Beispiel #1
  * display the admin home page
 function display()
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'views' . DS . 'home.php';
     $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fabrik_log WHERE\tmessage_type != '' ORDER BY timedate_created DESC limit 0, 10");
     $logs = $db->loadObjectList();
     $feed = $this->getRSSFeed();
     FabrikViewHome::show($feed, $logs);
Beispiel #2
  * Append the form javascript into the document head
  * @param   int $listId table id
  * @return  void|boolean
 protected function _addJavascript($listId)
     $pluginManager = FabrikWorker::getPluginManager();
     /** @var FabrikFEModelForm $model */
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $aLoadedElementPlugins = array();
     $jsActions = array();
     $bKey = $model->jsKey();
     $srcs = FabrikHelperHTML::framework();
     $shim = array();
     if (!defined('_JOS_FABRIK_FORMJS_INCLUDED')) {
         define('_JOS_FABRIK_FORMJS_INCLUDED', 1);
         $dep = new stdClass();
         $dep->deps = array('fab/element', 'lib/form_placeholder/Form.Placeholder', 'fab/encoder');
         $shim['fabrik/form'] = $dep;
         $deps = new stdClass();
         $deps->deps = array('fab/fabrik', 'fab/element', 'fab/form-submit');
         $framework['fab/elementlist'] = $deps;
         $srcs[] = 'media/com_fabrik/js/lib/form_placeholder/Form.Placeholder.js';
         FabrikHelperHTML::addToFrameWork($srcs, 'media/com_fabrik/js/form');
         FabrikHelperHTML::addToFrameWork($srcs, 'media/com_fabrik/js/form-submit');
         FabrikHelperHTML::addToFrameWork($srcs, 'media/com_fabrik/js/element');
     $aWYSIWYGNames = array();
     // $$$ hugh - yet another one where if we =, the $groups array pointer get buggered up and it
     // skips a group
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $res = $elementModel->useEditor();
             if ($res !== false && $elementModel->canUse() && $model->isEditable()) {
                 $aWYSIWYGNames[] = $res;
             // Load in once the element js class files
             $element = $elementModel->getElement();
             if (!in_array($element->plugin, $aLoadedElementPlugins)) {
                 /* $$$ hugh - certain elements, like file-upload, need to load different JS files
                  * on a per-element basis, so as a test fix, I modified the file-upload's formJavaScriptClass to return false,
                  * and test for that here, so as to not add it to aLoadedElementPlugins[].  The existing 'static' tests in
                  * formJavascriptClass() should still prevent scripts being added twice.
                 if ($elementModel->formJavascriptClass($srcs, '', $shim) !== false) {
                     $aLoadedElementPlugins[] = $element->plugin;
             $eventMax = $groupModel->repeatTotal == 0 ? 1 : $groupModel->repeatTotal;
             for ($c = 0; $c < $eventMax; $c++) {
                 $jsAct = $elementModel->getFormattedJSActions($bKey, $c);
                 if (!empty($jsAct)) {
                     $jsActions[] = $jsAct;
     $actions = trim(implode("\n", $jsActions));
     FabrikHelperHTML::tips('.hasTip', array(), "\$('{$bKey}')");
     $opts = $this->jsOpts();
     $model->jsOpts = $opts;
     $pluginManager->runPlugins('onJSOpts', $model);
     $opts = json_encode($model->jsOpts);
     if (!FabrikHelperHTML::inAjaxLoadedPage()) {
     // $$$ rob don't declare as var $bKey, but rather assign to window, as if loaded via ajax window the function is wrapped
     // inside an anonymous function, and therefore $bKey wont be available as a global var in window
     $script = array();
     $script[] = "\t\tvar {$bKey} = Fabrik.form('{$bKey}', " . $model->getId() . ", {$opts});";
     // Instantiate js objects for each element
     $vstr = "\n";
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     $script[] = "\tFabrik.blocks['{$bKey}'].addElements(";
     $groupedJs = new stdClass();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $groupId = $groupModel->getGroup()->id;
         $groupedJs->{$groupId} = array();
         if (!$groupModel->canView('form')) {
         $elementJs = array();
         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         // $$$ rob if repeatTotal is 0 we still want to add the js objects as the els are only hidden
         $max = $groupModel->repeatTotal > 0 ? $groupModel->repeatTotal : 1;
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $element = $elementModel->getElement();
             if ($element->published == 0) {
             // If the view is a form then we should always add the js as long as the element is editable or viewable
             // if the view is details then we should only add the js if the element is viewable.
             if ($elementModel->canUse() && $model->isEditable() || $elementModel->canView()) {
                 for ($c = 0; $c < $max; $c++) {
                     $ref = $elementModel->elementJavascript($c);
                     if (!empty($ref)) {
                         $elementJs[] = $ref;
                     $validations = $elementModel->validator->findAll();
                     if (!empty($validations) && $elementModel->isEditable()) {
                         $watchElements = $elementModel->getValidationWatchElements($c);
                         foreach ($watchElements as $watchElement) {
                             $vstr .= "\tFabrik.blocks['{$bKey}'].watchValidation('" . $watchElement['id'] . "', '" . $watchElement['triggerEvent'] . "');\n";
         $groupedJs->{$groupId} = $elementJs;
     $script[] = json_encode($groupedJs);
     $script[] = "\t);";
     $script[] = $actions;
     $script[] = $vstr;
     // Placeholder
     $script[] = "\tnew Form.Placeholder('.fabrikForm input');";
     $this->_addJavascriptSumbit($script, $listId, $aWYSIWYGNames);
     if (FabrikHelperHTML::inAjaxLoadedPage()) {
         $tipOpts = FabrikHelperHTML::tipOpts();
         $script[] = "new FloatingTips('#" . $bKey . " .fabrikTip', " . json_encode($tipOpts) . ");";
     $res = $pluginManager->runPlugins('onJSReady', $model);
     if (in_array(false, $res)) {
         return false;
     $str = implode("\n", $script);
     $pluginManager->runPlugins('onAfterJSLoad', $model);
     // 3.1 call form js plugin code within main require method
     $srcs = array_merge($srcs, $model->formPluginShim);
     $str .= $model->formPluginJS;
     FabrikHelperHTML::script($srcs, $str);
Beispiel #3
     * Display the form to add or edit a cronjob
     * @param object cronjob
     * @param object parameters from attributes
     * @param array lists
     * @param object pluginmanager
    function edit($row, $params, $lists, &$pluginManager)
        JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1);
        FabrikHelperHTML::script('namespace.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
        FabrikHelperHTML::script('admincron.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
        $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
        FabrikHelperHTML::addScriptDeclaration("\n\t\t\twindow.addEvent('domready', function(e) {\n\t\t\t\tnew adminCron({'sel':'" . $row->plugin . "'});\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\tfunction submitbutton(pressbutton) {\n\t\t\t\tvar form = document.adminForm;\n\t\t\t\tif (pressbutton == 'cancel') {\n\t\t\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t/* do field validation */\n\t\t\t\tif (form.label.value == '') {\n\t\t\t\t\talert( '" . JText::_('PLEASE ENTER A LABEL', true) . "');\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t");
		<form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
		<div class="col100">
			<fieldset class="adminform">
        echo JText::_('DETAILS');
			<table class="admintable">

					<td class="key"><label for="label"><?php 
        echo JText::_('LABEL');
					<td><input class="inputbox" type="text" id="label" name="label" size="75" value="<?php 
        echo $row->label;
" /></td>

					<td class="key"><label for="frequency"><?php 
        echo JText::_('EVERY');
					<td><input class="inputbox" type="text" id="frequency" name="frequency" size="4" value="<?php 
        echo $row->frequency;
" /></td>

					<td class="key"><label for="unit"><?php 
        echo JText::_('UNIT');
        echo $lists['unit'];

					<td class="key"><label for="lastrun"><?php 
        echo JText::_('STARTING FROM');
        echo JHTML::calendar($row->lastrun, 'lastrun', 'lastrun', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', array('size' => 23));

