Beispiel #1
             @($contact_phone = stripslashes($_REQUEST['contact_phone']));
             @($contact_refer = stripslashes($_REQUEST['contact_refer']));
             @($q1 = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q1']));
             @($q2 = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q2']));
             @($q3 = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q3']));
             @($q4 = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q4']));
             @($q5_support = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q5_support']));
             @($q5_opensource = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q5_opensource']));
             @($q5_price = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q5_price']));
             @($q5_updates = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q5_updates']));
             @($q5_developers = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q5_developers']));
             @($q5_community = stripslashes($_REQUEST['q5_community']));
             @($comments = stripslashes($_REQUEST['comments']));
             if (isset($_REQUEST['form_submit'])) {
                 $msg = sprintf("Contact Name: %s\r\n" . "Organization: %s\r\n" . "Referred by: %s\r\n" . "Phone: %s\r\n" . "\r\n" . "#1: Briefly, what does your organization do?\r\n%s\r\n\r\n" . "#2: How is your team currently handling community feedback?\r\n%s\r\n\r\n" . "#3: Are you considering both free and commercial solutions?\r\n%s\r\n\r\n" . "#4: What will be your first important milestone?\r\n%s\r\n\r\n" . "#5: How important are the following benefits in making your decision?\r\n" . "Near-Instant Support: %d\r\nAvailable Source Code: %d\r\nCompetitive Purchase Price: %d\r\n" . "Frequent Product Updates: %d\r\nAccess to Developers: %d\r\nLarge User Community: %d\r\n" . "\r\n" . "Additional Comments: \r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $contact_name, $contact_company, $contact_refer, $contact_phone, $q1, $q2, $q3, $q4, $q5_support, $q5_opensource, $q5_price, $q5_updates, $q5_developers, $q5_community, $comments);
                 FegMail::quickSend('*****@*****.**', "About: {$contact_name} of {$contact_company}", $msg, $contact_email, $contact_name);
         $tpl->assign('step', STEP_FINISHED);
     $tpl->assign('template', 'steps/step_register.tpl');
     $tpl->assign('template', 'steps/step_upgrade.tpl');
     // [TODO] Delete the /install/ directory (security)
 // [TODO] Delete the /install/ directory (security)
     // Set up the default cron jobs
Beispiel #2
 function doRecoverStep1Action()
     $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService();
     @($email = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['email'], 'string'));
     $worker = null;
     $results = DAO_Worker::getWhere(sprintf("%s = %s", DAO_Worker::EMAIL, Feg_ORMHelper::qstr($email)));
     if (!empty($results)) {
         $worker = array_shift($results);
     if (empty($email) || empty($worker)) {
     $_SESSION[self::KEY_FORGOT_EMAIL] = $email;
     try {
         $code = FegApplication::generatePassword(10);
         $_SESSION[self::KEY_FORGOT_SENTCODE] = $code;
         $to = $email;
         $subject = $translate->_('login.forgot.mail.subject');
         $body = vsprintf($translate->_('login.forgot.mail.body'), $code);
         FegMail::quickSend($to, $subject, $body);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         DevblocksPlatform::redirect(new DevblocksHttpResponse(array('login', 'forgot', 'step1', 'failed')));
     DevblocksPlatform::redirect(new DevblocksHttpResponse(array('login', 'forgot', 'step2')));
Beispiel #3
 static function sendMailProperties($properties)
     $status = true;
     @($toStr = $properties['to']);
     @($cc = $properties['cc']);
     @($bcc = $properties['bcc']);
     @($subject = $properties['subject']);
     @($content = $properties['content']);
     @($files = $properties['files']);
     $mail_settings = self::getMailerDefaults();
     if (empty($properties['from_addy'])) {
         @($from_addy = $settings->get('feg.core', FegSettings::DEFAULT_REPLY_FROM, $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']));
     if (empty($properties['from_personal'])) {
         @($from_personal = $settings->get('feg.core', FegSettings::DEFAULT_REPLY_PERSONAL, ''));
     if (empty($subject)) {
         $subject = '(no subject)';
     // [JAS]: Replace any semi-colons with commas (people like using either)
     $toList = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString(str_replace(';', ',', $toStr));
     $mail_headers = array();
     $mail_headers['X-FegCompose'] = '1';
     // Headers needed for the ticket message
     $log_headers = new Swift_Message_Headers();
     $log_headers->set('To', $toList);
     $log_headers->set('From', !empty($from_personal) ? sprintf("%s <%s>", $from_personal, $from_addy) : sprintf('%s', $from_addy));
     $log_headers->set('Subject', $subject);
     $log_headers->set('Date', date('r'));
     foreach ($log_headers->getList() as $hdr => $v) {
