id']) . $row['field_label'] . '</label>' . '<br>';
            $r .= $SD->row(array($SD->label('convert_label', 'convert_desc'), $convert_r));
            $r .= $SD->block_c();
            return $r;
        return FALSE;
  * Display Site Settings
 function display_site_settings()
     global $DB, $PREFS, $DSP;
     $SD = new Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay();
     $r = $SD->block() . $SD->row(array($SD->label('quality_setting_label', 'quality_setting_desc'), $SD->select('quality_setting', $this->site_settings['quality_setting'], array('y' => 'yes', 'n' => 'no')))) . $SD->row(array($SD->label('thumbs_setting_label', 'thumbs_setting_desc'), $SD->select('thumbs_setting', $this->site_settings['thumbs_setting'], array('y' => 'yes', 'n' => 'no')))) . $SD->block_c();
     return $r;
  * Display Site Settings
 function display_site_settings()
     global $DB;
     $query = $DB->query('SELECT extension_id FROM exp_extensions WHERE class = "Sarge" AND enabled = "y" LIMIT 1');
     if ($query->num_rows) {
         $SD = new Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay();
         return $SD->block() . $SD->row(array($SD->label('convert_sarge_label'), $SD->select('convert', 'n', array('n' => 'no', 'y' => 'yes')))) . $SD->block_c();
     return FALSE;
  * Display Site Settings
 function display_site_settings()
     global $DB, $PREFS, $DSP, $FFSD;
     if (!isset($FFSD)) {
         $FFSD = new Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay();
     $r = $FFSD->block();
     $r .= $FFSD->row(array($FFSD->label('Markitup Set'), $FFSD->text('markitup_set', $this->site_settings['markitup_set'])));
     $r .= $FFSD->row(array($FFSD->label('Markitup Skin'), $FFSD->text('markitup_skin', $this->site_settings['markitup_skin'])));
     $r .= $FFSD->block_c();
     return $r;
  * Fieldtypes Manager
 function fieldtypes_manager($standalone = TRUE, $SD = NULL)
     global $DB, $DSP, $LANG, $IN, $PREFS, $SD;
     if (!$SD) {
         // initialize Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay
         $SD = new Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay();
     if ($standalone) {
         // save submitted settings
         if ($this->save_fieldtypes_manager()) {
             $DSP->body .= $DSP->qdiv('box', $DSP->qdiv('success', $LANG->line('settings_update')));
         // load language file
         // Breadcrumbs
         $DSP->crumbline = TRUE;
         $DSP->title = $LANG->line('fieldtypes_manager');
         $DSP->crumb = $DSP->anchor(BASE . AMP . 'C=admin' . AMP . 'area=utilities', $LANG->line('utilities')) . $DSP->crumb_item($LANG->line('fieldtypes_manager'));
         // open form
         $DSP->body .= $DSP->form_open(array('action' => 'C=admin' . AMP . 'M=utilities' . AMP . 'P=fieldtypes_manager', 'name' => 'settings_subtext', 'id' => 'ffsettings'), array('name' => strtolower(FF_CLASS)));
     // fieldtype settings
     $DSP->body .= $SD->block('fieldtypes_manager', 5);
     // initialize fieldtypes
     if ($ftypes = $this->_get_all_installed_ftypes()) {
         // add the headers
         $DSP->body .= $SD->heading_row(array($LANG->line('fieldtype'), $LANG->line('fieldtype_enabled'), $LANG->line('settings'), $LANG->line('documentation')));
         $row_ids = array();
         foreach ($ftypes as $class_name => $ftype) {
             $row_id = 'ft_' . $ftype->_class_name;
             $row_ids[] = '"' . $row_id . '"';
             if (method_exists($ftype, 'display_site_settings')) {
                 if (!$ftype->info['no_lang']) {
                 $site_settings = $ftype->display_site_settings();
             } else {
                 $site_settings = FALSE;
             $DSP->body .= $SD->row(array($SD->label($ftype->info['name'] . NBS . $DSP->qspan('xhtmlWrapperLight defaultSmall', $ftype->info['version']), $ftype->info['desc']), $ftype->_requires ? '--' : $SD->radio_group('ftypes[' . $class_name . '][enabled]', $ftype->_is_enabled ? 'y' : 'n', array('y' => 'yes', 'n' => 'no')), $site_settings ? '<a class="toggle show" id="' . $row_id . '_show"><img src="' . $PREFS->ini('theme_folder_url', 1) . 'cp_global_images/expand.gif" border="0">  ' . $LANG->line('show') . '</a>' . '<a class="toggle hide" id="' . $row_id . '_hide"><img src="' . $PREFS->ini('theme_folder_url', 1) . 'cp_global_images/collapse.gif" border="0">  ' . $LANG->line('hide') . '</a>' : '--', $ftype->info['docs_url'] ? '<a href="' . stripslashes($ftype->info['docs_url']) . '">' . $LANG->line('documentation') . '</a>' : '--'), NULL, array('id' => $row_id));
             if ($ftype->_requires) {
                 $data = '<p>' . $ftype->info['name'] . ' ' . $LANG->line('requires') . ':</p>' . '<ul>';
                 foreach ($ftype->_requires as $dependency => $version) {
                     $data .= '<li class="default">' . $dependency . ' ' . $version . ' ' . $LANG->line('or_later') . '</li>';
                 $data .= '</ul>';
                 $DSP->body .= $SD->row(array('', $data), $SD->row_class);
             } else {
                 if ($site_settings) {