					<td class="key"><label for="state"><?php 
        echo JText::_('PUBLISHED');
					<input type="checkbox" id="state" name="state" value="1" <?php 
        echo $row->state ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
					<td colspan="2">
        echo stripslashes($params->render());
					<td class="key">
						<label for=""><?php 
        echo JText::_('PLUGIN');
        echo $lists['plugins'];
        foreach ($pluginManager->_plugIns['cron'] as $oPlugin) {
					<td colspan="2">
				<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_fabrik" />
				<input type="hidden" name="c" value="cron" />
				<input type="hidden" name="task" />
				<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $row->id;
" />
        echo JHTML::_('form.token');
        echo JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive');
Beispiel #4
  * display the template
  * @param sting $tpl
 function display($tpl = null)
     if ($this->getLayout() == '_advancedsearch') {
     global $_PROFILER;
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     require_once COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'views' . DS . 'modifiers.php';
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $model =& $this->getModel();
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     //this gets the component settings
     $table =& $model->getTable();
     //$model->getPostMethod(); $$$ rob dont think we need it here?
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $data =& $model->getData();
     //add in some styling short cuts
     $c = 0;
     $form =& $model->getForm();
     $nav =& $model->getPagination();
     foreach ($data as $groupk => $group) {
         $last_pk = '';
         $last_i = 0;
         $num_rows = 1;
         foreach (array_keys($group) as $i) {
             $o = new stdClass();
             // $$$ rob moved merge wip code to FabrikModelTable::formatForJoins() - should contain fix for pagination
             $o->data = $data[$groupk][$i];
             $o->cursor = $num_rows + $nav->limitstart;
             $o->total = $nav->total;
             $o->id = "table_" . $table->id . "_row_" . @$o->data->__pk_val;
             $o->class = "fabrik_row oddRow" . $c;
             $data[$groupk][$i] = $o;
             $c = 1 - $c;
     $groups =& $form->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $elementModels =& $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $elementModel->setContext($groupModel, $form, $model);
             $col = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
             $col .= "_raw";
             $rowclass = $elementModel->getParams()->get('use_as_row_class');
             if ($rowclass == 1) {
                 foreach ($data as $groupk => $group) {
                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($group); $i++) {
                         $c = preg_replace('/[^A-Z|a-z|0-9]/', '-', $data[$groupk][$i]->data->{$col});
                         // $$$ rob 24/02/2011 can't have numeric class names so prefix with element name
                         if (is_numeric($c)) {
                             $c = $elementModel->getElement()->name . $c;
                         $data[$groupk][$i]->class .= " " . $c;
     $this->rows =& $data;
     $firstRow = current($this->rows);
     //cant use numeric key '0' as group by uses groupd name as key
     $this->assign('requiredFiltersFound', $this->get('RequiredFiltersFound'));
     $this->nodata = empty($this->rows) || count($this->rows) == 1 && empty($firstRow) || !$this->requiredFiltersFound ? true : false;
     $this->tableStyle = $this->nodata ? 'display:none' : '';
     $this->emptyStyle = $this->nodata ? '' : 'display:none';
     $params =& $model->getParams();
     if (!$model->canPublish()) {
         echo JText::_('SORRY THIS TABLE IS NOT PUBLISHED');
         return false;
     if (!$model->canView()) {
         echo JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH');
         return false;
     if (!class_exists('JSite')) {
         require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'application.php';
     $menus =& JSite::getMenu();
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     // because the application sets a default page title, we need to get it
     // right from the menu item itself
     //if there is a menu item available AND the form is not rendered in a content plugin or module
     if (is_object($menu) && !$this->_isMambot) {
         $menu_params = new JParameter($menu->params);
         if (!$menu_params->get('page_title') || $menu_params->get('show_page_title') == 0) {
             $params->set('page_title', '');
             $params->set('show_page_title', 0);
         } else {
             $params->set('page_title', $menu_params->get('page_title'));
             $params->set('show_page_title', $menu_params->get('show_page_title', 0));
     } else {
         $params->set('show_page_title', JRequest::getInt('show_page_title', 0));
         $params->set('page_title', JRequest::getVar('title', ''));
         $params->set('show-title', JRequest::getInt('show-title', 1));
     if (!$this->_isMambot) {
         $document->setTitle($w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('page_title'), $_REQUEST));
     $this->table = new stdClass();
     $this->table->label = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($table->label, $_REQUEST);
     $this->table->intro = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($table->introduction);
     $this->table->id = $table->id;
     $this->table->db_table_name = $table->db_table_name;
     $this->group_by = $table->group_by;
     $this->form = new stdClass();
     $this->form->id = $table->form_id;
     $this->formid = 'tableform_' . $table->id;
     $form =& $model->getForm();
     FabrikHelperHTML::tips('.hasTip', array(), "\$('" . $this->formid . "')");
     $this->table->action = $this->get('TableAction');
     $this->showCSV = $model->canCSVExport();
     $this->showCSVImport = $model->canCSVImport();
     $this->assignRef('navigation', $nav);
     $this->nav = JRequest::getInt('fabrik_show_nav', $params->get('show-table-nav', 1)) ? $nav->getListFooter($model->_id, $this->getTmpl()) : '';
     $this->nav = '<div class="fabrikNav">' . $this->nav . '</div>';
     $this->fabrik_userid = $user->get('id');
     $this->canDelete = $model->deletePossible() ? true : false;
     $jsdelete = "oPackage.submitfabrikTable({$table->id}, 'delete')";
     $this->deleteButton = $model->deletePossible() ? "<input class=\"button\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"{$jsdelete}\" value=\"" . JText::_('DELETE') . "\" name=\"delete\"/>" : '';
     $this->showPDF = $params->get('pdf', 0);
     if ($this->showPDF) {
         $this->pdfLink = FabrikHelperHTML::pdfIcon($model, $params);
     $this->emptyButton = $model->canEmpty() ? "<input class=\"button\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . JText::_('EMPTY') . "\" name=\"doempty\"/>" : "";
     $this->csvImportLink = $this->showCSVImport ? JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_fabrik&c=import&view=import&filetype=csv&tableid=" . $table->id) : '';
     $this->showAdd = $model->canAdd();
     if ($this->showAdd) {
         if ($params->get('show-table-add', 1)) {
             $this->assign('addRecordLink', $this->get('AddRecordLink'));
             $this->assign('addRecordLabel', $this->get('AddRecordLabel'));
         } else {
             $this->showAdd = false;
     $this->assign('addRecordId', "table_" . $model->_id . "_addRecord");
     $this->showRSS = $params->get('rss', 0) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
     if ($this->showRSS) {
         $this->rssLink = $model->getRSSFeedLink();
         if ($this->rssLink != '') {
             $attribs = array('type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => 'RSS 2.0');
             $document->addHeadLink($this->rssLink, 'alternate', 'rel', $attribs);
     list($this->headings, $groupHeadings, $this->headingClass, $this->cellClass) = $this->get('Headings');
     $this->filter_action = $model->getFilterAction();
     JDEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('fabrik getfilters start') : null;
     $this->filters =& $model->getFilters('tableform_' . $model->_id, 'table');
     $this->assign('clearFliterLink', $this->get('clearButton'));
     JDEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('fabrik getfilters end') : null;
     $this->assign('showFilters', count($this->filters) > 0 && $params->get('show-table-filters', 1) && JRequest::getVar('showfilters', 1) == 1 ? 1 : 0);
     $this->assign('emptyDataMessage', $this->get('EmptyDataMsg'));
     $this->assignRef('groupheadings', $groupHeadings);
     $this->assignRef('calculations', $this->_getCalculations($this->headings));
     $this->assign('isGrouped', $table->group_by);
     $this->assign('colCount', count($this->headings));
     $this->assignRef('grouptemplates', $model->grouptemplates);
     $this->assignRef('params', $params);
     // get dropdown list of other tables for quick nav in admin
     $this->tablePicker = $app->isAdmin() ? FabrikHelperHTML::tableList($this->table->id) : '';
     $this->pluginButtons = $model->getPluginButtons();
     //force front end templates
     $this->_basePath = COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'views';
     $tmpl = $this->getTmpl();
     $this->_setPath('template', $this->_basePath . DS . $this->_name . DS . 'tmpl' . DS . $tmpl);
     // kludge for convincing J! to look for the right files in loadTemplate()
     $text = $this->loadTemplate();
     if ($params->get('process-jplugins')) {
         $opt = JRequest::getVar('option');
         JRequest::setVar('option', 'com_content');
         $text .= '{emailcloak=off}';
         $text = JHTML::_('content.prepare', $text);
         $text = preg_replace('/\\{emailcloak\\=off\\}/', '', $text);
         JRequest::setVar('option', $opt);
     JDEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('end fabrik display') : null;
     // $$$ rob 09/06/2011 no need for isMambot test? should use ob_start() in module / plugin to capture the output
     echo $text;
Beispiel #5
     * Display the form to add or edit a table
     * @param object table
     * @param array the drop down lists used on the form
     * @param array connection tables
     * @param object menus
     * @param string compoent action
     * @param int form id that the table links to?
     * @param object parameters
     * @param object plugin mangager
     * @param object table model
    function edit($row, $lists, $connectionTables, $menus, $fabrikid, $params, $pluginManager, $model, $form)
        JHTML::stylesheet('fabrikadmin.css', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/');
        JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1);
        $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
        FabrikHelperHTML::script('namespace.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
        FabrikHelperHTML::script('pluginmanager.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
        FabrikHelperHTML::script('admintable.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
        //just until joomla uses mootools 1.2
        require_once COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'editor.php';
        $editor =& FabrikHelperHTML::getEditor();
        $pane =& JPane::getInstance();
        $fbConfig =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_fabrik');
        $opts = new stdClass();
        $opts->mooversion = FabrikWorker::getMooVersion() == 1 ? 1.2 : 1.1;
        $opts = FastJSON::encode($opts);
        $lang = new stdClass();
        $lang->action = JText::_('ACTION');
        $lang->do = JText::_('DO');
        $lang->del = JText::_('DELETE');
        $lang->in = JText::_('IN');
        $lang->on = JText::_('ON');
        $lang->options = JText::_('OPTIONS');
        $lang->please_select = JText::_('COM_FABRIK_PLEASE_SELECT');
        $lang = FastJSON::encode($lang);
        $js = "window.addEvent('domready', function() {\n  \t\tvar aPlugins = [];\n";
        $js .= $pluginManager->getAdminPluginJs('table', $row, $lists);
        $js .= "controller = new TablePluginManager(aPlugins, {$lang}, {$opts});\n";
        $usedPlugins = $params->get('plugin', '', '_default', 'array');
        $js .= $pluginManager->getAdminSelectedPluginJS('table', $row, $lists, $params);
        $js .= "});\n";
        $js .= "var connectiontables = new Array;\n";
        $i = 0;
        if (is_array($connectionTables)) {
            foreach ($connectionTables as $k => $items) {
                foreach ($items as $v) {
                    $js .= "connectiontables[" . $i++ . "] = new Array('{$k}','" . addslashes($v->value) . "','" . addslashes($v->text) . "');\n\t\t";
        $js .= "\n\t\t\tfunction submitbutton(pressbutton) {\n\t\t\t\tif (pressbutton == 'cancel') {\n\t\t\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tvar err = '';";
        $js .= $editor->save('introduction');
        $js .= "if(\$('label').value == '') {\n\t\t\t\t\terr = err +'" . JText::_('PLEASE ENTER A TABLE LABEL', true) . '\\n' . "';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif(\$('database_name')) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif(\$('database_name').value == '') {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(\$('connection_id')) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(\$('connection_id').value == '-1') {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terr = err +'" . JText::_('PLEASE SELECT A CONNECTION', true) . '\\n' . "';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(\$('tablename')) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(\$('tablename').value == '' || \$('tablename').value == '-1') {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terr = err + '" . JText::_('PLEASE SELECT A DATABASE TABLE', true) . '\\n' . "';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (err == '') {\n\t\t\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t\talert (err);\n\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tvar joinCounter = 0;";
<form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
<table style="width: 100%">
		<td style="width: 50%" valign="top">
		<fieldset class="adminform"><legend><?php 
        echo JText::_('DETAILS');
		<table class="admintable">
				<td class="key"><label for="label"><?php 
        echo JText::_('LABEL');
				<td><input class="inputbox" type="text" id="label" name="label"
					size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->label;
" /></td>
				<td class="key"><?php 
        echo JText::_('INTRODUCTION');
        echo $editor->display('introduction', $row->introduction, '100%', '200', '45', '25', false);

