$attachments = array();
$Invoice = new Facture();
// Define French locale in order to generate French dates
setlocale(LC_TIME, "fr_FR.UTF8");
// Fetch periodic invoices where the deadline is over
$result = mysql_query('SELECT id_facture ' . 'FROM webfinance_invoices ' . "WHERE period!='none' AND " . 'periodic_next_deadline<=NOW() AND ' . "type_doc = 'facture'") or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
while (list($id_invoice) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    // Fetch info from invoice
    $invoice = $Invoice->getInfos($id_invoice);
    // Calculate next deadline
    $next_deadline = $Invoice->nextDeadline($invoice->periodic_next_deadline, $invoice->period);
    // Duplicate the invoice
    $id_new_invoice = $Invoice->duplicate($id_invoice);
    // Delete setup fees that only have to be paid once
    $query = 'DELETE FROM webfinance_invoice_rows ' . "WHERE (description LIKE '%Frais d\\'accès au service%' " . "OR description LIKE '%Frais d\\'installation%' " . "OR description LIKE '%rais de migration%') " . "AND id_facture={$id_new_invoice}";
    mysql_query($query) or die("{$query}:" . mysql_error());
    // Add dynamic start date and deadline in invoice details
    $query = 'SELECT id_facture_ligne, description ' . 'FROM webfinance_invoice_rows ' . "WHERE id_facture={$id_new_invoice}";
    $res = mysql_query($query) or die("{$query}:" . mysql_error());
    // Update dates in invoices description
    while ($invoice_row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        if (!preg_match('/ du \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} au \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}/', $invoice_row['description'])) {
        $invoice_row['description'] = mysql_real_escape_string(preg_replace('/ du (\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}) au (\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})/', " du {$invoice->periodic_next_deadline} au {$next_deadline}", $invoice_row['description']));
        // Update invoice date
        $query = 'UPDATE webfinance_invoice_rows ' . "SET description='{$invoice_row['description']}'" . "WHERE id_facture_ligne={$invoice_row['id_facture_ligne']}";
        mysql_query($query) or die("{$query}:" . mysql_error());
Beispiel #2
        $facture = $Facture->getInfos($_GET['id_facture']);
        logmessage(_("Delete invoice") . " #{$facture->num_facture} for client:{$facture->id_client}", $facture->id_client);
        $id_client = $facture->id_client;
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM webfinance_invoices WHERE id_facture=" . $_GET['id_facture']) or wf_mysqldie();
        $_SESSION['message'] = _('Invoice deleted');
        //mysql_query("DELETE FROM webfinance_invoice_rows WHERE id_facture=".$_GET['id_facture']); <- ON DELETE CASCADE
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM webfinance_transactions WHERE id_invoice=" . $_GET['id_facture'] . " AND type<>'real'") or wf_mysqldie();
        $_SESSION['message'] .= "<br/>" . _('Transaction deleted');
    header("Location: fiche_prospect.php?onglet=billing&tab=billing&id={$id_client}");
if ($action == "duplicate") {
    $Invoice = new Facture();
    $id_new_facture = $Invoice->duplicate($id);
    if ($id_new_facture) {
        logmessage("New invoice fa:{$id_new_facture} duplicated of fa:{$id} ", 'NULL', $id);
        /* $_SESSION['message'] = _("Invoice duplicated"); */
        header("Location: edit_facture.php?id_facture={$id_new_facture}");
    } else {
        die("duplicate action failed");
if ($action == "send") {
    require "/usr/share/php/libphp-phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php";