                     $data = '<div class="ftsettings">' . $this->_group_ftype_inputs($ftype->_class_name, $site_settings) . $DSP->div_c();
                     $DSP->body .= $SD->row(array($data), '', array('id' => $row_id . '_settings', 'style' => 'display:none;'));
         $js = '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">' . NL . '  function ffEnable(ft) {' . NL . '    ft.show.className = "toggle show";' . NL . '    ft.show.onclick = function() {' . NL . '      ft.show.style.display = "none";' . NL . '      ft.hide.style.display = "block";' . NL . '      ft.settings.style.display = "table-row";' . NL . '    };' . NL . '    ft.hide.onclick = function() {' . NL . '      ft.show.style.display = "block";' . NL . '      ft.hide.style.display = "none";' . NL . '      ft.settings.style.display = "none";' . NL . '    };' . NL . '  }' . NL . '  function ffDisable(ft) {' . NL . '    ft.show.className = "toggle show disabled";' . NL . '    ft.show.onclick = null;' . NL . '    ft.show.style.display = "block";' . NL . '    ft.hide.style.display = "none";' . NL . '    ft.settings.style.display = "none";' . NL . '  }' . NL . '  function ffInitRow(rowId) {' . NL . '    var ft = {' . NL . '      tr: document.getElementById(rowId),' . NL . '      show: document.getElementById(rowId+"_show"),' . NL . '      hide: document.getElementById(rowId+"_hide"),' . NL . '      settings: document.getElementById(rowId+"_settings")' . NL . '    };' . NL . '    if (ft.settings) {' . NL . '      ft.toggles = ft.tr.getElementsByTagName("input");' . NL . '      ft.toggles[0].onchange = function() { ffEnable(ft); };' . NL . '      ft.toggles[1].onchange = function() { ffDisable(ft); };' . NL . '      if (ft.toggles[0].checked) ffEnable(ft);' . NL . '      else ffDisable(ft);' . NL . '    }' . NL . '  }' . NL . '  var ffRowIds = [' . implode(',', $row_ids) . '];' . NL . '  for (var i = 0; i < ffRowIds.length; i++) {' . NL . '    ffInitRow(ffRowIds[i]);' . NL . '  }' . NL . '</script>';
         $this->snippets['body'][] = $js;
     } else {
         if (!defined('FT_PATH')) {
             $DSP->body .= $SD->info_row('no_fieldtypes_path');
         } else {
             if (in_array('bad_ft_path', $this->errors)) {
                 $DSP->body .= $SD->info_row('bad_fieldtypes_path');
             } else {
                 $DSP->body .= $SD->info_row('no_fieldtypes');
     $DSP->body .= $SD->block_c();
     if ($standalone) {
         // Close form
         $DSP->body .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapperTop', $DSP->input_submit($LANG->line('apply'))) . $DSP->form_c();
     // CSS
     $css = '<style type="text/css" charset="utf-8">' . NL . '  #ffsettings a.toggle { display:block; cursor:pointer; }' . NL . '  #ffsettings a.toggle.hide { display:none; }' . NL . '  #ffsettings a.toggle.disabled { color:#000; opacity:0.4; cursor:default; }' . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings { margin:-3px -1px -1px; }' . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings, #ffsettings .ftsettings * { background:#262e33; color:#999; }' . NL . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings input.input, #ffsettings .ftsettings textarea { background:#fff; color:#333; }' . NL . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings table { border:none; }' . NL . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings table tr td { border-top:1px solid #1d2326; padding-left:8px; padding-right:8px;  }' . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings table tr td.tableHeading { color:#ddd; background:#232a2e; }' . NL . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings .defaultBold { color:#ccc; }' . NL . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings .box { border-color:transparent; }' . NL . '  #ffsettings .ftsettings .tableCellOne, #ffsettings .ftsettings .tableCellOneBold, #ffsettings .ftsettings .tableCellTwo, #ffsettings .ftsettings .tableCellTwoBold { border-bottom:none; }' . NL . '</style>';
     $this->snippets['head'][] = $css;
Beispiel #8
	 * Display Field Settings
	function display_field_settings($settings)
		global $FF;

		// create a new SettingsDisplay instance
		$SD = new Fieldframe_SettingsDisplay();

		// open the settings table
		$r = $SD->block();

		$rows = $this->field_settings($settings);

		// -------------------------------------------
		//  Field Conversion
		// -------------------------------------------

		// was this previously a different fieldtype?
		if (isset($FF->data) && $FF->data['field_id'] && $FF->data['field_type'] != 'ftype_id_'.$this->_fieldtype_id)
			array_unshift($rows, array(
				$SD->label('wygwam_convert_label', 'wygwam_convert_desc'),
					(in_array($FF->data['field_fmt'], array('br', 'xhtml')) ? 'auto' : ''),
						''        => '--',
						'auto'    => 'Auto &lt;br /&gt; or XHTML',
						'textile' => 'Textile'

		// add the rows
		foreach ($rows as $row)
			$r .= $SD->row($row);

		// close the table
		$r .= $SD->block_c();

		return array('rows' => array(array(
			'<div id="ft_wygwam" style="margin: -7px -11px -7px -7px; font-size: 12px;">'.$r.'</div>'