        echo JText::_('FILTERS');
			<table class="admintable">
					<td class="key"><?php 
        echo JText::_('FILTER TRIGGER');
        echo $lists['filter_action'];
        echo $form->render('params', 'filters');

        echo JText::_('NAVIGATION');
			<table class="admintable">
				<td class="key"><label for="rows_per_page"><?php 
        echo JText::_('ROWS PER PAGE');
				<td><input type="text" name="rows_per_page" id="rows_per_page"
        echo $row->rows_per_page != '' ? $row->rows_per_page : 10;
					size="3" /></td>
        echo $form->render('params', 'navigation');

        echo JText::_('LAYOUT');
			<table class="admintable">
				<td class="key"><?php 
        echo JText::_('TEMPLATE');
        echo $form->render('params', 'layout');

        echo JText::_('COM_FABRIK_DETAIL_LINKS');
        echo $form->render('params', 'detaillinks');

        echo JText::_('COM_FABRIK_EDIT_LINKS');
        echo $form->render('params', 'editlinks');

        echo JText::_('COM_FABRIK_ADD_LINK');
        echo $form->render('params', 'addlink');

        echo JText::_('Notes');
</legend> <?php 
        echo $form->render('params', 'notes');

        echo JText::_('Advanced');
</legend> <?php 
        echo $form->render('params', 'advanced');
        if ($fbConfig->get('use_wip')) {
            echo JText::_('WORK IN PROGRESS');
</legend> <?php 
            echo $form->render('params', 'wip');

		<td valign="top"><?php 
        echo $pane->startPane("content-pane");
        echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_('PUBLISHING'), "publish-page");
        echo $form->render('details');
        echo JText::_('RSS OPTIONS');
</legend> <?php 
        echo $form->render('params', 'rss');
        echo JText::_('CSV OPTIONS');
</legend> <?php 
        echo $form->render('params', 'csv');
        echo JText::_('SEARCH');
</legend> <?php 
        echo $form->render('params', 'search');
        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_('ACCESS'), "access-page");
        echo JText::_('ACCESS');
</legend> <?php 
        echo $form->render('params', 'access');
        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_('DATA'), "tabledata-page");
        echo JText::_('DATA');
		<table class="admintable">
				<td class="key"><?php 
        echo JText::_('CONNECTION');
        echo $lists['connections'];
        if ($row->id == 0) {
				<td class="key"><?php 
            echo JText::_('CREATE NEW TABLE');
				<td><input id="database_name" name="_database_name" size="40" /></td>
				<td colspan="2"><?php 
            echo JText::_('OR');

				<td class="key"><?php 
        echo JText::_('LINK TO TABLE');
        echo $lists['tablename'];
        if ($row->id != '') {
				<td class="key"><label for="db_primary_key"> <?php 
            echo JHTML::_('tooltip', JText::_("PRIMARY KEY DESC"), JText::_('PRIMARY KEY'), 'tooltip.png', JText::_('PRIMARY KEY'));
            echo $lists['db_primary_key'];
				<td class="key"><?php 
            echo JText::_('AUTO INCREMENT');
					<input type="radio" name="auto_inc" value="0" <?php 
            echo $row->auto_inc ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
            echo JText::_('No');
					<input type="radio" name="auto_inc" value="1" <?php 
            echo $row->auto_inc ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            echo JText::_('YES');
				<td class="key"><label for="order_by"><?php 
        echo JText::_('ORDER BY');
				<td id="orderByTd"><?php 
        for ($o = 0; $o < count($lists['order_by']); $o++) {
				<div class="orderby_container" style="margin-bottom:3px">
            echo $lists['order_by'][$o];
            if ($row->id !== 0) {
                echo JArrayHelper::getValue($lists['order_dir'], $o, $lists['order_dir'][0]);
					<a class="addOrder" href="#"><img src="components/com_fabrik/images/add.png" label="<?php 
                echo JText::_('ADD');
" alt="<?php 
                echo JText::_('ADD');
" /></a>
					<a class="deleteOrder" href="#"><img src="components/com_fabrik/images/remove.png" label="<?php 
                echo JText::_('REMOVE');
" alt="<?php 
                echo JText::_('REMOVE');
" /></a>

        echo JText::_('GROUP BY');
		<table class="admintable">
				<td class="key"><label for="group_by"><?php 
        echo JText::_('GROUP BY');
				<td id="groupByTd"><?php 
        echo $lists['group_by'];
        echo $form->render('params', 'grouping');

        echo JHTML::_('tooltip', JText::_('PREFILTER DESC'), JText::_('PREFILTER'), 'tooltip.png', JText::_('PREFILTER'));
		<a class="addButton" href="#"
			onclick="oAdminFilters.addFilterOption(); return false;"><?php 
        echo JText::_('ADD');
        echo $form->render('params', 'prefilter');
		<table class="adminform" width="100%">
			<tbody id="filterContainer">

		<fieldset><legend> <?php 
        echo JHTML::_('tooltip', JText::_('JOIN DESC'), JText::_('JOINS'), 'tooltip.png', JText::_('JOINS'));
		</legend> <?php 
        if ($row->id != 0) {
 <a href="#" id="addAJoin"
            echo JText::_('ADD');
		<div id="joindtd"></div>
            echo $form->render('params', 'joins');
        } else {
            echo JText::_('Available once saved');
		<fieldset><legend> <?php 
        echo JHTML::_('tooltip', JText::_('RELATED DATA DESC'), JText::_('RELATED DATA'), 'tooltip.png', JText::_('RELATED DATA'));
		</legend> <?php 
        if (empty($lists['linkedtables'])) {
            echo "<i>" . JText::_('No other tables link here') . "</i>";
        } else {
				<table class="adminlist linkedTables">
            echo JText::_('TABLE');
            echo JText::_('LINK TO TABLE');
            echo JText::_('HEADING');
            echo JText::_('BUTTON_TEXT');
            echo JText::_('POPUP');
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($lists['linkedtables'] as $linkedTable) {
			<tr class="row<?php 
                echo $i % 2;
				<td class="handle"></td>
                echo JHTML::_('tooltip', $linkedTable[1], $linkedTable[0], 'tooltip.png', $linkedTable[0]);
                echo $linkedTable[2];
                echo $linkedTable[3];
                echo $linkedTable[5];
                echo $linkedTable[4];
		<table class="adminlist linkedForms" style="margin-toip:20px">
            echo JText::_('TABLE');
            echo JText::_('LINK TO FORM');
            echo JText::_('HEADING');
            echo JText::_('BUTTON_TEXT');
            echo JText::_('POPUP');
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($lists['linkedforms'] as $linkedForm) {
			<tr class="row<?php 
                echo $i % 2;
				<td class="handle"></td>
                echo JHTML::_('tooltip', $linkedForm['formhover'], $linkedForm[0], 'tooltip.png', $linkedForm[0]);
                echo $linkedForm[1];
                echo $linkedForm[2];
                echo $linkedForm[4];
                echo $linkedForm[3];

        echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_('PLUGINS'), "plugins-page");
		<div id="plugins"></div>
		<a href="#" id="addPlugin" class="addButton"><?php 
        echo JText::_('ADD');

        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->endPane();
	<input type="hidden" name="params[isview]" value="<?php 
        echo $params->get('isview', -1);
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_fabrik" />
	<input type="hidden" name="task" value="saveTable" />
	<input type="hidden" name="c" value="table" />
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $row->id;
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="fabrikid" value="<?php 
        echo $fabrikid;
" />
        echo JHTML::_('form.token');
        echo JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive');