         if (null != ($hdr_val = $log_headers->getEncoded($hdr))) {
             if (!empty($hdr_val)) {
                 $mail_headers[$hdr] = $hdr_val;
     try {
         $mail_service = DevblocksPlatform::getMailService();
         $mailer = $mail_service->getMailer(FegMail::getMailerDefaults());
         $email = $mail_service->createMessage();
         // cc
         $ccs = array();
         if (!empty($cc) && null != ($ccList = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString(str_replace(';', ',', $cc)))) {
         // bcc
         if (!empty($bcc) && null != ($bccList = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString(str_replace(';', ',', $bcc)))) {
         $email->setFrom(array($from => $personal));
         $headers = $email->getHeaders();
         $headers->addTextHeader('X-Mailer', 'Fax Email Gateway (FEG) ' . APP_VERSION . ' (Build ' . APP_BUILD . ')');
         // Mime Attachments
         if (is_array($files) && !empty($files)) {
             foreach ($files['tmp_name'] as $idx => $file) {
                 if (empty($file) || empty($files['name'][$idx])) {
         // Headers
         foreach ($email->getHeaders()->getAll() as $hdr) {
             if (null != ($hdr_val = $hdr->getFieldBody())) {
                 if (!empty($hdr_val)) {
                     $mail_headers[$hdr->getFieldName()] = $hdr_val;
         // [TODO] Allow separated addresses (parseRfcAddress)
         //		$mailer->log->enable();
         if (!@$mailer->send($email)) {
             throw new Exception('Mail failed to send: unknown reason');
         //		$mailer->log->dump();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Do Something
         $status = false;
     // Give plugins a chance to note a message is imported.
     $eventMgr = DevblocksPlatform::getEventService();
     $eventMgr->trigger(new Model_DevblocksEvent('email.send', array('properties' => $properties, 'send_status' => $status ? 2 : 1)));
     return $status;
Beispiel #4
 function ExportEmail(Model_ExportType $export_type)
     $logger = DevblocksPlatform::getConsoleLog();
     $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService();
     @($email_current_hour = 0);
     @($email_sent_today = 0);
     $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
     if (substr($memory_limit, 0, -1) < 128) {
         @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
     // Unlimited (if possible)
     $logger->info("[Email Exporter] Overloaded memory_limit to: " . ini_get('memory_limit'));
     $logger->info("[Email Exporter] Overloaded max_execution_time to: " . ini_get('max_execution_time'));
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT " . "FROM message_recipient mr " . "inner join customer_recipient cr on mr.recipient_id = " . "WHERE mr.send_status in (0,3,4) " . "AND cr.is_disabled = 0 " . "AND cr.export_type = %d " . "AND cr.type = 0 ", $export_type->id);
     $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
     // Loop though pending outbound emails.
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
         $id = $row['id'];
         $logger->info("[Email Exporter] Procing MR ID: " . $id);
         $message_recipient = DAO_MessageRecipient::get($id);
         $message = DAO_Message::get($message_recipient->message_id);
         $message_lines = explode('\\n', substr($message->message, 1, -1));
         $recipient = DAO_CustomerRecipient::get($message_recipient->recipient_id);
         $to = !empty($recipient->address_to) ? array($recipient->address => $recipient->address_to) : array($recipient->address);
         $subject = $recipient->subject;
         $from_addy = !empty($export_type->params['7']) ? $export_type->params['7'] : null;
         $from_personal = !empty($export_type->params['11']) ? $export_type->params['11'] : null;
         //echo "<pre>";
         //echo "</pre>";
         // FIXME - Need to add in filter for now everything is unfiltered.
         $send_status = FegMail::sendMail($to, $subject, implode("\r\n", $message_lines), $from_addy, $from_personal);
         $logger->info("[Email Exporter] Send Status: " . ($send_status ? "Successful" : "Failure"));
         // Give plugins a chance to run export
         $eventMgr = DevblocksPlatform::getEventService();
         $eventMgr->trigger(new Model_DevblocksEvent('', array('recipient' => $recipient, 'message' => $message, 'message_lines' => $message_lines, 'message_recipient' => $message_recipient, 'send_status' => $send_status)));
         if ($send_status) {
         $fields = array(DAO_MessageRecipient::SEND_STATUS => $send_status ? 2 : 1, DAO_MessageRecipient::CLOSED_DATE => $send_status ? time() : 0);
         DAO_MessageRecipient::update($id, $fields);
     if ($email_current_hour) {
         $current_fields = DAO_Stats::get(0);
         $fields = array(DAO_Stats::EMAIL_CURRENT_HOUR => $current_fields->email_current_hour + $email_current_hour, DAO_Stats::EMAIL_SENT_TODAY => $current_fields->email_sent_today + $email_sent_today);
         DAO_Stats::update(0, $fields);
     $timeout = ini_get('max_execution_time');
     $runtime = microtime(true);
     return NULL;