Beispiel #1
 * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details.
require_once "../shared/common.php";
$tab = "circulation";
$nav = "mbr_renew_all";
$restrictInDemo = true;
require_once "../shared/logincheck.php";
require_once "../classes/MemberQuery.php";
require_once "../classes/BiblioSearchQuery.php";
require_once "../classes/CircQuery.php";
require_once "../classes/Date.php";
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../functions/formatFuncs.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
$mbrid = @trim($_GET["mbrid"]);
$mbrQ = new MemberQuery();
$mbr = $mbrQ->get($mbrid);
$circQ = new CircQuery();
$biblioQ = new BiblioSearchQuery();
if (!$biblioQ->doQuery(OBIB_STATUS_OUT, $mbrid)) {
    Fatal::dbError($biblioQ->getSQL(), 'doQuery failed', $biblioQ->getDbError());
while ($biblio = $biblioQ->fetchRow()) {
    $err = $circQ->checkout_e($mbr->getBarcodeNmbr(), $biblio->getBarcodeNmbr());
    if ($err) {
        header("Location: ../circ/mbr_view.php?mbrid=" . U($mbrid) . "&msg=" . U($err->toStr()));
header("Location: ../circ/mbr_view.php?mbrid=" . U($mbrid) . "&msg=" . U($loc->getText("All items renewed.")));
 function _act($sql)
     if (!$this->_link) {
         Fatal::internalError('Tried to make database query before connection.');
     $r = mysql_query($sql, $this->_link);
     if ($r === false) {
         if (mysql_errno() == 1146 && preg_match('/' . OBIB_DATABASE . '.settings/i', mysql_error())) {
             // Settings not found
             header("Location: ../install/");
         Fatal::dbError($sql, 'Database query failed (' . mysql_errno() . ')', mysql_error());
     return $r;
Beispiel #3
 function _act($sql)
     if (!$this->_link) {
         Fatal::internalError('Tried to make database query before connection.');
     $r = mysql_query($sql, $this->_link);
     if ($r === false) {
         Fatal::dbError($sql, 'Database query failed', mysql_error());
     return $r;
    $locale = $_POST['locale'];
if (isset($_POST['installTestData'])) {
    $installTestData = $_POST["installTestData"] == "yes";
include "../install/header.php";
<h1>OpenBiblio Installation:</h1>

# testing connection and current version
$installQ = new InstallQuery();
$err = $installQ->connect_e();
if ($err) {
    Fatal::dbError($e->sql, $e->msg, $e->dberror);
$version = $installQ->getCurrentDatabaseVersion();
echo "Database connection is good.<br>\n";
#* show warning message if database exists.
if ($version) {
    if (!isset($_POST["confirm"]) or $_POST["confirm"] != "yes") {
        <form method="POST" action="../install/install.php">
        OpenBiblio (version <?php 
        echo H($version);
) is already installed.
        Are you sure you want to delete all library data and create new OpenBiblio
Beispiel #5
 function UseLinkCharset($usecharset)
     $tocharset = $this->CharSet2MySQL($usecharset);
     if (strlen($tocharset) <= 0) {
         Fatal::dbError($usecharset, "connect charset:" . $tocharset . " obibcharset:" . OBIB_CHARSET, 'No DBMS error.');
     if ($this->_linkcharset == $tocharset) {
         return true;
     $sql = "set names " . $tocharset;
     if (!$this->_act($sql)) {
         return false;
     $sql = "set character_set_connection=" . $tocharset;
     if (!$this->_act($sql)) {
         return false;
     $this->_linkcharset = $tocharset;
     return true;
 function _mkObj(&$array, &$customs = NULL)
     // jalg multi 5-7-2015 ALX
     $copy = new BiblioCopy();
     if (is_null($customs)) {
         $copy->_custom = $this->getCustomFields($array['bibid'], $array['copyid']);
     } else {
         Fatal::dbError($array["copyid"], "not implemented multycopy method", 'No DBMS error.');
         if (isset($customs[$array['copyid']])) {
             $copy->_custom = $customs[$array['copyid']];
     return $copy;
 function Lookup($look4type, $type, &$words, $page, $sortBy, $searches = NULL)
     global $SearchTagsSelector;
     global $SearchCriteriaSelector;
     if (!$searches) {
         $searches = array(new BiblioSearchQueryItem($type, $words));
     //$lookupword = $words[0];
     $lookupword = $words[count($words) - 1];
     //$lookupword = $searches[0]->_words[0];
     //Fatal::dbError($this->decoratedWord($lookupword), "db report charset ".OBIB_CHARSET, 'sql ok');
     $src = $this->makeSearch($searches, $page, "", false);
     if (!$src) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($SearchCriteriaSelector[$look4type])) {
         Fatal::dbError($sql, 'Database query report', 'no OBIB_SEARCH_AUTHOR criteria');
     if (!isset($SearchTagsSelector[$look4type])) {
         Fatal::dbError($sql, 'Database query report', 'no OBIB_SEARCH_AUTHOR tags');
     $union = "";
     $criterias = SearchCriteriaFields($look4type);
     $lookuptable = 'LookupContent';
     $this->act('drop table if exists ' . $lookuptable);
     $this->act($this->mkSQL("create temporary  table %I (lookup varchar(127) character set " . $this->CharSet2MySQL(DB_CHARSET) . " null)", $lookuptable));
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($criterias); $i++) {
         //!!! since mySQL cant use temporary table in single query twice, have to copy it in separate tempoparies for unioning
         $sql = $this->mkSQL("insert ignore into %I (lookup) select distinct %i as lookup from (%i)", $lookuptable, $this->ExtractColName($criterias[$i]), $this->_lastSelect);
         //Fatal::dbError($sql, "db report", 'sql ok');
         //$this->DumpSQL("Lookup collect ".$this->ExtractColName($criterias[$i]), $sql);
     $tags = $SearchTagSelector[$look4type];
     if (strlen($tags) > 0) {
         $sql = $this->mkSQL("insert ignore into %I (lookup) \n\t\t\t\t\tselect distinct field_data as lookup from biblio_field where (" . $tags . " and (bibid in (select bibid from %i)))", $lookuptable, $this->_lastSelect);
         //$this->DumpSQL("Lookup select tags ".$tags, $sql);
     $drop = 1;
     $sql = $this->mkSQL("select distinct lookup from %I as src where src.lookup like %Q ", $lookuptable, $this->decoratedWord($lookupword));
     if (strlen($sortBy) > 0) {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY lookup ";
         if (mb_substr($sortBy, 0, -1, OBIB_CHARSET) == '-') {
             $sql .= " DESC ";
     //Fatal::dbError($sql, "db report charset ".OBIB_CHARSET, 'sql ok for:'.$words);
     # setting limit so we can page through the results
     if ($page > 0) {
         $offset = ($page - 1) * $this->_itemsPerPage;
     } else {
         $offset = -$page;
     $limit = $this->_itemsPerPage;
     $sql .= $this->mkSQL(" limit %N, %N", $offset, $limit);
     //Fatal::dbError($sql, "db report", 'sql ok');
     //$this->DumpSQL("Lookup select ", $sql);
     # Running search sql statement
     $result = $this->select($sql);
     return $result;