        //$joinTypeOpts = "[['inner', '" . JText::_('INNER JOIN') ."'], ['left', '" . JText::_('LEFT JOIN') ."'], ['right', '" . JText::_('RIGHT JOIN') ."']]";
        $joinTypeOpts = array();
        $joinTypeOpts[] = array('inner', JText::_('INNER JOIN'));
        $joinTypeOpts[] = array('left', JText::_('LEFT JOIN'));
        $joinTypeOpts[] = array('right', JText::_('RIGHT JOIN'));
        $activetableOpts[] = "";
        $activetableOpts[] = $row->db_table_name;
        if (array_key_exists('joins', $lists)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($lists['joins']); $i++) {
                $j = $lists['joins'][$i];
                $activetableOpts[] = $j->table_join;
                $activetableOpts[] = $j->join_from_table;
        $activetableOpts = array_unique($activetableOpts);
        $activetableOpts = array_values($activetableOpts);
        $joinLang = new stdClass();
        $joinLang->joinType = JText::_('JOIN TYPE');
        $joinLang->joinFromTable = JText::_('FROM');
        $joinLang->joinToTable = JText::_('TO');
        $joinLang->thisTablesIdCol = JText::_('FROM COLUMN');
        $joinLang->joinTablesIdCol = JText::_('TO COLUMN');
        $joinLang->del = JText::_('DELETE');
        $joinLang = FastJSON::encode($joinLang);
        $opts = new stdClass();
        $opts->joinOpts = $joinTypeOpts;
        $opts->tableOpts = $lists['defaultJoinTables'];
        $opts->activetableOpts = $activetableOpts;
        $opts = FastJSON::encode($opts);
        $filterOpts = new stdClass();
        $filterOpts->filterJoinDd = $model->getFilterJoinDd(false, 'params[filter-join][]');
        $filterOpts->filterCondDd = $model->getFilterConditionDd(false, 'params[filter-conditions][]', 2);
        //$filterOpts->filterAccess = addslashes(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $lists['filter-access']));
        $filterOpts->filterAccess = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $lists['filter-access']);
        $filterOpts = FastJSON::encode($filterOpts);
        $applyFilterText = defined('_JACL') ? 'APPLY FILTER TO' : 'APPLY FILTER BENEATH';
        $filterLang = new stdClass();
        $filterLang->join = JText::_('JOIN');
        $filterLang->field = JText::_('FIELD');
        $filterLang->condition = JText::_('CONDITION');
        $filterLang->value = JText::_('VALUE');
        $filterLang->eval = JText::_('EVAL');
        $filterLang->applyFilterTo = JText::_($applyFilterText);
        $filterLang->del = JText::_('DELETE');
        $filterLang->yes = JText::_('YES');
        $filterLang->no = JText::_('NO');
        $filterLang->query = JText::_('QUERY');
        $filterLang->noquotes = JTEXT::_('NOQUOTES');
        $filterLang->text = JText::_('TEXT');
        $filterLang->type = JText::_('TYPE');
        $filterLang->please_select = JText::_('COM_FABRIK_PLEASE_SELECT');
        $filterLang->grouped = JText::_('GROUPED');
        $filterLang = FastJSON::encode($filterLang);
        $script = "window.addEvent('domready', function() {\n\toAdminTable = new tableForm({$opts}, {$joinLang});\n\toAdminTable.watchJoins();\n";
        if (array_key_exists('joins', $lists)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($lists['joins']); $i++) {
                $j = $lists['joins'][$i];
                $joinFormFields = FastJSON::encode($j->joinFormFields);
                $joinToFields = FastJSON::encode($j->joinToFields);
                $script .= "\toAdminTable.addJoin('{$j->group_id}','{$j->id}','{$j->join_type}','{$j->table_join}',";
                $script .= "'{$j->table_key}','{$j->table_join_key}','{$j->join_from_table}', {$joinFormFields}, {$joinToFields});\n";
        $filterfields = addslashes(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $lists['filter-fields']));
        $script .= "\toAdminFilters = new adminFilters('filterContainer', '{$filterfields}', {$filterOpts}, {$filterLang});\n";
        $afilterJoins = $params->get('filter-join', '', '_default', 'array');
        $afilterFields = $params->get('filter-fields', '', '_default', 'array');
        $afilterConditions = $params->get('filter-conditions', '', '_default', 'array');
        $afilterEval = $params->get('filter-eval', '', '_default', 'array');
        $afilterValues = $params->get('filter-value', '', '_default', 'array');
        $afilterAccess = $params->get('filter-access', '', '_default', 'array');
        $aGrouped = $params->get('filter-grouped', '', '_default', 'array');
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($afilterFields); $i++) {
            $selJoin = JArrayHelper::getValue($afilterJoins, $i, 'and');
            $selFilter = $afilterFields[$i];
            $grouped = $aGrouped[$i];
            $selCondition = $afilterConditions[$i];
            $filerEval = JArrayHelper::getValue($afilterEval, $i, '1');
            if ($selCondition == '&gt;') {
                $selCondition = '>';
            if ($selCondition == '&lt;') {
                $selCondition = '<';
            $selValue = JArrayHelper::getValue($afilterValues, $i, '');
            $selAccess = $afilterAccess[$i];
            //alow for multiline js variables ?
            $selValue = htmlspecialchars_decode($selValue, ENT_QUOTES);
            $selValue = FastJSON::encode($selValue);
            if ($selFilter != '') {
                $script .= "\toAdminFilters.addFilterOption('{$selJoin}', '{$selFilter}', '{$selCondition}', {$selValue}, '{$selAccess}', '{$filerEval}', '{$grouped}');\n";
        $script .= "\n});";
        $session =& JFactory::getSession();
Beispiel #6
     * Display the form to add or edit a Visualization
     * @param object Visualization
     * @param object parameters from attributes
     * @param array lists
     * @param object menus
     * @param object pluginmanager
     * @param object form - used to render xml form cdoe
    function edit(&$row, &$params, &$lists, &$menus, &$pluginManager, &$form)
        JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1);
        $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
        $pane = JPane::getInstance();
        $editor = JFactory::getEditor();
        $js = "head.ready(function() {\n\t\tnew adminVisualization({'sel':'" . $row->plugin . "'});\n\t});";
        $js .= "\n\t\tfunction submitbutton(pressbutton) {\n\t\t\tvar form = document.adminForm;\n\t\t\tif (pressbutton == 'cancel') {\n\t\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// do field validation\n\t\t\tif (\$('plugin').getValue() == '') {\n\t\t\t\talert('" . JText::_('YOU MUST SELECT A PLUGIN.', true) . "');\n\t\t\t} else if (\$('label').getValue()  == '') {\n\t\t\t\talert('" . JText::_('PLEASE ENTER A LABEL', true) . "');\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}";
		<form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
			<table style="width:100%;">
	 			<td  valign="top" style="width:50%;">
	 			<fieldset class="adminform">
        echo JText::_('DETAILS');
	 				<table class="admintable">
							<td class="key" width="30%"><label for="label"><?php 
        echo JText::_('LABEL');
							<td width="70%">
								<input class="inputbox" type="text" name="label" id="label"" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->label;
" />
						<td class="key">
							<label for="intro_text">
        echo JText::_('INTRO TEXT');
        echo $editor->display('intro_text', $row->intro_text, '100%', '200', '50', '5', false);
							<td class="key">
								<label for=""><?php 
        echo JText::_('PLUGIN');
        echo $lists['plugins'];
        foreach ($pluginManager->_plugIns['visualization'] as $oPlugin) {
								<td colspan="2">
	 			<td valign="top">
        echo $pane->startPane("content-pane");
        echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_('PUBLISHING'), "publish-page");
        echo $form->render('details');
        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->endPane();
	 		<input type="hidden" name="task" value="">
			<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_fabrik" />
			<input type="hidden" name="c" value="visualization" />
			<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $row->id;
" />
        echo JHTML::_('form.token');
        echo JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive');
Beispiel #7
     * Display the form to add or edit an form
     * @param object form table
     * @param object plugin manager
     * @param array lists
     * @param object parameters from attributes
     * @param object form - used to render xml form cdoe
    function edit($row, $pluginManager, $lists, $params, &$form)
        JHTML::stylesheet('fabrikadmin.css', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/');
        JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1);
        $pane =& JPane::getInstance();
        $editor =& JFactory::getEditor();
        $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
        FabrikHelperHTML::script('namespace.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
        FabrikHelperHTML::script('pluginmanager.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
        FabrikHelperHTML::script('adminform.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
        $lang = new stdClass();
        $lang->action = JText::_('ACTION');
        $lang->do = JText::_('DO');
        $lang->del = JText::_('DELETE');
        $lang->in = JText::_('IN');
        $lang->on = JText::_('ON');
        $lang->options = JText::_('OPTIONS');
        $lang->please_select = JText::_('COM_FABRIK_PLEASE_SELECT');
        $lang->front_end = JText::_('FRONT END');
        $lang->back_end = JText::_('BACK END');
        $lang->both = JText::_('BOTH');
        $lang->new = JText::_('NEW');
        $lang->edit = JText::_('EDIT');
        $lang = FastJSON::encode($lang);
        $js = "\n  window.addEvent('load', function() {\n  \tvar lang = {$lang};\n";
        $js .= $pluginManager->getAdminPluginJs('form', $row, $lists);
        $js .= "controller = new fabrikAdminForm(aPlugins, lang);\n";
        $js .= $pluginManager->getAdminSelectedPluginJS('form', $row, $lists, $params);
        $js .= "\n});\n\nfunction submitbutton(pressbutton) {\n\n\tvar form = document.adminForm;" . $editor->save('intro') . "\n\tif (pressbutton == 'cancel') {\n\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/* do field validation */\n\tvar err = '';\n\n\tif (form.label.value == '') {\n\t\terr = err + '" . JText::_('PLEASE ENTER A FORM LABEL', true) . '\\n' . "';\n\t}\n\n\tif(form.record_in_database.checked == true && form._database_name.value == '') {\n\t\terr = err + '" . JText::_('PLEASE ENTER A DATABASE TABLE NAME', true) . "';\n\t}\n\tif (err == '') {\n\t\t/* assemble the form groups back into one field */\n\t\tmergeFormGroups()\n\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t}else{\n\t\talert (err);\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction mergeFormGroups() {\n\t/* assemble the form groups back into one field */\n\tvar tmp = [];\n\tif(\$('current_groups')) {\n\t\tvar opts = \$('current_groups').options;\n\t\tfor (var i=0, n=opts.length; i < n; i++) {\n\t\t\ttmp.push(opts[i].value);\n\t\t}\n\t\t\$('current_groups_str').value = tmp.join(',');\n\t}\n}\n";
		<form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
		 	<table style="width:100%;">
	 			<td style="width:50%;" valign="top">
	 			<fieldset class="adminform">
        echo JText::_('DETAILS');
					<table class="admintable">
							<td class="key" width="30%">
        echo JHTML::_('tooltip', JText::_('FROM LABEL DESC'), JText::_('LABEL'), 'tooltip.png', JText::_('LABEL'));
							<td width="70%">
								<input class="inputbox" type="text" name="label" id="label" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->label;
" />
							<td class="key"><?php 
        echo JText::_('INTRODUCTION');
        echo $editor->display('intro', $row->intro, '100%', '200', '50', '5', false);
							<td class="key">
								<label for="error">
        echo JHTML::_('tooltip', JText::_('FROM ERROR MESSAGE DESC'), JText::_('ERROR MESSAGE'), 'tooltip.png', JText::_('ERROR MESSAGE', true));
								<input class="inputbox" type="text" name="error" id="error" size="50" value="<?php 
        echo $row->error;
" />
				<fieldset class="adminform">
        echo JText::_('BUTTONS');
        echo $form->render('params', 'buttons');
						<table class="admintable">
							<td class="key">
								<label for="submit_button_label">
        echo JText::_('SUBMIT LABEL');
								<input type="text" class="inputbox" id="submit_button_label" name="submit_button_label" value="<?php 
        echo $row->submit_button_label;
" />
				<fieldset class="adminform">
        echo JText::_('FORM PROCESSING');
					<table class="admintable">
							<td class="key">
							<label for="record_in_database">
        echo JText::_('RECORD IN DATABASE');
							<input type="checkbox" id="record_in_database" name="record_in_database" value="1" <?php 
        if ($row->record_in_database == '1') {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
							<td class="key">
							<label for="database_name">
        echo JText::_('TABLE NAME');
        if ($row->record_in_database != '1') {
								<input id="database_name" name="_database_name" value="" size="40" />
        } else {
            echo $row->_database_name;
									<input type="hidden" id="database_name" name="_database_name" value="<?php 
            echo $row->_database_name;
"  />
									<input type="hidden" id="_connection_id" name="_connection_id" value="<?php 
            echo $row->_connection_id;
"  />
        echo $form->render('params', 'processing');
        echo JText::_('Notes');
        echo $form->render('params', 'notes');
					<td valign="top">
        echo $pane->startPane("content-pane");
        echo $pane->startPanel('Publishing', "publish-page");
        echo $form->render('details');
        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_('GROUPS'), "formgroups-page");
		<table class="adminform">
				<th colspan="2"><?php 
        echo JText::_('GROUPS');
				<td colspan="2"><label>
        $checked = empty($lists['current_groups']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
				<input type="checkbox" <?php 
        echo $checked;
 name="_createGroup" id="_createGroup" value="1" />
        if (empty($lists['groups']) && empty($lists['current_groups'])) {
            echo JText::_('NO GROUPS AVAILABLE');
				<input type="hidden" name="_createGroup" id="_createGroup" value="1" />
        } else {

