//разделяем строк на 2 переменые с помощью разделителя - получаем id которое передали и ммя
 $member_id = $member_info[0];
 $f_member = $member_info[1];
 $Check_job = new Check_job();
 //create an object of class
 $res = $Check_job->check($job_id);
 //We check if we give this job to a family member
 if ($res === TRUE) {
     //We check if we give this job to a family member
     $_SESSION['info'] = 'Work is already taken';
     header("Location: ../main.php");
 } else {
     if ($member_id == 1) {
         //keep the job mother
         //$Add_job = new Family_mother(); //create ogject of registr_user class
         $query = Family_mother::insert($job_id, $member_id, $job_title);
         //call the  method to check user data in MySQL Table
         Family_job::Update($job_id, $f_member);
         //call the method to save in DB the name of the employee
         if ($query === TRUE) {
             $_SESSION['info'] = 'New job add';
             header("Location: ../main.php");
         } else {
             $_SESSION['info'] = 'Error';
             header("Location: ../main.php");
     if ($member_id == 2) {
         //keep the job father
         //$Add_job = new Family_father(); //create ogject of registr_user class
         $query = Family_father::insert($job_id, $member_id, $job_title);
 $job_title = $_POST['job_title'];
 $f_member = $_POST['family'];
 $Check_job = new Check_job();
 //create an object of class
 $res = $Check_job->check($job_id);
 //We check if we give this job to a family member
 if ($res === TRUE) {
     //We check if we give this job to a family member
     $_SESSION['info'] = 'Work is already taken';
     header("Location: ../main.php");
 } else {
     if ($f_member == 'mother') {
         //keep the job mother
         $Add_job = new Family_mother();
         //create ogject of registr_user class
         $query = $Add_job->insert($job_id, $job_title);
         //call the  method to check user data in MySQL Table
         $Job_performs = new Family_job();
         //create an object of class Family_job
         $Job_performs->Update($job_id, $f_member);
         //call the method to save in DB the name of the employee
         if ($query === TRUE) {
             $_SESSION['info'] = 'New job add';
             header("Location: ../main.php");
         } else {
             $_SESSION['info'] = 'Error';
             header("Location: ../main.php");
     if ($f_member == 'father') {
         //keep the job father