				<td colspan="2"><p><?php 
            echo JText::_('AVAILABLE GROUPS');
: </p>
            echo $lists['grouplist'];
				<td colspan="2">
					<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php 
            echo JText::_('ADD');
					onclick="$('_createGroup').checked = false;addSelectedToList('adminForm','groups','current_groups');delSelectedFromList('adminForm','groups');" />
				<td colspan="2"><p><?php 
            echo JText::_('CURRENT GROUPS');
: </p>
            echo $lists['current_grouplist'];
				<td colspan="2"><input class="button" type="button"
            echo JText::_('UP');
					onclick="moveInList('adminForm','current_groups',adminForm.current_groups.selectedIndex,-1)" />
				<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php 
            echo JText::_('DOWN');
					onclick="moveInList('adminForm','current_groups',adminForm.current_groups.selectedIndex,+1)" />
				<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php 
            echo JText::_('REMOVE');
					onclick="addSelectedToList('adminForm', 'current_groups', 'groups');delSelectedFromList('adminForm','current_groups');" />
        echo $form->render('params', 'groups');
        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_('TEMPLATES'), "template-page");
		<table class="paramlist admintable">
				<td class="paramlist_key"><?php 
        echo JText::_('DETAILED VIEW TEMPLATE');
				<td class="paramlist_value"><?php 
        echo $lists['viewOnlyTemplates'];
				<td class="paramlist_key"><?php 
        echo JText::_('FORM TEMPLATE');
				<td class="paramlist_value"><?php 
        echo $lists['formTemplates'];
        echo $form->render('params', 'templates');
        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->startPanel(JText::_('OPTIONS'), "menu-page");
        echo $form->render('params', 'options');
        echo JText::_('CCK');
        echo $form->render('params', 'cck');
        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->startPanel('Submission plug-ins', "actions-page");
			<div id="plugins"></div>
			<a href="#" class="addButton" id="addPlugin"><?php 
        echo JText::_('ADD');
        echo $pane->endPanel();
        echo $pane->endPane();
	<input type="hidden" name="task" id="task" value="" />
	<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_fabrik" />
	<input type="hidden" name="c" value="form" />
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $row->id;
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="" />
	<input type="hidden" name="current_groups_str" id="current_groups_str" value="" />
        echo JHTML::_('form.token');
        echo JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive');
Beispiel #8
  * Truncate text possibly setting a tip to show all of the text
  * @param   string  $text  text to truncate
  * @param   array   $opts  optional options array
  * @return  string
 public static function truncate($text, $opts = array())
     $text = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($text), ENT_QUOTES);
     $orig = $text;
     $wordCount = FArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'wordcount', 10);
     $showTip = FArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'tip', true);
     $title = FArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'title', "");
     $text = explode(' ', $text);
     $summary = array_slice($text, 0, $wordCount);
     if (count($text) > $wordCount) {
         $summary[] = " ...";
     $summary = implode(' ', $summary);
     if ($showTip && count($text) > $wordCount) {
         if ($title !== '') {
             $title .= "::";
         $tip = htmlspecialchars('<div class="truncate_text">' . $title . $orig . '</div>');
         $jOpts = new stdClass();
         $jOpts->notice = true;
         $jOpts->position = FArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'position', 'top');
         $jOpts = json_encode($jOpts);
         $summary = '<span class="fabrikTip" opts=\'' . $jOpts . '\' title="' . $tip . '">' . $summary . '</span>';
     return $summary;
Beispiel #9
  * append the form javascript into the document head
  * @param int table id
 protected function _addJavascript($tableId)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $aLoadedElementPlugins = array();
     $jsActions = array();
     $jsControllerKey = $model->_editable ? 'form_' . $model->getId() : 'details_' . $model->getId();
     if (!defined('_JOS_FABRIK_FORMJS_INCLUDED')) {
         define('_JOS_FABRIK_FORMJS_INCLUDED', 1);
         $srcs = array('media/com_fabrik/js/form.js', 'media/com_fabrik/js/element.js');
     $aWYSIWYGNames = array();
     // $$$ hugh - yeat another one where if we =&, the $groups array pointer get buggered up and it
     // skips a group
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $res = $elementModel->useEditor();
             if ($res !== false) {
                 $aWYSIWYGNames[] = $res;
             $eparams = $elementModel->getParams();
             //load in once the element js class files
             // $$$ hugh - only needed getParent when we weren't saving changes to parent params to child
             // which we should now be doing ... and getParent() causes an extra table lookup for every child
             // element on the form.
             //$element =& $elementModel->getParent();
             $element = $elementModel->getElement();
             if (!in_array($element->plugin, $aLoadedElementPlugins)) {
                 $aLoadedElementPlugins[] = $element->plugin;
             $eventMax = $groupModel->_repeatTotal == 0 ? 1 : $groupModel->_repeatTotal;
             for ($c = 0; $c < $eventMax; $c++) {
                 $jsActions[] = $elementModel->getFormattedJSActions($jsControllerKey, $c);
     FabrikHelperHTML::script($srcs, true);
     $actions = trim(implode("\n", $jsActions));
     //end new
     $params = $model->getParams();
     $listModel = $model->getlistModel();
     $table = $listModel->getTable();
     $form = $model->getForm();
     $bkey = $model->_editable ? 'form_' . $model->getId() : 'details_' . $model->getId();
     FabrikHelperHTML::tips('.hasTip', array(), "\$('{$bkey}')");
     $key = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($table->db_primary_key);
     $startJs = "head.ready(function() {\n";
     $endJs = "});\n";
     $start_page = isset($model->sessionModel->last_page) ? (int) $model->sessionModel->last_page : 0;
     if ($start_page !== 0) {
     } else {
         // form submitted but fails validation - needs to go to the last page
         $start_page = JRequest::getInt('currentPage', 0);
     $opts = new stdClass();
     $opts->admin = $app->isAdmin();
     $opts->ajax = $model->isAjax();
     $opts->ajaxValidation = $params->get('ajax_validations');
     $opts->primaryKey = $key;
     $opts->error = @$form->origerror;
     $opts->pages = $model->getPages();
     $opts->plugins = array();
     $opts->multipage_save = (bool) $model->saveMultiPage();
     $opts->editable = $model->_editable;
     $opts->start_page = $start_page;
     $opts->inlineMessage = (bool) $this->isMambot;
     //$$$rob dont int this as keys may be string
     $opts->rowid = $model->_rowId;
     //3.0 needed for ajax requests
     $opts->listid = (int) $this->get('ListModel')->getId();
     $imgs = new stdClass();
     $imgs->alert = FabrikHelperHTML::image('alert.png', 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $imgs->action_check = FabrikHelperHTML::image('action_check.png', 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $imgs->ajax_loader = FabrikHelperHTML::image('ajax-loader.gif', 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $opts->images = $imgs;
     //$$$rob if you are loading a table in a window from a form db join select record option
     // then we want to know the id of the window so we can set its showSpinner() method
     $opts->fabrik_window_id = JRequest::getVar('fabrik_window_id', '');
     //3.0 changed to fabrik_window_id (automatically appended by Fabrik.Window xhr request to load window data
     //for editing groups with joined data and an empty joined record (ie no joined records)
     $hidden = array();
     $maxRepeat = array();
     foreach ($this->groups as $g) {
         $hidden[$g->id] = $g->startHidden;
         $maxRepeat[$g->id] = $g->maxRepeat;
     $opts->hiddenGroup = $hidden;
     $opts->maxRepeat = $maxRepeat;
     //$$$ rob 26/04/2011 joomfish translations of password validation error messages
     $opts->lang = FabrikWorker::getJoomfishLang();
     $opts = json_encode($opts);
     $lang = new stdClass();
     //$$$ rob dont declare as var $bkey, but rather assign to window, as if loaded via ajax window the function is wrapped
     // inside an anoymous function, and therefore $bkey wont be available as a global var in window
     $str = "head.ready(function() {\r\n\t\t{$bkey} = new FbForm(" . $model->getId() . ", {$opts});\n";
     //$str .= "$bkey.addListenTo('list_" . $listModel->getId() . "');\n";
     //$str .= "$bkey.addListenTo('form_" . $model->getId() . "');\n";
     $str .= "if(typeOf(Fabrik) !== 'null') {\n";
     $str .= "Fabrik.addBlock('{$bkey}', {$bkey});\n";
     $str .= "}\n\r\n\t\t});";
     //instantaite js objects for each element
     $vstr = "\n";
     $str .= "{$startJs}";
     $groups =& $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     // $$$ rob in php5.2.6 (and possibly elsewhere) $groups's elements havent been updated
     // to contain the default value used by the element
     //foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
     //testing this one again as Ive updated getGroupsHiarchy
     $str .= "{$bkey}.addElements({";
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $showGroup = $groupModel->getParams()->get('repeat_group_show_first');
         if ($showGroup == -1 || $showGroup == 2 && $model->_editable) {
             // $$$ rob unpublished group so dont include the element js
         $aObjs = array();
         $elementModels =& $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         // $$$ rob if _repeatTotal is 0 we still want to add the js objects as the els are only hidden
         $max = $groupModel->_repeatTotal > 0 ? $groupModel->_repeatTotal : 1;
         $str .= $groupModel->getGroup()->id . ":[";
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $element =& $elementModel->getElement();
             if ($element->published == 0) {
             $fullName = $elementModel->getFullName();
             $id = $elementModel->getHTMLId();
             $elementModel->_editable = $model->_editable;
             if ($elementModel->canUse() || $elementModel->canView()) {
                 for ($c = 0; $c < $max; $c++) {
                     // $$$ rob ensure that some js code has been returned otherwise dont add empty data to array
                     $ref = trim($elementModel->elementJavascript($c));
                     if ($ref !== '') {
                         $aObjs[] = $ref;
                     $validations =& $elementModel->getValidations();
                     if (!empty($validations) && $elementModel->_editable) {
                         $watchElements = $elementModel->getValidationWatchElements($c);
                         foreach ($watchElements as $watchElement) {
                             $vstr .= "{$bkey}.watchValidation('" . $watchElement['id'] . "', '" . $watchElement['triggerEvent'] . "');\n";
         $str .= implode(",\n", $aObjs);
         $str .= "],";
     $str = FabrikString::rtrimword($str, ',');
     $str .= "});\n";
     $str .= $actions;
     $str .= $vstr;
     $str .= $endJs;
     $str .= "function submit_form() {";
     if (!empty($aWYSIWYGNames)) {
         $editor = JFactory::getEditor();
         $str .= $editor->save('label');
         foreach ($aWYSIWYGNames as $parsedName) {
             $str .= $editor->save($parsedName);
     $str .= "\r\n\t\t\treturn false;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tfunction submitbutton(button) {\r\n\t\t\tif (button==\"cancel\") {\r\n\t\t\t\tdocument.location = '" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=viewTable&cid=' . $tableId) . "';\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\tif (button == \"cancelShowForm\") {\r\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n";
     $pluginManager = $model->getPluginManager();
     $pluginManager->runPlugins('onAfterJSLoad', $model);
Beispiel #10
 function editJs($row, $pluginManager, $lists, $params)
     $fbConfig =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_fabrik');
     FabrikHelperHTML::script('namespace.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
     //FabrikHelperHTML::script('element.js', 'components/com_fabrik/views/form/', true);
     FabrikHelperHTML::script('adminelement.js', 'administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/', true);
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $js = "/* <![CDATA[ */\n\n\tfunction submitbutton(pressbutton) {\n\t\tvar adminform = document.adminForm;\n\t\t/*  do field validation */\n\t\tif (pressbutton == 'cancel') {\n\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\treturn;\n   \t}\n   \tif(\$('javascriptActions').getElements('select[name^=js_action]').get('value').contains('')) {\n   \t\talert('" . JText::_('ENSURE_JS_EVENT_SELECTED', true) . "');\n   \t\treturn;\n   \t}\n\n   \tvar empty = \$('javascriptActions').getElements('select[name^=js_e_condition]').some(function(s) {\n   \t\tvar c = s.findClassUp('adminform');\n   \t\treturn (c.getElement('textarea').get('value') == '' && s.get('value') == '');\n   \t});\n   \tif(empty) {\n   \t\talert('" . JText::_('ENSURE_JS_CONDITION_SELECTED', true) . "');\n   \t\treturn;\n   \t}\n\n   \tvar myRegxp = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\$/;\n\n\t\tif(myRegxp.test( ||'___') != -1) {\n\t\t\talert( '" . JText::_('PLEASE_ENTER_A_VALID_ELEMENTNAME', true) . "');\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsubmitbutton2( pressbutton);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tfunction submitbutton2(pressbutton) {";
     if ($fbConfig->get('fbConf_wysiwyg_label', false)) {
         $editor =& FabrikHelperHTML::getEditor();
         $js .= $editor->save('label');
     $js .= "//iternate through the plugin controllers to match selected plugin\n\t\tvar adminform = document.adminForm;\n\t\tvar er = false;\n\n\t\t\$A(pluginControllers).each(function(plugin) {\n\t\t\tif(\$('detailsplugin').value == plugin.element) {\n\t\t\t\tvar r = plugin.controller.onSave();\n\t\t\t\tif(r == false) {\n\t\t\t\t\ter = true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tif(er === false) {\n\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\twindow.addEvent('domready', function() {\n";
     $opts = new stdClass();
     $opts->plugin = $row->plugin;
     $opts->parentid = $row->parent_id;
     $opts->jsevents = $lists['jsActions'];
     $opts->elements = $lists['elements'];
     $js .= "\tvar options = " . FastJSON::encode($opts) . ";\n";
     $js .= "\tvar lang = {'jsaction':'" . JText::_('ACTION') . "','code':'" . JText::_('CODE') . "'};\n" . "var aPlugins = [];\n";
     $c = 0;
     //	set up the template code for creating validation plugin interfaces
     foreach ($pluginManager->_plugIns['validationrule'] as $usedPlugin => $oPlugin) {
         $pluginParams = new fabrikParams('', $oPlugin->_xmlPath, 'fabrikplugin');
         $oPlugin->_pluginParams =& $pluginParams;
         $pluginParams->_duplicate = true;
         $oPlugin->_adminVisible = false;
         $o = new stdClass();
         $o->{$usedPlugin} = $oPlugin->_pluginLabel;
         $o->value = $usedPlugin;
         $o->label = $oPlugin->_pluginLabel;
         $o->html = $oPlugin->renderAdminSettings($usedPlugin, $row, $pluginParams, 0);
         $o = FastJSON::encode($o);
         $js .= "aPlugins.push({$o});\n";
     $js .= "\tvar controller = new fabrikAdminElement(aPlugins, options, lang);\n";
     //add in active validations
     $usedPlugins = $params->get('validation-plugin', '', '_default', 'array');
     $c = 0;
     foreach ($usedPlugins as $usedPlugin) {
         $plugin =& $pluginManager->_plugIns['validationrule'][$usedPlugin];
         $plugin->renderOrder = $c;
         $pluginParams = $plugin->setParams($params);
         $pluginParams->_duplicate = true;
         $names = $pluginParams->_getParamNames();
         $plugin->_adminVisible = true;
         $plugin->_counter = $c;
         //@TODO isnt this the same as renderOrder?
         $data = $oPlugin->renderAdminSettings($usedPlugin, $row, $pluginParams, $lists, 0);
         $data = addslashes(str_replace("\n", "", $data));
         $js .= "controller.addValidation('" . $data . "', '" . $usedPlugins[$c] . "');\n";
     foreach ($pluginManager->_plugIns['element'] as $key => $tmp) {
         $oPlugin =& $pluginManager->_plugIns['element'][$key];
         //do this to reduce the number of queries
         $oPlugin->_element =& $row;
         if (is_a($oPlugin, 'FabrikModelElement')) {
         } else {
             JError::raiseError(500, "could not load {$key}");
         $js .= $oPlugin->getAdminJS();
     $js .= "});\n\t\t/* ]]> */";
Beispiel #11
  * append the form javascript into the document head
  * @param int table id
 function _addJavascript($tableId)
     // $$$ rob ALWAYS load the calendar (so its avaible in ajax forms)
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $model =& $this->getModel();
     $aLoadedElementPlugins = array();
     $jsActions = array();
     $jsControllerKey = $model->_editable ? 'form_' . $model->getId() : 'details_' . $model->getId();
     $allJsActions = $model->getJsActions();
     if (!defined('_JOS_FABRIK_FORMJS_INCLUDED')) {
         define('_JOS_FABRIK_FORMJS_INCLUDED', 1);
         FabrikHelperHTML::script('form.js', 'media/com_fabrik/js/', true);
         FabrikHelperHTML::script('element.js', 'media/com_fabrik/js/', true);
     $aWYSIWYGNames = array();
     // $$$ hugh - yeat another one where if we =&, the $groups array pointer get buggered up and it
     // skips a group
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $elementModels =& $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $res = $elementModel->useEditor();
             if ($res !== false) {
                 $aWYSIWYGNames[] = $res;
             $eparams =& $elementModel->getParams();
             //load in once the element js class files
             // $$$ hugh - only needed getParent when we weren't saving changes to parent params to child
             // which we should now be doing ... and getParent() causes an extra table lookup for every child
             // element on the form.
             //$element =& $elementModel->getParent();
             $element =& $elementModel->getElement();
             if (!in_array($element->plugin, $aLoadedElementPlugins)) {
                 $aLoadedElementPlugins[] = $element->plugin;
             $eventMax = $groupModel->_repeatTotal == 0 ? 1 : $groupModel->_repeatTotal;
             for ($c = 0; $c < $eventMax; $c++) {
                 $jsActions[] = $elementModel->getFormattedJSActions($allJsActions, $jsControllerKey, $c);
     $actions = trim(implode("\n", $jsActions));
     //end new
     $params =& $model->getParams();
     $tableModel =& $model->getTableModel();
     $table =& $tableModel->getTable();
     $form =& $model->getForm();
     $bkey = $model->_editable ? 'form_' . $model->getId() : 'details_' . $model->getId();
     FabrikHelperHTML::tips('.hasTip', array(), "\$('{$bkey}')");
     $key = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($table->db_primary_key);
     //$startJs = "window.addEvent('domready', function() {\n";
     $startJs = "window.addEvent('" . FabrikHelperHTML::useLoadEvent() . "', function() {\n";
     $endJs = "});\n";
     $start_page = isset($model->sessionModel->last_page) ? (int) $model->sessionModel->last_page : 0;
     if ($start_page !== 0) {
     } else {
         // form submitted but fails validation - needs to go to the last page
         $start_page = JRequest::getInt('currentPage', 0);
     $opts = new stdClass();
     $opts->admin = $app->isAdmin();
     $opts->postMethod = $this->get('PostMethod');
     $opts->ajaxValidation = $params->get('ajax_validations');
     $opts->primaryKey = $key;
     $opts->liveSite = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE;
     $opts->error = @$form->origerror;
     $opts->pages = $model->getPages();
     $opts->plugins = array();
     $opts->multipage_save = (bool) $model->saveMultiPage();
     $opts->editable = $model->_editable;
     $opts->start_page = $start_page;
     $opts->mooversion = FabrikWorker::getMooVersion() == 1 ? 1.2 : 1.1;
     //$$$rob dont int this as keys may be string
     $opts->rowid = $model->_rowId;
     //$$$rob if you are loading a table in a window from a form db join select record option
     // then we want to know the id of the window so we can set its showSpinner() method
     $opts->winid = JRequest::getVar('winid', '');
     //for editing groups with joined data and an empty joined record (ie no joined records)
     $hidden = array();
     $maxRepeat = array();
     $showMaxRepeats = array();
     $postedRepeatGroupCounts = (array) JRequest::getVar('fabrik_repeat_group');
     foreach ($this->groups as $g) {
         $hidden[$g->id] = $g->startHidden;
         if (JArrayHelper::getValue($postedRepeatGroupCounts, $g->id, 1) == 0) {
             $hidden[$g->id] = true;
         $maxRepeat[$g->id] = $g->maxRepeat;
         $showMaxRepeats[$g->id] = $g->showMaxRepeats;
     $opts->hiddenGroup = $hidden;
     $opts->maxRepeat = $maxRepeat;
     $opts->showMaxRepeats = $showMaxRepeats;
     //$$$ rob 26/04/2011 joomfish translations of password validation error messages
     $opts->lang = FabrikWorker::getJoomfishLang();
     // $$$ hugh adding these so calc element can easily find joined and repeated join groups
     // when it needs to add observe events ... don't ask ... LOL!
     $opts->join_group_ids = array();
     $opts->group_repeats = array();
     $opts->group_joins_ids = array();
     $groups =& $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         if ($groupModel->getGroup()->is_join) {
             $opts->join_group_ids[$groupModel->getGroup()->join_id] = (int) $groupModel->getGroup()->id;
             $opts->group_join_ids[$groupModel->getGroup()->id] = (int) $groupModel->getGroup()->join_id;
             $opts->group_repeats[$groupModel->getGroup()->id] = $groupModel->canRepeat();
     $opts = json_encode($opts);
     $lang = new stdClass();
     $lang->validation_altered_content = JText::_('VALIDATION_HAS_ALTERED_CONTENT');
     $lang->validating = JText::_('VALIDATING');
     $lang->success = JText::_('SUCCESS');
     $lang->nodata = JText::_('NOREPEATGROUPDATA');
     $lang->validation_error = JText::_('VALIDATION_ERROR');
     $lang->form_saved = JText::_('FORM_SAVED');
     $lang->confirmDelete = JText::_('CONFIRMDELETE');
     $lang = json_encode($lang);
     //$$$ rob dont declare as var $bkey, but rather assign to window, as if loaded via ajax window the function is wrapped
     // inside an anoymous function, and therefore $bkey wont be available as a global var in window
     $str = "window.{$bkey} = new fabrikForm(" . $model->getId() . ", {$opts}, {$lang});\n";
     $str .= "{$bkey}.addListenTo('table_" . $tableModel->getId() . "');\n";
     $str .= "{$bkey}.addListenTo('form_" . $model->getId() . "');\n";
     $str .= "if(\$type(window.oPackage) !== false) {\n";
     $str .= "oPackage.addBlock('{$bkey}', {$bkey});\n";
     $str .= "}\n";
     //instantaite js objects for each element
     $groupstr = '';
     $vstr = "\n";
     $str .= "{$startJs}";
     // $$$ rob in php5.2.6 (and possibly elsewhere) $groups's elements havent been updated
     // to contain the default value used by the element
     //foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
     //testing this one again as Ive updated getGroupsHiarchy
     $str .= "{$bkey}.addElements({";
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $showGroup = $groupModel->getParams()->get('repeat_group_show_first');
         if ($showGroup == -1 || $showGroup == 2 && $model->_editable) {
             // $$$ rob unpublished group so dont include the element js
         $aObjs = array();
         $elementModels =& $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         // $$$ rob if _repeatTotal is 0 we still want to add the js objects as the els are only hidden
         $max = $groupModel->_repeatTotal > 0 ? $groupModel->_repeatTotal : 1;
         $str .= $groupModel->getGroup()->id . ":[";
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $element =& $elementModel->getElement();
             if ($element->state == 0) {
             $fullName = $elementModel->getFullName();
             $id = $elementModel->getHTMLId();
             $elementModel->_editable = $model->_editable;
             if ($elementModel->canUse() || $elementModel->canView()) {
                 for ($c = 0; $c < $max; $c++) {
                     // $$$ rob ensure that some js code has been returned otherwise dont add empty data to array
                     $ref = trim($elementModel->elementJavascript($c));
                     if ($ref !== '') {
                         $aObjs[] = $ref;
                     $validations =& $elementModel->getValidations();
                     if (!empty($validations) && $elementModel->_editable) {
                         $watchElements = $elementModel->getValidationWatchElements($c);
                         foreach ($watchElements as $watchElement) {
                             $vstr .= "{$bkey}.watchValidation('" . $watchElement['id'] . "', '" . $watchElement['triggerEvent'] . "');\n";
         $str .= implode(",\n", $aObjs);
         $str .= "],";
         $groupParams =& $groupModel->getParams();
         $addJs = str_replace('"', "'", $groupParams->get('repeat_group_js_add'));
         $addJs = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $addJs);
         $delJs = str_replace('"', "'", $groupParams->get('repeat_group_js_delete'));
         $gdelJs = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $delJs);
         if ($delJs !== '') {
             $groupstr .= "{$bkey}.addGroupJS(" . $groupModel->getId() . ", 'delete', \"{$delJs}\");\n";
         if ($addJs !== '') {
             $groupstr .= "{$bkey}.addGroupJS(" . $groupModel->getId() . ", 'add', \"{$addJs}\");\n";
     $str = FabrikString::rtrimword($str, ',');
     $str .= "});\n";
     $str .= $groupstr;
     $str .= $actions;
     $str .= $vstr;
     $str .= $endJs;
     $str .= "function submit_form() {";
     if (!empty($aWYSIWYGNames)) {
         $editor =& FabrikHelperHTML::getEditor();
         $str .= $editor->save('label');
         foreach ($aWYSIWYGNames as $parsedName) {
             $str .= $editor->save($parsedName);
     $str .= "\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfunction submitbutton(button) {\n\t\t\tif (button==\"cancel\") {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.location = '" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=viewTable&cid=' . $tableId) . "';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (button == \"cancelShowForm\") {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n";
     $pluginManager =& $model->getPluginManager();
     $pluginManager->runPlugins('onAfterJSLoad', $model);
Beispiel #12
 function truncate($text, $opts = array())
     $text = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($text), ENT_QUOTES);
     $orig = $text;
     $wordCount = JArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'wordcount', 10);
     $showTip = JArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'tip', true);
     $title = JArrayHelper::getValue($opts, 'title', "");
     $text = explode(" ", $text);
     $summary = array_slice($text, 0, $wordCount);
     if (count($text) > $wordCount) {
         $summary[] = " ...";
     $summary = implode(" ", $summary);
     if ($showTip) {
         if ($title !== '') {
             $title .= "::";
         $summary = "<span class=\"hasTip\" title=\"{$title}" . "{$orig}\">{$summary}</span>";
     return $summary;
Beispiel #13
  * Append the form javascript into the document head
  * @param   int  $tableId  table id
  * @return  void
 protected function _addJavascript($tableId)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $aLoadedElementPlugins = array();
     $jsActions = array();
     $jsControllerKey = $model->isEditable() ? 'form_' . $model->getId() : 'details_' . $model->getId();
     $srcs = FabrikHelperHTML::framework();
     if (!defined('_JOS_FABRIK_FORMJS_INCLUDED')) {
         define('_JOS_FABRIK_FORMJS_INCLUDED', 1);
         $srcs[] = 'media/com_fabrik/js/form.js';
         $srcs[] = 'media/com_fabrik/js/element.js';
         $srcs[] = 'media/com_fabrik/js/lib/form_placeholder/Form.Placeholder.js';
     $aWYSIWYGNames = array();
     // $$$ hugh - yeat another one where if we =, the $groups array pointer get buggered up and it
     // skips a group
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $res = $elementModel->useEditor();
             if ($res !== false) {
                 $aWYSIWYGNames[] = $res;
             $eparams = $elementModel->getParams();
             /* load in once the element js class files
              * $$$ hugh - only needed getParent when we weren't saving changes to parent params to child
              * which we should now be doing ... and getParent() causes an extra table lookup for every child
              * element on the form.
              * $element = $elementModel->getParent();
             $element = $elementModel->getElement();
             if (!in_array($element->plugin, $aLoadedElementPlugins)) {
                 /* $$$ hugh - certain elements, like fileupload, need to load different JS files
                  * on a per-element basis, so as a test fix, I modified the fileupload's formJavaScriptClass to return false,
                  * and test for that here, so as to not add it to aLoadedElementPlugins[].  The existing 'static' tests in
                  * formJavascriptClass() should still prevent scripts being added twice.
                 if ($elementModel->formJavascriptClass($srcs) !== false) {
                     $aLoadedElementPlugins[] = $element->plugin;
             $eventMax = $groupModel->repeatTotal == 0 ? 1 : $groupModel->repeatTotal;
             for ($c = 0; $c < $eventMax; $c++) {
                 $jsActions[] = $elementModel->getFormattedJSActions($jsControllerKey, $c);
     $actions = trim(implode("\n", $jsActions));
     $params = $model->getParams();
     $listModel = $model->getlistModel();
     $table = $listModel->getTable();
     $form = $model->getForm();
     $bkey = $model->isEditable() ? 'form_' . $model->getId() : 'details_' . $model->getId();
     FabrikHelperHTML::tips('.hasTip', array(), "\$('{$bkey}')");
     $key = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($table->db_primary_key);
     $start_page = isset($model->sessionModel->last_page) ? (int) $model->sessionModel->last_page : 0;
     if ($start_page !== 0) {
     } else {
         // Form submitted but fails validation - needs to go to the last page
         $start_page = JRequest::getInt('currentPage', 0);
     $opts = new stdClass();
     $opts->admin = $app->isAdmin();
     $opts->ajax = $model->isAjax();
     $opts->ajaxValidation = (bool) $params->get('ajax_validations');
     $opts->primaryKey = $key;
     $opts->error = @$form->origerror;
     $opts->pages = $model->getPages();
     $opts->plugins = array();
     $opts->multipage_save = (int) $model->saveMultiPage();
     $opts->editable = $model->isEditable();
     $opts->start_page = $start_page;
     $opts->inlineMessage = (bool) $this->isMambot;
     // $$$rob dont int this as keys may be string
     $opts->rowid = (string) $model->_rowId;
     // 3.0 needed for ajax requests
     $opts->listid = (int) $this->get('ListModel')->getId();
     $imgs = new stdClass();
     $imgs->alert = FabrikHelperHTML::image('alert.png', 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $imgs->action_check = FabrikHelperHTML::image('action_check.png', 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $imgs->ajax_loader = FabrikHelperHTML::image('ajax-loader.gif', 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $opts->images = $imgs;
     // $$$rob if you are loading a table in a window from a form db join select record option
     // then we want to know the id of the window so we can set its showSpinner() method
     // 3.0 changed to fabrik_window_id (automatically appended by Fabrik.Window xhr request to load window data
     $opts->fabrik_window_id = JRequest::getVar('fabrik_window_id', '');
     $opts->submitOnEnter = (bool) $params->get('submit_on_enter', false);
     // For editing groups with joined data and an empty joined record (ie no joined records)
     $hidden = array();
     $maxRepeat = array();
     $showMaxRepeats = array();
     foreach ($this->groups as $g) {
         $hidden[$g->id] = $g->startHidden;
         $maxRepeat[$g->id] = $g->maxRepeat;
         $showMaxRepeats[$g->id] = $g->showMaxRepeats;
     $opts->hiddenGroup = $hidden;
     $opts->maxRepeat = $maxRepeat;
     $opts->showMaxRepeats = $showMaxRepeats;
     // $$$ rob 26/04/2011 joomfish translations of password validation error messages
     // $opts->lang = FabrikWorker::getJoomfishLang();
     // $$$ hugh adding these so calc element can easily find joined and repeated join groups
     // when it needs to add observe events ... don't ask ... LOL!
     $opts->join_group_ids = array();
     $opts->group_repeats = array();
     $opts->group_joins_ids = array();
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         if ($groupModel->getGroup()->is_join) {
             $joinParams = new JRegistry($groupModel->getJoinModel()->getJoin()->params);
             $opts->group_pk_ids[$groupModel->getGroup()->id] = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($joinParams->get('pk'));
             $opts->join_group_ids[$groupModel->getGroup()->join_id] = (int) $groupModel->getGroup()->id;
             $opts->group_join_ids[$groupModel->getGroup()->id] = (int) $groupModel->getGroup()->join_id;
             $opts->group_repeats[$groupModel->getGroup()->id] = $groupModel->canRepeat();
             $opts->group_copy_element_values[$groupModel->getGroup()->id] = $groupModel->canCopyElementValues();
     $opts = json_encode($opts);
     if (!FabrikHelperHTML::inAjaxLoadedPage()) {
     // $$$ rob dont declare as var $bkey, but rather assign to window, as if loaded via ajax window the function is wrapped
     // inside an anoymous function, and therefore $bkey wont be available as a global var in window
     $script = array();
     $script[] = "window.{$bkey} = new FbForm(" . $model->getId() . ", {$opts});";
     $script[] = "if(typeOf(Fabrik) !== 'null') {";
     $script[] = "Fabrik.addBlock('{$bkey}', {$bkey});";
     $script[] = "}";
     // Instantaite js objects for each element
     $vstr = "\n";
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     $script[] = "{$bkey}.addElements({";
     $gs = array();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $showGroup = $groupModel->getParams()->get('repeat_group_show_first');
         if ($showGroup == -1 || $showGroup == 2 && $model->isEditable()) {
             // $$$ rob unpublished group so dont include the element js
         $aObjs = array();
         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         // $$$ rob if repeatTotal is 0 we still want to add the js objects as the els are only hidden
         $max = $groupModel->repeatTotal > 0 ? $groupModel->repeatTotal : 1;
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $element = $elementModel->getElement();
             if ($element->published == 0) {
             $fullName = $elementModel->getFullName();
             $id = $elementModel->getHTMLId();
             // If the view is a form then we should always add the js as long as the element is editable or viewable
             // if the view is details then we should only add hte js if the element is viewable.
             if ($elementModel->canUse() && $model->isEditable() || $elementModel->canView()) {
                 for ($c = 0; $c < $max; $c++) {
                     // $$$ rob ensure that some js code has been returned otherwise dont add empty data to array
                     $ref = trim($elementModel->elementJavascript($c));
                     if ($ref !== '') {
                         $aObjs[] = $ref;
                     $validations = $elementModel->getValidations();
                     if (!empty($validations) && $elementModel->isEditable()) {
                         $watchElements = $elementModel->getValidationWatchElements($c);
                         foreach ($watchElements as $watchElement) {
                             $vstr .= "{$bkey}.watchValidation('" . $watchElement['id'] . "', '" . $watchElement['triggerEvent'] . "');\n";
         $gs[] = $groupModel->getGroup()->id . ':[' . implode(",\n", $aObjs) . ']';
     $script[] = implode(", ", $gs);
     $script[] = '});';
     $script[] = $actions;
     $script[] = $vstr;
     // Placholder test
     $script[] = "new Form.Placeholder('.fabrikForm input');";
     $script[] = "function submit_form() {";
     if (!empty($aWYSIWYGNames)) {
         $editor = JFactory::getEditor();
         $script[] = $editor->save('label');
         foreach ($aWYSIWYGNames as $parsedName) {
             $script[] = $editor->save($parsedName);
     $script[] = "\treturn false;";
     $script[] = "}";
     $script[] = "function submitbutton(button) {";
     $script[] = "\tif (button==\"cancel\") {";
     $script[] = "\t\tdocument.location = '" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=viewTable&cid=' . $tableId) . "';";
     $script[] = "\t}";
     $script[] = "\tif (button == \"cancelShowForm\") {";
     $script[] = "\t\treturn false;";
     $script[] = "\t}";
     $script[] = "}";
     if (FabrikHelperHTML::inAjaxLoadedPage()) {
         $tipOpts = FabrikHelperHTML::tipOpts();
         $script[] = "new FloatingTips('#" . $bkey . " .fabrikTip', " . json_encode($tipOpts) . ");";
     $pluginManager = FabrikWorker::getPluginManager();
     $res = $pluginManager->runPlugins('onJSReady', $model);
     if (in_array(false, $res)) {
         return false;
     $str = implode("\n", $script);
     $srcs[] = 'media/com_fabrik/js/encoder.js';
     FabrikHelperHTML::script($srcs, $str);
     $pluginManager->runPlugins('onAfterJSLoad', $model);
Beispiel #14
     * Display the form to add or edit a group
     * @param object group
     * @param object parameters from attributes
    function edit($row, $params)
        $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
        JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1);
        $js = "function submitbutton(pressbutton) {\n\t\t\t\tvar form = document.adminForm;\n\t\t\t\tif (pressbutton == 'cancel') {\n\t\t\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif ( == '') {\n\t\t\t\t\talert( '" . JText::_('PLEASE ENTER A NAME', true) . "');\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tsubmitform( pressbutton);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}";
		<form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
		<div class="col100">
			<fieldset class="adminform">
        echo JText::_('DETAILS');
			<table class="admintable">
					<td class="key"><label for="name"><?php 
        echo JText::_('NAME');
					<td><input class="inputbox" type="text" id="name" name="name" size="75" value="<?php 
        echo $row->name;
" /></td>
					<td class="key"><label for="label"><?php 
        echo JText::_('TITLE');
					<td><input class="inputbox" type="text" id="label" name="label" size="75" value="<?php 
        echo $row->label;
" /></td>
					<td class="key"><label for="css"><?php 
        echo JText::_('CSS');
					<td> <textarea rows="8" cols="72" id="css" name="css" class="inputbox"><?php 
        echo $row->css;
					<td colspan="2">
        echo stripslashes($params->render());
			 <fieldset class="adminform">
        echo JText::_('PAGINATION');
        echo $params->render('params', 'pagination');
				<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_fabrik" />
				<input type="hidden" name="c" value="group" />
				<input type="hidden" name="task" />
				<input type="hidden" name="is_join" value="<?php 
        echo $row->is_join;
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $row->id;
" />
        echo JHTML::_('form.token');
        echo JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive');